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Fantasy CLOSED

Bruce sat and ate quietly. He had a simple rice dish and a glass of warm tea. He sat cross-legged on the cushion-y seat and munched with chop sticks on his food. It was a habit he had gained while traveling the world. He glanced over to some of his students and smiled, lingering on Florence.
Isaac decided today that he would attempt to eat one of the more exotic foods on the school menu. It was a weird feeling, considering for the past time he'd been at this school anything that wasn't just regular old food made him just repulsed. He sat down relatively close to the Half dragon girl, whether or not he intended to interact with her yet was a mystery. Alessandro was sitting across from him.

"I don't want to wake up to find out I'm being cooked like a rotisserie chicken." Alessandro was eyeing his friend's dinner tray with disdain.

Isaac was poked the strange fleshy looking object on his tray with a fork. "I wouldn't eat you, Dooffus. I'm just feeling a bit adventurous for some reason." Isaac said, before taking a bite out of the mystery meat. He frowned a little. "It tastes kind of like-"

"I swear if you say chicken, I'm going to punch you." Alessandro huffed.

"Actually I was going to say it tasted like your Grandmother," Isaac teased.
"I'm telling you, you're wrong!" Florence huffed and sent Clarice an annoyed look from across the table. "He died in the Captain's Quarters, Clarice." She sat the book up and pointed to something inside of it. "I'm not lying."

"You're wrong! I heard that he died saving a child." Clarice huffed and shook her head, pushing the book back towards Florence. "I don't need your crap proof. All the world knows is that the man went down with Titanic. Smith wasn't stupid but he took some stupid advice."

"You both are silly." Anya commented and rolled her eyes. She smirked lightly in amusement as she listened to the two continue to bicker over a simple book. "Alright. That's enough." She reached over and took the book. Closing it, she put it under her leg and sighed softly. "Stop bickering like a married couple, damn."

Florence pouted at that moment and set her chin down on the table. "You're mean, Anya..."

"No, I'm a mother. There's a difference." Anya rolled her eyes and smirked once again in amusement, looking towards the teenager beside her. "Don't pout!" She shook her head and huffed lightly. "I'll give it back to you when you and grump over there," She motioned to Clarice with her hand. "Are done trying to prove the other is wrong."
Isaac was feeling a bit nosy. He made a little platform with his hands and rested his chin on them. He didn't outright stare, but he quietly listened in on Florence and Clarice's little argument.

Alessandro scratched at his own cheek, eyeing his friend wearily. There was an annoying lock of hair that was just sticking up on Isaac's head, and it was getting on Alessandro's last nerves. "Hold still," Alessandro demanded. He reached his hand out, and patted it down on top of Isaac's head. What he didn't expect was a sharp prick in his palm. "Ooh! ouch, what the fuck," Alessandro pulled his hand back to look at it. There was a little bead of blood from where he'd been pricked.

Isaac looked a little confused, then he put his own hand up to his head. His horns were bigger, considerably so. They actually came up above his mess of hair now. "Oh dear," Isaac said. He didn't know what to think about it. It could mean he was closer to discovering what his powers were, or it could have just meant he'd be stuck with his little nubby horns for the rest of his life. "Being a demon is a lot different in fiction..." Isaac crossed his arms grumpily.
After Kumiko had finished everything, she looked out the window, and could see the cafeteria and how everyone was having their own conversations. "Look at them, their so far away from us that they look like ants." Kumiko joked, closing the blinds after backing away. "Now to test this baby out!"

She pushed the power button and tested all of the important things and checked all of the files. "It works." Kumiko says proudly before looking over to Ayaki's side of the room. "You like?" She asked. "Yesh."

(Everyone loves her indeed, so cute!
@NotAllThatCreative :3)
(Awww, lucky. All my irl friends have dogs as well...dogs love me, and I have yet to get one... once the apt. allows it, that is. ;- ;)
After they had gotten back from town, Tori wandered for a while and found her room. All of her things had been unpacked for her just as she expected, her clothes hung up and her dinner outfit laid out. She smiled and got to changing into her dinner dress. Her dress was a slim fit, and stopped right above her knees just like her skirt she had wore earlier, and had the same colors of ash and embers in a swirling pattern. After she was satisfied with her outfit, she made her way to the mess hall, famished from her day of discoveries.

As she entered the hall she noticed a good spot to sit with her food, a good balance of meat and veggies. She noticed Issac and his friend not too far away, Issac watching someone discreetly. She smiled and scooted closer to him, leaning against him and whispering. "Who are you listening to?" She inquired, a little less demanding than earlier.

[[There, sorry. ^^; @Mits ]]
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( It's okay, oAo, but there was a time skip a little bit ago, it was a majority rule, sorry. The Students are All at dinner at the moment, so You can have Tori Seated somewhere next to Isaac, and He'll show her around campus after they eat. If that's alright.

And yes, Isaac loves kittens -w-)
(Since I want to keep my little interaction going lol...)

Anya heard her phone ringing at that time and let out an annoyed groan. She knew who it was and she wanted to ignore them. Sighing quietly, she pulled out her phone and held it out to Florence. "It's for you."

"I don't want it." Florence shook her head rapidly and scooted over a little bit in her seat like the cell phone would hurt her. "She's your problem at the moment. Not mine."

"And I don't want to listen to your mother." Anya sat the phone down and pushed it in front of Florence. "You say hello and you love her and that'll be the end of that conversation." It was fairly obvious that neither of the females wanted to answer the phone since they both tried to push it towards the other.

"You've known her the longest..." Florence grumbled and pushed the phone back towards the doctor. She tugged on her white hair and stared towards the phone with an uneasy look across her face.

"Don't go there." Anya glared towards the teenager and then the two tensed up as the ringing stopped. "Look what you did, child."

Florence let out a long whine and looked up towards Anya with that uneasy look still on her face but worse this time around. "Call her back! She'll hunt you down if you don't."

Anya rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. She stood up and walked out of the cafeteria, going to call Florence's mother back.
(I'm currently watching a livestream, and...I LIKE TRAINS! And when is the romance coming? I mean, I didn't say anything... :P )
(Bruce is totally available [no he's not secretly checking out students] so you can hit on him too. :P )

He frowned slightly while listening to Florence's conversation. Bruce looked up and sighed, trying to send his sympathy across the room to her. He doubted that he succeeded, being one of the few humans there.
(Oh gosh, Darkled xD And @Mits just thought he was checking out one of his students >_>)

Florence stood up as she seen Anya come back into the room and she shook her head. She knew exactly what the woman was going to say and quickly grabbed her book, walking out of the room rather quickly (meaning, she nearly ran).

"Now you scared her away." Clarice said loud enough that Priscilla could hear her and snickered at the angry response she got. She shook her head and looked up towards Anya. "Hang up on her. She'll live."

"Sorry, but I don't want a huffy half dragon after my head." Anya hissed and glared towards Clarice, putting the phone back up to her ear. "Priscilla, I'll get Florence to talk with you later."
( Even more lol! Maybe...wait. are there any female teachers?)

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