“(Oh, I’m gonna kill them!)” Rex thought to himself when Grif and Sarge pretty much refused. Rex and Sora’s strategy along with the efforts of everyone seemed to worked, until Toga manages to get right back up.

“Just how tough is she?”

“Don’t know, but we’re taking down this sicko either way.” It was the boys’ lucky day as Lucky was able to take one of Toga’s knives leaving her districted, and they take this opportunity to rush her down in a small team attack.

(Pretty much the Link and Marth combo from Shulk’s smash 4 trailer)
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Blake's surprise attack was enough to fool Toga entirely, with the psychotic blonde trying to strike the fake Blake, which caused a small explosion to result. It knocked Toga back a bit, which only made things worse when she was knocked into the air by the faunus! She was unable to avoid Blake's mid-air strikes, which sent her flying through the air. She managed to regain her footing at the last second, though. "This is so much fun!" She giggled, a high-pitched sound. Out of the corner of her eye, Toga noticed Ciri Blink behind her. And, as she rose her sword for her attack, the crazed blonde reached behind her, grabbing her by her white hair. She yanked her head down onto her shoulder to disorient her, before turning around and delivering a knee to her nose!

During all this, though, Another Kabuto did manage to knock the knife out of her hand, sending it flying across the room. Toga looked up at him after this, growling in response as she brandished her other knife. She glared literal daggers at the Another Rider. She definitely wasn't pleased in the slightest.


"So, that's how it's gonna be?" She asked angrily, her voice low. "You know, you're not even my type." She held up her knife, readying it. "But I'll still cut you anyway..."

As Toga stood up and began charging forwards, Nora had looked up to the helpful Akari as he approached Ren. Her tear stained face was all the Persona wielder could see when he knelt next to the duo. "W-what are you...?" She would ask as she saw him wield his Persona. Ren's eyes fluttered open in an instant, which made Nora grin through broken cries. She hugged Ren without any hesitation, who hugged her back, though he was a bit confused.

"Nora? Wh-what happ--agh!" He hissed as a sharp pain shot through his leg. Placing an arm around his back for support, Nora helped Ren to his feet, the latter of which held onto Akari for support. Nora would then nod to Akari, helping Ren get out of the room before he could sustain any more injuries.

Back with the charging Toga, she would suddenly find herself slowed down immensely thanks to Kassandra's spear! Her head was slowly lowered as she quickly realized what was happening, and when she did so, her eyelids slowly widened all the same. She didn't even have time to think when Kassandra began to deliver a series of rapid slashes towards various points of her body! "N-no fair!!' She whined throughout her paralyzed state, unable to really do much to shield herself from the upcoming explosion that resulted either. Once time returned to normal for her, she was sent flying right back into the air!

It was then that things began to, quite literally, heat up. The laser shot would have been an instant kill in her current state, to be sure, but luckily for her whatever had taken over Sage had prevented that mess from happening straight up! However, that cheese sword still redirected her right into Rex and Sora's team attack, which struck her head on. By the time the trio of attacks were done, Toga fell back onto the ground, landing on her back. She was breathing heavily, badly beaten. As she slowly pulled herself back up for another round, she saw that the flames were consuming the room.

And she laughed like crazy. And she continued to laugh as she stood back up, even stumbling back a bit from her manic fit. All she could do was laugh at all of you. When the laughter subsided, she still managed a wide, cocky smirk, one which clearly showed her pointy, fanged teeth with blood all over them. "Ironic, isn't it? You were this close to killing me, but you couldn't stop killing each other long enough to deliver the finishing blow!" Her laughter continued as she watched Sage and Ben duke it out. Just then, a black portal appeared behind her.


"Anyways, gotta run! But we should totally do this again sometime, assuming you haven't killed each other yet!" She offered you all a wave as she casually strolled in through the portal. Jason attempted to give chase, but it shut just as he reached out to grab her hand.


"Damnit!" Jason cursed, but he wasn't able to really dwell on it due to the flames that surrounded them, and Ben and Sage duking it out in the center. "Fucking..." He sighed as he broke out into a full sprint and tackled Sage to the ground in the middle of the fight, restraining his arms to the ground. "One of you get the other guy!" Jason screamed as he held Sage down and attempted to knock him out via pistol whip to the face.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Crow Crow Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Topless Topless Venom Snake Venom Snake Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla quadraxis201 quadraxis201 PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss QizPizza QizPizza
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow

"Not again!" Hiryu growled as Toga managed to escape once more due to the fact that the alien and the rampaging Sage. Jason order to subdue the two. "On it!" Hiryu nodded, activating Clock Up and dashing towards Refridgerator, tackling him, putting his body on Hiryu feet as he changed shape once more, turning into Another Blade, adding onto the weight.

  • Megumin's bubble slammed the duo into a wall, but Lucky was still undeterred. "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE, LASSIE!" He screeched, galloping after her with his teeth bared. He leaped in the air for one more bite, only to land just shy of a black portal she used as a back door, barely even nipping her shoelaces. He pounded the ground. "Ooooh, that goddamn bimbo! I'm going to fucking peel the skin off her face the next time we see her!" He was positively trembling with fury now, ready to snap and kill everyone. That was going so goddamn well, she was almost knocked out, and then everyone dropped their brains, apparently!

    "Heheh..." Megumin nervously chuckled, blushing at all of you, twiddling her fingers together. "...I didn't put together that it was a trap until it was too late..."

    The rabbit, now burned to a crisp, carried Megumin back outside, and spiked her even harder into the forest. "AND THIS TIME, LASSIE, YOU FUCKING STAY OUT THERE!"

    There, now he would help with Ben. "Okay, Laddie, show's over." He would now try to keep Ben weighted to the ground by biting the latter's tail.

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Toga has escaped once again. Looks like you will be taking a long time to finally end her. For the mean time, you went along with Hiryu. Once he got Ben down onto his feet, you decided to add insult by...doing a Five Knuckle Shuffle in the hopes of knocking him out.


>"Seriously, when will we able to get a win out of her? Our synergy is not on point. I think it would be best that after this, we'll take on teamwork exercises if we are going to face bigger threats."
“It’s a feature of my suit. It can mimic the appearance, texture and structure of a material onto the suits surface. It helps in a lot of situations.”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
The team attack worked but she still got away! Now they would have to worry about Ben and Sage trying to kill each other.

“You take Ben, I’ll take Sage.”


Sora runs over to the tackled Sage and uses Blizzard to put him out and hold him for awhile. “Get ready, it’s gonna get a little cold.”

Rex on the other hand would go after Ben. He jumps on his back and uses his Nanites to deactivate Ben’s omnitrix in order for him to go back his human self. “Sorry Ben, but you need a time out. Shut ‘em down guys.” The last part referring to his Nanites.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
Everything was going great, they were fighting Toga and were actually winning, and Ben was about to kill her with a laser, but everything changed when the fire boy attacked. Now thrown against a wall instead of being in Lar’s back, “Why is it that when we are doing something, one of our own has to go their way to fuck it all up.” as he stared at Toga leaving through a random portal in the room. Welp..... unless someone picks him back up, he is gonna lay here for a while.... and maybe get some needed sleep, as he closed his eyes. Of course, his human body is actually much different on the inside, and so he doesn’t have the same organs as an human. So someone might mistake him for a recently dropped corpse.

After being thrown to the wall after the explosion. He was hurt.... but it wasn’t going to stop him in his track. But that damn Toga got away, well it looks like they need to be careful in the future. But now he watches the chaos unfold as both Ben and Sage were fighting, with the rest trying to stop it. Might as well watch until they are finished being cats and dogs right now, as he stood up and waited for them to finish.
Lilith let's out a heavy sigh of disappointment. "First Freddy Kruger and now her, what's up with these people and just dropping out of battles out of nowhere?" Her attention then turns over to Ben who was fighting off a few others. "Whatever, stand back everyone this might get messy." Lilith say as she shoots yet another spirit, this time heading towards Ben.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Ben)
"Laddie, I'm kind of used to workin' alone. And performances like this one are the exact reason why." Lucky snorted, finally able to reclaim his Paw o' Death. "And now there's no fuckin' chance that we'll get that goddamn ship. We're all completely exposed. Just like with Toffee, we were played like a goddamn fiddle." His hackles raised, and the trembling restarted. "Of course, what would fucking help would be if one of us would actually come to the goddamn real world!" He gnashed his teeth straight at Benedict. "What in the absolute fuck were you thinking, you asshole?! You just about cost us the goddamn fight! I guess Megumin isn't the only one who needs to be put in a goddamn bubble, because you are just as bad, if not worse, when it comes to fucking everyone over!"

When Lillith told everyone to stand back, he gladly did so, continuing to march towards the idiot in the top hat. "Do you ever fucking care about anyone but yourself?! You realize that Ganondorf won't spare you, right? He'll enslave your ass at best if you continue to give the enemy easy victories!"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch Crow Crow

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I'm Venus, by the way. But thank you for clarifying. Shujinko is just over there doing...whatever she is after that drop punch on the alien."

>You are doing the Default Dance because you don't know what to do now.
"The demon squrrel is right...." Captain Falcon groans, laying on the ground with several bullets in his side. "If I know G-Man...It's his way or the express way....But I say...No way, Jose....! We're going....To save the day...! I need help..."

"What happened to you?" Lars ask

"Oh, you know, I just decided to lay on the ground and take a five minute nap after Y'ALL IDIOTS SHOT ME! WHATCHU MEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAN?!"

"Oh, that's right, you wre the closest to Toga! I'm sorry about that." Lars apologizes as he approaches the downed pilot

"Save your sorries! Cause unless it unlodges all these dang bullets from my exquisite physique, I don't need them!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Topless Topless P PopcornPie
Lucky whirled around at Falcon. "I swear to God, you have the memory of a squirrel!" He growled. "I'm. A. Rabbit. AND I'M NOT A DEMON!"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Meanwhile, Megumin was sprawled out within her bubble, now confident that the party was upset with her.
Throughout all of this, Lucky decided it would be a good idea to further separate the group and then point even more fingers at people. With a loud groan, Jason looked up at Sora. "Keep an eye on the kid. If he tries anything, knock him out." Jason grunted, before standing up and stomping over to Lucky. In the middle of his rant towards the top hatted man, he would feel himself grabbed by his floppy ears from behind. He was pulled up by Jason, forced to lock eyes with him... or, rather, his red helmet.


"Not. Helping."

With that, Jason marched on over to the other end of the room with Lucky in tow. On the way there, he delivered a sharp kick to Qrow's side to wake him up. He did so, snorting as his eyes fluttered awake.

"W-wuzzat...?" Qrow asked groggily, but he garnered no response from the angry Jason. Instead, Jason also walked over to Benrey, kicking him in the side as well, before he tossed Lucky outside of the room, pointing to the woods behind him.

"Go get Megumin. Don't come back until you do." He commanded in a stern tone. Any attempts Lucky made to get back in would be met with Jason swiftly kicking him right back out.

P PopcornPie Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You walk over to Captain Falcon, who appears to be hurt. You went for your Akari Skill Set, shoot yourself in the face with Semi-Auto Blade to summon your Persona, and use Samarecarm. A bright light envelopes around the pilot which heals him off his injuries.
While he impatiently waited for Benedict's response, practically emitting anger, Jason grabbed him by the ears and dragged him away. "'Not helping'?" Lucky folded his arms. "Well, neither is Megumin. We should've kept fuckin' distracting, but noooooo. She just had to pull us right into a fuckin' trap. I only carried things to their logical conclusion."

Jason had none of this, and threw him out on his ass. "Laddie, the one time she did anything remotely beneficial was literally in our dreams." He sat himself down on the grass. "Forget it."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon winces as the bullets are forced out of his body and his wounds begin to close. Once Shujinko finishes healing him, the pilot stands to his feat. "Aaahhh, thanks...Shuuuujinkoooo? You really are my hero!" Falcon gives her a quick hug before letting her go "I'll go and find the mage girl too. And you will be coming with too!" Falcon picks up Lucky by his ears "And you better not bite me neither, with those dang shark teeth of yours...I'm not trying to contract demon rabbies before I get to Ganon..." Falcon ventures off into the woods
Topless Topless P PopcornPie thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
"I'm not a demon!" Lucky snapped. "Jesus Christ, what part of 'just because I've been to Hell doesn't mean I'm a demon' do you NOT UNDERSTAND?!" He managed to get a hold of Falcon's waist, and tried to push himself free.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Lucky’s defiance would be met with the familiar clicking of a gun.


“Alright. Let me rephrase that. If you don’t go get Megumin, I’ll put a bullet between your eyes.” He then watched as Captain Falcon picked you Lucky and carried him off. Jason grunted at that, before holstering his gun. He wasn’t getting paid enough for this shit.

Back in the depths of the perilous woods themselves, Megumin would feel a strange rustling in the front of her shirt while she was trapped in the bubble. After a few moments, out popped the head of none other than Midna, who had woken up from her long nap. She yawned loudly, before taking a look around.

“Yeesh. I sleep for five minutes and suddenly I’m in a bubble prison...” She commented, before her orange hair formed a giant fist and punched the bubble, popping it and freeing both her and Megumin. As the latter fell to the ground, Midna floated above her, staring out her with curious eyes. “So... care to tell me what’s going on?”

P PopcornPie Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon keeps his grip on Lucky's ears but this time, he holds him ut in front of him like a lantern "I don't know a thing about you. All I know is you look demonic as H! That and your being a liiitle too difficult. More difficult than I can be most day, and that's saying something. "So what's the deal, hm? You scared or something? Or just tired of all the bullmess?"
P PopcornPie
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Crow Crow

"Dammit. Wizard, make sure she doesn't do anything stupid like quit on us again." Hiryu ordered his remaining Another Rider as he remained ontop of ben, his foot weighing down. Another Wizard nodded, rushing off alongside Falcon. "Now, how do I force you to change back...?" Hiryu gumbled, trying to press his foor on something. He recalls Ben switching by pressing his watch emblem, perhaps the same principle applies...
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━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Blake was fairly certain Toga would attack again. What she wasn't certain about was Toga leaving and Ben fighting with someone on their side, the one that unfroze her. Then, it was followed by arguing. God, the entire fight was all of them being uncoordinated... Yeah, she was going to have to get Ruby and Jaune to get them to be, well, coordinated.

Seeing Nora and Ren were gone, she quietly went out of the room to go find them. They were both probably still in the building, so she started to look for them. "Nora?! Ren?!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Crow Crow , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun

As she was grabbed by her hair before she had a chance to finish her attack and Blink away, she was then kneed in the nose, sending her stumbling. Before she could go in for another attack, Toga... left? Seriously, why do their opponents keep leaving?!

Immediately afterwards, she saw two of their own fighting each other, followed by the man in the top hat making so many fires. They were uncoordinated, that much was obvious. But they really couldn't focus on the job for more than five seconds without trying to hurt each other?

Once Blake left to go check in on her friends, she saw Megumin was gone and the more they argued and fought amongst each other, the more she was getting angry. And that meant, if they didn't stop soon, they'd all start going deaf.

HEY! EVERYONE, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Seriously, most of you people must be the most uncoordinated and braindead allies I have ever fought alongside if you're choosing now to fight each other and argue among yourselves! I thought we were stopping Ganondorf, but clearly, there seems to be a much bigger issue! And since no one seems to be concerned where Megumin is, I'll be heading out to find her! If we get back and you idiots are still fighting, I'll make sure to make you all deaf so that you people can't argue!"

With that, she exited the room to see Megumin wasn't in the hallway, which meant she had to be further away from that. The forest was her next guess, so she started running towards there. Upon reaching the forest, she called out as she searched around. "Megumin?!"

Her nose was probably broken and bleeding a bit from getting kneed in the nose, but it was fine.

Eventually, she found Megumin with Midna. "Megumin! Midna! Are you two okay?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Crow Crow , Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch P PopcornPie , everyone prone to arguing and with an IQ matching Sora's
Throughout the entirety of the Toga fight, The Operator had gotten up and proceeded to walk around, still holding his side as Toga disappeared and majority of the group had went off. Umbra though, had still refused to accept the Operator and remained still.

With a sigh, the Operator knelt down and tapped the floor, motioning the frame to do so. As he did, Umbra proceeds to place his weapon back against the ground blade stabbed through to keep a knee once more. With the powers from the school of Vazarin, the Tenno placed a hand several inches away from the warframe's wound, as his hand began to glow.

His palm fired a small cyan beam towards the damaged part as the Warframe remained completely still, his shields starting to flicker and return as the beam repaired the hole in his side.


  • It seemed that Lucky had worked twice as much energy into this spiking as the previous one. Megumin had bounced into a much darker part of the woods, and was now fairly nauseous. "So much for being the hero..." Megumin mumbled, curling up. "I just wanted to save the party from Toga." She wasn't sure when someone would come for her, but figured that she would at least have to wait until the Penguin's defeat. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't so lonely. All she had for company was a sleeping Twilight Princess.

    Thankfully, said Twilight Princess was fully charged, and she awoke for good. Her first act was to burst the bubble, allowing Megumin to plummet from the tree. She landed on her bottom with a crunch and a yelp, but was otherwise okay.

    Then, when Midna asked her what just happened, she sighed. "When I felt that Toga was leading us into a trap, I ran away from the stealth team and got the distraction team to help us. I turned out to be right, and Toga had us all in a trap. She defeated us and ran away. Then Chomusuke spiked me into these woods. I was in the bubble in the first place because Agent Penguin worried that Toga would alter her form to look like me." She tipped her head up to the murky treetops. "I don't really know where we are...Chomusuke was the one who threw us out here."

    Well, being the brave archmage she was, she would still try to find her way back to Haven. There was little success, what with there being no obvious landmarks. She would have to follow broken twigs, hoping that these twigs had been broken off by the bubble as it careened into the forest.

    Finally, she could hear Ciri's voice, and followed it cautiously. By the time they'd found each other, she had all sorts of forest debris in her dress and hair. "Hello...I'm sorry I gave Toga the chance to defeat all of us at once..."


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