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Fantasy [CLOSED GROUP] Riftworld Lore



Certified Idiot
THE RIFT: An opening in the sky that links two parallel worlds, Reocopia and Irentha.

REOCOPIA: A steampunk world with technology and mechanics, but with magic as a rarity. Artificial body parts are common, even as a cosmetic enhancement. Dwarves, humans, elves, and cyborgs roam this land of metals and gears.

IRENTHA: A medieval world filled with magic and dragons, but lacking in technology. Cities and villages trade together, creating a network of communication that strongly binds kingdoms and countries. Mermaids, elves, harpies, and humans are present here.

MARKINGS AND POWERS: While magic was indeed present before the opening of the Rift, a few individuals found that soon after they had been branded with a colorful marking that granted them powers of unknown magnitude.

Mermaids (Have a humanoid form, but may keep scales, fins, and other characteristics, if you wish)
Harpies (Wings will replace arms, which means your character can fly, but lose use of arms)

Cyborgs (Human with artificial enhancements/limbs)
Elves (Most magic in Reocopia will be elven, but elves are exceptionally rare, hence why magic is not well-known)

Characters that are of mixed heritage (ex. Half-elf, Half-human) ARE acceptable

DRAGONS: Dragons are wild and untamed, but highly intelligent. They come in many forms, and are typically feared by most civilizations, though some worship them. They can be befriended, some consenting to be ridden, but no dragon would consider itself to be owned by any other being.

Hexcorp (The Hexagon Corporation)

The Hexagon Corporation has been in the Hexos family for four generations, getting its start as a shipping and mining company before most of the technological marvels we know and love today even existed and are at least partially responsible for the development or widespread manufacture of a lot of the technologies we know and love today.

The corporation is passed down through the family, and is set to be passed to Raiah Hexos, who will recieve it from her father, Marcus Hexos, who got it from Benjamin Hexos, who got it from Franklin Hexos, who got it from Isaac Hexos. This will make Raiah the first female heir to the corporation. The company was not always passed to the first born, but rather the individual who possess the Hexos "genius gene" which gives select members of the family abnormally high intelligence and ingenuity. It seems however, whoever inherits the corporation also inherits the family's demons and hidden secrets as since the days of Franklin Hexos, contrary to the archetype of the rich, plump and eccentric businessman, the owner of the company has always been extremely secretive about their work and motivations, rarely making public or press appearances.

Among the company's more mysterious actions are the fact that in spite of the amount of money it should be making compared to its actual stocks and profits. It has been known to fund large expeditions to remote corners of the world and uncover the ruins of ancient civilizations, with official documents stating all of these expeditions came back empty handed, and the explorers and adventurers who go on these expeditions are suspiciously financially endowed as well as being very tight lipped about what happened on said expedition.

In a more public eye the hexagon corporation has several divisions responsible for various technological advancements.
-Hexcorp Skydocks: Responsible for manufacturing luxury, passenger, and cargo airships.
-Hexcorp Shipyards: Responsible for manufacturing passenger and cargo seafairing ships.
-Hexcorp Rail: Responsible for manufacturing locomotives and train cars.
-Hexcorp Automail: Responsible for developing replacement limbs and contracting doctors and mechanics for implantation and surgery.
-Hexcorp Mining: Responsible for mining and resource extraction. At least a part of their production chain is completely vertical, allowing them to go from raw ore to finished product, though they do import some resources.
-Hexcorp Experimental Division: The primary R&D division which works alongside other divisions.
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