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One x One College Life

Character Skelly

Name: Amelia Johnson

Age: 18

Year: Freshman

Major: Jornalism

Minor: Psychology

Height: 5'10"

Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde

Eye Color: Blue Green

Bio: Amelia grew up raised by a single mother. She has two older brothers who helped take care of her as she grew up, but she is very independent. At age sixteen she got a job and saved up. Since her mother and her brothers could pay all the bills and have some left over most of the money she made was saved for her college funds. She's now going to college with the help of a lot of scholarships. She uses the money she saved for her apartment and motorcycle. Her current job pays the bills now.

Her father had run out on the family before she was born. All her life she somehow hard her family had to work and she took example and worked just as hard even though they told her she didn't have to. She is a straight A student. She has a job now as well and is one of the hardest workers at the diner. She loves it there and has a lot of regular customers and her tips are usually fantastic. Of course she does occasionally get asshole customers but they never really faze her.

In highschool she never really dated because she was always so busy with school and work. She did have one boyfriend but he broke her heart and so she tends to stay away from romance. He had been a mix between a bad boy and a nerd. She was utterly enchanted by him and his chocolate eyes. They started dating her junior year around the same time she got a job. He at first was extremely attentive and they spent almost all their spare time together, but soon he started to be more neglectful. She talked to him about it and he told her that their relationship was still strong they were just out of the honeymoon phase so they would stop being around each other as much. She didn't know whether this was true or not but decided to believe him. They dated for almost a year and a half but as they stayed together he got worse and worse. He became annoyed at her all the time and usually canceled their dates so he could play League of Legends. He was the one to break up with her surprisingly, and at the same time he revealed he was having an affair with another girl who he then began to date and Amelia realized how he treated the new girl ten times better then he had her. Now she hates relationships and doesn't believe in love.

Personality: Amelia is really quiet and pretty shy. She doesn't do well in crowds or meeting new people. She can be different when doing interviews for the school paper or while giving an oral report. Then she is nothing by cool confidence. Extremely smart, she has a low tolerant for idiots.

Dorms or Apartment: Apartment


Vehicle: Kawasaki Ninja 500R


Other: She mainly takes the graveyard shift at the diner she works at.


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Name: Sydney Forest Archer

Age: 19

Year: Sophomore

Major: Organic Chemistry

Minor: Biomedical Sciences

Bio: To be found out


Hair color:
Dirty Blonde

Eye color: Dark Green

Personality: To be found out

Dorms or Apartment: Apartment

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bed-stuy-apartment.jpeg.fefa63abf6936a37b3c44793631cb237.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bed-stuy-apartment.jpeg.fefa63abf6936a37b3c44793631cb237.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Vehicle: Yahama R6

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2015-Yamaha-YZF-R6-EU-Race-Blu-Studio-007.jpg.0621442c69eab96aa22df30a98a5a50d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/2015-Yamaha-YZF-R6-EU-Race-Blu-Studio-007.jpg.0621442c69eab96aa22df30a98a5a50d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: You'll see~



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