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Fantasy CLOSED

Tiadorma looked at the Anya.

"That might be easier said then done."

She realized she couldn't feel her arm. She couldn't move it either, she could heal herself except when her arm is dislocated. She sighed.

"Could someone get the school nurse? I think my arm is dislocated."
Alessandro's attention darted from the yelling woman in the cafeteria, back to Tori. Alessandro definitely wasn't a psychologist, and he'd always used humor in the past, but something just told him that he needed to take things seriously right now.

"Uh, listen," He started off, "I know it's... a little, well... Um." He searched for the words, "It's not exactly peaceful here." He looked over his shoulder, where he saw Isaac watching him, peering around from inside the cafeteria. "I guess since a lot of us here have powers, we kind of get carried away with them," He looked back at Tori, "But It's all for play, I mean, uh..." He looked down. It would have been so much easier to say what he was trying to say if he didn't get hit so hard in the head.

Isaac probably assumed Tori would only be more uneasy if she saw him, so he stayed back.
"Spirit! I demand you to help clean up this mess!" "Okay, as long as I don't have to deal with Anya." Kumiko facepalmed. "YOUR DEAD, IDIOT. She can't really effect you because of it." Still listening to Tori and Issac, she went to go help Tiadorma. "Can you walk?" Kumiko asked her.
(Guys, I'll reply better tomorrow lol I can't think of anything right now.)

Anya looked up as someone asked for the nurse and walked over to Tiadorma.

"That would be me." She informed and nodded firmly. "Let me see your arm. I can fix it quickly." She held her hands out and looked towards her.
Tori stared at him with tears still in her eyes, but she had stopped crying and her shakes had subsided. Her eyebrows furrowed. "You're not very good at this, are you, Vahlok?" She said, her voice blank. She forced a half smile and pushed herself up the wall, straightening her dress as she rose. "Would it be acceptable if I used my powers? For play?" Tori's voice took on a serious undertook of anger, but it was too shakey for it to sound intimidating. She sighed, pushing off the wall and standing on her own. "I've never seen such beings, such... pure..." She paused for a moment, searching for the right word. "Maar." Looking up at Alessandro, she shook her head. "I should go."
(I will reply better tomorrow as well, I'm having major brain farts, Lol. I'm going to be off until tomorrow, I'm tired :P )
Alessandro hung his head, accepting his fate of being bad at emotional support. "Yeah, but, I couldn't just let you sit there and not explain anything to you." He rubbed his arm. "Anyway, if you feel like you should take a moment, than you should. Not everyone can just take new things so easily." He looked back, and still saw Isaac's shadow there. "I'm sure Isaac didn't mean to just, have his powers come out of nowhere." He was trying to piece together half of what she was saying, but honestly he had no idea how to speak whatever that other language she was speaking.

(Dragon shouts lol.

Also, if anyone cares, I have been working on this picture of Isaac, It's a WIP but hey, I consider it done because I'm just tired of using my hands lol xD https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B2i8LzzIMAAshEV.jpg:large )
[[Ha! You noticed, it's not just the 'shouts' it's words. I am a huge fan of TES.

Kick ass, I like it. I need a new tablet. =.=]]

Tori forced a smile. "Thank you. You have been kind to me." She took a deep breath and smiled genuinely. "You tell anyone I was crying I will hurt you. I promise." She laughed softly, sending a forgiving glance at Isaac. "Trust me, powers out of no where are my specialty. I'm just not used to others like me." She laughed again at her words. 'Like you? You don't even know what you can do. Foolish child.' She chided herself mentally. Tori motioned to Isaac to join her and Alessandro. "What shall we do now?" She asked them both, then focusing on Isaac. "You promised me a tour."
( I like Skyrim, though I mostly just screw around with cheats and Character creation. ; O.o

My tablet gets on my last nerves but it gets the job done, @-@)

Isaac timidly re joined his little group. He rubbed his arm softly, and looked at Tori. "I know I promised you a tour, but I think I'm in trouble." He said, Anya's voice resonating through his head. "I think I have to stay and clean up the cafeteria, but at least I have a couple of extra hands." He joked softly.

(Since everyone is going to bed, i think it's best we continue in the morning lol. My brain is mush thanks to all the multitasking. I'll at least @ you if things pick up if you're at work.)
[[i modded the hell out of it. my Fiance can't play anymore because he's had to create 3 new characters. ;>>

My nib sticks and makes lines all over my drawings. It's soo annoying.

Okay, I actually have off tomorrow/today. So @ away. :3 Nighty.]]

Tori chuckled. "Fine. But you're not getting away that easily. Allessandro, you will escort me to my room." She stated, her demanding tone returning along with her confidence. She turned to walk away trusting Allessandro would follow, her previous actions seemingly forgotten. 'Are you that scared of being alone? What if he pulls the same thing the other did? You don't know what he is.' She chided herself again, but that didn't stop her.
(Are people here? And, @DivineParadox I have a habit of modding my games in general. That's why they are almost broken! I have to clean it all out...)

Kumiko had worked on cleaning the tables, and she did a very good job with it. They were spotless, almost to the point where it shined, but that would never happen. Normally when she cleans foods and drinks that have left a stain, she would make it worse by smearing it around. Luckily, her family is rich so they could get a new one, but her parents would scold her for 'wasting' more money. Kumiko slowly walked back to her dorm, calling spirit to follow. She opened the door, stepped inside, and immediately fell asleep without getting spirit back in her. "Heh."
(I'm actually gonna go back to sleep. I got a headache and I didn't get to sleep until 7 am. No skipping without me. I have something I wanna do during the next skip.)
(Okay, I'm going to read this again just for the fun of it. Have a good sleep!)
Tiadorma looked at Anya.

Just do not ask how it happened....

Se braced herself up on her good arm. Her dislocated arm hurt a lot.

"Please just re locate my arm it hurts......"

She was trying not to think about the pain.
Siel hugged his knees to his chest hidden within a random broom closet far from the lunch room. He couldn't believe he did that. He was in so much trouble!
(I'm going to focus on spirit since it's roaming around, so expect some mischievous things to happen!)

Spirit took advantage of being out of Kumiko's body, and decided to cause some bad things happen around the school. 'Who should I mess with first?' It thought, smirking. Spirit was floating around, trying to find students. A ghost like form, the color of deep red, roamed around the school with a smug face. 'This should be fun.' It multiplied itself, all heading to each of the students. One of copy went into the broom closet where Siel was, one went back into the cafeteria, and the rest followed the students heading to the dorms.
(Okei, You do that)

(I'm going to get some snacks, for Lunch I had bacon and it practically made my mouth like a desert. It was too salty...)
(That was not a very good breakfast, Lol. In case you didn't rad what I posted earlier, Spirit is out of Kumiko's body and is planning to freak everyone out. \(._. )/)

(*Read, not rad :P )

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