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Realistic or Modern Coexistence OOC



Hello guys! This it the OOC where you can ask me any questions about the RP or just chit-chat with each other :) and as the first act in this OOC let's decide on a city for the RP together since I have a tiny bit of trouble deciding I just like them all soooo much hehe. Well here is the list of cities I had in mind and let me know which you prefer (if possible in order from 1 the most liked to 5 the least liked)

- Setting options: Modern day​

1. Toronto - Canada
2. New Orleans - US
3. New York - US
4. Seattle - US
I am working on a little bit of info about the two species so there won't be too many differences in the CS :) I should be done with it before I go to sleep since I wont use too many rules so it won't ruin the fun for people :)
New Orleans would be cool since there's tons of ways to tie supernatural stuff to that city, but otherwise I think New York could be interesting as well (:
Just a voice you want them to have, basically you can pick any voice you like that you think would sound like your character, like a voice from an actor, singer or any other person, you can add a youtube video of the person talking or acting or something and say that's how your character sounds like :)
Oh! Quick question, are we able to have more than one character? I was thinking of making a vamp and a witch if that's alright~
Oh! Quick question, are we able to have more than one character? I was thinking of making a vamp and a witch if that's alright~
Yep each member of the RP can have two characters, but not more then two since then things tend to get crowded and stuff :) but yeah you can make a vampire as well as a witch. I will edit that into the rules, thanks for reminding me!
Me when writing my oc: hmmmm what should I make her like....

Me when I am writing about her cat: Fucking paragraphs.

I will restrain myself to a sentence or two. I dont know why I am finding it easier to write about the goddamn cat.
Another question, will there be enemies we need to battle, or is this a more peaceful rp?
Well considering those two species were at war up until now I think there will be lots of drama before they can coexist, some might even fight or try to prevent the success of the project but I was thinking it would mostly be about their problems, romance, drama, fights, sabotage, pranks, and so on and on :)
I so totally found the perfect FC for a female witch xD now I am thinking about making a female witch... hmm I suck at making choices *sais the GM*

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