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Fantasy † Compromise Brings Delusion † OOC Page

Just checking in to say that I've not died somehow. Isn't able to be active because I've been very busy lately and exams help me. I still keep reading a little bit here and there. Just assume Vince is trying to get people to buy with his "amazing deals" and "low values" or something.
I'm fine with someone interrupting her. You can have your other characters stop her. :3 she's not really excited to anyway.
Sorry about the delay in my reply. Things at work have been... stressful. Family has been sick. Appointments have been numerous and sleep has been fleeting.

I'm hoping to finish up my next post by Sunday evening. I think the suspense for Princess Teno has been extended... long enough. It's about time for the next phase to begin.
Haeo Haeo Take ye time, RL comes first so don't stress too much,

Though I'd still like to have a conversation before I'll have Kurt transition him to her.

If ya want tonight we can finish it up tonight and move in to the princess, though I still want that convo.
I can't believe how close we are to 300 posts now haha thats crazy!! Also it may be a little late to the game but I finally found a formatting code that I like for Kai, so I've kinda been changing my posts for her slowly...ahahaha

I know I have a problem y'all!
Aah, I'm sorry for my late reply, but as school is approaching, weekends are getting more and more stressfull! I know I have mentioned it before to someone in private chat, but if I'm slow with my replies, feel free to godmod my characters, I have no problem with that at all! (Of course if it is nothing too extreme^^) This also means you can use my mia characters in case you need your characters to do something!

BookishSnowWhite BookishSnowWhite remember when you were talking about doing AUs? Well, i had an idea for one!
Ace Attorney AU
Now THAT'S something I can get into!
(Ace Attorney is some goooood stuff)

(Also, in case we will ever need a Discord server, I might or might not have already made one for future reference eheheh)
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