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Fandom Claymore — New Isle


Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords
Chapter One: A Familiar Tale
She stood in front of him with her arms crossed bearing an odd look of both disgust and arrogance. Her slim, silver eyes scanned over every feature of the Claymore. A rare male, but even the same metallic sheen in his eyes and matching fair hair didn't quite make him blend in with the likes of the other Claymore. Even if it would have, most of the other initiates knew about his attitude. How closely he clung to being human, how he never experimented with his Yoki despite their instructors urging him to. She remembered it herself; just like her, Alex was told that his personal Yoki had the potential to be tapped into. Unlike her, Alex squandered that chance and instead worked on honing his other skills.

Sure, he used his increased strength to wield a war-bow. Perhaps he was even one of the more skilled swordsman of their class, if only by a little. It didn't matter; his personal restraint and disdain of the source of their strength caused him to draw out fights and or win using tactics most of the others weren't suitable for. In her eyes, he didn't make a good Claymore.

And, who was she to think that? Alma, considered the most dangerous initiate of her class. She was nearly a perfect example of a perfect Claymore. Tall and lean with bright, glimmering eyes. Her skin was like porcelain, her hair almost white until it fell and the sun made its silky length glisten with grey streaks. She was tall and lean, her ears lengthened but hidden under her long hair. More importantly, she had a powerful Yoki. By watching and imitating her instructors, she developed a variation of the Quicksword ability she dubbed Serpent Sting. It was weaker with fewer hits, but it allowed her to chain two to three strikes using the same principle. She was the only initiate able to tap into her Yoki like this and most of her classmates viewed her as a prodigy.

"I know why they call you the Steadfast," she told him. She remained still standing in front of him, her arms as closed off as her words. "I've also watched you spar. You dance around and parry, most of the time you strike, you do it to make someone move. You wear down your opponents until you're the last one standing," she added, noting her observations.

"Problem is, that won't work on Yoma. They're stronger than us, they last longer than us, and those tiny swords you were using won't do much to them," she said before stepping forward, directly confronting Alex.

"If you hold us back just because you refuse to fight like us, expect us to cut the dead weight," she said with no amount of tact. It was quite obvious she felt superior, but her repeating of the word 'us' implied the others might have felt the same way. There were still four others on their way, but for now, just Alma and Alex waited under the towering watch post they were told to meet at. It was hard to know what the truth was, but one thing was apparent: she was aggressive and dominant from the start.

Apostle Apostle
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He simply stared back at her with an unamused expression. He was completely still, showing no emotion. He didnt take it personally, he understood the stakes and what was at risk. However he was confident in his own abilities. Sure that a show of force and strength had its advantages, but even the strongest of warriors and largest of armies can be defeat by an inferior force with superior strategy and tactics. He remembered how his order and a small contingent of allies defeated a Yoma hord. They all should have been immediately wiped out, but yet they survived.. for a time.

He slightly tilted his head as if a provoking thought passed through his mind before he took a step towards her to show he wasnt afraid. " You and the others rely on your powers, and from the history of Claymores each time that the warriors from our order in the past faced Yoma stronger than them they dive deeper in their powers. Can you take a guess what eventually happens? They go passed the point of no return, they become the monsters that they had dedicated their lives into destroying. So excuse me for showing some prudence and restraint, for when the day comes where I meet my Creator I will do so with a clean soul.. or what remains of it. You however.." taking a moment to complete his thought. " Well... I will not give up on you as easily you would on others. " he wanted to say something more scathing and insulting but there would be no point into creating more division between them. They may need each other for the upcoming mission and throwing tinder on an existing fire will only make things worse. He turned away to look for the remaining members of their detachment for he was quite eager to get underway.

He observed the sun starting rise ever higher above the horizon, he was beginning to grow impatient. "So much for punctuality..." he said in flat tone.

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Her face showed the same amusement from his comment as his did to hers. Religion held little importance in the world in her eyes. The Order of the Amaryllis had only one advantage over Claymore: raw numbers. Even then, a single Claymore was worth at least a dozen Knights. Not only that, the Church of René considered Claymore abominations just like the Yoma. It was true that Awakening was a lifelong worry for Claymore, but she found the thought of him having a 'pure soul' when he had the same stigma she did laughable. The only thing more laughable being the thought she would ever depend on him. A coy smile crept across her face, but only out of her own self-righteous feeling of superiority over the man.

She looked off in the distance, squinting her silver eyes. The only point he had that she could find any middle ground on was the lateness of the others. Her vision was a fair amount more keen than his, and through the lesser foliage, she could make out movements of what looked like another two Claymore trekking their way there. She couldn't tell which, but at least the would-be knight wasn't making her wait.

The next voice to be heard wasn't from either of them, however. Instead, it was another faint, womanly voice from above them--and behind them. Well up into the wooden outpost behind Alma was another girl. "Eh, not that bad. We were told daybreak and it hasn't been dawn that long," she said. Her Yoki was virtually nonexistent, so much so neither of them even if they tried could have sensed it. Not due to her inherent skill, either. By the tone of her voice, both of them were pretty aware whom she was: Rosa. One of the less fortunate Claymore to have an exceptionally poor bonding, resulting in slightly fairer skin and closer-to-blonde hair than anything. She had one redeeming quality: she was small and fast. She wasn't as strong as Alma nor as skilled as Alex, but if it came to a mad-dash and a single swing, she might have either of them.

It wasn't her speed or stature that made her easy to identify. No, it was her voice. Rosa was notorious for being a smart-mouthed brat of a student. She had frustrated plenty of their instructors and did her best to stand up for virtually everyone in the class that wasn't as 'perfect' as Alma. Placing the two on a team was quite ironic. "Besides, they're the last ones. Ophie got here after I did and once the sun was up, her dumbass decided to go in alone," she explained, summing up the timeline and order of whom got there and when, assuming she was first. Alex likely had no idea whom Ophie was and Alma definitely didn't. Couldn't be a bright one to go into the Deepwood alone, however.

Alma looked up to her, now widening her eyes as there was no need to focus. "Might as well count us as five, then," she responded. She didn't quite like being paired with a runt, either, but she had more faith in the little blonde than she did Alex.

Apostle Apostle
Alex casually looked up to the post and gave a bright smile. " Rosa!" He let out a brief laugh. She was one of the few that treated him with any moniker of respect and dignity. " as quiet as a mouse as ever." He casually put a hand on his hip . " Ophelia...." trying to think, but vaugely recalled" ehh im sure we will catch up with her. He then waved her down " well come on. Come down and give us a proper hello. " he glanced at Alma before looking back to Rosa.. " well.. maybe not our fearless leader here, but at least to me. " he looked over his shoulder to see the others now converging onto the rally point.
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

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