"What do you think I'm gonna do?" The Leprechaun asked, continuing to giggle as he inched even closer to Agent 3. Before he could do anything, (though honestly he wasn't even going to do anything at all) Benrey decided to bull out a bomb. He may have been a little creepy gremlin man, but that didn't mean that he couldn't recognize a grenade when he didn't see one. So, instead of even catching it, the Leprechaun merely waved in response and disappeared in a green mist of what looked like some kind of dust, right before it had a chance to strike him. So, at this point, the boat had been destroyed and the creepy Leprechaun had escaped, more than likely stalking the trio in the trees or something.

Way to go, Benrey.

BoltBeam BoltBeam Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

"O-oh.. okay, right.." Luigi replied to Blake, nodding as she began leading them back to the cabin. However, as soon as they began walking back, the car miraculously turned on right behind them! The sudden revving of the engine and the shine of headlights made Luigi scream, nearly leaping out of his hat and overalls in pure fright! The car then began speeding towards the small group, clearly aiming to run them all over.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc quadraxis201 quadraxis201

Before Jason could fulfill his mission of popping Umbra's head like a balloon, Ciri mustered up enough courage to run back and actually try to fight him. Her sword slashes were enough to make him drop Umbra back onto the ground at least, but much like the other attacks so far, they really didn't seem to wound him physically. He'd turn around, only to watch her blink away as soon as he did so. Not that he even had much time to dwell on where she went, because Corvo had blinked himself back into the fight mere seconds later! Merely tilting his head a bit as their blades collided, Jason lifted his foot and attempted to collide it with Corvo's chest, aiming to kick the man away from him.

However, before he could make any more moves on Corvo, Weiss had straight up trapped him in a block of ice! Of course, this stopped Jason dead in his tracks, though the man's sheer determination and strength began showing even through this, as already cracks began forming in the ice, showing that the tank of a man was already beginning to break free from his hold. Weiss' attempt to flash him into the air worked partially, though. She had been unable to launch the nearly seven foot tall monster up into the air, instead only making his head tilt upwards a bit. That had been enough to distract him, though, and Yang successfully hit him square in the chest with her axe throw! Looking down at said axe, Jason grabbed it by its handle and attempted to pull it out, only for it to blow up in his hand.

Despite all of that, though, Jason himself was left with little more than a few more gaping holes, all oozing with black, thick blood. The attacks were clearly wearing on him physically, but mentally, it was as if he was unstoppable. Like he wasn't even capable of registering pain at all. Instead, he just kept moving forward, picking up the blade of the destroyed axe and hurling it in Yang's direction like a frisbee, aiming directly for her neck.

Meanwhile, Orbeck (and Whisper, assuming she followed) would hear a distinct rustling in the nearby bushes as they attempted to sneak away from Jason...

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher StaidFoal StaidFoal bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 marc122 marc122 Riven Riven Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

As Hiryu used his makeshift flashlight to take a look around the room, he found that it was... pretty calming, in all honesty. There were no dead bodies or traps in sight. Just a dark room with furniture, an old CRV television set, some books and food laying around...


"Sup, nerd!"

And a disgusting looking talking Gingerbread Man staring up at him from the nearby couch.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

The more the pair moved towards the lake, the stronger the grip on whatever had a hold of their minds became. Fog slowly creeped into their brains, clouding them, beckoning them closer, perhaps without them even fully realizing it by this point.

Zamasu Zamasu

Leo had been with Sage the whole time, standing by his friend through his crisis. Honestly, he really wasn't the best at words, and especially not at playing therapist. However, in his mind, Leo knew that his mere presence around Sage was enough, and that made him smile a bit nonetheless. After silently hearing the exchange between Sage and Megumin, he offered the former nothing more than a quiet smile and a knowing nod, knowing what his glance meant. He still remained by his side regardless, though, and looked over his shoulder as Sage examined the paper. Much like the car and the notes on the laptop, its good side only read one message.


"Do you... have any idea what that means?" Leo would ask Sage-- and possibly Megumin, if she were listening, as the pyromancer got to work on drawing on the opposite side of the paper.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun P PopcornPie

When Lilith used her powers to enter the shack, she found about what she had expected. It was an old man with a beard longer than his entire body (which also had a bandage in it for some reason). He wore old, tattered clothes that looked like they'd seen more than just a few bad days. He smelled like he himself had seen more than a few of those, too. Once Lilith entered, the old man merely stared at her, and communicated with her in the best way he knew how.


ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
Agent 3

"What do you think I'm gonna do?" The Leprechaun asked, continuing to giggle as he inched even closer to Agent 3. Before he could do anything, (though honestly he wasn't even going to do anything at all) Benrey decided to bull out a bomb. He may have been a little creepy gremlin man, but that didn't mean that he couldn't recognize a grenade when he didn't see one. So, instead of even catching it, the Leprechaun merely waved in response and disappeared in a green mist of what looked like some kind of dust, right before it had a chance to strike him. So, at this point, the boat had been destroyed and the creepy Leprechaun had escaped, more than likely stalking the trio in the trees or something.
...Well, there goes the boat! Before the Inkling could even respond, the boat was no more and the Leprechaun had vanished in that very instant. "...Was that actually warranted?" She asked, now on solid ground after Benrey had gotten everyone else 'on' the boat now 'off' the boat... in the process of blowing it up. "...I know I was a little scared, but... I don't know if that was called for..."
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Vacantly scared​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: THE BOAT IS GONE​
RP Information
Location: Camp Crystal Lake​
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: @SailboatExploringTeam​
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As they walked, she looked at the two women. “It’s nice to meet the both of you too.” Jett then asked her to say more on the MPF and she paused for a minute before responding. “The MPF, or the Multiverse Protection Foundation, is a group that aims to protect the multiverse. Sounds explanatory, doesn’t it? It came into existence after the first incident that kicked this entire thing off, something we call The Tesseract Incident. Currently, we’re the only people that can save the other half of the MPF back at the base due to our main enemy, Ganondorf, submerging the base and the people there in Twilight. And in case you aren’t aware of what Twilight is, unless you’re from the realm of Twilight, touching it is going to hurt you and leave you with some terrible burns. We’re also the only people capable of defeating Ganondorf and an associate of his, Zant.

Blake looked at the two girls. “
Any more questions?

Then, she heard Luigi scream before turning around once she saw the lights, she grabbed Luigi and moved out of the way. “
It’s alive?!

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Seeing the injuries that he was sustaining, they seemed to actually be doing damage to him, which was great. If he could bleed, he could be defeated and killed, something she learned during her training and the various different fights she had gotten into. What was unfortunate was that he seemed to be still willing to fight and saw that he threw an axe at Yang.

Blinking over to Yang, she grabbed her arm and Blinked out of the way, saving her from the axe.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , marc122 marc122
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

Camp Superior
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

As Yang started to make her own advance by running towards her, she saw that the axe had not entirely been blown up; in fact, its head was headed straight for her neck like a deadly frisbee! So she lowered her head, shielding it with the back guards of Ember Celica, but before the head could collide, Ciri arrived in the nick of time to Blink with her, preventing the axe head in question from making contact with the blonde. Noticing this, she looked over towards the Witcheress.

"Thanks!" Yang said towards Ciri as she continued to make her way towards Jason.

Weiss, meanwhile, summoned a circular array of Glyphs surrounding the serial killer, then pressed the trigger and then swiped down with her free hand, watching as ice projectiles start raining down on him! If Jason were to look elsewhere from the ex-heiress, he would see Yang homing in, jumping with her foot raised and aimed towards slamming him into the ground as the rain of projectiles conspicuously stop.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason Voorhees, Chucky), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri), Laix_Lake Laix_Lake (Orbeck), Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 (Gretar), FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra)
Chronology (1).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Not scared of the gingerbread man
Interaction: Luigi, Thorne, & Blake

Jett chuckles a bit while trying to listen on what is the MPF like answered by Blake & asks Blake a different question, this time about some of her life "So, how is your past when this multiverse happened???" Jett frowns a bit when she was thinking about her life with her squad such as Reyna, Phoenix, Viper, & her best friend Sova. She sighed a bit while trying to listen on Blake's reply, she saw a car was speeding towards them right before she makes a graceful summersault over the car while looking at Paladin.

Chronology (2).jpg

Location: Camp Crystal Lake
Expression: Keeping things a bit quiet
Interaction: Jett & Blake

Meanwhile Thorne was trying to look at Luigi been scared & has a quite interesting weapon which is a vacuum clean that captures ghosts, but when they are driving back to the cabin while having a question with Luigi"So, you are professionally capture ghosts?? You've done this in the past also too??" She then does the same as Jett after she saw a car speeding towards the group, & lands gracefully saying to everyone "Is everyone know how to gracefully land after doing a backflip over a car??"
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Lilith was a little surprised at what she stumbled upon but that didn't denture her any "Don't worry I'll try to find a way to get you out of here." She says to the old man before poking out from the garage for a bit to tell Rex about what she saw. "Hey Rex I think I found that old guy and he seems to be fine, aside from being a little bit of a nutcase but whatever, If you find anything else just let me know okay?"
After that she tries to find a way to get him out of the garage, her first bet was to rip one of the planks out from the wall so he could crawl out but she quickly shook her head and denied that plan as it would probably collapse the whole building and crush the old man, so instead she tries to unlock the door by possessing it so he could run out. (What is this like the fifth time she possessed a door to unlock it?)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Old man)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Rex)

  • Kassandra was irritated by people stupid enough to engage with the superpowered assailant. If the guy could shrug off attacks like it was nothing, don’t be using your usual tactics expecting them to work! She cursed in Greek as she stopped parkouring, perching on top of a tree as she watched Umbra and some newbie think they were hot enough to take Jason on. Thankfully, both Ciri and Corvo managed to intervene before things could get hairy, but it was clear the team needed at least some help.

    Since the Eagle Bearer had already poisoned her target, she kept the Fire Arrows nocked as she closed one eye and aimed with the other. Her Spear of Leonidas glowed in the dark, giving away her position just before she fired off a Predator Shot. Whilst Jason was too busy throwing the axe at Yang, Kassandra “possessed” her arrow just like she could Ikaros, willing it to turn so it was directly positioned to hit Jason right through the mask’s hole and into one of his eyes! To follow up, she’d nock another fire arrow before firing it at his other eye!

    Once that was done, she leapt out of the tree and back on the ground, sprinting over to meet Ciri and Corvo before shaking her head at Umbra and the newcomer.

    “Seriously? What made you think fighting the brute on your own was a smart idea?!?!” The Spartan irritably snapped at the latter two, before looking back at the Witcheress.

    “It’s a shame the distraction didn’t work, but if we coordinate, I think we can take this malaka,” The Eagle Bearer stated to her trusted companions, though it was also directed at the remnants of RWBY and those who chose to stand and fight.
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  • Well, Lucky might as well have been interested to know that Arthur Morgan turned flat as paper. His expression was... well, half-surprised, and half-disappointed at the potion’s effects.

    “I guess I really am a flat Arthur now, huh?” The gunslinger cracked, making an attempt to joke to other people and at least lighten the mood. It probably didn’t work due to the horror show that was the potion fiasco, so it was unlikely that anyone had noticed him turn back into his normal appearance after the group split up.

    And, as always, Morgan chose to stick with Blake. The girl looked much less depressed and seemed as fine as she could get, given the circumstances, but he felt most comfortable with the cat-girl since they both came from the Teserract Incident and could reliably depend on each other.

    Such as this case. The American himself had actually been eyeing the car warily; he never liked those stupid horseless carriages in the Cape or anywhere else, and this one was no different. It was a huge surprise when it actually came to life on its own, but he reacted first, diving out of the way and positioning himself to the right of the car.

    “God damn horseless carriages!” The gunslinger cursed before raising his solo LeMat Revolver to his eyes, firing two bullets at each of the car’s right tires... then fired his incendiary grapeshot at the car’s gas tank. Hopefully it would at least disable the car, or even blow it up. So long as the damn thing didn’t engulf his companions in the explosion, it was fine if it was destroyed.
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Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Luigi was apparently armed with some sort of vacuum cleaner, though he did say it was used to catch ghosts, and it came with a fairly bright bulb. "That could come in handy." Akari said to the plumber. "At the very least, we'll be safer if any ghosts come after us."

When Blake mentioned that introductions were apparently not exchanged between the two of them, Akari nodded. "Right. My name is Akari Kishiri, though I also go by the codename 'Paladin'. You may use either one, to be honest. I'm... very much new to this MPF business. In any case, it's good for me to be able to use my Persona once again. The last time I was able to do was around... eight years ago, back when the Neo Phantom Thieves, of which I was a member, helped dispel corruption in Tokyo."

Suddenly, the car came to life and started speeding towards them! "Considering we've seen a child's doll with the soul of a serial killer in it, a haunted car doesn't seem all that farfetched, I would think." Akari somersaulted to the left to dodge the oncoming (and probably possessed) vehicle.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
(Open for Interactions)
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
Benedict would look at the leprechaun
No! Get away! I don’t have your gold hobo!
He would say before throwing a can at the gremlin man
Then Benrey would throw a bomb and grab everyone, escaping as the boat was destroyed
He would yell as the boat erupted into flames
He would look at Benrey
Ah! Why did you destroy my yacht!? We could’ve just.....shot the homeless man!
Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
BoltBeam BoltBeam
Lealan sniffs the air for a moment, then focuses on Tommy. "Do you guy's have any food? The only thing I've eaten lately is glass, because the shitty shack we were trapped in was made by idiots."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
As Jason had lunged towards Umbra, The Operator suddenly maneuvers the frame, "Move!!" The warframe barely slipped through the narrowing hands, sliding onto its knees a little too late however as Jason had successfully locked his hands around the frame's blank and scarved head. "Gaaaaaahhh!", the Tenno yells, the pain of pressure being squeezed into his head through Umbra's skull. To say it hurt, is a definite understatement. Ciri's intervention of slashes, were enough for Jason to thankfully drop the frame, the moment Umbra touches the ground, he suddenly dives in a backwards motion to get away from the imposing figure. "He's slow, but strong", The Operator spoke to Kassandra mentally through the frame, Ciri able to hear him as well, "Figured we might as well experiment and find out, wouldn't have figured out your poison was barely doing anything as well." Umbra shakes his head, returning his senses as he turns his head towards Jason, the Skiajati held by his waist. "If normal attacks don't work, let's kick it up a notch." The Operator would appear in a blink in front of Umbra between him and Kassandra, the boy nodding to Umbra as he began sprinting towards Jason, a cyan glowing right hand.

The warframe remains in the vicinity, thrusting the long skiajati into the side as the sparks of lightning and energy can be seen engulfing the 7 ft. long blade. As sparks began to leak from the pool of energy, the Warframe began to sprint towards Jason as well. The Operator kept his distance on the opposite side, blasting a beam of the Transference Energy straight into Jason's mask, searing and burning the mask with pure light. As The Operator continued to blast him with the powerful energy, Umbra had done another sprint slide into the superhuman, diving and plunging the energized electric and flaming blade midway through and into Jason's shoulder, before suddenly fully pulling the blade cleanly through diagonally across his chest and out his side. The Warframe doesn't quit the momentum, still sprinting in the direction as The Operator continues to blast Jason with his Transference and dives at Umbra, clashing bodies. The Operator disappears into the Warframe as the two collide, Umbra turning back around and doing another horizontal slash with the energized weapon, causing a long bolt of bright plasma to rear towards Jason's torso once more.

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Everything looked relatively nice and normal until he saw that living piece of gingerbread, greeting him loudly, causing Hiryu to stumble back in shock.


"Jesus fucking holy shi--" Hiryu bumped against the side of the doorway, looking away before looking back again, "What the hell even are you? A gingerbread man reject?" He asked, a bit disgusted if not surprised
After a bit of distance away from the bit, allowing the others to be put down now, he was already assaulted with a multitude of questions, and decided to answer them, replying to the Agent first with “Look..... I didn’t like how the situation was going on back there on the boat, and my instincts and experience with horror movies, even though I watched a few, basically told me to GTFO out of there quickly. I know that I should hav waited to find out if he was actually a threat, but considering his story so far, and the world we are basically in, my mind and instincts told me to basically protect myself. While the Leprechaun may have actually been friendly, something tells me that it has a kill count already, and I didn’t want to figure out if it was legit or not.” as he sigh, before responding to Benedict “Also, don’t you have multiple yachts or something, why need a simple boat...” before starting to look around him, making sure nothing else was here.

“Look, you can criticize me all you want, but I don’t think splitting up from the main group was a good idea.... so how about we find other people because I don’t feel safe out here with only the three, three and a half of us being out here. If we ever see that leprechaun again, how about you guys sit back and let me be the punching bag for once, because it was my fault we got ourselves into this mess, and I will get ourselves out of it” as he remembered to include Josh. He motioned the others to follow him, before heading off in a random direction, which was the direction in what seemed to be the archery place if he recalled correctly, making sure to occasionally look around to see if there was nothing stalking the three and the half people in the group.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore BoltBeam BoltBeam Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch

He ran, because his instincts and his adrenaline was forcing his body to, and he had no other way to direct these things in order to fight back against the machete wielding maniac. Except, it was the sight of seeing his allies getting hurt, his allies who stayed behind to take down this threat, and here he was, sitting back and running away with his tail between his legs. No, he will not run away, not like last time, he will face his fears head on, and help his friends to fight against this foe.

Charging headfirst at Jason, he took awhile, and once he finallt got close enough to actually do something, he let out a scream as he activated Twilight of the Gods, which would throw Jason off his feet if it managed to land, and drop the man long enough for Gretar to do a small spin, and slam his war hammer into the head of the hockey mask wielding maniac.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Jason fight

  • "INRI...?" Megumin scratched her head. "It sounds...regal. Maybe it's some kind of high-society secret code. It could also be a blend of medieval numerals: 'I' stands for number one, 'N" stands for ninety, and 'R' stands for eighty." She rubbed her chin. "Also...I have heard stories from reincarnated adventurers about someone who was nailed to a cross, and the cross had 'INRI' on it...Nah, but those are just obscure legends. Nobody actually believes them."
Orbeck of Vinhiem
Status: Was preparing to attack Jason, and a rustling in the bushes.
Condition: Normal, drinking the Depresso.​

Despite all of that, though, Jason himself was left with little more than a few more gaping holes, all oozing with black, thick blood. The attacks were clearly wearing on him physically, but mentally, it was as if he was unstoppable. Like he wasn't even capable of registering pain at all. Instead, he just kept moving forward, picking up the blade of the destroyed axe and hurling it in Yang's direction like a frisbee, aiming directly for her neck.
It seems as if the only way to keep him from attacking is to sever his limbs. Jason has complete tolerance for even the most brutal of blows that even the most hallowfied undead would at least flinch at. Given the prgress that was made so far, he was going to contribute with a spell of his own...

Meanwhile, Orbeck (and Whisper, assuming she followed) would hear a distinct rustling in the nearby bushes as they attempted to sneak away from Jason...

Only for the rustling of the nearby bushes to grab his attention. It wasn't as if he was trying to sneak away from Jason, he was just trying to sneak by the masked murderer so Orbeck could use one of his sorceries at Jason. But now he (and presumably Wispper) has something hiding in bushes alongside them. He is still invisible due to the spell he had just used, attacking the unknown creature now will end the spell, leaving him visible. But given the somewhat reasonable distance from the conflict, it may be something that he is willing to risk.

Of course, he would expect whisper to notice the rustling as well, hard to say if there was any confirmation from the wolf (due to him casting hidden body on her as well.). To investigate the rustling or not? The former was decided. Using his sword, he starts to prod the bush with as much delicacy as he can muster in his sorry emotional state. Let us hope it's not another horror themed monstrously.

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher StaidFoal StaidFoal bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 marc122 marc122 Riven Riven thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
--Whisper The Woof--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Whisper had taken to going for a far more direct option, knowing that it may or may not be an enemy as well. She shot a pink buzzsaw at the top.of the bush, aiming to cut off a few leaves to reveal at least the top of the hidden assailant's head before leaping off to Orbeck's other side, the confirmation a fee soft cruches of grass as she aims her Wispon at the bush.
"Yes...." A small, whispering voice could be heard, resonating in the duo's ears. "Just sit down... you deserve a break..." It hummed, egging the two on as they drew closer to the lakeside.

Zamasu Zamasu
As the trio attempted to make their way back towards the main group, hoping to find the archery station, their lines of sight and eardrums would be haunted by the Leprechaun. Just as things went quiet, they would hear its childish giggles in their ears. Every few moments, they would find him standing on a tree branch, waving at them jovially. Sometimes, they'd even hear something that may or may not have come from him directly, such as a rustling in the bushes, or tree branches brushing up against each other.

"She sneezes once, she sneezes twice, she'll be me bride when she sneezes thrice!" His rhymes echoed throughout the trees as Benrey, Benedict, and Agent 3 attempted to escape his presence. "Get me me gold, and you might just grow old!"

Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 BoltBeam BoltBeam
The car spoke no words as it tried to ram into the small group of characters repeatedly. "I-I don't that that-a now is the time for an interview!" Luigi replied to Jett as he narrowly dodged the car by jumping out of the way, landing on his stomach. Sadly, the car's gas tank was closed, so Arthur's bullets towards it did nothing more than bounce off of the metal protecting it. Luckily, the car's tires weren't as fortunate as the gas tank, and both were subsequently blown out by Morgan's bullets! Despite this, though, it still spun around (albeit very sloppily) and sped right back towards the small group, attempting to run them over again! Albeit, this time it was done in a much more sloppy way due to its aforementioned lack of rightmost tires.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc quadraxis201 quadraxis201 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

The voice did not reply, but rather, whatever force that had been egging the duo on increased tenfold, practically pulling Soma and Shanoa in at this point.

Zamasu Zamasu
The ice projectiles stabbed through various parts of Jason's body, though despite that, he kept standing. Aside from the clear physical ailments that they had caused, they did little to stop him from continuing on. In fact, he even reached up and gripped the ice shard that had embed itself inside of his shoulder, yanking it out with little to no effort. Then, when Yang came at him with her flying kick, he reached up and caught her leg.


With Yang's leg now in his grasp, Jason proceeded to slam her spine into the nearby tree, before dropping her on the ground. By the time he looked back up, though, Kassandra's first arrow struck him directly in his left eye! Staggering back a bit from the sudden attack, Jason grabbed the arrow and yanked it out, a bit of black blood spurting out of the mask's eye hole. The second arrow that came towards him didn't fare as well, though, as Jason now saw it coming. So, before it could strike him, he caught it in one hand, before crushing it in his palm like a twig. The fire didn't seem to affect him at all, though, even as a bit of his arm caught fire.

He used said arm to raise up with Umbra's plasma blast, blocking it from hitting his mask. Once again, pain didn't seem to register as his already destroyed arm appeared to be even more messed up from the blast. The slash towards his shoulder would be met by Jason grabbing onto it before it could slide across his chest, using his superior strength to straight up push it right back out of the original entry wound! The second plasma shot made him stumble back a bit, though, having hit him dead on. Gretar's attack was indeed enough to knock Jason off of his feet, however, though as he attempted to knock him in the head with his hammer, Jason grabbed caught it with one hand, before slamming it down into the ground. With Gretar downed, he took hold of the icicle he'd stolen off of Weiss, before attempted to jam it down into the back of Gretar's skull.

Meanwhile, as Orbeck and Whisper investigated the rustling in the bushes, they found none other than Chucky, who'd apparently taken to hiding from Jason there. "The fuck're you two dipshits doing here!?" He snarled.

Riven Riven Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 marc122 marc122 TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla bloodyninja64 bloodyninja64 StaidFoal StaidFoal

As Soma and Shanoa drew even closer, the mysterious voice began to beckon them to sit down at the bench by the lake.

Zamasu Zamasu
Tommy nodded. "Yeah, we've got snacks on the table over there, and some cold ones in that cooler." He said, gesturing towards the table in question, which had a few chips laid out as well as some dip. The cooler was stocked with icy cold Bohemian style beers as well, meaning that Lealan could finally eat non glass food! Epic win!

"Well, that'd certainly be nice if you could help us out with that. And me and my boys would be thankful," Tommy replied to Lucky as he gestured to the gang behind him, who all nodded in the affirmative.

P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp StaidFoal StaidFoal

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