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Futuristic Caught in the middle


New Member


The city that never sleeps, the golden state of mind.

For these teenagers, life as they know it will never be the same.


Seventeen-year old Zara has her priorities in check. Graduate high school, get into college, don't raise suspicion.

But life isn't always that easy.

When a bank robbery goes bad and two people are mortally wounded, Zara is forced to make a decision. Reveal herself to save two lives, or do nothing, and go on knowing she could've done something to help.

The choice was answered as quickly as she asked it. Help.

Zara jumped into action, running over to the first wounded. The gunmen were already gone, running from the building while they still could. There were four people there that night, the manager the only one besides herself left unharmed. He had ran when the gunshots went off, running down the hall and disappearing into some room.

Zara ripped the first wounded's shirt open, placing her hand over the bleeding wound. The person was awake, but confused and fading fast. The wound started healing and a light shone underneath her hand, the wound closing quickly and the bullet dissolved by the time she removed her hand. She got up without any words and went to the other person, placing her hand over their wound as well. She tried, she really did, but they were already gone by the time she got over to her. It was a girl, no more than maybe seven years old. She was holding a brown bunny in her left hand, small fingers clasped around its' ear. The bunny's right eye was missing, replaced with a black button that was a little too big. Zara's eyes traveled up to gaze into the girl's brown ones, and she reached up, hand hovering above the girl's face, and when she removed her hand the girl's eyes were closed.

A tear ran down Zara's face and she turned around to look at the boy that was watching her, and she stood up, walking over to the boy and kneeling next to him. "You'll be okay, I promise." She told him, thinking over the next thing she had to do. "I'm sorry, I wish you could know, but.. you can't." She raised her hand up, over the boy's head, and closed her eyes as she did something that would later be described as memory erasing. When she opened her eyes, the boy was asleep and the memory of what had happened was gone. Not erased, but.. repressed.

Zara heard sirens outside and soon several squad cars pulled into the lot, and Zara stood up to watch several policemen file into the building, guns raised.


So, this is something I'm trying after an idea that I decided to expand on.

Zara is one of three aliens that crashed to California in 1976. The military salvaged all parts of the craft that had crashed, but three out of six pods were launched behind a mountain before the craft crashed. The pods kept the three safe until 1993, when the pods opened and the three awoke. They found each other, and the police found them after they walked seven miles and stumbled on a small town.

Two of them, both girls, got separated from the third a little while before they were found. The third, a boy, was found later a little ways away. The two girls were adopted together, as sisters, and the boy was also put into foster care.


Six months after that day in the bank, the boy that the girl rescued started having dreams, nightmares, about the gunmen and the beauty that saved his life. Worried that he would sound crazy when presenting this theory, he dismisses it until he starts to remember out of his dreams as well. The words she spoke to him, even the feeling he felt when she removed the bullet and healed his wound.

Needing to know the truth, he seeks the girl out and finds her one day in school.

Will he tell her what he remembers, and that he knows what she did? Or will he just dismiss it like all the times before?


So! This is a group roleplay that will include six or so people. Three aliens, and three humans. (But, friends, family members and enemies such as investigators or scientists can be played by others too.)

Basically, this roleplay starts six months after the bank robbery, when the (Boy) main character starts to have dreams of what happened that day, starting to remember what Zara, (The other main character) healed him and erased his memory. He goes to her to try and make sense of it, and that's where he finds out about the three.

He has two friends, who will, over time, develop relationships with the other two aliens as well.

We will need:

Main character 1 (Girl, Alien): Zara | CookieMonster

Main character 2 (Boy, Human):

Main character 1's sister (Girl, Alien):

Main character 2's Best friend (Boy, Human):

Main character's friend (Boy, Alien):

Main character 2's friend (Girl, Human):

Family (Any siblings, parents, ect):



Ufo Nut?:

If one chooses to play one of the Family members, so that they will be included, they will eventually find out about the aliens.

So, that's it! I hope you like it.​

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