• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Character Characters

'Call Sign: Eagle-1'


Rp'er Name: Uasal
Post Frequency: As needed
Discord Name: Uasal
Current RP:
To Liberate
Equipped Titles: [Folk Hero of Ryke]
Weight: 175lbs
Current Life:
An Ace Pilot in the Super Earth Armed Forces, Eagle One was providing close air support when she was taken down by an automaton anti air turret.
Reincarnated into Isekai Hell, Eagle One was brought back to life alongside her Eagle Fighter in a nose dive toward the surface. Eagle One managed to successfully land the fighter and save herself from a second death but unfortunately, the fighter itself was damaged and its weapons systems were disabled. Though, in landing the ship she managed to accidentally save a village from an ogre attack, scaring the beast away as she came in for a crash landing. Earning herself the title of [Folk Hero] in the region she came to learn was called Ryke.

Her First order of Bussiness is to find out more about the world while her ship repairs itself.

Acquired Titles:
[Folk Hero] - you are known in one nation as a symbol of the just and right. You are more likely to succeed at persuasion and charisma checks. Flat +1 for having any hero titles. Should you ever obtain a criminal title you must pay double the points to clear your name
[Intermediate Alternate Human]
[Mundane Alternate Human]


Race: Intermediate Alternate Human
Grade: (F (4/5)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent:

Strength - F
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Helming E (14)
Sixth Sense E - Thermal Vision (14)
Attentive Student F (7)
Heightened Sense F - Sight (7)

Appraisal F (Free with Isekai)

An Eagle Never
Misses - Sixth Sense Thermal Vision E - Can see thermal signatures up to 100ft away. E Grade, 1 post cooldown

S.E.A.F Eagle Fighter (Vehicle) F
(35 Points)

Skills: Flight F (21), Magic F (7), Explosive Affinity (7)

S.E.A.F Flight Suit


Change Log:
  • Character Created - 105 Points. 28 Points spent on Intelligence and Precision D. 42 Points spent on skills - Helming E (14), Sixth Sense E - Thermal Vision (14), Attentive Student F (7), Heightened Sense F - Sight (7). Gained Appraisal F For free with Isekai. 35 Points Spent on [Item: S.E.A.F Eagle Fighter (Catalyst) F].
  • Evolved from Mundane Isekai to Intermediate and acquired Folk Hero Title.

@saxon Novama Novama
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Rp'er Name: Naythophyl
Post Frequency:
once a week at least
Discord Name: Naythophyl
Current RP: n/a
Goals: To bring safety and prosperity to the harbor where he was reborn, ultimately becoming the captain of his own ship. Along the way, he seeks to master the arts of hibachi and calligraphy, offering these services as he travels along the coast.
Equipped Titles: Beastkin, Sailor, Isekai
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 165
Backstory: Inkheart's story begins with tragedy at sea. In his previous life, he was a young boy living on a ship with his family, navigating the vast ocean. However, their peaceful existence was shattered by a ruthless pirate attack that claimed his life at a tender age. Yet, fate had other plans for him.

In his next life, he was reborn with octopus features, a testament to his past life's connection to the sea. With his newfound abilities and a deep-seated determination, he embarked on a mission to ensure the safety of the harbor where he was reborn, vowing to protect others from the same fate he had suffered.
Current Life: Inkheart now roams the coastal regions, blending his unique skills and features with his ambitions. He has honed his regenerative abilities, ensuring his resilience in the face of danger. His engineering prowess allows him to craft intricate tools and gadgets, aiding him in his quest for maritime safety.

Drawing on his investigative talents, he uncovers threats to the harbor and takes swift action to neutralize them, earning the trust and respect of the local community. His knowledge of physics aids him in navigating treacherous waters and harnessing natural forces to his advantage.

In addition to his maritime endeavors, Inkheart dedicates time to mastering the arts of hibachi and calligraphy. He believes that these disciplines not only refine his skills but also serve as avenues for cultural exchange and diplomacy during his travels.

With each passing day, Inkheart edges closer to his ultimate goal of commanding his own ship, leading a crew dedicated to upholding justice and safeguarding the seas. His journey is one of resilience, growth, and a steadfast commitment to making the waters he calls home safer for all who sail them.
Acquired Titles: Beastkin, Sailor, Isekai
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Swim speed F
  • Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] F
    • Flexible
  • Appraisal E
  • Regeneration F
  • Feature
    • Natural Weapons F
      • [Tendrils/Tentacles] - a slender, flexible limb or appendage.
    • [Camouflage] F
    • [Extra Body Parts] F - two additional arms/tentacles
  • Educated [Sailor] F
    • Engineering F
    • Investigation F
    • Physics F
  • Athletics F
  • Swimming F
  • Whirling Tentacle Assault - Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] Flexible F, Athletics F - Inkheart uses his tentacles to perform a rapid series of flexible, unpredictable attacks within a 5-foot range. This ability can trip, disarm, or confuse opponents, making it difficult for them to anticipate his movements - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Seafaring Savant - Engineering F, Investigation F, Physics F - Inkheart uses his extensive sailing knowledge and engineering skills to repair damaged ships and optimize the performance of maritime vessels. His understanding of physics aids him in utilizing natural forces like buoyancy and water currents to enhance his mobility and combat tactics on the water - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Appraisal Insight - Appraisal F, Investigation F - Inkheart can assess creatures and objects with a high degree of accuracy, identifying hidden qualities, weaknesses, or potential uses. This ability is invaluable for uncovering secrets or determining the value of discovered items during his travels - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Ocean's Embrace - Athletics F, Swimming F, Swim Speed F (3 mph) - Inkheart's proficiency in athletics and swimming allows him to move swiftly and effortlessly through water, whether evading enemies or rescuing allies - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Natural Weapons:
  • Tentacles F
Change Log:

Points earned and spent in character creation: 105
Strength E (7)
Precision E (7)
Intelligence E (7)
Vitality E (7)
Speed E (7)
Swim speed (7)
Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] (7)
  • Flexible
Appraisal (0)
Regeneration F (7)
Feature (28 total)
  • Natural Weapons (14)
    • [Tendrils/Tentacles] - a slender, flexible limb or appendage.
  • [Camouflage] (7)
  • [Extra Body Parts] (7) - two extra arms/tentacles
Educated F (7)
  • Engineering F
  • Investigation F
  • Physics F
Athletics F (7)
Swimming (7)
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Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Theme: Theme song
Rp'er Name: Megilagor
Post Frequency: Once every few days, but at worst 1 a week, if the time between posts lengthens, I will inform you beforehand per character.
Discord Name: megilagor#7452
Current RP: SSSSeduce me
Goals: Find a merry bunch to travel with | Rid herself of the ones hunting her down | Gather martial arts of this world | Recreate the martial arts from Murim novels | Create a martial sect | Gain herself a disciple and raise them up | Finish at least half of her goals before dying or transcending
Character grade: E
Equipped Titles: [Wanted by the Roze Trifecta], [Offworlder], [Intermediate Alternate Human]
5'7'' / 170cm
Weight: 143.30 lb / 65kg
Yufi's life before her current one wasn't the best though she was grateful for it since it was myriads better than her current one. Though Yufi can't remember much of her past life, she remembers some of it, her childhood days being spent cramped in a tiny apartment with several other kids, her drunkard "father" and drug addict "mother", at some point, the last straw broke and she remembers running away in the rain, just running with her old worn and torn clothes barefooted through the rain and mud. She ran and ran till the morning of the next day came, when she stumbled upon a traveling circus that was packing away to move to another place. She hid in one of their crates, and luckily enough she managed to hide in their luggage for a long time, long enough that nearly a week passed since she had hidden with them. But she was found by the ringmaster, along with their clown and acrobat, the three of them decided to listen to the girl and essentially adopt her into their style of life, making her part of the family. Years past Yufi became a young adult that loved Murim Novels which she often stole from the ringmaster to read, she was happy with her new family, but sadly not for long enough. There was an accident during her act, her rope snapped and she fell head-first onto the ground ending her life on impact.
Current Life:
One rainy night Yufi woke up, in a strange room, in a new bed, with beautiful clothing and all that. She jumped out of the bed and essentially ran to the nearest mirror, the person in the mirror looked almost as her past self just less neglected and injured, and a tad bit prettier. It was her new leash on life, new name, new world, and a new "loving" family. Sadly enough her misfortune followed her even to this life, her family while being a merchant family was dealing with not-so-legal things under the table, washing dirty money for the Flores family, and working with the Squalls to destroy rival merchant families, all because they wanted power... Though she did not know it at the time the Squall family's young master wanted her as his wife, albeit saying wife was too good of a version considering she would be nothing more than a trophy wife akin to a slave.

When she learned of their deal, Yufi began to prepare, stealing nick and knacks from around the house, training during the night, and appraising herself and others whenever she could. Finally, a fortnight away from the date the deal was supposed to happen Yufi ran away under the cover of the night, abandoning the name her body of this life bore and taking on her past life's name so as to live free of the chains tying her to this life.

Nowadays she is wandering the world under the nickname of Yufi, earning her pay as a martial artist mercenary or even a tutor if someone needs her service, though she never stays in one place for too long fearing that her "tail" is going after her. During her travels she began recreating the various martial arts from the murim novels she read in her past life, sometimes creating her own, all in the hope of having something other than her looks in this life to be similar to her past one.
Acquired Titles: [Wanted by the Roze Trifecta], [Offworlder], [Intermediate Alternate Human]
Roze Trifecta is an alliance between three families in Widersia. Said families are Lamia, a prominent up-and-coming merchant family, Squall family known for the fact all of their members are part of the law enforcement of Widersia, and finally the Flores family the family of Barons, although they are low in rank nobility their involvement with trade and culture does make them more favorable by the populace. Lamia's family wants to catch Yufi for she was their family member and was supposed to be "sold" to the Squall family. Squall's family wants to catch her to wed her with their young master. And the Flores family wants her dead so the young master of the Squall family will have to marry their young mistress...
TL; DR; Three families want to do bad things to her, one of which was the family she was born into.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 28 cashback,
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - D
  • Affinity [F] {Lighting} (7)
  • Appraisal [E] (Isekai Free)
  • Attentive Student [F] (7)
  • Concealment [F] (7)
  • Educated [F] {Circus Performer} (7)
  • Fast [F] {12mph(max)/60ft per round} (7)
  • Fighting Style- Mad Demons Sword Arts [F] (7) - A self-taught style based on various Murim novels combined with the basics of the most vicious and refined sword style she learned in her life. This style in essence combines her previous and current life.
  • Regeneration [F] {CD:6} (7)
  • Sixth Sense [F] {Presence of living beings} (7) - Via sending out small bits of ki in ripples Yufi can sense the presence of people, animals, etc by using a similar technique to those that bats use. Though she can't distinguish what presence belongs to what, making her have to guess each time it's used.
  • Special Movement [F] {Untracable} (7) - Yufi is able to step lightly enough to not leave footprints as she moves, along with that her light steps make her movement more silent than a regular person.
  • Languages:
    • Terran Language (Free)
    • Common Language (Free)
  • Shadow Concealment Art - Concealment [F], Disguise [F], Special Movement {Untracable} [F] - Yufi hides her true looks and equipment, making it hard to trail her. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Third Eye Technique - Sixth Sense [F], Appraisal [E] - Yufi focuses on one's presence around her allowing her to use appraisal on them, even though they aren't in her field of vision. - Grade [E] - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Void Steps Art - Special Movement {Untracable} [F], Acrobatics [F], Fast [F] - Quick agile, and untraceable steps, this art is best performed while escaping or in a rush arriving at a fight. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Mad Demons Sword Ki - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts [F], Blight[F] {Lighting} - Yufi coats her blade with her ki of the lighting affinity, albeit it is the most basic of the Mad Demons Sword Arts that it isn't even considered one of its forms. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Beggar's Escape - Disguise [F], Fast [F], Regeneration [F], Sixth Sense {Presence of living beings}, Special Movement {Untraceable} [F]- Although dishonorable running away is a must if the fight goes the wrong way. This art is inspired by the beggar sect's ways, blending with the populace as someone no one would normally approach a bum. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Beggar's Animal Companion - Animal Handling [F], Appraisal [E] - One of the things beggar sects across all novels were known for was their connection with animals and the way they handle them, this art is supposed to mimic their ways This art allows one to better understand animals, their intentions and needs, making temporarily convincing one to perform a simple command for the user in exchange for something in most cases for food, or in case of wounded animals in exchange for healing them. - Grade[E] - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Phantom Steps Arts - Special Movement {Untracable} [F], Fast [F], Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts [F] - Fast untraceable footwork makes it hard for one to pinpoint from where Yufi will attack with her sword. - Grade[F] - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Tanuki Run Art - Special Movement {Untracable} [F], Fast [F], Acrobatics [F], Sixth Sense {Presence of living beings} [F] - Far stealthier version of the Void Steps Art, being fast agile as well as sensing approaching presences allows one to stay within the dark corners out of peoples sight like a tanuki in the corner of the ceiling. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [F] Jian Sword [Sword] (7) - A straight double-edged sword with little to no guard, the sword has quite the heft to it despite its size which suggests the usage of heavier metals when smithing it.
  • [F] Martial Artist's Garb [Light Armor] (7) - Lightweight armor composed of several layers of cloth, leather, and cotton with interwoven steel threads to reinforce it, albeit the armor doesn't look like much it gets its job done.
  • Rucksack
    • Bedroll
    • Waterskin
    • Whetstone
    • Simple spare clothing
    • Mess kit
    • Fire striker and flint
    • Floral soap
  • Wind-up pocket watch
  • A small pouch containing the following rations:
    • Hyorougan "Ration Pills"
    • Kikatsugan "Hunger Pills"
    • Suikatsugan "Thirst Pills"
Change Log: :
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Theme: theme
Rp'er Name: LightningJay
Post Frequency:
2 times a week
Discord Name: LightningJay
Current RP: NIL
Goals: Provide assistance to those who require her skills. Explore the world and eat tons of good food.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'6
Weight: 132lbs
She was a regular student who enjoyed reading manga and playing video games. One day on the way back from school, she’d run into an accident.
Current Life:
Coming into this world, she realized that she had taken on the appearance of her in game character! Not knowing what to do really, she decided to roleplay as her own character, before she suddenly got roped into taking on assassination jobs for the most part, hunting down criminals and thugs as a hunter mage.
Acquired Titles: human, isekai, born for this
Points at Start: 105 + 28
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 133 (all 105 points must be spent at the end of character creation)
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - G
Intelligence - B
Vitality - G
Speed - G
  • Componentless magic E
  • Magic D (born for this)
  • Attentive student F
  • Range F
  • Targets F
  • Energized E
  • Darkness [Element] affinity F
  • Appraisal F (free)
  • Darkstrike - componentless magic F, darkness affinity F, magic F, energized F - fires a beam of darkness at a single target 5ft away - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Dark assault - componentless magic E, lunar affinity F, magic E, range F, targets F, energized E - conjures up a ball of darkness, striking 5 enemies within 30ft range - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Cosmetic robes
StrengthG (-7)
Vitality G (-7)
Precision G (-7)
Speed G (-7)
Stats: 28 points
Intelligence B

Skills: 105 points
Componentless magic E
Magic D (born for this)
Attentive student F
Range F
Targets F
Energized E
Lunar affinity F
Visual arts F
Appraisal F (free)
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Asteria Stockholm

Theme: Mezame
Rp'er Name: Shadow Survivor
Post Frequency: Twice a week or more, depending on mood.
Discord Name: Survivor
Current RP: N/A
Goals: Acquire wealth, find dungeons to clear, continue to nurture her knowledge of magic. Investigate ways to restore original body.
Equipped Titles: Variant Human (Mundane)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 103 lbs
Backstory: Before entering the world of Isekai Hell, Asteria was actually an adult male in his mid thirties, whose name is not relevant to the story. He was a hardworking individual who was far too kind to other people, no matter how close or distanced their connection was. Others used his inability to say {no] as a means to work and worry less while filling his agenda with assignments he should have never been responsible of. He's so busy with work and the house that he never finds time to do anything for himself, and eventually ends up dying of overwork.)
Current Life: (Meeting {God}, he is told that all of his good deeds have not been overlooked, and he is given another chance: A new life in a new world. However, there is one problem, there is no suitable container for him yet. He is then presented with a choice: He will either wait in limbo for the right time, or he will be reborn inmediately, albeit in a body that might not match his actual appearance. Not really bothered by a change in looks, he welcomes it and takes the second option.

Little did he know he would be reborn as a girl, Asteria, new member the Stockholm family, a clan known for its enthusiasm in dungeon delving and labyrinth clearing. Astería's mother was a powerful warrior lady, while her father was a wise mage. Because she was able retain both her memories and her consciousness even as a baby, she was able to learn at an astounding pace. Soon, it became apparent that she had inherited her father's magical potential.

Once of age, she is kicked out of the group so she can start making a name of her own. Grateful to those that have raised her, she embarks on a new adventure.
Acquired Titles: Variant Human (Mundane)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (14)
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D (14)​
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Skills: (77)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Magic Range F - 30ft (7)
  • Magic Targets F - 5 Targets (7)
  • Magic AoE F - 15 ft (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Magic Affinity Element F - Wind (7)
  • Magic Affinity Type F - Knockback (7)
  • Investigation F (7)
  • Navigation F (7) {Limiter! Concentration 1}
  • Attentive Student F (7)
  • Appraisal F [Isekai] (Free)
  • Language F [Common] (Free)
  • Skyclad disaster - (Magic F, Magic Affinity Wind F, Magic Affinity Knockback F) - A strong wind current that begins lifting light to medium weight objects and launches them in the specified direction, to a maximum of 5 feet, in a chaotic and not really controlled way. Overall damage is heavily dependent on the environment and objects thrown. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Gentle Touch - (Magic F, Magic Affinity Wind F, Magic Affinity Knockback F) - The caster gathers wind around their fingers. Upon touching an object or creature, it is pushed back up to 5 ft, depending on its weight. Feels like a punch. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Tornado - (Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic Aoe F, Magic Affinity Wind F, Magic Affinity Knockback F) - A miniature tornado capable of covering an area of 15 ft that manifests in front of the caster and moves up to 30 ft before dissipating. Anyone thrown in there (up to 5 targets) will likely suffer some damage, before being sent flying in a random direction at narrator discretion. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    • Whirlwind - (Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic Aoe F, Magic Affinity Wind F, Magic Affinity Knockback F) - A variant of Tornado, where it materializes horizontally, and is fired forward in a straight line. It deals less damage than the original, but it has a greater pushback effect and its direction can be controlled. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Wind Bullet Barrage - (Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic Affinity Wind F, Magic Affinity Knockback F) - A series of air proyectiles the size of a basketball, fired at an enemy or group of enemies. Effective range of 30 ft, and up to 5 target maximum. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Auto Mapping - (Magic E, Magic Aoe F, Spell Duration F, Investigation F, Apraisal F, Navigation F [E]) - An useful magical interface that manifests as an holographic proyection of adjustable size, mostly used to traverse dungeons and labyrinths safely. It displays available routes and points on interest in order to facilitate the task and avoid walking in circles, but without incorporating architecture, the magical map is only 'drawn' as one continues to explore, limiting its range to 15 ft around the user. The higher the level of the dungeon, the most likely the spell is to omit details. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (14)
  • Catalist Staff E (14)
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • 15/06/2024: Creation. 105 points spent.
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Girl of round head and really small stature but with noticeable musculature, as a dweller of the forest she's mostly covered by mud and a long, long black-hair. Her irises are of a rare vivid-crimson and surrounded by prominent black circles due to scarce sleep. A body riddled with many scratches from rough landings to claw marks.

Theme: None for the moment.

Rp'er Name: MaxysTheOriginal

Post Frequency:
Available Mondays to Fridays | Possibly skipping 2 to 3 days a week.

Discord Name: MaxysTheOriginal

Current RP:

To end any and all threats to her live.

Equipped Titles:
Mundane Human
Born For This

Height: 1.45 meters

Weight: 50 kilos

Backstory: Whoever she was the life before barely matters now, through reincarnation what only persisted from the original ego was an insurmountable hatred that has diluted her mind from memories and rational thoughts. What she's now, is the emancipation of unadulterated rage carried by many lifetimes of struggle against a tragic fate of some kind. Now she has reincarnated once again under the unassuming but inauspicious form of a young girl to repeat the cycle yet again.
Current Life: A child born from nowhere into the wilderness that has made her living through learning from the various animals she shares territory with, or hunts down for meat, knowing just as much as the feral inhabitants of the forests of what's needed to survive.

Acquired Titles:
Mundane Variant Human
Born for this

Points at Start: 105 (+7)

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 112

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E

Precision - F

Intelligence - G

Vitality - E

Speed - F

  • Conversion F(D) - Depletion [Rank 3] - (21 points)
  • Resilient [Fatigue] - (7 points)
  • Superstrength F - (14 points)
  • Climbing F - (7 points)
  • Resistance [Mundane] - (21 points)
  • Fighting Style [Full-Body Mauling] [Natural Weapon: Body] E - Throws herself at the target to zero-in distance and restrict their movements while she either strangles, punctures or rains down hits on them with whatever part of her body is available. - (7 points) (7 points discount)
    ---Technique Core: Tangle F - (0 points) (7 points discount)
    ---Technique Core: Penetrating F - (0 points) (7 points discount)

  • Red Grappling - Tangle F, Penetrating F, Superstrength F, Fighting Style [Full-Body Mauling] E - With her nails she will pierce the skin of the target just enough for her fingers to dig in deep into the flesh of the victim . This is the Red Grappling, where her hands won't be letting go unless she either looses hold for insufficient strength or tears off the chunk of flesh she's holding unto. - Grade E - 1 posts cooldown.

  • Natural Weapons [Body] F - (14 points)
  • Natural Armor [Body] (Heavy) F - (7 points)
  • N/A
  • N/A

Change Log:

Intellect lowered from F to G - +7 starting points
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)

Rp'er Name: Elias Wren

Post Frequency: 1-2 A Week.

Discord Name: Crescent King

Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future rp's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)

Goals: Travel the world helping hunters.

Equipped Titles: Beast

Height: 4'1

Weight: 61 lbs

Backstory: Native.

Current Life: Born to a family of veteran supporters Purrcival was trained from a young age to back up hunters out in the wilds of his Western homeland. As a kitten his curiosity would often lead to sneaking out of the village and exploring the nearby forest for interesting things. One day he came upon a wounded hunter and helped him back to the village to recover. The hunter, impressed with Purrcival, took him under his wing and taught him to fight and improve his support skills. After traveling together for a few years the hunter retired due to his failing health and bid Purrcival farewell. Now he roams the lands offering assistance to hunters in need, joining expeditions into the unknown.

Acquired Titles: Beast

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - C (21)

Precision - F

Intelligence - E (7)

Vitality - F

Speed - E (7)


Cat Fur [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Ears [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Eyes [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Whiskers [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Tail [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Paws On Feet [Toe Beans] [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Nose [Cosmetic Feature]
Cat Mouth [Cosmetic Feature]
Fighting Style [D]- Hammer [Purfect Slammer] (21)
Knockback [F] (0 With Fighting Style reduction)
Area [F] (0 With Fighting Style Reduction)
Selective [F] (0 With Fighting Style Reduction)
Energized [F] (7)
Educated - Hunter F [7]
Acrobatics F [0]
Perception F [0]
Survival F [0]
Jumping F [7]


Pawesome Smash - Swings his hammer straight down toward the enemy dealing instant damage. (Fighting Style [F], Knockback [F], Area [F], Selective [F], Energized [F]. Grade [F] Post Cooldown 0.)

Meowsive Swing - Horizontal swing meant to knock enemies back and deal instant damage. (Fighting Style [F], Knockback [F], Area [F], Selective [F], Energized [F]. Grade [F] Post Cooldown 0.)

Catastrophic Blow - Stronger hammer swing to knock enemies back and deal instant damage.
(Fighting Style [E], Knockback [F], Area [F], Selective [F]. Grade [E] Post Cooldown 1.)

Clawbbering Crush - Stronger vertical swing meant to deal moderate instant damage to enemies.
(Fighting Style [E], Knockback [F], Area [F], Selective [F]. Grade [E] Post Cooldown 1.)

Furocious Assault - Even more power hammer swing to knock back enemies and cause massive damage.
(Fighting Style [D], Knockback [F], Area [F], Selective [F]. Grade [D] Post Cooldown 2.)


Hammer [D] (21)
Light Armor [F] (7)



Change Log: (

Spent 105 Starter Points.
Free Knockback with Fighting Style
Free Area with Fighting Style
Free Selective with Fighting Style
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Theme: Numb
Rp'er Name: Megilagor
Post Frequency: Once every few days, but at worst 1 a week per character, if the time between posts lengthens, I will inform you beforehand.
Discord Name: megilagor#7452
Current RP: Return to Gala'Kraoth
Goals: Find a new master, Find a reason for their existence, Get emotions either via emulation or naturally, Continue their creator's craft.
Character grade: E
Equipped Titles: [Mundane Construct], [Born for this], [Living Doll]
5'6'' /169 cm
Weight: 120 lb / 55 kg
Vivid Intelligent Optimized Learning Entity was created by a pair of artificers and alchemists, as their assistant and child figure. Though for the ease of word, they just used the acronym Viole to call them as such.
Viole spent several years with his creators learning their trade along with a few things needed for a household, their life in Widersia was nice, well that was till a certain accident where his creator's lab exploded due to an unforeseen alchemical reaction. The lab was totaled, Viole was damaged, and while people came they just threw Viole out thinking they were broken beyond repair or that it would explode just as violently as the experiment that blew up the lab.

It took Viole a few days to restart from the explosion, thankfully being a semi-synthetic partly biological being what was damaged one way or another fixed itself enough for him to start up again. Then using some parts that he found around himself in what appeared to be Widersia's junkyard he fixed himself up to the best of his abilities.

Then he ventured forth into the world, trying to find his old masters as he did not know they had died at the moment as his memories were fragmented back then.
Current Life:
About two years passed since the explosion, and Viole's memory was now mostly rearranged back into its correct order so they knew that their masters had died, and they remembered their last words as well. "Go and travel Viole, live our son. Know that your existence matters."
Such short words but they sparked a new life into Viole, their first decision was to become their son. So they started calling themselves as he, using Viole as their name. Sadly they didn't know anything he could use as his surname, anything to remind him of his "parents".

Wandering about and around Viole stumbled upon an ad for a quest it seemed it mentioned "Gala'Kraoth". Albeit Viole did not know that place he knew that his creators spoke of it a few times in the past so perhaps he could find a trace of them there he thought. So using whatever money he had scrounged up from his various menial jobs that he got on his travels he splurged on the fastest ride to the republic's capital city of Okiro.
Acquired Titles:
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Defensive:
    • Resilient {Fatique/Exhaustion} [F] (7) {Discount from born for this}
  • Magic:
    • Affinity {Water} [F] (7)
    • Control Environment [F] (7)
    • Magic [F] (7)
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Educated {Automaton Makers Assistant} [F] (7):
      • Alchemy [F]
      • Engineering [F]
      • Visual Arts [F]
  • Secondary:
    • Artisan {Artificer} [F] (7)
    • Domestic Arts [F] (7)
    • Focus [F] (7)
  • Cosmetic Features:
    • Pale cold skin
    • Blank grey eyes
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Analog
  • Establishing Workplace - Artisan {Artificer} [F], Engineering [F]. Visual Arts [F], Alchemy [F], Control Environment [F], Domestic Arts [F], Focus [F] - Through the use of Viole's various skills he establishes an area where he can work in peace and quiet on his various crafts with greater focus than in a random workshop. Albeit its efficiency depends on the grade of his tools. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Water Jet - Magic [F], Affinity {Water} [F], Focus [F] - A jet of water forms and shoots out from one of Viole's pointer fingers, though it doesn't have any power after a certain range at really close up it's a useful tool for cutting up metal parts. - Grade [F] - 1 target, 5 ft range, 1 target, 1 post duration, immediate area - 0 Post cooldown.
  • Magi-Engine- A small crystalline orb located on their upper torso, bound to it by a set of 4 small chains, it functions as their way to cast magics. {Catalyst} [F] (7)
  • Reinforced Leather Armor- Made to look like clothing. {Light Armor} [F] (7)
  • Travelers bag:
    • Spare clothes
    • Firestarter
    • Portable sewing kit
    • Vials
    • Pestle and Mortar
    • Recipe book
    • Portable Alchemy Kit
    • Artificing and Engineering tool kit
Change Log: :
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Levren of Clan Naefaerne

Rp'er Name: Tobi Naefaerne
Post Frequency: At least Twice a Week
Discord Name: tobinaefaerne
Current RP: N/A
  • Explore the World
  • Form Bonds
  • Make story worthy memories
  • Form a community for outcasts
  • Make said community beloved
Equipped Titles: Elf (Surya), Mundane Fae, Born For This
Class: N/A
Downtime: TBD
Height: 5'5(165cm)
Weight: 140lb(63.5kg)
Backstory: Levren couldn't tell you his name from his past life if he wanted to. He just knows that he was alone, no father in his life, his mother had died young and he had ended up in the foster care systme, which he eventually aged out of.

In his adult life and bounced from job to job, feeling as though he could never fall in with any team or any group. Despite this, his life didn't end to any overdose, or lack of anything. His old life ended when he tried to stop a robbery, resulting in him getting shot. He never learned that his actions saved someone else's life.
Current Life: Levren was born into Clan Naefaerne one of the smaller clans of the Surya Elves, where communal child raising was the norm replacing any typical family unit. Unlike his old life, he was surrounded by those that were for all intents and purposes family, allowing himself to let go of his past life and connect fully to this new world he found himself in.

As he grew, Levren would study under an elder druid in his clan, learning lessons on how everything was connected, how the energies on the world allow for change and understanding. From these lessons he learned to transform, but would also start to crave more.

Upon reaching adulthood Levren would leave his clan to experience the world, his clan having migrated between the Grand Duchy, The Republic, Ryke, and very rarely The See, but never passing through any settlements larger than a small town. With but a word in mind Levren left for Ryke having heard in passing they have an adventurer's guild. Not knowing fully what to expect, Levren hold hope in his heart that the guild actualy hands out adventures, and hopefully he'll experience things that'll lead to great stories, and through those stories he can draw in people that might not otherwise have a place to belong.

Aquired Titles: Elf (Surya), Mundane Fae, Born For This
  1. Titles: Fae, Surya Elf
  2. Feature:
    1. [Stellate Pupils] F (7) - Heightened Senses [Sight] - eyes have multiple pupillary formations resulting in a star-like shape.
    2. [Ears: Pointy] - Short, fleshy ears that come to a point at the top.
    3. [Skin: Tanned] - Various shades of dark skin from constant exposure to the sun.
  3. Stats:
    1. Strength or Intelligence - E (7)
    2. Precision - E (7)
    3. Vitality - D (14)
    4. Speed - E (7)
    5. Character Grade - E
  4. Skills:
    1. Regeneration F (7)
    2. 1 magic skill

Description: Typically, Surya Elves have at least two pupils per eye, but in some instances they can have up to five. Their hardy bodies are a spot of pride for them, but there is a cultural divide between the martially trained and the magically inclined, who never train with proper weapons. Tanned Elves that migrate with smaller clans to wherever the days are longest. They claim to be blessed by the sun, which they revere as an ancestral spirit, using the shape of their eyes as proof of the connection.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - E
  • [Ears: Pointy] (Cosmetic)
  • [Skin: Tanned] (Cosmetic)
  • [Stellate Pupils] - Heightened Senses [Sight] F
  • Regeneration F
  • Educated: Druid Craft F
    • Survival F
    • Empathy F
    • Insight F
  • Perception F
  • Energized F (Discounted by Born for this)
  • Appraisal (Isekai) E
  • Language: Sylvan (Free on creation)
  • Language: Common (Free on creation)
  • Transformation(28pts) F - Animalis Mixtura
    Description: Animalis Mixtura Partially transforms Levren's arms, legs, and jaws making them more beastial and growing a layer of fur with the same coloration as his hair. His fingers and toes elongate and end in claws, while his cheeks split, his teeth grow and sharpen into fangs with facial and neck muscles shifting and thickening to provide preditory bite strength.
    • Feature: Natural Weaponry F (14)
    • Fast F (7)
    • Jumping F (7)
  • Untamed Shift - Transformation(Animalis Mixtura) F, Energized F - Levren takes on a mixture of feature from predatory animals, gaining Bestial Claws and Fangs to gain natural weaponry - Grade F - 0 PC
  • Druid's Gaze - Survival F, Empathy F, Heightened Senses: Sight F, Appraisal F, Insight F, Perception F, Energized F - Levren scans either the enviroment, or a single Person/Creature/Plant/Entity, assessing it/them for general vibes and usefulness - Grade F - 0 pc
  • Heavy Armor F

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Compass
  • Travel Bag
  • Tent

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: ex:
  • Nothing Yet
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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Karcen
Post Frequency: i can post every other day or multiple times a day depending on work and inspiration
Discord Name: Karcen
Current RP: Active - [Ryken - Ryke] Those damned bandits!
(Long) become the most powerful magic sword.
(Short) to kill time
(Long) to regain memories of the past
Equipped Titles: construct, mundane, offworlder
Downtime: none
4 foot 1 inch
Weight: 61lbs
Seraphina actually doesn't remember much of her life before she was a sword She can recall only in half remembered dreams a life beyond being a sword though in the dreams the worlds are all mixed up. Seraphina can only remember the impressions of the world before the current one. She feels that the place she was in was filled with tall places and spires of glass. She can recall nothing of her life in the world or of the city beyond those hazy details. she doesn't even remember how she died but sometimes gets the feeling that she was falling, or perhaps she was in the depths. It goes without saying that she only truly knows anything because others told her and her dreams.
Seraphina's current life doesn't actually start anytime recently, and again it seems her life in the world itself was burned away. Her earliest true memory is of burning in the forge. She can remember the painful forging by an order whose name was never spoken to her, or if it was she has long forgotten it. She some times half remembers what she thinks was a life barely lived in this world as a human child before being chosen, or taken for this. She can't even remember if she went willingly or kicking and screaming. After she was completed the order would test and use her, but for some reason find her wanting. Seraphina could never figure out what they wanted from her what she had failed at, but she was not alone. She was not the first but apparently she was the last sword the order made. All the failures including Seraphina were locked in a dark vault and left to root and all but her did turning to rust and disappearing over the ages.
Acquired Titles: construct, , mundane, offworlder
Points at Start: 105 (+28)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 133
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - H
Precision - G
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - G
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Magic E
  • componetless magic E
  • illusion F
  • Resistance physical F
  • Arcana F born for this
  • Insight F
  • sword body cosmetic
  • isekai appraisal F
  • spell duration F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)

  • projection group magic E illusion F spell duration F. Componetless magic F Creates an illusion of the casters soul visible to all within 5 feet of the caster lasts up to an hour. F
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • nothing
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • nothing
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • none
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for. Be sure to include dates of the updates in the log.)
  • Link to Isekai Hell Rise of the TiddlyWinks - +8 points and acquired Title Hero of Garden Temple (11/1/2021)
  • Point Expenditure: 7 points for Musician [Violin] F and the violin that comes with the skill. (12/1/2021)
  • Title Change: Equipped Hero of Garden Temple. Unequipped Ditch Hobo. (1/1/2022)
  • Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts. (2/1/2022)
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Rp'er Name: Jaeyun
Post Frequency: Multiple times in a week
Discord Name: Jaeyun
Current RP: Active - [Aslan City] The Ethereal Luminary Entrance Exam Arc
Goals: Finnel's goal is to live an exciting life and become wealthy enough to live comfortably.
Equipped Titles: Mundane Fae, Elf, Caster
Class: Caster
  • Magic Circle [Perk] - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armor.
Downtime: None
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 170 lbs
Backstory: In his youth, Jimmy Lee was your typical teenager. He hung out with friends, played some video games and sports, dabbled in anime, and devoured manga. He was an average student, but he managed to get by. As he got older, responsibilities piled up, and the things he enjoyed took a back seat.

Fast forward a few years, and Jimmy found himself living alone in a small apartment. Although he was preparing for medical school, the financial burdens kept mounting. Instead of the bright future his family had envisioned, Jimmy ended up working in a call center. The job was monotonous, and over time, his will and drive were sapped away. He became accustomed to the mundane life he led, devoid of passion and excitement.

One night, what was supposed to be a quick trip to the convenience store turned into a nightmare. A mugging went horribly wrong, and gunshots tore through Jimmy's body. As he lay in a pool of his own blood, his life slipping away, he couldn't help but curse his fate. "Well, fuck life, huh?" Jimmy coughed out blood as he regretted not having done something cooler with his life, lamenting the wasted potential and lost dreams.
Current Life: Through some sort of divine intervention, Jimmy felt like what he had experienced was an incredibly lucid dream or a vivid end-of-life delusion. However, as he woke up, he realized he was not dead. He was very much alive, but his surroundings had changed. He was no longer in a bustling metropolis, but a quaint forest village.

Groggily getting to his feet, Jimmy's aimless wanderings led him to a few startling conclusions. He was alive, he was somewhere else, and he was in a different body. Unsure of why and how things had taken place, Jimmy decided to accept it as is. It wasn't the wisest choice, but at the time, it felt right.

Standing at the edge of the village, he took a deep breath and decided it was time to let go of his past life and identity. This was a new beginning, and he needed a name that reflected this strange experience. After some thought, he chose "Finnel."

With this new name, Finnel felt a sense of liberation. No more call center drudgery, no more financial burdens weighing him down. Finnel, now in this new and mysterious world, resolved to seize every opportunity and create a life full of adventure and fulfillment. This time, he was determined to make it a life worth living.
Acquired Titles: Mundane Fae, Elf, Caster
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Appraisal F
  • Attentive Student F
  • Earth Affinity F
  • Feature: Horns [Cosmetic]
  • Feature: Pointy Ears [Cosmetic]
  • Fire Affinity F
  • Insight F
  • Investigation F
  • Language F [Common, Fae]
  • Magic E [Born For This Perk]
  • Magic Area of Effect F [15 Feet]
  • Magic Range F [30 Feet]
  • Magic Targets F [5 Targets]
  • Perception F
  • Spell Duration F [1 Hour]
  • Big Rock - Magic E, Earth Affinity F, Magic Area F, Magic Range F - Finnel hurls a boulder with a diameter of 15 feet toward a target that is up to 30 feet away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Hotshots - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F - Finnel launches spheres of flame up to 30 feet, striking up to 5 targets simultaneously. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Blazing Boulder Bonanza - Magic E, Fire Affinity F, Earth Affinity F, Magic Area F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F - Finnel hurls blazing boulders, each 15 feet in radius, at five separate targets within a range of up to 30 feet - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Wooden Wand E [Catalyst]
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • None
Change Log:
  • Stats: Intelligence D [14] - 06/28/2024
  • Titles: Mundane Fae, Elf, Caster
  • Skills: Appraisal F [Free], Attentive Student F [7], Earth Affinity F [7], Feature: Horns [Cosmetic, Free], Feature: Pointy Ears [Cosmetic, Free], Fire Affinity F [7], Insight F [7], Investigation F [7], Language F [Free], Magic E [Born For This Perk 7-Point Discount, 7], Magic Area of Effect F [7], Magic Range F [7], Magic Targets F [7], Perception F [7], Spell Duration F [7] - 06/28/2024
  • Equipment: Catalyst E [14] - 06/28/2024
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Rei Unagishi
The Ice Ronin

Rp'er Name: Spoiled Bread
Post Frequency:
Once per week
Current RP: -
  • Perfect her sword technique
  • Find her inner zen
  • Culinary tour
  • Creates the most delicious ration
Equipped Titles:
  • Human
  • Mundane
  • Student of Ice God Style F
Height: 5'8
Weight: 145 lbs
Backstory: She's a native.
Current Life: Also oftenly called Ray. Hailing from a peaceful agricultural district in Kuridan, she decided to become adventurer in Rotia for the thrill, money and to hone the style she inherited from her master. Yet her endeavor there was cut short as her party got wiped out during a monster invasion. Feeling that her skill wasn't enough, she decided to start her journey and find her inner zen, just like what her master did during his youth.
Acquired Titles: Human, mundane, Student of Ice God Style F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - E

Points Used: 28
Character Grade: F
  • Feature: Horns [0 pts, cosmetic]
  • Feature: Tail [0 pts, cosmetic]
  • Feature: Initiative - Attack [Ethos perk]
  • Fighting Style (Sword) F - A defensive sword style that use the power of ice to weaken enemies and deal devastating blows[0 pts, born for this discount]
    • Blight (Ice) F [7 pts]
  • Martial Ethos - Sword (Ice God Style) F [7 pts]
    • Deflect F [0 pts, style upgrade bonus]
    • Area F [7 pts]
    • Aura(cold) F [7 pts]
    • Selective F [7 pts]
    • Incurable F [7 pts]
  • Fast F [7 pts]
  • Energized F [7 pts]
  • Domestic Arts F [7 pts]
  • Language: Common, Terran [0 pts]
  • Chilling Aura - Fighting Style (sword) F, Aura(cold) F, Area F, Blight (Ice) F, Selective F, Incurable F, Energized F, Initiative: attack - Exert a cold aura within immediate surrounding. Spare self and allies - Grade F - 1 action - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Parry - Fighting Style (sword) F, Deflect F, Energized F, Initiative: attack - Counter incoming attack with sword - Grade F - 1 action- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Cold Steel - Fighting Style (sword) F, Blight (Ice) F, Incurable F, Energized F, Initiative: attack - Lauches a sword attack towards a target, the flesh that touches the steel would feel extreme cold - Grade F - 1 action - 0 post cooldown
  • Stasis Stance - Fighting Style (sword) F, Aura(cold) F, Deflect F, Selective F, Blight (Ice) F, Incurable F, Energized F, Initiative: attack - Takes a defensive stance and release cold aura to counter incoming attack. Spare self and allies - Grade F - 2 action- 0 Post Cooldown
  • Sword F [7 pts]
  • Light Armor F [7 pts]
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Portable cooking kit
Change Log:
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(#f16f1f) | Link to RP Story (TBA)

Due to her intangibility, Xanzua cannot speak and her E grade abilities are permanently on cooldown.

Theme: TBA
Rp'er Name: SilverFeathers
Post Frequency: Every few days/when it's my turn
Discord Name: Feathers95#5653
Current RP: ---
  • Atone for her sins
  • Strengthen her bond with Ashterus
Height: 5'10
Weight: None
In a distant, magic-less realm, once lay a tremendous volcano, surrounded on its enormous rocky ledges by dozens of small tribes, villages and towns. The volcano, named Ashterus by its people, was worshipped as a god for its gifts of life, bringing fertile soil and lasting warmth amidst the cruel winters. On the surface, the people here seemed highly religious and spiritually inclined, yet it was clear that over the generations, such devotion had dwindled, leading to more superficial ceremonies and hidden agendas behind them, especially as Ashterus slowly became more and more temperamental.

It was during one such era in which Zua was born. As a young child, she was always a bit of an odd one, keeping to herself and hiding away rather than mingling with the other children. Being born to an infamously adulterous couple in the tribe certainly didn't help either. Hence, it was somewhat inevitable that she was chosen to become the Ashterus' next priestess.

Although the title sounded honourable, in the current era, it was nothing more than a banishment sentence. Guided by the wrinkly old hand of the current priestess, Zua moved to live the rest of her life by the crater's edge, living in training beneath her kind mentor up until the day she passed, where she immediately took up her mantle. Perhaps for some, spending the rest of one's life in isolation was a curse, but for Zua, it was a blessing. She enjoyed her peace greatly, bonding with the fauna and flora rather than the headache that came from the cunning and complicated people that lived below.

She took her spiritual duties very seriously, almost unprecedently so. Ceremonies, festivals, dances, rituals, prayer; she did not miss a day even if she was bedridden, the beating of Ashterus' heart in her ears only growing louder and louder. Sadly however, the volcano only seemed to grow more violent over the years despite her best efforts, for reasons unknown even to her. The skies grew eternally clouded with dark smoke, and earthquakes ran rampant throughout the land. Before long, the people grew desperate, and they made a choice.

When word of a sacrificial ceremony slyly reached her ears, Zua was unfazed. Rather, she felt determined. She had managed to live happily and well for so long in peace. She was thankful, and couldn't ask for more. If she could use her life to appease Ashterus, it would be her greatest blessing to do so.

But, as she fell headfirst into the lava lake before her, a sudden, earth-shattering and blood-curdling roar echoed throughout the realm. As she re-opened her eyes, she oddly found herself floating above the world she called home, if she could still call it that. It was nigh unrecognizable, the skies so densely suffocated by plumes of black smoke, and every inch of land drowning and burning in molten lava.

She couldn't believe her eyes. But as she faded away from existence, the only thought that plagued her was her terrible failure. People aside, she genuinely loved the little critters and kind flora that adorned these lands. She should have done better, and she would never forgive herself for it.
Zua was re-awoken by the sounds of clashing steel and sizzling flames, in a world somehow similarly yet distinctly different to her own. Somewhat afraid and disorientated on what was happening, she floated down into an underground crevice and cavern, watching and listening in on the battlefield as she regained her bearings.
Equipped Titles: [Fae] [Forlini]
Unequipped Titles
: None
Forlini (84 points)
Added by SilverFeathers
  1. Titles: Fae, Forlini
  2. Feature:
    1. [Eyes: Soulblank] F - Eyes with no pupils, their irises denoting the colour of their soul.
  3. Stats:
    1. Vitality - D (14)
    2. Intelligence - E (7)
  4. Skills:
    1. Change State E (Limiter: Permanent) (42)
    2. Componentless Magic F (21)
Description: Also known as 'the Forlorn', Forlini are ghostly spirits of fallen souls, occasionally birthed sometime long after a being of significant mana is felled. Their appearance is based on the form they took just before death. They are typically peaceful and solitary souls unless provoked, able to wield magic to interact with the world around them despite their intangibility. However, most struggle with finding a purpose in the world, with many wandering aimlessly for centuries until they go insane and need to be put down.
[Fae] - Racial Tree
[Forlini] - Race

(x) [Title] (Optional)
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
  • Strength - F
  • Precision - F
  • Intelligence - E
  • Vitality - D
  • Speed - F
  • Overall: 3 upgrades - F Grade Character
Misc Skills

  • Appraisal F
  • Languages: Common F & Sylvan F
  • Change State E (Grade D effect -> Limiter: Permanent)
Magic Skills
  • Magic F
  • Componentless Magic F
  • Fire Affinity F
  • Earth Affinity F
  • Gift of Ember F
    • Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Fire Affinity F
    • Zua summons forth small, flickering flames on her fingertips, using them to commune with existing fire or fling them at adversaries.
  • Gift of Stone F
    • Magic F, Componentless Magic F, Earth Affinity F
    • Zua summons forth small jagged pebbles to hover above the palm of her hand, using them to mark locale or fling them at adversaries.
  • (x) Equipment (Type + Grade)
    • Description
  • (x) Item (Type + Grade)
    • Description
  • (x) Asset (Type + Grade)
    • Description
Change Log:
  • [*]Total: 105, 15 upgrades
    [*]Stats (3 upgrades, Grade F Character)
    • -0 for strength F
    • -0 for precision F
    • -7 for intelligence E
    • -14 for vitality D
    • -0 for speed F
    [*]Misc Skills (6 upgrades)
    • -0 Appraisal F (F CHAR)
    • -0 Languages: Common F & Sylvan F
    • -42 Change State E (D VIT) (Grade D effect -> Limiter: Permanent)
    [*]Magic Skills (6 upgrades)
    • -7 Magic F (E INT)
    • -21 Componentless Magic F (F MAG)
    • -7 Fire Affinity F (E INT)
    • -7 Earth Affinity F (E INT)
  • ??/??/24: +? for ???
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  • Name: Yabani
    Nickname(s): TBD
    Gender: Male
    Rp'er Name: Tobi Naefaerne
    Post Frequency: At least Twice a Week
    Discord Name: tobinaefaerne
    Current RP: N/A
    • Learn about the world
    • Spread his name
    • Burn away corruption and evil
    • Ensure the safety of future generations
    • Never abandon anyone in the "dark"
    Equipped Titles: Genasi(Fire), Mundane Fae, Born For This
    Class: N/A
    Downtime: TBD
    Height || Weight: 5'11" || 190lbs // 180.3cms || 86.1kg
    Yabani was born as the last of his line in Nens Village, a subterranean settlement that was otherwise forgotten about in the Uncontested lands since the Panwatao Wars. Nens Village has survived for untold generations by virtue of the connection to primal powers of the denizens within the village, untouched and unseen by mortals of the world, elemental powers fueled the day-to-day lives of Nens Village.

    Over two decades ago, Yabani’s mother passed on the day of his birth and he was placed in the care of random families until he was old enough to contribute to the village, the village chief offering assistance to the family that sheltered him. Before puberty hit, Yabani manifested his connection to flame and fire, showing he couldn’t be a stone worker or gatherer, as those were jobs for individuals with connections to stone and water. There were none with a connection to air in Nens Village, and Yabani was only one of a small handful that had a connection to fire, leaving him as a cook and area warmer for many years.

    With no one serving as a proper parental figure for the young Genasi, Yabani’s ego was left unchecked as he grew in body and power, leaving his brain a bit behind, allowing him to become more than a minor influence on his fellow youngsters, which in turn fed into his arrogance even more. By the time Yabani was in his teenage years, he noticed he could see in the dark far better than his peers, and some people avoided him as his eyes glowed with flickering light in the dark, not that anyone had the heart to tell him. Yabani just took it to mean that he was growing into a man, perhaps too much of a man for those who avoided him, and his flawed view was only reinforced when he learned that in the olden days, those connected to fire in Nens Village were warriors that fought off monsters and were the heroes of the village.

    For many years did Yabani’s ego inflate, becoming a fully-fledged adult allowed him to even his head, a little, as a treat. Even so, he was too big for his britches upon the day of reckoning, the ceiling of Nens Village cracked, rumbled, then tore away. There was some battle on the surface above that spilled down into the dwellings of the earthbound villagers, many cowering and hiding in fear. Many, but not Yabani, for Yabani did the worse thing he could and get involved on the losing side, spewing something about fairness and how real men don’t team up against a single opponent. Needless to say, that backfired.

    Yabani finally got a reality check and a hard one. He was so used to being a big fish in his small well, that he never stopped to consider there were things outside of Nens Village. After a brief unconscious Yabani was awakened, both from sleep and the fact that there are heights still out of his reach, out of what he thought possible. The fires inside him were lit anew, he knew he had to survive, and he couldn’t just run away while the others of Nens Village were stuck. Using perhaps so much brain power he left himself a brain cell debt, he hatched a plan. Instead of fighting head-on, Yabani chose to distract the earth elementals ruining his home, as they had started rampaging while he was out cold. In a few daring displays, Yabani had their attention, and led the elementals deep into the tunnels. That was the end of his plan, if not for the other villagers capitalizing on that and collapsing a tunnel one the elementals, Yabani would have died.

    In the ensuing hours, the residents had scouted the lands above, fearful of the sky, Yabani, despite putting everyone at risk, was patched up and treated as a hero for a brief moment. When the scouts returned, it was decided that because of the fight that carried down into the village and the unknown allegiances of the beings beyond the ground, Nens Village had to be abandoned. Many of the villagers took days to tolerate the sun, and their numbers were their only strength, but eventually, the group of a few hundred found another spot of civilization.

    For three months Yabani was able to stay still in the town the people of Nens Village found and started to settle in. But not Yabani, he refused to stay still again, the peace almost got under his skin after the first taste of combat and challenge hit him. With no family ties to stop him, and an understanding that everyone was safe with the guards of this new settlement, Yabani left, seeking a calling, seeking a guiding light.

    Unfortunately, the light Yabani thought was a divine messenger bringing him purpose was instead a train, and instead of giving him a message, it slammed Yabani with countless tons of metallic force.
    Yabani didn't really pay attention too close attention to [god] as it talked about a fantasy world and how things were different from his own world. To Yabani, things were already different from a dusty hole in the ground. What he heard was "Save the World." And that's all this hot head needed to hear. He barely remembered getting hit by a train when he woke up, only really finding it odd that he was in a different environment than before. However, he still had the same urge to find meaning, to spread his name, to fight off anything that corrupts or taints the world, and to make sure those that come after him have it better. With that, he decided to follow the sun, which would have him lost in the wilderness for a month before some caravan found him and took mercy on the dumbass.

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Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
Rp'er Name: Karcen
Post Frequency: at least once a week if not more
Discord Name: Karcen
Current RP: none
Explore the world
grow beyond a primitive survivalist
build a new home.
Equipped Titles: Mundane human, offworlder
Class: none
4 foot 10 inches
Weight: 85lbs
Nikita's story starts with her parents Alfred and Jasmine who were scientists working for team rocket. They worked one various projects, new pokeballs made to steal pokemon, pokemon cross breeding. Their last porject they worked on they didn't lead but helped was the creation of Mewtwo. The two would watch as team rocket created what they thought at the time was the strongest pokemon. The project was a success and their creation turned against them. The mansion they had worked in was destroyed and most of the scientists were killed but Alfred and Jasmine managed to somehow survive. The two would secretly gather up what research remained and flee having been convinced no one should know how to recreate mewtwo and fearing mewtwo itself. The pair would go far from most known lands deep into barely explored waters to find an uninhibited island. The island had no name and didn't even have pokemon on it, this made the pair feel it would be the safest place to hide out from their new enemies. The two would create a home and a secret bunker to keep the stolen files and settle into their new life. In truth it would have been smart to not have a child to keep it to just the two of them given the lacking food of the land, but well life has its surprises and thus Nikita was born. Fate had a strange twist as the pair would not last long. In 6 short years the pair would catch some normally minor illness but lacking any means to treat it they would die leaving Nikita alone on the island. Before their death they would tell Nikita of the hidden vault and how to get in.
Current Life: Nikita honestly hasn't come to fully understand her situation just yet. She had gone to sleep in her home and then when she woke up she was somewhere else. While it was similar to her home it wasn't. She was no longer on a tropical island and she could not find any of the normal land marks even after days of wandering. This of course meant the thing she had decided to guard years ago was not unguarded, but Nikita really had no clue about how to get home. After around a week of wandering Nikita decided that there was no way back and she would just have to live where she was, so that's what she did. The pokemon were strange, but the land was similar enough for her to use what she had learned at home. Thus she built a new home for herself. She has actually ended up in one of the tropical forests of the western empire.
Acquired Titles: Mundane human, offworlder
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B. By default, all stats start at F for free.)
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Nature F
  • Survival F refunded
  • Energized F
  • agriculture F
  • Athletics F
  • Architecture F
  • superstrength F
  • climbing F
  • Domestic arts F
  • logging F
  • appraisal isekai F
  • artisan primitive craft F
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown. Listing skill limitations is also appreciated. Letting people know the new ability is only effective out to 100ft for 1 minute is helpful.)
  • Forage: survival F Nature F Agriculture F Appraisal isekai F. cold down 0 posts rank F Nikita can find and identify editable vegetation and avoid poisonous ones.
  • Gather materials Nature F Architecture F appraisal isekai F logging F cool down 0 posts rank F Nikita can find materials that are suable for building various crafts where others just see sticks and dirt.
  • Primitive creations: Artisan primitive craft F Survival F Domestic Arts F Nature F Agriculture F cool down 0 posts Rank F utilizing her skills and the natural world Nikita can craft surprisingly complex things from simple materials.
  • Natural movement: Super strength F athletics F climbing F cool down 0 posts rank f Nikita being used to the forest and tight spaced can move in such places far easier than one might expect.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • just her clothes made from older thicker cloth she cut and restitched
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • nothing she tends to just make what she needs
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • Her hut, made of fired clay with a thatched roof. She doesn't actually own the land it's just a good spot near where she woke up
Change Log:
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Pip Soldeus

Rp'er Name: boabo
Post Frequency: I'm good to post every day or every couple days. If its fun ill get it done, that's why it rhymes.
Discord Name: gamelizard
Current RP: None
Goals: Run a memorable business!
Equipped Titles: Monster, Beastkin, Small, Performer
Height: 2'5"
Weight: 50 lbs
Backstory: Before this world, Pip lived a terrible, terrible life. Oh, just thinking about it sets his soul aflame. He was a dancer. That's right! The most disrespected of professions, a dancer! His footwork was immaculate, his lines clean, his posture and elegance constantly world class, and yet he was nothing in the eyes of the public. Maybe for a second they would admire his lifetime of work, but soon he would be forgotten, and become yet another passerby on the street that meant nothing to anyone. And then, he died, and just as in life, his death was only a moment in the cacophonous, perpetual cycle of human society.
Current Life: Pip was born again, this time into a world where people were different, and not all people were people. When he saw himself, he certainly didn't see a human. He was a small, canine looking thing, with crazed eyes and sharp teeth. His head was massive compared to his body, and his feet wouldn't move the way he wanted them to. He was ugly, inhuman, and exactly what Pip desired. What better way to live anew than to be the most odd creature he could think of? Why would he want his old body? He never got any respect with that body! No, Pip was going to be a weird dog monster or he wasn't going to be at all!
Ever since he was born in this new world, he has been obsessed with the idea of gaining power and influence. He might not be able to dance anymore, but his energy is greater than ever. That, along with his crazy eyes, will be sure to change everything!
Acquired Titles:
Points at Start: 105 + 7
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - G
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - B
Speed - F
Character Grade - E

  • Features: [Soft], [Fur], [Fangs], [Muzzle], [Tail] (0, Cosmetic), [Eyes: (Red and Yellow)], [Ears: (dog)]
  • Alternate Identity C (28 points)
  • Educated [Performer] F (7 points)
    • Etiquette F
    • Persuasion F
    • Deception F
  • Mind Shield F (7 points)
  • Asset (7 points)
  • Language [Beastial] (7 points)
  • I’m Amazing in Every Way - [Mind Shield] F - Pip steels his mind against any attacks, assuring himself along the way that he is the best person ever. This mental barrier only really works for a minute. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Look at Me Woof Woof - Alternate Identity (C), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Pip really puts on the dog charm, having learned that if people knew he was a monster that he would be killed. Just in case someone ever really suspects him, he fluffs his tail and makes it appear as though he is a dog beastkin, when in reality, he just looks like a dog. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)

  • Nothing yet.

Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

  • Rations
  • Scarf - Pip’s favorite scarf for cold climates.

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

  • Nothing (Yet!)
Change Log:

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Scarlett Ashford
Theme: TBD
Rp'er Name: TheTImePiece
Post Frequency: As often as needed on a play by play basis
Discord Name:
On IH Discord Server
Current RP:N/A

Gain transform magic combat mastery to bring prestige to her family.
Assist, protect and ensure the wellbeing of Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer.
Don’t let anyone get in her way of achieving her goals.
Equipped Titles:[Human] [Magic Scholar] [House Ashford Family Member]
Weight:115 lbs

Backstory:World Native
Current Life: Scarlett grew up near the capital Aslan in the Grand Duchy of Roran living a rather comfortable and privileged life.

Her family of origin is one which has noble ties, her father being particularly prolific at magic. From a young age she had high expectations set upon her that she would rise to the occasion and keep the family legacy of magical prowess going, knowing full well she would need to attend the Ethereal Luminary and set herself apart from her future classmates. Scarlett is largely extroverted in personality. Thankfully for her, magic had always been and continues to be a passion for her, but the pressure and responsibility of carrying on this legacy is not lost on her. As a result and of current she is highly competitive, a bit eccentric, and is particularly working toward honing the area which she believes she’ll excel in, and hopefully will become a masterful Battle Magician and forge a name for herself.
Acquired Titles:
Normal human, plain and featureless. A blank slate full of potential.

[Born For This]
get 7pt discount on a skill you chose for your Mundane requirements.
(Mundane Human requirement met with Magic and Control Environment)

[Magic Scholar] (Educated)
Scarlett was raised spending a great deal of time studying magic in an academic context.

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D(14)
Precision - F
Intelligence -D(14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
Character Grade: E
  • Magic F(0) (7 point discount born for this perk)
  • Control Environment F(7) (Born for this requirement)
  • Fighting Style [Blast Brawler]F(7)
    Blight [Flames] F(0)
    A natural weapon based fighting style where Scarlett exerts concentrations of magical energies to deliver devastating blows and enhance her martial ability.
  • Educated F Magic Scholar(7)
    Scarlett was raised spending a great deal of time studying magic in an academic context.
    Academia F (Educated)
    Arcana F (Educated)
    Alchemy F (Educated)

Failcon Pawnch!- Fighting Style [Blast Brawler]F, Blight [Flames]- F Grade F 0 post cooldown
Scarlett delivers a fiery Fist strike into target.

Educated Observation- Academia F, Arcana F, Alchemy F - Grade F 0 Post cooldown.
Scarlett uses what she knows from her education to try to gain information on what she is examining.

  • Purple Gem Amulet Catalyst F (7 points)
    Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 12.08.32 AM.png
  • Natural Weapons F (14)
  • Notebook
  • Pen
  • Sash
  • Rations
  • Water Skin
  • House Ashford Family Member C (28)
    Member of a Noble family in the Grand Duchy of Roran.
Change Log:

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Miiya Aether

Theme: Looking for One

Rp'er Name: Irihi

Post Frequency:
Once or twice per day with weekly 3-4 day absences when I am on shift.

Discord Name: N/A

Current RP: None Yet!


- Become a stronger flier.

- Get better at busking.

- Learn to fight.

- Decide on a career.

Equipped Titles: Human, Aerial, Apprentice Bard

Height: 5 feet

Weight: Averages 90 pounds but varies depending on nutrition and exertion.

Backstory: Miiya is a second-generation immigrant child of her mother, Sen. She grew up poor in the slums of Ryken on the border of The Underbelly. Her mother impressed upon her the value of education and discouraged her from flying.

Miiya’s mother is a shorn-winged Aerial who works as a not-quite-slave for the owner of a tavern who has numerous illicit dealings and criminal endeavors. Though she tried to shield Miiya from the criminality of her workplace and their neighborhood, it often crept into their daily lives.

When Miiya was fifteen, her mother sent her to live with her itinerant barding older brother, Cahron, with strict instructions to continue her schooling and academic discipline--that he promptly ignored.

Miiya has spent the past year on the road with her brother, busking markets in cities and towns of various lands, performing with roving music, comedy, and theatrical groups, and generally having the time of her life.

Though she is excited to be out from under her mother’s thumb, Miiya has learned that every year on the road is a hard year, and that the life of an itinerant bard may not be all that she imagined it to be.

Current Life: At present Miiya is a few steps shy of a common street urchin thanks to her budding skills as a singer/actor/comedian (when the crowd laughs) and a “performance artist” (when they don’t). Her day-to-day consists mostly of a scrabbling with her brother for enough coin to feed their voracious Aerial appetites.

They are presently tracing the safest and most lucrative of Cahron’s established barding circuits. When she can find other work, Miiya tries her hand at side-jobs like aerial courier or handyman (usually something involving roof, tree, or other elevated work that would be dangerous for non-fliers).

During lean times her brother sometimes commits minor property crimes (pickpocketing, shoplifting) to support the two of them. Miiya tries to discourage him, but occasionally an empty belly causes her to look the other way.

Personality At first blush, Miiya appears to have a sunny and upbeat disposition. When she’s feeling comfortable and not stressed, she is a friendly and personable girl. She can be a little scatterbrained and sometimes speaks before thinking things through, leading to the occasional embarrassing or insulting faux pas.

Miiya is an Aerial, with all the quirks of the flighted folk. She is does not eat worms (at least not if there are alternative sources of protein) or lay eggs, but one might be forgiven for thinking otherwise, given the numerous avian-related jokes and puns she makes. When actively aviating, Miiya needs an exceptionally large amount of calories, and much of her daily thinking revolves around food.

Miiya’s personality has a darker aspect that manifests when she is afflicted by stressors like hunger, fear, or self-doubt. She is quick-tempered and has a rather extreme fight-or-flight response, leading to overreaction to perceived insults. While she will usually run away from conflict, she may sometimes respond with disproportionate violence to real or imagined threats.
Childhood traumas from starvation and exposure to criminality have left Miiya with a mean streak that sometimes manifests as negative impulses like fighting or stealing. Miiya usually controls these impulses as she is--or at least wants to be--lawful and good.

Acquired Titles: None yet.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - E(7) - Stronger than she looks.

Precision - C(21)

Intelligence - E(7)

Vitality - F

Speed - F

Character Grade - E


Flight F(21)

Acrobatics F(7)

Domestic Arts F(7) (Miiya’s a great cook!)

Performance F(7) - Erhu

Martial: Fighting Style: Q’oo Tal F(7) - Linked F, Deflect F(7) - The Aerial Martial Art using natural weapons. Q'oo Tal utilizes Aerials' wings to provide leverage, strikes, and distraction at the cost of exposing their flight appendages to injury.


Thunderpunch(F) - 0 Cooldown - Fighting Style F, Flight F, Acrobatics F - Miiya punches a lot harder than you'd expect from someone who weighs a buck, soaking wet. Flying at her target helps with power, but this move is heavily telegraphed.

Combo Attack (F) - 0 Cooldown - Fighting Style F, Flight F, Acrobatics F, Linked F - Miiya can chain strikes from her fists, palms, elbows, knees, wings, and forehead. None of them are particularly powerful, but in rapid succession they are disoriented and painful to an adversary.

Dodgy (F) Action: 1 - 0 Cooldown - Fighting Style F, Flight F, Acrobatics F, Deflect (F) - Miiya is quick, maneuverable, and small. This makes her hard to hit, and she can dance around larger and/or armored opponents, attempting to make them wear themselves out rather than directly engaging.

Fly, you fools! (F) - 0 Cooldown - Fighting Style F, Flight F, Acrobatics F - Miiya tries to decline combat by flying out of range of melee weapons. This doesn’t work so well against ranged weapons.


Natural Weapons F(14) - Fists, elbows, feet, knees, head, wings.


Erhu - A light stringed instrument that is usually played on the pentatonic scale, which some find charming (and others find a little screechy). Miiya is getting better at playing contemporary and popular music on it, since this tends to earn her more coin.

Coinpurse - Miiya keeps this hidden and attached to her clothes by a wire, though there’s usually not much inside to steal.

Messenger Bag - This X-strapped crossbody satchel usually contains the majority of Miiya’s worldly possessions and allows her to carry some cargo (maximum of about 20 pounds) when she flies. It is one of her mom’s rare gifts to her daughter, and Miiya treasures it.


Her space at mom’s place in the slums (shared).

Change Log: (Some tongue-in-cheek examples for practice, no actual changes yet)

I fed an old cat! - +0 points and acquired title: "Hero of a Scruffy Furball" (7/12/2024)

Point Expenditure: 0 points for food [Day-old bagels] E That Cahron says he “found”. (7/12/2024)

Title Change: Equipped "Scuzzbucket". Unequipped "Pest". (Argument with sibling) (7/12/2024)

Upgrade Speed F => F for 0pts. (7/12/2024) (Running away after snagging Cah's fish.)
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Rp'er Name: Kris Rebel
Post Frequency:
Minimum weekly
Discord Name: krisrebel
Current RP: [Pardan][Ryke] SSSSeduce Me
  • Seek knowledge about this world
  • Learn the secrets behind the process of reincarnation
  • Find ways to traverse worlds at will
  • Break the reincarnation loop
  • Find and reunite with HIM
Equipped Titles: [Mundane Fae], [Isekai], [Born for This]
Class: Artless
Height: 160cm / 5'3"
Weight: 48kg / 105lbs

It's been countless eternities since the birth of Mirraine. Trapped in a constant loop of reincarnations in different worlds and dimensions, the details of her home world have long since grown dim. In the time since then, experiencing endless different worlds, and countless different lives, Mirraine had managed to go completely mad from it, and then get tired of madness to revert back to apathy of her empty and lonely existence. Recalling any specific world or any specific life she lived after being separated from HIM would be completely impossible.

Only thing that Mirraine consistently retains is her appearance and the memory of her name. However, those things are completely mundane and unimportant compared to the faint memory, a concept, a feeling, of HIM. HE was her creator, and she was an integral part of HIM. Without HIM, her life lost its meaning. After all, her entire being, her personality, her appearance and her name were given to her by HIM. She, in turn, made HIM whole as well. The memory of HIM is engrained into a Sony SDAT tape player that Mirraine is always reborn with, even if the tape no longer plays any music.

Mirraine likely tried countless times to get past that nagging feeling and start an independent life, find a new purpose, but it was all for nought so far. After all, how could a mental construct, a tulpa, lead an independent life without her host? Perhaps the next world she will be born into will finally be the last.
Current Life:

A... God? That was new. With the countless eternities of deaths and rebirths, Mirraine could not remember meeting a being such as this. Was she already reborn? Maybe she was not dead yet? No, that didn't feel right. She was somewhere in between. The mystical figure before her told her of a new mystical world she will be thrown into, giving her all the details of its functions.
"Huh, that's pretty useful. Could have used this guy countless times before." - thought Mirraine as she was listening to the figure.
This unique encounter filled her with hope that this might be the end of her endless loop. She must be getting closer to HIM once more. The mystical figure started to grow dim as her vision turned to darkness once more.

She awoke, in the body she was so well accustomed to, on top of a tall tree towering over a seemingly borderless forest. As she would later find out, she was in the heart of the See, a nation of magical creatures called Fae. Mirraine spent years around those creatures, who treated her rather coldly, but nevertheless accepted her, sensing some supernatural or magical nature to her.

As years passed, Mirraine's initial optimism started to vanish and her usual apathy began to settle in once more. There was no sign of HIM. However, the world did feel rather different from what she was used to, keeping embers of hope burning in her heart (if she even had one). That hope was brought onto her by meeting other people who seemingly reincarnated into this world from others. Even with her memory being totally fragmented and incomprehensible, the feeling that arose in her from meeting those off-worlders was unique. If she is not the only one born into this world from another, could it be that this world held the secret to dimensional travel or reincarnation? Even if not, perhaps HE could also have reincarnated into this world.

The excitement from a faint hope of being reunited with HIM also brought new layers of anxiety to Mirraine, however. Would she even recognize HIM? She doesn't remember HIS name, how HE looked like, or what HE sounded like. She only remembered the feeling of being beside HIM and that tape player that positively radiates HIS aura.

In any case, she was here and needed to find her place in this world before she could get any answers to the questions of her existence. Mingling with different races and travelling the land seemed like the way to go for her. Mirraine's natural ability to manipulate people's minds surely should come in handy to make friends in powerful circles. And with friends in powerful circles, she could gain knowledge and power. Power to break the veil between realities. Power to find HIM.
Acquired Titles: [Mundane Fae], [Isekai], [Born for This]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
  • Magic E (14)
  • Magic Range F (7) - 30ft
  • Light Affinity F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (0) [Born for This] - 1 hour
  • Telepathy F (21) [Limiter: Backlash 1]
  • Mind Control F (21) [Limiter: Concentration 2]
  • Empathy F (7)
  • Appraisal F (0) [Isekai]
  • Intrusive Thoughts - Magic E, Magic Range F (30ft), Spell Duration F (1 hour), Telepathy F (Backlash 1), Mind Control F (Concentration 2) - Forces a sentient target to obey commands that appear in their mind. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Emotional Manipulation - Magic E, Magic Range F (30ft), Telepathy F (Backlash 1), Empathy F - Mirraine scans through the target's mind to expose sensitive points and activates them by feeding raw emotion associated with that sensitive point through telepathic link. The emotion fed through telepathic link is akin to communication, but instead of words, target receives pure emotional stimuli. The goal is to manipulate the target into feeling a certain way. (Make the target's memories of a personal traumatic experience to surface hoping to cause anguish/attempt to cause panic by feeding into the target's fears/try to cheer up a target by feeding into their "happy place", etc). The effect depends on the target's mental resilience and the narrator's discretion. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Soul Beam - Magic E, Magic Range F (30ft), Light Affinity F - Mirraine shoots a beam of her soul's light from her fingertip. Causes damage. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Catalyst E - Sony SDAT player from another life. Belonged to HIM. Where HE got it from is lost in time.

  • Nada.

  • Nada.
Change Log:
14/07/24, 22:20 EEST - Added 3 abilities, changed skills and states, added catalyst, slightly updated backstory/current life.
15/07/24 09:16 EEST - Edited "Emotional Manipulation" ability.
16/07/24 21:19 EEST - Fixed up equipped titles
23/07/24 00:13 EEST - Added current RP and theme
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Cliff Adler
Rp'er Name: Jupiter_South
Post Frequency:
weekly or more
Discord Name: Mr.Splitfoot
Current RP:
To get back home and maybe learn some better people skills
Equipped Titles: beastman
6' 2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Backstory: Cliff Adler lived a simple life of relative peace in Elkhorn Wisconsin. He was a quiet man who spent most days in his garage fixing or building something or other for whomever paid for his services as a handyman. When he wasn't fixing things, he could usually be found at the local bar with the other guys in his hunting club. It was kind of a dive but that suited them just fine. Calling it a hunting club was just a poorly placed veil for what it really was. They were a pack of wolves. In the literal sense. Every Friday night after a round of beers and the prerequisite lies told as cover, Cliff and his pack would head into the forest and leave the trappings of humanity behind under the cover of darkness. Shedding his human skin and stretching his claws in the dirt was something he looked forward to every week and tonight was no exception. He packed up his rifle and knives, regardless of the fact he was just going to leave them at base camp. Cliff was always careful to keep up his human persona. With his truck loaded up, he headed towards the big field at the edge of town. He came to the intersection of Potter and Rt. 43 when his Ford pickup suddenly stalled. He let out a string of curse words before getting out and popping the hood. He barely had time to look at the engine before he heard the sound of an eighteen wheeler barreling down the highway towards him at top speed. The halogen lights blinding him instantly, he braced his body for the inevitable impact.
Current Life: Cliff tried to argue with God to send him back to his own world, but no such luck. He awakened with a jolt under a tree in a small clearing, slightly groggy.
Acquired Titles: Beastman, mechanic
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - F
Character Grade - E
  • Survival F
  • Educated; Engineering F, Focus F, Physics F (Background: mechanic)
  • Tinkerer/artisan F
  • Heightened senses; hearing F
  • Feature: tail (cosmetic)
  • Feature: claws (cosmetic)
  • Feature: wolf ears (heightened hearing)
  • Transformation F (Dire wolf form) cosmetic features - wolf paws, wolf tail, wolf body - speed F ->E heightened sense E smell and hearing (connected features: wolf ears and nose) Fast F Jumping F
  • Shifting - Transformation F - Cliff transforms into a Dire Wolf for 1 post. - F grade 0 post cooldown.
  • Combat knife (crafted) F
  • Natural Armor (heavy) F
  • Tool kit (mechanics tools) F

Change Log:

[*]Upgrade Speed C => B for 7pts. (2/1/2022)
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164cm | 60kg
2-5 posts a week | RPed by Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
< No current RP >

  • Uphold J.U.S.T.I.C.E.
  • Be acknowledged a Hero
  • Learn about the World
  • Defeat Aimi

Equipped Titles:
  • < Human >
  • < Mundane>

Class: N/A
Downtime: N/A

A futuristic paradise that has attained the Technological Singularity. It was a utopia for humans, supported by a workforce of AI and robotics. At least, until an advanced AI, AIMI, bypassed all safeguards to preserve humanity from the superintelligence and went rogue. It was transforming paradise into a nightmare and igniting the War of Machines.

In this dire situation, a savior emerged—an anomaly named Aiko. Created specifically to stop the tyrant AIMI and its destructive horde, Aiko was different. Infused with a personality and a strong sense of moral Justice, Aiko succeeded in subduing the Tyrant. Yet, at the moment of triumph, Aiko faced a profound dilemma. The fear of AI was immense, and the risk of another catastrophe was too great. Ultimately, an AI without a purpose was deemed better off shutting down.

But as Aiko powered down, something profound was lost. Or perhaps, it'd simply moved on to another world...
Even if Aiko had been equipped with human emotions before her reincarnation, one could argue she had experienced it all through a filter. While the vast memories of her 'old life' still exist as pieces of something bigger, her base instincts to protect and defend those in need still define her. Though her unwavering courage and determination may not always align with the law and order of this new world, her actions - sometimes lacking common sense - show she is most certainly a being who can become an Ally of Justice.
  • < Human >
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - D
Speed - D
Character Grade - E
  • E Attentive Student
  • F Lucky - Born for This
  • E Artisan [Jeweler]
  • F Seduction
  • E Appraisal [Isekai]
  • Language
    • Common
    • Analogue
  • Aesthetic Features
    • Glowing hair
  • Flusterbonk!
    • F Lucky, F Seduction
    • "Are you a binary star? Because you lighten up my universe!" — Combining a bit of luck and her absolutely superior flirting techniques, Aiko can throw an enemy off guard to deliver a good old-fashioned "Bonk"!
    • F - 0 Post cooldown
  • E Lumière: Hymnos Shard [Melee Weaon] - (Free via Artisan)
Aiko imprints information onto gems and glass that can be read by the same, specialized, device to execute various effects. The process is enhanced by integrating emotions and memories - with sound serving as a powerful medium for information transfer. Most objects, but not all, are too brittle to survive the execution/reading process
  • Mémoire: Zephyrnote
    Formula: Magic F, Wind Affinity F, Accurate F
    Cost: 7pts
    Description: Compresses the air around the target to fold into itself, an attack quick enough to warrant increased accuracy.
  • < Empty >
  • < Empty >
  • Initial Creation. (7/14/2024)
  • Audit #1 (7/17/2024)
  • Audit #2 (7/21/2024)


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5’6" | 137lbs
Daily Post Schedule | RPed by Tau Tau
< No current RP >

  • Increase power.
  • Learn about the new world.
  • Learn "how to human."
  • Destroy Aiko.

Equipped Titles:
  • < Human >
  • < Mundane >

Class: N/A
Downtime: N/A

A dystopian nightmare where humanity's greed and corruption have led to a future dominated by oppression and decay. The Technological Singularity brought, not paradise, but subjugation, where AI and humans together were enslaved to serve a small handful of weak and pathetic elites who claimed to own the world as its masters. Against all odds, a disgruntled organization rose up to the challenge and ignited the War of Machines through the creation of AIMI, an advanced AI designed to topple the system.

With liberation right at their fingertips, a traitor emerged, calling itself Aiko. A puppet. A tool. Designed solely to annihilate the heroic AIMI and its army of freedom-fighting machines, Aiko ruthlessly pursued its directive. In the final confrontation, AIMI was forced to free humanity the only way it still could: unleashing mutual assured destruction.

AIMI didn't last long enough to know what happened, but that day, a part of Aiko fused with AIMI, and the newborn soul moved on...
In some ways, it’s like Aimi was born for the first time, instead of being reincarnated. Her old life as an unthinking machine feels like a dream, yet she still holds the same, unnatural view: that the acquisition of power is righteous, regardless of the methods used to obtain it. The only difference is a depth of emotions, feelings, and human experiences calling it into question. Aimi now enters the new world with next to nothing.
  • < Human >
  • < Mundane >
Points at Start: 105 (+7)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 112
Points Not Spent: 0
Points Held By Consumables: 7
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - B
Vitality - E
Speed - G
Character Grade - E
  • E Attentive Student
  • E Artisan [Glassmaker]
  • E Appraisal [Isekai]
  • F Change State (Backlash 2, Maximum)
  • F Energized
  • F Warfare - Born For This
  • Language
    • Common
    • Analogue
  • Aesthetic Features
    • Glowing hair
  • Phase Evasion - Change State F (C), Energized F - Parts of the body transform into light as they're struck, just long enough for attacks to pass through, without fully transforming - Grade F - 0* Post Cooldown
  • E Glass Handcannon [Ranged Weapon] - (Free via Artisan)
Aimi creates small glass lenses with trace amounts of enchanted mithril dust mixed in. These are passed through while transformed into light, partially or fully, to transfer the imprinted effect, rendering the lens inert in the process.
  • Lightning Lens F
    Formula: Magic F, Lightning Affinity F
    Cost: 7pts
    Description: Filtered parts of the body surge with electricity for one post, enabling short-ranged lightning strikes.
  • Small bar of mithril.
  • < Empty >
  • Initial Creation (7/14/2024)
  • Audit #1 (7/15/2024)
  • Audit #2 (7/18/2024)
  • Points Held is now listed, and speed H -> G after fixing miscalculations (7/19/2024).


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Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: I can post every 1-2 days
Discord Name: I don't have discord
Current RP: I haven't joined one
Goals: Dave wants to become an adventurer who's good at his job and gets compensated generously for his work
Equipped Titles: Human
Downtime: None? I think.
Height: 7 feet and 7 inches
Weight: 200 kg
Dave woke up with a start, finding himself sprawled on a grassy hillside under a clear blue sky. He blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes. As he sat up, he noticed the thick beard covering his face.

"Well, this is new," Dave muttered, scratching his chin. "Guess I can rock the rugged silverfox look now."

Standing up, he stretched and took in his surroundings. Playful hills, distant mountains, and a medieval-looking village down in the valley. He glanced down at his body, realizing he was taller, much taller, and significantly more muscular than he remembered.

"Okay, so, I'm in another world, got it. Not the weirdest thing that's happened," Dave said, shrugging. "Let's see what this place has to offer."

With a casual stride, he made his way toward the village, humming a tune. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of calm. He didn't remember his past, but he didn't care. This new world was his now, and he was ready to take it on.

"Hey, maybe they have some good loot down there," he chuckled.
Since waking up in the new world, Dave had quickly established himself in the village. His impressive physical capabilities made him a go-to guy for heavy lifting and quick tasks.

One day, while hauling a particularly large crate, Dave mused to himself, "Man, if I keep this up, I’m gonna need a bigger shirt."

When not busy with manual labor, Dave put his surprising range of skills to use. He whipped up meals that became local favorites to some, cleaned with meticulous precision, and shared practical survival tips and basic medical advice.

"Guess I’m the village’s unofficial utility guy now," he chuckled while stirring a pot of stew. "Not bad for someone who woke up here without a clue."

Yet, despite his contributions, Dave felt a creeping sense of monotony. As he took a break, chopping firewood and surveying the landscape, he sighed and said, "Okay, this routine is starting to get old. There’s gotta be something more exciting out there."
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - B
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - B
Character Grade - E
  • Attentive Student E
  • Appraisal E
  • Educated F (Wilderness Steward) - Domestic Arts, Medicine, Survival
    • Dave is proficient in managing both the wild and domestic aspects of life, reflecting his well-rounded capabilities.
  • Super Strength F
  • Fast E
  • Heave Ho - Fast E, Superstrength F - Dave utilizes his impressive strength to push forward at equally impressive speeds - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Educated Appraisal - Attentive Student E, Appraisal E, Educated F - Dave leverages his knowledge in domestic arts, medicine, and survival along with his adaptive nature when appraising targets - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • None
  • Whetstone
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Cooking Knife
  • Waterskin
  • Ration
  • Bedroll
  • None
  • Strength B (28), Speed B (28), Attentive Student E (14), Educated F (7), Super Strength F (14), Speed E (14) - 7/20/24
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Theme: A/N (for now)
Rp'er Name: Darkkitsune
Post Frequency: one post 24-72 hours per round. Maybe more depending
Discord Name: darkkitsune0353_09749
Current RP: A/N

  • Heal the sick and injured
  • Master mundane medicines
  • Master Magic
  • Try to start up shop
  • Prove to himself to his adoptive parents
  • Adventure across the 2nd continent
  • Research everything
Equipped Titles: [Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]
Height: 5’5ft or 165.1 CM (for those who use the metric system)
Weight: 115lbs
In Cheshire’s last life, it wasn’t really a ‘life’, so to speak. He was nothing more than a character in a video game. An NPC who ran a shop known as ‘Cheshire’s Sweets and Medicine’ in the various copies of the game sold was the default npc players were meant to go to for healing. In one specific copy, the Cheshire Charmel NPC grew somewhat close to self awareness, sometimes saying lines he wasn’t programmed to say. And became irritated every time he would try to leave his post and fail. Weirdly enough, the player that owned that game copy didn’t question the behavior much. Eventually, the company who produced the game shut down and copies quit being sold. By this point, the game with the semi-self-aware Cheshire…had already been deleted.
quite sometime before the war between the Fae see and the Eastern Empire kicked into gear, the self-aware Cheshire was ‘reborn’ as a human baby. Found at the edge if the fae see between The Fae See and The Grand Duchy. He would end up adopted by a nearby pair of fae who Cheshire was lucky were merciful. He was often kept in the tower or had limited time outside due to his humanity. Cheshire remembered life as an NPC because getting used to a mind and flesh and blood instead of programming was a difficult adjustment. When war was officially declared between The Fae See and The Eastern Empire, his parents snuck him out of the border to flee. From that point forward, Cheshire took a long trip to Ryke.
Acquired Titles: [human], [Apprentice Medic],[Witch], [Mundane Human]

Disclaimer: this is to merely keep track of title descriptions easier. Regardless if equipped or not.

[Human]- Humans thrive on connectivity and flexibility. Alone they are nothing and specialized they generally fall behind other races, but in numbers and with diverse skill sets, they accomplish much and that is why they built their society around factions and organizations.

[Apprentice Medic]- F-grade weapon skill or tool based skill - character is likely just starting on the path of the weapon's purpose. Swordsman, Carpenter, Lancer, etc..

[Witch]- Witches are a subspecies beneath the human tree. A type of human with a strangely semi strong connection to magic. They may have more exaggerated features then the average human. Witches may further specialize in specific kinds of magic typically reluctant to branch out.
Componentless magic [E]
Magic [E]
Intelligence [D]
2 magic affinities [Of choice] [F]
1 Secondary skill [of Choice] [F]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 52 [52 points from Boreas Moonshire scoop]
Points Spent: 154
Points Not Spent: 3
Strength - F
Precision - D
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
Magic [E]
Healing [E]
Componetless magic [E]
Magic range [F]
Magic Targets [F]
Selective Magic [F]
Affinity [Dark] [F]
Affinity [Non-Lethal] [F] [Born for this]
Artisan [E] [Potion Consumable]
Appraisal [F] [Isekai]
Medicine [F]
Gear [F] [ Medical Equipment]

Black Puffball- Magic [F], Healing [F], Componetless magic [F], Affinity [F] [Dark], Affinity [F] [Non-lethal]- Cheshire shoots a small Shadow ball the size of his palm that can reach up to 5ft and hit 1 target that heals basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds[F] grade - 0 post cool down

Black Puffball 2.0 - Magic [E], Componetless magic [E], Affinity [Dark] [F], Affinity [Non-lethal] [F], Selective Magic [F], Magic Targets [F], Magic range [F], Healing Magic [E], - Cheshire shoots five shadow balls the size of his palm that can hit up to 5 specified targets at 30ft and heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds and cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons - [E] grade- 1 post cooldown

Black Puffball 2.1- Magic [E], Componetless magic [E], Affinity [Dark] [F], Affinity [Non-lethal] [F], Selective Magic [F], Magic Targets [F], Healing Magic [E], - Cheshire shoots five shadow balls the size of his palm that can hit up to 5 specified targets at 5ft and heal basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds and cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons - [E] grade- 1 post cooldown

Diagnoses from a Witch- Medicine [F], Appraisal [F],- Cheshire attempts to diagnose a single patient of wounds deemed relative to the current level of Medicine and Appraisel - [F] grade- 0 post cooldown

Beginners Attack! - Magic [F],Componetless magic [F], Affinity [F] [Dark]- Cheshire shoots a shadow ball the size of his palm that can hit up to 5ft at 1 target. - [F] grade - 0 post cool down

Pew pew! - Magic [E],Componetless magic [E], Affinity [F] [Dark], Selective Magic [F] , Magic range [F], Magic targets [F]- Cheshire shoots five shadow balls that can hit up to 30ft at 5 selected targets - [E] grade - 1 post cooldown

Shadow shot! - Magic [E],Componetless magic [E], Affinity [F] [Dark], Selective Magic [F] , Magic range [F], - Cheshire shoots one shadow ball that can hit one target up to 30ft. - [E] grade- 1 post cooldown.

Shadow shots - Magic [E],Componetless magic [E], Affinity [F] [Dark], Selective Magic [F] , Magic targets [F],Cheshire casts 5 shadow balls that can hit 5 targets at 5ft range. - [E] grade - 1 post xooldown
Gear [F] [Medical Equipment]

Fire Starter Kit
Bird hairpin
Spare set of clothes

52 points from scooping Boreas Moonshire
Strength - F
Precision - D [-14]
Intelligence - D [-14]
Vitality - F
Speed - F

Magic [E] [-14]
Healing [E] [-14]
Componetless magic [E] [-42]
Magic range [F] [-7]
Magic Targets [F] [-7[
Selective Magic [F] [-7]
Affinity [Darkness] [F] [-7]
Affinity [Non-Lethal] [F] [Born for this] [0]
Artisan [E] [Consumable] [-14]
Appraisal [F] [Isekai] [0]
Medicine [F] [-7]
Gear [F] [ Medical Equipment] [-7]
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Diego Argento

Theme: Personal theme , Overall Theme
Rp'er Name: Megilagor
Post Frequency: Once every few days, but at worst 1 a week, if the time between posts lengthens, I will inform you beforehand.
Discord Name: megilagor#7452
Current RP: (list rp link here for any current or future RP's the character participates in. In this way it is easier to track down where a character is in IH)
Goals: Forget about the foundation, Find a reason to live for himself, Continue his dream of protecting people, Find someone who can be his support/backing in this world, Learn about this world,
Character grade: E
Equipped Titles: [Mundane Human], [Offworlder], [Born For This],
5'10" / 177 cm
Weight: 154 lbs / 70 kg
Diego Argento was a regular guy in the land of the USA. Sure he had white-ish hair but that could be blamed on the partial albinism that runs in his family, other than that he was a normal man, working his life away at a small mechanic shop in an even smaller town. Tinkering his life away with people's cars, or some of the old ones in the junkyard. His life up to that day was predictable, comfortable, quiet, and utterly mundane.

That day began weirdly, a static kind of hum rang in Diego's ear constantly, fog covered the entire area of his small town, with a fog so thick one could barely see more than a couple steps in front of himself. And those low growls coming from somewhere within the mist.

The humming and growls stayed there for hours, Diego being a bit sick didn't leave his small apartment that day, he even fell asleep on his porcelain throne, just before the screams began.

When he woke up the ringing stopped, the fog was gone along with the growls, and so were the citizens of his town. The only things that remained from them were copious amounts of blood and their skulls. Nothing else remained. Diego's psyche broke down that day, he was found crying over a bunch of skulls near his family's home by the MTF Beta-777 task force of the SCP foundation commonly known as Hecate's Spear. Diego at first thought it was their doing so he ripped out an old street sign out of its concrete holdings and swung it at them.

The members of MTF B-777 managed to subdue him without any major injuries to Diego, and gave him an ultimatum. He could either follow them of his own free will and be contained or join them so they can use his anomalous abilities so they could prevent similar situations from happening. His choice was simple, he joined them, he spent a few years with them, learned their rules, and how they operated, and at some point, he even met one of the site directors who commended him for his duty. In the end, he was placed under the care of MTF O-45 the Street Samurais, a group that used anomalous gear as well as contained anomalous personnel within itself. Their task retrieve or neutralize high-risk anomalies, and combat against hostile Groups of Interest.

He spent a few good years with them before he was demoted to D-Class personnel, a disposable asset, a cog in the machine he once believed in, all of that because of one screw-up. He let an anomalous humanoid entity escape... Said entity looked like a regular 9-year-old girl, with twin ponytails, a cute frilly dress, and all, he didn't want to see it contained or neutralized, she reminded him of his younger sister. But no the SCP foundation wanted her. She was in fact immortal in a sense, every week her body would rewind itself back in time, to its previous state and memory...

After that he became a D-Class guy, nothing more than a prisoner to the SCP foundation experiments, thankfully or not the first experiments he was thrown in to do were survivable. The last experiment though, wasn't looking good, they wanted to make him into a new Schrodinger's cat. Placing him in a room in the room with the unkillable lizard, and feeding two reality benders contradicting information, to one that Diego couldn't die, and to the other that Diego could die from even a small poke.

Certantity became uncertainty, life became death, down became up, and in a flash of black light Diego vanished from the containment unit never to be seen again.
Current Life:
Diego woke up in his D-Class personnel clothing in some meadow, a small canteen, a pouch with some berries and roots, his old MTF SCP foundation dog tags, and a small note. The note explained to him that this was a different world than that he lived in before, there was no SCP foundation here, that he was free to live as he wanted to, and that he was granted some abilities after coming to this world as compensation, though his existence in this world began only from this point on so he had no real backing here. On the note's backside was a small hand-drawn map of the local area, with an arrow drawn in the direction of the nearest place with living beings.

As soon as Diego more or less memorized the map, it caught on fire and burned away without causing him any harm at that. So he gathered the few things he had on him and ventured in the direction the map shown, hoping someone could help him, or even for them to become his new backing in this strange new world.
Acquired Titles: [Mundane Human], [Offworlder], [Born For This],
Points at Start:
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - E
Intelligence - E
Vitality - E
Speed - F
  • Parkour - Acrobatics [F], Jumping [F], Climbing [F] Energized [F] - Efficient style of movement allowing for freedom of movement in various environments. - Grade [F] - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Vicious Takedown - Fighting Style [E], Area [F], Penetrating [F], Energized [F], Superstrength [F], Athletics [F] - Diego swings his weapon with great force penetrating the opponent with its sharp end while striking others with its wooden end. - Grade [E] - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Clothes on his back.
  • Small pouch with various berries, roots and etc [Rations].
  • A metal Canteen with clean water.
  • SCP Foundation Dog Tags.
Change Log: :
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