-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Jerome pulled out a detonator and Venus immediately books it. Just as he press it, all of a sudden you are being pulled away just as the table explodes. Turns out that there are vines wrapped around the legs and are also tied to Venus' when she ran away, dragging you off in the process.

"There is nothing wrong with making precautions before a fight."

>A group of men in clown masks appear, and by Jerome's command, they begin to rain lead.




>As if on cue, Captain Falcon rushes in towards the goons. You probably gonna be more smarter than that.

>Would you like to change skill sets?

>Which one?
>Captain Falcon


>You get your Skypierce into shield mode and imbue it with flames as you charge yourself into the goons while defending yourself from the bullets. Once you get near, you begin to bash your flaming shield at them.
Once everyone finds Megumin, they all head out. Eventually they reach they headmaster’s office to find the headmaster himself to be a scared man with a creepy smile.

”Uhhh, hello?” Rex was freaked out by his presence, but somewhat cooled down when the man introduces himself as Jerome. He invites everyone in for some turkey insisting that they try some.

“N-no thank you, I’m good.”

“Yeah. Same here. (He’s awfully persistent about us wanting to try the food. It could be poison for all we know..)” Soon, some people get too suspicious and decide to end the fest by taking out their guns. Jerome takes offense to this and sends his henchmen with clown mask and start a fire.

“Gah. I knew something was up.” Sora’s ready for a scrap. Grif is upset by this but his bitching would only make Rex irritated.

“Don’t worry, Grif. I still have some knuckle sandwiches for you and . Just you wait.”


Rex would spin his chucks in a rapid fashion deflecting the goon’s bullets ending it with Rex clapping them together making a shockwave pushing back some of them. Rex would then jump forward slamming them down on a few goons, and starts taking them out from afar like Mr. Fantastic.

Sora though, would coat his keyblade in ice and starts taking out a few goons while putting out the fire.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Lealan's decision to just spray water everywhere had brought Akari back to his senses, as some of it splashed onto his visor-covered face. "Not the way I had in mind, but it works. Much appreciated." He said to her after spitting out some water. Akari stood back up and took out his crossbow, the Archimedes. "Guns are nice, but nothing hurts quite like having to yank out a steel-tipped bolt." With a smirk, Akari pointed his crossbow at one of the clown-masked goons and fired it, loosing a powerful (and fast) bolt at their chest. The inner mechanical workings of the Archimedes caused each new bolt to be prepared in the span of just a single second, while also automatically pulling back the bowstring. These combined actions allowed Akari to continuously shoot bolt after bolt at a fairly decent rate.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open For Interactions)
"Wait, let me help with that!" Megumin followed Lealan, and then Sora, working to smother the flames with her cape and hat. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but, hey, every party member should contribute some elbow grease, right? "Unfortunately, I don't know what else I can do! They'll finish turning me into a maggot hive before I can finish my incantation, not to mention none of you would have any way to escape! Nor am I any good with the kind of weapons those goons have! Oh, I could really use Celty's help right about now..." Celty, that one with the cool helmet from Blood Gulch, had taught Megumin how to use a rocket launcher. She made it look much easier than it really was, but the archmage had the hang of it in no time. With her ability to keep cool in these sorts of situations, Celty would've breezed through this fight!

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Guess that's a no then." Hiryu sighs as the clowns suddenly burst from the walls. Before the team went to battle, Another Blade grabbed the entire turkey and devoured it before the table blew up, prompting the steel knight to flee carrying the food in order to deposit it somewhere before returning.


Another Wizard casted some chains once more to wrap around Jerome, and just as it wrapped tight, he was shot down by the clowns, resulting for the binds to be prematurely closed up, the chains not linked up correctly.

Hiryu proceeded bang his clockblades together, tanking in the bullets as he rushed in and began to strike down the armed clowns.

Meanwhile, Whisper attempted to get close to Jerome in an attempt to knock him out.
"Oh god I knew this guy was up to something, I never should've trusted that smile those are never good!" Lilith says, as she has seen more then enough horror movies to know a thing or two about crazy people (Which ironically makes her seem crazy as well). Bullets were flying all over the place sporadically and there was an absurd amount of holes in the wall, almost enough to start a whole funeral for them, but that was no matter because Lilith's attention would shift over to Lealan who's feast was rudely interrupted. "Hey, any sign of side effects from that turkey you ate?" She say as she was shooting multiple spirits at the goons.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp (Lealan)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Goons)
Who’s Celty? Anyways, look Megumin, I appreciate the help- watch out.” He threw his keyblade towards a goon at the side taking him out. “Sorry. But anyways, it would help if you had magic to help us... maybe use... explosions, BUT ONLY SMALL ONES.” He emphasized that last part.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Orbeck of Vinheim
status: Blown away by a VERY STUPID fancy man, and a suspicious Jerome.
Condition: weary, burns scattered about.​
So there he was, Orbeck of Vinheim, sent flying away from sage as any chance of avoiding the reawakening of that secondary influence was dashed, because of Benedict and his stupid bottle of...cleaner or something? He was obviously full of himself and has done so much wrong in this world and others. Yet this may as well be the biggest offense at all. So as he gets himself up from the aftermath, burned in a few places, he mentally makes a note to put that tiny fancy man on his personal list of the stupid. The same list that holds the names of Doomguy and that squid girl awhile back. So he follows along with Alexis to the headmaster's office.

He (along with everyone elce) would find that the man in question has set up...a banquet? Why a banquet? A means to mock them? lull them into a false sense of security? Or was he here for other things? It doesn't help that he has trigger finger for those that call him out, from the idiot known as caption falcon to the poor butler who made this Banquet

"Hmm... maybe you're right..." Jerome hummed as he stared at his gun, and then over to the bleeding Captain Falcon... only to shoot him once more in the chest. "Oops..." He smiled, before dropping his weapon onto the table. "Butterfingers!" He then turned to look at Megumin and Lucky. "Of course I know Cobblepot! He's a very good friend of mine!" Jerome exclaimed, before hearing out Megumin specifically. "Uuunnnfortunately, he's not taking visitors right now. I can leave a message for him, though!" He then, however, leaned forward once he heard the other part of Megumin's statement. "Oh... and why's that?" He'd ask with a slight frown, leaning forward on his elbows a bit as he asked. "Aaaaannnnnd no," Jerome said, turning to Agent Penguin. "The only alias I have is Jerome!"

He then looked over to Blake and Ciri, tilting his head a bit. "Well, that's awfully presumptuous of you, isn't it? Who said I even worked for Cobblepot, anyways?" He asked. "Besides, you're not being very good guests if you're not eating the meal I prepared for you, are ya?"

Orbeck, had some sanity about him as he kicked the grime off of his boots, and took a seat. He can't say much about the so called host as he chewed away at the food offered. Some turkey here, some spinach there. It seemed as if there could be some leeway with this man. But once again hopes where dashed...

"Alright, enough of this shit!" Jason shouted as he stood up and pulled out one of his handguns. Before he could properly aim at Jerome, though, the ginger slammed his thumb down on the detonator's red button. As soon as he did so, a high-pitched beeping noise could be heard from under the table you were all sitting at. Most of you got up to run out of the room, and while you more than likely avoided outright death, before any of you could get the doors open, the table exploded. Food flew everywhere around you while smoke and fire filled the room, and pieces of broken wood and cloth filled the air. All this while, Jerome was laughing like the maniac he is. A loud cracking noise could be heard beside you as the wall suddenly caved in, revealing several unfriendly looking folks, all holding various weapons and wearing clown masks.


"We need to leave. NOW."
At that moment Orbeck just jumped out from his chair as the danger was finally revealed. Escaping with everyone else, Orbeck was sent tumbling to the floor alongside a few others,
she was dealing with being burned alive. "Ha...amateur...Explosion..." The roasting archmage mused, because there was never a bad time for Explosion pride.
Was her pride in that spell so thick that she joked about it as she was being burned alive? When he gets that chance, he will get that archwisard to see the error of her ways. But none the less, Orbeck had to get out of those...clowns, line of fire. Then there was the Crazy fancy man, going up to one of those nutcases and talking to them as if they where old chums...he needs to go.

Benedict would walk up to one of them before pulling out a silver bell, ringing it before pointing to one of the clowns and speaking.
AH! YOU! Take these ruffians out mister Coffeebean! Jerome and I need to examine where mister clippy has gone! Go! Shoo! Get them!

Having enough of this, he prepares what might be considered his most powerful spell, a spell that he would have never known about if the unkindled didn't share it with him. A spell that was the work of the scholar of the grand archives, sitting beside Lothric castle. As he cast the spell, a vast amount of blue energy gathering at his stave for those few precious moments, before firing a streaming volley of soul energy right toward "mister Coffeebean". Benedict would luckily not be targetted in this attack. Still, it was bound to end with him with at least a few bullets in him.


With the clown in question, presumably killed, he dashes toward the currently venerable Benedict Cucumberpatch, snatching him from the ground he stands on.

"If you are unwilling to help, then grant the courtesy of letting me use your gun."

With the critical remark spoken, He starts to dig through his pockets, he KNOWS he has a gun as he was using it during that time in gravity falls. Better in Orbeck's somewhat experienced hands than the hand of this...disgrace of a person.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what else I can do! They'll finish turning me into a maggot hive before I can finish my incantation, not to mention none of you would have any way to escape! Nor am I any good with the kind of weapons those goons have! Oh, I could really use Celty's help right about now..."

He would run beside the archwizard, he grabs his dagger and hands it over before applying the same crystalline enchantment that he has done before. This was done regardless of the outcome of his pickpocketing of Benedict. Any words that could be said, can be said another time.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch
Who’s Celty? Anyways, look Megumin, I appreciate the help- watch out.” He threw his keyblade towards a goon at the side taking him out. “Sorry. But anyways, it would help if you had magic to help us... maybe use... explosions, BUT ONLY SMALL ONES.” He emphasized that last part.

P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Small and concentrated? That can be arranged," the Agent hears their conversation. "I speculate that Pop's bubbles should be able to withstand something like that, so the plan is - I get all the bad guys in bubbles, you all push the bubbles together to combine them, then cast your spell inside the bubble with the bad guys... better yet. We could skip the first step, escape and bubble the entire school! Then we blow it up!"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
kindpng_5029417.pngA set-up. Typical. Lars instantly springs into action, unleashing a chain of attacks on the goons.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
59F07626-14FB-45A9-9E01-47DB8B308504.jpeg & A3611C27-5F6B-47B3-9758-1EE6619B9E05.jpeg

“Alright, I’ll have something to eat, jeez! You don’t really need to shoot me with that thing!” Sonic took 2 Pigs in a Blanket and ate them both, realizing that much to his surprise, there was nothing suspicious about how they tasted. Upon receiving the Stim Pack, Deadpool, with his extremely poor excuse for hands, struggled to pick it up in order to inject it in himself. Thankfully, as his “hands“ were now starting to develop opposable thumbs, he managed to grab it and inject it. Now with new hands growing in at a faster rate, he reached over to grab some marshmallows, only for the table to flip in an explosion. While Deadpool did get knocked back quite a bit, Sonic, however, easily managed to get out of harm’s way with his speed.

Drawing both handguns, Deadpool was clearly pissed off. ”WHY DOES THIS KIND OF SHIT KEEP ON HAPPENING?! I JUST WANTED SOME FUCKING CHOCOLATE COVERED MARSHMALLOWS, NOT A TICKET TO THE CIRCUS, EVERYBODY HATES CLOWNS!” He then started blasting at the clown goons, easily taking numerous bullets without a care in the world, while Sonic swiftly dodged what came his way, running up and onto the side of the wall, doing a dive kick into the head of one of the masked men.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore and everyone else who just wanted to eat some clearly normal food.
"What's wrong? Too predictable?" The crazed ginger would ask Akari as he casually walked up to him, delivering a kick to his stomach as he attempted to pull himself to his feet. The goons were certainly having their fair share of issues as well, what with one of them being covered in ink and trapped in some kind of bubble. Snake's M16 rounds did their work on the soldiers, his deadly accuracy being quite deadly for those moocs as each bullet struck them in rapid succession! B.J.'s guns had about the same effect as well. Gretar's hammer certainly helped take out quite a number of guards, and his attack to their nuts and berries certainly only added further insult to injury.

Benrey and Lealan's efforts in putting out the fires worked, and within moments, the fires had been successfully extinguished! "Oops! Heads up!" Jerome would shout over to the pair, before hurling a plate of salad at Benrey's head. At least he was taking this whole thing seriously, which was especially made evident when he threw the bottle of salad dressing at Lealan's head. Captain Falcon's flaming uppercut had sent a guard flying right past Jerome, who ducked out of the way before it knocked him back. He then watched as Ben transformed into Echo Echo, successfully taking out even more goons with the sonic sound blast. Shujinko's flaming shields also helped take out a good number of guards.

"The fuck did I do to you, man!?" Grif would shout over to Rex as he took out the guards with his assault rifle. Rex's attacks themselves would also work wonders on the goons, as did Sora's attacks. When Sora began putting out the fire, though, Jerome picked up the chocolate fountain and chucked it at the boy!

"You forgot dessert!" The maniac laughed. As Akari recovered, his bows also took out a good number of goons, who simply didn't stand a chance against the electrified bolts! Meanwhile, when Megumin tried smothering the flames with her cape, her cape merely would catch on fire! Oops. Before Jerome could throw food at her, though, he was suddenly wrapped in chains! He looked down at the chains and struggled... a little, but before he could really truly worry, the person who was wrapping him in chains was shot down. "Oh... guess that works in my favor, huh?" Jerome would ask with a shrug as he grabbed the chains around his arms. He then turned to Whisper as she approached him, and as she moved in, Jerome used his chain arms to wrap around her neck, attempting to strangle her! "Don't worry... doooonnnn't worry... Uncle J's gonna make your death niiiice and painful..." Jerome said with a demented grin as he pulled his wrists back further, attempting to outright crush her neck with the chains! Lealan, meanwhile, experienced no side effects from the consumed turkey, aside from a darn good meal! Orbeck's, Lars', Deadpool's, and Sonic's attacks also did their job in taking out the goons as well. De

By the time everyone was through, only a few goons remained. They were still shooting at you, though, so they were still an issue.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"GAAAAAAH! MYCAPEMYCAPEMYCAPEMYCAPE!" Megumin would have to put their conversation on pause to stomp the flames out of her cape, in a pure panic. You know, diregarding the rest of her being burned. "Oh, you wouldn't have known Celty. I think she was placed on the Blue team. I got to run alongside her while we were invading Meta's base, and she taught me how to use a rocket launcher!" Her eyes fluttered shut. "Just another weak copy of my Explosion, but-AAAAAH!" She took shots to the calves. "I think I might've taken her lesson for granted! As soon as I was able, I tried to force out my memories of being forced to use that launcher!"

When it came to Sora's suggestion, Megumin shook her head wildly. "Nonononononono, you don't understand! The size of Explosion can't be controlled! At least, not to my knowledge! I can't make small Explosions!" Her distress was compounded by more bullets to the waist. "Ow! I can't believe Chomusuke thinks I was meant to be the one trapped in a bubble, then he goes and puts us in this mess!...But it looks like he's having a good time." She watched the rabbit haphazardly gun down the clowns.

Fortunately, it was Orbeck to the rescue! He ran up to Megumin, and gave her a strange dagger with crystals all over. "Oooh! It's no long-range, but it'll certainly-" Her attention was cut off by the sight of that same purple Puffle bubbling clowns. The penguin commanding him proposed a perfect plan: Megumin could still use Explosion on these goons if they were all bubbled! "Does that mean I could save the day with Explosion twice?!" Her eyes developed that trademark Crimson Demon glow. "I like the sound of that! Not to mention my confidence in Pop's bubbles. The one I was caught in was surprisingly durable!" But first, she needed to take out her fair share! Because she was still lacking in a long-range attack, she had to make a terrifying show of running up to the clowns, dodging their guns, then slashing them with her new dagger. She would also piggyback off others' bullets, leaping to whichever clowns were deprived of their weapons and finishing them off. Though this was much easier in theory, and she took more bullets from surrounding clowns, she refused to give up. During her attack, however, she had a grim realization: The one time she got Explosion working was literally in her dreams! "Wait! Since the Nightmare Realm was just a dream, what if that's the only reason Explosion worked? Just like Caboose's head! Just because I could use it in a dream doesn't mean I can use it again in the real world! What if it just fails, and I end up getting beheaded?"

Meanwhile, Lucky just kept being Lucky. Such an adrenaline rush the little rabbit had, gunning down all these goons. And he kept himself going with whatever leftovers fell on the floor, too.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Crow Crow
--Whisper The Suffocating Wolf || Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

"Whisper!" Hiryu growled as he saw Jerome strangle the masked brown wolf. He charged at the headmaster, blades drawn alongside Another Blade.

While struggling to raise her Wispon and shoot him, some of the Wisps emerged from Whisper's cloak, flying about and attempting to distract Jerome by swarming around him, all the while the Cyan Laser wisp remained on her Wispon. She pulled the trigger, attempting to shoot off his leg.

After taking out a few more of the guards with a few homing attacks and kicks to the head, Sonic’s eyes widened in shock as he saw Whisper now being strangled by Jerome. “WHISPER! LET HER GO, CARROT TOP!” He then ran across the walls, and quickly aimed a Spin Dash at Jerome’s back.

At the same time...


As Deadpool was too focused on blasting a single bullet through the skulls of 2 men, he simply felt a disturbance in the Force, not being fully aware of the fact that Sonic stole the nickname he had planned for the headmaster.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Thepotatogod Thepotatogod and everyone else probably about to overkill Jerome.
Snake moved up on the soldiers to finish them off, his suit taking the appearance of concrete, therefor hardening to mimic the material. That would help to protect him in case he takes some rounds. He pushed the remaining guards, snapping to each and firing rounds into them.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
The bubbles began to merge as according to the plan, concentrating the trapped Goons in an even bigger bubble.

"OK, now I just need to put their ringleader in one too!"

Various bubbles were aimed for Headmaster Jerome, aiming to engulf him!

"Megumin, have faith in yourself!" the Agent assures, then realises something.


The purple creature, Pop, began to expand the big bubble, causing it to slowly but surely engulf the room, eating Goons, debris, furniture and whatnot.

"Megumin, you can start charging anytime."

Meanwhile, some of the Echo Echoes, nodding, would multiply and dogpile the remaining Goons and even Jerome to keep them in place, allowing themselves and the ones they are dogpiling to be absorbed into the expanding bubble.

Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Looks like paying attention and trying to stop the fire ended greatly for him in the end, and now all the fires were gone. But now, hearing something from Jerome, he turned around only to bend his back backwards in order to avoid his head getting hit by the leafy plate of salad from Jerome. Quickly straightening his back, he yelled out “Well..... might as well get a little friend here in order to help us out.” as he took out his ToolGun, going through the mod list quickly, before finding what he needed to find and spawning in a red portal cackling with electricity. Benrey then pulled out an Ak mag and yelled out “Hey...! Got new Ak mag for friend.... Hey Russian, where are you...” before the Russian came through the portal.
(The next courses of action can be explained with this video)

Benrey joined in with his ally as he took out a M16 and began to fire at Jerome as well.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Newtemporayallyingroup
Looks like there are only a few goons left so with that Lilith decided to do something a little...interesting, so with that she zips behind one of the goons and prepares to give him the fright of his life. Lilith starts her ordeal by making some disturbing noises, it sounded like a mix between a demon growling and some faint gurgling, if the goon would look behind himself he would see that Lilith's face will look contorted and melty, a little bit later she would put her hands on his shoulders and the let out a petrifying scream that would probably scare him for life if not a few years.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Goon)
Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch
AH! Coffeebean! You have until the count of.....three! Before I pull out the nasty surprise....
Benedict would not be able to use the nasty surprise however, as Coffeebean was dead, and Benedict was now being robbed by Orbeck.
AH AH AH! You savage! My punishment shall be swift....
Benedict would say before whacking Orbeck on the head with his cane before the wizard would take his pistol! Not the pistol!
AH! That’s it! Time for the.....nasty surprise....
Benedict would say before pulling out a large weedwhacker and approaching Orbeck.
Laix_Lake Laix_Lake
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Luckily for Megumin, her explosion did, in fact, work. Her efforts, along with Lucky's, Deadpool's, and Snake's, still continued to aid in taking out the few straggling guards, as the gunfire finally began to lessen around them. Lilith's screams just kinda confused them, though.

Jerome, meanwhile, was not so easily distracted. When Hiryu rushed at him, all the maniac did was hide behind the wolf girl, using her as a human shield from the attacks while laughing madly. During this, he noticed Whisper herself try and shoot his leg off with her wispon. "Nah ah ah!" He grunted as he pulled tighter on the chains, before reeling his leg back and kicking the wispon right out of her hand! And, just as Jerome felt the life leaving her eyes, and the breath leaving her body, that meddling blue hedgehog stepped in and spindashed his back! This caused him to immediately release the wolf girl from his grasp, stumbling forward a bit. He grunted and quickly drew his gun, only to find himself encased in a bubble soon after! He fell on his ass from slight confusion, poking the bubble with his fingertip.

"Huh..." He said, before smacking his lips together and nodding slowly. "Clever." When Benrey and his ally joined in, their shots unfortunately just bounced off of Jerome's bubble cage.


Jerome laughed at them from behind his bubble. And then, to add insult to injury, he stuck his thumbs in his ears and blew raspberries at them as well.

During all of this, as Megumin began to cast her explosion and Agent Penguin aimed to clear the room entirely, Qrow turned from taking out the various goons and began frantically waving his arms around.



Laix_Lake Laix_Lake Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower quadraxis201 quadraxis201 Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- DerpyCarp DerpyCarp ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie Topless Topless Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun QizPizza QizPizza darkred darkred Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Lealan would tilt her head and catch the bottle of dressing in her mouth, a series of angry chomps, and whether the bottle was made of Plastic or glass, it would be consumed, the dressing inside spilling onto the wet floor. Hearing Qrow call out for them to abort the murder, Lealan would spray Megumin in the face with water to interrupt her chant. "Abort." She would say flatly, then spray Megumin again, for funsies this time.
P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

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