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Fantasy [CLOSED GROUP] Riftworld Characters



Certified Idiot
Here is a template you can use for a character sheet, but feel free to use a different one or add categories if you prefer!

Mermaids (Have a humanoid form, but may keep scales, fins, and other characteristics, if you wish)
Harpies (Wings will replace arms, which means your character can fly, but lose use of arms)

Cyborgs (Human with artificial enhancements/limbs)
Elves (Most magic in Reocopia will be elven, but elves are exceptionally rare, hence why magic is not well-known)

Characters that are of mixed heritage (ex. Half-elf, Half-human) ARE acceptable

Gender: (Male, Female, Nonbinary, Androgynous, etc.)
Build: (Lanky, buff, curvy, etc. Including this is optional)
World: (Irentha or Reocopia)
Power(s): (Include a description of previous powers if they had any)
Marking: (Picture or written description, including color/location)
Reaction to Power(s): (Scared, excited, confused, etc.)
Personality: (At least a few sentences, but doesn't have to be incredibly detailed, as long as we can get a solid idea of who they are)
Background: (Describe their hometown and any personal history you want to include. Personal history is optional.)
Appearance: (600x600 to 1000x1000, a short paragraph is optional)
Other: (Optional)
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Name: Ashe Larkspur
Age: 26
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Build: A taller female of fewer curves and broader shoulders.
World: Reocopia

Has the ability to augment bullets shot from either of her guns. Enhancements may include status effects or even some smaller spells. With the addition of the marking, Ashe is able to use magics to incapacitate opponents through vines, ice, earth, etc, and her gun casting ability is slightly enhanced.

Marking is in the picture. Three circles. In the outermost ring is filled with runic patterns and markings. The second ring has a lined pattern, and the third ring is a magic core, of sorts. The marking is located on her sternum.

Reaction to Power(s)
Quite confused at first and a bit angry

Much more of a follower than a leader, Ashe prefers to be unknown to everyone but can get quite loud when drinking. She is very professional in her line of work and takes nothing personally.

Working as an assassin for hire, Larkspur prefers to be anonymous in her killings and always keeps an air of secrecy with her clients. She was raised in the poorer end of the city and learned to take what she can.

One down (mostly) one to go.

Name: Taeo Joseph Khyagusa "Khy"
Age: 17
Species: Hooman
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Build: (see attached picture)
World: Reocopia
-A butt-ton of fancy transforming mechanical weapons including a bow/staff/nunchuk/flail staff, retractable shields, and arrow ammo belts, with loads of elemental trick arrows to boot.
-Sidewinder: Can curve projectiles towards a target, be they thrown or shot from a bow or gun. As long as they originated from him.
-Twin souls. Khy has two souls.
Marking: (on back of neck)
Reaction to Power(s):
Khy is deadpan serious, brutally honest, a bit quiet and somewhat socially awkward. Though he does have the occasional moment of levity or sincerity thrown in for good measure, he often has trouble loosening up, being social and having fun. He values honesty, hard work and training, and loyalty in others. He cannot stand people who act immature, talk down to him or what have you.
Background: Khy is the prodigy of an underground demon-hunting organization. Though he doesn't fully agree with many of the members he is supportive of their overall mission in keeping peace between the human and supernatural worlds. Having been trained from a very young age he is extremely proficient in combat and well versed in a wide variety of magical denizens from his studies. Some real, and some only believed to be real.
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This isn't finished, because I need to draw stuff which is kinda important, but I'm gonna post it now anyway.

Name: Aneurin Vedis
Age: 160 (looks 20, 1:8 scale)
Species: Elf cursed to become a Harpy, and also unable to speak
Gender: Androgynous, male or neutral pronouns
Height: 5" 11
Build: Extremely thin and lanky
World: Irentha

Power(s): Aneurin was once well practised in many forms of magic, but after he was cursed he lost all of his abilities. However, after the rift opened, he gained a marking and the ability to talk to dragons.

Marking: Top right corner of the appearance image.

Reaction to power(s): He's excited to have some way to communicate, if only with dragons.

Personality: As an elf, Aneurin was kind and well mannered, but with the curse and becoming a harpy, he has become fearful of people because of the trade of harpy wings, and without his voice or the ability to write or use sign language, he had no way to communicate with anyone. Because of this he's become withdrawn and nervous, as well as very lonely.

Background: Aneurin was the prince of an elven kingdom, and the first in line for the throne. His cousin, power hungry and the second in line, cursed him so that he'd be unable to rule, and Aneurin was forced to leave the kingdom, because the curse also removed any memory of him from everyone's minds. Having no way to have the curse lifted, he was left with the knowledge that it would become irreversible by the next winter solstice. That was 20 years ago.

Aneurin 1.png
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Name: Wray Arth Davenport
Age: Fourteen
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 2''
Build: Slender, teeny and with soft features. Can be easily mistaken for a female.
World: Reocopia

Power: Stun Gauntlets: Not really a power, but equipment. Put together from several scraps and parts of broken devices, Wray built these metallic gloves with copper wiring and coils in the palms, also rubber insulation in the inside so the user doesn't get harmed, that can use the energy from a battery to deliver a low voltage shock to whatever they're touching. They double as both a device to revive other devices whose batteries may need a push to restart and self-defence items. Will later need an update, because powers.
Electricity Generation: Inventor boy is now basically a living battery and able to deliver electric shocks on his own, in a lot more dangerous voltages. He's going to need a lot of training. Whatever implications or practical uses it might have are to be discovered later.

Marking: In the concept, located in his left thigh and in a light blue/white-ish hue.
Reaction to Power: At first, confused and startled, but then ecstatic and amazed. Definitely wants to know and test it out more.

Personality: An adventurous and easily excitable boy that loves tinkering with devices and combine loose parts and such into new devices with new functions. Sometimes will go into very loooong technology tangents that don't seem to have an end in sight. Incredibly curious and willing to learn. Feels accomplished for getting things done properly but would truly prefer to have others acknowledge it as well, telling him that he's done a good job, which is a rarity. Lacks inter-personal relationships, would really like some friends. Isn't too sure about how friendships work and might freeze and become unresponsive in tough situations due to not knowing how to proceed. Probably spends too much time with machines and not enough time with people.

Background: Wray is the only son of a typical office worker, whose wife never truly executed the role of a mom for being an adventurer and as she herself would put it 'responding to the call of the wind' more than anything. She left as soon as she could steer a flying ship again. This is probably why Wray's father tries not to give the boy's inventive and creative tendencies much attention, as if it would discourage him from following in his mom's footsteps and leave too.
Whatever it is, Wray is determined to follow the path of engineering even without approval, spending most of his free time in a half-town over junkyard or in the make-shift workshop he's put up inside the garage. All his tools and projects get hidden whenever his dad is home, which is... not that often. He'll also secretly skip class and save on food to pay for trolley tickets to the big center and lurk at new invention exhibitions and/or ship races. Wray just likes watching them go, paying attention more at the machines themselves than the actual events. He'd love to work with the big and cool projects when he grows up. Not a boring office, something that's a lot more hands-on and requires problem-solving skills!


Light brown hair that has an odd tendency of curling itself in the ends wherever its longer than a short cut. He thinks it's cute, his dad isn't as thrilled. Often wearing it with a tiny ponytail and hair pins because they help keep it out of the way when he's working. All of the pockets and pouches because one can never know when they find something they'd like to take home and tinker with, especially if they're daily scavenging a junkyard for re-usable discarded parts. Boots have fluffs on the top. Might be dirty with soot, grease and/or rust dust way too often. Still waiting for that puberty growth-spurt...

Other: Wray is read with a 'v' sound [Vray].
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Name: Sion Verean
Age: 19
Species: Harpy
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10
Build: Lanky, thin
World: Irentha

Power(s): The ability to manipulate, accelerate growth of and communicate with flora. The greatest benefit of his newfound power, in his opinion, is to be able to do dexterous work using the vines/branches around him. He can now help treat patients and brew medicines with his teacher. To some extent, he can grant movement to the plants around him. His presence also seems to soothe flora in his environment, perhaps blooming more beautifully or showing healthier hues of green. Although he has not discovered this yet, he can transform the plants around him into monstrous forms which help protect him. However, they still have a mind of their own, therefore making their own decisions in perilious situations. For example, if he wanted them to protect someone else they might ignore the order, and choose to only protect Sion.
Previous Power(s): Used to be able to tell when plants were suffering and somewhat understand their thoughts.
Marking: Lime/pear green - upper back
Reaction to Power(s): Excited, the plants he has been taking care of for years can communicate with him. He can also save the plants who had no hope left. Although he is concerned why this happened all of a sudden, and why a strange mark appeared on him.

Personality: Sion is a relatively calm and quiet fellow. He enjoys peace and solitude most of the time, especially whilst working. He is always diligent in his work, often doing overtime to ensure everything is the way it needs to be. In that way, he can be seen as a perfectionist. Although friendly, he will typically not go out of his way to meet new people, preferring to stick to his small social circle of close friends. Despite his dilligent nature, he has always expected and desired a calm, quiet, average life. Unfortunately his ideals are literally about to be thrown out the window.

Background: Sion was raised in a bustling village home located in the high treetops of Highwind Woods, named Vilenhim. It was a settlement almost exclusively for harpies, due to its location, although other races frequently stopped by as tourists. He was born as the middle child, with an older sister and a younger brother. He has genuinely loved to learn, ever since he was young, although reading books and the like was difficult, hence he used to always pester his teachers for knowledge instead. As he grew up, he became an assistant to the doctor of his village. His job mainly includes discussing research/medicine and watering/planting herbs. His teacher/doctor is an ordinary human, since harpies aren't exactly dexterous enough to be able to carefully mix medicines/treat patients.

Other: A doctor-like character, who will be forced to learn combat techniques, as he is a chosen one.
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Name: Vernalis
Age: Appears to be late 20s early 30s
Species: Medusa
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Build: Very tall and slim with a few curves.
World: Irentha

Foresight: A rare occurrence but will get far and few glances into futures. Some visions are useless and some are more important
Spellcasting: Most of her magic is for utilities and healing. Incapacitation foes with webs or providing allies with health and stat boosts.
Throne of Lies: As the books say, snakes are devilish and lie a lot. Vernalis can be incredibly persuasive, but is also able to see through other people's lies. She rarely uses her tongue to persuade others, as she believes it is incredibly manipulative and cruel.


Reaction to Power
Incredible pain and took a while to get used to. The marking blinded her, preventing her from turning things to stone.

She has spent most of her life alone, thinking about her fate and has come to accept her role. Vernalis always has a calm face and has stopped letting emotions dictate her actions.

Vernalis was the daughter of a famous craftsman. Her father built statues honoring the gods and everyone praised his work. Eventually, he got too prideful and challenged the gods. The gods cursed his daughter to live as a medusa, turning her father, and the rest of her family to stone. When the village came to slay her, she killed them too. Not wanting to be bothered by anyone else, she stayed in the stone village. Travelers and warriors would catch wind of the rumor and try to slay her, but none of them ever got far.


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Name: Nuri
Age: 144 (1:12 ratio, looks 12)
Species: Dragon
Gender: Male
Height: 50 cm / 1" 6
Build: Slim and awkward
World: Irentha

Power(s): Nuri can breathe fire and fly, and has incredible eyesight

Marking: He has no marking

Reaction to Power(s): He's a dragon, he was born with them.

Personality: Nuri is inquisitive and loves exploring. He's prideful, as is typical for his species, and is sensitive about his appearance. He can have a rather dry sense of humour, and sometimes doesn't know how far is too far.

Background: Nuri grew up in a clan of mountain-dwelling dragons, and has never met a human, or any of the humanoid species that live in Irentha. He was bullied a lot by the other fledgeling dragons for his small size and thinner, awkward body type. He eventually tumbled down the mountain in his first attempt at flight, and, unable to face his family after such a failure, he left to live alone in the forest around the base of the mountain, and has lived alone for 24 years.


Other: Aneurin gave Nuri his name.
His wing is only see-through so y'all can see the shape of his back; during the actual roleplay it won't be
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Name: Errin Brooks
Age: 185 (Physically ~23)
Species: Elf
Gender: Female
Height: 6'4
Build: Tall, but balanced
World: Irentha
Power(s): Pyrokinesis - The conjuring and control of flames. While the fire does not injure her, she still feels pain of the heat while in contact with it. The further from her body the fire is, the more difficult it is to control. If control is lost, the flame dissipates.
Marking: Red swirls around her hands and forearms. (can be seen in image below)
Reaction to Power(s): Confused, but welcoming
Personality: Errin is hyper, outgoing, and amiable. She thrives in social environments and is known to spend a lot of her time with friends. Living in a city with few elves, she feels at home with members of other races, but feels awkward around her own kind. She has a great sympathy for children and small animals, and could not bring herself to allow them to be harmed. Despite her long years she lacks wisdom, and is less mature than one might expect upon learning her age.
Background: She was born to one of many elven kingdoms, but yearned to discover a world beyond. At a young age she began traveling, taking up residence in many villages and cities. She now lives on the outskirts of a large city in Irentha, above which a rift split the sky. As an elven woman, she was born with a small innate power, but as she grew her potential for magic stagnated. After moving into the city she was employed to work under a well-known blacksmith, keeping his forge flames hot throughout the day via magic. Upon the opening of the rift, she found that her magic had grown much stronger, and blamed the strange markings on her hands.
Other: N/A
Name: Raiah Marie Hexos
Age: 15
Species: Cyborg
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Build: She thicc
World: Reocopia
Mechanical legs/mechanical left arm with enhanced strength and extreme durability.
-Rocket Powered Hammer (Thrüstersledge). An overlarge sledgehammer with miniature rockets allowing it to fly back to Raiah if she is disarmed and to fly out for short range attacks.
Marking: Six-tooth cog (right hand)
Reaction to Power(s): Depends. Mechanical powers or constructs she would be mostly curious about. Magical powers she'd mostly be confused.
Personality: She's quite a genius when it comes to technology. But is rather lazy and doesn't often work to make new inventions, and acts rather inappropriate at times.
Background: Raiah is the daughter of Marcus Hexos, the owner and proprietor of the Hexagon Corporation, one of the largest corporations within Reocopia and responsible for distributing a large amount of the technology present within the world. As such she's grown up around scientists, inventors and dangerous scientific equipment.
Fly like an eagle! Strike like a Hawk!
A Fighter Pilot's Moto

(Image coming soon, still drawing :( )Name: Wyndmin Oxora

Age: 16

Title: Pilot 217 (Father's code and plane name), Oxora's ghost

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 5'1ft

Build: Small yet muscular body

World: Reocopia

Power(s): Wings of Hope- A pair of glowing dove like wings that sprouts on his back (Looks exactly like his marking). These wings can protect Wyndmin from physical attacks. (But not completely) and magical attacks (High immunity). Gives him the ability to fly freely with unbelievable speed that can break the sound barrier. These wings are super durable. Can take a lot of punishment before disappearing. It's glow can illuminate anything in the range of 30 feet. The light provides nothing but light advantage. The only price that weighs this power is his worthiness. As much as he wanted to use this power. He cannot abuse it, thus not being able to use it's abilities. He can only use it when he clears his mind from doubts and fill it with hope, will, humbleness, charity and justice, etc. This is the kind of power you'll see him use in his most purest form.

Healing dust- Not only that the wings of hope gives him flight and protection but it also sprinkles a shiny glittering dust that can heal injured allies. These dust can cover wounds and cure sicknesses. (Except for amputated limbs/organs and curses)

Marking: Angel wings with a double edge broadsword sword in the middle (Image coming soon)

Reaction to Power(s): Unaware but vaguely feels the power surging.

Lookin' fly.pngPersonality: Brave, compassionate and overall polite. Wyndmin is boy whom one can describe as a gifted child. Born with natural high intelligence. Wyndmin is known for his bright and creative mind. Followed by his well mannered attitude. Wyndmin is your typical "Mr. goody-two-shoes". Logically smart at mathematics, navigation and aeronautics. Heights is no phobia for this boy. He displays polite almost everywhere. Quick to adjust on most foreign of societies. Wyndmin will always direct what's best. A natural born leader, he emphasizes on leading than bossing around. Truly, a young man with a humble heart.

Of course like all humans. He does have his other side. Where he shows strict and demanding attitude. Not in complete contrast of his personality but he shows authority despite lacking it. Wyndmin will only talk back if necessary. This kind of attitude is often in the battlefield where violence is high. He never shows this kind of attitude anywhere else. He seems to know where to place his emotions and place like an organized bookshelf. Wyndmin will always display kindness. In fact, he is sometimes seen helping wounded enemy units. Which causes him to be viewed differently. This is Wyndmin Oxora. The son of Aerglo Oxora. Those who knew him well knows that he acts exactly like his father when he was younger. Like he was the reincarnation of Pilot Aerglo. Which convinced some theorists.

Background: Born as city boy of the imperial city of Sunglouu. Born with two loving parents. A retired pilot and a loving housewife. Wyndmin received the proper education and love he needed to grow to be strong boy. Now the city of Sunglouu was never the prettiest place live because of it's corrupted ruler. Wyndmin getting the proper education and love he needed is a surprise for his city's given status. To keep things short. A civil war happened inside the city and his father was on the rebellion. Serving as a combat air pilot, the reason? His wife was kept as a hostage. Fighting was his only choice and to leave his son to his cousin. Although the son did not want his father to go to war. He wanted to come along, foolishly. Taking it as way vent to him. He knew his son loved him so much. Despite his leave. The son tagged along secretly, hiding behind the plane's extra seat. The boy witnessed firsthand the horrifying battles of air combat. He witnessed his father get shot on the cockpit and fall off to the bloody ground. He fought with his father's plane and tried to finish the fight. Sadly, the opposing corrupted government won the war. He lost both parents and vengeance was all in his mind. Replicating the same technology that took his father's plane down. He made his iconic 217 Steamwings. A hybrid between a jet pack and an fighter plane. This took many trial and error and finally took flight for vengeance. Unfortunately. His fate had another plan for him.

The wingsuit he uses is the 55th version he tried to replicate. Malfunctions and outdated tech is a common phrase is nothing new to Windmyn. It is equipped with early developed grenades (4 in stock), extra water and coal (Fuel, enough for another 24 hour flight). Meanwhile, Wyndmin is armed with his father's 6 chamber pilot's revolver, two survival combat knives and two grenades for his own.

Theme song:
Name: Noreishia Lei Chrystalis
Aliases: Nora, Lei-Lei
Age: 21
Species: Mermaid
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Build: Curvy, short
World: Irentha

Power(s): Barriers (e.g. sound-resistant, light-resistant, temperature-resistant, physical force-resistant, magic-resistant), depending on how long she spends constructing/reinforcing them, the stronger/tougher they become.
Enhanced natural resistance.
Previous Power(s): Higher resistance to damage. Could fall from a small tree virtually unscathed.
Marking: Black - back of right ankle/fin
Reaction to Power(s): At first she was afraid, but she became incredibly happy after she realized she could smuggle her mother out to safety using it, which she did.

Personality: Nora is a bubbly, optimistic yet emotional character. Although she rarely lets things make her feel down, she is often brought to the heights of other emotions such as happiness, excitement, anger, fear etc. She can cry easily due to happiness and the like, but crying out of pure sadness is rare for her. Due to how often her emotions change, she can be seen as a bit of a mystery time bomb. Contrary to her friendly, outgoing nature, she is actually an experienced liar. She feels little remorse when lying, or when doing other morally-wrong actions for that matter.

Background: Noreishia was born the fourth princess to the underwater kingdom of Aquilla. Due to there being at least 7 heirs competing for the throne, the palace was an incredibly stressful and dangerous place to live in. This greatly affected her as she grew older, learning how to lie and deceive to protect her fragile mother, pretending that she was on her siblings side whilst acting cute and innocent. Nora has never received or seen proper love in person(her mother was always too sick to properly cuddle or talk to her), or seen many things at all on that matter, hence why she is so excitable by everything new around her.

After smuggling her mother out of the palace using her newfound powers, she abandoned her title as fourth princess and lived a peaceful life in a small village on the outskirts of her kingdom. Of course, seeing as a royal concubine/past queen and princess had gone missing suddenly, search parties were deployed through out the kingdom. Using disguises, and the fact that the higher ups didn't want to use too many resources tracking down one of the many heirs to the throne, Noreishia managed to secure her livelihood through trickery and lies.
Other: The princess of lies begins to explore the world. Her enchanted shirt can extend into a dress form when she transforms her tail into legs.
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The Silent Maiden of Clemency






Small and frail looking


Strength of a thousand soldiers: Blessed with the gift of great strength. It's an obvious power that can be observed working in passive moments. She is given the strength of one can compare to a thousand fit soldiers gather in one power. She can lift, push and jump at an impossible human level. Powered by determination. She use this strength passively if she puts her mind into it. Actively stronger in stressed conditions and wrathful emotions. She can completely lose this strength upon entering pure sadness. To scale her strength. She can actively raise anything as heavy as 2 tons. She can knockdown trees with a single punch. Tip people over with just a flick of her finger. Jumping higher than 10-19ft. Push boulders 8 times her own size. There is a rumor that she could bench press a mountain but this is yet to be confirmed.

Blessed soul- Cilian's very soul is protected with a magical shield that allows her to be completely immune to mind control and have high immunity in dark magic.

Located on the right shoulder
(A red and golden Chrysanthemum)

Reaction to Power(s):
Hated it as she see it as an undeserved power. Tries to hold it back. Thinks that she cannot handle it and a potential danger to everyone

If the word,clemency was personified. Cilian is the the result of it all. Brave, Compassionate and Forgiving. Cilian is a very well reserved and quiet girl. Often seen awkwardly staring at strangers without saying a word. Some claim that she might be mute but this is completely false as Cilian had indeed spoken in rare occasions. She only opens her mouth when really necessary to do so. And there is a reason behind it. Due to her past. She is often mocked, tested and harassed verbally by the daily because of her noble choices. Thus abusing her to the point that she could no longer express herself. Shutting herself off to others. This is why she often found submissive and awkward. Some might find it strange when looking down they could find her tugging on their clothes for attention or just spontaneously just following anyone. Despite not expressing no fear and words. She does display one thing. Kindness. Regardless of the situation. She will always display kindness and bravery through her actions alone. She is the first one you'll see coming towards you with a concerned body language upon seeing you get hurt, she is the oone you will see following you without an opposition, and lastly she is the last person you'd expect fighting against you. Cilian will NEVER and has never taken another life despite their morality. This is what she known for and mocked for. She has a different view on every single thing she sees. She looks deep into the ones she sees and sees only the best of them. She won't even hurt a fly if it's neccesary. In fact you'll see her in rare occassions tending the enemy's wounds and she always stays behind when fighting was involved. Cilian will always shield the ones she cares about even it will lead to her demise. Even though she looks seems hard to reach but deep inside she has unreleased emotions, she'll open up one day. When she does, you'll know who she truly is. This is Cilian, The Silent Maiden of Clemency.

Born in the darkest regions of Irentha. She grew up with the rising in power warlord bloodline "The Venloc Clan". Where she spends of her days doing one thing. Train to fight. In an early age she was forced to train and fight along 8 more of her brothers and sisters (She is the youngest 9th child). Tactically trained to conquer lands of Irentha. She had profound knowledge of the way of the violent bloodline. You see in the Venloc family traditions. The father of the many children will set up a tournament of brutal combat so that the winner among those of their siblings gets to fight alongside their father while the rest will have fight with clan's lowly members. Cilian's life revolved around this violent lofestyle. Their clan will often travel from place to place just raid villages for resources. This is why the father will arrange this brutal tournament. Among the violent competetors stood out the black sheep among them. Cilian, the youngest member of the Venlocs. Unlike her fellow siblings she was different. She does not wish to fight under any circumstances. This made the father mad which drove her to severe punishments everyday. But of course the father's brutality among his children is contrasted by their mother's The mother found her daughter to be special among her siblings. Through the combat tournament the mother secretly instructed Cilian to challenge all her brothers and sisters but only incapacitate them and mot kill or cripple them. Thus she did and she won all the fights against her stronger siblings while at the same time deceiving their father through the fight that she is just as brutal. At last she rose to he top and earned her position to captain and lead the clan. Of course instead of doing so. She decided to change things in her own way. This made the father angry upon hearing her peaceful protest. Not only she changed the ways of the clan but she also rigged the competition. A battle between daughter vs father heated in the very arena. Although her fight was interrupted shortly.

Big Justice.png

The shield she wields is not just some any store bought stout shield but it's actually made with a strong golden metal alloy that is magically enchanted by her mother (Super durable almost impossible to break with any weapon commonly used against it) to defeat her father with it. It is also enchanted to come back to her or any heart whom seeks to protect others. The edges were made to be bladed but Cilian dulled it out alone.

Theme songs:

Name: Valorin Courge

Age: 3

Species: android

Gender: he a robot
But Phillian's work somehow ended up having a male-like personality, so he prefers 'he'.

Height: 180cm

World: Reocopia

Power(s): N/A
Work of the Tinkerer
Valorin's body is powered by his 'heart', which lets out a soft orange glow and with it some energy to help the robot move. With the heart's regular energy output, the robot can perform duties with the strength of an average human being. The heart is connected carefully to the body, so that it can see, hear, and speak using the robotic parts of the body. This is more magic than technology(thanks to Phillian's marking doing its job), so the insides of Valorin are just average robotic insides and nothing special.

The heart, once damaged, cannot be repaired in any way.

So if there's someone who can understand what Phillian was up to perfectly(which would require more than knowledge of technology), they can transplant the heart to the body of another robot to have Valorin control it.

Marking: On his heart(which probably won't be revealed unless you want me to open his chest out wide for you all to see) is a engraving of a gear that looks similar to flower petals. It is the marking his creator, Phillian had.

Reaction to Power(s): he himself didn't get to have or use any of it, so he'd have general curiosity on it

Valorin is, considering his short experience with the world, curious. He wants to learn about things he don't know, and enjoys discovering new things. He could spend a whole day and more staring at the wilderness and gaping at the little and big wonders. Or he could sit on the spot, disassembling and assembling his guns over and over again. Thanks to this trait, Valorin enjoys and is eager for an adventure, especially thrilling ones. He's not afraid to face dangers, as far as it's full of exciting action and new things to learn about.
However, curiosity doesn't make him naive. He helped the townsfolk work, defend themselves against often bandits, and such. In the journey he learned basic difference between good and bad, he himself leaning more to helping people than hurting them. He will not hesitate to use force to stop such actions. He may be a bit too expressive about his emotions sometimes, yes, but still not naive.

Valorin was made in a swamp town, where access to most of the newest technology was scarce. It was far away from the cities, almost at the edge of the Reocopian civilization. People still needed robotics for their work, and Valorin's creator, Phillian, was there for them. Unfortunately Valorin hardly got to know him, as he woke up as Phillian greeted him with his fading smile. Valorin was put under the care of the locals, who taught him basic things to act as a member of a society.


On Valorin's back is a small steam powered device that lets him boost his body functions. It can't last very long, but it boosts his speed and strength greatly.
He carries guns as his main weapons.
He has a pocket watch, which was something Phillian left for him.
There's a stash back in Reocopia made by Phillian that contains spare parts for Valorin. The android himself has the schematics.
Name: Ra'hl Zura
Age: 49
Species: Merfolk
Gender: BOI
Height: Whopping 238 cm
World: Irentha
These are magics that he could already use before he got the marking. The marking boosted their powers.
-cleanse/pollute water(maximum volume is amount he can cup on his right hand)
-able to keep himself in a bubble of water that moves around with him
-Can shoot a small ray of water in high pressure, able to penetrate a moderate layer of armor.
-Raninoian Quick Heal: A healing magic that works on a very small area. It works almost immediately, cleansing most infections and healing up wounds back to perfect condition.
-His spear is enchanted to move around on his command.

-breathe air: The marking gave him the ability to breathe air like normal.

Marking: A simple drawing of a pincer grasping on a sphere, marked under his left eye.

Reaction to Power(s): "Hmmm. That's nice."

Ra'hl is not a barbaric person, but he prefers to use violence to bring an end to the situation when conversations are not working out well. He has no hesitation in killing, though he might be slightly annoyed at a bit of resistance he'd get. He'd growl and roar, not from his instincts but as a method to threaten people. He's more of a cold blooded killer in fights that prefers to take on the image of a barbarian. But simple charging isn't always his tactic-his appearance allows for an ideal camouflage as a part of a rock. He can take an enemy by a surprise, and add a few possibilities by utilizing his magic.
Without a specific goal to fulfill, Ra'hl finds joy and devotion in battlefields. He enjoys fights, and as much as he enjoys heated brawls, he seeks power. Improvement in strength is fulfilling for him, so he trains himself in magic and physical strength most of the times. He's far from an ideal hero of the world, being more close to a power thirsty maniac-only a few inches away from the category.

A Raninoian fighter, Ra'hl roamed around battlefields that rewarded him with handsome payment. He grew up in times where his kingdom was waging war against another merfolk kingdom, so he was put to battle as soon as he was of age. Born big and stout compared even to his own kind, he was a natural warrior. After the war, the merman spent his life as a mercenary, using everything he learned and had in battle.
He had little to no life outside of battle. No romantic relationship, no much friends, little to no details about his personal life is known to any person. He's just there for a fight, something he's been doing forever in his life.


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