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Fantasy Chibi Wars

She felt somehow reassured to hear his voice, however strained it was. She could even hear it in his voice that he was currently running. "Where are you?" She asked without preamble. Perhaps she was only calling him because didn't know what else to do. Hiding seemed too cowardly. Moving to the front lines would be most helpful, perhaps. Maybe she should get her medical kits and help in that way... In any case, she forgot the reason why she had called Nalic in the first place.

"Headed towards the smoke... right now i'm where people are turning tail" Nalic said as he moved through some people and into another cramped alleyway to sneak around the blockage of people who were telling others to run. He slipped through the alleyways cautiously watching for other people and or other things to watch out for. "You should probably head back to your lab... maybe check and see what all this is about?" He said still moving fast though he sounded slightly calmer now.

She had to admit, that was sound advice. Even though he couldn't see it, she nodded. "Yes," she answered. She started walking calmly towards her lab while weaving through the other panicked people. "I'm on my way there now. Good luck in your endeavors." It seems as though she she won't be able to get those parts she needed. She'll just have to come back later.

"Thanks..." Nalic said before pushing into a more open alleyway where he could smell smoke and fire and some sort of creature noise though he couldn't tell from what it was. "So anything else you called to ask?" He said curious now as he moved slowly walking forward a bit cautious now rather than not, out of the slight fear in him.

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"No. Goodbye," she said, hanging up. Better get there soon so that she can help sooner... Wis quickened her pace, jogging to her home that was not too far away. Once inside, she gathered her medical equipment, placed neatly in several briefcases and moved towards the smoke.

Agnes was decorated with birdies. A couple on her shoulders, hands, arms, and the one on her head was sharing a seat and a peanut, with Shifu. She looked like a crazy bird lady. Smiling in silence, Agnes thoroughly loved every minute of it. Suddenly, a hush fell upon the creatures and they flew off in one direction.

They watched in confusion and realized the sky had darkened dramatically. A distinct smell filled their nostrils and without speaking to each other, they knew. It was happening again. Agnes began to swivel her wedding ring, while memories from her past began to flood back into her mind. All the blood. The many lives loss. The loss of her dearest husband. Adrian...

"Agnes." Shifu pulled at the sleeve of his dazed soul keeper. No response. He floated up, speaking loudly into her ear. "Agnes! We have to go." Still no response. Now, in front of her face, he grabbed her cheeks tenderly. "Mrs.. Voletta.." Many times Adrian would call her that coyly, relishing the victory of making her his wife. Life returned into her empty eyes.

She rubbed her temple and took a deep breath. "Sorry Shifu. I-I didn't mean to space out." He knew too well what was going on in her head and it saddened him, but this wasn't the time to get emotional. "It's quite alright sweetheart. But, we have to get to a safe zone." Agnes politely declined. "Shifu. I won't be told to run away this time. I want to help." It was a long time since her Chibi had seen such a serious face.

"I will follow you to the end of the earth my dear." He responded poetically. Holding her old man chibi with love, she kissed him on the forehead. "Thank you, Shifu." Letting out a sigh of reluctance, he nodded with a smirk, "Look who's grown to be brave." Releasing the chibi, she gave him a teethy smile along with a beaming thumbs up and ran towards the smoke cloud.

. . . . .
(Izzet´s POV: )

Suddenly, the walls erupted in smoke. It was a scene of hard description, but it didn´t really matter. I grinned, knowing that challenge had arrived.

"Did we set them up?" I checked with Cerb. The chibi nodded, taking a few steps in front of me.

"We covered most of that place, there should be at least one mark on every couple intersections."

I bent down, and so did he, probably having guessed what I would do. How he did that was still a mystery to me, though I supposed it had something to do with being very smart or hanging around me all the time, or most likely, being a part of my soul. Or so they said, anyway. I had seen many chibi´s that I couldn´t disagree more on. Lion people, brave knights, brutal giants, each fitting into some nerdy type kid who´d tuck their tail between their legs the second they saw an actual angel. Still, that was alright too. More for me.

Ahead, the buildings were already being taken over by the feral creatures. There was broken glass everywhere as the lizards flew from one stolen apartment to the other, clawing, climbing, screeching. I raised my sword with both hands, aiming at one. I counted three, four, five, seven, eight that were visible, plus at least three from the apartments were there was a clear fire staring out.

"It´s kind of a pain we got to found these low-tier angels. Where´s our nearest area of effect?" I commented towards the Cerb, who sat down and raised his chin, trying to recall it.

"A couple blocks ahead."

"Then summon whatever we put here, we´ll have to go through this first."

(Dexcerbanguli´s POV: )

I nodded to my partner as we both charged at the nearest angels. The creatures turned with another screech. My soulkeeper began by ducking from the first clawing of an angel, instead raising his sword to the sky, blocking the claw, and putting him into position to do what was next, making his boney blade descend onto the forehead of the attacker. causing it to explode. A second was already behind, him though, yet fortunately my soulkeeper had expectated that much from the simple-minded low tier angels. Well, they weren´t THAT low tier, but for my soulkeeper, continually searching for more and stronger opponents, this was pretty much slacking on the job, And thus, those angels were easy to read, the reason why I wasn´t too surprised to see the boney blade coverted to a whip now lashing on the angel behind him.

I charged and tackled onto the angel, taking it´s attention, I barked three times, giving Izzet the signal. The angel still got to raise a hand, before Izzet pierced his chest, and the monster exploded in what seemed like smoke and dust...

Stay calm.. Stay focused. Agnes chanted in her mind, relaxing herself, not knowing what they were getting themselves into. The heat increased drastically as they approached the scene. Many fellow citizens rushed passed them, most in complete distress. Ahead of them was fire that seemed to be spreading at a steady pace. "Where do we start Shifu?" Agnes found it difficult to keep her eyes still.

He was already scouting the area, skimming buildings, looking for signs of humans in danger. Almost in unison, Shifu could hear a group of people yelling for help. "Follow me." They reached a four story building that was nearly engulfed in flames. On the rooftop, there were nine individuals waving their hands chaotically, a few looked like small children. Agnes returned the signal, letting them know help was here. "Don't worry! We will get you down." But how?

Agnes looked on the ground for an idea and there it was. Dirt. She's seen her chibi manipulate it, many times, while gardening. Turning to her Chibi, she knew he was on the same path of thinking. Shifu wove his fingers together and extended them outwards, giving them a good stretch. "It's been a long time." Closing his eyes, he sunk into complete concentration.

. . . . .
(Izzet's POV: )

I leaped onto the angel's back, slicing it open, before I carved in a foot to use the explosion's momento to escape. If it was done right, it was a cool time-Savin technique that allowed me to quickly move out of the explosion that disoriented other Angels, like now. As I decapitated the next couple Angels, I recalled how I was in the beggining, before the accident: I had broken my foot more than once trying to do it.

A sudden noise of calls for help... Could there still be civilians around here? Why didn't they move when told to?

I clenched my fists, surely I would normally ignore it, just go for the kill. The best defense was a good offense, after all. But in an attack of this scale, the building would burn down before we could deal with all the angels or the side effects of the fights could bring down the building on their own. I scoffed, then rushed to the scene.

Surprisingly enough, someone else was at the scene. A woman and her chibi, which looked a few hundred times as old as his soul keeper. I would have to ask them their ranks later. But for now...

"Cerb, do we have any summon on that building?" I inquired.

"A block bird." He announced, leaving me to smirk. Block birds were simplistic suicide summons, used to crash-land on enemies and blow up. The problem they couldn't stop nor turn. I looked at the building again. With the right timing...It wasn't too high, so Cerb could probably catch the kids if the other soul keeper and chibi didn't.

"Do it on my mark." I commanded, and Cerb nodded. I took off ahead, not even bothering to brief my fellow soul keeper of the plan. I raised a hand. "Now!"

I leaped, and the marking appeared in the wall of the building, with a huge stone block crawling out of it, then shooting upwards. It was only a second of riding it, before I jumped.

(Dexcerbanguli's POV: )

I witnessed as my partner ran to the block and jumped on it. I shook my head, he was always so reckless... He did manage to pull it off, though, or almost, as his face did bash into the wall. That had to hurt. He slithered as he could into the window, amongst the kids.

I looked to the other soul keeper and chibi.

"I think he meant for us to help catch the kids when pulls them down. Any useful ability in that sense?" I asked them. Through the corner of my eye, I saw him balancing the sword on his shoulders as he talked to the children. Hopefully he didn't screw it up, he wasn't too good with children anymore.


Shifu's and Agnes' attention shifted to the new and very different looking Chibi. "What in God's name are you?!" The question blurted out of the old man by mere shock. "Shifu.. he's wanting to help, we need to focus on that." Agnes reminded her Chibi.

She turned to the newcomer, seeing a kindness in it's eyes. He is rather cute. "I am so sorry! Hope that you aren't offended. We could use all the help we can get." Shifu joined in, feeling a bit ashamed. "My apologies, forget I asked." What can we use to catch them? His mind wandered to the two trees near the apartment that were still in tact.

"I could extend the branches of those two oaks there. Weave them together, making it a functioning net. Would that work?" Shifu paused before beginning, waiting for his thoughts.

. . . . .
(Dexcerbanguli`s POV: )

There was a sudden and unsettling reaction from the other chibi, making me suppose he wasn´t really as old as he seemed, otherwise he´d know chibi´s come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. I chuckled.

"Don´t worry, I suppose my type can be a bit rare. I would tell you my name, but he kinda forbade me from doing so..." I looked up to the building, Izzet was already waving at me while the kids stared at him or at the rest of us, with clear concern and fear iver their faces. I turned to our temporary companions once more, as they suggested making a net. "Yeah, that will do, as long as it can catch him and the kids."

I sighed. Now the hard part, right?

"By the way, I have a question to the soul keeper.What are you rankings? If anything less than gold, I advise you both to take your leave, he is not exactly...receptive of lower ranks. Not in a battlefield, in particular."

(sorry, I think my post may be a little crappy...

@Versa )

Time to get to work. With both palms up at his sides, he wiggled his fingers. Instantly, the sounds of snaps and cracks came from the 100 year old trees. The trunks stayed the same, but the small limbs and branches were extending, growing. Still moving, Shifu brought his hands closer and closer, finally coiling them together.

The Chibi's question completely went over her head. "That's a good question. I'm not quite sure though." Agnes rubbed her hands nervously, trying to come up with an answer. The Soul keeper wouldn't want someone to not be 'receptive' of them, because she didn't know. But... she really didn't. "Well, my names Agnes and my Chibi's name is Shifu. It is a pleasure to meet you." Bending down to the Chibi, she extended a finger to him, offering a hand shake with a smile. "I'm sure Shifu will have an answer for you."

There looked to be at least a thousand branches of all sizes that were now woven together magnificently. It was high enough off of the ground, that the weight of the humans, would not cause it to hit the floor. It was his own creation of a life net. Hope his Soul Keeper has good aim.

@Idea - no poop at all. Left me lots to play with ^^
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(Izzet´s POV: )

I gazed around at the children, each looking terrified. It was hard enough to explain to them I had dealt with the nearby angels already, on top of the fact we´d have to jump four stories down from a burning building in the hopes that my partner had understood my message. And that really was HOPE, as one of the children had cheerfully caught me on the fact I never actually got to tell him about the plan. Still, Cerb was even smarter than I was, surely he´d come up with something even better.

I waved at him, seeing he was chatting with the other soul keeper and her chibi. Was he asking for their ranking? I hoped he was, though that didn´t quite feel like his nature. That pup, too half-hearted in our work, I wouldn´t be surprised if he warned people before time.

Suddenly, the other chibi began using it´s power. I watched as the nearby tree tops grew and formed a safety net beneath us. I turned to the children.

"Alright, form a line, and close your eyes. Trust me." I grinned at them, causing them to flinch back in terror, which turn made my smile vanish. "Do have any love for your lives at all?"

The children immediately got into the formation I requested, each shaking but at least they had closed their eyes. I picked the first one up, and dropped it from the window. The child screamed, but fell right onto the net. I turned to the children again, seeing how they were all packed in a corner, shaking. This was gonna be a long rescue...

(Dexcerbanguli´s POV: )

I took her finger, placing a paw over it, smiling. The girl didn´t seem eager to give away her ranking, and explained she herself didn´t know it.

"Uh? Why is that? Usually, all partner´s are briefed on their status." I tilted my head, then glanced at the chibi as the girl explained he probably knew their ranking, so I should ask him. I chuckled. "Well, he seems pretty busy..."

I sighed.

"As does my partner."

One by one, screaming children were being dropped onto safety each squirming on the arms of my partner, who was beginning to loose his temper. I just had to prey he didn´t pull out his sword and aim it at the walls as "incentive" for the children to get moving on their own.

"You seem minimally capable." I concluded. "Do you face a lot of angels?"


Agnes was taken back by how soft the Chibi's hand was and naturally rubbed him on his head. "How charming." Her eyes then nearly bulged out of her head from the scream up above. Are they really jumping off?! She thought. Her imagination was playing out horrific images, causing her to shut her eyes tightly. "I can't take this." The Soul Keeper crouched in despair. But hearing no solid thumps to the ground, her heart was relieved and Agnes looked once more. No one was hurt.

Letting out the deepest sigh, she watched the rest follow suit, realizing that they were being tossed, by a man with no name. With each additional child on the net, Shifu tensed, feeling the weight. His face was turning a deep reddish purple. He couldn't wait for the final one to land.

"We never had that conversation. Perhaps because I didn't know we had to." Agnes replied as she stood, waiting cautiously, in case a child were to miss the target. "As for angels. The last time we saw them, my main concern was to be.." A look of remorse was painted across her face. "..safe." She then spoke with a soft sincerity. "But, even if I maybe new at this, it will be different this time. We will fight. To the death."

"..7....8...9." Counting the final child, Shifu lowered his hands, which in turn, made the branches drop slowly to the ground. The limbs peeled away, leaving the children safe on the grass beneath them. The old man chibi fell onto his back in exhaustion. Mission Complete. Except, the other Soul keeper was still on the roof. "Shifu! There is still a man up there!" Agnes pointed. "Is he going to be okay? How can we help him?" She turned to the furry chibi with an extreme concern.

. . . . .
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(Dexcerbanguli`s POV: )

"You flatter me..." I replied, rubbing the back of my head with my free paw, before the girl petted me. It felt nice, though I had to be careful not to let anyone do it again, not until my soul keeper allowed me to once more. This, in particular, was a situation were I could really understand his attitude: Being part of him, me getting petted like a regular animal was if they were doing it to him.

I gazed upon the girl´s chibi as she looked away, clearly disgusted. There could be repercussions on the chibi, I knew that for a fact. After having been defeated by his brother, my soul keeper had spent weeks without making any effort except for pleasure, but even just the first couple hours were enough for my legs to weaken, my horns to extend, my appetite to grow.

My attention was once more turned to the female soul keeper as she decided to speak again, with a worry, perhaps sad of fearful tone in her voice. Either way, nothing good, and the last words led me to turn my back on her.

"Death? I don´t know how old you are, Agnes, nor do I care. For all I know, you could be the top tier when it comes to chibis and soul keepers....But, if you ARE prepared to die, then I suggest you walk away. The whole point of fighting the angels is living, so no one has the right to come here prepared to DIE." I scolded, getting on all fours as the girl´s chibi finished his job and pulled down the children, leaving Izzet up. The girl seemed somewhat worried about him so I shifted a grin. "Nah, he handles worse, usually..."

(Izzet´s POV: )

"That little bastard..." I muttured to myself in frustration as I saw the net going now. Then, I raised my shoulders. Well, what could I do but try to look cool now? I took a deep breath...

And jumped.

I turned to the window as I fell, and swinged my sword towards the window. The blade extended like a tentacle, getting rounder, cilindrical, as it shot and attached to the threshold like a hook. I got both my feet on the walls, biting my tongue to ignore the burst of pain, then progressively climbed down using my sword as a rope. As I was near it, I jumped back, landing with both feet on the ground, and raised a hand towards my sword, that was dismissed, thus becoming dust in the wind...


The Chibi's words struck a chord with Agnes. Her own chibi quickly got up, from a moment of rest, and joined the two. "I would appreciate it if you didn't take that tone with my Soul Keeper." His words were ice cold. Agnes shook her head lightly. "No Shifu. He is right." Drawing in a breath, she had an epiphany. "The fight is for life. We will fight for the right to it." She knew Adrian would want her to live. "And protect others for it. Thank you for shedding that light for me Mr. Chibi." It was the only polite way to address him, since he had not revealed his name.

Agnes rushed over to the children, touching each face, shoulder, checking that everything was in place. Many were crying, rightfully afraid. A couple of them squeezing her for comfort. "Hush my loves, everything is going to be okay." She soothed them with her warm voice. Parents of the little ones came dashing in, claiming each one, shouting out words of thanks. "No no no.. it is our duty and that man is also the hero here." Her eyes guided them to the male that was sliding down the edge of the building, making it look effortless. As he landed the adults, that had not already ran to safety, cheered for him. Clearly, that Soul keeper was strong.

. . . . .
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(Dexcerbanguli 's POV: )

It was almost painful to be addressed as "'mr. Chibi", since I knew she was doing it out lack of a natter way of calling me. Given what my partner did, it wasn't too surprising he preferred to keep our names hidden, but still, it was a nuisance at best as far as my feelings were concerned. I was sure it was very much like that for Izzet, and the fact he didn't complain too meant he thought of this as beyond feelings.

Still, it did give some joy that the girl had listened to me at least. I even turned back to smile at her, but she had already taken off to calm the children, who were still crying about the fall and about the scary man who had thrown them off a building. I sighed, knowing Izzet wasn't very likely to be happy about it, so I casually walking walked up to the other Chibi.

"So, before my partner asks, what is your rank? Your soul keeper told me you most likely knew." I requested to the old man.

(Izzet's POV: )

I scoffed at the children, those little brats, complaining when I just saved their lives. Everyone complained, though. Good isn't rewarded, and doing good is not a duty, but a right that has to be earned.

Which was exactly why the faces of the parents that stayed behind annoyed me so much, and I pointed my sword at them.

"Are you all idiots?! What were you thinking? If you don't have the guts to help your kids escape first, you should at least be able to run away properly! Damm it, staying around by a burning building... If we hadn't picked up the Angels in this section, you would all probably have been killed while I was inside the building and that old chibi was busy making a net for the children you practically abandoned! Civilians are to take refugee NOW!" I shouted.


Shifu looked at The Soul Keeper and back at his Chibi. Quite an eccentric duo, he thought, running a hand down his beard, "Gold." The question reminded Shifu of the day when he first met Agnes.

He tried to go through a formal introduction with her, but she was so smitten by how cute and lovable he was, that the moment he said 'Hello' she had already began squealing, showering him with kisses and hugs of affection. The overwhelming amount of love, made him forget to tell her his rank. A sudden laughter escaped out of Shifu, but he put a fist over his mouth, playing it off as a cough.

Everyone went silent as the man began to chastise the parents for their lack of action. One heavier-set mother, with an outdated perm, raised her hand in attempt to give an excuse, but she quickly drew it back with fear. They were all ridden with embarrassment and humiliation. Shifu grumped at the 'old man' comment, even though he knew it to be true.

Agnes could feel the, not-so-gentle-man's anger and although she did not share the rage, she could understand it. He may come off a little scary, but he wouldn't have helped if he was heartless. Also, he wasn't exactly being treated fairly for his heroics. Her foot moved forward, against her will, at his strict command. But it awkwardly retreated when she recognized he wasn't speaking to her.

As the crowd dispersed, Agnes bowed deeply before The Soul Keeper. "Thank you so much for lending your hand." Her honest eyes gazed at his. "We really appreciate it. My name's Agnes and this is Shifu." She directed her hand from her heart, to her chibi, that was next to his. Shifu held a hand up with indifference.

Two dark shadows danced around where they stood. There were angels right above them.

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Sai let out a small yelp from her lap as Akari stroked her head a bit too rough. Akari apologized then smiled at the politeness of the duo in the front of them. Suddenly, the alarms came on....which could only mean one thing...they were under attack by the angels. Akari was surprised by the alarms, she frantically grabbed her chibi and placing Sai on her head. "Akari, don't worry. I'll make sure to protect you!" Sai's voice seemed like only a whisper among the yelling voices in the train. Of all days the angels had to attack... Akari thought as she looked at the frantic crowd in the train. Amelia seemed calm as can be, not panicking like the others in the train.

Maybe she was used to the angel attacks?
Sai thought as she looked at the duo next to them. Amelia motioned them towards the door once the train became too frantic, pushing the door aside. Sai and Akari watched in amazement as Amelia yanked the door open, and disappeared from their view. "We should get out of here to!" Sai exclaimed, Akari nodded preparing to jump. She jumped to the other side of the door just as countless people busted out of the train.

(Izzet's POV: )

I saw the people were uncomfortable. But it was their fault. They should be more attentive, more decisive. Indecision, doing things half-heartedly would get all of them killed one day. I knew that, I could feel that much in me. Whatever protests they had, I would stand firm.

I turned to the othe soul keeper.

"K, the children and the rest should go..." I told her. I gazed over her. She was certainly older than me, though not THAT much older. Her manners were polite, something that maybe was fruit of her experience. Maybe.

Unexpectedly, she bowed in thanks. My cheeks turned a little red, it was an unusual situation for me, embarrassing even. It was normal to be thanked.

"Well, nice to meet you. Your rank is..."

"They are gold." Cerb completed for them. I glanced at them again. It didn't look like they were gold, but appearances were elusive. I mean, who'd be able to tell I was a star rank just by looking?

"We have company. Above." Cerb announced. I looked up this time and saw two of those angel weaklings. I sighed and readied my sword.

"Like I said, I am tired..." I jumped, going up to the level of height of the Angels, raising my sword "of these weaklings..."

Suddenly, another angel appeared. It was considerably larger than the other two, standing right between them. Invisibility? A middle tier angel. To be honest, I wa careless, it was a good plan if it was one. Convince me the attack was majorly weaklings and hide these among them. I lowered my sword, putting it between me and the angel, quickly, and it lowers it's own axe and threw me down , causing a small crater in it. My sword vanished into the air like dust.

I forced myself to stand as the Angels slowly descended upon us. Then I faced the other soul keeper.

"You are gold rank, huh? I am willing to give you a shot, do you think you can shield me and Cerb while we get to another place? Cerb, where is the nearest..."

"Three blocks from here. " the dog replied.


Shifu raised a suspicious brow at Izzet's flushed cheeks, while Agnes was simply pleased that they were getting along and that everyone was safe, at least for now. She was about to inquire more about the ranking, but they were already under attack. Izzet disappeared upwards. "So fast." She said, astonished. "Yes he is." Shifu replied, calmly watching. Neither of them had seen anything like it.

Things didn't go as planned though, for soon he was back on the ground. The Angel was powerful as well. As soon as the Soul Keeper gave them an opportunity to join in the battle, Agnes got PUMPED. Clenching a fist to her face, she exclaimed, "Alright! Ready Shifu!?" Matching her intensity he got in a kung fu stance. "Ready!"

The old man Chibi threw punches in the air. Large chunks of dirt, mixed with rocks, shot up at the Angels with incredible speed. The two weaker ones were hit multiply times, causing them to moan in a disturbing tone before shattering into dust. The larger Angel dodged most of them, but was having a tough time. "Wall Shifu!" Agnes called, having the image in her mind and it synced with her Chibi's. He fanned out his hands forward and drew them up, bringing forth a wall of earth. It blocked the view of the Angel. The monster roared in frustration and attempted to drive into it, but the texture was moist and thick enough that only his head made it through. He was stuck. This was Izzet's and Cerb's chance.

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(Izzet's POV: )

It was disturbing in a way, the way I had been so easily pushed down by an Angel. I chuckled. I needed training tat I could take more seriously. A higher tier angel might've killed me with that blow.

I gazed over to my sword, seeing it vanish into thin air, used up after I mindlessly blocked that attack. I didn't even have time to just put it in a proper position, so the blade had taken more damage than it should.

I chuckled again, baring my teeth. Even if the opponent wasn't that big a challenge yet, it was better than the nothings we were facing so far. The other soul keeper's chibi wasn't bad either, and while I wasn't too found if our front lines being composed of people who left every bit of work to their chibis, I couldn't blame them. Just as they had been raised to believe in trying to accomplish their dreams even if that's not realistic, so had they been taught that the chibi is the one to do the fighting. I stood.

"Time to break some conventions. Cerb..." I turned to my chibi, who nodded, gazing at the ground. Greenish line crawled on the ciment, curving and zigzagging, all to draw the shape of the marking. From it, a tune began to rise. Slowly, the rest of it showed the real content: a rifle. I picket it up, put it near the angel's head and fired as the marking behind me disappeared. The angel disappeared into the dust in a second, while I had to struggle to keep my balance after the burst of pain on my shoulder. I had forgotten about the recoil...

"Tsh......" I complained to myself, rubbing my hand on my shoulder.


The blasting sound startled Agnes, her heart nearly leapt out of her chest. She turned to see Izzet with a weapon.. where did that come from? Shifu's wall crumbled with the Angel being defeated. He found his way over to Cerb and landed at his side. "Quite impressive power you have there summoner. What other things are you able to conjure up?" The chibi asked completely fascinated.

The Soul Keeper noticed the discomfort and dashed over, putting all of her questions aside. She placed a motherly hand on his forearm that was attached to the injury. Her concern was set on his shoulder, "Did you dislocate anything?"

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(Dexcerbangulis´s POV: )´

The wall crumbled with surprising ease, which led me to conclude it was most likely only kept up for as long as necessary. That chibi seemed efficient enough, a good partner. Hopefully Izzet would see it that way too.

"Heh, is it? Thanks. You´re not bad yourself, though it is a little hard for me to discern exactly what you can do. But whatever it is, it has already proven useful in three different ways, and that´s more than most can say. You can take my word for it." I winked at the other chibi, and decided to continue the conversation. It would be nice if I could get Izzet to actually to talk for someone for longer than it takes to mock them or to order lunch. "What else, huh? Hum...Not too sure if I should say this, but, pretty much whatever I want? I have minions, weapons, armor, and other things on stock. Just need my markings."

I grinned at the other chibi, then dropped it.

"We should probably keep watch, it´s likely that angel wasn´t the only one who could use that invisibility power. For all we now, there could be one right on top of us as we speak."

(Izzet´s POV: )

"Tsh!" I pulled back my shoulder when she touched it, then wavered a hand in front of me, grinning. "I´ve taken A LOT worse than this, don´t worry. I´ll admit, your chibi´s got skills. Too focal, though. I wouldn´t tell you to go home, but the frontlines aren´t your style either. The rearline seems ,more like it."

I raised my rifle, letting it rest on my shoulders.

"Your name? I don´t wanna confuse it when I check the records." I explained.


Agnes pouted a bit, knowing she was weak, thus having Izzet doubt her abilities in battle. But she didn't want to sit in the back. "My names Agnes!" She piped out of her disappointment and stretched out her hand. "In my current condition, you are right, but I hope I can learn from you... and learn how to fight." The end of her sentence trailed off to a near whisper as her eyes found her feet, but Agnes still kept her hand up. She wanted to improve herself, but she did not want to be a burden.

* * *

Shifu smiled to himself, happy with the compliments that he was receiving from a peer. Then the fluffy chibi winked... The old mans eyes closed, trying to keep his composure, hiding his burning desire. The pup continued to explain his powers, while being humble. Then it happened.

Shifu grabbed the chibi and squeezed him tightly, burying his face in his, OH SO soft, fur. "Wahhh!! You are just TOO CUTE!" He squawked, unable to contain himself.

. . . . .
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