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Fandom Characters

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"This place has an impenetrable history. These old walls are built with older stones. Every stone has a story... But not every story has a happy ending."
-- Olive Silverlock, Gotham Academy #1
Character Information
    Important Message
    As described in the “Rules” section, characters who either are children of superheroes/supervillains or students possessing superpowers must follow strict guidelines. This RP, while set within the DC universe, explores the interactions normal high school students will have towards events that are typical to Gotham. Characters who possess superhuman abilities, intellect, and etc. therefore have the ability to trivialize plot arcs and they must be handled with care.

    However, such characters can also offer an interesting dynamic to the RP, and therefore they are not outright banned. Personal suggestions I have towards handling such characters (though other ways are welcomed) are as follows:
    • In the case of the children of superheroes/supervillains, they may inherit parental superpowers but to a minimal extent, or not at all. If they have received any form of intelligence or combat training from their parental figure, it must be basic and must not be to the extent of someone within the bat-family.
    • In the case of students possessing superpowers, they must be kept to an extreme minimum. Typically I will only allow superpowers if it is important to the character’s identity that could be used as a brief plot device, and even then I may be reluctant to say yes to a character with powers.
    Of both types of characters I have stated, I will only allow a select few of them to exist within the RP. There will be a soft cap of 4. The guidelines I have stated can be relaxed, though it is strictly based on my trust towards your ability to handle the character with care.

    Character Sheet
    Personality: (5+ sentences)
    Biography: (2+ paragraphs)
    Motivations for Joining the Detective Club:
    Skills: (Skills that separate them from other Detective Club members)
    Flaws: (Flaws that may hinder their performance in Detective Club duties)
    Sofie Vera (Pyosimros)
    Sofie comes off from interactions as a kind and energetic soul. She upholds extroverted traits and possesses a sense on insatiable curiosity for the world, often known for living in the moment. Wanderlust and curiosity are both feelings Sophie experiences frequently, and while she unfortunately cannot fulfill the first need due to academics, she can fulfill the second through the Detective Club.

    An extremely motivated individual, Sophie is a hard worker. While she doesn't possess the wits or the athletics to get ahead in life, her work ethic supports her when being compared to her pupils. Described as reckless and impulsive -- especially in her extracurricular work -- Sophie primarily relies on gut feelings and split-second decisions rather than pure logic. This occasionally works for the best, though it frequently works for the worst, which causes her to rely on the input of a second-party such as Valerie (even if her decision-making process often aligns with Sophie's).

    Her reckless and impulsive behaviour often gives a sense of urgency to her actions, which can feed into Sophie's bossy disposition. Especially seen in her Detective Club work, she can often become the individual who formulates the plans and what to prioritize based purely on how vocal she is. Sophie can be the individual to boost morale, championing her fellow members to victory. Most of these traits such as her extroversion, however, are often tools Sophie utilizes to suppress and escape qualities intrinsically connected to her being.

    Sophie can easily be categorized as an escapist; which feeds into her obsession over the latest superhero news and the lore of the strange city she resides in. She relies on temporary distractions and a continuous upbeat attitude to continue on her days, deterring herself from inner emotional insecurities. Overcompensating towards the opposite of her inner qualities whenever in the public eye, Sophie answers introversion with extroversion, self-deprecation with a slightly cocky, bossy demeanour when handling groups. Due to her rather unremarkable qualities both physically and mentally, she tries to compensate it by becoming the loudest voice in the room. Before falling into such a switch of persona, Sophie was known as a shy crybaby; falling into intense sadness whenever the smallest thing goes wrong. This duality and juggling between two behaviours can often be seen through quirks to prevent her melancholic feelings from arising, namely her habit of overreacting and overexaggerating the small details.
    Sofie was born to two wealthy gothamites, typical shady business mogul types that ruled Gotham alongside the rest of Gotham's elite. While the couple didn't involve themselves in any criminal activities per-say, they sure had a habit of capitalizing on it -- crime was good for business, something they weren't afraid to admit. They followed a method of purchasing real estate at rock-bottom prices precisely after the bat-family secured a neighbourhood, before receiving municipal grant money and flipping the home right after taxpayers foot the repair bill. It was a strategy nearly every rich gothamite in real estate took advantage of, and the Veras were no exception.

    This, understandably, resulted in an intensive negative public perception towards the Vera family, which caused Sofie to possess a rather lonely childhood. In public playgrounds to the classroom, Sophie was often picked on for her small frame and meek behaviour -- which only multiplied once the other children discovered that her family was essentially profiting off their misfortune. Homelife wasn't any better. Her parents scarcely spent quality time with their child as they focused on increasing the family fortune, leaving her to the care of various maids and caretakers. During the small opportunities Sophie did spent time with her parents, the interactions from them were artificial at best; possessing nearly no ability to interact with children. The only joy she had was reading up on the latest superhero news and imagining if she had superpowers herself. However through a chance encounter with the daughter of Commissioner Gordon, Sofie found a newfound confidence she needed.

    At the age of nine Sofie was going through a usual hard time due to her classmates, though this time someone stuck up for her. Roughing them up, to put it lightly, after the ordeal Sofie approached the slightly older girl with the intention of befriending her. Eventually the two began talking, Valerie pointing out that Sofie should stick up for herself once in a while. The event motivated Sofie to gain a newfound confidence and an admiration for the girl, even if she hasn't admitted it since befriending her.

    A few years passed and Valerie eventually graduated into highschool, which left Sofie alone once more. Though, unlike before, she managed to keep her head high and made plenty of friends through charm. As she herself graduated, Sofie entered Gotham Academy -- not from academic brilliance, but instead through her parents' bank account. With essentially all her friends proceeding towards more normal high schools, Sofie was a fish out of water with no one to hang onto.

    During her first week of school it was rather disorienting. It was her first experience living in dorms and taking care of herself and while Sofie had a nanny assigned to her, the two often scarcely interacted with each other unless necessary. Though, through word of mouth from other classmates Sofie very soon came to realize there was a familiar individual who was attending Gotham Academy: Valerie. It was initially hard to pinpoint her location, but Sofie was nonetheless dedicated in finding her. Sometime after a couple weeks, she discovered her friend was part of a softball game. Attending as a spectator, Valerie soon approached her and the two reconnected once more.

    A few months later, from the rumours of various urban myths and criminals lurking around, Sofie was both frightened and intrigued. She suggested a sort of club to Valerie in order to investigate such mysteries, to which she agreed. And with some insider knowledge of tunnels from a certain Rivera, the group unknowingly restarted a club that'd been formed many years before: the Detective Club.

    Excellent Speaker: Sofie has a knack for speaking and keeping the peace whenever situations turn tense.
    Strong-Willed: Unlike in her past, Sofie is emotionally a resilient individual, unfaltering under stressful conditions -- even if she can be a complainer at times.
    Gotham History Buff: Sofie is well-read when it comes to the history of her rather strange city, able to recall various factoids and events that've occured over the years. The usefulness of this skill is yet to be seen.
    Superhero Enthusiast: Especially on the topic of Gotham-based superheroes, Sofie has an extensive knowledge of superheroes. As with his knowledge of Gotham, the usefulness of this skill is yet to be seen.

    Frail: Sofie isn't physically the most resilient individual. She can only handle so much physical stress before caving in and retreating.
    Headstrong: She's adopted a sort stubborn attitude towards things, always believing that her way is correct.
    Not Self-Reliant: Throughout the years Sofie always needs someone to take care of her. Whether it be a friend or her parents' fortune, she hardly can be successful without someone guiding her.
    Secretive: Sofie keeps her inner being under lock and key, which often comes into conflict whenever she needs to truly connect with someone.
    Sofie is a part of the Detective Club to fulfill her curiosities and live the fantasy of being some sort of crime-stopping ghostbusting detective.


    Name: Sofie Vera
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'6"
    Sofie comes off from interactions as a kind and energetic soul. She upholds extroverted traits and possesses a sense on insatiable curiosity for the world, often known for living in the moment. Wanderlust and curiosity are both feelings Sophie experiences frequently, and while she unfortunately cannot fulfill the first need due to academics, she can fulfill the second through the Detective Club.

    An extremely motivated individual, Sophie is a hard worker. While she doesn't possess the wits or the athletics to get ahead in life, her work ethic supports her when being compared to her pupils. Described as reckless and impulsive -- especially in her extracurricular work -- Sophie primarily relies on gut feelings and split-second decisions rather than pure logic. This occasionally works for the best, though it frequently works for the worst, which causes her to rely on the input of a second-party such as Valerie (even if her decision-making process often aligns with Sophie's).

    Her reckless and impulsive behaviour often gives a sense of urgency to her actions, which can feed into Sophie's bossy disposition. Especially seen in her Detective Club work, she can often become the individual who formulates the plans and what to prioritize based purely on how vocal she is. Sophie can be the individual to boost morale, championing her fellow members to victory. Most of these traits such as her extroversion, however, are often tools Sophie utilizes to suppress and escape qualities intrinsically connected to her being.

    Sophie can easily be categorized as an escapist; which feeds into her obsession over the latest superhero news and the lore of the strange city she resides in. She relies on temporary distractions and a continuous upbeat attitude to continue on her days, deterring herself from inner emotional insecurities. Overcompensating towards the opposite of her inner qualities whenever in the public eye, Sophie answers introversion with extroversion, self-deprecation with a slightly cocky, bossy demeanour when handling groups. Due to her rather unremarkable qualities both physically and mentally, she tries to compensate it by becoming the loudest voice in the room. Before falling into such a switch of persona, Sophie was known as a shy crybaby; falling into intense sadness whenever the smallest thing goes wrong. This duality and juggling between two behaviours can often be seen through quirks to prevent her melancholic feelings from arising, namely her habit of overreacting and overexaggerating the small details.
    Sofie was born to two wealthy gothamites, typical shady business mogul types that ruled Gotham alongside the rest of Gotham's elite. While the couple didn't involve themselves in any criminal activities per-say, they sure had a habit of capitalizing on it -- crime was good for business, something they weren't afraid to admit. They followed a method of purchasing real estate at rock-bottom prices precisely after the bat-family secured a neighbourhood, before receiving municipal grant money and running off after taxpayers foot the repair bill. It was a strategy nearly every rich gothamite in real estate took advantage of, and the Veras were no exception.

    This, understandably, resulted in an intensive negative public perception towards the Vera family, which caused Sofie to possess a rather lonely childhood. In public playgrounds to the classroom, Sophie was often picked on for her small frame and meek behaviour -- which only multiplied once the other children discovered that her family was essentially profiting off their misfortune. Homelife wasn't any better. Her parents scarcely spent quality time with their child as they focused on increasing the family fortune, leaving her to the care of various maids and caretakers. During the small opportunities Sophie did spent time with her parents, the interactions from them were artificial at best; possessing nearly no ability to interact with children. The only joy she had was reading up on the latest superhero news and imagining if she had superpowers herself. However through a chance encounter with the daughter of Commissioner Gordon, Sofie found a newfound confidence she needed.

    At the age of nine Sofie was going through a usual hard time due to her classmates, though this time someone stuck up for her. Roughing them up, to put it lightly, after the ordeal Sofie approached the slightly older girl with the intention of befriending her. Eventually the two began talking, Valerie pointing out that Sofie should stick up for herself once in a while. The event motivated Sofie to gain a newfound confidence and an admiration for the girl, even if she hasn't admitted it since befriending her.

    A few years passed and Valerie eventually graduated into highschool, which left Sofie alone once more. Though, unlike before, she managed to keep her head high and made plenty of friends through charm. As she herself graduated, Sofie entered Gotham Academy -- not from academic brilliance, but instead through her parents' bank account. With essentially all her friends proceeding towards more normal high schools, Sofie was a fish out of water with no one to hang onto.

    During her first week of school it was rather disorienting. It was her first experience living in dorms and taking care of herself and while Sofie had a nanny assigned to her, the two often scarcely interacted with each other unless necessary. Though, through word of mouth from other classmates Sofie very soon came to realize there was a familiar individual who was attending Gotham Academy: Valerie. It was initially hard to pinpoint her location, but Sofie was nonetheless dedicated in finding her. Sometime after a couple weeks, she discovered her friend was part of a softball game. Attending as a spectator, Valerie soon approached her and the two reconnected once more.

    A few months later, from the rumours of various urban myths and criminals lurking around, Sofie was both frightened and intrigued. She suggested a sort of club to Valerie in order to investigate such mysteries, to which she agreed. And with some insider knowledge of tunnels from a certain Rivera, the group unknowingly restarted a club that'd been formed many years before: the Detective Club.
    Excellent Speaker: Sofie has a knack for speaking and keeping the peace whenever situations turn tense.
    Strong-Willed: Unlike in her past, Sofie is emotionally a resilient individual, unfaltering under stressful conditions -- even if she can be a complainer at times.
    Gotham History Buff: Sofie is well-read when it comes to the history of her rather strange city, able to recall various factoids and events that've occured over the years. The usefulness of this skill is yet to be seen.
    Superhero Enthusiast: Especially on the topic of Gotham-based superheroes, Sofie has an extensive knowledge of superheroes. As with his knowledge of Gotham, the usefulness of this skill is yet to be seen.
    Frail: Sofie isn't physically the most resilient individual. She can only handle so much physical stress before caving in and retreating.
    Headstrong: She's adopted a sort stubborn attitude towards things, always believing that her way is correct.
    Not Self-Reliant: Throughout the years Sofie always needs someone to take care of her. Whether it be a friend or her parents' fortune, she hardly can be successful without someone guiding her.
    Secretive: Sofie keeps her inner being under lock and key, which often comes into conflict whenever she needs to truly connect with someone.
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    Valerie Gordon (coconut)
  • [script class=bigimage on=mouseenter] addClass selected bigimage fadeIn 600 hoverimg[/script] [script class=bigimage on=mouseleave] addClass selected bigimage fadeOut 800 hoverimg[/script] [div class="bigimage" style="height:100%;width:350px;background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6b/97/23/6b97230b686f47cc6348f765561188a4.jpg);background-size:110%;background-position:50% 30%;filter: saturate(90%) contrast(100%);position:relative;top:0px;left:0px"] [div class="hoverimg" style="display:none;height:100%;width:350px;background-image:url(http://i65.tinypic.com/2qco2s4.jpg);background-size:110%;background-position:40% 30%;"]
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    1. marked by lack of proper caution : careless of consequences.
    Daughter of Police Comissioner, James Gordon

    Name_Valerie “Blake” Gordon
    Age_18 (senior)


    Eye Colour_Brown Eyed
    Hair colour_Dark brown, short cut bob
    Extras_Has a beauty mark on her left cheek.


    Valerie is a straightforward person, though this often ends up as her being blunt; she has the tendency to say what she thinks regardless of who she's talking to. Blake chafes somewhat against rules and authority, which appeals to her intense love of personal freedom. She is quite adventurous and can be prone to recklessness at times. She’s also a pretty easy-going with a good sarcastic wit, and an irreverence about pretty much everything. Blake is also very open; ask her anything, and she’ll give you a decent reply. She has no need to hide anything or to avoid certain topics, which is why you can read her like a book. Valerie’s pretty open with her emotions as well, and will never hesitate to tell people how she feels. As she is so open and accepting, you'll find it quite easy to trust her with your deepest darkest secrets. If you tell her anything, she'll for sure keep it to herself. She wouldn't ever intentionally go around gossiping about the things people have told her.

    However, she is incredibly sensitive when it comes to her loved ones and will anger incredibly quickly should one insult, hurt, or otherwise cross them. When truly angered, Valerie will drop all semblance of emotion from her face in cold rage. If you use her, trick her or in any way hurt her, don't expect her to forgive you that easily. She is a master of the arts of holding grudges, and will probably spend an unnecessary amount of her time loathing people. It is incredibly difficult to snap her out of it, the only bodies currently able to do it being the people she adores themselves. As such, it is quite fortunate that this is a fairly rare event.

    Biography: Valerie lives with her single parent father after her mother died shortly while giving birth to the lovely soul. She has strived to be the greatest since then, as a token to her mother; the child believes that serving justice to those that need reminding, being true to herself and her family, and generally being the best that she could be would be enough to suffice for the lose of her mother. The name Blake developed due to her antics of being a superhero like the rumours of the one that roams the very city she lived in, thus she believed that Blake was the most badass name there ever was. Her dad—James Gordon, Police Comissioner of Gotham’s Police Depatment, encouraged the kid to be able to be the best of the best. Sure he couldn’t be there physically all the time—considering the responsibility of being a male single parent of a growing daughter was difficult enough on top of the work load— he at least desperately tried to get her exposed to everything. He made her do sports since a young age, introduced her to different subjects and books she may like, and even treated her for her success. Valerie knew her dad was trying his very best regardless of their situation, and she thoroughly appreciated it.

    The child soon entered highschool just barely turning 14, and as exposed to the most idiotic system of cliques. She HATED the overly common stereotypes for friend groups, athletes and the bookworms. It felt like she was in High School Musical, but a terrible bootleg of it. For the first year, she couldn’t tolerate most of the people there; it was an unbearable mess of angst, sweat, and complaints. She mainly stuck her head in the after school sports sessions, featuring a variety of track, volleyball, dragon-boat racing and softball. It wasn’t until the very beginning of sophomore year, where Valerie was met with a peculiarly familiar face. Blake’s name had started to grow very popular around the school considering her became very notable for her athletics—as well as for her experience in history and geo. She soon came to realise that BLANKITY BLANK (thanks a lot pyo) had also joined the school. Not knowing that her old childhood friend had been in the same school as her, she soon approached the girl after the end of her softball game (which they won of course). BLANK and Val spoke for a while, and began to easily slip back into the friendship they once had together. It was great; highschool didn’t seem as bad anymore now that Val wasn’t fully alone.

    A few months into the sophomore year, the crime within the city had reached an all time high; practically there was a new mystery every two weeks, and father grew even busier than before. This sparked the idea for BLANKETT to create the crime fighting, mystery solving, unstoppable club that they have present day. Of course, Valerie said yes; why wouldn’t she? It was her dream to solve mysteries like her dad—if not, alongside him.

    Motivations for Joining the Detective Club:
    Ever since Valerie was a little kid, she dreamed of being like her father after watching him expand his capabilities over the years as both a responsible single father and a exceptional role model for her and the Gotham community. She wishes that she could grow up to be just as motivational, inspiring and independent like her dad, and the first step was understanding how to get your clues and know your facts.

    Blake is extremely strong and feisty for her appearance, due to the amounts of sport, gym and boxing training she has done within her life. Her bravery and recklessness also helps most times as it allows her to not back down from a fight. She is more than capable of fending for herself and her peers. She also is extremely well with identifying the problem and finding clues that potentially link to them; a trait she thankfully inherited from her father.

    Blake is EXTREMELY hot-tempered; anything that she does not like will be made known to you... very aggressively. Because of this, she tends to not be able to be as communicative as she would like to be, but that doesn’t mean that she still isn’t open. Valerie also tends to be reckless as stated before but because of this trait, it makes her unable to perform at her best; i.e. she can sometimes almost Saratoga a plan with her actions if she really doesn’t think about it for a moment.


    coded by coconut]
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    Cassidy Rivera (macrombie)
  • [class name=cassidyriverapicture] background-image: url(https://carpathianbasin.com/image/117493-full_my-made-up-anime-character-anime-amino.jpg); background-position: top; border-radius: 90px; border: 2px solid #78d852; height: 150px; width: 150px; margin: auto; [/class] [class name=cassidyriverabox] background: transparent; height: 200px; width: 350px; padding: 5px; margin: auto; [/class] [class name=cassidyriverabox] background: transparent; height: 250px; width: 350px; padding: 5px; margin: auto; [/class] [class name=cassidyriveragif] background-image: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/315811639/original.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top; width: 340px; height: 130px; [/class] [class name=cassidyriveragif2] background-image: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/315811639/original.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; width: 340px; height: 130px; [/class] [class name=cassidyriveragif3] background-image: url(https://data.whicdn.com/images/315811639/original.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; width: 340px; height: 130px; [/class] [class=tabs] background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 8px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; margin: auto; min-width: 150px; text-align: center; width: 50%; [/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding: 10px 0; width: 33%; transition: all 0.3s ease; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] color: #78d852; transition: all 0.5s ease; letter-spacing: 0.5px [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} appearance) (show tabsContentappearance) if (eq ${currentTab} indepth) (show tabsContentindepth) if (eq ${currentTab} extra) (show tabsContentextra) [/script] [div class=cassidyriverapicture][/div][div class=cassidyriverabox]
    [div class=tabs][div class=tab]appearance[/div][div class=tab]indepth[/div][div class=tab]extra[/div][/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentappearance"]
    [div class=cassidyriveragif]

    Standing at a good height of 5 ft 8, Cassidy isn’t short but he can’t be qualified as a coat-hanger either. His build is
    quite modest and average, if a bit on the skinny (boney) side, which will probably change as his growth halts.
    Cassidy has neither a weak nor a particularly strong constitution, even if he got signed off P.E. by virtue of some
    ‘sickness’. On a face with a surprisingly sharp jaw, he has a pair of doe-shaped, hazel green eyes. Freckles dust
    most of his face and neck, along with his hands (all the way up to his elbows). His thick, short, chestnut-brown hair
    goes through light styling every morning, as Cassidy routinely pushes it to the side with a bit of pomade.
    To school he often comes with his sleeves rolled up, regardless of the garment he is wearing- jacket, button-up, or
    cardigan (all oversized). He prefers the black button ups and blue slacks of the outfits the school provides. A
    statement piece of his is a pair of Ever Important Sunglasses- the meaning behind him wearing these differs
    exponentially with his fathers’ personal reasons, it’s not to cover anything up- rather, more of a way to honor a
    beloved memory of his late dad. Despite being a very casual person, Cassidy will insist on dress shoes when at
    school- he would be caught dead wearing sneakers with a suit.
    Outside of school Cassidy wears a great variety of printed merch tees and hoodies of his favorite bands, TV shows,
    and video games. He is a very comfy dresser- but can really clean himself up when he has to. His transformation
    from slouched bedhead to a neat boy with slicked back hair is almost alarming, (the staggering difference is seen
    mostly at school formals and big presentations) even if it only happens once upon a blue moon (probably to assure
    his mother that she has nothing to worry about when it comes to her beloved son).
    Over all Cassidy gives off the vibes of someone who only cares how he presents himself when he really has to, and
    his love for comfort will only be sacrificed in very special circumstances.

    [/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentindepth" style="display: none;"]
    [div class=cassidyriveragif2]

    Cassidy normally doesn't stick out in school and even outside of it that much, to an unassuming person. Often he projects
    an air of cool cadence and tries to appear calm and hardworking, if a bit comical. This isn't really an act, but at his core Cassidy isn’t a lot like he attempts to make hinself appear. His main drive can be considered his curiosity and pride, when his interest is
    piqued Cassidy will go to great lengths to get information and satisfy his urges for knowledge. He is also almost
    sinfully proud, of himself and his accomplishments (even if he doesn’t have much under his belt), and this makes him
    easily irritable when he is judged and insulted. Despite disliking being judged, Cassidy himself is a bit too quick to
    form opinions about others. He views himself as an intellectual, and likes to make assumptions- he will however,
    yield if enough proof/arguments are thrown at his face that make sense to him (keyword is make sense to him- he
    can be unreasonable, and often this only happens after he is given enough time to think).
    Often his fellow students who deal with him describe him as a ‘snake’, probably because he is one of the ‘smuggler’
    students who sell contraband on campus (such as some fireworks, alcohol if he’s lucky, and cheat-sheets for classes),
    and he often overprices his goods- because he knows people will buy. Because of his reputation (as well as his actual
    outwardly attitude), he is often viewed as untrustworthy and disloyal- even if it isn’t too much of the truth.
    Cassidy also has a certain possessiveness to him and his, as instilled by his mother from an early age. ‘What’s best for
    me and mine, what’s fair for everyone else.’, and because of this he is easily made jealous and whatnot. Cassidy
    when he loves- loves fiercely and protectively, and is willing to go to extremes, such as enact revenge for his friends
    in ways that are less than nice (that they never asked for).
    He doesn’t think much about paragons or heroes, and is quite sour and disillusioned with the world. A jaded kid who
    really has no reason to be such a cynic. Cassidy has a perchance for pretending to be something far more mysterious
    and ‘cool’ than he actually is- at heart he is far more of a geek with a passion for answering his questions, and chilling
    while hanging around with people he cares about.

    Cassidy Rivera was born to former Detective Club member Colton Rivera and his wife Alexandra Rivera (nee Powers)
    who used to be a Gotham socialite before running away to elope. His little sister Victory was born a year after
    Cassidy and he is very protective of her- even if he doesn’t act like it. He so far lead a rather cushy home life in a
    large three-story house, his dad missing for the most part due to his job (and while Colton was around, he spent
    most of his time with his younger child anyways); while he was gone his mother taught him things such as etiquette
    and manners, which Cassidy pretends to hate with a burning passion but the habits drilled into him are always
    apparent (straight back, well-polished shoes, a general tidy appearance, etcetra).
    Cassidy was a ‘smart’ child but he was never a prodigy, and as such he sometimes feels inadequate due to not really
    living up to his parent’s praise. This is mostly bullshit and he knows at- so he tries to ignore the inferiority he feels.
    He travelled a bit for a kid- but mostly around America to cities like Metropolis and whatnot, besides one trip to
    Venice- it was actually just his mother dragging her kids around to see new places while his dad was working.
    Cassidy’s father died when he was fourteen years old, Cassidy cried a lot but otherwise dealt with it in a pretty
    healthy manner. His sister on the other hand, a bit less so- she was always a Daddy’s girl in contrast to Cassidy’s
    Mommy’s boy, and due to this she still didn’t quite recover from her grief yet. Colton Rivera died under mysterious
    circumstances (that no one really cares to uncover- including Cassidy), and in death he left Cassidy his sunglasses, a
    (rather expensive) wristwatch, and a pair of keys to what was described as a renovated RV located in the Swamps
    behind Gotham Academy. He is studying in the Academy for his second year now- a sophomore (following in his
    dad’s footsteps). He is used to the school and knows it well enough to sneak out on weekdays out of his dorm room.
    He mostly does that to hang out in his RV with his pals until sunset, which Cassidy always regrets as he sleeps
    through his lectures- at least the cheat-sheets he makes come in handy!
    Cassidy's life was routine until Valerie 'Blake' Gordon dragged his ass into the Detective Club, and he found himself surrounded by intrigue and new people since then (besides! his dad had pictures of the Club in an album that Victory snatched - Cassidy himself had only seen it once).

    Following in his father’s footsteps(?), Curiosity(?), Boredom(?), New friends(?)

    [/div][div class="tabsContent tabsContentextra" style="display: none;"]
    [div class=cassidyriveragif3]

    - Cassidy is surprisingly apt at making forgeries of documents- Such as homework, report cards, and doctor’s
    notes (he freed himself from ever having to do P.E. with this). His forgeries extend outside of paperwork
    however- and Cassidy also has rudimentary hacking skills- he can’t crack the Pentagon or anything but he
    can totally get into the neighboring WI-FI router, tinker with the school grading database for a bit and log-in
    as someone else on social media.
    - He also is shockingly good at household stuff like sewing and cooking, and his clean and neat RV-home
    proves it! The bed is always made and he cooks for his friends often. This also brings us to Cassidy’s
    knowledge of the Gotham Academy tunnels- he doesn’t know them well but he can sneak out to his RV in
    any given ten minutes. His RV is not quite a skill- but something that Cassidy doesn’t mind using as an asset
    for the Club- provided that everyone wipes their fucking shoes before stepping inside! He just mopped the
    - Thanks to his sneaking out, Cassidy can easily go outside the school, and because of this he goes to buy shit -
    often with the money that he gets from his shady (or as shady as snobby school children can be) dealings.
    Cassidy can provide goods and resources to the team, from fireworks to pocket knifes to cigarettes (all of
    which he got delivered to other people for quick cash before).
    - He is surprisingly well versed in socialite stuff- from playing the piano to how to hold which fork for what
    course of the meal- this is mostly thanks to his mother’s training. However, he will refuse to show any of
    these teachings unless it’s really important- he really hates cleaning himself up for occasions as is!

    - Cassidy likes poking at things thanks to his curious and slightly risk-taking nature! He likes to figure out how
    people tick, and as such often relies on small pranks and insults to amuse himself- but he tries to not be too
    petty (keywords, too petty, keyword, tries).
    - He can be quick to assume and is stubborn in his opinions- He will probably deny he is wrong, or even
    bullheadedly disagree that he is wrong even if it’s staring him in the face- all in order to avoid defeat.
    However, given time, if he understands that he was incorrect- he will come around. He is unreasonably
    stubborn but he isn’t completely unreasonable.
    - Trust issues, Cassidy doesn’t have those, other people have them with him! His joking cynical nature and
    multiple detentions from sneaking out earned him a reputation that proceeds him in many ways. Teachers
    don’t like him (save for a saintly few) and students will always be wary of what he says- which makes him a
    rather annoying person to send out for things like convincing and getting help.
    - His little sister is a sore-spot, and his relationship with her is less than good at the moment (she is upset at
    how despite being their dad’s favorite, most of his items after death went to Cassidy rather than her). If
    anyone does anything to Victory, Cassidy will snap. It’s similar, if not as extreme when it comes to his closest

    thinking in a bad way, losing your grip
    screaming at my face, baby, don't trip
    looking at you sideways, party's on tilt
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    Jae-Jax Parker (Camy0nce)
  • [class=wrap] position:relative; //allows everything to work// [/class] [class=Img] border:0px SOLID slategrey; border-radius:0px; line-height:none; Float:left; text-align:left; Z-index:1; //the image border// [/class] [class=Info] Background-color:WHITE; border:0PX; width:320px; Height:320px; border-radius:0px; padding:5px; z-index:1; Opacity:0.0; transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in 0.5s; //the dark grey box// //starts off transparent// [/class] [class name=Info state=hover] Opacity:1; transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in 0.5s; //allows the box to fade in when a cursor points over it// [/class] [div class=wrap][div class=Img]

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    Jae-Jax Parker

    Age 16

    Gender Male

    Height 170 cm


    "Clueless because I haven't found the clue."

    Appearance: Standing at a below average height of 5'7'', Jae-Jax may be shorter than most, but he does make up for it in other aspects of his appearance- at least according to his family. With light-brown hair, deep brown eyes, a charming smile, solid frame, and soft complexion, makes him "The most handsome boy in all of Gotham", according to his mother. Jae-Jax in school is usually seen with a black bomber jacket covering some sort of t-shirt with a basic design and jeans. Outside of school, that's when he breaks out his collection, dressing to impress, tee's, Jordans, nice jackets, jeans, and accessories. The one thing he never leaves home without his is a silver ring, inscribed with (Jae in Korean) his one tie to family in Korea.

    Personality: Jae-Jax, is one with "The Gift of the Gab" he can talk and talk and talk for hours on end if he so wanted to, but- out of respect he tends not to- just don't get him relied up on something he's passionate about and then, you'll see the Gab. He is loud, energetic, and adventurous, with his love for music, how could he not be? He's quite intelligent too, despite being quite clueless and having a habit of wandering off mentally, he still can ace tests and recover in a conversation if he spaces out. He loves to write and read, so you can find him sometimes doing one of the two. Jae is a dreamer and he's got a lot of dreams, he loves to travel, mainly to places with the ocean. Jae-Jax is loyal to his friends and to his family, and while not the best man in charge, he is a great right-hand man, being able to lend an ear, give advice, or get his hands dirty when the time calls for it.
    Jae's main weakness is him not being able to express what he's thinking emotionally or at all when it comes to himself, his dreams, hopes, wishes, and some minor things he can vent about? Those are fine, he has no trouble with that- but its the big stuff he has trouble expressing, family problems, relationships, questions about himself, and a few other things, Jae can just never seem to find the words or the way to express it to those listening, which is why he usually doesn't share said thoughts or make any mention to them, despite the fact that is quite obvious when the teen is spacing out.

    History: Born in Gotham to an American father and a Korean Mother, on September 14, 2002. His name comes from his parents not being able to decide whether he should have a Korean or an American first name, so they settled on Jae-Jax. Jae is the second oldest in the family, behind his sister Kim, and older than his other sisters, Kei and Alice. At an early age Jae grew an interest in music and learned to play Violin, Piano, and a little bit of flute, along with singing because- why not? He was and still is a great student, a great test taker and usually sits towards the top of the class rankings- even if it doesn't seem like it. Jae has relationship issues with his mother and father, his mother due to her wish to be involved in everything that Jae does and him not having much say in doing what he wants, and his father due to his busy work schedule and him not being around the house for long. Despite all of that though, Jae loves his family for everything, because even if they don't get along, they still support him.
    His oldest sister (Kim) is currently attending a college in Korea, Kei is just in elementary school, and Alice is in pre-school, leaving him usually with the big brother role with Kim away. The one thing Jae treasures is a silver ring with his name in Korean etched in it, a gift from Kim and the extended family in Korea, Jae is the only child who has not made it to Korea yet, so its one piece of home that isn't home.
    Currently, Jae is a sophomore, shockingly, and coming back to Gotham Academy, joining up with the rest of the gang, his wish is to either attend school in Korea or just somewhere that isn't Gotham when college comes a knocking on the door- but hey, he's still got a while to go!

    Reason(s) For Joining: Jae wants a sense of freedom and something that he can do to not coming home to a screaming mother all the time. He wants to do something more, something bigger than him to spread his wings and fly.

    Skills/Notable Abilities: Jae is a musician, with the ability to play quite a few instruments. He is quite smart and able to lend a helping hand when it is needed. Also, while not a leader, as mentioned earlier he's a great right-hand man when it comes to it, being able to assist with any cause! If he agrees with it of course. Again, because of his naturally friendly personality, he's a charmer and usually easy to make friends with- and get out of trouble when the time calls for it, an almost silver tongue if you will!
    Flaws: Jae has a horrible habit of zoning out and doing on a different loop in his mind, and while yes he can come back and generally figured out what he missed, he has a habit of doing it during important moments. Jae's wish for freedom sometimes clouds his mind and he doesn't make the best choices. And finally, that almost silver tongue isn't one hundred percent effective. And the worse of all... Sandals

    Credit to peachuu peachuu for the code UwU
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    Daniella Grayson (sitanomoto)
  • Name: Daniella (Danni) Grayson

    Gender: Female

    She gets her red hair from her mother, whom she has never met. Dick doesn't talk about her.

    Age (14-18): 16

    Height: 5'11 1/2

    Year: 11

    Danni has a sense of fashion, sure, but she hardly uses it. When not wearing her uniform, She can usually be seen wearing a t-shirt (sometimes with designs, sometimes just plain grey/black/white, but always soft and comfy) a pair of Jeans or sweatpants, and a pair of grey or black fingerless gloves. In-uniform, she opts for the pants option that would normally be boy's wear, adds a pair of fingerless gloves, and a loose tie.
    She usually either wears her hair down or in a low ponytail.

    Danni's a sucker for action, but it has to be the right kind of action. She's a lawful good, but at some times, when her idea of what's right doesn't fit the actual rules, then she doesnt hesitate to do what she feels is morally right.

    A friendly but also sometimes Shy person (when faced with a cute boy), she's not hesitant to make friends with the outcast and defend those who are being bullied.
    She's also a genius, and gets straight A's.

    Bio (paragraph minimum):
    Despite having an active hero as a father, Danni never had "daddy issues." Dick took good care of her. They ate dinner together as often as possible, home-cooked meals or outings to the local mom'n'pop diner.
    He spent quality down time with her at the Gotham Park. They talked about anything and everything (except Danni's mom, but Danni stopped being curious about her mother after a while). He taught her how to swim, and helped her with homework as often as she needed it. Danni put on movies and Dick would make popcorn, and the two would share a blanket with the lights off while the movie played out.
    Despite their close relationship, Dick never stopped thinking that she should stay out of the trouble that he regularly got himself into.....

    Which she didn't.

    Against her Father's wishes, she learned Judo, Jujitsu, Tae Kwan Do, and boxing, as well as became a chemical, mathematical, and political genius. She took Gymnastics classes, practically ate up the news, solved puzzles that sometimes even he couldn't solve, learned how to use a bo staff, and pushed herself to her own physical limits in endurance and strength. However, when she asked him to join him in the field, he refused. He didn't want to put his little girl in danger. The first time she asked and he said no, they had an argument and Danni locked herself in her room until the next morning. Every time after that, it's been more casual, but the tense feeling in the air after she pops the question lingers for a long while.
    Danni hasn't stopped asking Dick about a chance to prove herself, and despite his firm, repetitive answer, she keeps looking for ways to do so anyway.

    Reason for Joining the Detective Club:
    To prove to her Father that she can be out in the field, and be good at it. Also, it sounds like a good way to make friends, which she loves.

    Her father
    Sports (Mainly Swimming and Waterpolo)
    French fries
    Fingerless gloves

    Bad guys
    being told "No"
    Low-cut shirts
    Crop tops
    Losing, but she's a good sport about it

    Multi-Language Mastery
    Extreme sports (skydiving included)

    Loyal to a fault: Danni isn't afraid to throw herself headfirst at whatever is threatening those who she has deemed as friends or family, and this can get her into trouble. She would rather get hurt herself than watch people she cares about get hurt, and if faced with a "do this or your friend dies" situation, she literally would not hesitate to do whatever "this" is, even if it is in entire juxtaposition with her moral compass.
    A bit of a know it all: she doesn't mean to be rude, but extensive knowledge of a lot of usually useless facts is a bane when it comes to trying to make friends.
    Hot headed: Normally, Danni let's insults to her slide right off like water off of a duck's back. However, insult her family --the BAT family, that is-- and you'll be faced with a terrifying red whirlwind of anger and vindication. The same thing goes with her friends.
    Stubborn: Once she makes a decision, the Grayson girl is hard-pressed to change her mind. It's practically impossible to get her to do something else whenever she has made up her mind about what she's going to do. However, there are exceptions to this rule (see loyalty).
    Afraid of failure: Danni will do everything she can to make sure a plan goes smoothly. Whether it's homework, or a test, or a scheme or goal, Danni's fear of failure is the thing that drives her to be better-than-perfect. This doesn't mean she's a bad sport, though. After all, losing to an opponent in sports or a game of cards/boardgame/video game is different than outright failing at something.

    *Powers (minor powers please): None to speak of.
    Oddly high alcohol tolerance, but this hasn't ever been tested.​
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    Zachary Vanceroy (Zer0_)

  • Zachary "Zach" Vanceroy



    Name: Zachary “Zach” Vanceroy
    Zach isn’t the most basic looking guy out there.
    He’s about 5’7, but always tells everyone he’s 5’8, as he is embarrassed about his “small height”.
    He has light hazel eyes, thick and oddly straight eyebrows.
    Although he is this archetype “bad boy”, he has a “2nd face” he doesn’t show to anyone at all.
    He cares way too much about his personal appearance and other peoples opinions about him.
    He has medium length black messy hair, which looks almost perfect 24/7, mainly because he takes too much care of it, and restyles it every time he has the chance, little to no acne/pimples, due to him stealing and using his moms moisturizer and other face cleaning products.
    His body structure is a little more built and refined than the average, because he loves working out in his garage with his dads old exercise machines.
    Zach overdresses often, which isn’t very surprising, as he is very fond of fashion, and style.Leather jackets, hoodies, overcoats, scarves, ripped jeans, you name it, he has it. But in the end, he does prefer to keep his stereotypical “bad boy” look.



    Zach Vanceroy, the “bad boy”.
    Everyone knows him and who he is, and Zach feels proud of that. As soon as he steps onto campus, it’s all eyes on him, and he loves it.
    He hates the school uniform, therefore he often tries to spice it up a little, you’ll often see him wearing jeans, and leather jackets instead of trousers and blazers.
    He has a Harley Davidson motorbike, which he loves to death! He goes everywhere with it, school, parties, the store around the corner?He doesn’t let ANYONE use it! He might give a few of his friends a ride home, but other then that, no one touches his baby.
    Zach isn’t the best in school, which he is very often reminded of. He’s not proud of it, and can do better, but yet again, it’ll ruin his reputation.But he excels in P.E, which isn’t very surprising. Other than that, he doesn’t like the other subjects, and he skips them often.
    His parents aren’t very proud of his behavior, but what can you say. Once a bad boy, always a bad boy.
    Surprisingly he doesn’t have many friends at school.Which is odd, because who wouldn’t wanna be friends with the coolest guy on campus?
    He does have many girls after him, he pretends he hates it, but deep inside, he loves it.
    Zach’s denied most of their offers to date them, he thinks dating is stupid, which is odd for his age..

    Zach came from a very wealthy family. Both his parents have very high-paying jobs. His mother owns a very fancy cafe, which has amazing food, but also very high prices. Sometimes Zach comes over and eats lunch there, he loves the food. He might even bring some of his friends over, which his mom doesn’t like much, but it’s ok.
    His father however, is a drug dealer. He’s been in the business since he was 16, he’s not proud of it, but it pays good. Zach doesn’t know this, because his father told him he works as a CEO of some business or something.
    Zach is the only child, which he always liked. More Christmas presents for him, he gets all the attention, and he gets quite an allowance from his parents.
    He was always a troublemaker however. He loved getting into fights in primary school, he was the toughest kid there.
    But he was suspended multiple times, countless detentions, and all sorts of stuff like that. Once, he hit a kid over the head with a rock, the poor fella almost died, and Zach was super scared and sorry for it.Ever since that happened, he tried getting in less fights, with the fear of killing his opponent.
    Zach ran away from home a lot when he was in middle school. Zach is now at the age where he would argue with his parents often, and he doesn't like listening to them. He would usually crash over at his friends house for a few nights, before his parents find out and come over to pick him up.



    Zach tries too hard to be a bad boy, but it suits him, and he knows it.
    The kid’s very laid back, and doesn’t care too much.
    He gets excited when someone mentions doing some reckless/illegal stuff. Stealing, graffiti, smoking, he’s done it all, and doesn’t regret it.
    But when he’s alone, and has nothing else to do, Zach loves reading books and drawing.He’s very calm, and soft, when left alone. He doesn’t tell anyone this though, because he thinks it would ruin his reputation, as “the coolest kid on campus”

    Zach was dragged into the Detective club by Cassidy, and now isn't leaving because he thinks it's actually kind of cool.

    Excellent driver
    Well spatial awareness
    Good attention span

    Not the best in problem solving
    Avoids physical altercations

    coded my macrombie c:
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    Melody Day (CasualDragon)
  • 4ffbef60f7b102ad1b2b42640df0c8f6.jpg

    Name: Melody Day

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Bisexual

    Height: 152.4 cm (5 feet on the dot)

    Personality: Melody is the absolute definition of 'no fear'. Maybe it's the ADHD or maybe it's from living the majority of her life in Gotham City. She's not one to back down from anything and if challenged by anyone she, most likely, will go through with it. She's stubborn, and when she has an idea set in her head she likes to follow through with it... although she can sometimes be convinced with a snack to let something go. On that note, she can be bribed rather easy to do something that she may not necessarily want to do, or if the bribe is big enough in her eyes, she'll not go through with something she wanted to do. Her ADHD occasionally leads to quick changes in conversation and short attention span.

    People can sometimes find her to be a bit much between the almost non-stop chatter, the constant fidgeting, and her willingness to do something dumb for the sole reason that she can. She loves being in front of people and has a love for the dramatics. A major flaw is that she can't read other people very well. Unless someone outright states that they're mad with her she won't be able to tell. She hates debating because she can never tell when a debate has become a fight, or if it hasn't become a fight but she thinks it has. A short attention span means that others may have to repeat things a few times before she gets it. She has no issues showing affection to her friends, but also can be quick to playfully tease them. Though she may not always see the line between playful and potentially hurting someone's feelings. She appreciates honesty though and likes when people tell her that she's gone too far. She is quite boyish. She'll wear her uniforms rumpled, opt for pants over a skirt or dress any day, and has never been very interested in stereotypically girly things.

    Biography: Born and raised in Gotham City, Melody considers herself a true Gothamite. Bad experiences and all. Melody, from birth, has had incredibly horrible luck. Living in Gotham has led to her being kidnapped, held hostage, stabbed, shot at and many bruises and broken bones from falling from too high of places, or even once from sticking her left foot in her right pant leg while going down some stairs and falling. She fractured her leg at that time. Her penchant for bad luck has never deterred her from loving the city she was raised in or from doing things that may lead to further injury. She's an only child but her parents never overly spoiled her.


    Her parents have tried on many occasions to dissuade her from the lifestyle of thrill-seeking but no amount of bartering, bribing, or punishment could strip her away from that. Eventually, her loving parents stopped trying to dissuade her from that path and enrolled her into snowboarding and downhill skiing classes. Developing a love of thrilling situations her parents furthered their daughter's unique interests by... enroling her in Gotham Academy. They hoped she would be able to develop her people skills. Melody wasn't happy at first starting at the new school. It had a whole bunch of rich kids and she didn't feel like she fit in. But she soon did and found that the drama classes at the school were quite enticing. She doesn't have a whole ton of friends. She can never tell when she's getting too hyper over something so people tend to stay away to not have to deal with it.

    Motivations for Joining the Detective Club: Action, adventure, life-threatening situations, making friends. How could she not be enticed by the Detective Club!

    - Very few fears. Her parents have no idea where this trait came from, but she doesn't seem to be afraid of a lot of things. Send her into the dark with no light, put her somewhere up high with no safety, she'll pick up snakes and spiders and barely bat an eye. In situations that scare most people, she gets a shot of adrenaline and leaps into action.
    - Drama nerd. She can act pretty well and, though she doesn't like to use this a lot, can be quite good at telling lies.
    - Extreme sports fan. Melody knows how to snowboard and downhill ski. She hopes to learn more cool skills like martial arts, skateboarding, and surfing in the future.
    - Can patch people up. She has some first aid knowledge and can do some first aid stuff ranging from cleaning wounds, sewing stitches, resetting dislocated bones (though she would probably suggest a hospital before she took it upon herself to do this) and a few other things. She's not scared of blood so she doesn't mind.

    - Lack of social graces. She cannot read people. She just assumes everyone is happy and fine until really expressed otherwise.
    - Lack of focus. She finds it hard to focus on things for long periods of time. This leads to her being easily distracted.
    - Not the most studious. Her inabilities to focus lead to her having troubles in the classroom. She struggles to sit still and listen for the whole class. In turn, she has a hard time studying. She doesn't have the best grades because of this, but she does try.

    ((Images belong to lesly.oh on Instagram))
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    Seon-Hui Eden Mun (crucialstar)


    Name: Mun, Seon-Hui Eden
    Nickname: Soo-Ah, Seona, Luna
    Age: Sixteen ( Junior )
    Gender: Female

    Height: 152cm
    Eye color: Ocean Blue
    Hair color: Platinum blonde - blonde
    Distinguishing features: A birthmark behind her ear and a scar on her wrist
    Tattoos | Piercings | Etc: A pair of ear-piercing, has spectacles


    Marching to the beat of her own drums, Seona believes that everything happens for a reason and has a positive outlook on life. Rarely one to be disheartened or find herself losing hope, Seona is the epitome of a motivator and hard-worker. Her first and foremost priority is to always take responsibility for her actions. She isn't one to quickly rush into a fight or go head in first into obstacles but rather, she thinks on her toes and uses her cleverness to help her. Seona is curious and quite adventurous but is reasonable when it comes to experimenting. However, there are times she may lose her sense of time and get distracted when she's working on her hobbies. Seona would definitely need to be dragged away from her workspace when she's too engrossed. At the same time, Seona takes all and every insult with a grain of salt and finds no offense when she's subjugated to being an "oddball" or "eccentric" for people's taste and liking. She only needs her parent's approval and rarely finds herself bothering herself with other people's prejudice. Seona is confident in her own skin and who she is to worry about other people's opinion of her. Seona is a loyal friend and would support her friends no matter what, being someone to comfort or just silently listen to them. She appreciates the simple things in life.

    However, on the other hand, Seona doesn't understand social cues as often and may come off as socially awkward, especially in sarcasm and round-about ways to insult her. She is quite book-smart but, street smart, she's quite naive and clueless, giving others the benefit of a doubt to take advantage of her kindness. Despite being brilliant in her studies, she is easily distracted, finding the next best thing to work on once she finished her project. She doesn't mind reading, however, she tends to get bored at just seeing words and likes hands-on activities that can not only stimulate her mind but her need to do something. At the same time, because Seona would rather see the good in situations and people, she runs away from her own problems and feelings. She's an escapist at heart and tends to distract herself with her favorite activities and hobbies. When angered, frustrated, or flustered, Seona tends to keep to herself, withdrawing away, and finds herself hiding away from the world for a moment to recuperate, not wanting to send bad energy and vibes into the world. Rarely one to yell at others, Seona is patient and has a good head on her shoulders, however, she can be easily influenced into helping her friends, even if it means getting in trouble and getting blamed for it. She doesn't mind rules, but, at times, she may break them herself due to her inquisitive nature of I wonder what would happen if. . . and she does it.

    Vices: inquisitive, superstitious, easily distracted, gullible
    Virtues: kind-hearted, generous, adventurous, hard-working

    Likes: star-gazing, vintage and old-fashioned items and aesthetics, Bands, all shades of green and pastel colours, animals, experimenting, fashion, diys
    Dislikes: rules, chaotic messes, unnecessary violence, negative energy, bend paper, stepping on cracks, stretching and gym that requires her to climb a rope or anything with heights, walking home without any lamplight, being alone, the dark


    It was a cold and winter night and like many others who lived in the poor-er areas of Gotham, it was dark and dreary. However, for the Mun family, the winter solstice was one of the better, happier time as it was the time Seon-Hui Mun was born. With an affinity to the moon, thanks to the family's namesake, Seon-Hui was raised being called by "Luna", mostly by her parents and her neighbors. However at school, she was called "Seona" or rather, that's what she believed she was being called despite it actually being "loony". Nevertheless, growing up, Seona's life wasn't miserable but it wasn't great, but she couldn't complain. She had a warm and loving family despite their financial stability. Her brother, on the other hand, was her exact opposite, being born during the summer solstice. Each day was a struggle to survive, especially for her father and mother who did all they could to provide for the family. Nevertheless, the Mun family supported each other and the small neighborhood in which they lived provided comforts and reassurance that they were good enough and alive, at leas their neighbors had each other's back.

    Seona grew up grateful for the life she had and never complained. But, it wasn't until one fateful night did Seona find herself breaking down. Thankfully, one of her childhood friends: Dean had been around or she wouldn't know what would have happened. Since then, Dean taught her how to fend for herself, especially since it was just them against those who wouldn't bat an eyelash if they were gone. Time seemed to pass and her brother Il-seong and Dean moved on and went into high school together. The three were inseparable for two years in highshcool until Seona found herself competing in a competition where high school students could enter in science fair.

    In the end, Seona won and found herself receiving a scholarship to enter Gotham Academy. At first she didn't want to go and her brother had been envious of Seona's opportunity while Dean was more than supportive. But, with her parent's blessing and finally her brother who told her she was stupid to turn down such an offer, Seona decided to enroll into Gotham Academy. Whether she was ready or not, Seona was ready to tackle on her new journey.

    Motivations for Joining the Detective Club: She was fascinated and curious. Seona has never been part of any detective agency before and she always loves trying something new. Perhaps this could help her decide where she wants to go in the future, but for now, she thinks it's fun and exciting, taking matters into her and her peers own hands then relying on vigilantes.


    Skills: » Innovative and inventive, Seona tends to always have her thinking-cap on, ready to tackle anything that's thrown her way. Have a set of spoon? Get ready to have an object made out of them! Have random items in your pocket? Best believe Seona would make effort in keeping it and making something out of nothing!
    » Responsible and quick-witted, Seona would definitely back her friends when it comes to being somewhere they're not suppose to be. She's great at thinking things on the sly and believes she isn't "lying" but rather just "manipulating" a situation for the benefit.
    » At a young age, because she lived in a bad neighborhood, her childhood friend who owned a martial arts studio taught her self-defense and is a black belt in karate.

    Flaws: » Ambitious and perfectionist, Seona may be fascinated at everything during a crime scene that she adds more "weight" to a substance than necessary. She can easily make-up some sort of "story" or invoke an idea of why things are where they are. At the same time, she may get too engrossed in experimenting "how" something happened and take it upon herself to re-enact what could have happened in the scene of the crime.
    » Indifferent and eccentric, Seona doesn't really hold anyone to high standards and rather things everyone as equals.
    » Inquisitive, Seona questions everything and tends to let her curiosity get the best of her to the point she doesn't look around in her surroundings.
    » Heights. She's definitely not one to like heights . . at all, just. . . . no.

    codedbycrucialstar l all boxes have hidden scroll
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    Mike Casiban (Archon)
  • Name: Mike Casiban
    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6'0

    Personality: A stalwart purveyor of normality, Mike is something of a misfit among the Gotham Academy enthusiasts, his lack of motivation and respect for the rampant vigilantism in Gotham pulling him into altercations on more than one occasion. As such, he finds more solace in isolating himself from those he has a distaste for, a highly analytical and cautious teen who'd rather avoid those who breed problems than facing them . Something of a mix between an introvert and an extrovert, or merely someone who is undecided on who they really are, Mike's attitude can vary between soft-spoken mute and charismatic conquistador, glaring comparisons of this in effect are reflected on his life within the Academy and his life away. In the academy, he is identifiable as withdrawn, hard-working, quiet and diplomatic. Though his more alive side often radiates a unique warmth and spirit, he's kind and, oddly, a horrific fan of puns and attempted humour, he's only ever in such a comfort zone when in an out-of-class environment or among true friends. Unfortunately, a much hidden part of his withdrawal from his peers is Mike's inability to excel in grades, his heart and mind are there, yet no amount of studying and research seems to be able to pull him up from barely scraping average, as a result he is often insecure about intelligence and refrains from speaking his mind of potential ideas or solutions.

    Biography: Not many students can boast of a long criminal ancestry, a pit of debauchery so deep that Casiban blood runs cold with greed; an inescapable curse, shattered by the rampant vigilantism so prominent in Gotham. Michael Casiban was born to the mob boss Jason Casiban, a lieutenant of the Penguin who ran a protection racket on the poorer side of Gotham. Too young to know any different, all the young Michael knew was that his family were extremely wealthy and the Police - who schools taught were friends - were the enemy and wanted to hurt them. Though only a young child, Mike would never grow to question his own moral boundaries, on his 9th Birthday, the mob boss was en route home after a shakedown, presents and all, when he was ambushed by the Caped Crusader. The Bat's famous reputation as a merciful hero who refuses to kill proved to be true, the injuries Jason sustained in fighting back resulted in a spine shattered in three places, leaving him permanently paralyzed. He OD'd a few weeks later, and a few weeks later than that, so did Mike's mother; now unable to cope with the loss of the man she loved and their livelihood.

    Mike was formally adopted by his no less wealthy aunt, though to her credit her business was more on the straight and narrow. He grew up comfortably and in a better life than he might otherwise have had, and his aunt didn't sugercoat the true extent of his families ties to crime, it helped Mike come to terms with the past, but it did little to quench his hatred of vigilantism. His aunt's own influence helped spur that on, she always understood they were a criminal family but saw Batman as the cause of her sister's death, and his methods to be brutal and self-righteous, often labeling him a criminal in his own right. Mike agreed.

    Though he was a calm person at heart, Mike carried a lot of anger into his later years, and found his energy best expended in the gym or free-running across rooftops, maybe it was the risk, or adrenaline, but it made him feel far more alive than any kind of combat training. As one of the most hands-on schools in Gotham, it was only fitting that Mike go to Gotham Academy which focused far more on heroism. It wasn't an endorsement of vigilantism - or so they day - but Mike's aunt felt it was the best way forward for him, given both his past and his state of mind. So far, Mike has struggled with the lessons despite much studying, and remained distant from other students.

    Motivations for Joining the Detective Club: More of a spur-of-the-moment decision with studying and academic advancements at heart. Oh, you poor poor boy.

    +Athletic - Whilst not excessively sporty, a combination of regular gym-going and freerunning help Mike to be in great shape so he can excel in most physical tasks. This is a very vital skill when it comes to battling that excessively tight jar of pickles. Or if chasing someone across rooftops. But why would you be doing that?
    +Great Singer - No one can know.
    +Scrappily diplomatic - A 2-for-1 bargain bucket deal, Mike is always the kind of guy to talk first and attempt to resolve things peacefully, but he's quite attuned to a fight and despite a lack of formal training, he has a warrior's spirit.

    -Intelligence - Try as he might, Mike simply doesn't have the same smarts as most of the academy's regulars. Endless days of studying coupled with rigorous mental training would be lucky to scrape a pass. Had he been any less studious, he'd have failed long ago.
    -Lonesome - Whilst not meant in the social sense, no amount of external loyalty can stop Mike from having his own cautious ideology reign supreme. He wouldn't be above going it alone if necessary, and he is perfectly able to put his foot down and refuse to go along with others wishes should they heavily conflict with his own.
    -Controversial - It's one thing to dislike villains, everyone hates bad guys, they suck. Mike, however, holds a similar disdain for vigilantism, holding no respect or admiration for the Bat-Family, and all the trouble such a passionate opinion entails in Gotham Academy.
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    Liam Vance (AnnoDomini)
  • Liam Vance
    Gender: Male

    Age (14-18): 15 (Junior)

    Height: 5'8

    Appearance: A red headed male with a slight athletic body, freckles for days, and always with a smirk on his face.

    The smile he often has on his face is mostly to throw people off when it comes to his life. His jokes hide his insecurities, as Liam believes that people laughing with him is better than at him. At times, he might not seem like he likes his friends, but he cares deeply for them. Hit or miss, a joke is mostly what comes out of that smirking mouth. In tense situations, Liam can be heard stuttering and looking at his feet, as if he's trying to affirm that he's still on Earth, and not drifting in space.

    When it comes to studying, well, someone knows he's trying. Except his fascination with Chemistry, Geometry and an odd affinity when it comes to archery (some might say he's a natural). An ace at sports, mildly good at Chemistry and Geometry, Liam struggles in anything that is not those subjects. English became boring when it wasn't about adventures or legends, Geography is meaningless unless you plan to travel there and Physics is just plain weird. But Liam still struggles, as he knows he doesn't want end up someplace where he dreads.

    Bio :
    Liam never knew his father. The only picture he has of him, is one he snapped when he was 8. His mother went out at night and met with a man dressed in a black jacket and a blue cap, but the red hair could clearly be seen sticking out. His mom seemed angry, and, as she turned to leave, the stranger grabbed her arm and said something, to which a swift punch was delivered to the man's jaw. He stood there, not moving, staring at the ground, while Liam's mother (Emilia, Amy for her friends) yelled at the man. "Don't get close to him!". As she went inside the complex, Liam and the man locked eyes, but only for a brief moment, before the red haired stranger tilted his cap down, and walked away.

    Over the years, Liam started to act out, as it was his own way to escape what was happening at home. His mother, a hard working mother, didn't work the most reputable or proud jobs. But she did it for her only son, to give him a future. From a young age, he was inclined to sports, and of course, cutting class to hang out with the "cool kids". One day, a pawn shop was being dismantled. Of course, Liam was the first to go and dig through the trash that were left at the scene. The other kids went looking for different things, be it an old cane, some very old book, but Liam found something that made him stand in place and gasp. It was a bow. Not a very good one, it looked worn out, and there were notches on it, but Liam loved it. Picking it up, and a twig, he started to tense the bow, and, releasing it, he felt a very satisfying sensation.

    Of course, he rushed home, bow in hand. At that moment, his mother was having some of her friends by. She was in the kitchen at the moment, so she had no idea what was happening. Her friends were laughing, looking at Liam trying to imitate some poses that he had seen archers take. The next moment, he felt his left cheek burning, a palm firmly outlined on it. The last thing he heard before that was one of her smoking friends cackling "Boy, you are your daddy's son!".

    Then came the screaming, the yelling, and the berating. Words of "You want to end up like that bum?" and "I don't want to lose you too!", all sending mixed signals to Liam. He still kept his bow, it was his way of sticking out to his mom, who he saw as someone who drove his dad away. His mother slowly started to delve into smoking and drinking, leaving Liam sometimes alone to his own devices. But, her ideals still stood the same. She made savings, and finally, enrolled Liam in the Gotham Academy. Although he got in by a small margin into the most prestigious academy, he was rather angry. He would lose the friends he had, the ones that encouraged him to do some of the most stupid things. For him, the silver lining was that at least he was going to get away from his mom's grip.

    Reason for Joining the Detective Club:
    Trying to fill his time, and mostly because of fellow member Cassidy dragging him.

    • Practicing with his bow
    • Studying chemistry
    • Sneaking out
    • Cracking jokes

    • Studying anything else
    • Having to obey rules
    • Dress code

    • Afinity for Archery
    • Adept gymnast
    • Advanced level geometry
    • Adept level chemistry

    • Brash
    • Quick to anger
    • Insecure
    • Rebellious
    • Reckless