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Fantasy CLOSED

Siels smile vanished when he realized he had miss aimed and hit Bruce. Paling slightly he decided to make himself scarse and run as far away as he could.
The Apple practically burst when it hit Alessandro's head, causing him to drop the meat he had stashed. He was standing there in a Daze, unable to retaliate.

Isaac really wanted to laugh, but part of him was a little worried about the safety of his idiot friend. He reached out for some of his own food, but realized it was all gone. "It was there a second ago..." He looked around, wondering who, or what could have taken it.

The dragon wasn't the only mysterious beast to have entered the cafeteria, however. A strange black tendril seeped out from under Isaac's long coat, so quietly, and so delicately, that nobody could have noticed it in this commotion. He didn't even seem to notice.

What looked like fingers sprouted out of the tip of the tendril, and it nimbly grabbed some food.
Ryuu (that is his name, yes) glared right back at the man in front of him and growled lowly as if daring him to do something. He looked up and spotted Florence moving closer. Crouching down, he made his way down the table and at the other end, disappearing under a different table as Florence looked under the table Bruce was under.

"Sir," She nodded in greeting and looked around for her pet. Giving an irritated look, she pinched the bridge of her nose and looked towards her teacher. "Have you seen a dragon? A red one?" She asked with a small frown.
The tendril obviously had it's own conscious. It drew back, food locked n' loaded, and it threw the meat right at the bent over Florence.

Isaac looked towards Tori, "Why don't we get out of here before we end up like him." Isaac pointed to Alessandro, who had the carcas of an apple splattered all over the side of his head. He still wasn't quite all there.
Tori jumped in shock when the apple hit Alessandro's head. "Zofaas! Yes, lets." She said, looking around frantically and standing up.
Isaac stood up as well, but he kind of felt dragged down a little. Looking behind him to see what he was caught on, he saw the black tentacle like thing that originated from under his coat. "What on earth?" He exclaimed as another one slithered it's way out. It raised itself to be eye level with him, before flicking his nose.

Alessandro shook his head, then looked around. The cafeteria was a mess, and he didn't even know who threw the slugger that had made him black out. He put his foot down on one of the tables, and shouted. "Alright, who's the Motherfucker who threw the apple, you're gonna get it, you hear-" He felt a tug at his leg, and then shortly he found himself on the floor with a slam. He saw the tendril withdrawing back to Isaac, and he glared up at him. "You think you're funny, dontcha?" He winced, rubbing his head.
'Hmmm? Looks like sssssssomeone in a bit of a sssituation.' Spirit hissed in excitement. 'Let me out, will you?' 'Hell no. I won't let that happe-' "Too late. I am out of your body, Kumiko. Now, I can walk around normally." Spirit said, actually visible to everyone now. "Well, you do your thing." Kumiko said to Spirit, who had picked up a tray of food and threw it at the dragon, smirking. Ayaki had disappeared, she had gone back to the dorms. While Alessandro was yelling, Florence talking to the teacher, and Spirit was being her mischievous self, Kumiko had a mini meltdown. 'Why meee?' she thought, and sighed. May as well help calm whatever was happening, so she went to tell Florence where the dragon was, and tried to calm the raging werewolves.
Tori noticed the tendril as another appeared. "Tahrodiis vulom!" She squealed, backing away from Isaac in terror. "What is that!"
Isaac looked helplessly between the strange tentacles, and Tori. "I don't know, they're just... there!" He said in an almost panicked tone. He knew they were attached to his body, but they wouldn't respond to him.

Alessandro pulled himself off of the floor, and looked over At Isaac. "You don't think that's your power, do you?" Alessandro said, wiping his pants off.

"If my power is being helpless at the hands of a deviant that doesn't listen to me, I've already been in that situation almost all of my life," Isaac huffed, glaring at Alessandro. The tendrils that were already out withdrew closer to Isaac, suspended behind him.
Florence yelped as something hit her hip and ended up hitting her head out of surprise. She whined in pain and crawled out from under the table. Rubbing her head, she looked around and still didn't see Ryuu.

"What a disaster..." She murmured and noticed the food and drink everywhere. "Ryuu is in big trouble after this." She let out a small screech as she was hit with something else and picked up a sandwich, chucking it at someone but saw it hit Isaac.
The sandwich had hooked itself on one of Isaac's horns, and he could feel mayonnaise running down his bangs. He Looked in the direction of where the sandwich came from with a glare that could have only been described as hellish. One of the tendrils practically shot like a bullet towards the nearest garbage can, lifted it like it was nothing, and dropped it on top of Florence.

One of the other tendrils gently picked the sandwich off of Isaac's head.

With leftover condiments, a tendril wrote on a food tray. "Only We get to mess with him."

At that moment, Isaac felt a little bit of a tingle in his head, like he was connected with the tendrils, and they were borrowing intelligence from him. "What a bunch of little assholes." He muttered.
With the werewolves out of the way, Kumiko walked up to Florence. "I'll help you find..Ryuu, was it? Let's hope that the dragons still here, and not anywhere else in the building."
Tiadorma rode the wolf like a bull while ranting about how bad werewolves are and inferiority to vampires. Finally the wolf flung her on a table.

"Ah, damn you wolf."

She rolled off the table and onto the floor.

"I hate werewolves more then I hate humans....."

She decided the floor sounded nice especially after that.
Florence stood there and blinked. She managed to get the garbage can off of her body and glared towards Isaac. Now, she was angry. First it was her dragon and now it was this idiot. Letting out a huff, she picked up an orange and threw it at him with quite a good amount of force. Her instincts were starting to kick in at that point and she wanted to kill the man (not literally).
One of the tendrils caught the orange, but since it was thrown so hard, it burst in the hand of the tendril, spraying a sparkling citrus mist all over Isaac. "It's in my eyes," He whined, but with the orange mist catching the light, it kind of looked bad-ass in a sort of sense, crying aside. One by one, the tendrils took position behind Isaac, each with it's own little bit of Ammunition.
Tori jumped back when the tendril moved. "I- I'm going to go." She shuddered mumbling to herself as she ran off out of the cafeteria.

'What was that... this place is.. strange.' She slid down the wall of the hallway a little ways from the doors of the mess hall, her head in her hands and her eyes clenched shut. She started to mumble quicker to herself, the panic increasing in her tone. "Viir... tahrodiis.... sahlo sunvaar..."
Anya opened up the doors to the cafeteria and her jaw dropped at the sight. Food was everywhere. The woman looked around and then spotted Florence and Isaac. She glared at the rest of the students and stood her ground.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" She yelled and crossed her arms tightly, looking around the large room. "I thought you all were more mature than this!"
Kumiko slowly backed away from Florence, not wanting to get hit in the face. Unfortunately, Spirit was still out, and hit her square in the face with an empty soda can, which left a small cut on her forehead. "DAMMIT, SPIRIT!" Kumiko yelled, and her voice echoed throughout the room. Spirit was laughing so much that it almost shed tears. Kumiko had enough, and she held the soda can in her hand, and threw it so hard that you could see the air being forced out of the way.
Tiadorma looked at Anya.

"Werewolves went crazy. I was afraid for my life."

She was lying of course but, she didn't want to be kicked out.

"It was scary I prayed for it to be over"
Alessandro noticed Tori slipping away. Since Isaac was preoccupied with his new... talent, it gave him a moment to slip out. Since she wasn't all that far away, he could see her doing what looked like crying. He wasn't all that sure, but he approached her with caution, hearing the panic in her voice only worried him. It was a touchy situation, and despite how few were enjoying the situation, it was indeed very scary to some.

"Do you need something?" Alessandro asked, not sure how to approach the situation.

Isaac was so caught up in the High of discovering his powers, he had next to no time to realize he'd not only broke a good couple of school rules, but he'd scared Tori off. Hearing Anya Yelling only made him realize this. "Oh no..." He bit his thumbnail, and the Tendrils withdrew. It wasn't like him to act this way, but he did, whether he liked it or not.
Tori looked up at Alessandro, tears welled up in her eyes. As she looked up her pupils turned to slits, contracting to the level of light. "Krosis..." She muttered, trying to suppress her sobs. "Unslaad vol..." She started to shake in fear. She had never seen anyone with powers in her life. She had been the only different one in a mess of humans all her life, never knowing there existed others so different. "What..." She coughed out, finally saying something in English. "I... I don't know.." She finally worked out, her pupils dilating to normal size and shape as her shaking stopped.
Kumiko looked at the door, a glare still in her eyes. Spirit looked as well, but not as surprised. It knew Anya would come eventually. "Hey. Spirit, go back inside me." Kumiko demanded. She saw Tori was crying, then realized something. Kumiko was curious, so she ran over to them, and hid behind a wall, listening.
"All of you will clean this mess up and then go to your dorms!" Anya yelled loud enough for people to hear her and then glared towards Florence. "And you!" She walked over and pointed towards the door. "Get your damn pet and report to my office. Now."

Florence tensed up and nodded quickly. She spotted Ryuu and motioned for him to follow her as she quickly walked out of the cafeteria. The dragon quickly followed his master and knew that she was in some severe trouble now so he felt a little guilty.

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