
".... Well shit, this is awkward..." Ellie said after watching her attack be so effortlessly parried, just before she felt her head being pushed into the ground by Mimaki.

She felt her entire body forced down and a quick, familiar snap in the bridge of her nose, her vision actually blacked out for a quick second before she realized what had happened. "Hey, let the fuck go of me! Get off!" she screamed out, struggling and trying to push herself up. "What the fuck are you doing?! That asshole made us all fight each other like little fucking toys!"

She heard Atreus behind her, and some arguing starting to happen because of what she did. She groaned, only able to see up to Frank's knees, which was enough to see that he wasn't doing anything to help. "Frank! What the hell, man?" she called out to him, "help me out with this asshole!" She struggled as much as she could against Mimaki, but the girl was, especially compared to him, pretty damn weak.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2

That’s the hero? I expected him to be older! Supergirl glanced at the young Time Hero, noticing his shield and sword. He hadn’t said a word! Maybe he was silent?

She was just about to make a move toward him when a yellow flash appeared in her vision and Zwei was there, shaking his hand and exclaiming ——“LINK!”

Chill kid! Supergirl smiled though then turned her head toward the kid screaming, the one that had shot the arrow. She did have a point but she really didn’t want to have to fight Time Baby.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: Ellya Ellya
So, Link honestly hadn't known what was even going on or why he was summoned. He'd been doing his thing, hanging out in the Goron Springs, when suddenly he had been transported here. All he knew was that an electric arrow was heading towards some kind of overgrown toddler, and he had to deflect that! So, with his lack of context, of course he'd be confused, especially when some... weird fast girl came up to him, shouted his name, and shook his hand. All Link could do was smile awkwardly and shake the hand back, chuckling a bit in confusion.

Moments later, though, he'd heard a cry for help! And it was a helpless, bleeding little girl, pinned down by someone who looked like they got a haircut as often as he did! So, with the speed and reaction time of a true hero, Link sprinted over to Mimaki and shoved him off of Ellie with as much force as he could muster!

And in the back, Kendall watched the brewing chaos with a smile, crossing his arms.

"Well... this is interesting~"

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore | CutieBoop CutieBoop | BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 | Ellya Ellya | FoolsErin FoolsErin | Laix_Lake Laix_Lake | Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun | QizPizza QizPizza

When the wish was finally done, Kyou could feel a different form of power-up.

Instantly, his smile was replaced by a deep frown, almost as if he was suddenly stabbed on the chest. A deep burning sensation filled his body and soul, almost as if his entire body was placed in deep lava, and sharp needles stabbed across his skin. To anyone, Kyou suddenly only let out a yell of pain and surprise as he fell on his knees. There was nothing there. There was nothing that happened to the Oni, but even so...

His soul was flaring.

A kaleidoscope of emotions. The natural deep red of his soul that seemed to be a gentle fire that occasionally became a deep inferno when in battle changed, the colors changing to blue, yellow, red, purple-- like a rainbow of emotions and feelings. Kyou could feel happiness, Kyou could feel clearance, Kyou could feel strength. All those emotions, all those feelings, they all fused together into his being, as Time Baby repaid his favor to Amaterasu. He hadn't felt these emotions, he hadn't felt this connection in such a long time. He hadn't felt this power in a long time. It hurt, it hurt like hell and it felt like he was going to explode, but soon...The feeling changed. It went from hurting to almost as if he was being reunited with something else.

For a moment, Mimaki's grip in Ellie almost let go, both at the scene of a hero whose existence, whose legend predicted their own. This man, despite seeming younger than them, certainly felt competent, and who went through a lot. He could tell that a lot from his gaze at him, but Mimaki's attention only barely noted Link itself. No, his attention soon returned to Kyou himself, as the man was seemingly surrounded by fire. Kyou's flames weren't hurting or damaging anyone, but they never shined this bright, never shined this strongly. If this was the past, Mimaki would have immediately have rushed to his friend's side, but...

This wasn't the past.

Mimaki knew what was happening.

Somewhere back in Kyou's universe, a goddess smiled gently.








A great spinning wheel floated behind a new being's body. Power emanated from it, as it brought back the eight pieces of what was once 'Kyou's' soul. Eight pieces back from his world. For a moment, it almost felt as if billions of souls were coursing through the wheel, only for a single moment, before the divine object made out of gold floated behind him...Or was it an 'it?' The energy it was letting out clearly showed power, power beyond Kyou once was, and the 'fiery' sensation that was his soul became 'fire.' There was no other way to explain it, it was just that. Fire.

The one who birthed fire. At least in his world.

Mimaki could only stare in shock, as a different being got himself up, the Wheel floating right behind him...


As the first Kagutsuchi temporarily appeared before the entire group.
For a moment, Mimaki only stared in shocked silence at the new form of Kyou- hell, it wasn't even right to call him 'Kyou' right now, was it? He was both times Kagutsuchi, as he was both times Kyou Tana. Mimaki tried to say something, but only shocked silence came out. He could feel the heat emanating from him, but it wasn't destructive like Alexis' fake-Kagutsuchi. It felt both times powerful, but also...It simply felt warm. This being wasn't here to hurt them. There was only a childish innocence filled with divinity, as he simply stared at everyone in the group, his eyes landing on Sage, Lazarus, Fuma, then Mimaki.


Before Mimaki could say anything else, he was suddenly shoved away from Ellie- the sudden pressure of force caused his attention to be brought back to Link as he was thrown off of Ellie. Link was plenty strong, the man was capable of holding and pushing things that no normal human would, as such, Mimaki was sent flying. It didn't hurt, at least not much depending on how Link shoved him, but at least, Mimaki was quickly able to return himself to his feet, his eyes looking at Link with sudden confusion, before understanding. The fox raised his hands up to show he was friendly, but soon...He was interrupted by a voice.

"Worry not for he who inherits the moon, for he is not your enemy, o' hero!" The voice came from Kyou, or perhaps it was Kagutsuchi, or maybe both. Point is...For some reason, he sounded different. Spoke differently, too. "For he, alongside all who stand here, are true heroes, much like yourself! This is all but a misunderstanding, as such, I ask of you, do not be alarmed! All shall be explained, ahaha!"

There was a huge smile on his face, and any who looked at him would be able to see scars all over his body. One on his neck, two all-around his wrists, one on his torso, two also on his shoulders, and two around his feet. As if those body parts were once cut off, and somehow reattached to him.

Soon, however, the deity stared at the group. His time was limited, and his memories only came back thanks to the Dharma Wheel, fusing together with the oni's. This wasn't a different being, it was simply...

"I am Kagutsuchi! I am Kyou! Worry not about explanations from your parts, o' companions! My memories with you are all the same, and so are my emotions towards you all! After all, all I did was simply remember myself, ahahaha!"
Mimaki pursued his lips, before looking at Jason, then at Ellie, then back at Link.

"I'll...Explain what happened to Kyou later. Just, don't worry. This isn't like him being possessed as he said. And he's right- the girl was the one who shot the crossbow bolt. I simply tried to stop her." Mimaki spoke, lowering his hands. "You...You were summoned here via a wish. I think you got a lot of questions- don't worry, we'll all try and answer them."

Man, what a wild fucking day.​
Frank Castle

Away from them slightly, Kyou became some sort of god again. Frank's wholly negative experience with such beings didn't exactly make the transformation leave a good taste in his mouth. He was one of the few people here that it probably wouldn't terribly faze. Gods on earth back home were almost mundane. The more Kyou showed, the more Frank felt the man was more supe than soldier. He turned back to the still stirring combat right as the arrow would have struck Time Baby.

Frank watched as a vaguely familiar figure appeared from nowhere, the final aspect of the wish, and deflected the arrow. Quiet relief replaced anxiety when that seemed to be Time Baby's only reaction to the assault. Admittedly, the young warrior that just arrived was brandishing that sword rather threateningly. That was enough of that. The old man met Ellie's eyes when she spoke to him. There was neither sympathy nor judgement in his own. No, it was almost like he was sizing her up. What's your game, kid? After a few seconds, he reached down next to her, but not to help. He scooped the crossbow up, throwing its strap over his shoulder to wear it on his back. He looked up to Mimaki. "That's enough."

His weapon stayed at his side, but Frank said it sternly enough to announce that it wasn't a request that he stop. "She won't be able to try again." It was around then that Link shield checked Mimaki off the girl. He wasn't too worried. From what he had seen, the Kitsune could more than handle himself with this situation if it escalated. Ellie, on the other hand, was now prone at Link's feet. Geralt stepped between the two and held his hands up, before reaching down to grab Ellie's collar, dragging her rather unceremoniously a few feet to be out of harm's way. With that, Frank motioned from one to the other as though to continue. Fortunately, Mimaki opted for the peaceful route. Probably for the boy's sake. Hero or not, and whether or not Mimaki was proving to be little better than any other supe, Frank wouldn't stand idly by if this came to blows, and he was sure others would help.

For now, he offered to help Ellie to her feet. Whether she got up on her own or took his hand, he looked towards calming turmoil as he spoke. "So... How'd it go?"

Ellya Ellya thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
At Kyou's... Kagutsuchi's.... whoever this new being was! At their words about Mimaki being a hero, Link would glance back and forth between the two for a moment, his eyes darting between both Mimaki and Kyou, until ultimately, he gave Kyou a thumbs up and a smile.


At the sight, Jason would sigh and approach Link, nodding slightly. "Yeah... we're the good guys." He said in correspondence with Mimaki's own words. When the latter asked if he had any questions, though, Link merely shook his head. It seemed that despite not knowing where he was, this new Hero wasn't one for many words at all.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Ellya Ellya PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Fuma and Yoshi

Both of them felt the increase of power and such, and both of them heard the 'hiyahh' sound. The only difference is, Fuma could wish for nostalgia, but it'd be a bad idea. She would rather continue to converse with Sage and Orbeck about herself, her history, her demons, etc. If the nerd levels completely took over, she wouldn't be taken very seriously. That just wouldn't be good. Or, alternatively, she could see that Kyou wished, and made these wishes come true. She's got that relieved look for Mimaki and Kyou. She does appreciate the strength and mental buff though, along other wishes in effect (Thanks Kyou). By Sage's voice, her attention is returned to the group.


The last part, she spoke bittersweet about. The saying is, you could wish upon the star, but you don't always know if it'll go true. Sure some went true here and she appreciated it, but compared to others, the fate or wish not certain like clairvoyance demons are. Now, for the question about the meaning of demons- or the word of it...



Geez, she just does her best to explain with her wisdom.

Yoshi, on the other hand, was pretty stunned by the arrival of Link. It could be a old friend, but Yoshi shouldn't be too surprised at this point. After all, there's a new ally! This was worth the good set of wishes. Yoshi is pleased to see that there was more people joining the group; or in the dinosaur's case, more friends to fight against Ganondorf with. He also appreciates the buffs and all from the wishes.


Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (response to blessings on both, forgive if short af) (Link, in terms of Yoshi)
Fuma: Pretty much the same people in the side atm ( Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , Laix_Lake Laix_Lake )
Unnamed mentions: Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
Last edited:
Supergirl & Zwei

Zwei was naturally in awe at Kyou’s transformation, her body shaking with excitement.

Supergirl on the other hand was worried. This man was about to knock a Kryptonian out of the ring and that was without his strange god buff - but the possibility of having her one of the stronger being postion threatened was not why she was worried. She knew how these adventures worked. The stronger the force, the stronger the enemies they will have to face. And she knew they were nowhere near the endgame.
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Before the third wish could be used, the Time Wish was essentially used up. The gang felt a bit stronger. At the same time, the white clock like driver Hiryu had on after he gained Barlckxs started to glow. As if gaining some kind of new ability. His Anotherwatches started to glow as well, as if taking in the resistance in Twilight.

This would most likely mean that Hiryu wouldn't have to worry about them breaking at the face of twilight. He would've asked for the restoration of his other Anotherwatches that got destroyed, but hell, this would do.

"Nice." Hiryu clutched his Zi-O II Anotherwatch, knowing that he could now throw everything he had onto Ganon's dark army without worrying about them being destroyed. As he did this, a bright light washed over the gang, followed by the appearance of the so called Hero that would be Ganondorf. Clad in a green tunic fancy sword with a purple guard and hilt and a blue shield which blocked the arrow that Ellie had fired. Putting behind the shield, the so called Hero spun his blade as he sheathed it on his back. "Woah..." Hiryu could only utter in surprise as he took in the air of this Hero. It's overwhelming. Much, much overwhelming than the power he witness from Sougo nor Ganon.

Just...Who is this guy? Whoever he is, he would make the job much easier!
2nd Team
Location: Arena

Lilith was still hanging out with Rex and Sora when she looked over to see that a new challenger has entered the ring and at just the right time as well, the hero in question dawned a green tunic and hat and had a sword in hand. Lilith get's up and looks over to the two of them. "Hmm, we should go see this." She says as she slowly floats over to him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Link)
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts (Sora and Rex)
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari allowed the Time Baby's blessings to wash over him. It was a curious sensation, being buffed without the use of his own magic. "You have my thanks, noble--"

Akari froze in horror as Ellie fired at the Time Baby. "No, stop! You're going to--"

Another of Akari's sentences was cut off as the hero the Time Baby spoke of appeared and (thankfully) deflected Ellie's attack.
Like the Force Commander (originally, at least), the hero wielding the Blade of Evil's Bane seemed to be one of few words. "Nice save." Akari said to Link with a nod and what could be seen as his trademark "blade tip resting against the ground" pose. "You're quite the capable fighter, it seems. It is good to have you alongside us."

There was also the matter of Kyou's transformation, which Akari was definitely surprised by. "Ah, so it seems we also have the fire god himself on our side, as well!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Ellya Ellya
Celestial Speck Celestial Speck
(Open for Interactions)
Killua Zoldyck

Mood: Neutral
Nen: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Health: Sore, Tired
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Link) Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun (Sage)

As he watched the man jump down to block the arrow he saw a flash of green with an embroidered blue shield fly through the sky. He was definitely impressed. He seemed to be friendly enough, too. He accepted him as an ally silently. He looked back at Sage and just took a glimpse of his eyes. Sage looks overall calm and collected, but why does Killua see him differently? He's glad he is alive and stuff, but he kinda feels... weird. He barely remembers much of the infection. Heck he seems to be forgetting the event overall. Probably for the better.
He looked back down at his hands. They seemed clean... which was unexpected. He expected a bloodlustful rage. Why wasn't it like that? He began to question if he was taken over at all. He looked back up and kept silent. There was one thought that he was unsure of. Will I actually make it back?

Unspoken Mentions: None​

Orbeck of Vinhiem & Vauban Prime
status: Link has arrived and an explanation
condition(s): Orbeck: not happy, Vauban: Normal.
The Time Baby would look to Kyou with a firm nod of his head. "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE." He said, as he rose his hands and his eyes began to glow a bright blue. A light began to fill the room, and as he did so, you all felt yourselves becoming stronger - both physically and mentally. It was a strange, unique feeling, but it almost felt like you'd been essentially powered up.

As Vauban was expecting... something to happen with the arrow, the last part of wish was granted, the feeling of immense power and reliance coming into him. It was an odd felling, unlike something like a temporary buff from a Rino Warframe. It was truely a new feeling from the tenno. As for the arrow...


Link had joined the fight.

It was reflected by the newcomer summoned by the wish. And who is now dealing with a conflict with Ellie and the outhers... over the fact that they where forced to fight for the talking baby.

She felt her entire body forced down and a quick, familiar snap in the bridge of her nose, her vision actually blacked out for a quick second before she realized what had happened. "Hey, let the fuck go of me! Get off!" she screamed out, struggling and trying to push herself up. "What the fuck are you doing?! That asshole made us all fight each other like little fucking toys!"
"Oh. Enough of you already."

Vaiaban would turn to find that same black haired man that he met at the elevator. Orbeck, as he was apparently known by, has addressed Ellie directly, turning away from his former conversation with Sage and Fuma. He was not willing to continue with this kind of ignorance, yes, she may had experienced some horrific things. But she was not alone in this.

"I refrained from speaking with you for the sake of keeping tensions low. But do you assume that we wanted to be made fools with? That we wanted to be sent to deal with some overpowering force? To deal with a murderous game conceived by a talking omnipotent triangle? To deal with a never ending nightmare created by one Wesker and a man with a sack on his head? We were given a wish in exchange for something we had control over."

All was said with a sort of venomous tone that made clear that Orbeck thought of Ellie reaction, as foolish.

"I didn't align myself with the MPF, just to have a child, squander what advantage we have over Ganon. I'm making it clear now that despite the obscurity of it all, the majority of us are no fools, or are blind to this sort of struggle. The killing that you assume would be just... would have brought about a consequence, just like any outher killing."

He was done with what he wanted to say with Ellie, he turns to face Link.
At Kyou's... Kagutsuchi's.... whoever this new being was! At their words about Mimaki being a hero, Link would glance back and forth between the two for a moment, his eyes darting between both Mimaki and Kyou, until ultimately, he gave Kyou a thumbs up and a smile.


At the sight, Jason would sigh and approach Link, nodding slightly. "Yeah... we're the good guys." He said in correspondence with Mimaki's own words. When the latter asked if he had any questions, though, Link merely shook his head. It seemed that despite not knowing where he was, this new Hero wasn't one for many words at all.

Celestial Speck Celestial Speck BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Ellya Ellya PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"...I assume you are the one who welds the weapon deal with twilight? I am Orbeck of Vinheim. I apologise for the confusion...but we are in need of you service, to deal with a threat that I assume you know, Ganondorf." He continues "he has been intervening not just in the matters of your own world, but also in a vast number of outher universes. He has been spreading Twilight throughout the mutiverse, distorting the very boundaries of time and space, causeing a numerous events to occur. We need your help to put an end to it all."

Vauban, was somewhat insulated and kinda impressed by his. But he can't help but expect the worst reactions to come from Ellie, he would certainly not take the whole "calling him a child" stuff that well, even after certain events.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Ellya Ellya ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Ciscodog Ciscodog Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Thepotatogod Thepotatogod quadraxis201 quadraxis201 CutieBoop CutieBoop PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Last edited:
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Accidentally Got Dumb
Interaction: Link, Time Baby, Zwei, Supergirl, Kyou
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , Celestial Speck Celestial Speck

Time Baby fell silent for a moment as he stared at Jett. His unwavering expression was hard to read, but it was easy to guess that he was deadpanning. "I JUST SAID THAT I COULD SUMMON HIM."
Jett facepalm herself since she accidentally got dumb now after she hear that Time Baby can summon the warrior that can defeat Ganondorf saying to herself in a mumbling voice "I am accidentally got dumb for that, really??? I guess that he's right about the warrior too, I wanna watch the summoning too then." She nodded as a yes since she could be dumb sometimes and was some moments that have her friends got confused or shocked on how she answers their answers, she sighed in a awkward tone.
Supergirl gives Jett a ”seriously?” look. Then looks to the others.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
She then turned around to see Supergirl doing an 'seriously' look at her right before she asked her truthfully "Come on, I ain't too dumb eh?? I am being so dumb sometimes, okay."

Zwei was..... somewhere.... I don’t know where my characters go when I stop using them.

But she's back!

”Ummmmm so we have the wishes right? Twilight Resistence? Twilight Detection? And summon an ancient hero whats it?! So why are we just doing nothing right now??”

She blushed a bit, aware that she was doing nothing up until this point.

She walked toward Jett and also gave her a look...

”Were you not paying attention??”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
Jett would turn around to Zwei saying that she wasn't paying attention or not right before deciding to answer with a pout afterwards "I was paying attention but I accidentally got very delusional after I listened too much, I think..." She was having some trouble on listening too much that can cause her to have mistakes in her own world by now but she didn't got anybody injured or died from either a ambush or a intentional bombing from someone that is faking as a hostage, she tries to think about what will they respond about the responses from Jett.
The Time Baby would look to Kyou with a firm nod of his head. "THEN IT SHALL BE DONE." He said, as he rose his hands and his eyes began to glow a bright blue. A light began to fill the room, and as he did so, you all felt yourselves becoming stronger - both physically and mentally. It was a strange, unique feeling, but it almost felt like you'd been essentially powered up. With the orb containing the time wish nearly depleted, Time Baby continued to hold up his hands, power coursing through him and you all in general. As the wish was (presumably) fulfilled, Ellie rose her bow and fired an electric arrow right towards Time Baby. Jason, having noticed Ellie's plan, began to run towards her, his arm stretched outwards.


"KID, WAIT--!!"

But it was too late. Despite everyone's best efforts, the bow shot forward, zipping through the air, right towards Time Baby's head. Time itself seemed to slow down in that moment as you all were helpless to watch the bolt skyrocket towards him...

And then, a bright light filled the room, blinding you all.

And you all had heard a single shout fill your ears.



When the light had faded, and you could all see again, your vision was immediately pointed forwards. And as you gazed forward, a new figure clouded your view. One that resembled the silhouette Time Baby had shown you. The hero, clad in a green tunic, armed with the Blade of Hero's Bane and the shield of a hero.


A shield which had been promptly used to deflect the arrow from Time Baby, instead shooting it upwards, right towards the ceiling. As it exploded in the air above you, the Hero of Twilight himself gazed upon you, and sword and shield in hand. He dared not utter a word towards you all, instead letting the sword and shield speak for itself.


Link had joined the fight.

Ellya Ellya BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Laix_Lake Laix_Lake @Lazaro1505 FoolsErin FoolsErin Celestial Speck Celestial Speck CutieBoop CutieBoop @DerpyCarp PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss @marc122 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

She feels that she gotten even stronger mentally and physically after Kyou made the wish and has her eyes widened as Ellie tries to shoot an bolt-zapping crossbow onto Time Baby's head but when an shield hit the crossbow and has her surprised as it is actually the warrior could defeat Ganondorf that Time Baby talked about, Jett would smirk while she tries to check her weapons that it is still has full ammo on her arsenal as she found the warrior had joined the fight for the entire multiverse.

Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Globnar
Expression: Feeling Stronger Physically and Mentally after Kyou Made The Wish
Interaction: Link
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Thorne has felt that she is now more powerful mentally and physically after Kyou made his wish right before she tries to look at the warrior that is capable to defeat Ganondorf after she saw Ellie tried to shoot Time Baby with a bolt-zapping crossbow and had a quiet shocked mood but the warrior delfect the crossbow to the ceiling. She decides to head towards the warrior with a honest mood saying to him "It is a honor to meet you... We hope that this battle for the entire multiverse is now in our hands if you are worthy enough for this..."

Mood: Sympathetic, Thoughtful, Amazing
Tags: (GM)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The answer to his first question had ended up being... Unexpectedly tragic? Sure, he didn't really get much of it beyond an incident, a war and the wish upon the Stars part, but he could still grasp the melancholy of the whole thing. Trying so hard for something that Fuma didn't even know if it had worked. It was... certainly weird to be hearing that the other had been messing with the Pair of Existence like that, though it wasn't a feeling too hard to comprehend, wanting to see someone that had passed again... The pyromancer felt himself sympathizing with her, maybe if she had sat down next to them he would have even put a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, I- I'm not sure if what I'm going to say it's actually reassuring, but... Where I come from, after people pass, their Lights return to the Skies to potentially return to the planet again. It's the Reincarnation Cycle. A Light will never return as the same person it once was... A new identity, a new location, given a new Life. But, they do live on like that.", he paused, letting the notion sink in undisturbed for a bit, "Perhaps that's what happened to your fellow Clan members. You've granted them a new chance to live. Who knows? Maybe you've met again without even knowing! Even if they're not the same people you knew I- I think it's still quite beautiful that they could still be out there, exploring, experiencing the beauty of Life all over again. It's like...", his gaze had dropped for a bit as he wondered how to explain it, then he had caught sight of the Goetia again and had an idea, "Like having a new story, inside the very same book, you know? Death doesn't have to be the end of it, it can also signify the start of something else, something just as precious."

He had been looking at her with tears at the corner of his eyes and a gentle smile. The gaze was packed with emotion, wavering slightly, but even so, Fuma could be certain by looking at it that these words were truthful. That Sage deeply believed each and every sentence that he had just said to her. And more, she could see his passion for those same beliefs burning just as strongly. These weren't just memorized spiritual ramblings, it was something a lot more meaningful than that. His life philosophy, perhaps. Maybe something even greater.
One could be sure that he'd back these ideas up with his very being in a heartbeat, if he had to.

The rest of the answer had been, however, just as cryptic as the first one. And still, it made sense. With multiple origins for things, came multiple interpretations for them. And thus, they could be good, or bad, or neither; And the way they were seen could be just as complex. The only concrete idea that he had gotten in his search for the meaning of 'demon', was the fact that they were supernatural creatures and apparently tied to religions? Not any religions that he knew, that was for sure... Could it be that they were tied to bigger concepts that his world lacked? Ghosts weren't a thing to Saraiiho because of Reincarnation being an established mechanic. A wandering Light just wasn't possible in concept. What is it that they were missing this time, he wondered.

"Ah... That is, really complicated...", the young man wore an apologetic expression, clearly at a loss. Even after all that effort, he didn't feel like he understood much, "This is probably why others were so hesitant to explain it. I feel like I understand just a bit more but still not enough..."

Shooting both Orbeck and Killua a glance, the Descendent seem to be silently asking if any them understood the term any better. It had also hit him that the white-haired boy was strangely quiet, his gaze falling with melancholy. He could relate to that state of confusion completely... To doubt whether he was actually back and, not know what had happened at all, the concern, disorientation, lots of times fear too. The pyromancer had been about to try saying something, maybe reassure the other, but he was distracted by the income of a new sensation. This was... a feeling similar to the power surges he'd get whenever he took the armlet off, but at the same time, it was not. It was similar and yet also distinct; Not the idea of freedom and empowerment that he was used to, but still a kind of surge nonetheless.

Maybe he'd have eventually gotten to the conclusion that this was a consequence of the wish, but before he could, the voice of the wisher himself had cut through the arena. A shout of extreme pain, prompted Sage to widen his eyes in a mix of worry and terror.


Fire had erupted in two curved streaks at opposite edges of the arena space. In a jolt, the pyromancer had left in a sprint towards the Oni's direction, trying to take-off into the air only to have a punch of pain from the damage he had taken earlier interrupt the movement. The wings had barely formed behind him before flashing as if out of power and fading again, all while he stumbled forwards and fell face-first into the ground, sliding a bit. Yikes, motion burns were not a good feeling, not to mention that his bruised stomach was also not happy with this at all!! Normally, this was where it would stop, where he would give up, because the pain would constantly thwart anything.
He actually was considering just, staying on the ground...

Until suddenly he, wasn't anymore. It was really odd, one moment he had been so ready to throw the towel, and the next it felt like he should keep trying it. Heck, it was as if the pain didn't matter anymore, something else seemed to be pushing him to keep going. Like nothing could stop him if he did so!! Slowly, Sage was back up. Yes, it still hurt, he could definitely feel it hurt, but at the same time, it was also weirdly distant. Once he had been standing again he had his gaze widened as if a whole new world had just suddenly opened up to him. Part of him wanted to laugh, at what? He wasn't sure, but it felt really good! For a moment he had even forgotten what he had been about to do!!


With a shake of his head to regain focus, the Descendant continued to make his way towards the rest of the group, sprinting as if he wasn't even hurt. When he had finally got there, Kyou wasn't... himself. Or rather, he was himself but he also was someone new, which was a puzzling concept. Magical Detection had been going off like crazy, the new presence practically overshadowing everything else in the area. He had taken a step back in apprehension, before that too would suddenly not make sense, and he was once more propelled forwards. One step back, then two closer, three. Fearless, he had made his way further and further until both him and Kagutsuchi were standing face to face. Well, that explained why the Oni had called Alexis' Kagutsuchi a fake earlier, instead of a friend though it seemed to be himself. Memories? 'Remember himself'? He could certainly remember something about Reincarnation too...
...Could someone remember a past life? Is this what was going on?

The young man didn't say anything, he was simply looking at the other with a hard to read expression, and some curiosity. It was different than the childlike wonder he usually had, that explosive filled with questions stance. No, this was more... He was interested, he did feel interested, but it was a lot milder, distant, rational. It didn't feel wrong in any way, though... It was certainly new.
Was that really coming from him?

Unbeknownst to Sage, Kyou wasn't the only one going through unusual phenomena. As soon as he had met the ground from his attempt, the fire he had spawned merely seconds previous had become an unusual mix of orange and blue. The base started blue and graduated into orange until the tips, however, it never changed, the blue didn't attempt to overwhelm the orange, neither did the orange fight back. It just, stood like that. The pyromancer's gaze too, was a mix of both colors, something that could only be described as a sea of fire-orange with floating gemstones in vivid blue. Though it shifted and danced continuously, it too didn't change.
The shades weren't battling each other anymore, it was like they were finally conviving in harmony.

"Pffffft, you're speaking all fancy now~!", he had let out with the laughter that had been trying to make it out for a while. Everything felt fine!
Last edited:
Link had replied to Akari with nothing more than a smile and a nod, acknowledging his words. It was then that Orbeck approached and told Link the situation. The mention of Ganondorf made him furrow his brows quite a bit, clearly registering the name and recognizing it. His eyes gazed down to the ground for a long moment as he took in everything that the magic wielder had to say. Within a short frame of time, though, Link looked up and gave Orbeck a firm nod in response, as well as a small grunt of approval. It seemed that Link was in this for the long haul now, with the mention of Ganondrof and his constantly growing power. He would nod towards Thorne as well, offering her a thumbs up.

"WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT IF THIS IS EVERYTHING, THEN I SHALL SEND YOU ALL BACK FROM WHERE YOU CAME." Time Baby declared as he rose a palm, causing the same white room from earlier to open up. As you all began to leave one by one, Time Baby called out in one final word, "I WISH YOU LUCK IN YOUR QUEST, VALIANT HEROES."

And with that, Jason led you all into the white cage you'd been in earlier, with everyone else falling behind.

As soon as you all came out on the other side of the white cage, you'd found yourselves back in the Axiom. The Guardians of the Galaxy's ship was gone, and you were all met by Midna, who was smirking as usual as she floated on her back.


"Took you all long enough!" She snickered as she floated over to you all, flicking Jason on the top of his helmet with two of her fingers as she did so. "I've been waiting here for hours! Those Guardians guys already left hours ago!" Midna exclaimed, while Jason merely sighed and rolled his eyes. He probably would have said something, had Midna not subsequently shoved her palm in his face and pushed him away when her eyes fell upon Link. "Woah! The heck are you doing here, Link?" She asked as she floated on over to him and leaned against him.


Link seemed to smile in response to her as she leaned on him, indicating that the two definitely knew each other. As the Hero Chosen by the Gods had presented so far, though, Link didn't reply to Midna, instead only offering her a slight smile. Midna, on the other hand, found herself glancing up to all of you, snickering slightly. "Guess you're not all screwed after all, huh?" She asked as she floated away from Link.

And then, the smell of smoke began to fill the air, as well as the sound of screams.

"...shit!" Jason shouted as he immediately began to sprint towards the sounds, immediately readying his weapons. A blazing inferno that rivaled that of Sage's own fires filled the room as you all drew closer, the sound of an explosion ringing out nearby. The screams only got louder as what sounded like some sort of blasters were being fired nearby. As you all sprinted into the nearby room, doing your best to find the source of the carnage, a distinct... breathing sound began to invade your eardrums.

Jason broke out into a sprint, rushing to the source. Link and Leo followed close behind, with Link's sword gripped firmly in his hand and Leo... well, he didn't have any weapons, but he had those eyes! Micah, Midna, and Kendall followed close behind, though none of them really seemed to be in any kind of a hurry to get to the carnage. However, as you made your way to the main room of what had been once been the proud Axiom, you found a much different sight behind a jammed open door. The entire ship was on fire. The once holographic screens that had littered the place with advertisements were nothing more than either static or cracked screens by now. Some of them had just given in and collapsed entirely, though. But that wasn't the worst part.

No, the worst part was what lined the floor.


Hundreds - if not thousands - of them.

And in the center of it all, as you stared out of the useless door, stood a singular figure.


"Your day of rebellion ends here." The masked figure said in a deep, imposing voice as he held some kind of red beam sword high in the air. He walked through the raging fires like they were nothing to him. Jason had since aimed his gun and began shooting at the man, but his bullets were easily deflected by his saber. Jason took a step back and held his arm out, as if he was about to tell you all to fall back.

And then, the ceiling collapsed in front of him, separating the path between the group and the man behind the slaughter. You could no longer see or even hear the latter. It was as if when the ceiling collapsed, he'd merely disappeared. But before you could even try to dwell on what you had just seen, Leo shakily held up a hand and pointed out in front him. Right towards a massive, star shaped space station.

"U-uh... guys..."


The last thing you saw was a giant green laser beam of pure light headed your way, and then for a split second, an explosion...

And then, everything went dark.

Chapter Six
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"

When you all woke up after what felt like a long, sudden nap, the first thing you felt was heat. Yet, accompanied with the heat was an almost ominous chill. It was a strange feeling... like someone had taken your senses, numbed them, and then tried to mesh them all together. The ground you laid on was wet, too. Wet and hard. Well, more so damp. It wasn't enough to soak you, but you definitely felt some form of condensation. Regardless, when your vision finally came back to you, you saw two things.


First of all, one of the first things you realized was that you were in a dark cave. One which seemed to be only illuminated by some kind of raging blaze in the distance - one that was far enough out that it was impossible to tell if you'd ever even reach it.

The second thing you saw, though, was a much... well, a slightly more welcoming sight.


It was a paper-thin wind-up bomb! One that lacked a fuse, for some reason.

"Yo. You guys new here?" The inconspicuous talking bomb would ask in a friendly enough sounding tone.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and
Tardiff the Bounty Hunter (Darkest Dungeon)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu as Jared Williams (OC) and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
@bloodyninja64 as Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc as Jett and Sage (Valorant)
Celestial Speck as Kyou Tana and Cópia de Mimaki Kunosuke (OC)
Ciscodog as Killua Zoldyick (Hunter x Hunter)
@GearBlade654 as Force Commander (Dawn of War 2) and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
@Attesa as Haws (Roblox) and Venice/Spooky (Havoc Fox)
@Jabroni as Jeff "The Dude" Labowski (The Big Labowski)
Ellya Ellya as Ellie (The Last of Us) and Atreus (God of War)
CutieBoop CutieBoop as Yoshi (Super Mario Bros) and Fuma Mishandra (Touhouverse)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
QizPizza QizPizza as Gunner Sergeant Lazarus Yongheng Huang (OC)
CN Pose.png
[Before the Chapter Update]
"Yup, apology accepted."

I said, gesturing at her with finger guns. Of course, being me, there was gunfire that came out of the end of my fingers. Sound even! No bullets though. I don't see why she's so guilt-ridden over a punch to the face. Come on, lady! Get a grip! Sure, it felt like the hit of a thousand suns but it didn't do much to my body. It has the consistency of rubber anyway so blunt hits cannot harm me that much. Slices and cuts? That might be a massive problem. I would have been disabled, at least for a while, when bleached skin McMuscles threatened to cut me in half.

"So, you're a superhero, right? First that Batman guy. And now. . . What's your name?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
--Hiryu Kakogawa || Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Everything happened a bit too quickly for Hiryu and Whisper. The moment they got back, the ship was already under attack. The Rider and the Sniper immediately followed along Jason, preparing to transform.

"Dammit, what the hell happened here...?!" Hiryu would glance at the bodies, pondering what caused the massacre. Soon, they would the man behind this mess. One clad in black wielding a red lightsaber. The Rider growled, taking out the Barlckxs Ridewatch. Just as he was about to transform, everything faded to white...

<{[G A M E * O V E R]}>

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

The Another Rider groaned as he found himself lying face first on the ground. It felt a bit rocky and damp. As if someone had just splashed thick water all over the place and has yet to dry. It's also incredibly hot and bright, signaled by the flames in the distance. Hiryu glanced around, confused on how they got here.

"Where..." Hiryu turned to the new voice he heard, it's another one of those paper things, a bomb without a fuse. "Where is this?" He asked, incredibly confused.
Killua Zoldyck

Mood: Neutral
Nen: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby)

The dark cave seemed to grow over Killua. "Huh. A whole new world, eh? It's no Greed Island, but what can you do."
The light seemed way out of reach, too far for Killua to grasp. So he shrugged it off, trying to get a better view of the scenery. After realizing the fact it's nothing more then your average dark cave, he came back to the real task at hand.
He responds to the voice from the talking bomb. "Hey... a literal ticking time bomb is talking to me! Never realized how literal that would eventually be."
He smirks a bit, but comes to his senses. "I'm sorry. All jokes aside, who exactly are you?"

Other Mentions: None
Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari bowed to the Time Baby as Jason ushered him into the white room and eventually back to the Axiom, where Midna was waiting for everyone.

It was when Midna dropped Link's name that Akari learned it. "Ah, so his name is 'Link'." He said to her with a nod. "Ah, I suppose I ought to mention... all of us are now resistant to the Twilight, and it will also prove difficult for us to become possessed. It's... a bit of a story. But, the point is, we truly aren't screwed after--"

Akari didn't have the time to finish his sentence as the smell of smoke and sounds of laser blasters and screams filled the air. He unsheathed his sword and followed Jason to...

...what could only be described as a nightmare come true.
"I know I said I thought the Axiom's interior looked like commercialism puked everywhere, but... this is no solution..." Even with his mask on (and therefore, his confidence boosted a bit), Akari was stunned at the destruction he witnessed before him. He could only think of how many poor, defenseless people had been slaughtered in the devastation.

There was a masked figure clad in black that appeared to wield some sort of beam sword and breathed heavily through some sort of apparatus, the way-more-than-likely cause for everything in the area. Right as Jason diverted everyone away from the ominous figure, Leo had pointed out something that was clearly not there before... entire space station.

The laser on it charged...

...and then, there was silence.


...and darkness.

When Akari came to, he and the others were in what seemed to be an entirely different realm. Why, it almost seemed like...

Akari stood himself a bit shakily and dusted himself off. He heard a surprisingly friendly voice in this otherwise bleak world, and turned to see a ghostly figure of a flat paper bomb, rather reminiscent of the universe with the Excess Express and its papery residents. "I... well, yes. I suppose you might say that we are. But... where exactly is 'here'?" He asked the bomb.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
Location: Spooky cave
After the explosion Lilith and the rest of the others would soon find themselves in a dark cave with a burning light in the distance, the next thing they would notice was that there was a paper flat bomb and for some reason he didn't have a fuse. Lilith got up with a headache and several questions but she decided to go with the first one that came up in her mind. "Um hey, do you know where that light is coming from."


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby)
Hell? HELL?! Why did I go to hell?! I stole for the greater good, you schmucks! I pulled down on my duck hat so hard that it covers my eyes. A shiver overtook my body, making me pace around the premises as I tried to cool myself down. I'm-- I'm Tandem. NOT HAPPENING! Did I finally run out of luck?! Calm down. Deep breathes. At least it was quick and painless, right-- GOD, NOT HELPING!

Then CN-Tan started laughing and I took a peek out of my hat.

"If I'm already in hell. I can do anything I want! Mwahahaha!" CN-Tan exclaimed.

She began to let out slurs of all kinds. The beeping censoring had the melody of the US anthem. Why US-- Oh. Oh no.

Of course, the implications started making me laugh. What a mood whiplash!​
Chronology (1).jpg
Location: Hell
Expression: Pissed Off When She is Now in Hell after She Got Hit by The Green Plasma Beam from The Death Star
Interaction: Everyone in Hell
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher , Ellya Ellya , BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 , & etc.

Link had replied to Akari with nothing more than a smile and a nod, acknowledging his words. It was then that Orbeck approached and told Link the situation. The mention of Ganondorf made him furrow his brows quite a bit, clearly registering the name and recognizing it. His eyes gazed down to the ground for a long moment as he took in everything that the magic wielder had to say. Within a short frame of time, though, Link looked up and gave Orbeck a firm nod in response, as well as a small grunt of approval. It seemed that Link was in this for the long haul now, with the mention of Ganondrof and his constantly growing power. He would nod towards Thorne as well, offering her a thumbs up.

"WELL, I SUPPOSE THAT IF THIS IS EVERYTHING, THEN I SHALL SEND YOU ALL BACK FROM WHERE YOU CAME." Time Baby declared as he rose a palm, causing the same white room from earlier to open up. As you all began to leave one by one, Time Baby called out in one final word, "I WISH YOU LUCK IN YOUR QUEST, VALIANT HEROES."

And with that, Jason led you all into the white cage you'd been in earlier, with everyone else falling behind.

As soon as you all came out on the other side of the white cage, you'd found yourselves back in the Axiom. The Guardians of the Galaxy's ship was gone, and you were all met by Midna, who was smirking as usual as she floated on her back.


"Took you all long enough!" She snickered as she floated over to you all, flicking Jason on the top of his helmet with two of her fingers as she did so. "I've been waiting here for hours! Those Guardians guys already left hours ago!" Midna exclaimed, while Jason merely sighed and rolled his eyes. He probably would have said something, had Midna not subsequently shoved her palm in his face and pushed him away when her eyes fell upon Link. "Woah! The heck are you doing here, Link?" She asked as she floated on over to him and leaned against him.


Link seemed to smile in response to her as she leaned on him, indicating that the two definitely knew each other. As the Hero Chosen by the Gods had presented so far, though, Link didn't reply to Midna, instead only offering her a slight smile. Midna, on the other hand, found herself glancing up to all of you, snickering slightly. "Guess you're not all screwed after all, huh?" She asked as she floated away from Link.

And then, the smell of smoke began to fill the air, as well as the sound of screams.

"...shit!" Jason shouted as he immediately began to sprint towards the sounds, immediately readying his weapons. A blazing inferno that rivaled that of Sage's own fires filled the room as you all drew closer, the sound of an explosion ringing out nearby. The screams only got louder as what sounded like some sort of blasters were being fired nearby. As you all sprinted into the nearby room, doing your best to find the source of the carnage, a distinct... breathing sound began to invade your eardrums.

Jason broke out into a sprint, rushing to the source. Link and Leo followed close behind, with Link's sword gripped firmly in his hand and Leo... well, he didn't have any weapons, but he had those eyes! Micah, Midna, and Kendall followed close behind, though none of them really seemed to be in any kind of a hurry to get to the carnage. However, as you made your way to the main room of what had been once been the proud Axiom, you found a much different sight behind a jammed open door. The entire ship was on fire. The once holographic screens that had littered the place with advertisements were nothing more than either static or cracked screens by now. Some of them had just given in and collapsed entirely, though. But that wasn't the worst part.

No, the worst part was what lined the floor.


Hundreds - if not thousands - of them.

And in the center of it all, as you stared out of the useless door, stood a singular figure.


"Your day of rebellion ends here." The masked figure said in a deep, imposing voice as he held some kind of red beam sword high in the air. He walked through the raging fires like they were nothing to him. Jason had since aimed his gun and began shooting at the man, but his bullets were easily deflected by his saber. Jason took a step back and held his arm out, as if he was about to tell you all to fall back.

And then, the ceiling collapsed in front of him, separating the path between the group and the man behind the slaughter. You could no longer see or even hear the latter. It was as if when the ceiling collapsed, he'd merely disappeared. But before you could even try to dwell on what you had just seen, Leo shakily held up a hand and pointed out in front him. Right towards a massive, star shaped space station.

"U-uh... guys..."


The last thing you saw was a giant green laser beam of pure light headed your way, and then for a split second, an explosion...

And then, everything went dark.

Chapter Six
"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"

When you all woke up after what felt like a long, sudden nap, the first thing you felt was heat. Yet, accompanied with the heat was an almost ominous chill. It was a strange feeling... like someone had taken your senses, numbed them, and then tried to mesh them all together. The ground you laid on was wet, too. Wet and hard. Well, more so damp. It wasn't enough to soak you, but you definitely felt some form of condensation. Regardless, when your vision finally came back to you, you saw two things.


First of all, one of the first things you realized was that you were in a dark cave. One which seemed to be only illuminated by some kind of raging blaze in the distance - one that was far enough out that it was impossible to tell if you'd ever even reach it.

The second thing you saw, though, was a much... well, a slightly more welcoming sight.


It was a paper-thin wind-up bomb! One that lacked a fuse, for some reason.

"Yo. You guys new here?" The inconspicuous talking bomb would ask in a friendly enough sounding tone.

Cast List
PolikShadowbliss as Supergirl (DC Comics) and Zwei (OC)
Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) and Lars Alexandersson (Tekken)
quadraxis201 as Akari "Paladin" Kishiri (Persona OC)
Necessity4Fun as Sage Kaelber (OC)
ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC)
JRay as Sora (Kingdom Hearts) and Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
DrDapper as Carlo Thomson (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood OC)
DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC)
Thepotatogod as Hiryu Kokogawa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Birb as Ike Plymont (OC)
2Bornot2B as Tanya Degurechaff (The Saga of Tanya the Evil)
darkred as Jak/Mar (Jak and Daxter) and Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
Laix_Lake as Orbeck of Vinheim (Dark Souls III)
92MilesPrower as Deadpool (Marvel Comics) and Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Venom Snake as Venom Snake and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
Crow as Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) and The Agent (Club Penguin)
Smug as The Judge (OFF)
Yamperzzz as Tektite and Xenophon (OC)
Meraki as Antoneva (Eternal City)
Chungchangching as Tandem (Climaxverse) and Cartoon Network-Tan (Channel-Tans)
PopcornPie as Megumin (Konosuba) and Lucky O'Chomper (WHACKED!)
Sir Skrubbins as Frank West (Dead Rising) and The Medic (Team Fortress 2)
TheElenaFisher as Blake Belladonna (RWBY) and Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon (The Witcher)
Benedict Cucumberpatch as Himself (Classified)
QizPizza as Delsausage Roweiner (inFAMOUS AU/TCS OC) and Alexis Kuroki (OC)
FactionGuerrilla as Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption II) and Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
Riven as Umbra (Warframe)
Sayo-Nara as Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Lazaro1505 as Gretar (For Honor OC) and Tardiff the Bounty Hunter (Darkest Dungeon)
@FoolsErin as Bayonetta (Bayonetta) and Tony Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
@Frankie as Gilgamesh (The Unwritten) and Molly (Power Rangers OC)
@StaidFoal as William Joseph Blazkowicz (Wolfenstein) and Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare)
marc122 as Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Zamasu as Jared Williams (OC) and Shanoa (Castlevania)
BoltBeam as Agent 3 (Splatoon)
@bloodyninja64 as Dennis Robbins and Kanon Marshall (OC)
AlexandraRoseLeclerc as Jett and Sage (Valorant)
Celestial Speck as Kyou Tana and Cópia de Mimaki Kunosuke (OC)
Ciscodog as Killua Zoldyick (Hunter x Hunter)
@GearBlade654 as Force Commander (Dawn of War 2) and Praetorian (XCOM 2)
@Attesa as Haws (Roblox) and Venice/Spooky (Havoc Fox)
@Jabroni as Jeff "The Dude" Labowski (The Big Labowski)
Ellya Ellya as Ellie (The Last of Us) and Atreus (God of War)
CutieBoop CutieBoop as Yoshi (Super Mario Bros) and Fuma Mishandra (Touhouverse)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) and Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
QizPizza QizPizza as Gunner Sergeant Lazarus Yongheng Huang (OC)
As when this is all over, a smell of smoke and noises of screams filled out the arena as when Jason, Link, Midna, Micha, and Kendall try to run towards the source, an masked figure appeared with so many dead bodies everywhere. But when Leo gazed into a massive space station that is going to shoot out an giant green beam hit towards Globnar, but now where is everyone??

When Jett woke up as she feels that the floor is wet that doesn't soak her clothes and heat with a almost ominous chill right before she could get up and is now in a very dark cave with some kind of a raging blaze on the distance and second, she saw an talking yet very thin paper like wind-up bomb that lacks an fuse was talking to everyone saying that they are very new in this place an said to the paper wind-up bomb "Y-Yeah we're new, the last time I remember is that an giant green beam hit everyone and I think that everyone is now in this place... And now, let me guess. We're now in Hell or this is a entire different universe??? Now, I am getting more and more on confident on what will happen if we are now escaped this very dark cave."

She was terrified inside of her mind because she thinks that everyone is now in Hell after she got hit by the giant green plasma beam from a giant space station above, she then waits for the talking wind-up bomb to respond in order to think that they're now in Hell after she is done doing the fighting inside the Globnar Gladiator like arena. Jett feels like this like an entirely new area in her entire life and doesn't want see any enemies that are going to ambush everyone early on just to save some of her energy if there is a big battle going on right after she could met the wind-up like bomb.


Chronology (2).jpg
Location: Hell
Expression: Feeling Something Will Happen in The Cave
Interaction: Paper Wind-Up Bomb & Jett
Mention: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Thorne would saw the giant space station shooting out an large green plasma beam towards everyone that is in the Globnar arena, she wake up as she felt that the floor is wet but that didn't soak her Oriental clothes and heat right before she saw a paper yet thin wind-up bomb but it does not have an fuse of some sort realizing that she is now in a dark cave with an raging blaze onto the distance.

She turned around to Jett questioning the bomb either that everyone is now in Hell or in a vast yet entirely new universe right now right before she is getting up and questions the paper wind-up bomb as well after Jett is done doing her question "If everyone is now in Hell, are we dead from the plasma beam that is coming from a giant space station?? I hope that this is Hell from my mind, because we are now in a cave and I hope that there is something in the distance over there."

She then waits for the paper talking wind-up bomb to respond her question as well, Thorne is hoping that this is actually Hell based on the surroundings around her in the cave including the floor is wet that didn't soaked everyone else's clothes, heat, and a raging blaze coming from the distance.

Here is the funny part. While it is implied she had the demon voice due to many fearful reactions and visions from the Kratos fight in her memory, as well as memories of the stars Fuma wouldn't be able to reach, she hated to admit it until someone got straight to the core where they understood why she buried it within her inner demon. She was developing like a human in the end, despite being a demoness herself. That was, if she could just... let them live another life... a re-incarnation cycle, as Sage said. She smiled bitterly, and gentle tears flowed. As if... she could have a chance to re-unite with the fallen, or maybe nearly-dead!



You know, when she meant the immortals, it could be immortals seeking the need to be alive again.

... But, sadly, she can't test it now, as both she and Yoshi (separately of course) were trying to be alive on the next moment until-

Tags: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


Fuma & Yoshi

Both of them groaned when they woke up. The reactions for them, however are different.

Fuma noticed her clothes are a bit warm... and damp... disgusting, but it's what a demoness should expect in another demon's place. ... Did she die? She raised her brow. There's no way a demon could die and end up in Hell of all places... right? If so... she couldn't have died before she got to--


. . .

Uh oh.

Fuma isn't necessarily happy of this outcome, but if she has to traverse the many parts of it to get back to the living, she could. And if she did so, she could be able to do that ritual, like she and Sage had discussed. However, she still has her demon eyes up; maybe it's her feelings and the territory. Who knows if a goetia demon could have advantages here... We'll just have to see. Just hope she can get back to a better mood soon...

Yoshi, on the other hand, woke up after a moment where they seemed to have died. ... However, Yoshi himself is not new to this idea. It was almost if he's known those types of places, but not quite...

"Lava? Yoshi dealt with lava. That was part of Yoshi's adventures with baby Mario! If Yoshi brought baby Luigi... Luigi wouldn't like it!" Yoshi shook his head, and now he's just looking to others for discussion. Welp, not like he can help that part. He shook his head. "Well, if Yoshi were stuck here with friends, then Yoshi would help friends!" He turned to face the bob-omb without a fuse.


"If mister friendly bob-omb could help Yoshi and friends, maybe you can help find our way around? We'd all be new, yesh!"

Tags: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Bobby) , @ open for others to discuss with both of them in hell
Interaction: Everyone in hell, pretty much.​
Frank Castle

The old man didn't have time to talk to Ellie just yet about her decision to shoot Time Baby. She would probably be upset that he didn't really help with the aftermath. He would explain if asked, but no sooner. They were teleported back, and he was glad to be there for all of three seconds before the hairs on his neck stood on end. Something was deeply wrong. He could feel it. It was that same sense he got before the time police showed up, that sixth sense. The internal sirens were wailing, even as Link and Midna were having a happy reunion. The ship was too quiet, like it was holding its breath. The smoke and screams came before he could take a guess at what was wrong. Frank was towards the front of the pack as they ran towards the sound, and he stopped dead when he saw what waited for them. Corpses. Maybe thousands. So fat they probably could have barely moved. Not just fat, though. Almost different entirely. Like how the shape their skulls were different, or bones were missing. A massacre. Couldn't use a weapon if they wanted to. Doubt they could even stand.

Across the sea of bodies, a figure clad in dark armor stood there. Unlike Link, who he could only vaguely recall, he did remember this man, and not fondly. The lightsaber igniting was an unfortunately familiar sight. The weapon itself was something he had only seen briefly used, but to deadly effect when applied properly. Without skipping a beat when Jason opened fire, the old man raised the Passport to his shoulder. He hadn't even gotten a chance to look the thing over before now. From what he could tell at just a brief glance over the weapon, the thing had not only two different modes of fire, but two different kinds of fire as well. For now, he kept it in automatic mode, squeezing the trigger in short, tapping bursts. The weapon thumped against his shoulder in the all-too familiar sensation of a weapon with unexpected recoil. Stopping power. Reminds me more of the AK than the M16. Wild spray, hard to control. He adjusted his aim accordingly. It didn't seem to be firing bullets, no, it was some kind of energy weapon, though it functionally reminded him of any heavy rifle he had ever used. Unfortunately, his aim didn't matter. The target, whose name Frank never caught back when dealing with the Archdemon, deflected each of his shots with ease.

A few seconds went by, and Frank could tell this wasn't working. He could sense Jason about to give the order to run, but he could tell from the kid's body language that he had no intention of following that order himself. Frank was right there. The rest of the team, given time, might be able to find an escape pod or some other way off this death trap, or maybe Kyou and the other more powerful members of their team would find an opening to go in on the Sith. They didn't get the chance. The ceiling collapsed, raining debris in front of them before the menacing armored hulk could get closer. Fortunately, it was an inner ceiling, or the ship had some sort of shielding preventing them from just all getting sucked into space. By the time the smoke cleared, Vader was gone. The Passport didn't lower from his shoulder as he scanned the room, expectantly. How could the guy just disappear? He must have teleported somehow. Fuckin' supes.

He turned to bark something at the others. Maybe an order, maybe a question, but his voice trailed off mid-sentence. See, something was out the view-port that stopped anything he was about to say from mattering. Leo noticed it at about the same time he did. It looked like a moon. A small one, to be sure, but a moon. Made out of metal. It wasn't often that something like this stopped Frank dead anymore, but in that instant, he was speechless. A massive green laser charging up in a large circular shape, almost like a crater, is what brought him back to reality. Instantly, he knew they needed a way off this thing. If the Axiom even survived the first shot, he doubted a ship with a populace like this had any real military purpose. His voice, suddenly urgent, loud, and harsh, cut through the sound of fires smoldering around the ruined deck as people tried to figure out what was happening. "Everyone, get down!" Launching himself across the room, he tackled Ellie and Atreus, keeping their bodies under his. It probably wouldn't make a difference, but if there was a chance in Hell he had to try. Eyes closed, teeth gritted, he waited for the impact to see if they'd still be alive here in a few seconds. He felt the searing heat wash over in him in an instant, so hot it vaporized bone. The void welcomed him, as it had many times before.

At what point does dying become banal?

The old man felt both hot and cold at the same time. He felt the goosebumps of a chill on his arms, but simultaneously, a bead of sweat on his forehead. His eyes opened slowly to find Atreus and Ellie still under him. Slowly, he stood up and brushed himself off. Without wasting much time, Frank looked down over the kids. Physically alright at a glance, but that probably wasn't an experience either of them would forget any time soon. Further check-in once secure. By comparison to more than likely most, he felt virtually no panic over his own personal death. What was this? The fifth time he died? Must have been three times at least in Murder alone, let alone back in his home universe. They all kinda blurred together for him at this point. Looking around, he tried to get a sense for where they were. Didn't take long. At least this time, they seemed to be somewhere, not just in another part of a game. Granted, that somewhere was probably Hell. Almost wryly, he remarked to no one in particular, "I know why I'm here, but what have all of you done?"

A voice caught his attention. A talking bomb. Of course. What else would there be in Hell, if not talking bombs? The cave they were in was sparse. Nothing notable, no signs of habitation or life, other than their ragtag crew and the welcoming committee. No threats, nothing to immediately defend anyone from. Was there even a point to defending themselves from something in Hell? After all, they were already dead, and likely so would the thing they were fighting be. Was this even like afterlives he had been stuck in before? Those were often basically just movements to other places. They could be left; sometimes without anything supernatural occurring, at least in the sense of flashy magic or technology. Were they just dead, here to stay? Try not to think about that. Might be a way out, at least for the ones that shouldn't be here. Again, his voice rung out. It wasn't as urgent or as harsh, but it still had that commanding, pragmatic air to it. "Everybody alright?" If his suspicions were correct, there wouldn't be a single lasting injury on any of them. Not in the sense of a wound, anyways; he doubted someone unfamiliar with death would easily forget their skin getting cooked in an explosion, child or otherwise.

When no one jumped up with a half-melted face, Frank nodded and turned to the talking bomb, speaking loud enough most could hear. Midway through, he was really addressing everyone. "Yes, we're new here. If you've got useful information, please share. I've died... more than once. If anyone has any questions our host can't answer, I'll do my best." With that, he stepped away to Ellie and Atreus. Second time checking them for injuries in a span of only a few minutes. Ellie's nose was broken again from where Mimaki shoved her head into the floor. As before, he didn't really warn her. He just reached up and reset it. Second break in less than a day. It was probably really starting to smart. Part way through checking Atreus, he hesitated, and then spoke. "How are you two feeling after that?" There was an awkward sincerity to the question, like he genuinely wanted to make sure they were alright after that, but wasn't sure how to go about asking.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Ellya Ellya AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- CutieBoop CutieBoop ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Chungchangching Chungchangching @everybody really​

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