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Fantasy Chaotically Neutral Pirates/Fantasy RP!

Diran the Thief

Future manga artist
You can describe your character the way you want to and your character can be anything they want. EX: A vampire, werewolf, furry, hybrid, mermaid, a race or species you made up go ahead. You're character can also be in any shape or form you wish him or her to be, go nuts.
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"I am a pirate, even though I don't speak like one"



"Titania. Titania Blade"


"Twenty two, years of age."

Power (s): (Is magic allowed? If not ignore this part.)

The power to change her armor, to suit the opponent who she is facing.

Super strength.

"I may look weak, but I am a tough girl, when I want to be."

Role on the ship

"I believe, I am the second mate"

(If that's alright of course.)

Second mate


"I don't want to talk about it.."

She has a very troubled past.




"Mostly lonely, sometimes curious, a little shy, someone who doesn't really like being around people, but I'd do it if need be. I'm can easily get blinded by anger."


"Adam Blade, he's my brother."


Kippers Kippers Kippers

"Lets go pirate huntin'!"



"Adam, Adam Blade."


"I'm Twenty six years old!"

Role on the ship:

"I'm the brute on this here ship!"

Main defender


He's got the power to learn, opponents moves, instantly, but only if they attack him with it directly or if he gets close enough to headbutt them. The crystal on his forehead interacts with his opponents mind, which means he is able to learn their attack moves through that.


"I don't really remember much, to be honest."

(It'll come up in the roleplay, as well as Titania's.)


"Bi-curious, man!"


"See I'm the type of person who'll befriend you, if you're nice enough to me, but if you're not nice and cause trouble between me and you, and this is not some play fight trouble, I mean serious trouble, then I wont help you, even if it's a life or death situation. Oh and if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you."


"Titania Blade, She's my sister."


Kippers Kippers Kippers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-23_13-50-52.jpeg.230d1249f2c8c59d36bfcc21b1bd86d4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-23_13-50-52.jpeg.230d1249f2c8c59d36bfcc21b1bd86d4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ikaros Haru Krysanthinum


Eight-Teen and A Half


Cisgender Male

Sexual Orientation:



Navigator-Sailing Master



Blood Type:

AB Positive


He can create portals from his hands and teleport from location to location. This skill requires a lot of concentration and a lot of energy. He can not travel very long distances and can only make so many portals at a time. Sometimes he can perform a few interesting tricks with the portals that give him more of an offensive ability.

Hair Description:

A soft, golden red color with soft strands of blonde at the end Ikaros' hair is very much so well cared for despite his daily activities.

Eye Description:

With a pair of fiery-orange eyes Ikaros has a strong and yet calmingly sensitive appearance to him. However, when disturbed or angry it shows in his often bright eyes.

Regular Attire:

Ikaros doesn't ever really care what he wears, as long as it's something that fits him comfortably. However, more often than not the boy is found wearing a thin orange-red sweater with small patches of multi-colored hearts scattered around it like stars. Along with that he wears a caramel-brown scarf with large balls of fluff at the end. The scarf is long, making a full circle around his shoulders before it comes down all the way down to his knees. Ikaros wears dark-colored shorts and long, striped boots.


Ikaros has no distinguishable scars. Often he has bruises all over his body, but those occur simply because the boy tends to be clumsy often and has weaker skin.[/font\

Distinguishing Features:

Ikaros has small red fox ears above his head and a fluffy red and white fox tail attached at his tailbone.

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Name: Malia

Age: 22

Race: human

Bio: A slave on a foreign land, Malia doesn't know her past very well. Perhaps she had suffered amnesia...? With the way she was treated by the slave-masters, she wouldn't have been surprised if she had already suffered more than one concussion. The only thing Malia remembers of her past is her current life, where she's been working the mines with other slaves, working long hours and given very little food. She can't remember how long she's been here, but it feels like a good two years at least.

Abilities: Malia can sometimes glimpse into the future and foresee important events. And while she doesn't know/remember it yet, she's a martial arts expert with surprising strength considering her small frame. She's also a very fast learner and lacks the normal human fear of death and injury, having experienced/witnessed too much of both.

Personality: She's a very timid, kindhearted girl and appears to be about sixteen. Malia has a love for adventure and the open sea and while it might take a while to shed away her shyness and wariness of other people, she's someone who cares deeply for others and always looking to be of help to those around her. She also has a bit of a phobia of men.

Physical Description: Malia has a brown, sunburned-color skin and dark brown hair and has a very young, innocent-looking face. She's a bit skinny, considering the conditions she's been living in, but has surprising power in those puny arms of hers.


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    Name: Celia Corva

    Alias: Accursed Mistress

    Age: ???

    Race: Humanoid Gorgarin

@Diran the Thief
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Kippers said:

"I am a pirate, even though I don't speak like one"



"Titania. Titania Blade"


"Twenty two, years of age."

Power (s): (Is magic allowed? If not ignore this part.)

The power to change her armor, to suit the opponent who she is facing.

Super strength.

"I may look weak, but I am a tough girl, when I want to be."

Role on the ship

"I believe, I am the second mate"

(If that's alright of course.)

Second mate


"I don't want to talk about it.."

She has a very troubled past.




"Mostly lonely, sometimes curious, a little shy, someone who doesn't really like being around people, but I'd do it if need be. I'm can easily get blinded by anger."


"Adam Blade, he's my brother."


Kippers Kippers Kippers

"Lets go pirate huntin'!"



"Adam, Adam Blade."


"I'm Twenty six years old!"

Role on the ship:

"I'm the brute on this here ship!"

Main defender


He's got the power to learn, opponents moves, instantly, but only if they attack him with it directly or if he gets close enough to headbutt them. The crystal on his forehead interacts with his opponents mind, which means he is able to learn their attack moves through that.


"I don't really remember much, to be honest."

(It'll come up in the roleplay, as well as Titania's.)


"Bi-curious, man!"


"See I'm the type of person who'll befriend you, if you're nice enough to me, but if you're not nice and cause trouble between me and you, and this is not some play fight trouble, I mean serious trouble, then I wont help you, even if it's a life or death situation. Oh and if you hurt my sister, I'll kill you."


"Titania Blade, She's my sister."


Kippers Kippers Kippers

could it be true? Has someone other than me seen Needless?
Name: Agnos Soul

Species: Sarasin (human shaped with scales, a bit like a lizardman but body shape resembles a normal human)

Age: ?

Appearance: Short, brown hair, bright green eyes, greenish skin, clothing differs due to temperatures and weather.

Powers: Can transform into animals and non humanoid creatures as long as he has seen them (this does not influence his intelligence, but may make him unable to speak). Can also breath underwater for quite a long time. He has great survival skills, and his scales make it hard to do any serious damage to him.

Weaknesses: He gets tired quickly while in a fight. He can only eat meat: plants of any kind can make him sick. He also cant use any of his powers (except for breathing underwater) for a long period of time, as they exhaust him quite quickly. He also cant stand extreme cold or heat for long, and will pass out after a fairly short amount of time in these temperatures.

Personality: Kind, forgiving and trusting unless something is threatening himself or his friends, in which case he does not stop until the attacker is either dead or he himself is injured enough to stop him. Likes to help people, even at the cost of his own time, needs and safety. However, he is easy to anger and ready to fight at a moments notice if he is required to.
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Name: Siegfried Beligro

Age: 20

Gender: Male


(Normal Appearance)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-51.jpg.69fb31b38ef0f98137b343e56317a619.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-51.jpg.69fb31b38ef0f98137b343e56317a619.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(During Possession)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-50.jpg.cd664ea8fcdffd8ad0f7269cbeb212ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images-50.jpg.cd664ea8fcdffd8ad0f7269cbeb212ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers and Skills:

Siegfried is a crafty, slick man, an expert at Lockpicking, pickpocketing, scams...if it's illegal, chances are he'll know about it.

However, do to events prior in his life, he is now Bound to a vengeful spirit; Sagomori, a warrior of a distant eastern land. This spirit, when Siegfried's emotions run too hot or if he loses control, can possess his body, restoring Sagomori's form. Until he his defeated or Siegfried regains control, he will usually run amok, heart filled with rage and vengeance. He is a force to he reckoned with.

Ships Role: Is mainly the Cook, but is usually in charge of trading goods and loot from enemy vessels whenever they come into port.

Weapons: Siegfried himself only keeps a dagger on hand and is practiced with it, but Sagomori fights with a single, curved blade with both hands, as well as throwing daggers, explosives, and what appears to be a javelin on his back.

Personality: Siegfried is rather laid back and friendly, which allows him to make friends rather easily but also makes him come across as rather lazy despite his jobs. He is actually rather loyal, especially to the Captain, who saved him from certain death awhile ago.

Sagomori is almost the complete opposite. The angry spirit is rarely seen speaking or fighting, but when it does, he speaks gruffly and coldly, acting as if everyone in the room is a plague he might die from by just looking at them. However, he is a man of experience and rather wise, and will usually give advice to Siegfried if asked.

Bio/History: Born and Raised on the sea, Siegfried was born to a well known Pirate, Captain Hacks, and his mother was a traveling dancer and musician. An unlikely couple, but their love was strong, and even more so for their son. He grew up learning the Pirate trade from his father and getting an education and learning the finer arts from his mother. As such, he become well versed in Piracy while also being a violinist and a rather swell dancer. Life was good for Siegfried.

Unfortunately, at age nineteen, they were caught out in open waters in a deadly storm; a maelstrom. Siegfried doesn't remember much about the storm, only that he awoke later on an island. There he was found by black hooded figures, who took him against his will. There, they tortured him and performed unholy rituals. None worked...save for the one where they summoned a spirit. It wasn't the spirit they expected, and in its anger, it Bound itself to the nearest pure spirit and used their body to slaughter the figures. That spirit was Siegfried. It wasn't until their entire hideout was burned to the ground and almost the entire island set aflame that the spirit receded, returning control back to Seigfried.

Lucifer was passing by at the time and happened to stumble upon the unconscious Siegfried in the sand and took him aboard, where he was nursed back to health. Alone, unsure of what to do next, but with a debt to repay, Siegfried pledged to serve him until he released him from his service. He's been there ever since, working off his debt.

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Playing his Violin






Loud People

Secrets: Hopes to one day become a world famous musician.



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    Gilbert Macbeth







    Sexual Orientation



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Name:Anki Aboli




Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.343f45e107876b42acd274368453c1ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.343f45e107876b42acd274368453c1ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers & skills: Anki was trained as a masked man,a hidden guild of assassins that are trained in the various arts of death. He has mastered many of the Death arts though he still has much to learn.

He was not trained to fight...he was trained to kill.

the arts include,blade mastery, stealth, illusion magic,martial arts, acrobatics, lock picking,archery (though he doesn't use it)and dark spell sword magic.

He also has a knack for disappearing,and is a master of disguise.

Ships role:First mate (if applicable regular mate if not)

Weapons:Anki has two long swords, two short swords, two daggers, and two small knifes. He also has a variety of poisons and throwing knives,caltrops, smoke pellets, and a grapple hook modified with sharp barbs to be usable in combat.

Personality: Anki is kind of serious, that being said he isn't edgy or extreme, he doesn't seem to have any setting besides his default calm,he rarely shows an emotional response to anything. Even in combat he is eerily silent and graceful. All of that said he will speak to any crew member about nearly anything,but he will not initiate the contact. He has no problems with the actions of others so long as they do not impede on his freedom,all in all he is a hard to read man, but those who get to know him may find comfort in his calm logical outlook.

Bio: Anki's mother died during his birth,he never met his father,who abandoned him out of grief. Instead he was raised in an orphanage, not one of those evil horrible ones, but an actual good home for children who were underprivileged in the whole parent department.

But every place has a secret...

One of the nuns at the orphanage was actually a member of the masked assassins, she recruited him and two other orphans,as it was her position to recruit new masked men.

He and the other two trained together for nearly ten years,then the trail came.

Anki was put in an arena with the other two and they were told only one would leave alive.

Anki was that one,he was grieved at the loss of his friends, he had grown close to them almost as if they were his brother and sister,but strangely he wasn't to disturbed by it. It would seem the years of training,the "practice" killings,and the killing of his friends had changed him. He was no longer an angry boy who got into trouble for attention, he had grown into a deadly man who was trouble, and claimed no attention.

He first met Captain Haven two years ago when he needed to cross the ocean for a target,it was a set up. The masked men had offered him to a government group to avoid being targeted.

So Anki returned home,and tore the masked men apart,burned their hold to the ground,and killed the grandmaster assassin.

He left behind his old life and returned to Captain Haven asking for a place in his crew.

Other:despite the terrible vengeance he brought down upon the masked men,he remains greatful to them for training him to be what his is today. As such he wears his mask still as a token of respect to the once great assassins guild



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