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Chapter Six: All Hands on Deck

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As the Wild Cards minus Shirley returned to the physical realm, Toph found Trouble perched on the shoulder of her CVR-3 armor casually licking the top of his paw. And she saw this in less time than it had taken previously. In fact, all of you spent less time feeling that woozy dazed and confused sensation than before and were in charge of your senses in what felt like no time (all of you having chosen the same certain Knack. =) ).

There were, however, a couple of odd changes that had taken place since your departure. The first was the complete absence of Professor Stein. He was simply not here!

"Where is the professor?" Cera remarked aloud.

The second was Shirley. She was out of her CVR-3 armor in a sitting position leaned up gently against the Cyclone. The Cyclone, however, was facing you in Battloid mode, Centurion rifle in hand. It waved at you. At that moment, a telltale text came across the HUDs in your faceplate. It read, "SPACECREW SAMANTHA AND SAM REPORTING FOR DUTY. WE WILL GUARD LT. MACKENZIE IN YOUR ABSENCE." She pointed and sure enough, there was the professor's male Cyclone without him in it, in Battloid with a Centurion rifle in its hands facing the opposite direction. From underneath the shadow of Mario's Super Stealth Logan's wing, Sam waved.

Both of the Broadsword's animated crew pointed out your Rifleman Cyclones to you and, having Traversed with them, you understood them fully. However, all except Mario realized that their technopathic bond with their mecha's Core was absent, replaced by this new transaction. Mario, his new Knack learned, kept both experiences.

I highly recommend you keep a record of the two Cores your character has Traversed with (perhaps on Mario's character sheet). As you reach higher levels in Technopathy, this will be a good habit to have that information handy instead of having to pore through our adventures to find it. =)

In moments, each of you had your RIfleman Cyclones transformed into motorcycle mode with your weapons at the ready. Your various mecha towered over you all with Outpost #5 looming outside in the Mexican sun and the under-highway seeming to beckon to you into the LED-lit underground.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

"Mother" by Tetsuya Takahashi for the Appleseed OST (score)

A short while ago in the Broadsword's Medbay...

Hercules stirred in the depths of a receding dream gone haywire. There were loud explosions, vivid scenes of mecha-fire and Zeki-Zentraedi raining hell at the Wild Cards in what looked like a huge hangar built for space fighters. The polyphonic nexus was alive with battle-chatter. There was a big smiling Zeki with an oversized cannon loosing fanged missiles that growled and shrieked mid-flight as they zoomed toward Toph. The Wild Cards were fighting valiantly if a bit desperately and there was Hercules in the back seat of someone's veritech (he could not tell whose). The world was shaking and turning, spinning and racing like a madman's roller coaster - all heading down into a soothing blackness that reached out for Hercules with open arms.

Then there was silence and a wonderful lack of movement. All was kind of quiet and still. He could smell no smoke, hear no crackling flames, discern no radio chatter - only the feeling of gentle warmth and soft beeping sounds from computers he could not see. Hercules was lying down and very, very comfortable.

"He moved, Miss Hitomi! I was watering his plant when he stirred and mumbled something! I think it was in Greek!" Hercules instantly recognized the young man's voice - it was Rothschild, or as Hercules had promoted him, Reggie.

"Do you remember what he said?" A female voice, calm, perhaps a little amused, and very easy to listen to.

"Uhhh, no."

"That's all right."

"WIll he be okay?"

"His vitals look good. I'm seeing signs of awakening. Why don't you ask him yourself?" Hercules woke to see the clean gentle lights of what must have been a medical bay, but it certainly wasn't Eglin ASC base's - this was far too high-tech for the celebrated and historied Florida military station. Two curious faces came into view, one male with short black buzzcut and the growing features of a 15-year-old Jamaican-American. The other Hercules recognized as Dr. Yashida - one of the most beautiful women most men had ever seen if one did not mind Polynesian-Japanese. About twice Reggie's age (it was hard to tell!) with long, silky black hair and golden-brown eyes alive with beaming intellect, Hitomi was a creature of pure positive energy and health. Just being around someone like her tended to bring up a person's outlook. Reggie was in his wheelchair as always and both were dressed in sleek military uniforms Hercules didn't recognize.

"Hercules?" Reggie peered. "You took an awful blow to your head, sir! Do you recognize us?"

Hitomi studied Hercules and grinned. "Oh, he recognizes us. See his eyes? Welcome back, Mr. Papadopolis," Hitomi grinned. "You're on board the SCL-107 Broadsword, a United Earth Expeditionary Fleet vessel from the future. It's 0610 hours on Monday, the 19th of May, 2025. And you have good timing - your fellow Wild Cards could use a hand."

Hercules physically felt ready to hop out of bed. He wasn't even hungry. He was dressed in a white gown that seemed to be made for his titan-like frame. Behind Hitomi and Reggie, he spotted Spaceman Sam except it had feminine features, pink-colored armor, and a brown pony-tail-like tassel that extended down the back of the helmet. The figure was silent and unobtrusive, but clearly paying attention.

Hercules felt ready for action, at least physically. What does he do?

Remember, this scene takes place previously to the Attack on Outpost #5.
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Hercules woke slowly, as if from the sleep that followed a hard day of physical exertion. His head was fuzzy at first but cleared quickly as he heard voices he recognized. At the sight of Reggie, he smiled warmly and nodded in recognition. Of course, seeing Miss Hitomi made his cheeks flush crimson and his tongue feel about eight sizes too big for his mouth. He sat up and swung his feet off the padded platform that served the medbay as a bed and took in his surroundings.
The place looked like it was far more advanced than the ASC's best facilities and it came as no surprise that it was from the future. His eyes settled on the figure of Spaceman, no... Spacewoman Sam and suddenly a chill shook his massive frame.
The gunfire, desperate in its pattern, the sound of snarling and howling echoing inside his sealed helmet as the Wargoths came at them. No matter how calm he tried to remain, his shots were still going wide. Then Booty rushed forward, brave, bold Booty. And the world exploded. Something heavy slammed into Hercules' helmet, making stars dance across his vision and leaving his eyesight blurry and unfocused.

He stood up, and looked mournfully down at Reggie, his face cheerful to see the hulking Greek. He dropped to his knees and grabbed Reggie by the shoulders, tears springing to his dark eyes.
"I am so sorry, Reggie. If I could have traded places with him, I would have done in a heartbeat without a moment's regret. I failed to protect him, I failed you. I'm sorry."
He pulled the boy to him and held him close, letting his own tears run down his cheeks.
Reggie gasped and cradled Hercules as best as his wheelchair-bound body could. "Mister Hercules, it's not your fault! Miss Hitomi, Spaceman Sam, and Samantha," he indicated the woman-shaped CVR-3 body armor that moved on its own, "they showed me the combat footage from your helmet-cam! I saw everything!" Reggie tried to hug Hercules more but there was only so far his arms could curl around the enormous big-hearted Greek. "Ain't neva gonna be a warrior like me daddy Booty! God only made one!" Reggie's accent shifted to the land of his birth.

"But you saved me, remember?" Reggie tried to look Hercules in the eyes. He tried to be brave for Hercules. "If'n it was me daddy's decision, he would have rather I live and he go than the other way around. I know it!" Reggie tried to smile, but he clearly hated seeing Hercules cry.

Hitomi spoke from nearby. "We recovered the data Sgt. Booty took from the Scavengers. Those hard drives from the laptops of the Scavengers you knocked out? We've got some great leads on resources we really need thanks to that. Sgt. Booty would have wanted that data in our hands too and thanks to you, we have it." From behind her, Spaceman Samantha (at least that is what her nametag said) nodded eagerly with her hands folded in a Japanese fashion.

Reggie reached into his bag and pulled out something small. "You see this?" It was a thumb drive, small and sturdy with a picture of Bob Marley on it. He put it into a small player and hit play.

"Everything's Gonna Be All Right" by Bob Marley

"This was me daddy's. His favorite music, mon! When General Steele would drive him down in the pits, me daddy would play this and climb back out stronger than before! I have a copy of all of the music on it, but I really want you to have the original - because you are an original, Hercules! You are my friend! And this will make you stronger too!" Reggie smiled widely and handed the drive and player to Hercules. Bob Marley's picture smiled at the big Greek.

From behind Reggie, Hitomi beamed a smile at Reggie as the music filled the Medbay. She was just about glowing with admiration for the young man.

Reggie enthusiastically patted Hercules. "Go into battle with this, Hercules! Your friends need you, mon!"
At Reggie's words (and Bob's lyric's), Hercules' heart swelled. The sadness on his face passed like clouds across the azure Mediterranean skies.
"Yes," he replied, gently releasing Reggie and rising to his feet, "Yes! There's work to be done and I want to be with the Wild Cards as much as they need me with them."
He turned and headed to the door, pulling it open forcefully. A mop and broom fell into his arms as his violent movement disturbed the contents of the janitor's closet. With delicate care, the towering man replaced the cleaning tools in their niche and turned, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment.

"I think I need to ask for some help in finding the others.", he said carefully, blushing as he tried to avoid Hitomi's gaze, "Also clothes. I think I would be better with some clothes."
(Post 1 of 2)

Herc rejoins the Wild Cards.

A short while ago on the Broadsword's Medbay...

"New Worlds" by Jack Wall for the Mass Effect 2 OST (extended 30 minutes).

Hitomi glanced at Herc more than once, for not only was Hercules far from bad-looking, but it was not every day one was in a position to see a guy of his physique up-close! Hitomi admired his stature not only as a woman but as a medical professional, for she felt if the ASC were filled with soldiers built like him, what chance would the extremist villains in the Anti Unification League have? Plus, the big Greek seemed to have a lot of compassion. As she reached into a nearby locker displaying his new uniform, Hitomi realized she liked what she saw on the surface in him.

"Samantha," she addressed the automaton, "let's head outside, shall we? Reggie? Are you coming?"

"Be right there!" Reggie wheeled himself forward, smiling at Herc on the way out.

"Corporal," Hitomi added, "we'll be waiting right outside in the hallway. Oh! And please leave your plant there - we'll move it to your new quarters - right now, it's important that we catch you up to current events and get you prepped for action."

Hercules was able to ready himself at his own pace. Unlike standard ASC outfits, the new uniform seemed custom-designed to fit his tremendous frame. He could squat, stretch, lift, and turn in any direction and the fabric seemed to glide with him without threat of tearing.

(Image credit: zerochan.net )

Once dressed and outside, the four of them traveled through the military starship to a well-used briefing room that held a wide table with integral computers and monitors and a three-dimensional hologram projector that was excellent for showing combat footage and descriptions. For the next hour or two, Hercules was busy.

With Reggie and Spacecrew Samantha present, Dr. Yashida went over everything she knew about the Wild Cards' activities since Hercules's injuries. From the Wild Cards' meeting with the Ura-Meltrandi War-queen Taniya to their first meeting with 2nd Generation Auxiliary Specialist Cera who was now part of the Wild Cards' squadron with their every blessing. She continued with the destruction of the Zeki-Zentraedi Assault Scout to the Wild Cards being pronounced Killed in Action by General Steele only after 2 hours of search-and-rescue (48 hours being the norm). Herc saw the public media footage of the distant double-nuclear explosion along with eyewitness accounts (fishermen mostly) and the Eglin ASC base announcement regarding the military funerals of the Wild Cards. She covered the introduction of Cera's brand-new Mjolnir-class veritech hover tanks was covered including the rescue of Colonel Sharp and Master Sergeant Murphy.

Hitomi continued with the practiced pose and tone of a professional answering every question as best she could until Hercules understood the Wild Cards' current mission.

Consider Hercules as caught up in-game as you are out-of-game.

Per Colonel Sharp,
1. Travel to the port city of Veracruz to Chessel Corporation's machining base. About two miles from the base, there is a heavily-armed outpost ("Outpost 5") with a single large reinforced door.
2. Blow your way into the outpost. Expect opposition from the base's automated defenses in the form of drone aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. The outpost's reinforced door should take around 40 total short-range missiles to destroy. This will gain you access to the underground highway the outpost protects. Once in, opposition from the outpost should cease.
3. Park your aircraft just beyond the destroyed door to the outpost. Professor Stein will stay with the mecha and act as your intelligence officer while you are in the base via the polyphonic nexus. Albert has tangled with Chessel Corporation before and can help you. Hitomi will be feeding him information from the Broadsword's bridge via Captain Piper.
4. Detach your Rifleman Cyclones from the aeronautical veritechs and Traverse with them. The Sams loaded your Cyclone-based armament with the Cyclones. Hitomi says, your traversing with the Cyclones means losing your link with the veritechs, so expect that.
5. Use the Cyclones to drive your way through the outpost's underground highway until you reach the Broadsword's Recovery Team in the main base. And, troops, it's a big, big base. The team is trapped inside of the main section. Your Cyclones are fitted with the means to track down the team via their distress beacons.
6. Once you reach them, find a way to open the main door from the inside to free the team.
7. Escort the team to your veritechs, then once in your veritechs, provide escort the Recovery Team to the Broadsword waiting in the Gulf of Mexico.

Hitomi continued. "The Wild Cards are currently on Stage 4 of the operation. The Broadsword will provide transport for you to reunite with them. Once you meet up with them, Traverse with your Cyclone and-- Oh, please excuse me."

Hitomi turned her attention to an earpiece she was wearing and listened while Hercules took all of this information in. Long moments passed as Hitomi asked a few pointed questions, then at last she returned to Hercules. "Something has happened to Lt. Mackenzie in the Blue World. Professor Stein, my boss and mentor, has gone after her. Lt. Hall is now in charge. We're having them hold their position until you're with them. It's probably best we get to the hangar bay and have you suit up."

In but a few minutes, Hercules found himself in the Broadsword's cavernous "Hangar Bay - Bravo" or "Hangar Bay 2" as it also seemed to be called. Beside Herc was the biggest, strangest-looking Tomahawk Destroid he had ever seen. It had a strange jet-pack and series of thrusters attached to its body. Down one leg, the words "SUPER TOMAHAWK" were emblazoned along with 'SCL-107" down the other leg. Beside the massive destroid was an odd-looking box and some gear.

The standard Tomahawk (since I don't have a picture of the Super Tomahawk).
Tomahawk 1280 x 1444 at Pinterest.jpg
(Image credit: Pinterest.com)

Before Hercules knew it, he was being helped into the Super Tomahawk along with another fellow inside ASC body armor. His armor's features displayed him as Tactical Corp (or "Tac Corp") and he was in the Destroid's pilot seat. He didn't bother introducing himself but Herc saw the Master Sergeant's name tag on his armor - "Murphy". Once you were both inside, Murphy began your relationship with the following words said in a gruff Southern accent. "Howdy, Wild Card! Hope you got your shit together because I'm droppin' you off straight on the front line!"

And that was exactly what happened! With Reggie and Hitomi waving from inside a closing elevator, Hangar Bay Bravo was completely evacuated. Warning lights in bright yellow filled the bay and the words "DROP in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... DROP!" The entire Super Tomahawk suddenly plummeted as Earth's gravity grabbed ahold of the huge war machine. Then all the world around Hercules roared and thundered as the modified destroid's engines and thrusters flared to life. Hercules realized that the Super Tomahawk had fallen out of the hangar bay and was now traveling over the sunny Gulf of Mexico headed straight for a port city that even from miles away seemed deserted. Murphy obliged.

"The Broadsword can't risk bein' seen in public so I'm your damned taxi, got it? That there ahead is Veracruz! Hardly nobody lives there no more so it's just you and the Chessel Corporation machines! The Broadsword's recovery team were loaded for bear when they got trapped inside the machining facility with no way out! Time's on your side for the moment, so y'all can go at this at your own pace!" Murphy handled the controls of the destroid and instead of falling into the Gulf of Mexico, Hercules found the giant destroid skimming speedily across the water.

Murphy continued. "The Wild Cards secured Outpost #5 so you're free to get down the under-highway to find a way into the machining facility where about 48 Sams and Samanthas and God-knows-what-else is waitin' for you to open the doors from the inside! We've been monitoring your polyphonic nexus so if you need help from the Broadsword, raise Colonel Sharp. He's got a Transceiver and he can talk to ya."

In a very short time, you made landfall, saw the outpost, and with Murphy's help, Hercules was on the ground with his teammates once again. His Cyclone beside him, his gear and new Thundercracker laser cannon in hand, all Hercules had to do was Traverse with his Cyclone and catch up with his friends!
(Post 2 of 2)

Present time. Chessel Corporation Outpost #5 outside Veracruz, Mexico.

(Image credit: Pinterest.com)

The Wild Cards heard Colonel Sharp's familiar voice over the polyphonic nexus. "Troops! Hold your position at the entrance. Murphy's coming to drop off another Wild Card to you. I believe you remember a big fellow from the Assembly named Hercules?"

From inside her Cyclone, Cera turned to the rest of you, her red-brown eyes appearing uncertain but unhateful. "'Hercules. In human mythoi, the demigod son of the Greek's greatest god, Zeus.' Another male." Cera asked you. "Is this a member by design or did your General Steele assign him to us?"

The titanic roar of the Super Tomahawk announced the arrival of your Greek comrade-in-arms. The huge Destroid skated to a stop nearby your veritechs and in moments, Hercules came down from the heights of the towering destroid and rejoined you in his CVR-3 armor. Behind him, five Spacecrew Sams released their magnetic clamps from their wrist-housings and hopped off of the Super Tomahawk. They fell in unison some 40 feet before striking the concrete pavement in kneeling positions. Then they stood and saluted all of you.

The Super Tomahawk's loudspeakers blared Murphy's tough but fair voice. "Orders down from Sharp! Get him Traversed with his Cyclone and skedaddle inside! Me and the Sams are hangin' out here until the professor and Lt. Mackenzie reappear, then we're flying your mecha back to the Broadsword!"

Hercules looked over and saw a familiar figure sitting with her back to a box-Cyclone. It was the same damsel he had given his jacket to during the Assembly - Lt. Shirley Mackenzie. Except something was wrong. Her eyes were pure white and she seemed completely unresponsive while her fellow Wild Cards appeared to be guarding her rather protectively. Of Professor Stein, there was no sign (and for a man his size, that was saying something).

But now Hercules was reunited with Mario, Toph, and Elinor, all of whom save Shirley were in their Cyclone armor in motorcycle mode! Hercules was back!
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Elinor's character sheet
Action Points: 4/6
Bonus action point: 1

1. Travel to the port city of Veracruz to Chessel Corporation's machining base. About two miles from the base, there is a heavily-armed outpost ("Outpost 5") with a single large reinforced door.
2. Blow your way into the outpost. Expect opposition from the base's automated defenses in the form of drone aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. The outpost's reinforced door should take around 40 total short-range missiles to destroy. This will gain you access to the underground highway the outpost protects. Once in, opposition from the outpost should cease.
3. Park your aircraft just beyond the destroyed door to the outpost. Professor Stein will stay with the mecha and act as your intelligence officer while you are in the base via the polyphonic nexus. Albert has tangled with Chessel Corporation before and can help you. Hitomi will be feeding him information from the Broadsword's bridge via Captain Piper.
4. Detach your Rifleman Cyclones from the aeronautical veritechs and Traverse with them. The Sams loaded your Cyclone-based armament with the Cyclones. Hitomi says, your traversing with the Cyclones means losing your link with the veritechs, so expect that.
5. Use the Cyclones to drive your way through the outpost's underground highway until you reach the Broadsword's Recovery Team in the main base. And, troops, it's a big, big base. The team is trapped inside of the main section. Your Cyclones are fitted with the means to track down the team via their distress beacons.
6. Once you reach them, find a way to open the main door from the inside to free the team.
7. Escort the team to your veritechs, then once in your veritechs, provide escort the Recovery Team to the Broadsword waiting in the Gulf of Mexico.

Initiative: +4 = +1 JKD, +2 MECT, +1 Valkyrie
Number of Attacks: 6 (+4 JKD, +2 MECT)
Ranged Strike: +9 = +4 PP, +2 JKD, +2 Valkyrie, +1 Weapon Systems
Ranged Strike with GU-11 gun pod: +10 = +4 PP, +2 JKD, +2 Valkyrie, +1 Weapon Systems, +1 GU-11
Missiles will have their own Strike which is generally 4 = +3 missile, +1 Weapon Systems
Melee Strike: +10 = +4 PP, +2 JKD, +2 MECT, +2 Valkyrie
Parry: +12 = +4 PP, +3 JKD, +1 Athletics, +1 MECT, +3 Valkyrie
--Automatic Parry (Jeet Kune Do)
Dodge: +15 while flying = +4 PP, +3 JKD, +1 Athletics, +2 Combat Flying, + 2 MECT, +3 Valkyrie
--Automatic dodge while flying
Auto dodge while flying in fighter mode: +16 = +4 PP, +3 JKD, +1 Athletics, +2 Combat Flying, + 2 MECT, +4 Valkyrie
Roll with impact: +10 while flying = +1 Athletics, +2 Gymnastics, +3 Combat Flying, +1 MECT, +3 Valkyrie
Disarm: +1 = +4 PP, +1 MECT
Pull punch: +6 = +4 PP, +2 MECT

M.D.C. by Location
*Sensor Head – 100
Arms (2) – 125 each
Hands (2) – 50 each
Utility Arms (3 in right forearm) – 10 each
Legs (2) – 150 each
Feet/Vectored Thrust Nozzles (2) – 100 each
**Wings (2) – 150 each
***Vertical Stabilizers (2) – 75 each
Head Weapons (1A has 1, 1J has 2, 1R has 3, 1S has 4) – 50 each
GU-11 Gun Pod – 150
Wing Hardpoints (2 each) – 20 each
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment – 175
****Main Body – 350/350 M.D.C.

Valkyrie munitions:
- GU-11 Gun Pod (25/25 bursts)
- 49/56 HEAP SRMs

"Both," Elinor replied to Cera's question. "He's a good guy, was with us on the Zeki ship but got injured." Over the nexus, she answered Colonel Sharp. "Holding, sir. Be good to have him back." She saluted the small team of Sams and Samanthas, then looked up at Hercules. "Welcome back to the Wild Cards," she said, smiling. "I'm lead until Mack's back. Team, let's join up and go in with him together. Don't want anyone else getting lost. Hercules?" She smiled wryly. "Hope you don't mind me using your first name -- I'm 'fraid I'd butcher your last. Put your hand on your Cyclone, but don't try to Traverse it until we're all with you. Give me your other one to start." She held out one hand to him, the other to the nearest Wild Card.
Mario goes up to his fellow tanker with a huge smile on his face. "Well, hot damn! It is good to see you up and about again, Herc! I was worried that you were going to be stuck in the medical bay for a while longer. C'mon, lets get you in touch with your Cyclone and we can get onto the rest of the mission." He goes up to Lt. Hall and offers her his hand, standing by to go back into the Blue World together with the team, instead of jumping the gun and racing ahead like he did last time. I won't make that mistake again.
Toph walks up to Hercules and offers up a warm hug. She says, "Good to have you back, Corporal. I was starting to think that you were going to sleep your way through all the action we're about to get into." Toph then offers up her hand to the others to prepare for the jump together into the Blue Word so Herc can meld with the Cyclone and join the team inside the facility. "I'm ready to go in when you give the word, Elinor."
Hercules settled in behind Murphy and watched silently as the Destroid plummeted then soared across the Gulf of Mexico. For a moment, he wished he were back in his old M.A.C. II, the familiar sensation of being in a Destroid's twin-cockpit was at once comfortable but painful. He nodded tersely at the pilot's gruff mission brief, not wanting to break the man's flow. The mecha touched down and Hercules nimbly clambered down to the ground. He flicked a salute to the pilot and turned back to his friends.
He sensed their words across the surface of his mind, that strangely new, strangely familiar sensation that was a gift of a Traverser.
"It's good to be back, friends, I'm sorry I was away for so long. I-"
He cut off as Toph threw her arms around him as his face flushed red.
"I...I think, uhhm, we, ahhh, should get going." he hoped his embarrassment didn't come through over the neural network.
He shook himself to prepare himself physically and mentally for what he was about to do.
"Ready on your word, " he glanced at Shirley's silent, immobile figure, "we're coming, Lieutenant."
As the squad all joined hands, Elinor replied to Hercules' last comment. "Slight correction, Corporal? Professor Stein has already left to track down Lieutenant MacKenzie, and indicated that he'd be better doing so alone, while we get back to our original mission. They'll catch up when they can. Right now, we need to introduce you to your Cyclone so we can get moving." Just as an additional ... she wasn't sure what the right word was, anchor or maybe map point? Well, whatever it was, she put her foot on Hercules' boxed-up Cyclone just as the professor had. Once Cera had taken someone's hand*, Elinor double-checked to make sure they were all together, then nodded at Hercules. "All set. Take us in, Corporal."

*Not trying to make any assumptions here, I did check with Dann to make sure it was OK. And of course Cera might even change her mind about us all and run off into the woods, in which case I'd have to rewrite my last sentences XD
Good for when your mind wants to wander. "M4 (Part I) by Faunts"

Hercules had to force his mind away from the strong emotions he felt from reuniting with his friends and while Toph's hug was likely quite welcome, it likely interfered with the biggest Traverser's concentration. At first, Hercules could not take his mind away from the physical world enough to Traverse. The Super Tomahawk's rumbling was not distracting, but as Murphy positioned the huge destroid using the thrusters mounted on the giant's legs and back, the roar was enough to shake even the most-disciplined of you. Hercules tried again and again, for despite his lack of experience using technopathy, the big Greek did not carry the soul of a weakling. Indeed, the more he tried, the stronger his mind detached itself from the physical realm you called Earth. Moment after moment, Hercules became a little closer to the Blue World. His earthly senses dimmed. Sight darkened. Sound muffled. His mind opened up like a flower in spring under a bright sun. And when Hercules finally put his mind where it needed to be...

...the rest of you followed him there.

Though Elinor was physically-connected to her megasuit which was connected to Hercules's Cyclone, the Wild Cards appeared in the Blue World about 25 feet from the ring of Robotechnology-driven transformable motorcycles. Or what you thought were the Cyclones. Here, you saw half a dozen purple opaque clouds that hung in the air. If indeed there were air in the Blue World. Hercules looked to Cera - she seemed quite different than the woman he had seen in the physical realm.

Cera in the Blue World...
(Image credit: Aminoapps.com)

...and in the physical world.
Cera model at Pixel Gun 3D Forums.jpg
(Image credit: Pixel Gun 3D Forums)

Hercules found Cera gazing at him. Gone were her red-brown eyes and hair, but the weight of her blinkless stare showed absolutely no fear of the man and a mixture of doubt and faith from behind those inhuman eyes. Many of Hercules's fellow human beings were affected by his great size and musculature, but here in the Blue World, it seemed as if Hercules were made of different stuff. Sure, he looked similar to his body, but there was blueness upon him and every one of the Wild Cards. There was also uncertainty in some of their movements. Hercules found himself noticing that Cera seemed completely at home here as if she had walked the Blue World her entire life.

The Wild Cards approached the purple nimbuses as one. As Hercules prepared himself, he found himself visually addressed by the following words that appeared out of nowhere in gentle font but feet from his face. "WELCOME, CORPORAL PAPADOPOLIS. WELCOME BACK, WILD CARDS. THIS IS SAM AND SAMANTHA. YOU ARE SYNCED TO THE RIFLEMAN CYCLONES. WE REMAIN PREPARED TO SERVE YOU HERE OR IN THE PHYSICAL REALM AS CAPTAIN DRAKE ORDERED US."

And so the Wild Cards discovered that sometimes, perhaps in rare opportunities, Traversing and technopathy were a virtual piece of cake. The Cyclones knowledge was inside the minds of the Wild Cards and prepared for use.

"As it should be," Cera folded her arms, grinned, and 'spoke' without moving her lips for you could hear her mental voice and feel her sense of satisfaction through the polyphonic nexus.
Elinor did her not-quite-Japanese bow to the Cyclone cores. "Thanks, Sam, Samantha. Now that Hercules is back with us and we're all synced up, we're ready to take on this facility and get our people rescued." She looked around at the others. "Nice work, Hercules. Let's head back to the physical world and get this show on the road."
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"Mass Effect 2 OST - A Rude Awakening" by Jack Wall


The farm-girl-turned-test-pilot heard Professor Stein's voice directly in her mind along with a sensation of worry combined with relief from the old fellow. Then everyone in the polyphonic nexus heard him. He did not sound happy.

"Wild Cards! Forgive me if I have not been on the link - I have been quite busy! If you are now in the Blue World, return immediately to your mecha, especially you, Toph! Lt. Mackenzie needs you most of all!"

Cera moved to obey, but gritted her teeth. "Professor! What has occured?"

"It looks like that blasted Mckenzie luck did its worst! Your leader appeared right in the middle of the pack of enemy Cores that were after Mario. I was able to recover her but they... They..."
he tried to settle his nerves before continuing but was not altogether successful. "She's suffering badly from brainburn. Hitomi!"

"I've been monitoring."
Hitomi sounded ready for anything. "How bad is it?"

"Brain-burn... Category... Five."

Hitomi whispered.

While the nexus transceivers did not deliver emotional states if desired as Traversers could provide, the tremor in Hitomi's normally-stable voice was the worst Toph and Elinor had ever heard out of the veteran doctor. "Wild Cards, you've got to get Shirley to the Broadsword. Toph? Be ready. When Shirley gets back to the physical world, she is going to be horrible. She may have permanent brain damage. Broadsword's medbay has what we need, but... Colonel?

"Go ahead?"

"Shirley is out for this mission. Doctor's orders."

There was a pause. Then... "Broadsword Bridge copies. Lt. Hall? This rescue is now your operation. Do you read me?"

Toph's mind raced. She had not changed her medical kit for anything special and thus had the standard ASC Unit One Pack she normally carried with her ASC megasuit. It could help, but Toph had the nagging feeling that Shirley required a true hospital (or a futuristic starship's medical bay). Toph's pack was prepared for battle trauma (blood loss control, burn dressings, items for airway control, IVs for extra fluids, and the like). The pack also included painkiller (morphine), narcan for countering morphine's respiratory side-effects, allergic reaction-counter (epinephrine), and sedatives (phenergen).

Shirley was about to become Toph's first bad patient. The questions came rocketing into her mind. Which medicines should she use? In what order? How much? Did Shirley have any allergies to these things? Would it matter? Using too much or using the wrong medicine could make the situation worse. How close to death was she? What the heck did a Category 5 brainburn involve? What to do?

A Medical Doctor roll is required here. Do you want to use the white dice? Please let me know in Fat Gandalf's.

Toph can also call on Hitomi for help if she wants to.

The Wild Cards were together in the Blue World with their Cyclones. They did not see the professor or Shirley anywhere. Then they heard Colonel Sharp come over the nexus again using his transceiver.

"Lt. Hall, put Lt. Mackenzie into the seat of one of the Super Stealth Logans and have the Sams fly them both back to the Broadsword. They'll make the best time and Murphy and Albert will stay with your other mecha while you complete the recovery team rescue. Hitomi?"

"I'll be waiting for her in Hangar Bay Bravo with a stretcher and a team, Wild Cards, but it's up to you to get Shirley to us stat."

.Stat.' A common medical abbreviation for urgent or rush. From the Latin word statum, meaning 'immediately.' =)

What do the Wild Cards do?
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Toph's heart begins to race as she hears the word 'stat' being used. In her life as a doctor, that has special meaning to her, not a word to be used lightly. "Copy that, Professor. Be advised that my medical bag is limited, mostly suited to battlefield trauma of bullet wounds, burns and broken bones, and is not going to be able to do much for Mack besides easing her pain until we can get her to the Broadsword. I will do as much as I can." Her mind begins to go over the contents of her medical bag, wondering just what can be done. The best thing for her in her state may be to just render her unconscious. That way, she won't be awake to feel the pain she is bound to be in.
Hercules didn't like the words or the tone in which the Professor and Miss Hitomi spoke them. While the words were little more than academic gibberish to him, the stress in the voices he felt in his mind was enough for him to push himself to leave this strange other world. He had lost one friend, he would be damned and disabled before he allowed another to die.
"We are coming, Lieutenant Mac. Hold on, I won't fail you!"
"Elinor?" The farm-girl-turned-test-pilot heard Professor Stein's voice directly in her mind along with a sensation of worry combined with relief from the old fellow.
"I'm here, sir," Elinor replied to signal both her ability to hear him and that she was paying full attention.

"Lt. Hall? This rescue is now your operation. Do you read me?"
Elinor swallowed hard. The transceiver might not share emotions like the nexus did, but Hitomi's tone did it just fine, and there was no mistaking what was being carried with Professor Stein's thoughts. Shirley was in serious trouble. And Elinor herself was needed to remain in charge. That meant remaining calm. She took a deep breath, or at least thought she did, and steadied herself. "I read you, sir," she answered.

"Lt. Hall, put Lt. Mackenzie into the seat of one of the Super Stealth Logans and have the Sams fly them both back to the Broadsword. They'll make the best time and Murphy and Albert will stay with your other mecha while you complete the recovery team rescue. "
That was clear enough. First things first, though -- she beckoned to the others, saying simply, "Heading out of the Blue World," to all listening in, and led them back to the physical world.

Once there, she counted heads, or rather not-glowy eyes, and then reported, "All right, we're back."
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Once back in his body, Mario does his best to control his emotions, but right now, he's feeling sick. One of his team, someone that he personally cares about, is hurt because of him. If he hadn't jumped ahead of everyone, Mack wouldn't have gone into the Blue World after him, and she wouldn't be at risk of permanent brain damage or death. If anything happens to her, how was he supposed to look at himself in the mirror without wracking guilt? It was one thing to lose a comrade to enemy fire, but this was a total Charlie Foxtrot of his making.

He stands quietly, keeping watch, as Lt. Kirin does her doctor stuff with Mack.
Once she is back to her own body with the usual disorientation gone, Toph makes a run for her Ajax to grab her medical bag. Rushing back to Mack's side, she opens up her bag and begins to check vitals on the other woman. Brain Burn is a topic that was never gone over in medical school! I hardly know what to do to treat this! Best I might be able to do for her now is to sedate her and let the Sams get her back to the Broadsword ASAP.
(O.K.. Here we go. =) ) (Part 1 of 3)

While leaving the Blue world, Hercules felt something touch his mind. "Worry not, Corporal Papadopolis," Hercules both heard and felt the enormous confidence in Professor Stein's mixed English-American accent, "it is just me inviting you our little mind-party. You are now part of the polyphonic nexus I created earlier. Search yourself when you have time; I think you are ready to learn things your fellow Wild Cards know." Hercules could feel the old lion in Professor Stein stirring dangerously. "Do what you can in the physical realm - I have to stay here... and tie up a few loose ends!" Then Professor Stein's presence in his brain faded. Still, Hercules felt he could reply if he desired.

Congratulations! Hercules may learn Traverser Knacks! You'll get an invitation to our Conversation shortly. =)

* * *​

(Part 2 of 3)

Sometimes Knacks are the way to go. Get you where you need to be in the Blue World. Do the coolest things in the physical realm. Do things in both worlds! But right now? For Mario? That one Knack he recently learned... sucked hard right now.

And why? That's because Mario and Trouble/MechaKitten showed up first in the physical world. The orange Mexican sun above the port city of Veracruz burned down on Outpost #5 and there in the shade of the concrete overhang leading into the Chessel Corporation under-highway were all of the collected mecha and Cyclones from the Broadsword along with nearly everyone. That little Knack of his gave him the edge; his Return Disorientation faded sooner than his fellows... and so Mario became the first of the Wild Cards to hear Shirley scream.


Then Mario felt Shirley suddenly vanish from Professor Stein's polyphonic nexus.

Because as I learned back when I was GMing CyberPunk 2020, no one does pain like Nine Inch Nails. "Wish" by NIN.

Complete lyrics
"This is the first day of my last days
I built it up now I take it apart climbed up real high now fall down real far
No need for me to stay the last thing left I just threw it away
I put my faith in god and my trust in you
Now there's nothing more fucked up I could do

Wish there was something real wish there was something true
Wish there was something real in this world full of you

I'm the one without a soul I'm the one with this big fucking hole
No new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
Gotta listen to your big time hard line bad luck fist fuck

Don't think you're having all the fun
You know me I hate everyone

Wish there was something real wish there was something true
Wish there was something real in this world full of you

I want to but I can't turn back
But I want to"

Mario looked. Shirley had become a twitching curled-up awful ball of agony incarnate! She was outside of her CVR-3 mega-suit though Mario did not remember her leaving it. Her hands clasped against her ears, her beautiful blue eyes cracked with red, 1st Lt. Shirley Sharon Mackenzie had been reduced to a madly-shuddering, wide-eyed, tear-streaked prison of flesh and pain. Mario knew there was no point in trying to offer the broken Traverser any words of sympathy or hope. She could not hear them. She was absolutely in such a ripping hell of torture that Mario knew instantly that she could not see or hear anything beyond her own screaming. Worse still, the sounds she made were terrible and there was nothing she nor Mario could do about them. Something in Mario's military training piqued just then - the only thing he could really do is try and make sure she didn't swallow her tongue or bite it off and choke to death on her own blood.

The Wild Cards stood all about this ugly scene like statues, their eyes bright-white and without any other color in them. It was clear just how wide open Traversers were when their minds were in the Blue World. This may have been the longest few minutes in Mario's young life. All the while, Trouble was insistently pawing and mewing up at Mario.

The Sams and Samanthas stood mute with weapons raised, watching and guarding, but otherwise motionless. Mario could not tell Sgt. Murphy's reaction from inside the giant cockpit of the Super Tomahawk, its engines roaring. In seconds, the engines silenced but Shirley's mad screaming did not alter nor cease.

* * *​

(Part 3 of 3)

"Times Like These" by Foo Fighters. Good stuff!

Complete lyrics
"I—I'm a one-way motorway
I'm the road that drives away
Follows you back home

I—I'm a street light shining
I'm a white light blinding bright
Burning off and on

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I—I'm a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight

But I—I'm a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again"

The remaining Wild Cards finally roused out from their dazed states. Each of you knew somehow that Shirley was no longer in Professor Stein's polyphonic nexus but for reasons you could only speculate.

Reaching for her Unit One Pack on her hip, Toph hustled to Shirley's side and opened the kit. From Toph's training as a Field Medic, Shirley's lack of a mega-suit was a good thing because it would have been a serious struggle to get her out of one. Toph and the rest of the Wild Cards now saw everything Mario had been forced to experience. Toph knew that Shirley's mind was in such agony that only a true medbay could make a difference, or perhaps even the Broadsword's own cryogenic chamber. Whatever the case, Hitomi knew what a Category 5 Brainburn event was and had clearly made the right call in medically-suggesting Shirley be removed from active flight status and leadership of the Wild Cards.

Toph put her utmost into her own training and since her combat area was secured, her training told her the following was the surest treatment.

1. Use the oropharyngeal airway, a "j-shaped" plastic device meant for keeping teeth open so Shirley didn't bite herself. Toph knew it wouldn't do anything for her screaming, though.
2. Inject the morphine to start the painkiller's effects.
3. Do not use the narcan at this time to counter the morphine's respiratory-depressing effects, but instead see if it helped Shirley to begin to relax.
4. Inject the phenergen into Shirley's system as it not only boosted the pain-killing effect of the morphine but also acted as a sedative for anxious patients. In Shirley's case, it might calm her, Toph figured. Keep the epinephrine ready in case Shirley showed signs of allergic reactions (especially anything severe).
5. Remove the oropharyngeal airway once the morphine seemed to take effect while getting Shirley strapped onboard one of the Super Stealth Logans.

At that point, the Sams and Samanthas seemed capable of following medical orders necessary to keep Shirley stable until they reached the Broadsword.

What did the Wild Cards do while Toph worked? Did Toph deviate from what her training advised?
As Toph quickly prepares her medical supplies, she says, "Cera, you know more about Traversing and Brain Burn than I do . . . is there anything that you can suggest that I do that I might not know? Some Traversing trick that I can try? Sams, please help me by restraining her so I can start this IV." With a steady hand, Toph begins her treatment, making a mental note to update her little black bag with supplies from the Broadsword.
At this time, Shirley was not in need of fluids or further medicine and therefore not in need of an IV. However, when Toph turned to ask of Cera, she found the Ura-Meltrandi was already on her way over to the Super Stealth Logan she had piloted, prepping it for liftoff. Toph's fellow Meltrandi-blooded Wild Card replied as directly as she always had. "I do not know, Toph Kirin. I know how to avoid Brain-burn. I have never seen such a level of Brain-burn in a person before. There is no 'trick' I am aware of to removing it, at least none that my hurried mind can think of." She continued to prep the veritech bird as rapidly as she could. "May I recommend the big male," she paused for a heartbeat, "'Hercules', place Leader Mack in this vehicle?"

As this took place, Spacecrew Samantha stepped forward. The Wild Cards recognized the CVR-3 mega-suit as the one Shirley had been wearing.

His paws on Mario's shin, Trouble insistently mewed up at Mario again. While doing this, the strange metallic kitten looked around to anyone else to get their attention. "Meeeeeeeeeew!!"
Mario can see that little Mechakitten is quite intense in trying to get someone's attention. He kneels down next to it and asks, "Hey little guy. Is there something that you can do to help out? Can you make Mack feel better and save her life?" Hell, at this point, I'm willing to try just about anything to make this better.
Trouble looked up at Mario, his little golden eyes wide as he spoke across the polyphonic nexus to everyone, but especially Mario. "Marioooo! Remember when your head had owwies? Remember how they went away?" Trouble pawed at Mario even more now. Then Trouble turned to look at Shirley then back to Mario.

"Iris! Iris made your head feel better! When your brain waz burning, remember? Reeeewr!"
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