This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future efforts like these or RP's in the Caelia Barony setting in general.
What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to get a few short (max 2 week) and to-the-point (goal-oriented) RP's going to test out some of the new Harvester / Refiner / Builder / Maker / Infuser / Developer skill combinations with some interested parties.
What to expect in character:
Retili's been given the task of sectioning off (Developing) a part of the forest for sustainable lumber production for future usage by baroness Regula Caelia. Ryan is accompanying him to see if he could use his own skills later down the line in order to help start up a new industry.
Tags and character goals:
Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX
Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.
“Well, this is it.” Sven told the folk accompanying him to a patch of forested land in Caelia barony. “Truthfully, it's always been just me, so I have no idea how to start things up on a bigger scale. All I know is that you wouldn't want to just start chopping this all down without a plan, otherwise you'll ruin the forest and any future lumber production chances.” As before, he was a tad more talkative when it came to lumbering and carpentry, compared to when he was acting as militia leader.
What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to get a few short (max 2 week) and to-the-point (goal-oriented) RP's going to test out some of the new Harvester / Refiner / Builder / Maker / Infuser / Developer skill combinations with some interested parties.
What to expect in character:
Retili's been given the task of sectioning off (Developing) a part of the forest for sustainable lumber production for future usage by baroness Regula Caelia. Ryan is accompanying him to see if he could use his own skills later down the line in order to help start up a new industry.
Tags and character goals:


“Well, this is it.” Sven told the folk accompanying him to a patch of forested land in Caelia barony. “Truthfully, it's always been just me, so I have no idea how to start things up on a bigger scale. All I know is that you wouldn't want to just start chopping this all down without a plan, otherwise you'll ruin the forest and any future lumber production chances.” As before, he was a tad more talkative when it came to lumbering and carpentry, compared to when he was acting as militia leader.
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