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=> Jean: reap the spoils

You reap the spoils of your hard earned loot! You have procured:

The WICK-ED CONTROLLER. Its an old PS1 controller that is also round now you guess? The attatchable cord to it fixes much like a yo-yo, and it can also be lit ablaze as a sort of incendiary melee weapon.

The TUBULAR THREADS. Its basically an 80s get-up complete with baggy pants, scrunchies and a denim vest, but plastered over the letterman jacket coming with it are pages of old Game-bros from years past. Heh, not half bad. You de-Alchemize the item to return the grist and decide to conditional || style the get up with your WEREWOLF FANFICTION.

You instead make the TEEN WOLF GAMER threads. Now complete with jeans and an inscribed letterman jacket with GAME BRO headers of days past, luckily it costs around the same. Fucking sick. You don this immediately

The YANKEE CAND-HOWLS. They are basically just candles themed around spooky werewolf things. Hm, you wonder what this one called 'Musk' smells like-ohmygodthatsvile.

You also make some PESTER SPECS. Now you can communicate with Leto on the go! Speaking of, you should probably get in touch with her. It has been a while.


JL: sup
JL: cool job slaying that lich by the way, fucking sick haul from what i saw
JL: looks like the game is getting actually hard
JL: so....maybe it'd be wise not to be totally retarded about proceeding from here on
JL: so yeah i guess...be safe or whatever
JL: be suspicious of whatever monstrous bullshit entity you encounter, ig
JL: and yeah, becky can talk
JL: she also says we're in some place called the medium, i guess
JL: i guess in addition to being able to underline the words she speaks to highlight impirtant information, she selectively understands certain information about the game
JL: but maybe prototype sir gallant or whatever the hell with something smart and straightforward
JL: kinda dropped the ball with beckys dog brain over here
JL: and yeah, ill do the same, ill be safe or whatever
JL: ......<3

=> Leto: Be Santa and Claim the Gifts
Combining the PAINTING and PARASOL nets you the GOLDFINCH PARASOL! It's feels much lighter than before, lighter and sharper! Hopefully you can pierce some enemies with this as well as hit them over the head! At first, the yellow on the parasol was a bit odd to look at...but now that you look at it more? It looks so cute and reminds you of Easter!

Combining the DRESS and BOOK creates the SHERLOCK DRESS! With a warm brown shawl-poncho type thing and a faded dress, you feel just like the famous detective himself! Even if it doesn't actually do anything for you, you feel like you can solve any mystery!

And combining your GLOVES and LAPTOP gives you HOLOGRAPHIC GLOVES! A small button rests on the back of the wrist, and when pressed, your computer screen comes up for you to interact with! Hell yes!

Before you head out to go prototype Sir Gawain or deal with those bandits, you decide to reply to Jean first!

LJ: Oh! Becky can talk? That's...odd but this entire day has been strange...
LJ: Smart and straightforward...I will take your advice into consideration
LJ: I tried to prototype him with some of the birds from the garden out back but the entire thing fell into the sea.
LJ: So that's a no go.
LJ: Sir Gawain is plenty smart and sweet if you ask me, but something straightforward would be very helpful so I will see what I can think of.
LJ: I created new things with the alchemy system so I'm (hopefully) better equipped to deal with the bandits outside.
LJ: Pardon me, liches. I may be getting too into my little fantasy here...but I do have a knight following me around hehe
LJ: Message me if you need me~

=> Leto: Check on the liches
You wonder if they're still there...
=> This is a dumb joke
=> Leto: Snitch on Liches.

You make undertake a sneaky recon mission to see if your foes are still there.

The BRINE LICHES seem to be comparing their RIPPED MUSCLES and FLEXING UP A STORM. You have to admit, they are very strong, it's captivating for even the most stoic of strongmen.
=> Jean: enter

Now that you've killed the Ogre and bought yourself a right to enter through your new portal, you walk up the platform that Leto has made on your house and quickly ASCEND to your FIRST GATE.

JL: heh, what, are you larping now?
JL: as some kind of....girl sherlock holmes?
JL: solvin' mysteries about the ripped knight liches that are breaking into her mansion?
JL: ok, fuck it, i'm going through
JL: if it turns out that this gate sends me to like, the blender dimension or whatever, go ahead and write 'huge tool' on my gravestone for me
JL: peace, give those liches a ton of parasol drubbings for me


LJ: I guess in all technical terms, I guess I am LARPing~
LJ: A detective princess with her noble knight! c:
LJ: But in all seriousness, please be careful, Jean.
LJ: I will not write 'huge tool' on your gravestone, but instead 'best friend'
LJ: But that won't be necessary! You'll be safe, I know it.

=> Leto: Re-engage
You try your best to sneak up on the BRINE LICHES while they're distracted with their muscle competition. You jump into the air, opening your parasol as it gently floats you to the ground. Before you land again, you hit one of the LICHES on the head as hard as you can, then descending at a normal speed again...although you're close enough to the ground it doesn't seem to matter.
=> This is an even dumber joke.
=> Leto: Liches get stitches.

You deal considerable damage to the BRINE LICH, while your trusty companion begins assaulting the other with light and a seemingly infinite number of horses.


=> Jean: Ascend.

You traverse the FIRST GATE.

You find yourself in an AUTUMNAL FOREST, orange leaves scatter the podzol beneath your feet. There is a faint light breaching through the treetops.

In front of you is a signpost.




There is no path.

That is...incredibly odd. You begin to wander through the forest after giving the sign a few re-reads, looking around for any kind of path it might be talking about. Well, it certainly feels just as cold as when you first enter-er, you mean ENTERED. But At the very least it's not just a spooky ghost void dimension like what you were lead to believe. Heh, if you were in the medium, maybe now you're in the short.

=> Jean: continue exploring the short

You wander throughout the autumnal forest, the trees surrounding you are now bare, stripped of their leaves as though shedding their coats for the liberation of a cold, barren death that has yet to fully fall upon them. THis is the season of acceptance, the looming of the shadow of what is to come, this is the autumn. Certainly not the cruelest of nature's seasons, but certainly her most bountiful. For what is more beauteous and rich than the tremors whcih resound before the tranquil fall of death?

- Mary Wallstonecraft

You are almost positive that Mary Wallstonecraft said that.
=> Leto: Boop!
After getting back on your feet again, you plant your feet into the ground and go for another hit on the creature's side. With the two hits and a spare horse here or there from Sir Gawain, the two LICHES vanish and in their place takes some grist! With a grin, you give Sir Gawain a thumbs up and small bow of respect to your knight! Now that those AWFUL BANDITS have been dealt with, it's time to go down to the kingdom!

Wow. Jean was right. You're getting really into this.

=> Leto: Ascend
You move up the structure that Jean built for you, admiring his own way of construction as you make your way. Once you get to the top, you brandish your parasol once more and jump up towards the gate.
=> Jean: Wander.

You progress through the wood, wandering almost entirely aimlessly.
You reach the edge of the trees, and beyond you see an amazing sight.

Beyond the treeline the world opens up to you, revealing that you stand at a CLIFF, a precipice where you can see ENORMOUS MOUNTAINS sandwiching small quaint VALLEYS. Orange-leaved trees grow wherever they can, even the sides of the mountains themselves. Building-sized TOADSTOOLS occupy the valleys below, sending their spores above.
A thick layer of CLOUDS covers the world like a ceiling, though many -if not most- of the mountains scale up and above them. Strange, considering you didn't see any Mountain-tops back at your house. Holes appear in the clouds as beams of SUNLIGHT pierce the sky, illuminating the cliffs on which you stand, as well as all over the world. Through these holes you see another world above yours, Structures built open the Mountains, though you can't see much from down here.

A sense of exploration fills you as the cold darkness of before is replaced by the sunbeam's warmth. A worn-down ladder leads down the cliff side.

The Hero has found his place in the LAND OF SHINE AND STRATA.


=> Leto: Discover.

You breach the FIRST GATE and bound into a new realm.

You find yourself on a weathered STONE STRUCTURE mere feet above the surface of the calm waters, almost as if a grand CITY had sunk beneath the non-existent waves. From what you can only assume are connected ROOFTOPS, you can traverse a land of platforms and bridges atop the water. There are many TOWERS reaching into the sky, having BELLS and OBSERVATORIES and really ANYTHING ELSE YOU CAN PUT ON A REALLY HIGH TOWER.

A Signpost is lying on the ground, toppled over due to age. It cannot be read anymore.

A glint of light shines in one of the BELL TOWERS, but your path is obstructed by large CRYSTALLINE GROWTHS atop the AQUAPOLIS, though a BRIDGE high above connects it to a nearby CLOCK TOWER.

You bet you could get a good view of the place from the open BELL TOWER.
=> Jean: marvel

Woah. You certainly weren't expecting anything as....fantastical, as this. The wide world stretches out and open before you like an illustration accompanying the first page of a fairy tale. You marvel at the toadstools and the sunbeams which glimmer and give radiant light in sunspots onto the world's surface. It makes everything seem gray yet also illuminated. You take a cautious descent down the worn ladder and continue to wander into this new land you've encountered.

You are truly at a loss for words.
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=> Leto: Traverse to the clocktower
You decide getting an overview of the area is most important, thus deciding to go to that large clocktower. Although...the observatories seem fascinating and you can't help but be drawn to them...but you must make sure that everything seems safe from a high vantage point.

Making your way over to the nearest entrance, you enter the tower and make your way upwards...but while you do, you let yourself look around some.

=> Leto: Examine surroundings
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=> SS and SJ
=> Jean: Explore.

You descend the ladder, amazed that it still stands. You enter one of the many FUNGAL VALLEYS below; When you are down here with them, the TOADSTOOLS really are gigantic.

As you wander through the ridiculous fantasy landscape, a notification appears out of your PESTER SPECS. Leto is trying to get in touch with you.
That's... not Leto's chumhandle.

Who's this douchebag?

-- sanguinarySchismatic [SS] began pestering jacketedLycanthrope [JL] at ??:?? --

SS: took you dweebs long enough.

SS: so,
SS: whore you?


=> Leto: Explore.

You ascend the inner workings of the CLOCKTOWER, pausing a little at every window to gaze out at the serene seas below. It's very calming, this place.

You reach the top of the structure and exit the door onto the quite long bridge, and as you begin you walk, a notification appears out of your HOLOGLOVES. Jean is trying to get in touch with you.
But that isn't really Jean's chumhandle.

Who's this new friend?

-- skyboundJehosephat [SJ] began pestering lonesomeJailbreak [LJ] at ??:?? --

SJ: Hi!

SJ: It's nice to meet you.
SJ: I'm SJ.

SJ: What's your name?
=> Jean: answer douchebag

You look through your pesterspecs, which you realize at perhaps too late an inconvenience are very difficult to see through when you're trying to type with your eyes and walk at the same time. You squint, the red text is very unfamiliar to you.

JL: whore me? nah, whore you
JL: but aside from calling each other whores with reckless abandon, why don't you answer me first
JL: how'd you get this chumhandle?
=> Leto: Respond

It would be rude to keep them! Whoever they are...

LJ: Hello there!
LJ: My name is Leto Medioen, it's a pleasure to meet you, SJ!
LJ: Please excuse me, I don't mean to be rude...but who are you? It isn't everyday I have someone new messaging me ^^

While you wait for a response, you shoot Jean a little text to let him know what's happening before returning to your work

LJ: Hey, Jean...
LJ: I got messaged by someone completely new just now and I'm a bit startled
LJ: I'm still being polite and friendly, of course...but I wanted to let you know?
LJ: I am not sure why, now that I'm typing this out
LJ: It isn't that strange to be contacted by new people over the internet after all

=> Leto: Continue walking
Turning the screen off of your HOLOGLOVES for the time being, you return your attention to the bridge and make your way to the other side.
=> IPs in the Incipisphere
SS: dude,
SS: youre the only two ips in the entire incipisphere.
SS: its hard to *not* find you.

SS: ill be tripping over your goddamn addresses everytime i go to use the bathroom


SJ: Hi leto!
SJ: I'm a friend.
SJ: Me and my other friends are here to help you with your game.

SJ: After all, do you even know how to win?
SJ: It's a pretty complicated game.
=> respond

JL: bleh, thanks for that gross new image that's gonna be burned into my mind
JL: is that what you call this place? thought it was called the medium
JL: and by the way, the name is Scott, Scott McCall

Hehe. You fake alias should do the trick, at least for the time being. You message Leto back, since she seems pretty preoccupied by this new development. You take some pauses to continue venturing through your land. So many people to talk to, so much time to waste.

JL: oh, you got one too?
JL: i'm talking to some douchebag in red text right now
JL: i had no idea that there were random internet trolls out in the middle of what i guess we're calling the incipisphere
JL: because we can't seem to commit to any set vernacular, apparently
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Oh! This must be...some sort of tutorial by the game! That would make sense

LJ: I can't say that I know how to win, no.
LJ: I just got into my land!
LJ: Jean did too
LJ: Oh, Jean is my best friend
LJ: But if you have any advice, I'll take it! c:
LJ: You're very kind ^^

LJ: The person who contacted me has orange colored text...
LJ: They called themselves SJ
LJ: Maybe they've been playing ever since the game came out...?
=> *Scott.*
SS: well thats the fakest name ive ever heard,
SS: but i dont really care what your name is?
SS: you can make this as stupid and difficult as you want, *scott.*
SS: and also, the medium is only a little part of the incipisphere,
SS: thats why its called the *medium,*
SS: not the *whole,* *scott.*


SJ: Thank you!
SJ: You're in good hands, trust me.
SJ: You beat the game by defeating the black king and queen.
SJ: Rulers of the derse army, opposing the forces of prospit.

SJ: Have you been to prospit?

JL: dude, why are you using asterisks like you even need to anymore
JL: pesterchum added italics like, years ago
JL: and fuck, i thought it was called the *short*
JL: sarcmarc
JL: leto has the vague impression that you two are like, some kind of tutorial
JL: which is fucking hilarious
JL: because i think that would have to be my favorite game mechanic yet
JL: a virtual interface that trolls you while giving you help
JL: ...not like the game basically isn't already that, in like a thousand ways
JL: from the sprites to the weird nondescript machinery to the wild ass fantasy worlds, where nothing is straightforward
JL: ....anyway
JL: so yeah, i'm scott king shit of fuck mountain, because i have the common courtesy to answer your question dicknozzle, now, as you so graciously asked nary a minute ago
JL: whore *you*?

JL: pft, i somehow doubt that a tutorial would look like this
JL: i don't know how it would manifest to be as....sassy, i guess, as this
JL: maybe you're not getting the same treatment as the red text, but SS and me are kind of just taking pot shots at each other
JL: i guess it's going better for you?

You pass by a building sized mushroom. The sunlight bounces idly off its shimmering, er, mushroomy surface. Fuck, you're kinda running out of steam on how to describe things with all these people you're talking to. Kinda hard to linguistically multitask with self-narration involved.
=> Leto: Look out
You look out into the sea, it seemingly endless and vast...just how big is this place? And where in the world is Nan? Where's Jean? Are you two on the same planet anymore? There are so many questions you have...and yet it feels like the answers are so few.

LJ: I see...
LJ: I have been to Prospit before, many times before
LJ: But I've never been to Derse...
LJ: Trying to fight the royalty of the moons though seems like a tall task to ask of two teenagers
LJ: But as for Prospit, I've seen visions in the clouds there...I didn't realize it was super relevant to this game.

LJ: Yeah! The person I'm talking to is very kind and nice, if a bit distant.
LJ: SJ is actually trying to help me!
LJ: They're explaining the goal of the game to me right now...
=> whore you
SS: im penelope von dipshit,
SS: queen of not giving a fuck,
SS: duchess of trying to help an ungrateful bastard,
SS: baroness of shut the hell up and listen to me.
SS: now that we have introductions out of the way,
SS: are you going to stop wandering aimlessly through some big ass mold and do anything of note?
SS: like, i dunno,
SS: listen to your brand new fairy godmother and not be a legendary piece of shit?


SJ: I've heard about the clouds.
SJ: I never got to see them. :(
SJ: But anyway!
SJ: To face the dersian monarchs, you'll need to progress through the seven gates above your house, kill your denizens, kill the black king, and at some point go to derse and kill the queen too.

SJ: All in however long it takes the world to end.

JL: the only thing which is as equally legendary as it is a piece of shit is the apparent advice you're supposed to be giving me
JL: ms. fairy godmother, tell me, what better things do i apparently have to do aside from wandering aimlessly through this thicket of orange fuckery
JL: in this fantastical land of toadstools and nod
JL: because it sure doesn't look like i have a whole lot to do in the first place, by the by
JL: besides....wander, and try and find something?
JL: also, how the hell do you know where i am and what i'm doing? wait let me guess
JL: aw, fuck, my guessing machine broke because of all the snarky horseshit, here it is, a worthless pile of garbage on the floor, doing nothing
JL: oh well

You sit down, resting your back against the giant stalk of an errant toadstool looming over you and the rest of the brush. Certainly doesn't look like you have much else to do.

JL: and what exactly is the end goal?
JL: to see how many rambling boxes of text we can go through before we blow our brains out?
JL: blugh, all this walking is giving me a headache, and i didn't eat anything today, i was too distracted working on that new mix
JL: i swear i feel a migraine coming on with these glasses too

Ah, yes, another one of your famous HEADACHES. You tend to get them whenever you're feeling rather restlessly exhausted or hungry. Probably because, well, you don't like to sleep all that often, and the stress and dehydration tends to hit your think pa-er, brain, like a truck full of bricks. And of course you lacked the foresight to bring any of your tylenol from the house with you.

LJ: I see. What's a denizen? I haven't come across any sort of creature here in this place
LJ: Speaking of...what is this place? Like...the area I'm in specifically right now, not the medium.
LJ: There's ocean everywhere!
LJ: Ocean and large, beautiful towers! I'm almost at the end of a bridge connecting two of them together, actually.
LJ: What about you? What is it like where you are?
LJ: Ah, my apologies if that's rude to ask!

LJ: Jean...did you bring anything to eat?
LJ: Well...if you did this wouldn't be an issue.
LJ: Take rest if you must
LJ: Don't strain yourself, okay?
LJ: But basically we need to go kill the Derse king and queen!
LJ: At least, that's how I understand it.

=> Salt.
SS: wow.
SS: youre kind of an insufferable asshole.
SS: listen,
SS: im here to help you not die, but even if you manage to fuck that up,
SS: im going to make sure you win the game if its the last thing i do.
SS: because i cant take another second of this bullshit.
SS: you need to get out of that dank valley.
SS: therell be a passage at the far east end, opposite direction of where you were heading.

SS: think you cant stop being a dick long enough to do that?


SJ: A denizen is a big monster, much bigger than the underlings you've fought before.
SJ: Sort of like the final boss before the REAL final boss.

SJ: As for where you are?

You reach the other tower, and after climbing it, find the massive BELL. Large, opaque white crystals block your view from the windows. You can't see a darn thing out there!

SJ: Why don't you ring that bell and find out?

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