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Fantasy † Compromise Brings Delusion † OOC Page


The true ruler of the Gilded Continent.
Just in case anyone was wondering if I died and/or cared, I've been busy with school the last few days. That's why I haven't been online
Can all these animals be part of the RP? BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite
I used to have the roleplay so that, like, everyone had these spirit pets (kind of like daemons in the His Dark Materials trilogy) that were just pets you had. So yeah these guys can be in this hell yes. Everyone gets a FANCY PET. Or they're just, like, fancy well bred creatures on sale at the event.
I used to have the roleplay so that, like, everyone had these spirit pets (kind of like daemons in the His Dark Materials trilogy) that were just pets you had. So yeah these guys can be in this hell yes. Everyone gets a FANCY PET. Or they're just, like, fancy well bred creatures on sale at the event.
Awesome! XD
Oh snap, got super busy with work and I come back to fancy pets. I pick a gentleman dog with a monocle and a top hat, or a genius scientist trapped in the body of a pickle :kissopeneyes:
Things are super crazy right now with vehicle repairs and work and hunting for a better job while getting ready for winter... and winter is coming, so I'm sorry for the slow pace of my replies. I'm hoping to have the time to post again sometime in the next few days but I can't guarantee anything right now.
Oh snap, got super busy with work and I come back to fancy pets. I pick a gentleman dog with a monocle and a top hat, or a genius scientist trapped in the body of a pickle :kissopeneyes:
I'm a simple person. I see a Rick and Morty reference, I press like.

(also I'll get my IC posts up this evening!)
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