As Lilith was still trying to enclose Penny in one of her shields she starts to grow more and more exhausted as time goes on. "Jeez this CobbleCroch guy must of programmed her way too well, because I can't get a hit on her." Lilith says as she wipes some of the hair from her left eye.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Penny)
--Hiryu Kakogawa: On War---
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
OST: In a Pinch

Hiryu grunted as he was hit by the reflected electric railgun beam, causing him to be flung far, nearing the edge, he stabbed the ground, stopping his momentum right as his sole slipped through the edge, seeing as he nearly got knocked out of the academy itself.

"Railgun's useless. . ." Hiryu casually tossed the Railgun out of the hole, soon gripping his blade with two hands, he charged right back in the fray, seeing as his initial plan didn't do SHIT, he has to get hands on and restrain her using his fists--he didn't give two shits if it seems like he's hurting her, he's doing what must be done. Seeing the chaos that befell before him, Hiryu had to look for a chance to strike after Benrey's grapple.

There is a lot things that could go wrong in this plan of his.

One, if his blade accidentally charges electricity, Hiryu will give her more juice. Not a good sign. Two, he might accidentally stab her. ALSO not good. His reputation among the group is already starting to fall because of this, but who gives a shit at this point.

The mission right now is simple; knock this robot girl's lights out, no matter the cost. It was at this point that he remembered a crucial detail from his initial encounter--her swords floated behind her. So what if...Her back's a weak point? This in mind, Hiryu circled around Penny, waiting for her to come down and attack someone else--after that, he'll lunge, bashing her with the blunt of his sawblade guard before grabbing her neck. Afterwards, he MUST try and feel for some kind of panel--a hatch, maybe. Put two and two together, and you get that her off switch MUST be somewhere there!

For now though, the waiting game...
"Well I'm sorry that your life is so pointless that you can't have any enjoyment in it. I can adventure and claw some enjoyment out of it when I can. Besides, I'm only doing this because I want to. If we all die, thats the end. Oh well. If we win, okay, life moves on as normal. The journey should be worth it, or whats the point in being?" Lealan walks over to the blockage and taps it, checking what metal it's made of, not that it would matter in the end. "And neither you nor whoever this Yang is, are the boss of me, so I don't have to listen to what you order, meatbag." She tosses at Ciri, grin still on her face.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher
Unfortunately, Megumin's laser was aimed a little too far to the left, and she hit Benrey instead of Penny, who was now flying free. "Eeep." Megumin realized her error right away, and blushed. "Urm...Sorry, Benrey. This always seems to happen whenever I'm forced to use a weapon...Please, let me try again." This time, she made a greater effort to keep the laser focused on Penny as she fired.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Qrow managed to stop a potential fight between Sora and Lealan
“Fine. But Tony Stark. I gotta meet the guy at the end of this if he made you guys all this cool stuff. And.. thanks Lealan, it really means something to hear you say that.”

Just as the argument was done Ciri said something that wasn’t gonna make Sora start another one, but it did offend him. “Who are you calling a child!”

But to makes things a little better Lealan stands up to Ciri, calling him a meatbag. “Ouch, that had to hurt. Nice one Lealan.” He held his hand out for Lealan to high five. And to add more icing on the cake, Sage finally wakes up, bringing a smile on the boys face. “Sage! You’re up. Sorry about shaking you, I didn’t know.”


Rex was doing good holding his own against Penny till she lasers his shield through him, sending him back. He was gonna make another one until Benrey was holding her down. “Keep her still. I’m gonna try something!” Rex exclaimed while running to Penny to try that shut down idea again, this time with a shield with one arm in case the swords came back.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
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Mood: Confused, Startled, Guilty
Tags: (GM)
, (Sora)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

Craddled up on Alexis' tails for the rest of the fight, Sage rested with shallow, painful breaths. Conciously, he could no longer feel the soul-crushing pain of his snapped leg, but that didn't mean that it had gone away, his body was still under strain as it battled to function despite the damage that'd have normally hospitalized one for weeks, if not render them crippled for life...

Luckily for the young man, neither he nor the others in this mission stood for the concept of 'normality'.

The combo of healing magic and miraculous medicinal herbs were effective to the point of restoring the leg to what it once been. If it wasn't for the stain of blood in his pants and the terrible lingering of memory of both his desperate screams and the noise of when the bones had finally broken, one might even believe that it had never even happened in the first place. With that solved, it was only a matter of allowing him to recuperate naturally and wake up once his body was ready, right? Like a real hospital would have done?

Annnnd nope! Apparently someone had decided to just shake him back into consciousness rather violently!!
Oh well, at least it wasn't another explosion...?

The abrupt movements forced upon his body, plus the repeated and rather loud call of his name, would slowly prompt him alert. It was certainly disorienting to have the environment he was gradually coming back to bop up and down over and over and over as if bouncing, for a couple of minutes, eliciting a bit of a headache as his mind tried to make sense of what it was seeing. The boy of spiky hair, who he had come to know as 'Sora', turned out to be the source of the commotion. Still dazed, Sage's eyes struggled to keep themselves continuously open, as he watched in cuts the moment Alexis had slapped the other teen away from him and the world slipped briefly into darkness again as multiple voices echoed in the background...

Next time he had caught the scene, the woman seemed to be refusing something, talking to a soldier holding a little briefcase? Box... Boxcase? Before he could even make sense of what the object was, the headache had decided to pound ferociously. His body certainly hated having been forcefully awoken.

"U-urrrrgh guuuuys...", the pyromancer had brought a hand to the side of his head, things were spinning rather unpleasantly. He also felt slightly nauseous from the dizzyness, "I-isn't it like- A first-aid rule somewhere to not go moving people, o-or something...? S-sheesh..."

As he had raised his gaze to properly gauge the situation, however, the young man had been met with an unusual grouping of people, some that he hadn't even interacted with yet, all looking at him at once. For someone that was used to being reprimanded, this amount of attention didn't really mean good things... He had immediately jerked up startled.

"W-wha-! Why is everyone looking at me like that??", mildly panicked he had tried interpreting their reactions. Was that all just concern or was he about to be called out on his recklessness? Ramble-mode explanation had been engaged, "Okay, I know what you're all thinking and I did go a bit overboard and should have seen that coming. In fact, I sorta called it out and then let it happen anyways, and didn't know what I was doing, and was pretty much experimenting the whole time, and understand that it was very idiotic of me to try any of that but-"

Sage had cut it suddenly, glancing a bit down. At the same that he felt pride over being able to do something this time, he was also ashamed of getting hurt badly enough that half of their group was now concerned about it. It felt weird to have this many people actually care for his well-being for once. It was yet another thing that he wasn't accustomed with.

"I didn't want to be in the back, terrified and inert again. I wanted to help too! W-without making it worse...", and with a sigh, he had averted his gaze for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "O-oh well, I- I hope it still looked somewhat cool to watch..."

Eventually, with his bearings properly gathered and any sort of clarifications done, Qrow had gotten the group moving once more. Perhaps it had been good that Sage had passed out near the end of the fight. Whether the enemy's swift end could have been avoided or not, he hadn't seen it happen and hadn't seen the result either. For the spiritual pacifist pyromancer, witnessing something like that would not have only shaken him to the core, but it might have hurt his relationship with Alexis as well... Accepting the sheer brutality of what they had just done would have been one of the hardest tasks bestowed upon him.

It was new, to be receiving some else's healing instead of dealing with them on his own, though, the young man was certainly grateful for not having to wake up in pain first, to then heal himself. He hadn't even seen the injury, but he could imagine that maybe the flame of the matches wouldn't have been practical for something of that nature. His mind still recoiled in shock at the memory of the event...
Sage also hoped that they wouldn't be outside in the snow any soon, because with his pant leg ripped now it would get even harder to keep the cold away. As much as he was resistant about it, maybe Alexis' idea of changing attire wasn't so far-fetched. Especially if his clothes kept accumulating damage like this.

Even as a new member joined their group, the pyromancer didn't feel much up to conversation, trailing after his Kitsune friend, still shaken by everything that had happened. And it only got worse as Qrow mentioned the emotional episodes in the airship, and then a woman with white-haired hair reminded them that the Toga fight had gone terribly because of in-fighting.

Because of him. Even without knowing the details of it, those words had been a blow and a half, any kind of confidence that he had been able to build in the past hour was gone like the wind.

"I-I'm sorry...", he muttered at nobody in particular, stopped in place as guilt once more ate away at him, "...It's not like I can help it..."

It surely didn't help that along the way and unbeknownst to Sage, Shujinko had drawn upon his power-set, raising the magic output ever so slightly as more was demanded out of the 'gateway'. He had felt it, looking around for a moment in confusion, but the true reason for it was impossible to grasp from a distance.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice


>Your shots barely hit this time. Still aiming for the thrusters, you continue to fire in the hopes of disabling them. But she is too fast, but speed is not enough.


>Setting your Lancer in flames, you begin to fire scattered fireballs at Penny with the same reason.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
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Akari "Paladin" Kishiri

Akari was... understandably concerned when Deadpool got full-on dismembered by Lobo, but when he explained how the rest of the Sewer Team should wait on healing him until his "regeneration factor" kicked in, Akari put a hand to his chin. "Alright. So then, Kronos and I will wait to use our magic on you."

Lealen and Sora got involved in a ridiculous argument, and Akari just facepalmed. Thankfully, Qrow was helping to defuse it.

Ant-Man introduced himself to the Sewer Team, and so Akari reciprocated the sentiment. "I'm Akari Kishiri, but I also go by the codename 'Paladin', in likely the same way that you go by 'Ant-Man' and he..." Akari thumbed to Spider-Man, "...goes by 'Spider-Man'. I have access to what's called the power of 'Persona', and with that, I can cast magical spells with the aid of Kronos, my Persona. I, in particular, focus on defensive and healing magic, though I can use Light-based offensive spells, too. Pleasure to meet you, Scott."

92MilesPrower 92MilesPrower
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
(Open for Interactions)
As she walked back to the others, she looked at the boy who was one of the two responsible for Toga getting away. "Look, it's fine. But try to not fight anyone else while a fight is already going on, I don't think we need that to happen again."

Then, she heard the girl say her life was pointless and that she wouldn't listen to her or Yang, followed by the boy now being on her side.

Ciri tightly gripped her sword, shaking with anger. Turning around, she immediately entered Rage. "
My life is pointless, huh? Tell me, are you the heiress to SEVEN different thrones, two of which were given to my double that my father tried to marry? Were you immediately bounded to someone from birth by Destiny and is the last known bearer of some very powerful magic? Are you a monster slayer that has traveled to various different places? Was your kingdom destroyed right in front of you as you heard the screams of your people? Were you with the elves in their homeworld and only allowed to leave if you slept with the king and bore his child?! Were you the one who was almost impregnated by a powerful sorcerer and your own father, who you thought was DEAD, just so you could have the power in the family bloodline?! Were you the reason powerful elves hunted you for a year and thus, caused the deaths of anyone you grew close to?! Huh?! I don't think anyone's life would be that pointless if all of that was done just for that one person!"

Before she could end up fighting them due to just how extremely enraged she was, she looked at everyone. "
That's it, when we're done with Cobblepot, I'm opening a portal and I'm leaving. For now: leave. Me. Alone." With that, she started heading back through the tunnel that they had came from, punching Sora in the face as soon as she walked past him as hard as she could and put the sword away. One could see that there were tears going down her face as she left, making one wonder if it was from everything she just said?

Maybe she needed time to calm down... But anyone's welcome to follow her to try to talk her out of leaving.
Just not Lealan or Sora.

Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun , DerpyCarp DerpyCarp , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , @ sewer group
“Oh, I didn’t-“ Sora began to feel sorrow for the woman, but doesn’t have a chance to think of any of that when she tries to punch him in the face on her way out to the portal and misses. ”What have I done.. what have WE done? I kinda feel guilty for this. Maybe we messed up.”

TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
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"Wow. What poor self control. She lost the taunting game and she should have hit me, you didn't deserve that, Sora." Lealan pulls out a Stim Pack and steps next to Sora, offering it to him. "I don't know if you'll accept it, but here. Hopefully next time we play it wont be interupted by the bird guy and the sore loser." With her so close, Sora would see some yellow jade vines on her neck.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
After the arguing has continued to get worse and worse. And Ciri couldn’t seem to handle it, for she went on a angry rant and stormed off, probably going to leave this world. He then turned to face Sora and Lealan and said “We would not be here arguing amongst ourselves and continue on our way with our mission, since you guys can’t seem to hold a simple thought in your ego filled minds....” as he went to try and catch up to Ciri.

After running a bit down to reach Ciri, he said quietly
“I know you may be having some problems right now...... but leaving the fate of the multiverse to the idiots would only increase our rate of failure higher. I know that this might not change your opinions or not, but I am willing to put up with this, if it means saving the ones I love back at home from slavery of this Ganon. You can leave if you want, and I won’t stop you, but I’ll let you wait and think your next course of actions closely....” he said, standing behind Ciri and waiting for a response.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @ Everyone is angry
"What is his problem? Argueing and teasing is a great way to strengthen comradery in and between tribes, second best only to Hunting together! And he just spat a barb and ran away, like he didn't want to join. What a weirdo, isnt that right Sora? We're so much closer after our verbal fight!" Lealan would try to throw an arm around the Keyblade bearer.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts @SewerSquad
Sora didn’t like how Ciri was acting, but it’s not like it wasn’t his or Lealan’s fault too. Before he can think any further, Lealan gives him a Stim Pack and tells him he didn’t deserve the punch. “Ohh, thanks. Listen Lealan, I’m thankful for you standing up to me back there, but I think we may have messed up in making her mad.”

Sora continues after Lealan calls Ciri a loser. “No. She’s not a loser, she’s just going through some stuff right now. I don’t think threatening us was the best way, but I think we were in the wrong.” Gretar added on to this and says they wouldn’t be here in the first place if they kept their mouths shut.

“(Yeah.. he’s right.)” Sora feels guilt for what he’s done, he tucks the Stim Pack in his pocket and continues going with the rest of the sewer group along with Lealan’s arm around him.

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

  • At least the boy was healed by the help of Aloy and Sora, who finally had decided to make himself useful. Within moments, Sage was back on his feet alongside Qrow, and the group got moving again. Well, only to be stopped by one Scott slash Ant-Man, who introduced himself as an ally.

    “Kassandra of Sparta.” She probably would’ve been more enthusiastic and had greeted herself as the Eagle Bearer and mercenary, but this time her voice was totally dripping with vigor. The stench and atmosphere was wearing down on her more than she’d like to admit, and left her just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

    Unfortunately, fighting broke out yet again between Blood Gulch misfits Lealan and Sora. When Ciri- being one of the few people who’d been proven to be level-headed- tried to cut it out, she only got a mouthful from the snake and the little boy- for once, the two actually coming together, only for it to be for something so damn petty.

    At this point, the Witcheress had enough, and stormed off after ranting furiously, though not before punching Sora in the face.​

    “Ciri, wait-“ But it was too late. The swordsmaiden had backtracked the way the sewer group had come from, leaving only the Spartan and the ragtag group of pea-brains. If Ciri had been pissed, Kassandra looked furious. There wasn’t anything diplomatic nor Athenian in the Eagle Bearer’s expression as she turned her scathing gaze towards both Sora and Lealan. For a few seconds, she didn’t say anything, but then...



    Kassandra hurled her Spear forwards, missing Lealan’s face by millimeters before impaling itself within the sewer’s walls. She stormed forwards to Lealan, glowering at the snake for another couple seconds before chastising the latter.

    “You think this is some sort of twisted game, that’s fun?!?! That the rest of us are doing this because we just want to? Because sitting in some rotten water and being hunted by people who want to enslave the whole world is fun?? Since Lealan obviously didn’t get the point verbally and even declared Ciri should’ve hit the serpent, Kassandra decided it was worth getting physical to prove her point. She snatched Lealan by her throat, lifting the snake-robot up a few inches above the ground with a glower on her face, before decking Lealan in the face with all her (and her suit’s) might and throwing her victim backwards.

    “If you’re going to cause troubles, I will have no qualms putting you out of your misery here and now. And ‘that’s the end’.” She spat, throwing Lealan’s words right back at her before grabbing her still-lodged Spear. With her tirade against the solo mercenary done, she turned her glare right at Sora.

    “And you... You have every right to be called a child. You haven’t remotely seen the things we have, done the things we do. When you’ve got the power to take down entire armies on your own, had to defend yourself against TWO different fucking cults because they want your bloodline, and have to use your bloodline to protect the world from uncovering things not meant for mankind-" She took a deep breath at this point, shaking her head to try and recover from her memories, some of them more painful than others- “Only then can you call yourself a man. Not while you’re out here starting trouble with this malaka.” A furious gesture towards Lealan was made here.

    Finally, Kassandra was done with her rant, and turned her back to the duo. She began to walk back off in Ciri’s direction, though not before stopping a few feet away from Lealan and Sora.

    “I want you two to be ready to apologize to Ciri when we’re done disposing of this Cobblepot man.” She didn’t even turn her head to face either, letting her back and her brown braid be the last thing they saw before the woman in red armor vanished.

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Mood: Guilty, Conflicted, Melancholic
Tags: (GM)
, (Sora)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

"Sage! You’re up.", Sora's cheerful voice had been a bit of a reprieve from the weight of the guilt that seemed ready to drown him again, "Sorry about shaking you, I didn’t know."

"Y-you don't know first-aid?!", as harsh as that might have sounded, the pyromancer had been legitimately surprised, "What do you do with the people that get hurt in your place then???"

But the little light-hearted section would soon be shattered before he had found the appropriate stability. For some reason, tensions were high amongst the group and it prompted the white-haired woman to want to end in-fighting right there. All in-fighting. It made sense, they were supposed to be working as a team after all, but still, what she wanted was impossible.
Sage had been told to 'try and not fight anyone else' and his heart skipped a beat.

He wanted to. Oh, he truly wished it was that easy... But it wasn't. The moment he blacked out while still awake, it wasn't up to him anymore. It was all on the whimsical whims of the Entity.

"N-no! You don't understand, I-", with shallow panicked breaths and his heart beating faster, he had cut it over hesitancy and lost the chance to clarify the Take-Over.

The other kept going off on a different integrant and he could just, stand there, erratic gaze flicking between her and Alexis, emotions and unsaid words tightening around his chest. And it kept going, the guy with a hammer added onto the idea afterwards. The lady he had tried explaining things to would storm off away from the rest of the group, the strong-looking man going after her, then Sora his own way. Then a second woman in sci-fi armor after having said her own rage-filled piece.
Feeling worse by the second, the pyromancer watched it all with both growing guilt and exasperation.

"...I can't control It... It- It doesn't work like that.", he had muttered more to himself than anything, in the need to get something, anything out. Before it all decided to overflow again...

How did we go from accomplishment and pride over being helpful, all the way back to wanting to cry this quick...?
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As if things couldn’t get any worst for Sora’s guilt, Kassandra scolds him and Lealan more, not only adding to the guilt, but strikes a little bit of fear into the boy when she tosses the spear at Lealan ad grabs her by the neck. She then turns to Sora telling him he hasn’t seen the danger she or others may have; once she ends her rant telling the two to apology to Ciri, Sora understands and nods. “Yes Ma’am.”

Kassandra leaves the two to try and get Ciri to stay. This makes Sora down his head in shame and departs from Lealan. “Lealan, I’m still thankful for what you did, but I need to be alone for a little. I need to think things through.. (Can’t believe it. I’ve been doing this for who knows how long and I pull this off? Gah! So stupid. One thing’s for sure. I do owe her a apology. Some keyblade master I turned out to be..)”

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Snake came up behind Lealan and grabbed her by the jacket collar pulling her back, and then pushing her further away. He got up close. “The hell is wrong with you Lealan? These are our comrades!”
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Lealan smiles as a harsh screeching fills the tunnel. While the punch may have torn open Lealan face, the armored fist suffered much worst against Lealan jagged teeth and bones, the alien supermetal ripping into it on contact. She grins as if she didn't know what the insult Kassandra kept repeating ment, mostly because Lealan didn't.
"Okay, have fun!." She says as Sora walks away, idling tearing at the wounded marks on her face, before pouring Healing Water into her mouth to slowly repair the damage. Then she is yanked aside by Snake and smashed against a wall. He questions her harshly. "I know! I'm bonding. It's almost feels like they never bothered to ask about my culture though, so I decided to give them a crash course!" As she says this, the yellow moves up her neck and down her arm, spreading further around her body.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Venom Snake Venom Snake FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
"I don't- What are you talking about, nothings gotten into me, thats Crazy talk Snake!" Lealan's face curls into a frown, then snaps back into the unyielding grin. The crystal grows further.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
“Then explain why the hell your going off on all your teammates all of a sudden, and have this shit growing in you!” He forcibly grabbed her arm and raised it, showing the vines.
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp



Aloy was trying to act calm. Ciri had done so much for this group and yet a fight broke out.

The only time Aloy had actually gotten angry with someone that boiled her blood was HADES and the man who served it.

But now?

She didn't know.

Ciri ran off, and she watched one by one her friends walk to try to convince her to stay.

Kassandra's rage on Sora, then Ciri's justice on Lealan was warranted.

She yelled and her spear was dangerously close to the plant girl.

Lealan acted like HADES that day, she started to act crazy right in front of Snake and the others.

"What the FUCK! You laugh off my FRIENDS and think what they did WAS ALL A JOKE!

There were vines growing under Lealan like she was losing it.

Aloy ripped her spear away from the wall, dangerously close to Lealen.


Rage filled Aloy's eyes as she ran with Kassandra to go find Ciri.


It was then, she noticed Ciri start to cry and Kassandra said some reassuring words to calm her down somewhat.

"Ciri, Don't let the more...harsh of the group get to you. You don't deserve it after all you've done. For once, Aloy felt her anger shaking in her body.

"Never before has anyone made my blood boil besides HADES and the man who served it. But now? "

Aloy had never seen Kassandra and Ciri cry and the hardened Nora placed a hand on their shoulders "You guys are my friends, we've been so much together. I wouldn't dare to leave you now. But Ciri, don't... leave us... You're like a battle..sister to me and Kass."

Light tears filled the clone's eyes, hugging her friends, trying to calm them with reassuring words.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla (Kassandra) TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Ciri)


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