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Fantasy -choozen oUo7 moving to pm-

Magical Boys?!

  • Ha... No.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll think about it...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I really like the premise of this. I will just jump right on in and post the survey like everyone else.

  1. What does your Schedule look like? Time Zone? I regards to schedule, I am free most days, but on Monday and Thursday through Saturday, I am unable to post until about 1:30 P.M. In regards to timezone, I am one Pacific Standard Time. -8:00
  2. Best means to communication? [Edited] I am very flexible in terms of communication. PMing seems sensible, but I can conform to the most convenient for everyone else. I can, as well, use skype if need be (Skype Name: Polygramma).
  3. Do you like world-building? Very much so.
  4. Are you a visual-artist? To some degree, yes. I can do some level of pixel art, as well as drawing in svg format. I can also animate to a short degree. I also do have a tumblr, but I haven't used it in forever. If you wish it to be so, I can dig it up.
  5. I do not have any recent samples from a roleplay, but I do have a writing piece from a piece of interactive fiction I was working on, and that is currently on hiatus, Aboard the Ilmatar. I modified it to be in third person, as opposed to second person perspective.

She lied against the hull of the ship, with her stomach latched to the rotating surface. The simulated gravity of the ships rotation made her feel as though she was hung upside-down from a ceiling. Even worse, her space suit was nearly doubling her body weight. She was replacing on of the many X band radio antennae that covered the outside of the ship. Judging by how the old antennae was nowhere to be found, along with half of the internal wires, she had figured that the old one was struck by some flying bit of debris. Her heavy spacesuit hindered her fine motor skills, making the long and tedious task take several more hours than it needed to, but it had been replaced good as new. Convinced that her work was sufficient, she unlatched her spacesuit from the hull, falling away from the ship. She fell a decent distance away before her tether was pulled taught. She steadily climbed back to airlock on her tether. About half way down the line, she was struck in the chest by a small piece of debris. Fortunately, it had not pierced the suit, but she felt sharp pains in her chest when she moved her arms. She tried to keep her grip on the tether, but to no avail. She slide back down the line. She was reduced to hanging on the tether, waiting for assistance. With every breathe, sharp pain shot through her chest, making it difficult to call for help.
For a character, I was thinking of having a fairly composed character, icy or rock-like in terms of emotion, coupled with a mild social non-understanding, and mild amnesia (Yes, amnesia. Cliche, but it earns a place here.) affecting memories prior to age 17, legitimized by a benign brain tumor, and related stroke. Easily summarized as intelligent but absolutely plagued by medical record as big as a manuscript. I was thinking he would be a bit of a pushover, stuck at a job he dislikes in order to overcome financial problems. In regards to the spirit, I was thinking of something parasitic. Something that, unlike the character, takes life instead of losing it. Something that is dependent on others, rather than being distant. These are only my first thoughts on the matter. I do intend on doing some research into the mythos, as well as building a character profile. I also do realize that my character does feature some cliches, but I have personal experience with them, and I have confidence in my ability to accurately portray them. I have never really made a character who's health is this poor, and I kinda wanted to try it. I figured that if I were to use any conditions, it might as well be ones I am familiar with.
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I hope I'm not too late for this!

What does your Schedule look like? Time Zone?

I have a central time zone. I'm in school most of the day, so I'd usually be posting a a few hours before now (because I'm up past my bedtime this night).

Best means to communication?

Skype: nunu.sama

Kik: DanniAbs

Do you like world-building? ('cuz hodang, we're gonna be doing a lot of it.)

Yes I do :D

Are you a visual-artist (I say visual 'cuz I consider writing an art, too)? Have a dA, tumblr? (So I can stalk your pretty art -SHOT- )

I have a dA (though I'm not very good). Username: KittyBurgerCrafts

Show us one of your best role-play samples. If you don't have any, go ahead and write something up! Remember, quality is better than quantity. ;>

White blond hair reflected the burning sun as a lithe body walked confidently on smooth marble sidewalk. His boots made a slight click and his cream colored trench coat waved in the wind. Gray blue eyes took in the silent hovercrafts on his right and the tall gray skyscrapers on his left as he made his way through Google City.

Hidden in one of the many pockets of his coat sat a small bag of dark gray powder. Azael was kept in the dark about what exactly it was, other than the fact that it was high end. His orders were to smuggle the stuff to the cliff. Not too hard, the cliff was probably the easiest place to smuggle too, since there wasn’t any police-bots or detectors in doorways. It was a hidden crack in the wall that surrounded the edge of the city.

Eventually Azael was on the other side of the wall, gazing out at the sky, the far away landscape of the surface, black and covered with a haze that was no doubt some kind of pollution or radiation.

“Disgusting.” He muttered to himself turning and walking along the wall, overgrown grass crunching softly with each step. A boy suddenly stood up from where he was sitting against the wall and grass in a shadow, drawing Azael’s attention.

“Coffer.” Danny greeted, his brown eyes glinting as he studied the shorter boy, mouth twisting into a shark like grin. Azael lifted his chin and slid his hands into his pockets.

“Freeso.” Azeal said with barely concealed hate.

“I take it you have what I asked for?”

“Would I be here if I didn’t?” Azael said calmly, pulling out the small bag, Danny eagerly grabbing it and slipping it into his own pocket.

“Good boy.” Danny practically purred, brown eyes returning to Azael. Said boys lips just pulled down in a small frown. Without saying anything in return he started walking again, past Danny and towards the cliff. It was a place of the plate that jutted out farther than the rest of the edge.

Azael shivered when he heard Danny’s soft, creepy, laughter follow him. The Taller dark haired boy caught up with him, matching his pace. They were silent as they reached the cliff. Already there was a group of people gathered in a circle of sorts.

“Are you going to join in this time, Azael? You go threw all the trouble of getting this stuff but you never take part in it.” Danny said quietly in his ear. The blond pulled away from Danny, hoping for some space between them as he continued past the group and onto the other side. He had people to ‘hang out’ with. He didn’t have time for Danny’s shenanigans.

Danny didn’t follow, but he could still feel his brown eyes digging into his back as he disappeared into the shadows casted by the towering wall.


Azael leaned back, his legs dangled off the end, and two of his ‘friends’ sat next to him. He really hesitated to call them friends, as they were more his allies and contacts in reality. They only had each others backs if there was something in it for themselves.

The blond sighed, blue eyes peering down into the dim polluted surface. It looked disgusting.
Was disgusting.

“Daniel touched down last week you know. Now he’s the big shot. Might even get a position in Microsoft.” His friend on the right, Chace, was saying. Azael felt himself roll his eyes.

“Keeps saying he’s tough as nails. He was down there a whole week!” Chace continued excitedly.

“Now you’re exaggerating. He was down there for two hours, not a whole week.” Azael snapped, he should know, he was the one who picked the time.

“Hey, you should go down.” Kady, the other ‘friend’ said. Azael shot the dark haired boy a glare, haughtily smoothing out a wrinkle in his coat.

“As if. I don't feel the unnecessary need to touch the ground like some kind of savage.”

“You say that every time, but you just sound scared to me.” Kady muttered looking away, Azael growled and glared down at the earth he had been told to hate.

“Hate to break it to you, my friend, but Kady’s right. Its not like its all that hard. Just go down on a hovercraft and come back up.” Chace said with a shrug.

“Then why don't you go down yourself.” Azael snapped, his temper getting the best of him. Lately that was all his group of ‘friends’ was asking him about. To show off and go down. Was he a man or not? Smuggling wasn’t enough anymore.

He was losing track of how many times he had vehemently refused to drop down to the surface and he could tell it was ruining his rep. His usual contacts where cutting off ties with him in favor of making bonds with those who had the bravery (stupidity, was more like it) to go down and touch the surface. When had everything started to revolve around guts and bravery instead of your family's power and intelligence?

Azael grit his teeth, blue eyes burning with disgust and fury. The people he made friends with now, would most likely be the people he would be working with in a few years, once he was twenty and a legal adult. They would be the pawns he would move to gain power and money. He couldn’t have them backing out now, refusing to listen to his poisoned promises.

Kady was talking again but Azael hardly listened, too busy glaring down at the surface and thinking about what he needed to do in order to keep his place in this city. Was touching the ground really so bad? The spot they had picked out for the jump was hardly ever monitored by border patrol, and civilians hardly ever showed their faces anywhere....

Was he just overreacting? Sure, touching the filthy ground those sniveling worthless humans occupied would leave him feeling unclean for a while, but he could suck up his pride long enough to do it. That, and he would be considered back in the top.

“I can't believe it.” Azael muttered under his breath, causing his two friends to stop talking. “I’ll do it. I’ll jump.” He said, louder and full of resolution he wasn’t sure he felt.

“Aw yeah! You, Mr. Coffer, are going to shoot right to the top in the food chain!” Kady shouted jumping up and eagerly pulling on Azael’s arm. The blond scoffed, pulling his arm from the other boys grip as he stood up, leisurely smoothing out his creamy expensive clothes.

“So you all say. I still find this sport nauseating.” Azael practically hissed, Kady and Chace either ignored the venom in his voice or didn’t detect it.

It wasn’t long for the group to navigate their way to the drop off zone a few blocks away from the cliff. The city’s platform was a circle, and it wasn’t far from where they had been hanging out. There was already a group of other youth, talking and boosting, there was a trade of some kind going off a bit farther from the main area and Azael politely looked away. The leader of this little sport saw them approaching and a grin lit up his face.

“Azael, you don't know how pleased I am to see your face.” The older boy practically purred; ignoring his two lackeys.

“Isn’t that what you say to all your customers, Ragoul?” Azael said back pulling out his card and showing it to him. “Trip to the bottom, and make it snappy I don't like to be kept waiting.” Azael demand as the leader took it, sliding it threw a small machine on his phone.

Not only did going down cost money, but he would be left there for an unknown amount of time. Dropped off until they decided he should come up. It could be hours... days even. Though, to be fair, the longest had been five hours. That was part of the game, and he needed to do this. Reestablish his hold on the people he associated with, and to be a bit honest... he was a little curious about the world they had left behind.

“You know... I think I have a better idea Azael.” Ragoul purred placing his arm around Azael’s shoulder and pulling him away from Kady and Chace. Instantly chills went up the blonde's spine. Ragoul was a dangerous guy to be around when you're fifty feet away. He was more wary around him then he was with Danny.

“I think hopping in your little hovercraft and going down is enough ideas.” Azael said dryly, pushing Ragouls arm away.

“Yeah, but everyone does that now. Its gotten to be boring.” Ragoul said with a shrug. Azael scowled and crossed his arms.

“Are you going to take me down or not.”

“Just hear me out. I heard from a couple of friends that there’s going to be a drop soon. A large one. You know, those packages that companies drop dow-”

“I know what they are.”

“Ah, well, you could catch a ride in one.”

For a moment all Azael did was stare uncomprehendingly at Ragoul.

“Just, jump in one, and when it lands, you get to the landing place, you know where I drop off the guys who want to spend the jump time down on the surface. Then I'll bring you back up.”


“It won't be hard! The Drops always land between the Patrol camps and the Civi holes.”

“And what do I do when I get caught and killed?”

“Um... you can haunt me?”

Azael seriously fought the urge to hurt the guy. He shouldn’t have expected anymore from him. He was dangerous, because he was stupid. Most of the people he hung out with where. Always looking for some entertainment. He could understand a bit, he had felt that way himself. They had everything they wanted, so naturally those things became boring and mundane. So, what better thing to do then find new toys nobody had? New games nobody’s played?

Going down on a drop had to be the worst idea he had heard next to going down to that filthy land in the first place. It had to be crossing some line on where fun ended and insanity started.

“You do this, and I can probably get you connected to some big shot in Microsoft.” Ragoul said practically dancing with the idea.

“It would be easy to get you into the package too, the security won't take a second glance if you go in with some random garbage. They’ll forget you even went in.” Ragoul continued, not catching the continuously darkening looks Azael was giving him.

“You get stupider every time I converse with you. I’m not going to be putting my life on the line, just so I can get one contact on Microsoft, of all places.” Azael sneered, lip moving up to clearly show his distaste for the company he seemed to be keeping of late. Ragoul huffed in response and shook his head like the smaller blond was a little kid who didn’t understand anything.

“It wouldn’t just be Microsoft who would be interested. It would be everyone on this plate.” Ragoul said in a low whisper, as if he was trying to make the idea more dramatic than it really was. “We could make this into something big! Take a cam with you. Record what you did, how you did it. Then everyone will not only want to do the same, but they’ll practically be worshiping you.”

“Unless I die in that filthy place.” Azael pointed out with a sharp glare, that went unnoticed.

“Unlikely. Really if you’re caught they’ll just take you back up here. Seriously who would want to have the wrath of google?”

Azael stared at Ragoul, a little worried that the guy was actually starting so make some sense. He had a point, unless it was a Civi that got ahold of him, no harm would come. Patroles wouldn’t dare, and he doubted that Civis had any way of harming him anyway.

And worship... that sounded impressive.


“Haha! I knew you’d see it my way. Sundown.”

“We better get started. Find me something to take. A camera. Don't expect me to dip into my own funds for your stupid excitements.” Azael felt dread curl in his chest and looked away, trying to comprehend just what kind of mess he was letting himself be talked into. Unfortunately behind that dread was a coil of excitement. Stronger than smuggling things for Danny had ever brought out in him.

Ivory silently slid through the bushes, his white fur spotted dark brown, blending in with the trees around him. They were camping, building a fire before the last light of Heaven’s eye shone under the earth. His yellow eyes watched them. Clueless creatures with only wooden sticks and pointy rocks to help them hunt.

The wolf huffed slightly as one cleaned a metal knife with a horned handle. Their weapons were crudely made and Ivory could not tell which clan they were from. It didn’t matter because they were hunting his pack. Already the humans had killed two if his hunters, two of his family, two of his brothers. He would not allow them to continue. Their arrows would not be swift enough to take out his pack.

The light continued to dim as they started their small fire and tied their reindeer to a tree so it could not wander away and be free. Ivory felt his hackles rise at the tormented look on the young’s face. No creature deserved to be held against it’s will, even if they did not hold the same mentality or intelligence of a human.

“Hang those up. We’ll skin ‘em in the morning.” A scraggly man barked his orders to his fellow hunters. His measly hunting party of six had managed to kill several rabbits, a deer and two wolves. He sat beside the fire and sharpened his spear. He felt good. It was empowering to take life away from a creature, even if it was from some dumb animal who wouldn’t fathom the difference. He sighed in exasperation, standing as their reindeer began to bay nervously.

“Hush, you useless beast!” He cracked his whip, effectively scaring the animal into silence. Hollick cowered away from his master, the heavy harness for their sled weighed on his back and made his weak, tired knees tremble with effort. The bit cut into the corners of his mouth, throbbing in pain along with his head, where the man had cut his antlers off.

Ivory watched silently until the dark reached it’s peak and the hunters were half asleep, their burning fire nothing but flickering embers. He crept out, his brothers and sisters following his lead. Silence greeted them as Ivory’s eyes glowed in the dark. The man was unaware until the moment his powerful jaws closed around his neck. The camp exploded into yelps and barks, screams and blood soaked the air as he tore into the man with the bow. He threw him aside, looking for a victim not already claimed by one of his pack brothers.

“Leave nothing!” A white, piebald wolf howled, a battle cry. His white, brown and black fur bristled, his golden eyes flashing as he tore into one of the men. He went for the throat, wishing to avenge his brothers quickly. His glowing eyes turned on the man’s beast.

“And you as well? You are with them. I will end you quickly, beast.” He snarled, his blood-spattered muzzle bunching up into a vicious snarl. Hollick’s breath came faster, his heart pounding as his fearful puffs came into the cold air as thick white fog. His hooves stamped the ground. He was trapped. His antlers had been stolen, he was tied in place and could never outrun the pack now that they were upon him. His terrified blue-green eyes bore into the wolf’s, pleading to no avail. He felt as if his heart may explode. The fear swallowed him whole as the world went black around him, knowing he’d probably never wake up.

“How pitiful,” Hawk watched the reindeer drop to the ground, lying still, “not even a fight to put up.” He trotted to the large deer and sniffed at it, “food and revenge,” he muttered to himself fitting his jaws around the deer’s neck.

“Hawk.” Ivory walked up, his eyes boring into the deer’s, “We will take it back as food for the pups and our dead’s mates. They will enjoy fresh food.” Ivory said calmly, licking the blood from his stained muzzle.

“I would hear of nothing better.” Hawk lowered his head in respect, “please allow me to kill it. I would be honored.” Hollick stirred, his vision refocussing. His nostrils flared, the scent of wolves was everywhere. He lashed out in fear, trying to scramble to his feet, his eyes shiny and wild. Ivory gazed at the animal and his tail wagged in consent. He turned away to see if the remains of the hunters had anything else his pack could use.

“We will split the weight, eat only enough to gain back your strength, Hawk. You’ve earned it.” The darker wolf swished the end of his tail.

“Thank you, Alpha,” he lowered his head and ears. His eyes shot up to the deer, his legs curling under him before he leapt at the animal. His teeth and claws sinking into the deer’s tough hide at the shoulder, his ears ringing with it’s pained cries. It reared and bucked in an attempt to throw him off. He held fast until the deer’s body began to shift in his jaws. He landed back on the ground, snarling and confused.

Hollick screamed, tears springing to his eyes as his body shifted, his hide turning into soft, pale skin and his hoofed legs turning to hands and feet. His shoulder dripped with blood, falling and soaking into the cold earth. He held his wound in agony and fell to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. His chest heaved with sobs.

“Please! Please don’t kill me!” He gasped, his naked body trembling in the cold. Ivory turned his ears swiveling forward. He gazed at the small boy, surprised. He walked up, yellow eyes hard.

“Nakaba,” Ivory murmured softly turning his head to Hawk, “let the others know the deer is no longer food. We feed on these humans or hunt for food later.” He said simply.

“But Alpha…” Hawk protested gazing at the boy. Ivory kept his gaze, ears twitching.

“But what?”

“It was working for humans.”

“It was chained by humans.”
Ivory corrected.

“Still smells human.” Hawk woofed lowering his tail.

“P-Please,” Hollick trembled not sure if the wolves could even understand him. He slouched, warm blood leaking through his fingers and down his arm.

“So do I, when I am like that,” Ivory said quietly, “do you want to eat me?” He asked, tail brushing the along the ground.


Ivory’s tail wagged slightly and he turned to the deer. “We will free you now.” His mind voice connected with the dear, pulling him into the link he held with his pack. Hollick inhaled sharply partially out of relief and partly out of surprise that the wolf could communicate with him. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his wiry, pale body.

Wasn't sure how much you wanted or how many O.o

Character: I was thinking, someone like Azael from the snippet one. Haughty and condescending as a defensive mechanism. Quicker to do the wrong thing rather than the right thing (even if he knows he'll feel guilty for it later). He probably hates the idea of being a magical boy if they're transformation is cutesy (I think this would be hilarious). His familiar would likely be a snake or another being associated with a more negative personality (though the creature may not be negative in the story seeing as how I don't think I want him to be evil). Since its sounding like he's got a lot of bad flaws going on, he'll probably be very loyal to those who manage to get close to him.
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What does your Schedule look like? Time Zone?

I have UTC timezone and i'm usually up until 2:40 pm to 9:30 pm on weekdays and from 11:00 am to 2: am

Best means to communication?

PM here


Do you like world-building? ('cuz hodang, we're gonna be doing a lot of it.)

Never tried it so there is a first for everything

Are you a visual-artist (I say visual 'cuz I consider writing an art, too)? Have a dA, tumblr? (So I can stalk your pretty art -SHOT- )

I have a DA but I can only do traditional art >.<

Show us one of your best role-play samples. If you don't have any, go ahead and write something up! Remember, quality is better than quantity. ;>

(i'd like to come up with something instead of making a snippet ahem)

George was hiking through the woods on a rainy day with his older sister Kate on a Friday after school,every week at least they did this it was their way of exploring since the lived in a small town with lots of woods to explore,the trees always ranged from fir to maple with some species he didn't know.He had always brought a camera with him as he enjoyed taking pictures of thew native wild life,Kate on the other hand always wanted to try and feed the wildlife and always brought trailmix and jerky with her in case they saw an animal they might have met before,Kate had an amazing memory and remembered every animal they saw while they hiked.George had not walked more than a few steps when he realized they had gone in a circle,perhaps it wasn't the best idea to go out into undiscovered territory and looked at Kate "I think we're lost sis",Kate smiled and shook her head "No we aren't I know the way back no need to panic and even so with this rain we could backtrack but we'd best be quick I don't want to catch a cold"Kate said and motioned for George to follow her,her long brown her now seemed to stick to her back as the rain started pouring down faster but in due time they got to the clearing they knew would lead them home,George splashed Kate with a puddle in glee as they walked back him both promising to trust eachother more.

(I got a bit lazy TT^TT)

Character: I think i'm going to go with an overly relaxed dude who seems to rediate chill,this also means he's a bit lazy but he comes up with excuses such as 'it isn't laziness it's focusing with my eyes closed' and his costume would be not as cute but more leaning towards comfortable and cool,he is smarter than he looks and loves nature and knows quite a few things about it especially when it comes to plants.His farmiliar on the other hand is a snappy little dog wolf mix with some issues about being a serious workaholic and maybe going as far as being a perfectionist her name would be Halla and she would be extremly loyal to the magical boys and also know arcane magic and smaller spells.
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Schedule and Timezone?: Pacific Standard Time, and I’m most active at night all week. Communication?: I’m pretty flexible with communication. Don’t really have an opinion on what is used to communicate with everyone. Best means to communication?

World-building?: Yes, very much so.

Visual-art?: Yeah, but I don’t really post up my art on my tumblr or my deviantart. Got a wix site with some art on it though. →

Roleplay Example?: (From Naruto RP I am a weeb)

On the battlefield, nothing could hide from Anpan. No matter what, the field would be a perfect map. A chessboard that he can see and manipulate from above. Too bad he wasn't the best strategist, right?Well, just because he wasn't the best strategist didn't mean he couldn't try to strategize. With the arrival of Mr. Hot and Steamy, subduing the enemy team would be much easier. The giant had fallen; now, all Anpan needed to do was open up a path to victory by distracting the creepy shadow man. Akane could then seal the Akimichi. One of the only good things Anpan could say about fighting these creepy zombies was that even if he literally tore them from limb to limb, they wouldn't bleed. Blood splatters.... literally the worst thing ever. it was so difficult getting out bloodstains from his high-quality and expensive as shit clothes. Only the best for him! But he had to get back to fighting instead of thinking about fashion.

Sure, he and Akane were supposed to be kinda subtle... but Anpan couldn't help but be flashy. Even his jutsu was flashy–the one he was about to use packed one of the biggest punches to the gut ever!

The Akimichi was regenerating, and the Nara was right where Anpan could see and attack him. He had first exited the ground a distance away from them earlier, creating several shadow clones. One ordinary shadow clone, and two exploding clones. The three clones sunk into the ground, making their way closer to Shikamaru. All three clone Anpans slowly pulled themselves out of the ground behind the shadow-user, one of which whose hands holding five large sheets of paper carefully inscribed with black ink. Jota had placed the Nara underneath a genjutsu, but judging from the skill level of all these ninja, it would not last long. But this would be sufficient.

The two exploding clones Shunshin'ed so they surrounded the Nara. The two exploding clones attacked him with taijutsu, only to be trapped. They detonated instantly, the distraction giving the last clone time to tackle Shikamaru and give him a big loving hug. Rectangular papers fell around the two like cherry blossoms, and the clone gave a large bright smile. Time almost seemed to pause. The seals flew around, and attached themselves to the clone and the shadow-user. It was funny... it felt like those three had been going easy on them. The clone expired as the explosive tags detonated, and Anpan began retreating hastily.

Just as the tags had detonated, more tags–two for each tag–had been summoned. The tags did not flutter; the summoning shot them out a short distance. Those exploded, and summoned more right at detonation as well. Four for each tag. Explosion, summon. Six tags. Again. Eight tags. Each time, the explosion radius would increase exponentially, with a small time gap in-between. By the time the tags reached the end of the seals... each tag would release one hundred tags in a final explosion. The final blast radius... he didn't know how big it would be. Those were Anpan's Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

It had taken him several weeks to make three of the starting sheets, just because of how many exploding tags were involved. The version he used on Shikamaru was incomplete, only lasting up to fifty tags. Either way... the explosion would be large.

Sorry trees! Sorry to the entire landscape! Tehe~. Anpan loves nature, really! R-really!

... Hm, come to think of it, maybe he could apply the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique to exploding tags.

He could feel the heat from the explosion on his back, rocks from the detonations hitting him. There was a lot of smoke. Anpan ran towards Jota's chakra signal; Akane would be fine because she had that guy earlier. Because of the explosions, the Nara would be continuously destroyed, unable to regenerate or perform jutsu. This would buy Akane enough time to seal the giant, and if she was quick, she could come back and seal the shadow dude, too. Anpan cupped his hand to his mouth and shouted loudly, "Jojo, shadow-man is trapped for the moment! Help Akane or stay?" He landed next to Jota, slightly sooty and smelling of smoke. "I smell kinda like BBQ. When we get to Kiri, we–Akane, me, and you–should tots go out for some barbeque!" Despite the situation, Anpan still laughed brightly and cheerfully, the explosions still ringing in the background.

I was thinking of someone who is very two-faced. At first meeting, he’s extremely nice and polite. He even gives off the impression that he is slightly insecure. After an extended conversation, he’ll reveal what he wants others to think are his true colors: cruel, malicious, carefree, and confident. At the same time, he’s still the insecure and self-deprecating individual you met the first time. Because he acts the way he does, he hates himself more and more. Then he vents his stress on the people around him, feeling all the better and the worse for it, and it becomes a circle of sado-masochism that he can’t escape from because he can’t remember what he was originally like. The feeling of stabbing people with barbed insults crafted to hit them where it hurts the most seems so enjoyable and real, but the feeling of guilt and despair does as well. And… f-fluffy bunny for a partner… o-or a fluffy sheep..
Okay so, @radiochai told me only up to six but I CAN'T CHOOSE SO

seven it is

@hyakinthos @Pretzel Heart @CalamariHero @NunuSama @Strawberry Preserves

eue... hello there.

how do you like dem magical boiz?

I'll make a group conversation as soon as everybody responds to me!

My only worry is that, Nunu and Strawberry, your character ideas are a little similar, but your stuff was too lovely to pass up ;V;

Everyone else, please don't feel offended that we didn't pick you! You all had beautiful things, and I hope to maybe roleplay with y'all another day!!
:0!! :o !!!

I think my character's quite different from Nunu's... Nunu's seems to be more sneering or prideful, like saying something insulting with vitrol and acid. N-not sure since it isn't my character. On the other hand, my character is more like a kind "I'm telling you you're a piece of human trash because that's how people change! Haha!"
oTZ The omen of my dream didn't come to pass, bless ; ^;/

The Hero of Darkness has been given a chance to rise

But it's a bittersweet feeling...seeing others left behind :(

Gonna be something to see how all the characters interact, especially since we know nothing about what's coming from the GMs >,>;::
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dragnia said:
Okay so, @radiochai told me only up to six but I CAN'T CHOOSE SO
seven it is

@hyakinthos @Pretzel Heart @CalamariHero @NunuSama @Strawberry Preserves

eue... hello there.

how do you like dem magical boiz?

I'll make a group conversation as soon as everybody responds to me!

My only worry is that, Nunu and Strawberry, your character ideas are a little similar, but your stuff was too lovely to pass up ;V;

Everyone else, please don't feel offended that we didn't pick you! You all had beautiful things, and I hope to maybe roleplay with y'all another day!!
Nice. Thank you very much!
Ohhh i'm

[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]:0!! :o !!!
I think my character's quite different from Nunu's... Nunu's seems to be more sneering or prideful, like saying something insulting with vitrol and acid. N-not sure since it isn't my character. On the other hand, my character is more like a kind "I'm telling you you're a piece of human trash because that's how people change! Haha!"

I agree that my character will be much more arrogant and such and I can always move things around to make my character more interesting from Strawberry's if others don't agree. I'm also super excited to have been chosen! And I can't wait to start :)

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