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Graded [Cleansed Curses Shrine] Falling to Rise Part 3: The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream.

Lore: Places -- Shrine of the Cleansed Curses
  • 1683921978451.png
    The newly established Shrine of the Cleansed Curses, now under the divine protection of Uriel, the Shield Archon, is a sight to behold. Reborn from the darkness of the Nightmare Swamp, the shrine stands as a testament to the celestial purification and renewal that have taken place.

    The shrine is nestled in the heart of a vibrant, sprawling tree that has emerged from the swamp's remnants. The tree, now called the Sacred Tree of Aegrizora, is a towering marvel of nature, its branches reaching high into the heavens, shimmering with a gentle golden light that seems to pulse with the tree's life force. Its bark is an intricate mosaic of earthy hues - deep browns, warm ambers, and rich greens that blend seamlessly with the surrounding foliage.

    The shrine itself is nestled within the tree's massive trunk. Carved out of the living wood, it is a cavernous sanctuary, its walls adorned with intricate celestial symbols and runes that glow with a soft, ethereal light. The air within the shrine is fresh and invigorating, carrying the faint scent of fresh leaves and blooming flowers, a constant reminder of the shrine's strong bond with nature.

    Above, within the massive canopy, a series of wooden platforms and dwellings have been constructed, offering living quarters to Uriel's celestial forces. These structures are seamlessly integrated into the tree's design, appearing as natural extensions of the branches they are built upon. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and chirping birds, the celestial beings find their rest, their radiant forms blending with the golden light filtering through the leaves.

    Around the shrine, the swamp has been transformed into a serene lake dotted with verdant hillocks. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the sky above and the radiant glow of the shrine. The hillocks, each a miniature island of flourishing green, provide additional space for conversation, contemplation, and camping, their grassy surfaces soft and inviting.

    Overall, the Shrine of the Cleansed Curses has become a haven of tranquility, a beacon of celestial light in the heart of the forest, radiating an aura of peace, hope, and divine protection under Uriel's vigilant watch.
    Lore: Places -- Interchange Portal between the Shrine of Cleansed Curses, The Republic, deeper Nightmares and celestial dreaming.
  • Once a chaotic, contested space, the portal area now shines with a new sense of order and serenity under Uriel's reign. The Fair Folk, once the unruly denizens of the place, have been driven off, and in their wake, celestial forces have instilled an aura of tranquility and divine authority.

    The portal itself, once pulsating with a wild, unpredictable energy, has been stabilized. It now emits a steady, iridescent glow, the colors dancing and shifting like the surface of a soap bubble. The violent eruptions of magic and reality distortion that once characterized it have ceased, replaced by a serene hum that resonates with the celestial harmony that Uriel and his forces represent.

    Around the portal, the landscape has been reshaped and sanctified. The wild, untamed vegetation has been tamed and arranged into a lush, orderly garden of heavenly blooms that exude a soft, ethereal glow in the moonlight. The ground, once littered with the remnants of the Fair Folk's mischievous deeds, has been cleansed and covered with a carpet of soft, vibrant moss that seems to pulse with the heartbeat of the celestial realm.

    Guarding the portal are Uriel's celestial forces, their radiant forms standing tall and vigilant. Their shining armors and serene faces radiate an aura of calm authority, their gaze unwavering as they keep a watchful eye on the portal and its surroundings. Their presence alone discourages any ill-intentioned creatures from approaching, providing a palpable sense of security to those who walk this hallowed ground.

    The air here is filled with a heavenly melody, a celestial hymn that seems to seep from the very fabric of the place, enveloping all who step into the portal area with a sense of peace and reverence.

    What was once a chaotic, dangerous place has been transformed under Uriel's watchful eye into a sacred gateway, a serene bridge between the celestial and earthly realms, reflecting the divine order and peace that now rule in the heart of the forest.
    Lore: NPC -- Uriel and the Celestial Host
  • Uriel, the Shield Archon, is a figure of celestial majesty, standing tall and imposing. With his hair a radiant gold and eyes a luminous blue that echoes the clarity of a serene sky, he carries an aura of divine serenity that is both comforting and awe-inspiring. His complexion is a flawless ivory, and his strong, chiseled features bear the calmness of an eternal guardian. Dressed in gleaming white and gold armor, Uriel emanates a soft, warm light that seems to pulse in rhythm with his calm, measured heartbeat. His large, majestic wings shimmer with iridescent feathers, each one catching the light in a dance of colors, from the purest white to the softest gold. In his hand, he carries a mighty shield, an emblem of his unwavering dedication to protection and justice.

    Uriel's celestial forces, his loyal compatriots, mirror his divine magnificence in their own unique ways. Each one is a being of celestial grandeur, their radiant forms varying from the humble yet firm Hound Archons to the majestic and awe-inspiring Planetars. They all bear the markings of their divine origin – the radiant glow, the colors of the sky and heavens, the strong and noble features, and an aura of peace and tranquility that seems to follow them wherever they go.

    The Hound Archons, humanoid in form but with the noble and loyal features of a hound, serve as the loyal foot soldiers. Dressed in armor that gleams with a heavenly light, they carry their weapons with a disciplined grace that speaks volumes of their training and dedication.

    Planetars, the towering celestial beings, bear a striking resemblance to Uriel himself, with their massive wings and shining armor. Their presence alone is enough to inspire awe and respect, and their strength is a testament to their role as the mightiest warriors of the celestial forces.

    Together, Uriel and his celestial forces stand as a beacon of hope, their divine presence a testament to their ceaseless vigilance and unwavering commitment to their protective duty.
    Lore: NPC -- Flying Monkeys
  • In the aftermath of Kai's attack and the subsequent driving off of the Fair Folk, the flying monkeys found themselves in a state of disarray. Once under the thrall of the Fair Folk, these creatures had been used as scouts, messengers, and sometimes even as soldiers. But with the Fair Folk gone, they were left leaderless and confused.

    Their numbers had been drastically reduced in the conflict. Many had fallen victim to the intense combat, leaving the survivors injured and demoralized. The once lively and chaotic chatter that filled the air had been replaced with an eerie silence. The monkeys huddled together in small groups, their wings folded tightly around their bodies, their eyes reflecting a sense of loss and uncertainty.

    Despite their plight, the inherent adaptability of these creatures began to show. Slowly but surely, they started to reorganize themselves. The stronger and more experienced among them took charge, leading the others in search of food and shelter. The flying monkeys began to claim the trees surrounding the swamp-turned-lake as their new home, their chitters and calls gradually returning to the air.

    Interestingly, their interaction with the other creatures in the area also started to change. No longer seen as a threat, they were now being tolerated, and in some cases, even assisted by the other inhabitants. They cautiously began forming alliances, trading their skills of flight and keen eyesight for protection and sustenance.

    However, their future remained uncertain. Their numbers were still precariously low, and the power vacuum left by the Fair Folk continued to loom over them. The flying monkeys, while slowly adapting to their new circumstances, remained vigilant, ready to fly at the first sign of danger.

    1. **Zephyr:**

    Zephyr is a relatively older flying monkey who has assumed the role of the de facto leader after the Fair Folk were driven away. His fur has turned silvery-grey with age, and his wings, while not as spry as they once were, still carry a powerful beat. His eyes, wise and observant, miss nothing.

    Zephyr is respected and often looked upon for guidance by the other flying monkeys. His experience and wisdom, acquired over the years, have proven invaluable in their attempts to reorganize and survive in the new environment. Zephyr, despite the burden of leadership, has a warm and nurturing side, often seen looking after the younger members and the injured. His voice carries a note of authority, but also a comforting warmth that has become a source of solace for his tribe in these trying times.

    2. **Kiki:**

    Kiki is a young, vibrant female flying monkey known for her agility and quick wit. Her fur is a glossy, dark brown, and her eyes sparkle with mischief and curiosity. Despite her youth, she has proven herself to be a capable scout and messenger, using her speed and keen senses to her advantage.

    Kiki is adventurous and fearless, often volunteering for the most challenging tasks. Her spirited personality and courage have made her popular among the younger members of the tribe. However, her impulsiveness can sometimes land her in trouble, and she often relies on Zephyr's wisdom to bail her out. Her laughter and chittering are a common sound in the trees, bringing a sense of cheerfulness and hope to the otherwise grim situation. Despite the hardships, Kiki remains optimistic, embodying the resilience of her tribe.
    Lore: NPC -- Riku, Yumeko, Dire Boar Calvary, and other forces
  • Riku, once a man of slippery smiles and slicked-back hair, was a figure that had evolved significantly in the midst of their trials. Still donning his signature black leather armor, holding his yari with a nonchalant ease, he had an air of a charming scoundrel, a merchant who'd managed to talk his way into the role of a cavalry captain. Yet, there was a new layer to him, a subtle polish added by the realization that aligning himself with Yukan could be a beneficial move. The sleaziness was not entirely gone, but it had been tempered, somewhat, by a newfound sense of respect for Yukan and his circle.

    He stood tall amidst his forces, a motley collection of beastkin warriors. The dire boar cavalry was a formidable sight, the warriors astride their massive, snorting mounts, their bodies clad in the same intimidating blend of leather and iron as their leader. The Tanuki spear wielders stood at attention, their agile forms poised for swift movements, while the Tanuki archers, their bows at the ready, scanned the horizon with keen, vigilant eyes.

    Among them was a Shrine Maiden, Yumeko, whose presence was a calming contrast to the battle-hardened warriors. Her faded indigo robe was a stark difference to the intimidating armors, and her soothing green eyes held a wisdom that came from years of healing and nurturing. Yumeko stood as a beacon of hope amidst the warriors, her gentle demeanor providing a sense of comfort and tranquility.

    Riku's interactions with Yukan and his companions were charged with a different energy now. The slick, fast-talking merchant was still there, but he seemed more conscious of his words, a charm that was no longer just superficial. He addressed Yukan and his allies with a respect that was genuine, his sly smiles now carrying a hint of admiration. The dynamics of power had shifted and Riku had adapted, realizing that in unity and cooperation there lay a strength that could be more valuable than any solo victory.

    As the forces prepared to leave the now tranquil swamp, the sense of unity was palpable. The usual cacophony of preparation was replaced by a harmonious symphony of collaboration. This was a new chapter in their journey, a chapter that promised a future where their collective strength could overcome any adversary, be it the elusive Hill Toad or the formidable White Witch.
    Lore: NPC -- Masanori Toshigoto
  • Masanori Tashigoto, a figure of authority and influence, was a notable presence in the group. A full-blooded Tanuki and nephew to the clan leader, he carried himself with an air of dignified assurance, reflecting his lineage and standing. His fur was a rich, dark russet, his eyes a deep, thoughtful brown, always analyzing and strategizing. A pragmatic leader and a shrewd negotiator, Tashigoto was always found in the thick of logistics and planning.

    Unlike the flashy Riku, Tashigoto's command was understated yet firm. His voice carried an even, measured tone that demanded attention. He was a leader who understood the value of every individual's contribution and the importance of distributing credit evenly. In a group teetering on the brink of internal power struggles, his balanced approach was a stabilizing factor.

    Tashigoto's attire was a reflection of his practicality. He wore a simple but well-made kimono, dyed in shades of earth and forest, with an understated pattern of swirling leaves. His obi was a muted gold, cinched neatly around his waist. His gear, mostly consisting of scrolls and pouches filled with maps and tools, were neatly arranged around his person, always within easy reach.

    His strategy was not limited to the battlefield alone. Tashigoto was adept at navigating the intricate maze of clan politics and interpersonal dynamics, a skill that was increasingly necessary as the group's journey progressed. He was a master at maintaining a balance, ensuring that no one's contribution was overshadowed by another's ambition.

    Tashigoto's relationship with his cousin Riku was a complex one. While he respected Riku's leadership skills, he was also wary of his cousin's ambition and knack for hogging the limelight. Tashigoto understood the potential fallout if Riku's actions were left unchecked, and he was not hesitant to express his concerns to Yukan.

    Despite his stern exterior, Tashigoto had a softer side as well. He was deeply loyal to his comrades, always ready to back them up in times of trouble. His concern for the team's unity and morale was sincere, a trait that endeared him to many within the group. He believed in the strength of unity, and he was willing to go to great lengths to preserve it.

    Masanori Tashigoto, a true-born Tanuki, was indeed a crucial part of the group's dynamic. His practicality, keen insight, and dedication to the team's well-being made him an invaluable asset in their ongoing journey.
    Lore: NPC -- Shrine Maiden Gyoubu
  • Gyoubu, the tanuki Shrine Maiden, was a figure of ever-shifting moods and expressions, much like the seasons that shaped the land she served. With her short hair the color of aged bark, she was a distinctive presence amidst the group. The way her eyes twinkled with mischief one moment, then softened into serene contemplation, or hardened into a vindictive glare the next, kept those around her on their toes.

    Her face, often serene, was like the tranquil surface of a pond, reflecting the world around her with a stillness that belied the depths beneath. Yet, in an instant, she could shift, her features lighting up with the impish charm that was a signature trait of her tanuki heritage. It was in these moments that her true nature shone through, her eyes sparkling with mischief as a grin tugged at the corners of her lips.

    Yet, there was another side to Gyoubu, a vindictive streak that flared up when the sanctity of the shrine was threatened or when she perceived an injustice being done. In these instances, her eyes would harden into flint, and her usually soft voice would adopt a steely undertone. Despite her small stature and gentle demeanor, she had a powerful presence that could silence a room.

    Gyoubu was clad in the traditional attire of a Shrine Maiden, her kimono of pristine white contrasted against her dark hair and the deep red of the obi sash at her waist. She moved with a grace and precision that spoke of years of ritual and reverence, her hands often busy with charms or prayer beads.

    Yet, for all her changeability, Gyoubu was a steadfast constant when it came to her feelings for Yukan. Her affection for him was as subtle as it was enduring, glimpsed in the fond glances she cast his way when she thought no one was looking, or in the extra care she took when offering him her healing abilities.

    Gyoubu, in all her seasonal shifts and moods, was an integral part of the group's dynamic. Her steadfast devotion to the shrine, her ability to adapt to situations, and her unspoken love for Yukan, all combined to create a character of great depth and intrigue.
    Lore: NPC -- Whiteclaw and the scouts
  • Whiteclaw, the Owlkin scout, was a figure of quiet authority amidst the troops. He hailed from the Ryozo clan, a group once known as the powerful Aritomo clan of white owlkin. Now, they were a diminished but crucial part of the Koyake Clan, where Yukan, Gyoubu, and Masanori belonged. His plumage, a pristine white, hinted at his clan's former glory, and his sharp, amber eyes held the wisdom and alertness inherent in his species.

    Whiteclaw was tall and imposing, his wings folded against his back when not in flight, and his talons clicking softly against the ground as he moved. The rest of his unit consisted of two other owlkin and two Tengu Shadow Assassins, forming a capable and coordinated scouting team. Despite the diversity in his unit, he led them with an easy calm, his orders clear and concise.

    During training drills, Whiteclaw often let silence spread around him, allowing his team to communicate through the minute movements and signals they had developed. His guidance was subtle and his trust in his team apparent. He was also an effective communicator, explaining the quirks of their prey, the Hill Toads, with the expertise of a seasoned hunter.

    In battle, Whiteclaw was a force to be reckoned with, his taunts echoing from the trees as he and his team launched their attacks. His agility and ability to use the environment to his advantage made him a formidable adversary.

    His Tengu Shadow Assassins were skilled in their own right, their black-feathered wings allowing them to glide back and forth in the midst of battle. Their laughter was eerie, their attacks precise, and their use of alchemical smoke balls for quick getaways a testament to their cunning. Their attacks may not have always been the most effective against heavy defenses, but their ability to create confusion and disorder within enemy ranks was invaluable.

    Together, Whiteclaw and his unit were a well-coordinated and highly skilled team, their diverse abilities complementing each other to create a formidable force. Their loyalty to Yukan and the Koyake Clan was unyielding, their determination unshaken, making them an essential part of the Tanuki forces.
    Ch3, Scene 1: "Exit From the Dream, Onward to the Toad and Witch"
  • A Morning of Departure

    As dawn broke over the tranquil surroundings of the celestial shrine, the former swamp shimmered with dew-kissed light, a serene lake now occupying the heart of the terrain. The hillocks, once detestable mounds of swamp muck, now stood as verdant isles scattered across the azure expanse. At the center, the celestial shrine glowed with a soft luminescence, a constant reminder of the victory won and the transformation that had occurred.

    The inhabitants of this dreamlike landscape began to stir, each to their own rhythms. Yukan and his allies woke up to the serene chirping of birds and the soft rustle of leaves, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had once gripped the swamp. The familiar smell of cooking wafted through the air as the group began preparations for their morning meal.

    A sense of calm anticipation filled the air. This day marked their departure from the dream realm, a step back into their pursuit of the Hill Toad and the White Witch. Despite the enormity of the task ahead, the group was in high spirits, buoyed by their recent victory and the promise of the journey ahead.

    Across the lake, the celestial figure of Uriel stood watch over the shrine, his armored form shimmering in the early morning light. His celestial force, a host of gleaming warriors, patrolled the perimeter of the shrine. Their presence was a comforting assurance, a strong deterrent against any who would dare threaten the sanctity of the shrine.

    Everyone busied themselves with packing their belongings, their movements efficient and swift. The dire boar cavalry, the Tanuki spear and archer units, and the healer, all played their parts in the preparations, their actions a well-rehearsed dance of readiness.

    The morning wore on, and as the sun climbed higher in the sky, the time for departure drew near. One by one, the group gathered around Yukan, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and anticipation. The serene lake, the hillocks, and the celestial shrine were soon to be a memory, a testament to the journey they had undertaken.

    With a final glance towards the shimmering shrine................

    OOC Start posting based off this prompt. Prepare to return back? or convince folks to go deeper after the Fair Folk? or explore further out where the dreams of hibernating Hill Toads?
    Last edited:
    Scene 2: Leaving the realm.
  • Leaving the Dream Realm

    Kai, standing tall beside Uriel, was engaged in a deep conversation with Zephyr and Kiki, the newly appointed leaders of the Flying Monkeys. The woods around them buzzed with activity, monkeys darting between branches, their playful hollers echoing throughout the trees. This cacophony of life was a welcome change from the eerie silence that had preceded their victory.

    Although he had played a pivotal role in the transformation of this realm, Kai was hesitant to assume the role of a leader. Kai himself denied this possibility. He had explained to the creatures, that he was thankful for assisting him; however, he would not rule over them. Besides he did not wish to spend his years in this plane and wanted to get back to reality as he new it. Kai did however, try his best to get the rest of it's denizens to accept the flying primates.

    Zephyr, a seasoned flyer with striking gold eyes, nodded, understanding the sincerity behind Kai's words. Next to him, Kiki, a younger and more impetuous monkey, twitched her tail in anticipation, eager to help lead their newfound freedom.

    "But we will need guidance," Zephyr asserted, his voice filled with the gravitas of his new role. "We are grateful for your help, but we are unfamiliar with the ways of the realm. Your wisdom would be invaluable to us."

    Kai gave what advice he had to offer. He would not have them trade one master for another. He was glad that the Monkeys seemed to be following their own direction, under the wisdom of Zephyr.

    The monkeys nodded, respecting Kai's wishes. However, Kai was not about to leave them high and dry. He turned to Uriel, whose celestial presence was comforting and reassuring. He talked to Uriel the guardian of this shrine to help smooth over the flying monkey's transition. Kai still held responsibility to their existence and their current state.

    Uriel, wise and patient, nodded in understanding. "I'll do what I can, Ser Kai," he promised. "The monkeys are a welcome addition to this realm, and I will assist them in finding their place here."

    With that, the conversation drew to a close, and they turned their attention to the portal. The departure was imminent, and while Kai was looking forward to returning to his own reality, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He had become fond of the monkeys and the dream realm that had been their home for what felt like an eternity.

    But change was a part of life, a lesson they had all learned all too well in their time here.


    Before they had set out, in the dusky half-light before dawn, Ceylan had approached Yukan. “Say, Yukan, would you allow me to question Gyoubu about her tasks as a healer during battle and her to freely answer my questions? I believe I still have a lot to learn from her in that regard.” He'd mentioned it before, but he wasn't sure how freely people would be able and/or willing to talk about such topics, so he figured it best to check again. He'd rather not be considered an enemy spy or threat to their army's secrets on accident.

    Before Yukan could answer, a soft, melodic voice interjected. Gyoubu, who had been tending to the charms of her shrine, had risen gracefully to her feet, a slight smile on her lips. "It's not for Yukan to allow or disallow, Ceylan," she gently rebuked, her voice rich with amusement. "My knowledge and experiences are my own. If you wish to learn, I would be glad to share what I know." Her statement was not a challenge, but an assertion of her independence and a gracious offer of guidance.

    Just as the Tanuki Shrine Maiden was about to continue, Riku interjected, offering to have Shrine Maiden Yumeko join the conversation. Yumeko, with her vast knowledge and experience as a healer in battle, would no doubt provide invaluable insights. “A convention of holy healers, what say you, Yumeko?" Riku suggested, a glint of genuine respect in his eyes. His customary flippancy seemed muted, replaced with a clear appreciation of the healers' roles in the trials they were about to face.

    As the conversation flowed, they began their walk towards the portal. The air around them was alight with the energy of the impending ritual, the very essence of the dream realm pulsating in anticipation.


    As the dawn painted the sky with soft hues of rose and gold, Uriel's commanding voice cut through the tranquil silence, setting the tempo for their march towards the portal. His eyes, as old as the stars themselves, swept across the assembled host.

    "Brothers and sisters, as we embark on this journey, it is only fitting that we do so with our mortal healers at the fore," Uriel began, his voice ringing out clear and resonant. The holy trinity of mortal healers - Ceylan the Wandering Saint, Gyoubu the Seasonal Shrine Maiden, and Yumeko the Battle Shrine Maiden - were called forth. The three stepped forward, their faces serene, their presence commanding a sense of awe and respect amongst the troops. "Ceylan, Gyoubu, Yumeko," Uriel intoned, "your wisdom and compassion will guide us. May your healing light illuminate our path."

    Then, Uriel's gaze fell on Yukan, the tanuki commander. A figure of authority, Yukan was respected amongst his kin not only for his cunning but also for his just leadership. "Yukan, the trials ahead require your deft command. Your secular troops and the celestial host will look to you for guidance." Uriel's voice filled the morning air, carrying a weight of respect and expectation. He knew Yukan was up to the task. He waited patiently for Yukan to assemble his host and give what speech a leader might want to.


    With Yukan leading the secular forces and the healers leading the mortal component, the remainder of the celestial host fell in line. A celestial procession, it seemed, in stark contrast to their rustic surroundings, yet it felt right. As if the celestial and the terrestrial had found a beautiful harmony, creating an enchanting tapestry of nature and divinity.

    As they marched, the rustling column of tanuki blended seamlessly with the verdant woods. The chittering monkeys, like aerial jesters, darted about, their playfulness adding a touch of whimsy to the proceedings. The journey towards the portal had begun, and with Uriel's call to the mortal healers and Yukan, the march was already charged with a sense of purpose, hope, and determination.

    The woodland was nothing short of enchanting, a storybook fantasy come alive. Sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead, painting dappled shadows onto the forest floor. The celestial energy imbued into the land by Uriel and his celestial forces had encouraged an explosion of verdant growth. Flowers bloomed in profusion, their fragrance sweet in the air, and the trees themselves seemed healthier, their leaves a vibrant green, their trunks strong and straight.

    Standing tall and resplendent, Uriel guided the way through the undergrowth. His aura cast a protective glow around the group, a celestial barrier against any lingering dark magic. His eyes, the color of a clear sky, scanned their surroundings, alert to any potential threats. With Uriel at their lead, the group felt safe, confident that they could face any obstacle in their path.

    As they neared the portal, the forest transformed. The trees thinned, giving way to an open meadow. Here the land had truly been reborn, the wild growth of the Fair Folk's reign replaced with a celestial garden. Heavenly blooms glowed softly in the morning light, their petals opening to the sky. The ground, once rough and littered with debris, was now a carpet of moss, its vibrant green a stark contrast to the celestial white and gold that marked Uriel's reign.

    The portal itself stood at the center of this celestial sanctuary, a beacon of iridescent light. Gone was the chaotic energy that had once marked it as dangerous and unstable. Now it pulsed with a steady rhythm, the colors shifting in a calm, predictable pattern. Around it, Uriel's celestial forces stood guard, their radiant forms casting long shadows across the meadow. Their presence gave the area a sense of sacred peace, a stark contrast to the disordered energy that had reigned before.

    At the sight of the portal, the group fell silent, their conversations tapering off into whispers. The shimmering portal was their exit, their way back to reality. It was a symbol of hope, of the promise of a return to their own lives, their own world.

    Yet the thought of departure brought with it a sense of melancholy. This realm, this celestial sanctuary, had been their home for what felt like an eternity. They had faced trials and tribulations here, had fought and won against an overwhelming enemy. They had formed bonds of friendship and camaraderie, bonds that would not be easily broken.

    As they approached the portal, the flying monkeys flew ahead, their excited chitters filling the air. They swooped and dove around the portal, their aerial acrobatics a display of joy and relief. For them, the portal was not just an exit, but a beacon, a symbol of their newfound freedom.

    They had claimed the fairy tale forest as their new home, turning it into a vibrant, bustling area. Under the wise leadership of Zephyr and the spirited guidance of Kiki, the flying monkeys had flourished. They had built their nests high in the trees, their laughter and playful chattering a welcome addition to the forest's soundtrack.

    Their journey was not without its hardships, though. The Fair Folk's departure had left a power vacuum, one that threatened the stability of their newfound home. The monkeys were constantly on the lookout, their keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger. Yet they faced these challenges head-on,

    their spirit and determination a testament to their resilience.

    As they gathered around the portal, a sense of anticipation filled the air. This was it, the moment they had been waiting for. With one last glance at the celestial garden, they stepped into the portal, their hearts filled with hope and uncertainty. The realm they left behind was forever changed, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.


    Uriel's rich voice rang out over the expanse, pulling their attention back to the matter at hand. The process of leaving the dream realm was intricate, steeped in ancient customs and rituals that couldn't be rushed. He looked towards Kai, Ko, and Indicus, explaining their integral roles in focusing the portal.

    "Kai," Uriel started, his gaze piercing, "Your affinity with the Dream has made you sensitive to its deep essence. We need you to concentrate, use that attunement to help us focus the portal."

    Turning his attention to Ko, Uriel's voice softened slightly. "Ko, you might not realize it, but you are the master of this portal, the creator who brought it into existence. You hold the key, the potential to wrestle the portal and force it to take you back home."

    Lastly, he addressed Indicus, his voice reverberating with the weight of his words. "Indicus, your lineage is sacred. The blood of lunar dragons runs in your veins, they who guard the night-time realms from afar. Your essence is intrinsically tied to the Dream, and we need you to ensure the passage reflects the reality you seek to return to."

    "These three amongst you, no-" At this point, Uriel paused, his gaze settling on a small, yet imposing figure among the crowd. "Ye four have crucial roles to play," Uriel corrected himself, his voice echoing through the hushed gathering.

    "I see you Paru," he called out. Paru stepped forward, her graceful strides radiating a sense of quiet power. "Her lineage is sacred. Born of the Kirin, protector of the deep woods and master of the celestial passages found therein, you carry the power to guide these mortals through the ley lines and fairy rings. A fairy ring would do well to encircle this interchange and ensure it serves the Shrine and not others."

    The beginning of the ritual was marked by a profound silence that seemed to permeate every corner of the celestial garden. The only sounds were the gentle hum of the portal and the soft rustling of the ethereal blooms. Uriel waited until the four cardinal points of the ritual stepped forward. Ko in the north and Kai in the south, Paru to the east and Indicus to the west.

    As the four cardinal points of the ritual stepped forward into their positions, Uriel allowed the pause to extend, his quiet composure radiating outward to settle the crowd.

    A wave of respect swept across the crowd as they beheld the four positioned in accordance with the cardinal points, the key figures whose efforts would navigate their passage through the portal. The tanuki forces, their bushy tails held high, chittered softly among themselves. Each one was a whirl of brown and gold fur, their wide, button-like eyes reflecting their anticipation and apprehension.

    Standing upright in a disciplined manner uncharacteristic of their playful nature, the tanuki murmured words of encouragement, their small hands clapping together in a rhythmic pattern. Their unified voice held a profound sense of awe and hope. These creatures, who had often seen the brunt of reality's harshness, were a picture of stoic optimism as they silently lent their support to their heroes.

    The assembled celestial host, their radiant forms flickering softly under the gleaming sunlight filtering through the canopy, stood in solemn silence. Dressed in shimmering armors that seemed to ripple with divine light, their faces mirrored the resolve and faith they had in the ritual. They emitted a palpable aura of tranquil anticipation that further accentuated the sacredness of the moment. Their gazes held a mix of reverence and anticipation, their silhouettes standing tall and firm in an unspoken promise of steadfast support.

    Overhead, the flying monkeys filled the sky, their forms darting about in an intricate aerial dance. Their chitters and calls echoed through the trees, adding a vibrant note to the atmosphere. They were a flurry of movement and sound, their energy a stark contrast to the solemnity below. However, beneath their playful exterior was an undeniable sense of tension and trepidation, reflecting their understanding of the monumental task that lay ahead.

    Their eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, were now focused on the four figures positioned around the portal. Their calls subsided into a low hum, their actions paused in mid-air as they awaited the commencement of the ritual. The monkeys shared quiet whispers, their voices carrying high into the branches, filling the air with a melody of hope and anticipation.

    As Uriel finally broke the silence, indicating the beginning of the ritual, the crowd held its collective breath. The tanuki forces, the celestial host, and the flying monkeys overhead - each participant, observer, and creature in the surrounding woods waited in a palpable, respectful silence. In their hearts, they held the hope for a successful passage, their faith entrusted to the four standing at the cardinal points of the ritual. The start of this crucial journey was met not with fanfare, but with the solemn quietude befitting such a momentous occasion.




    The scene is set, dear writers. The journey to the portal has begun, led by our brave guides – Kai, Ko, Indicus, and Paru. The process of transitioning from the dream realm is an intricate dance of ancient customs, celestial harmonies, and personal intent.

    What happens next? How do our guides navigate through this complex journey? And what awaits them on the other side of the portal? Let your imagination take flight as you continue to build upon this momentous scene. This is an invitation to infuse your creativity into this tale, adding depth, intrigue, and your unique perspective to this story.
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    The long and short of the way home.
  • As Yukan concluded his speech, a hushed silence fell over the gathering, as though the very winds held their breath in reverence. His words hung in the air, their echoes resonating within the hearts of every listener. Yukan's address was not merely a rallying cry; it was a heartfelt acknowledgment of the trials they had all endured and the collective journey they were about to embark upon.

    As the last note of Yukan's voice faded, a ripple of response swept through the group. The tanuki forces, ever respectful of their commander, were the first to react. A swell of murmured agreement arose from their ranks, their usually mischievous eyes alight with determination. They fell into formation, their movements disciplined and precise, a testament to their trust in Yukan's leadership.

    The celestial host, initially silent observers to the mortal's speech, found their voices next. Their ethereal tones rose in harmony, a beautiful choir of celestial agreement that echoed through the trees. Their words were beyond mortal understanding, a language older than the earth.

    Then came the flying monkeys, their eyes bright with excitement and curiosity. They chattered animatedly amongst themselves, mirroring Yukan's positive energy. Even in the face of uncertainty, their spirits remained undaunted. They flitted around, their quicksilver movements creating a spectacle of vibrant colors in the early morning light.

    The three mortal healers - Ceylan, Gyoubu, and Yumeko - exchanged glances of understanding and unity. They moved to the forefront, their steps deliberate and purposeful, embodying the resolve and compassion that their roles demanded. Yumeko, ever the calm in the storm, gave a quiet nod of acknowledgement to Yukan, her green eyes reflecting hard earned equanimity.

    The silence that had fallen post Yukan's address was now replaced by a harmonious orchestra of murmurs, celestial choruses, and chittering excitement. It was the sound of unity, a testament to the camaraderie and bond they had fostered over their journey. It was a sound that carried within it the promise of success, of a group ready to face any challenge together.

    As the guides took their places, the air became thick with anticipation. A sense of impending adventure wafted through the breeze, whispering promises of trials, triumphs, and camaraderie. Yet, amidst the anxious excitement, there was a sense of confidence, a belief that stemmed from Yukan's affirmation. They were united in purpose, and they were ready. What would the journey ahead hold for them? Only time would reveal the answer.


    The trio of healers, standing distinct amidst the gathering, seemed to have formed a world of their own, where the tumult of the outside chaos melted into a background hum. The conversation was an island of calm amidst the gathering storm, their voices maintaining a steady cadence that contrasted with the heightened energy of the others.

    Gyoubu, the seasoned Shrine Maiden, smiled kindly at Ceylan's flurry of inquiries. The earnest curiosity in his tone warmed her heart.

    "Please, Saint Ceylan, there's no need for apologies," she reassured, her voice as soothing as the rustling leaves. "Your humility speaks for your character. Your questions reflect your commitment to your role. It's heartening to see such a matched pair. I am certain Yumeko would agree." Her eyes drifted to Yumeko, a gentle invitation for her to share her thoughts.

    Yumeko nodded in agreement with Gyoubu, her eyes reflecting a similar warmth. "Indeed, Ceylan. It is only through questions that we learn and grow. The body is as much a mystery as the soul. As for the chaos of the battle..." Yumeko shivered looking away and reflecting upon her past.

    "You are right to wonder, Ceylan," she began, her gaze steady. "Warriors often think their job is hard, risking their lives and choosing which enemy to kill. However, ours is harder. We must not risk our lives and decide which friend shall live."

    Gyoubu's mood froze over, turning somber. "A battlefield is a maelstrom of chaos and violence, and yet in the midst of it, we are expected to bring healing and hope. Choosing whom to heal... it is a heavy burden." She took a deep breath and let it out.

    "Formal training is..." Yumeko looked away again, watching the four heros on the cardinal points around the portal.

    Gyoubu picked up the fraying thread of their conversation. "It's fine. We are asked to raise two wolf spiders. Actually if you catch them as they emerge from their brood, they often will imprint upon you. Anyway, we raise them and love them. When they are old enough, they are used as practice. Two warriors charge them, and we are only allowed to heal one."

    Yumeko nodded, still watching the ritual begin to unfold. "Prioritization is saying no, of not doing, as much as it is saying yes to something. We must assess the situation, deciding who we want to save, when we will use our scarce resources, and who...," she paused, a flicker of sorrow passing across her features, "...who we will not. It is about driving the most impact from our powers."

    Gyoubu, listening attentively, then chimed in, her voice reflecting the changes of her mood, now serious and calm. "Yumeko speaks true," she said, her hands idly playing with a charm. "There's a rhythm in every life, and when it stutters or falters, we must choose. Perhaps that is why Long Feather asked you to restrain your powers?"

    As the ritual unfolded, first as the Sun rises in the East, so to did the ritual begin thus.

    As Paru stepped forward, she could feel a warmth spreading from her core, moving outwards through her limbs and resonating with the celestial garden around her. It was a familiar sensation, one she had felt in the past but never with such intensity. Her memories of her sister's training came flooding back, and she focused on the feelings of tranquility, harmony, and balance that her sister always embodied during the rituals. She breathed in the energy of the garden, allowing herself to become a conduit for the spirits of nature, channeling their power into the ritual.

    Slowly, a soft glow began to surround Paru, a testament to her affinity with the natural world. The light seemed to breathe with her, intensifying with each inhalation and dimming with each exhale, moving rhythmically like a gentle tide. The glow was soothing and warm, its soft radiance reflecting off her skin, making her eyes sparkle with an inner fire.

    The light drew the attention of the celestial beings around her, their eyes wide with a mixture of awe and respect. The crowd watched in silence as Paru's body swayed lightly, caught in the rhythm of her mantra, her breaths echoing the pulse of the natural world around her.

    As Paru continued her focus, she could feel the faint pull of the ley lines, sensing their delicate pathways stretching out from beneath her feet, crisscrossing the celestial garden and reaching out to the otherworldly realms. The sensation was like threads of silk sliding through her fingers, ethereal and elusive, yet full of potent energy. She took a deep breath, her heart resonating with the rhythm of the ley lines, and she began to guide them, her thoughts and energy shaping the lines, creating an intricate web of connections to the world they left behind.

    Then, in the heart of the celestial garden, under Uriel's watchful gaze and among the crowd of celestial and earthly beings, the first part of the fairy ring began to form. Glowing with a soft light, it appeared beneath Paru's feet, its luminous shape reflecting her inner peace and harmony, an echo of the natural world she held in her heart.

    The fairy ring spread, encircling the four and the portal at their center. The toadstools pulsed with the energy of the deep woods and celestial paths contained within. The toadstools were a wild chorus of color like a thousand different flower petals had tossed like confetti and landed as a magnificent ring of new mushroom caps. The sight of the ring confirmed Uriel's words, a testament to Paru's power and lineage. As the scintillating colored light danced around her, the crowd gasped. She was the Eastern Point, the beginning of the sun's rise, and the dawn of their journey home.


    Kai's confidence was apparent in the way he moved forward to take his place in the south. With a determined gaze fixed on the portal, he raised his tattooed hand, each line of ink glowing softly against his skin. The floral pattern etched in his skin seemed to come alive, each petal flickering as if caught in a soft breeze, and the delicate moon in the center shone with a silvery light.

    The moon, emblematic of his deep connection with the Dream realm, seemed to echo his sentiments - a desire for departure, a yearning to cross the boundary between this surreal, timeless world and the solid reality of his physical existence. Kai focused his mind on this desire, letting it flow through his veins and infuse every fiber of his being.

    His will resonated outwards, wrapping around the portal, imbuing it with his intense determination. A ripple of energy pulsed from his tattooed hand, creating visible waves in the space between him and the portal. The ambient energy in the air seemed to answer Kai's call, converging on the portal, swirling around it in a display of breathtaking luminescence.

    The pull of the portal started to resonate with Kai's intent, its pulsing frequency syncing with the rhythm of his heartbeat. He could feel it responding to his will, an echo of his desire for return rebounding from the portal and amplifying with each passing moment.

    As Kai continued to concentrate his will, the dream realm seemed to ripple around them, responding to his influence, expressing the collective desire of the group to return to the physical realm. In this surreal moment, under the watchful gaze of the celestial beings, Kai stood as the embodiment of autumn - the fall before the rise, a testament to their collective will not to descend into the chaos of the Dream but to rise into the tangible world they once knew.

    The crowd watched in awe as the portal began to pulsate with an enhanced energy, its luminescence intensifying, reflecting their shared longing for home. As they watched, it was clear that their journey was underway, guided by their combined determination and the innate power of those chosen by Uriel.


    As Indicus took his position in the west, an immediate and profound change swept through him. He could feel the blood of lunar dragons coursing through his veins, their power a quiet hum beneath the surface of his awareness. His heart pounded in sync with an ancient rhythm, one that resonated with the power of the moon and the essence of the dream.

    He felt a natural pull, an inexplicable instinct that guided him. Standing tall, his eyes glowed with a blue hue, reflecting the soft luminescence of the moon. He reached out, feeling the ethereal energy of the dream realm circling around him. His mind, imbued with the wisdom of lunar dragons, seemed to be a conduit, an anchor that solidified their collective will and offered a clear path through the chaotic energies of the dream.

    As he focused on the memory of their world, a vision formed in his mind: of the tree at the center of the shrine, the constant thrum of life, the flutter of leaves in the wind, the rich earthy scent. This image became vivid, tangible, and he let it flow from him, outward into the swirling energy around the portal.

    A soft whirlwind of blue magic started to swirl around him, whispers of silver winding through the vortex, reflecting his determination. The energy responded to his will, aligning with the memory of their world, bending and shifting to mirror the reality they sought. The vortex of magic grew stronger, and the portal seemed to shudder and pulse in response.

    His essence, the heritage of the lunar dragons, became a guiding light, a beacon cutting through the nebulous energies of the dream. He was the sunset that gave way to the calm of night, the stabilizing force needed in the twilight hours of their journey.

    The crowd watched in quiet awe as the magic of the lunar dragons danced around Indicus, a tangible testament to their unyielding will. As they stood in the presence of this wondrous spectacle, they could feel a palpable shift in the energy of the portal, a sure sign that their journey back home was progressing under the guidance of the chosen four.


    Uriel watched the exchanges between Kai, Ko, and Paru, a soft smile touching his lips. It was heartening to see how far they had come since their arrival in this realm, and now it was time for Ko, the one who had unwittingly initiated this journey, to bring it full circle.

    "Ko, the sword was but a tool," Uriel advised in a voice resonating with both patience and wisdom. "The true power that opened the portal came from you – your will, your intent. This realm reflects your deepest desires, and it responded to the energy you exuded when you struck the tree. This is what we call ones Sword Grace."

    His gaze drifted towards Ko's hand on his sword hilt. "The blade might have been the physical conduit, but the essence was all you. Now, it's about harnessing that same energy with a specific goal in mind. You have to focus on your desire to return home, to leave this realm, and channel it as you did before."

    Uriel's gaze flicked back to Kai, appreciating the cleverly veiled challenge he threw at Ko. He knew the swordsman's pride would not let him back down. "Kai is right. Your determination, your resolve as a warrior... these are what matter now. Visualize your destination. Concentrate on the world we left behind and use it as your beacon."

    Then, Uriel addressed the crowd, his voice echoing in the celestial garden. "As each one of them plays their part, so must we all. Let us unite our wills, focusing on our world. Allow your energy to augment theirs, and let's open the door to shores of Creation."

    With that, Uriel fell silent, letting his words resonate within each person present. As one, they all turned their attention to Ko, their collective anticipation and hope focused on the swordsman. For a brief moment, the garden seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Ko to wield his will and complete the ritual.
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    The long and short of the way home.
  • As Ko worked through and prepared for his strike, the healers off the to side, watching the ritual unfold continued their own conversation.

    They spoke more about their upbringings, Ceylan's teacher's way of empathy and the two Shrine Maidens about battle drills and mock triage. It filled the time as they watched the ritual.

    At one point, Ceylan asked, “How do you decide such a thing in the heat of the moment? Do you have any knowledge on warfare or is it an instinct only trained through experience?”

    Gyoubu spoke first, "Long Feather believed that what we practice we do, what we think we practice, and each moment should embody a choice." Gyoubu scratched behind one of her ears, "But it isn't easy to follow all of his teachings."

    Yumeko nodded, "Such times rely upon the road paved not paving a new one."

    Ceylan knew this was a heavy and difficult topic, but he felt like avoiding it would just be a sign of weakness. His own weakness. “As a Syncretist, I've always been trained to cause the most good I can, but in a battle, the most good is winning the battle. Thus... that would mean that it wouldn't be a simple matter of healing the most harm, but of actually knowing which of the troops are most strategic to heal for the sake of winning the battle, would it not be?”

    "Strategy is an overlooked virtue for a healer, more so during battle. We of the Republic often use Igo, the board game, to simulate warfare and the difficult choices it entails as much as life drills."

    Gyoubu smiled and nodded. Long Feather often would say things like, "Every time you place a stone on the board you are exposing something of yourself. It is not just a piece of slate or shell. You have entrusted to that stone your feelings, your individuality, your will power, and once it is played there is no going back. Each stone carries a great responsibility on your behalf.”

    He was surprised to hear them mention Long Feather. “Perhaps it is...” He wasn't entirely sure, but it sounded plausible. He sighed. “Still, I wonder. The more our strength grows, the less often we'd have to chose, right?"
    Gyoubu spoke, "It is true, the rich do not worry about poverty so much as those who are without coin." She looked at the Masanori scions standing near the dire board calvary and spit.

    Yumeko chided Gyoubu. "The stone played by two masters is often impossible for a novice to grasp, yet each play by a novice is an obvious mistake to the master. The danger, Saint Ceylan, if you would permit, is your power allows for you not to train against such priorities, but should you meet another Saint who opposes you, then you may find it harder for never having played against an equal opponent."


    Ko was ready.

    In that moment, as Ko held his sword high, his eyes ablaze with the certainty of his resolve, a ripple of silent anticipation washed over the garden. Every eye was on him, every heartbeat tied to the rhythm of his breath, every spirit lending its energy to the collective will such was the way of dreams.

    Ko, the warrior, the swordsman, stood as the embodiment of their hopes, their will to return home. His eyes, though they held the flame of anger, also held a deep conviction that none could deny. And when he swung his sword, it wasn't the blade that moved but the force of their united will.

    The air around him shimmered, reality bending to his will as the portal swelled in response to his strike. Ko's attack was once more flawless. He struck in the same place as before. Again he grazed enlightenment, touching upon the illusion of creation itself not with a blade but with Nishkriya, The Sword and Glory. What he saw again was enlightenment itself, and his sword art had changed by such insight gone was [Inescapable Death] and in it's place blossomed a new way to wield the sword, [Cross Between Veil].

    This wasn't an attack on a corporeal entity; it was a severance of their ties to this realm, an assertion of their desire to return to their rightful home. Ko's strike transcended the physical, reaching into the metaphysical and manifesting their collective will. The sword's edge became the bridged that spanned the gap between realms.

    With a loud, resounding echo, the rift widened, revealing a picturesque landscape that was an echo of the world they had left behind - the rolling hills, the vibrant greenery, and the azure sky. The portal shimmered with an ethereal glow, marking a clear path to their destination.

    The shock of the moment, the breath taking beauty of the portal and the familiar world beyond, silenced the celestial garden. But then, the silence was broken by a collective sigh of relief and the garden erupted into cheers and applause.

    As Ko lowered his sword, the edges of the tear he had created started to heal, but the path remained open, glowing invitingly. One by one, they started to move towards the portal, their faces shining with anticipation and joy.

    As the crowd gradually made their way through the portal, they found themselves back in their world, back on the hill under the vibrant sky. They could feel the breeze on their faces, smell the earth beneath their feet. They were home.

    Ko, with his sword still in hand, was the last to step through the portal.

    As the last of the group stepped through the portal, it was clear that the portal was not going to simply vanish like a fleeting moment. Unlike what they expected, the rift didn't close. It remained open, pulsating with an otherworldly glow. The scar, the tear between realms that Ko had made, had taken on an almost solid form, crystallizing around the edges of the portal and creating a solid boundary between their realm and the Dream. It was the infinite tunnel when two mirrors opposed each other, a passage at once infinite and short.

    The edges were not raw or ragged but were instead smooth and refined, as if they had been intentionally crafted.

    It looked as though the repeated opening of this wound had etched a permanent mark in the fabric of Creation and the Dream, forever linking these two places. The dreamlike Shrine of Cleansed Curses and the reality of Creation, forever tied through this gateway.

    The group looked back at the open portal, the silver glow illuminating their faces in the light of the day. The portal between Creation and the Shrine of Cleansed Curses was now a fixed point, a connection between realms that could not be easily severed. It stood on the hill under the open sky, a monument of their journey, a bridge between realities.

    Closing the portal, at this point, would be a monumental task, if not impossible, which also meant that this portal would shift the dynamics of present political situation.



    As the group embarked on their journey away from the town and towards the undulating hills that lead towards where the Hill Toads often made their winter homes they noticed different things.

    Ko, the swordsman with superhuman hearing, started to pick up a low, almost imperceptible rumble. It was not unlike the distant grumble of an earthquake, yet its source was elusive, and the ground beneath their feet held a subtle vibration that seemed to pulse with an irregular rhythm.

    Paru, guided by her sensitivity to the spirits of the wilds, could hear faint whispers carried by the wind. The whispers were a remnant of her experiences in the Dream, traces of an ancient, primal energy that still lingered around them. Her heat vision picked up an unusual heat signature, almost as if something was simmering beneath the hills, the warmth spread out in a seemingly haphazard pattern, all converging towards a distant watchtower standing solitary against the sky.

    Kai, with his instinct for danger, felt a palpable sense of unease. His intuition projected a fleeting vision of the group riding towards the distant watchtower, but the sense of danger was pervasive yet strangely diffuse, creating an eerie sense of being encircled by a lurking threat.

    For the Tanuki, their sensitive noses picked up a peculiar scent carried by the wind. The smell was strange and disconcerting, reminiscent of the moist earth after a heavy rain but tinged with an acrid undertone of copper. It was a smell that didn't belong to this idyllic landscape, stirring a sense of unease amongst the creatures.

    Indicus, with his newly awakened blood and honed survival skills, felt an inexplicable pull towards the distant watchtower. It was as if an unseen force was subtly guiding him, a pull that spoke of a path they had yet to travel.

    Ceylan, sensitive to the invisible currents of energy flowing around them, could perceive the intricate network of leylines and the ebb and flow of energy around them. It was as if a path was slowly revealing itself, a path that would take them past the watchtower and then fork out into the unknown. Along this path, he could sense faint traces of darkness, corruption, and curses, residues of a malignancy that was slowly being purged by the rejuvenating power of the celestial tree.

    Despite the disquieting signs, the combined forces continued their journey. Several of the tanuki glanced towards Yukan from time to time, but they all wanted to prove themselves and the Hill Toad or the White Witch were their best bets. Their resolve was unbroken, ready to face whatever lay ahead, strengthened by their shared experiences and the bond that had grown between them.


    - Feel free to post resposnes and actions for whatever might be up head at the watch tower.
    Piercing the veil before the watchtower.
  • Before the group proceeded on their journey, Riku took a moment to consider the celestial portal they were leaving behind. It was a link to a realm of mysteries and spirits, a symbol of their victory, and an unusual tactical asset. However, it was also a potential liability, a breach in reality that could invite unintended threats if left unguarded. As much as it was a beacon of their success, it was also a tempting target.

    Calling upon a unit of archers and yari, Riku convened a brief council on the rolling hill before the Celestial Tree. His voice was a measured baritone, rumbling over the soft whistling of the wind.

    "I entrust you with the protection of this tree and the portal," he announced, his gaze stern yet proud. "You are not merely guards, but wardens of this new landmark. Let no unwelcome entity pass through its threshold, and let no foe come within a stone's throw of the tree."

    The soldiers stood in solemn attention, understanding the weight of their commander's words. The archers, with their sharp eyes and swift hands, were to serve as the first line of defense, their arrows ready to rain down upon any who dared approach. The yari, armed with long spears, would stand as the bulwark, the last defense between any enemy and the celestial portal.

    "As long as we stand vigilant, our victory will be preserved," Riku continued, looking at each of his soldiers in turn. "This celestial portal is now a part of our realm. Respect it, protect it, and remember the price we paid to cleanse it. Let that price not be in vain."

    As the ensemble pressed onward towards the distant watchtower, the landscape looked lush and undistributed. The distant watcher looked aged but regal. A silhouette or two walked about it's ramparts, vague shapes of activity and life to keep any suspicion at bay. In fact the vague senses that each had felt, vague reasons to discount continuing forward intensified. If they weren't so eager to move forward, if their intent was not firm, it would be easy to justify ignoring the tower and just continuing along the road instead towards the swampy forestland where the wolf spiders and hill toads made their homes.

    Taking the low road instead towards the tower was different. The road itself followed a small leyline, an admixture of the departing corruption and the celestial energy now flowing from the Celestial Tree that the Corpse Tree had become. Still, out of the corner of their eyes one could see something that was once lush, green hills that looked bleak but only when half seen. The verdant grass was replaced with grey and lifeless shrubs. The trees were gnarled, their branches reaching out like skeletal hands. It was as though life had been sucked out of the landscape and replaced with an eerie stillness that seemed to hang heavy in the air.

    As the forces continued, they could see an unusual shimmering on the horizon, like a heat haze distorting the world beyond. As the mile march grew closer to a quarter of a mile from the watch tower upon the low, unused road, it became clear this was no natural phenomenon. It was as if reality itself was bending and twisting, an illusion that seemed to ripple and shift, hiding something beyond their sight.

    Something was wrong here. The corruption that Ceylan had sensed earlier was growing stronger, almost tangible in its potency. This was the touch of the White Witch, her powers of illusion and corruption warping the world around them. They were entering her hidden domain.

    Suddenly, as they pushed through the veil of illusion, a massive toad materialized in their path! It was grotesque, its bloated body covered in pulsating warts that oozed a foul-smelling mucus. Its eyes glowed with a sickly green light as it let out a guttural croak that echoed across the desolate landscape.

    This was one of the Hill Toads they had been hunting, but it was clear that it had been touched by the White Witch's corruption. Its presence served as a living barrier, a grotesque sentinel guarding the path to the watchtower. The army halted, unsure of how to proceed. The toad was enormous, easily the size of a small hill itself, and its aura radiated a powerful malicious energy.


    Eyes focused on the monstrous creature blocking their path. All knew they had to press onward, the watchtower was a pivotal point in their journey and they couldn't afford to backtrack.

    But as they readied for battle, the ground under their feet began to rumble ominously. The corruption had seeped into the very earth, warping the land itself. Sinkholes opened up around them, and the earth quaked beneath their feet. A foul odor of decomposing earth burped from each of the sink holes. They found themselves not only faced with the monstrous toad but also an unstable and treacherous terrain. The challenge they had to overcome had just doubled, and the path to the White Witch had grown even more perilous. The hunt for the Hill Toad and the White Witch had truly begun, the illusion and corruption standing as formidable obstacles in their path.

    The sinkhole and the diseased Hill Toad pose significant challenges to the group as they traverse through the treacherous terrain in search of the White Witch. They act as substantial obstacles, not just physically but also symbolically, representing the pervading corruption and dangers in this wilderness.

    The Sinkhole: This is not an ordinary geographical feature. It's an insidious trap concealed by illusory magic and the deceptive serenity of the landscape. What appears to be solid ground can give away at any moment, swallowing those who tread upon it without caution. The peril of the sinkhole goes beyond the immediate threat of falling – the depth and the unknown nature of what might lie within it add layers of danger. Extracting anyone or anything that falls in could be a time-consuming and risky endeavor, potentially splitting the group and making them vulnerable to attacks. Furthermore, the sinkhole symbolizes the hidden pitfalls and unseen dangers that can appear in their journey, testing the group's vigilance, unity, and adaptability.

    The Diseased Hill Toad: This creature embodies the corruption that the group aims to combat. It's a gross distortion of natural life, tainted by disease and likely driven to aggression by its affliction. The toad poses a direct physical threat, especially if it's of considerable size and strength as Hill Toads often are. Its disease could be infectious, posing a risk of spreading to those who come into contact with it. Moreover, there's a certain moral dilemma associated with the creature. It's a victim of the same corruption that's blighting the land, and its aggression may be a result of suffering rather than innate malice. As such, dealing with the toad may require the group to make hard decisions about the balance between mercy and necessity, further highlighting the ethical complexities of their mission.

    Both these obstacles serve to remind the group of the corruption they're facing, challenging their resolve and their strategies. They are physical manifestations of the rot that has been spreading in the land, a tangible sign of the tasks that still lay ahead and the urgency of their mission.
    Round 2: Corrupt Hill Toad
  • Yukan called out almost like a parent might warn a child away from touching a flame to the assembled host, "Everyone I will reiterate we should remain enhanced caution when navigating this environment. There is a high chance of foul play and that she has engineered much of our environment to her advantage. And after that ambush attack we know for certain that our foe can use illusion magic to some capacity," Referring to the events with Mitsunari and the Masanori clan. While Yukan couldn't sense or detect illusion magic for certain with any particular skillset, just the fact that it was distorting and there was a past experience involving the witch with illusion magic this wasn't an unreasonable consideration to have.

    The haunting moan of the wind sweeping across the fetid swamp announced the gruesome encounter between Tia and the gigantic, diseased Hill Toad. A beast of epic proportions, the toad stretched over 32 feet in diameter, its bloated body appearing as a grotesque hill amongst the marshland. It was infested with bulbous pustules, pulsating with every labored breath it took.

    Tia, summoning her primal fury, charged at the repugnant creature. The toad watched her approach, its beady eyes filled with contempt for the seemingly insignificant threat. But Tia didn't seem to notice. With her bone spurs glinting ominously under the wane afternoon light, she sprang forward, a hint of resolve burning fiercely in her eyes. She struck the Hill Toad, her spurs piercing its mottled skin with a nauseating splatter, puncturing one of the sickly pustules that plagued its body. The impact sent an arc of poisonous iridescent green sludge soaring through the air. The toad gave a low moan as its pustules was popped. One of its chromatic, scintillating eyes watched her for a moment.

    The second the infectious ooze met her skin, it began its corrosive assault. Her body became awash in agony, but she refused to falter. As Tia yanked her spurs from the creature's pustule it was like stabbing mud. She mad a wet sucking sound but it was impossible to say without supernatural senses if any damage had been done to it.

    She was bathed in poison and pus, the substance searing her skin. Worse, it seemed to worm its way into her wounds almost like small tadpoles swimming along her skin and into her pores. The pain was intense, an acute reminder of the toad's lethal affliction. Amidst the excruciating pain and against overwhelming odds, Tia would have continued her battle, but her father called her back.

    Once Tia initiated the confrontation with the colossal, diseased Hill Toad, Yukan rallied the troops. The commander who had started out unseasoned had gained respect from the troops he'd allowed to follow him. Yukan's command through his leadership skills and knowledge on warfare helped to make an informed dialogue. He projected a sense of competence and confidence that many of the "soldiers in training" dearly needed. Even though the warriors had drilled and fought zombies, they were still themselves new to life and death situations.

    Yukan's voice cut through the tension, echoing the wisdom of a veteran warrior [Follow the Leader]. "It'll be impractical for us to try to hold any large scale formal combat formations with the ground unstable like this, I think in a situation like this we should move strategically in smaller groups. Those of you who are ranged and capable, minimizing your contact with the ground where possible could be beneficial. Healers should spread out as to have the most of us in range for aid as possible."

    The later line more so referring to their winged friends many of whom used the bow. Whiteclaw and the other birdkin scouts spread out, leaping and dashing, bows out and arrows nocked.

    "While we should be on the defensive and prepared, I believe that we should engage the corrupted Hill Toad in close combat only as a last resort, not only are they particularly dangerous at this size to battle under normal circumstances without such a dangerous ground it is difficult to say if this one's abilities have been enhanced by the witch's corruption."

    At this point Yukan was giving elements of what he thought was wise to do moving forward, he thought it was likely that others would share their opinion on what to do, figuring Commander Riku would have some additional insight as well as some of others who had come so far.

    Riku, once more known for his smooth words and self-preservation than his prowess in battle, rose to the occasion. He had seen the potential benefits of alliance with Yukan and had, begrudgingly, allowed some of that commander's honor to seep into his own tactics. His eyes, once merely keen on potential profit, were now focused on the monstrosity before them.

    He addressed his troops, his voice projecting confidence and a touch of his usual cunning. "Spread out, boar riders," he commanded, "Engage the beast, but remember, we're not here to win a contest of strength. We're here to win the war. Keep it distracted, keep it moving. The less it can focus, the better." His orders bore an element of caution, revealing his intent to minimize his casualties.

    Behind him, his yari unit stood ready, their eyes trained on the healers, ready to spring into action at any sign of threat. Their formation was defensive, creating a secure perimeter around the most vulnerable among them.

    Among Riku's ranks, Yumeko stood out. The elderly Shrine Maiden, dressed in her faded indigo robes, emanated a serene calm in the face of impending chaos. Her experience was vast, having encountered Hill Toads in her time, but the monstrosity that loomed before them was unlike anything she had seen before. Even so, she did not falter.

    With her hands held together in prayer, Yumeko relayed her knowledge to the assembled forces. "Be mindful of its tongue," she warned, her voice steady as she looked upon the beast. "It can strike with the force of a cannon. And watch for when it leaps. The ground will tremble, and it may use the opportunity to burrow or hide within the marsh."

    Her words held the attention of everyone, the soldiers nodding their understanding. Her mention of the toad's ability to manipulate the elements of water and earth struck a chord of concern among the ranks, but it also steeled their resolve. They were facing a formidable foe, but under the leadership of Yukan and Riku, and with the guidance of Yumeko, they stood ready to face the challenge.

    Yukan's words, though a stark reminder of the peril they faced, had instilled a sense of strategic preparedness in the troops. His warnings of the potential dangers ahead did not dampen their spirits but made them more resolute. And so, under the leadership of Yukan and Riku, they readied themselves for the imminent combat against the massive Hill Toad.

    The archers and scouts unleashed three volleys of arrows.

    As the archers loosed their arrows, the tension amongst the soldiers was palpable. The whistling sounds of arrows flying through the air in rapid succession echoed in the battlefield. Their precision and speed, a testament to their intense training and the trials they had faced. Each volley was a precise choreography of power and finesse, displaying the remarkable growth of the archer units.

    As the battlefield continued to churn and shift under the influence of the enormous Hill Toad, Kai's unique abilities came to the forefront, proving instrumental in helping the troops navigate the increasingly perilous terrain.
    With the intensity and swiftness, Kai activated his [Sense F] ability. His eyes, imbued with an otherworldly glow, and darted across the landscape, locking onto the subtle changes in the soil. He identified the areas most likely to collapse into sinkholes, the loose mud and the shifting terrain signaling the earth's hidden threats.
    Clearing his throat, Kai quickly gestured to the areas of concern, his urgent voice cutting through the din of battle. "Everyone, avoid those areas..." He pointed out the zones of potential danger, his instructions concise due to the time constraint. Still, the advice was valuable, providing a map of safety amongst the treacherous earth, allowing his comrades to sidestep potential pitfalls.
    The Dire Boar Calvary used Kai’s advice to navigate the maze of sink holes, gaining enough speed to charge along the toad’s flank and soft belly. Their long Yari blades sinking deep into the toad’s skin. Instead of retracting the Yari, each rider released as soon as the spear jabbed home.
    Kai activated his [Future Sight] ability. His eyes turned a vibrant hue as the immediate future unfolded before him, the movements of the gigantic Toad playing out in his mind. His vision revealed the beast's imminent actions, a useful advantage in the unpredictable chaos of battle. Kai was not one to keep this critical information to himself. He promptly conveyed his predictions to Yukan and Riku, alerting them to the Hill Toad's impending movements. He gave a warning. Kai's prescience, combined with his willingness to collaborate, elevated the group's tactics and bolstered their chances of survival against the gargantuan adversary. Riku’s eyes widened Anna he called for the boat riders to retreat.
    The arrows, however, met with unexpected resistance. The Toad's back skin seemed to absorb the arrows like a sponge, the shafts disappearing almost instantly into the muck-like flesh. Each successful hit against the disease-ridden pustules on its body sent showers of a sickening green ooze in all directions. The acrid smell filled the air as the ooze splattered onto the ground, sizzling ominously on contact. Yukan's foresight in keeping the troops at a safe distance spared them from being coated in the hazardous substance.
    The reaction of the Toad to the onslaught was strange. Instead of lashing out, it groaned in a low, guttural tone, a sound that resonated deeply, vibrating through the ground beneath them. Rather than counterattacking, the beast began to roll around in the mud. Its gargantuan body, crushing and shifting the landscape, resulted in an expanding network of sinkholes that quickly transformed into a sizable pit.
    The sight was bewildering. The Toad's actions were not of a typical beast enraged by attack, but rather of an entity luxuriating in a bath. Its formation of a muddy pit further emphasized this notion, prompting speculation amongst the troops about the creature's true nature and the extent of its corruption by the witch. As they watched the mud pit grow around the beast, their strategic plans would have to adapt to this unforeseen change in terrain.
    Meanwhile the rest of Yukan’s irregular logistics unit discussed tactics and bantered amongst themselves. Paru, Ko, Indicus and a few others chatted and planned while Ceylan saw to Tia. Gyoubu looked over from further away but she remained supporting the right flank of the army, her nature energy reaching out to help them resist the miasma like haze filling the air from the combination of the arrow barrages and the toad squirming in its new mud pit. A few small mushrooms pushed up from the ground as the trio chatted. They were bone white in appearance with a faint silvery sheen like they’d been dusted in silver.
    As Ceylan extended a desperate hand towards the charging Tia, the air seemed to thicken, a distortion of reality forming around the wolf Beastkin. The magic of the [Summon Targets (D)] spell was powerful, palpable in the charged atmosphere, pulling Tia out of the toad's dangerous proximity. Within moments, the distorted space collapsed back into normalcy, depositing Tia safely in Ceylan's arms.
    The immediate danger averted, Ceylan pulled her closer into a comforting embrace, his grip firm yet gentle. An ethereal glow began to radiate from him, encapsulating the pair in a warm, serene light. His [Soothing Aura] ability washed over Tia, its soft tendrils of light tracing her form, seeping into her injuries. The area around them fell into a momentary tranquility, the comforting aura affecting not just Tia, but everyone in its range, muting the immediate tension of the battlefield.
    Though the Soothing Aura brought momentary peace and even eased some of Tia's visible discomfort, it did little to reverse the severe damage inflicted by the corrupted Toad's pustule. The strange disease had already begun to metastasize hands warping the grotesque bone spurs and forming a river of raised bumps tracing her lymphatic system in her arms, a disturbing sight contrasting the normalcy of the rest of her wolfkin girl’s body.

    The aura flickered around these protrusions, sizzling as the two energies competed against a barrier that the disease seemed to have formed. The potency of the corruption was beyond the healing magic. Nonetheless, his embrace remained steady, the comforting light of his aura persisting, an unwavering beacon of hope amidst the looming shadow of their formidable foe.
    Round 3: It's a mixed bag.
  • <Ceylan Response>

    Ceylan's magic was a sight to behold, his aura bathing the area in an ethereal glow. The magic spread outward, divine energy washing over every soldier within its reach. This celestial light suffused each individual, a warm cascade that flowed through them, purging any trace of disease, poison, or curse that might have lingered on their bodies. The aura didn't discriminate, extending to both the humans and beastkin alike. With every passing moment, the soldiers' strength and resolve seemed to visibly renew, bolstered by the magic that filled them.

    <Yukan Response>

    Following Yukan's command, the soldiers quickly sprang into action, shifting their formation and spreading out. The Yari soldiers valiantly waded through the knee-high mud, determination etched onto their faces. The archers, now better positioned, let loose their arrows, each one targeted towards the Toad's exposed belly. The Boar Riders, driven by their leader's command, expertly maneuvered their mounts through the difficult terrain, closing the distance between them and their target. The battlefield buzzed with newfound intensity as every soldier, regardless of their previous roles, adapted and moved according to the new strategy.

    <Ko Response>

    The banter between Paru and Ko flowed naturally, the two friends bouncing ideas off one another. With Yukan's advice in mind, and Kai's helpful foresight, they navigated their way around the sinkholes that marred the battlefield. Despite the mud and muck staining their clothes, the pair managed to remain relatively unscathed, their shared focus and teamwork paying off.

    <Paru Response>

    Paru and Ko remained at the edge of the battlefield, not venturing into the mud-filled terrain just yet. Instead, they used this time to plot their strategy. Paru surveyed the scene before them, her eyes trained on the monstrous toad, taking in every detail that might aid their impending confrontation.

    <Indicus Response>

    Indicus demonstrated his agility and speed as he darted towards the toad, expertly sidestepping the holes and leaping over the mud pits. With a fierce roar, he released his [Fire Breath F], the flames streaking across the toad's body, causing it to shriek in pain. However, the creature lashed out in its agony, swinging its forearm at Indicus. Indicus managed to evade the attack, but not all were so lucky. Several Yari soldiers were swept up by the massive limb, tossed into the beast's gaping mouth. After his assault, Indicus retreated, leaving the area thick with the stench of charred flesh.

    <Tia Response>

    As Ceylan's healing magic began to take effect, Tia's inhuman form was laid bare for all to see. The dramatic change didn't go unnoticed by the soldiers, a few visibly recoiling at the sight. Their disgust was palpable, their fear evident. Yet, most of the soldiers had little time to pay attention to this startling revelation. Their focus remained on their monstrous enemy and their own survival, leaving Tia's ordeal a secondary concern.

    <Kai Response>

    Thanks to Kai's [Future Sight], disaster was averted for several soldiers who had been headed towards the sinkholes. His clear and precise warnings allowed them to change course in the nick of time, saving them from potential injury or even death. Meanwhile, Gyoubu was able to rescue a few unfortunate souls who had fallen into the sinkholes, thanks to Kai's crucial guidance.

    <Toad Response>

    The Diseased Hill Toad was an abhorrent sight to behold. Towering over the battlefield, it was a monstrosity of nature that had grown to an astounding size that dwarfed even the largest of dire boars. It stood on four limbs, each one thick and muscular, the skin on them covered with countless warts and boils. The mottled green and brown skin was slick with a layer of grimy ooze that oozed from the numerous sores and pustules scattered across its body, leaving a trail of corrosive slime wherever it moved.

    Its large, bulbous eyes were a sickly yellow, with vertical pupils that shone with an unsettling malicious intelligence. The eyes were constantly darting around, unblinkingly taking in its surroundings. A layer of white, crusty residue lined the corners of its eyes, hinting at some sort of underlying infection or ailment.

    The toad's mouth was a gaping maw filled with rows of jagged, yellowed teeth. They were irregular in size and shape, some large and sharp, others broken or worn down. Bits and pieces of the soliders it had [devoured] pieces out from between it's teeth. A boot here and a hand there.

    Its tongue, a grotesque appendage that was thick and long, was covered in a layer of sticky saliva that dripped down to the ground, sizzling and steaming on contact. Without warning, the diseased toad reared up, its enormous body creating a shadow that seemed to consume the battlefield. When it reared back, the toad exposed its belly, a vast expanse of lighter, swollen flesh that pulsated with an inner life of its own. The belly skin was more translucent, showcasing a writhing mass of dark shapes that suggested a swarm of parasites or perhaps unborn offspring living inside. The sight was enough to churn even the strongest of stomachs.

    Then, in an act of unexpected agility, its tongue shot out with the speed and force of a cannonball. It ripped through three soldiers who stood in its path before coiling around Riku and his dire boar. The sight of their comrade being ensnared silenced the battlefield, all eyes on the grim spectacle unfolding before them. With an unsettling slurping sound, the toad began to retract its tongue, drawing Riku and his mount towards its gaping, grotesque mouth. The tension in the air became palpable, the soldiers momentarily frozen as they stared in shock and disbelief at their leader's plight.

    The squelching made by it's sudden reposition unleashed a nauseating stench, an amalgamation of rot, mold, and sickness that permeated the air around it. This smell seemed to be more than just a byproduct of its diseased state, acting as a deterrent to any potential predators or threats.

    OOC Summary:

    As the Diseased Hill Toad thrashes, roars, and retaliates, the chaos in the field is staggering. The poison from its Toxic Secretion and Pustule Eruption abilities has inflicted severe damage on those unfortunate enough to get too close. Multiple soldiers are nursing burns, boils, and rashes, the pain of which is only exacerbated by the creeping corruption of the poison.

    The numbers of those fallen are disheartening as well. The monstrous amphibian has devoured a fair share of soldiers already, their screams echoing through the muddy field as they met their gruesome end. Each loss has sent a jolt of shock and horror through the ranks, making them all too aware of the lethal capabilities of their foe.

    As it stands, there are a number of active threats and challenges that the group must consider:

    1. The [Stench Cloud] covers a 50 foot area around the toad now. It acts as [Irritant E; stench causes those of E-grade or lower to intermitantly vomit, which is really distracting].

    2. The [Toxic Secretion[ and [Pustule Eruption[ of the Diseased Hill Toad: The toad's poisonous abilities have already caused extensive damage, and there's every indication it will continue to use these methods as the fight goes on. The toxic slime and pus are not only harmful on contact but also carry a lingering effect that continues to inflict damage over time. These effects are very distracting, because it takes several seconds for Ceylan's [Curse Cleanse] to proc, meaning there are precious seconds were those impacted get to feel their skin meltings off and disease taking hold. In it's own way the repeated damaging and healing is a form of torture.

    3. The [Mud Pit] This environmental hazard is proving to be a significant obstacle, not just because of the risk of sinking into the mud, but also because it hinders mobility. The unpredictable terrain makes it difficult to approach the toad or retreat swiftly when needed. It requires a movement ability or something creative to not have it hinder mobility and impact the effectiveness of attacks.

    4. The [Cannonball Tongue] This terrifying weapon can lash out unexpectedly, causing devastation in its path and even pulling unsuspecting victims straight into the toad's mouth. Dodging this attack requires a high degree of alertness and agility. It is a straight line attack, killing up to 3 NPCs in it's path and entangling it's victim and drawing it into its mouth on the following road.

    5. [Casualties] Each loss of a comrade reduces the group's strength and fighting spirit. The psychological impact of witnessing these losses cannot be underestimated. Furthermore, the wounded require urgent medical attention, dividing the resources and attention of the healers in the group.
    - Yari: The 1 unit of Yari has been decimated. Three of them have been devoured and the remaining 2 have low morale.
    - Archers: They are doing the best since they've kept their distance. Their arrows have managed to hurt the toad's belly.
    - Scouts: Whiteclaw and his crew are doing quite well.
    - Boar Riders: Riku and his Boar are going to be eaten. Meanwhile, two other boar riders bodies are a crumpled mess from the [Cannonball Tongue].

    6. The [Corruption of Tia] Ceylan's healing magic has managed to stabilize her condition, but the monstrous transformation triggered by the toad's poison presents a problem of its own. Her altered state might cause fear or revulsion among the soldiers, and she herself seems to be struggling with her new form.

    7. [Maintaining Coordination] With the constant threats and challenges, maintaining an organized and effective strategy is becoming increasingly difficult. Clear communication and a united front are crucial to overcoming this menace.
    Battle of the Diseased Hill Toad, Round 3.
  • The group of warriors from Kuridan were lagging in the press forward their goal in sight - an abandoned watch tower in the distance, the rumored hideout of the accursed White Witch. Yet between them and their objective lied the grotesque menace - the Diseased Hill Toad. The battlefield had been a spectacle of chaos and grim determination. Against the sinking sun, the monstrous figure of the Diseased Hill Toad grotesquely contrasted with the sky, its diseased, leviathan form a bulwark of corruption nestled within the once rolling hills. It squatted in a pit of churned earth and mud, a stench and sludge barrier that marked its revolting domain.

    On the edges of the Mud Pit, the Kuridan troops were scattered, some in small clusters, others in formation, brandishing their weapons against the monstrous adversary. Trying to push on despite the mounting causalties. Even the holy magic of Ceylan's Curse Cleanse went so far. His [Curse Cleanse] worked to counteract the toxic secretion and the eruption of pus-filled pustules from the diseased toad. Yet, as successful as his healing magic was, it wass not an instantaneous cure. For those affected, each second of exposure to the toxin felt like an eternal hell. The anticipation of another splash causing people to tense up in anticipation like a beaten dog. It was a relentless cycle of excruciating pain followed by soothing relief as the magic takes hold, only for the process to repeat as the onslaught continued.

    Amidst this chaos, Yukan stood, a pillar of leadership and determination. His amplified voice, enabled by his "Follow the Leader" ability, ring across the battlefield, stirring unity and renewed purpose among the beleaguered warriors. They echo even amidst the roars and cries of the monstrous toad. As he invoked their shared purpose and the memories of their fallen comrades, a palpable shift occured. The soldiers, still shaken from their losses, steel themselves, their eyes hardened as they lock onto the toad. Despite their fear and the horror of their circumstances, they respond to Yukan's call for unity, organizing themselves more effectively and moving once again with purpose. The two Shrine Maidens redouble their effort, the flickering greenish hue of their magic wash over the wounded as they try to keep pace with the growing number of casualties.

    Still the sight of Riku and his dire boar mount being drawn into the toad's mouth to be devoured like several others had been, was difficult for a seasoned warrior to watch let alone these new trainees. Even the long siege of the zombie hoarde had ended without casulty, but here people were being grown down and not rising up again.

    A sudden movement diverted attention to a lithe figure - Ko, his determined visage unwavering as he plunged into the melee. His enchanted Mithril blade had glinted in the waning daylight. With a fierce battle cry, Ko lept into action. His enchanted Mithril blade caught the light, an arc of lethal force slicing through the air towards the toad's tongue.

    Nearby, Paru, the group's Kirin, stood with eyes shut, channeling the purity of her heritage, trying to reconnect with the Eternal Glade. In response to her energy, a resonant hum of celestial power vibrated beneath the battlefield, a radiant fairy ring of mushrooms sprouted again in a stark contrast to the gruesome conflict around them. Amid the blood and turmoil, this patch of ethereal beauty became a moment of tranquility. The wave of purity washed over the chaotic scene, as if a sudden spring had broken forth in the middle of a muddy field. The ley lines from the Shrine of Cursed Cleansing started to vibrate, a glow of celestial energy pulsating beneath the surface of the ground. This wave of nature's energy surged forward, passing through Paru and into Ko, aiding his heroic strike. All around them, fairy rings of mushrooms sprung up, their ethereal glow casting an almost whimsical contrast to the grim battlefield. Each served as a small island amongst the filt and muck.

    Kai darted towards the Diseased Hill Toad, dodging sink holes and rushing through the knee high mud in wet, squelching steps. It was slow. The mud clung to everything and seemed to hold on to his feet before they broke the surface to move forward another step. As he neared the toad, he initiated one of his inherited techniques - [Dragon's Fang], a strike that targeted weak points with devastating precision. His plan was simple, yet bold; incapacitate the toad's ability to swallow more people by striking at the base of its jaw while Ko severed the tongue.

    With a speed and accuracy honed by years of experience, Kai delivered his attack. He aimed for the tendons controlling the toad's jaw movements. He was over extended, the mud prevent his easy movements. The blade missed the tenderest parts of the toad, but still sunk into the creature's jaw. As soon as the blade hit its mark, Kai tried to retreat, but the mud made movement very hard and slow. His [Precognition F] ability flared to life screaming of a terrible next few seconds and granting him the knowledge to avoid what was to come even if his body could not react. Still he did what he could in that moment, leaving the impaled sword lodged inside the creature, hampering its movements further with every attempt it made to close its gaping maw.

    With a sickening squelch, Ko's mithril blade severed the muscular appendage of the Diseased Hill Toad, the tip of the tongue tumbling through the air, before thudding into the mud. Riku and his mount, stunned and out of breath, fell with the severed end of the tongue into the mud. The Diseased Hill Toad let out an ear-splitting ribbet of agony, a bellow that echoed through the hills. The effect was immediate: without its tongue, the toad's reach and capacity for instilling fear have drastically reduced, a small victory for the beleaguered troops.

    Just as Ko, with a flourish of his mithril blade, severed the toad's massive tongue, a shower of foul, putrid blood erupted from the wound like a firehose that sprayed everywhere as both the severed tongue and the remaining stump ejected blood like a firehose cut in the middle. Ko, Paru, Kai, and ten other soldiers including Gyoubu found themselves caught in this gruesome blood rain, the warm, fetid fluid soaking their clothing and matting their hair. This wasn't just toad's blood. Amidst the viscous fluid, small, black leech-like creatures squirmed and writhed. The black leech-like creatures scramble over the exposed bodies, trying to latch onto their skin and burrow in, an alien sensation that strangely felt pleasurable, the passage of the black leeches leaving a menthol chill that sent shivers along the exposed flesh and up the spine.

    At the battle's fringes, Saint Ceylan hovered, a master of healing magic. Already maintaining several celestial magics simulatneously, he added another. The air around Ceylan hummed with magic, added in part by the surge of celestial energy reconnected by Paru's actions, his healing energy burst outwards towards as a countervailing wind to the stench cloud. As the magic interacts with the noxious cloud, there's a slight shimmer, like heat rising off hot asphalt, before the air begins to clear. The suffocating stench lessens, replaced with the faint, soothing scent of Ceylan's magic. It carried with it a memory of the dream of the Shrine of Cleansed Curses. The Soldiers in the vicinity found their eyes watering less; their throats less constricted. The Irritant Effect of the stench cloud had been countered, making the conditions slightly more bearable for those fighting within it.

    On the battlefield's other side, Indicus was a spectacle of primal strength and savagery, his draconic heritage surfacing for all to see like a full moon in the darkest night. Indicus became a force of his dragonic nature, his ancestry surfacing with potent fury. His scales shone with a luminescent glow, and his body moved with an animalistic agility and strength that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring. As he leapt onto the toad, his claws rent through the toad's flesh bursting several pustules. The cylce of disease and corrosive poison was muted by his dragonic scales and eventually countered by Ceylan's Curse Cleanse, but the the mental strain didn't seem to register. Rather instead of screaming, Indicus breathed fire into the open wounds, letting his dragon fire eat at the raw flesh beneath the postules. Taking aim at the exposed and burnt circles upon the toad's back, White Claw and the rest of the scout unit leap high into the air and fire precise, targetted arrows driving deep into these exposed holes. This time the arrows sunk up to their fletching and the toad went insane with the pain of it.

    As the toad reeled from the combined assault, its only retaliation was churn the mud beneath it digging itself deeper into the mud pit, submerging more of its body. This battle of endurance, of will against the grotesque perversion of nature, lingered on. Every soldier, every strike, every breath mattered in the struggle against the Diseased Hill Toad slowly wearing down this leviathan hopefully before the hunters were nothing more than broken minds and animated bodies akin the zombies they'd fought in the corrupted Mindscape. After the onslaught from the troops, the Diseased Hill Toad was in a terrible state. Its body heaved with each pained breath, the ragged hole where its tongue used to be still spurted blood and black leeches into the mud. The latter burrowed through the mud towards living hosts. The toad shuddered, its immense body sinking even deeper into the muddy pit.

    Suddenly, the ground quaked beneath the toad as it triggered a massive upheaval of the Mud Pit! A five foot wave of mud rolled out over the now 90 foot in diameter mud pit. The wave crashed over bodies, the undertow dragging people down as the depth of the pit seemed to have grown from only two feet to four feet deep! Even more of the toad's body submerged as the pit's depth continued to grow!

    OOC Summary:

    As it stands, there are a number of active threats and challenges that the group must consider:

    1. The [Stench Cloud] covers a 50 foot area around the toad now. It acts as [Irritant E; stench causes those of E-grade or lower to intermitantly vomit, which is really distracting].
    > Resolved by Ceylan

    2. The [Toxic Secretion[ and [Pustule Eruption[ of the Diseased Hill Toad: The toad's poisonous abilities have already caused extensive damage, and there's every indication it will continue to use these methods as the fight goes on. The toxic slime and pus are not only harmful on contact but also carry a lingering effect that continues to inflict damage over time. These effects are very distracting, because it takes several seconds for Ceylan's [Curse Cleanse] to proc, meaning there are precious seconds were those impacted get to feel their skin meltings off and disease taking hold. In it's own way the repeated damaging and healing is a form of torture.
    > Partially resolved by Ceylan, albeit with the continous torture of being horribly mangled only to be remade, living that pain and agony over and over and over as the battle rages on.

    3. The [Mud Pit] threat has escalated! This environmental hazard is now a huge obstacle, not just because of the risk of sinking into the mud has doubled (4 feet deep), but also because it now makes mobility impossible without Move Skills or a creative stunt (ala Paru's idea of the Fairy Rings). Further more the 5 foot tidal wave of mud has those pesky black leeh things that you'd seen in it's belly now released. Thus if you aren't able to dodge the tidal wave (e.g. move ability or being on the toad's back like Indicus) then you are gonna have to deal with that at some point. Also it appears the Diseased Hill Toad is attempting to burrow into the mud pit, perhaps to escape or wait you out, the mud pit continues to grow as if the toad was transmuting the terrain into a more suitable accomodation! Mud pit is 90 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep (previously 60 feet in diameter 2 feet deep). In essence the sink holes have converted from pesky trap to dodge to part of the mud pit.

    4. The [Cannonball Tongue] This terrifying weapon can lash out unexpectedly, causing devastation in its path and even pulling unsuspecting victims straight into the toad's mouth. Dodging this attack requires a high degree of alertness and agility. It is a straight line attack, killing up to 3 NPCs in it's path and entangling it's victim and drawing it into its mouth on the following road.
    > Neutralized thanks to Ko supported with teamwork from Paru and Kai. This is a source of significant and on-going damage to the Toad.

    5. [Casualties] Each loss of a comrade reduces the group's strength and fighting spirit. The psychological impact of witnessing these losses cannot be underestimated. Furthermore, the wounded require urgent medical attention, dividing the resources and attention of the healers in the group.
    > This was neutralized by Yukan allowing for more teamwork and attacks whittling down the toad and opening up most of the postules. Indicus and others dealt severe damage to the Toad's back.
    > However this is an on-going and escalating problem.
    - Yari: The 1 unit of Yari has been decimated. Three of them have been devoured and the remaining 2 have black leeches and were hit by the mud tidal wave and aren't coming up.
    - Archers: They are doing the best since they've kept their distance. Their arrows have managed to hurt the toad's back in concert with melee attacks on the postules and other exposed areas. However when the pit expanded, they fell in and where hit with the mud tidal wave. However, being closer to the edge, they seem able to recover better.
    - Scouts: Whiteclaw and his crew are doing quite well. They are doing the best. With their birdkin jumping and "flappy hover" abilities, they've been able to keep in the air quite a lot and haven't taken any damage and completely dodges the tidal wave. Also the fairy rings summoned by Paru helped them find a few islands of stability earlier on in the round. Yukan will need to decide if he will commit them to the Toad's back or have them withdraw and fire at an even further distance.
    - Boar Riders: Riku and his Boar were saved but hosed with toad blood and black leeches, already wounded with broken ribs and such, they were hit by the tidal wave and went under. Meanwhile, two other boar riders bodies are a crumpled mess from the [Cannonball Tongue], even if they were restored with Curse Cleanse, they also went under during the tidal wave. Two of the boar riders were also hit with the blood and have the leeches. Two others who were in the southern flank are doing better. The Dire Boars appear best off since they are animals and large enough to "doggy paddle" towards the Toad, which they appear to be doing. The Tanuki however will likely not surface without help.

    6. The [Corruption of Tia] Ceylan's healing magic has managed to stabilize her condition, but the monstrous transformation triggered by the toad's poison presents a problem of its own. Her altered state might cause fear or revulsion among the soldiers, and she herself seems to be struggling with her new form.
    > Resolved by Ceylan.

    7. [Maintaining Coordination] With the constant threats and challenges, maintaining an organized and effective strategy is becoming increasingly difficult. Clear communication and a united front are crucial to overcoming this menace.
    > Resolved by Yukan.
    The aftermath of the diseased hill toad and what lies ahead.
  • As the sun began to set over the bloodied battlefield of Kuridan, the crimson hue painted the sky with an eerie glow. The land, once a lush green, was now a muddy pit; the moist earth churned and tainted with the blood and remains of fallen warriors. The stench was overwhelming; a mixture of death, decay, and the putrid scent that emanated from the monstrosity they faced.

    Twisted trees, that bore witness to the conflict, stretched their gnarled branches towards the heavens as if pleading for reprieve. Amidst the mud, patches of strange luminescence glimmered, products of Paru’s latent powers – fairy rings that pulsated with energy, their iridescent hues in stark contrast to the gloom.

    As the battlefield resonated with the cacophony of clashing steel, the cry of the fallen, and the roar of the monstrosity, the reality of the human cost of this engagement set in. A fog began to roll over the once-green fields, as if mourning the casualties, and the dim light of twilight shrouded the area in a somber cloak.

    In the midst of the melee, the Yari unit had suffered the most, their bodies torn asunder by the creature's massive appendages. The faces of the fallen Yari warriors were etched into the memories of their comrades. The psychological toll was profound, and the remaining warriors fought with a fervor born of grief and rage.

    The archers, having kept their distance, fought valiantly, their arrows piercing the toad’s back and further weakening it. But when the ground gave way beneath them, they struggled to regain their footing as the mud consumed them. Their bows and arrows were scattered, and they scrambled to recover their equipment and rejoin the fight.

    Whiteclaw’s scouts, the agile birdkin, remained unscathed. Their feathers shimmered even in the darkening battlefield, and their talons, ready to strike. They hovered over the battlefield, their eyes scanned for an opening to exploit.

    The boar riders, though valiant, had borne the brunt of the toad's fury. Riku, his face contorted in pain and his ribs broken, clung to his dire boar as it paddled through the mire. The dire boars, with their natural strength and resilience, were trying to make it to the toad, while the small tanuki were struggling, their heads barely visible above the mud.

    As the toad writhed in agony, a shower of blood and parasites burst from its maw. Ko, a lean figure with wind sweeping through his hair and a fiercely determined expression, moved with a swiftness that belied his threadbare attire. The light from the fairy rings glinted off his eyes. Ko's instincts kicked in. With deft agility, he flung his coat in the air as a shield against the vile rain. As he flung his coat in an arc, the fabric catching droplets of tainted blood, forming a temporary barrier. His coat was worn, a testament to many battles, and it absorbed the ichor like a sponge. As the parasites cascaded down, he thought of Paru. Ko's hand moved to his blade, and with a swift motion, he slashed his pants, tearing the fabric. He hurled it towards Paru with a chivalrous yet frantic shout, his voice carrying across the mud pit. His sacrifice was both brave and comedic, as he now wore only his fundoshi, belt, and undershirt. The clothing provided some protection to Paru and himself from the foul shower.

    Paru, with her agile and acrobatic prowess, was initially bewildered by the pair of pants that landed on her head. However, spotting Ko in his scant attire, she swiftly recomposed herself and put her powers to use. Paru's eyes darted across the battlefield as she took in the swirling chaos. The ground, saturated with blood and mud, churned as soldiers and beasts fought, while the grotesque toad loomed over them, its back resembling a macabre tapestry of wounds and oozing postules. The air was thick with the acrid smell of the toad's blood, sweat, and mud. The cries of the fallen and the clashing of weapons reverberated through the air. She noted the positions of her comrades, the struggling soldiers, and the monstrous toad. Paru's heart ached at the sight of her fallen and wounded companions.

    Suddenly, she sprang into action. She darted across the muddied field. Paru’s legs coiled and released like springs as she soared using the fairy ring's to land and jump to dodge the toad’s blood spray. Her silhouette, outlined by the eerie light of the fairy rings, was a blur as she seemingly defied gravity with her acrobatics.

    As she neared the struggling soldiers, she extended her arms, picking them up. Her focus was unshakable as she moved with precision, evading every obstacle in her path. One by one, she deposited the wounded soldiers within the safety of the fairy rings, where their wounds began to close and their strength returned. Each time she set a soldier down, she whispered words of encouragement.

    The soldiers, witnessing Paru's daring rescue, felt a surge of hope and admiration. Whispers of her bravery spread through the ranks like wildfire. Even the wounded, who moments before had been on the brink of despair, found newfound strength in her actions. Gratitude and admiration shone in the eyes of those she saved, as they saw Ko's pantlessness and Paru's determination.


    Kai had already predicted the mud wave and responded as he leaped on to a fairy ring, helped by [ Jump F ] and [ Fast F ]. As he had already known if that was there… which he did due to his future sight. Kai pulled out his sword and Saya. Before leaping off the fairy ring to avoid the mudwave. Kai spun in the air to use the momentum to hopefully throw off the leaches and mud on his body. The centrifugal force sending mud and leeches flying from his body. Below him, the colossal toad’s grotesque form, dotted with wounds and postules, seemed to challenge the very sky with its unnatural presence.

    His muscles rippled as he leaped, turning in the air, his long coat swirling around him like the wings of a raven. The toad's blood spattered across his face, but he did not falter. As he descended upon the toad, his sword’s thrust carried the weight of his determination. As the Yakuza Hobo soared through the sky he had aimed himself at a certain position in the frog. Guided by knowledge from his past, he targeted the toad’s vital organs with a modified [Dragon’s Fang] strike, plunging his sword deep into the creature’s heart. The blade sank in and he hammered it further with the saya, causing immense damage. He called out for the others to aim for the toad’s vital organs.

    “Aim at…!” Kai would inform the group on the back of the toad to launch to focus their attacks at the locations of it’s vital organs, hopefully dealing the finishing blow.

    Amidst the whirlwind of action that enveloped the battlefield, Indicus, the Dragonborn, was a tempest of rage and power. He watched with an intense, predatory gaze as Kai, the human, struck deep into the toad's body. The bloodlust that boiled within him made his vision red around the edges. He would not be outdone by a human. With an almost feral snarl, Indicus chose his spot on the toad’s vast back. His claws slashed and tore through the flesh with the precision of a surgeon and the brutality of a berserker. His every movement was charged with the singular purpose of reaching the heart of the beast.

    At one point, Indicus even tried using his mouth to rip into the toad, only to be met with the taste of something so vile that it made his senses recoil. This was but a brief pause, as his resolve only seemed to strengthen. Raising his head, he unleashed a torrent of flame that danced with his fury. The fire incinerated layers of flesh, leaving a gaping hole in the creature's back. The heat was so intense that it distorted the air, casting a shimmering aura around Indicus.

    Kai's attack had pierced the creature’s heart from one direction, and now Indicus was tearing through from another. It was as if the two warriors, in their fury, were bridging the gap that separated them through the sheer force of their relentless assault. Indicus’s draconic senses could now detect the rancid, pungent smell of the toad's innards. His claws finally broke through to the soft tissue beneath, which squelched and gave way under his relentless assault.

    The toad's tortured bellow reached an even higher pitch as Indicus' flames and claws met Kai’s blade within its very core. The combined ferocity of their attacks, bolstered by the relentless onslaught from the rest of the group, created a cataclysmic reaction within the diseased hill toad.


    Yukan stood on a mound of earth surrounded by Paru's fairy rings, his gaze sweeping over the chaos. His armor reflected the faint celestial light of the gleaming mushrooms, making him appear as a beacon of hope. Yukan had a moment of clarity where he spoke with determination and decisiveness with To Arms!

    "Everyone commit and engage the toad's back where Kai says! It has become vulnerable! This is our moment to decisively end the blood shed,! All of those capable focus on the back and attack its vital spots! Scouts, avoid friendly fire for those getting in close! We need to penetrate deep, attack for all those who have given their lives for Kuridan!" Yukan proclaimed wishing that he could jump into the fray there himself, but he wasn't positioned to do so nor did he have the combat skills to effectively get over there, they needed him where he was, surveying the battlefield and giving orders, that's what his skillset was.

    His voice was a beacon, and the soldiers responded with a fervor that defied their weariness. They charged through the mud, swimming, wading, and pushing forward as if possessed by the spirits of their fallen comrades. Those who reached the toad swarmed over its back, their blades striking true under Yukan's guidance.

    With Yukan's words, Whiteclaw’s scouts were given the signal. His voice rang out over the battlefield, ordering them to strike at the toad’s back. The archers, taking his lead, redoubled their efforts. Their hearts hammered with anticipation as they, with the other fighters, focused their mightiest attacks at the locations Kai had indicated. Arrows, spells, and weapons struck true as they descended upon the diseased hill toad like a storm. Battle cries became a symphony amongst the collision of steel against the monstrous flesh.

    The Diseased Hill Toad, once a formidable monstrosity, was now being overwhelmed by the unrelenting assault. Its body heaved as swords, claws, and flames tore through its flesh. Bolstered by Ceylan's saintly blessings of nigh immortality and proof against all forms of corruption and filth, the efforts of Kai, Indicus, Ko, Paru, and Yukan, combined with the soldiers’ relentless attacks, wore it down. With every strike, the creature’s movements became slower, its cries weaker. Its strength waned until, with one final cacophonous roar, it fell silent and lifeless into the mire. The battlefield, once filled with the sound of chaos, settled into an eerie calm as the gargantuan creature that had wreaked havoc met its end. The survivors, though weary and covered in filth, stood tall as Ceylan's blessings washed away all signs of harm and corruption. United by the trials they had faced and the triumph they had achieved together. Many had died and been ressurected countless times during the battle, endured terrible tortue from boiling flesh and malvolent corruption. Yet though it all, Yukan's words had guided them and lead them. The group of heroes who had flocked to his banner was a testament to him. Together they had become so much more.

    As the aftermath of the battle with the diseased hill toad settled around them, the hunters of Kuridan began to regroup and tend to their wounded. The night, once so thick with terror and bloodshed, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. The moon, though veiled by dark clouds, bestowed a dim light upon the group as they made their way towards the abandoned watchtower.

    The path that led to the watchtower was rocky, the ground beneath their feet unyielding. Plant life thrived in a hostile manner, with shrubs and creepers brandishing thorns that seemed to grasp and claw at the fabric of the hunters' attire. The twisted branches of trees bent over the path, as if whispering secrets to those who dared traverse this forsaken route.

    A stifling heaviness was palpable in the air, the tendrils of corruption and decay twining around the very soul of the land. Those sensitive to magic could feel the relentless waves of darkness that seemed to emanate from the very earth.

    In the midst of this oppressive landscape, the hunters caught glimpses of strange apparitions out of the corners of their eyes. Shadows seemed to shift and figures that weren’t there a moment ago flitted across their peripheral vision. Illusions, whether borne out of the land's corruption or conjured by some unseen power, shrouded the way forward.

    As they pressed on, those among them with the gift of farsight noticed a figure atop the watchtower roof, nearly half a mile away. The figure waved, and though she was still quite a distance, they recognized her as the White Witch. She stood erect and poised, her robes fluttering in the night wind, her presence a stark contrast against the bleakness of the watchtower. Even from afar, she emanated an aura of mystery and power. The witch was peering through a curious telescope, its construction ornate and imbued with magics. Her gaze seemed to penetrate the very essence of the night as she observed the hunters.

    The White Witch awaited, and with her, perhaps answers to the secrets of this plagued land and the dark shadows that enveloped it.

    Should they press on? Every step could bring them closer. The ancient watchtower stood like a silent sentinel overlooking the brink of mysteries untold.
    Interlude: The Last Rites
  • The Last Rites

    As the last anguished cry of the Diseased Hill Toad reverberated through the damp air, the silence that followed was suffocating. The once fertile ground now bore the stains of battle, with mud mingling with blood, and the caustic stench of the creature’s remains hanging heavy.

    The survivors, covered in mud, blood, and sweat, stood in the eerie stillness. Their expressions were a mix of triumph, relief, exhaustion, and despair. Ceylan, the group's healer, worked tirelessly, his hands surrounded by a soft glow as he tended to the fallen. Resurrection spells were cast upon the lifeless bodies, and where limbs were mangled or crushed, restorative magic did its best to mend.

    However, not all could be brought back. Several brave souls had been devoured whole by the monstrous toad, their bodies forever lost within its grotesque belly. Others were so grievously wounded that their forms could not be restored, and the magic faltered as their spirits departed this realm.

    The survivors gathered in small clusters, the weight of their losses pressing down upon them. Faces that had minutes ago been twisted in determination were now lined with sorrow. The cries of the wounded, the whimpering of the frightened boars, and the whispers of the wind through the trees created a dirge that spoke of loss and sacrifice.

    He'd let his healing magic go on for a bit longer, desperately seeing if he could resurrect some people. He'd even go through the ungrateful task of trying to find lost limbs, for whilst he couldn't regrow them, he could re-attach them with his magic. Perhaps he was a [Fetcher] through and through, as he searched around muds for arms and legs the toad might've dropped and for the people they belonged too. Any life resurrected, person healed, limb reattached, was an ever so slight decrease of the overwhelming feeling of failure and sadness that'd arose within him.

    Tail and ears drooped, drenched in mud and gods know what else, he knew they'd beaten the Hill Toad, yet he still felt defeated. The reality of these 'unclean' and 'imperfect' victories was different in practice than on paper, no matter how one looked at it. He'd seen death before, sure, a lot of it, but not like this. Not the desperate fighting, continuous torture from poison, the sight of contorted bodies with faces that clearly weren't ready to meet their makers yet.

    He turned to Yukan and Riku. “I know the traditional Kuridan rites of passing, so with your permissions.” His voice was calm, yet tired. He hated this point, where the only thing he could do was to give someone a proper funeral. Using Religion B, he'd prepare a short yet proper funeral for the fallen, laying them to rest according to the traditional Kuridan ways, for as a Syncretist, it mattered not who's religion he followed, so long as it strived for the good in the world. All he'd need was Yukan and Riku's blessing, for he would not risk angering them due to being unordained in their specific faiths.

    Ceylan, his body covered in muck and his spirit heavy, toiled ceaselessly among the fallen. Many others joined in as their minds regained a hold on their bodies and the traumas they'd faced. Shrine Maiden, Yumeko, whose presence was a calming contrast to the battle-hardened warriors. Her faded indigo robe was a stark difference to the intimidating armors, and her soothing green eyes held a wisdom that came from years of healing and nurturing. Tired beyond measure, Yumeko joined Ceylan without offering up any words. Gyoubu, the tanuki Shrine Maiden, was a figure of ever-shifting moods and expressions, her's now was the cold depression of winter. Her face hard and her eyes chilly. With her short hair slicked back from the mud, she looked feral and wild, more a dryad than a druid. Each healer's magic ebbed and flowed around them, joining like a river of light.

    Others joined in the search. Paru's jovial attitude died a bit; however, as she saw the hijiri, Ceylan, desperately digging through the mud, defeat on his face. She had seen that look before, on the faces of the new hunters in her village, who had never faced down a monster or rampaging beast. There was no shame it, everyone felt that way once. Even her. As he made his request to perform rites of passing, she approached him. "<I do not much of religions outside my village, but we have a simple prayer we say to send off those we lose. Would it be alright if I joined you?>"

    A trickle of people became a flood as everyone followed Ceylan's lead. Indicus still covered in mud and the putrid gore of the toad as well as no shortage of his own blood. Indicus trudged up to the group as he did he noticed the bodies of the dead being gathered by the soldiers and silently wished them favorable judgement from whatever god they worshiped. Rather looking silently over to Ceylan, Kai wordlessly would help him dig up the bodies and help with the small burials. Kai gave his silent prayer to the Buddha, the Enma, and the god that brought him here. He wasn’t deeply religious, but with this much death he felt like he should have given his due to the dead.

    His tail and ears were drooped, soaked with rain and mud. The sheer intensity of the sorrow enveloping him was overwhelming. He had seen death before, but the torment and struggle in the expressions of the fallen tore at his very soul.

    As Yukan walked among the warriors, Ceylan approached him and Riku. His voice was steady, but exhaustion and sorrow lined his words. “I know the traditional Kuridan rites of passing, so with your permissions,” he spoke, his eyes conveying the depth of his resolve. Yumeko nodded when Riku looked to her, and Gyoubu followed suite when Yukan did the same.

    Yukan looked to Ceylan and then Riku when Ceylan asked if that was acceptable, as well as Paru who had come in. "I don't have any objections on the matter at this moment." Yukan and Riku, both solemn and worn, exchanged a glance and gave a nod of approval. Ceylan's abilities and dedication had proven invaluable, and there was no one more fitting to honor the fallen.

    With care and reverence, Ceylan began the traditional Kuridan rites of passing. Paru, Gyoubu, and Yumeko joined in. The scent of sacred herbs wafted through the air as he chanted, his voice becoming a vessel for the spirits. His movements were graceful and fluid as he laid the fallen to rest, their faces now serene in eternal slumber. Ceylan’s mastery of religious rites, cultivated through his syncretic faith, allowed him to perform the ritual with an authenticity and reverence that resonated with the survivors.

    As he finished the ceremony, Ceylan stepped back. His countenance was calm, but his eyes betrayed the heaviness he felt. He looked at Yukan and Riku and gave a slight bow, a gesture of respect for their fallen comrades.

    It was then that Yukan stepped forward, his figure standing tall against the backdrop of the stormy sky. He began to speak, his voice a beacon for the weary survivors as they gathered in the solemn embrace of the forest, listening to words of honor, memory, and resolve. "Thank you all for working so hard and risking your lives on the side of justice, your actions and sacrifices these days will have saved many more innocent lives." Yukan finally said with a small bow of gratitude as others had come out of the woodwork. Not really sure how else to best express his gratitude based on what happened.

    Yukan then assessed Ko who had come out much more calm, collected, and confident than others, Unfortunately Yukan did not have an extra pair of clothing to hand to Ko, it seemed like Indicus had given into his more primal side during the fight which had worked to their advantage but he had no doubt that the dragonic man would need a rest after that display.
    He would also seek out Gyoubu as well as the head of the scouts to see how they had fared, checking in with the command line, as it was a logical move.

    Ko was lean, and looked as if his body were a coiled spring. "...Has anyone spare clothes of which to cover me? We've fairer eyes and I don't want to make them shy when we've work yet to do." The man speaks up rather for the others than himself, even if he looked like he had no a lick of shame in his body over his...Forthriteness. His tail never stopped wagging, he was quite confidant.

    On of the Tengu Shadow assassins appeared, it's glossy black feathers gleamed in the moonlight. It bowed before Ko, producing a black kimono and hakama [Light Armor F]. "I would be honored for someone so adapt at death to wear these. Your stroke was perfect. Your blade a source of truth." The Tengu bowed.

    Whiteclaw nodded. "Well done, Ko. A tongue cut and claimed, truly. This Hill Toad was a prince amongst it's kind, I've not seen one so big in years."

    Kai would stay in his silent and stoic disposition, as he would take the Katana from the body of the toad, undoubtedly from a fallen warrior. “I’ll be taking this, find yer peace in the afterlife and rest, it’s us the living that still need to fight. If I get out of this, I’ll hand it to yer next of kin.” Kai would say gently, as if talking to the spirit of the fallen, as he found the saya and sheathed the blade as well.

    Riku grunted, "Take it as payment for services rendered."
    Last edited:
    The Final Scene! The White Witch and the Watchtower!
  • Journey Onward.

    As the hunters cautiously approached the watchtower, the atmosphere around them shifted ominously. The air grew thick with an unnatural energy, and the land seemed to twist and bend in ways that defied reality. Shadows danced in the corners of their eyes, and the trees seemed to whisper ancient secrets. The illusions that shrouded the domain around the watchtower were akin to the work of a twisted artist; it was as though they had stumbled into one of Escher’s paintings where the impossible seemed real, and the landscape defied the laws of physics.

    The figure of the White Witch atop the watchtower seemed ethereal and ghostly in the distance. Her movements were fluid and unnaturally graceful, and she seemed to both beckon them and warn them away with her presence.

    Yukan’s voice cut through the eerie silence. He calmly outlined his plan, emphasizing caution and strategy over reckless action. As Yukan spoke, Kai kept his senses alert, scanning the area with the intensity of a predator. Ceylan, on the other hand, looked thoughtful, considering the possibility of cleansing the corruption even from the White Witch herself.

    Riku, astride his dire boar, glanced toward the watchtower. His sharp gaze surveyed the distorted landscape. “Yukan’s right,” Riku grumbled, his voice gravelly. “We mustn’t rush blindly. I’ll take my remaining boar riders to the flanks. We’ll keep an eye on the surroundings. If anything tries to outflank us, it’ll have to go through boar tusks first.”

    Whiteclaw, the lithe birdkin, gracefully alighted beside Yukan. His feathers ruffled in the strange breeze. “The winds speak of deception and danger,” Whiteclaw’s voice was melodic, yet tinged with caution. “My scouts will take to the trees. Our eyes in the sky will keep watch. If there’s a trap, we’ll spot it.”

    Then, the two shrine maidens, Yumeko and Gyoubu, moved forward. Yumeko’s eyes were serene, while Gyoubu’s expression was intense. They both held small talismans. “We shall call upon the spirits to guard us,” Yumeko spoke in a gentle voice. “And pierce through illusions,” added Gyoubu with determination.

    The hunters began to move into position as Riku led the boar riders to the flanks, Whiteclaw and his scouts ascended to the treetops, and Yumeko and Gyoubu began chanting, their voices melding with the whispering wind. The scene was a symphony of controlled chaos and determination as they prepared to face the unknown dangers that lurked around the watchtower.


    As the hunters stood their ground amidst the gnarled and twisted landscape, the air around them suddenly changed. The once oppressive atmosphere became strangely warm and inviting, as the tantalizing scent of fresh scones and tea pervaded the air. A spectral figure materialized before them. It was the White Witch, but different from what they had expected; she appeared regal and elegant, clad in flowing robes, her voice as enchanting as a gentle breeze.

    "Greetings, brave travelers. How weary you must be," she said, her voice resonating with a sense of deep understanding. “Do you not long for a brief respite? For a moment of peace amidst the chaos?”

    The spectral figure’s voice was filled with an alluring, almost comforting tone, as she gestured to a floating silver platter with scones and a teapot. “Do you not yearn for the simple pleasures of tea and scones, for a reminder of what it feels like to be safe and cherished?” Her hair was a wild, shock of white. Her image was adorned with a headdress shaped like a river of moonlight, and her eyes twinkled like stars in the night sky. "I invite you all to join me atop the tower for tea and scones," she said, gesturing with a delicate hand. The scent wafting from them was real and tantalizing. "I am not particularly fond of drinking, but I have sake and berries, should you prefer," she continued with a wink and hint of whimsy in her voice.

    Whiteclaw's eyes narrowed. Riku’s dire boar snorted, and the shrine maidens, Yumeko and Gyoubu, clutched their talismans tighter.

    Suddenly, the White Witch's form flowed like water and changed. She became imposing, towering over them, her voice now like rolling thunder. The sky above darkened and stars seemed to fall towards the earth.

    “Or is it the thrill of battle that you seek?” she boomed, her voice echoing throughout the twisted forest. Her eyes falling upon those like Ko and Idicus, filled with battle lust and a desire for more blood. The sky above darkened as an ethereal, celestial power emanated from her. The falling stars grew brighter, while an array of beams of lunar light descended from the sky.

    “Then prepare for the heavens to rain down upon you!” she boomed, her voice now thunderous and echoing through the air. The night sky was suddenly alive with falling stars, descending like radiant comets towards the earth. "[Starfall]!" she proclaimed as the waves of falling stars began to converge over 40 yards around the group.

    Whiteclaw shouted a warning, and the hunters started scattering, trying to avoid the falling stars. Meanwhile, Riku, still atop his dire boar, rallied his boar riders and charged forward.

    The White Witch, not finished with her display, raised her hands and chanted, "[Moonfire]!". Beams of pure, silver light descended, casting an eerie glow upon the twisted landscape as they targeted the hunters. Each shaft strike line a blinding, white lightsaber falling from the moon to the ground.

    But something was amiss. As a falling star approached Whiteclaw, it passed through him without harm. It was an illusion, as were the beams of light.

    The White Witch's voice softened to a whisper, “What drives you forward in this twisted realm? Is it valor, honor, or something more?” Her image flickered like a mirage, “What are you willing to sacrifice, and what, in the end, will you have gained?”

    The monologue seemed to weigh on some of the hunters, with the surreal illusions dancing around them. Each was confronted with the choice of pressing forward through the labyrinthine landscape towards the watchtower or allowing doubt and fear to hold them back.

    The White Witch's image faded with a final whisper, “Will you find what you seek?”

    The illusions of falling stars and moonfire continued to dissipate around them, the twisted path ahead beckoning them onward.
    The Final Scene! The White Witch and the Watchtower!
  • "It is true that we came here for battle For what you have committed in Kuridan is a great evil against the defenseless and innocent, and it must cease." Yukan spoke out to the White Witch. "But before we engage in a battle, I must know why. Why did you do what you did? why would you harm so many in such a violent way?"

    Yukan continued sternly, "Why did you use Sawazuki for your twisted activity?, or attack the Masanori Clan?"

    As Yukan's voice resonated through the twisted air, the illusionary avatar of the White Witch seemed to ripple and react to his words. Her projected form, which was massive and terrifying, now shrouded in darkness with tendrils of mist swirling around her, turned her piercing gaze upon him.

    "You wish to know why?" The voice of the White Witch echoed, deep and haunting. "The tapestry of motives is woven with threads of despair, vengeance, and power, yet you wish not to see even a reflection of it."

    The White Witch's avatar raised an arm, and ghostly images appeared in the air, showing a young tanuki women with a kind face in race paddies, looking content with her simple life. Above her as night fell a large full moon looked over the young tanuki women and her family.

    "Once, I was but a simple guardian, protecting and watching the world and its inhabitants," her voice, tinged with nostalgia, enveloped the group.

    The scene shifted to show the same woman, but this time the women's rice was being ceized and her house cast aflame when they questioned the act, her kin fallen to yari and sword. She was on her knees, her face twisted in pain and sorrow. "The Masanori Clan takes what they want as if it was their right. They trample on what is sacred, and in their arrogance, they have left a wound in your clan. What you would call harm was but a reflection of what has been going on. And you rush to their aid, averting your eyes from the source of the reflection as if the sun didn't exist!"

    Yukan seeing Indicus move forward was arguably alarming since he wasn't even waiting to see what the rest of the group did, but they were all already in a much better position for now he'd just call out, "Be careful Indicus you know what she's capable of."

    Indicus paused for a moment when Yukan called out to him before turning his head and nodding. "I know Yukan, thanks for the concern maybe after all this I might stay for awhile if you are willing to employ me after the current job is finished." With that said Indicus continued onwards at a light jog.

    She laughed, turning to look at Indicus. "Honestly brother, I'm quite disappointed in who you've choosen to accompany you."

    "Sawazuki's fate is most amusing and a true reflection of the plight of so many tanuki in your clan. Something terrible happened to her, she was blamed and shamed for worse, and even her componensation for assisting me was consfucated. I might as well ask you the same question, mhmmm?"

    "Even now you bring me more questions..why do you not strike us down where we stand..You know why we are here..You put on a great all powerful show..but something tells me that all isn't what it seems.." Yukan just had a feeling, while it could be wrong that perhaps there was something more foul at play..indeed he was also well aware that she could just be playing mind games with them.

    "Oh yes, I have a the height advantage and range. Killing you would be quite easy, but that isn't necessary. The true villian has presented themselves and you have felt the heavy hand of their perversion many times now, haen't you?"

    As she spoke to them, Ceylan tried using his Sixth Sense [Malicious magic/curses] D to see if it would reveal more of her true nature. After all, the landscape it self was enough to show them all that this being was not the type to have tea with.

    Ceylan looks upon the contrails of magic forming the illusion and indeed up towards the second story of the watch tower at the White Witch herself. He can see no malice or curse upon her. She is white the reflection of golden solar light turned lunar white.

    Ceylan spoke, “I merely seek to cleanse this place.” He wanted neither battle nor comfort. He wished for this place to be made good again. Oddly enough, the falling stars didn't impress him as much as they probably should. Perhaps due to a lack of how strongly the maliciousness was in the magic used or perhaps simply due to him being too tired to care about being blown up by a falling star.

    Yukan joined in, "Are you, under the influence of..something greater, White Witch?..Has this great corruption taken you?"

    But from it all, from all of the play of illusion and danger given off by the white there was but one thing that the man could say. Drapped in his black robes, the young man roughly pulled down the mask that covered his body and proudly spoke with insignant pride and anger only the firey spirited could possess. "The fuck is a scone?" So sayeth the shinigami.

    Paru smirked and had to stifle a laugh. No, the mutt was exactly who she thought he was.

    “Once more, I call upon thy aid.” Ceylan spoke, followed by a prayer and [Summon Celestial E]. He wondered. Would the heaven's answer him, here, at the heart of this White Witch's corruption? His ties to the divine realms were strong, as a Scribe of Celestials, Holy Child and Wandering Saint. Yet it was clear that the White Witch's corruption ran thick. He wondered which was stronger.

    A celestial light enveloped Ceylan as he called upon the heavens. Suddenly, the twisted domain around them shimmered and the atmosphere began to clear as a divine figure descended. It was a majestic celestial being, with wings that seemed to be woven from light, and eyes that held the wisdom of ages. The creature’s presence countered the twisted illusions, casting them away as if banishing shadows.

    The hunters watched in awe as Ceylan’s summon manifested, providing a stark contrast to the White Witch’s illusions.

    The avatar of the White Witch watched the celestial being with keen interest. "Ah, such a thing you call purity," she whispered. Her tone; however, did not betray any fear or concern. She was still exuding confidence.

    Ko, the young pup-man who had brazenly questioned what a scone was, stood there defiantly, his question still hanging in the air.

    The White Witch’s avatar finally addressed Yukan and Ceylan. “You asked if I am under the influence of something greater. It's walked amongst you this entire time. You've embraced it as a trusted companion. The corruption, as you call it, is not mine but yours such are my powers. You stand here, in the heart of what has been shaped and still don't even know to ask the right questions. Do you think the celestial light can cleanse the depths? Should it? Come then, I shall show you the answer to the questions you should have asked.”

    She then turned to Ko. “And to answer your question, a scone is a delightful baked good, often enjoyed with tea. But that is not the answer you seek. You, young one, have the audacity to cut through the layers of illusion and pretense. You seek more.”

    As she spoke, the avatar began to retreat slowly, her image receding into the mists.

    “I invite you to face the truth of my existence. Ascend the tower, if you will. You won't find what you seek but upon reflection you may come closer to the light.”

    With a final gust of wind, the avatar of the White Witch vanished into the mist. The illusions around the tower began to clear, and the twisted atmosphere waned.

    They had been invited, and they had questions. Whether it would end in battle or understanding was unknown. But they had taken the first step.
    Five minutes before the end...
  • They had ventured through twisted woods and faced down illusions that had toyed with their very perceptions. The hunters who sought to be heroes found themselves standing before the old, abandoned watchtower with a mixture of resolution and melancholy.

    The Masanori clan, clad in their warrior regalia, looked to each other with shame written upon their faces. Riku and Tashigoto, the once-proud warriors, were bowed by the weight of revelation. Their clenched fists and gritted teeth spoke of indignation as they came to understand the plight of the rice farmers whose lives had been exploited for their enrichment. The boar riders, the archers, and the few yari still left alive joined them, unable to hide their shame.

    “We cannot proceed,” Tashigoto spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. Riku nodded in agreement, and without another word, the Masanori clan turned and made their way back through the woods.

    Whiteclaw and his scouts, with their keen senses and instincts, had been in awe of the White Witch's display. Her words had resonated with them, and now, bolstered by Ceylan's revelation that she was pure and without corruption, they looked upon her with newfound respect. They felt a kinship with her struggle, and it was mirrored in the eyes of the tanuki who followed Yukan, Gyoubu among them.

    With Yukan at the lead, they approached the watchtower. Ceylan walked beside him, his celestial aura flickering like a candle in the wind with his angelic companion marching right behind. Tia didn't leave her father's side. Ko and Paru followed, determination set in their expressions, although for Ko that determination might be as much for a new truth as a nice cuppa tea and a scone. Kai and Indicus, now sharing the brutality of the assault on the Toad's back, moved as one. Whiteclaw took up the rear, his gaze unwavering.

    As they approached the entrance to the old watchtower, the hunters were immediately struck by the purity of their surroundings. The earth beneath their feet was devoid of the usual scents and signs of life; it was almost as if they had entered a realm that was too pure for the natural world. The air was crisp to the point of being sterile, and the silence was an absolute, unyielding thing.

    As they neared the entrance to the watchtower, they noted vibrant green moss growing on the walls and the floor. This was the only living thing they could see, and it was oddly out of place. The air around the moss was fresher, as if it was an oasis of life in an otherwise stagnant place. The walls around the moss were pristine, devoid of any signs of age or weathering. The old watchtower was immaculately clean, an abnormality that was almost unsettling.

    Yukan was the first to step into the watchtower, his eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of reverence. The others followed, their footsteps quiet against the stone floor.

    The first floor of the watchtower was an almost surreal space. The same green moss that they had seen outside was even more abundant here, and it gave the place an almost ethereal glow. The air was pristine to an extreme degree, so pure that it felt almost void of essence. It was like breathing in the air in a space devoid of life.

    What captivated them the most, however, were the paintings adorning the walls. These paintings depicted a city comprised entirely of tall, black basalt towers, which resembled an array of watchtowers. The city in the paintings was empty and abandoned, yet carried the same sterile quality that they felt in the watchtower. The only sign of life in the paintings was the same emerald green moss that they saw around them, growing in sparse patches in the otherwise lifeless city.

    Gyoubu reached out and gently touched one of the paintings. Her eyes were focused, as if trying to decipher a long-lost language. “This place,” she whispered, “is like a sanctuary, but one devoid of the vibrancy of life. It is pure, but in its purity, it has lost something essential.”

    The others looked around, feeling the weight of Ceylan's words. It was Whiteclaw who broke the silence. “Is it that which she is protecting somehow?"

    Gyoubu frowned, "What is with the purity? If so why the corruption the corpse tree and that nightmare realm and with the Diseased Hill Toad. The trickery with the Masanori clan?”

    Whiteclaw shrugged.

    The silence in the room was so thick it seemed to consume all sound. The air felt empty, as though stripped of life itself, containing only the bare essentials of gases.

    They found the White Witch at the top of the watchtower, not as the haunting figure they had faced earlier but as a regal entity, clad in garments that seemed woven from the very fabric of moonlight. Her eyes were like endless pools of crystal-clear water, which seemed to hold the weight of centuries within them. As they entered, she was in the midst of a coughing fit, and they watched as she coughed up what looked like clear water into a napkin. It was a distressing sight, yet she carried it with a grace that made them unsure of how to react. With a wave of her delicate hand, she beckoned them into the open observatory on the second floor.

    The observatory was an ethereal space, open to the night sky above and with a panoramic view of the surrounding lands. Moonlight spilled into the room, dancing across the floor and mingling with the mysterious green moss.

    What caught their attention were the unfinished paintings that surrounded the White Witch. The paintings depicted the same city of basalt towers they had seen below, but in these, there was something new. At the heart of the city was a pristine lake, so perfectly depicted that it seemed almost as if you could touch the water. It was the epitome of purity and tranquility.

    However, at the very center of this idealistic lake was something that sent shivers down their spines - a massive void-black sword, partially submerged in the lake. The blade was painted with a black so deep it seemed to consume light itself; vanta black. It was as though they were staring into the abyss, the blade's shape so dark and elusive that they couldn’t discern its true form.

    The contrast between the purity of the lake and the void-like sword created an almost haunting imagery that enveloped the room.

    The White Witch, standing amongst her paintings, looked frail and worn, but her presence still commanded the room.

    "This," she spoke with a voice like a whisper of the wind, "is what I have guarded, and what has guarded me. A sanctuary, devoured by the purity, the all consuming purity of an idea that's saturated its prison until nothing is left, nothing can thrive except that idea. It is incorruptible, I know I tried. An idea whose name should not be given voice and is devoured endlessly by the void yet even that can not devour it entirely."

    She waved off the unfinished paintings and began to invite everyone to tea, which was set out at a table nearby with a beautiful set of bone white porcelan and mithril. Plates of scones, still warm and filled with a variety of scents and flavors were on three tiered platters around the table. "But where are my manners? Come let us enjoy a nice cup of tea and scones before the end."

    As the White Witch's words filled the room, a sudden wave of fury surged from the celestial being that Ceylan had summoned. Its heavenly aura intensified, and its golden wings spread wide, casting a blinding light throughout the observatory.

    The celestial’s voice boomed, echoing within the space as if resonating from another realm. “This... this prison was forged by the host of Heaven to contain an idea too potent, too pure to exist in the mortal realm. An idea that could unweave the very fabric of creation! To depict it is to risk releasing the confines that bind it!” it roared, its eyes fixed on the paintings with the intensity of the stars themselves.

    In an unexpected, swift motion, the celestial being lunged at the White Witch, its golden sword raised high and gleaming with the wrath of the heavens.

    The White Witch looked not at the blade and rushing celestial, but rather towards the others that had come. "See my point?" She didn't seem like she would put up a fight. "Enjoy the tea and scones," she said with a wink at Ko before another fit of coughing errupted even as the celestial flesh to kill the White Witch.
    The End
  • -----------------------------------------------------
    ...back before everyone left to ascend the tower...

    As Ceylan’s words washed over the Masanori scions, Riku and Tashigoto, a visible change came over them. The air rustled carrying faint motes of celestial light like dandelion seeds on the wind, as if even the ancestral spirits of the Masanori clan were listening.

    Riku's stoic mask crumbled as he clenched his fists. Tashigoto's eyes were wide, taking in Ceylan’s words as though they were water quenching a deep thirst.

    Ceylan could feel an energy surge as he invoked the knowledge and wisdom of the Syncretist Church. The angelic being behind him was a reinforcing radiant presence. "Fight the darkness inside of you and the darkness of the past. Fight and fight even after the falling of the light." The angel's voice resonated with the solemn echoes of ancient faith.

    “The seeds we sow in the soil of our actions grow into the trees of our legacy,” Ceylan intoned, his words as much a prayer as a plea. “To turn away from corruption is to let the weeds of the past choke the saplings of the future. We must tend to our garden, no matter how thorny the stems. For in our labor lies our redemption. We are but caretakers of this world; our duty is to leave it richer than we found it. The Masanori, stewards of these lands, guardians of its people, have the power and the duty to make right what was once made wrong.”

    As Ceylan’s sermon ended, he felt a silent peace envelop the area as all of the Masanori hunters as well as others who had seen the wandering saint hold back death and cast out corruption fell to their knees. The connection to something greater, achieved through communal benediction and introspection of the subtleties of spiritual corrosions: shame and humiliation were exercised from those Masanori here at least and perhaps the ancient spirits of their clan! He could feel an invisible tapestry of wills and choices from the past through the present and into the future SHIFT from what it had been like a snarl in weaving righted.

    Riku’s voice cracked as he spoke, “You speak truth, holy one. We cannot turn away for the roots of the Masanori are entwined with these lands. We must face our past to build a future for those we serve.”

    Tashigoto, with a newfound determination, added, “We will stand and fight corruption. We will honor our ancestors by protecting those they failed.”

    As they spoke, Whiteclaw, who had been listening, stepped forward. His gaze, which had been wary and unsure before, was now steely and resolved. The scouts who followed him seemed to stand taller, their hearts no longer clouded by doubt.

    “Whatever be the source of this darkness,” Whiteclaw stated firmly, “we shall face it. Not as mere hunters or warriors but as guardians of the land and its people.”

    Ceylan had made allies not just for this battle, but for the stewardship of these lands. Forged as much in the shared blood spilt this week as by the spiritual guidance of his words and blessings.

    ...back to the present, atop the second floor...

    The celestial’s voice boomed, echoing within the space as if resonating from another realm. “This... this prison was forged by the host of Heaven to contain an idea too potent, too pure to exist in the mortal realm. An idea that could unweave the very fabric of creation! To depict it is to risk releasing the confines that bind it!” it roared, its eyes fixed on the paintings with the intensity of the stars themselves.

    In an unexpected, swift motion, the celestial being lunged at the White Witch, its golden sword raised high and gleaming with the wrath of the heavens.

    Kai suddenly got between the Celestial and the Witch, not even flinching at heaven’s wrath. “I’m going to say, I don’t know what this full situation is about. But I don’t think ya should be this hasty.” Kai looked at the celestial with the same intensity he showed to the fae. Unlike the Fae, Kai’s gaze didn’t convey hostility towards the celestial, but uncertainty at the celestial’s action.

    “I don’t know why, but ya should calm yerself. My instinct tells me, what yer about to do isn’t gonna end well.” Yes, that was what caused Kai to do this action, there was no logic behind it, but his instinct screamed at him to stop the Celestial. He didn’t even need to use his future sight, his intuition told him that violence right now, wasn’t the right answer.

    The celestial’s eyes glared with righteous fury as it looked upon Kai who dared to stand between it and its target. It seemed as if time slowed in those moments, the very air tense with anticipation.

    “Mortal audacity knows no bounds!” the celestial thundered. Its ethereal voice was like the rumbling of an approaching storm. It swung its golden sword with a force that was celestial in nature, a swing meant to undo what it saw as an abomination.

    Kai's sword clashed against the celestial's blade and with a resounding crack, Kai's weapon shattered into a thousand fragments of steel and light. The force of the celestial's attack was so immense that it sent Kai hurtling backward through the air, colliding with the wall.

    The room fell silent, save for the quiet coughing of the White Witch and the gentle whisper of emerald moss growing along the walls.

    “Halt.” Ceylan commanded the Celestial he'd summoned. “We shall deal with this in due time, but we need to know why and how these were made, at least to avoid these events from repeating. Simply slaying her might only aid us in the short term.” Were the latter not to listen, he'd instead cancel the duration of his summoning.

    As Ceylan's words fell upon the room, the celestial hesitated for a moment. Its fierce gaze shifted between the White Witch and the paintings, then to the shattered sword and Kai.

    The White Witch then spoke up, her voice reverberating through the silence, "Stay your wrath, celestial. These paintings are but echoes. Even if a portion of the Green has followed me back, the Prison of Purity still holds.

    Indicus continued to listen as the priest tried to calm the celestial, taking time to try a scone and they tasted as good as they looked. Indicus noted either her cooking or her illusions were exceptional. And so eating scones and drinking tea was how Indicus passed the time as he waited for the White Witch to explain why she led them here.

    “But the idea is the seed,” The nameless celestial said. “This is too dangerous.”

    The White Witch glanced at her younger brother and rolled her eyes, winking. A bit of her playfulness appeared for a moment before responding, “Staring at the sun will blind a person, but looking at the moon can give insight into the sun. This place, this tower, is a reflection, a shadow of that which you fear will someday come. Through me, it was given form, so that its echo may serve as…" She trailed off into another coughing fit. Those with keen noses would notice the stuff she hacked up was completely without odor, pure and clear it might have been distilled water.

    Ko’s scone was gone in a brief seconds, as he watched the celestial be halted by his fellow canid. He considered the scene as he took to the tea. "...Hmm..." it was well blended, the tea leaves well chosen for the cup, the scent was... lightly sweet.. but yet filled the nose with freshness, revitalizing.. No doubt she liked it due to this, her poor condition likely was alleviated with its kindness...

    Jasmine, herbal tea in nature. Some would call it Green Tea, a lovely choice for those ailing or wanting a clear refreshing taste after something rich...

    The White Witch got to her feet, staging a little and hobbled to the set out table plopping down next to Indicus. “Ah,” she reached over, taking a small sip of the jasmine tea. “Tea is impure, you know.” She looked at Ko, “The pure distilled water steeped with foreign matter, together something greater than if nothing had been done.” She laughed.

    Ko now considered the room, and the display, the unfinished pictures.. Ko would point out the sword so given focus. "Looks to me like a cursed blade, or one given shape through... corruption? Corruption can be a sword then... Hmm... " the young man considered this from his seat.

    “Ah,” The White Witch smiled like the radiance of the full moon, “So you see that by nothing being there it is there. At least it isn’t supposed to be there, but the idea that it must be there is why this only served to bind a most insidious idea and not destroy it.”

    "You've given me tea, and fed me. You've my service if you've a desire," he offered it so lightly, but his point was simple: she upheld her bargain, so he would uphold his. "Corruption is a sword, by law of opposites, so too is purity. I guess it's hurting you to hold onto it."

    “They call it a Void Blade. Ironically the void is the very absence of all things and thus the most pure. The Celestial Ideal is but an impure reflection of the true purity of the Void. What you see is the answer. Corruption is a blade, just as your sword was not a sword yet it severed the idea connecting you to the poor Corpse Tree. You are proof that mother chose right by setting my brother in motion where and when she did.” She smiled, reached out and playfully slugged Indicus in the shoulder.

    As Ko and the White Witch's words on purity and corruption resonated in the room, Whiteclaw, the scout leader, slowly started to comprehend the significance of what had unfolded. The stern expression softened, and Whiteclaw looked around at everyone who had followed them through thick and thin.

    “Lads, we've seen somethin’ today that'll be etched in our souls,” Whiteclaw spoke in a hushed tone. “We've always fought for what’s right, but today we learn that there’s more than just black and white, good and evil. There’s a balance and maybe something more beyond that. The land ‘n its people need caretakers, not just seekers. We need to be both.”

    Gyoubu, the Tanuki Shrinemaiden under Yukan, was notably impressed with Ko's words. Her furry face seemed to light up as she clapped her hands in appreciation. “Wisdom in such a vagrant! Ah, this is a sign,” Gyoubu said animatedly. “The Tanuki have always believed in harmony with nature, but nature itself has its shadows and lights. We must be the guardians who watch over both.”

    Gyoubu then turned to the White Witch. “Lady, your paintings reveal the two extremes. We, the Tanuki, pledge to help you in safeguarding this sanctuary and understanding its secrets.”

    The White Witch looked at all of them, her pale and fragile figure now emanating a sort of quiet strength. A sad smile graced her lips, and she spoke with a voice that was like a delicate breeze. “Thank you, brave souls. You see what many have failed to perceive. The sword in my paintings represents the devastating potential of unchecked purity. It consumes and leaves no room for life’s natural ebb and flow. Even this is unable to slay what lies beneath those mirror still waters.”

    She looked at the emerald moss around them. “This moss is…” She started coughing again and this time not just the pure distilled water but little flecks of green came away into her handkerchief. “Damn, never enough time.”

    Yukan looked to the witch, "Whether you believe your intentions are noble, from first hand, I have seen people who are just trying to live their lives who have been devastated by whatever has been going on here with this corruption that's been spreading... even if what you say is true about what sins the Masanori clan committed against others, and as strong as a desire there is for vengeance..an eye for an eye for an eye can make the world go blind if you are not careful.." Yukan said, surprisingly perhaps sounding a bit more mature beyond his age.

    “Oh them.” She flicked her hand as if discarding a fly. “No one died. A small point was made. I had a little fun. Everyone learned a lesson. Etcetera etcetera. You should sit and have some tea, you seem to be missing the whole point.”

    Yukan continued speaking, after pausing for effect."I truthfully have no desire to harm you if it's possible, but this activity must cease, and I am willing to do many things to make sure that this corruption ends.”

    The White Witch said, “Oh the corruption, yes I thought it would work to counteract but it was too weak.” Then she paused and furrowed her brows, “You didn’t think >I< caused the corruption did you? I didn’t create the Corpse Tree nor sate it with the bodies of the wicked so they might know unending pain as they were incorporated into its matrix. And this blight had been festering for some time. This tower was neglected as the Shogun focused money and tanuki elsewhere. The shrines are wholly corrupted, all of them, save for the one you're wandering saint cleansed, but I hope you realize that in cleansing the shrine you may have missed the point.”

    Ceylan said, “There is no reason that others must be harmed, people who have nothing to do with what transpired, their livelihoods and loved ones should not be harmed or killed because of whatever this is...even if it was laid with noble intention...the results are not honorable, and it isn't justice," Yukan concluded.

    "So please allow us to understand what happened, and what needs to happen so that this can be resolved and all of this suffering and turmoil caused by this corruption can come to an end." Yukan asked with genuine interest.

    As Yukan spoke with a wisdom that belied his youth, the room fell silent. His words hung in the air like the soft tolling of a bell, calling for reflection.

    Riku of the Masanori clan, who had been silently observing, stood up. His stern expression had changed to one of resolve. His shoulders, which had borne the weight of his family’s troubled past, seemed somewhat lighter. “The young one speaks the truth,” he declared in a deep voice. “We, the Masanori, have paid for our sins in ways that words cannot describe. We have looked inward and found the courage to change. But revenge, and the suffering of innocents... this cannot be the answer. It is time to lay the past to rest and look to the future.”

    Tashigoto, also of the Masanori clan, had a pained expression as she clutched her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to Yukan. "I have seen the bloodshed caused by the corruption and it pains me to my very soul," she whispered. "If this is the cost of our sins, then let the cost be paid by us, not by those who had no part in it."

    He looked at Riku and then turned to the White Witch. "White Witch, if our ancestors caused you pain, then let us find a way to atone. Not with more pain, but with healing. We can work together to restore the balance and protect this land."

    The White Witch’s eyes, clear as crystal pools, seemed to well up as she listened. It was hard to tell if she was crying or the distilled water was just leaking out of her eyes. She looked at the Masanori clan members, and then to Yukan. “Then my little prank was not without merit, a small corruption perhaps of sweet Sawazuki, but when done with skill used to heal old wounds,” she whispered. “I had hoped the answer would be found here. I have been consumed by the purity of my purpose quite literally.”

    “By the Heavens...” the celestial’s voice softened. Its realization came like a wave as it slowly comprehended the role of the White Witch. “You are the Keeper of Echoes, the failsafe guardian tasked with keeping an echo of the prison…you would be the first to fail, you would be…” the celestial whispered with both reverence and sorrow.

    The White Witch's coughing fit erupted again, the once pure distilled water now entirely consumed with the green moss, flowering out of her and landing all about the table. “A star might die but its light would only reflect that long after the star was gone.”

    The celestial, filled with regret for its hasty actions, bowed its head. "Forgive my ignorance," it uttered. It then turned to Ceylan, its voice now but a gentle breeze, "Your wisdom goes beyond your years, your holiness to have stayed my hand. We had it all wrong." With growing terror the celestial looked at the green moss, which had grown hairier, more stringy like cobweb.

    “Just an echo.” She smiled, “A warning,” she choked on the green moss erupting from her throat, trying to tear it away. As the echo disappeared, the White Witch began to age rapidly. Her skin wrinkled, and her hair turned grey, then white. She seemed to be withering away, her purpose now fulfilled. The paintings aged at a rapid pace as well. The green moss also seemed caught in the collapse of the echo, fading from vibrant emerald green to a pale spearmint color.

    "Remember," the White Witch's voice, now old and frail, spoke her final words, "Purity is not enough to destroy an idea, you can’t tell yourself not to think of something. The star seed needs more to be destroyed. Balance perhaps, a balance I could not find in time."

    With that, her form dissipated into a cascade of starlight, leaving behind only the whisper of her voice and the memory of her presence. The paintings and even the afflicting moss turned to dust and disappeared. Leaving a musty old tower, empty except for the tea and scones, and the people that had worked through so much to have come away with simultaneously so much (the Hill Toad) and so little (satisfying answers).

    The room stood silent, every soul present touched by the gravity of what had just transpired. Or perhaps just confused. The shattered remains of Kai's sword lay on the floor, a reminder that even something done with the best of intentions is not enough.