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Fantasy † Compromise Brings Delusion † OOC Page

AAAAHHH I just realized it's Monday and I said we'd start the dance today, but I double forgot I have to close again tonight. (which gives me a very small window to work with.) So I'll make the official not-time-skip-event-skip post tonight when I come home. So the dance will officially be tonight/tomorrow. I hope that doesn't throw everyone off too much! D:
I don't think the bed is non-existent, i think they're just laying on the floor. In case you were gonna try and hit the wood of the frame to wake them up from the bed.

Theflamre Theflamre
XD Okay. I would love to try Ace Attorney AU. I think Rein would either be a witness or a victim. XD Yoko could be like the cheery sidekick.
it's a poison that makes dwarfs poop their pants in public (kidding). I don't want to say too much, cause it's like revealing your hand, possibly killing future story lines. I will say that the cause is a special Water Kingdom flower inside the tea pouch. The tea itself is not directly fatal, but it may cause something that can cause a few deaths later.

Theflamre Theflamre
it's a poison that makes dwarfs poop their pants in public (kidding). I don't want to say too much, cause it's like revealing your hand, possibly killing future story lines. I will say that the cause is a special Water Kingdom flower inside the tea pouch. The tea itself is not directly fatal, but it may cause something that can cause a few deaths later.

Theflamre Theflamre
ok so he drank 1/4 of a cup mixed with his own Constitution and then 1/8 of a cup heavily diluted with booze, is he good?
You realize my chick drank almost 3 cups full at this point right, i don't think a thimble's worth is anything to be worried about lol
You realize my chick drank almost 3 cups full at this point right, i don't think a thimble's worth is anything to be worried about lol
yea well i think he will remain suspicious as he is a dwarf and even the slightest hint of danger would drive him to an unreasonable extent, but he'll more suspect your other character that sold it than your other one. Honestly, he dislikes her for being naive and a coward which is shameful in dwarven culture

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