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Realistic or Modern Coexistence OOC

erzulie erzulie i just realized both of our characters do not like dog, i swear i did not do that on purpose :xFoops: but love your character btw just got done reading.
erzulie erzulie lol yeah of course, i had to change him up, i think i finally found the right look for him
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I was about to ask the same question lol I'll have my cs later today if that's fine
No worries, if there were a lot of people I can make two groups and each could have their own main thread (if that explanation even makes sense to anyone) :) that way no one would be left out.
No worries, if there were a lot of people I can make two groups and each could have their own main thread (if that explanation even makes sense to anyone) :) that way no one would be left out.
That's a great idea! How will the groups be split up though?
That's a great idea! How will the groups be split up though?
That is something I would let the members in the RP decide since its more fun if you get to play with the characters you like or want to play with. Or I could randomly pick people for a group. In either case even if there were more people interested to join the RP I can just make two groups and each can have their own IC thread (so even if some people decide to make two characters they can either have them each in another group of both in the same) who knows it might even be more fun that way :D
sorry for being mia the last few days, I had a crazy busy work life but things finally calmed down a bit. Who of you is still interested in this RP?
sorry for being mia the last few days, I had a crazy busy work life but things finally calmed down a bit. Who of you is still interested in this RP?
Still am!!! I've been around for these past few days as well so the sheet will be down by the end of today!
I am too! I need to finish a few things with the history but I'll have it done by the end of the day!

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