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Fantasy CLOSED

"It's okay, just tell me when your interested." Kumiko said, Ayaki nodding.

"Let's see... it appears to be a bit after lunch, do you guys want to grab something to eat?'

"I do!" Ayaki said.

I'm pretty tired. I really need to get some energy, before spirit starts it's 'possession' ritual.
Tiadorma looked at the others.

"I would join you but, I would get chased out of town if they saw what I ate."

She stood up and started pushing her boxes of books to the buses.

"See you back at school."
Bruce had pulled out a large, long haired guinea pig. He scratched Dixie behind the ear, and the little rodent squeaked lightly in happiness. "I know a little cafe hear that has a very good pannini press. I can point it out to you guys, but I have to head back and load these fellows up."
"Sure! We'd appreciate that." Kumiko said, hoping that Ayaki and Siel would be down for some pannini press as well.

"I'm fine with that." Ayaki agreed.

Kumiko pulled out her iPod and head phones, and browsed through the many different songs she could play while walking there.

(It's not so lively here at the moment, It's honestly pretty slow. But, that gives me time to do other things while waiting for the next post>.<)
Bruce points and gives directions to the cafe before heading back to the buses, still coddling the small little guinea pig.
The students walk towards the cafe, and Kumiko puts on her headphones and listens to dubstep, pop, and whatever she has on her song list.
(Yeah, I just posted what I thought. It would be pretty rude if we skipped without everyone's approval.)

By the time the students and teachers got back, it was dinner time. The students all took their belongings to their room and then hurried off to the cafeteria to get their dinner before their free time. Like always the cafeteria was buzzing about but it was more relaxed this time around since the students had their fun in town.

Florence was currently sitting with Clarice and Clara and speaking quietly with them. She wasn't very hungry so she didn't get anything to eat and settled for reading one of her biographies and speaking with her dear friends. Anya was with them, deciding to take her job back as head nurse/doctor of the school, and after scolding Florence, she gave up on trying. She knew that the girl wasn't feeling all that great but she still tried to encourage her to eat and, like always, it never worked.
Tiadorma walked up to the same cafeteria worker she always did. The lady knew what she wanted and handed Tiadorma a bowl of red liquid. She walked to a table and sat down. She had learned that, if she kept her hunger under control, she could eat her blood like soup instead of chugging it. She grabbed a spoon and started eating her 'soup'. She grabbed the copy of 'The history of telephones' she had bought. She read as she ate her dinner.
Kumiko took dinner time as a chance to show Ayaki around the school, and showed her were the dorms are. "Do you want to be roommates?" Kumiko asked. "Sure!"

Both of the girls settled into their room, not hungry, and wanted to relax after a long day in the town. Kumiko was upgrading her PC and Ayaki was setting up her side of the room. The room was silent, and they enjoyed the the little peace and quiet they had in a long time.
Siel leaned against his headboard munching on a chocolate bar as he stared out the window. Birds bees and butterflies flew past reminding him of the beauty of the forest.

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