• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Coalesce OOC



Hi! o/


Information about this RP as well as the RP itself can be found here.

The application as well as the character list can be found here.


This is the out-of-character chat for Coalesce, where people can feel free to just chat or ask any questions of necessary. A quick rundown of the rules is in order:

  1. Please, respect the rules of RPNation at all times.
  2. We are looking for people who are pretty detailed writers, but anyone who is willing to practice or at least be consistent is welcome to join.
  3. That being said, the minimum post length is going to be a paragraph (six sentences).
  4. Each character is allowed one ability; that being said, I have every right to request a change if I believe the ability in question is too overpowered. Please, trust me! I just want the RP to be fun for everyone.
  5. This is a storyline-driven RP, so if you expect to have your character sitting around in a tavern for multiple posts this probably isn't the RP for you.

Feel free to message me privately if need be. I hope to start soon!

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Hi! The RP can start when we get a maximum of 2-4 more players to start! Is there any interest at all in this?

We have 2 males so far, we'd like to balance the ratio if possible; we're open to further suggestions.

Another four people would probably be perfect.

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