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Junior Member
Roleplay Availability
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An ordinary college that now comes with not-so-ordinary people.

Burgess College wasn't the top university or college in the world. It didn't house all that many geniuses, have the best departments, or the best technology. But it was a good college, where you could get a genuine degree, and were taught by people knowledgeable in their field. It wasn't exactly international, appealing most to the locals.

Lately, however, more applications have been coming in from people that shouldn't have even existed.

People from far outside the reality of Burgess College were applying for the courses and staying in the co-ed on-campus accommodation. Strange names and stranger personalities were starting to occupy class lists, and societies and participate in events.

For some, this was a second chance.

For others, this was making the best of a confusing situation.

And for Burgess? Everything they thought they knew was about to change.

This chat is for the participants in the "College Chaos" roleplay only. It is made primarily with the intent of not cluttering the other threads, so please limit chatter on the other threads to keep things relatively neat and tidy.

Feel free to chat, make suggestions, discuss things, draft ideas, plot and scheme, ask questions/make requests on this thread.

Click the links below to join.

Yes, the roleplay is still open to original and - some - canon characters. Check what verses are available in the sign-up thread.

Information, Auditions & Sign Ups || Roleplay Post
Also, if someone wishes to be a classmate of Anka's, feel free to nab that role.
No, problem. ^ ^

You're all welcome to take as much time as you need with responses -- my response rate is pretty variable too.

I don't envy you for the work.

I do love your starter though. It's so easy to read through, neat and detailed. ^_^

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