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Realistic or Modern Camp Evergreen OOC

Hi! It's definitely not too late! I'd like to get this started either tonight or tomorrow, so It's open until then! And if you'd like to play a counselor, we could take another one. ^^
I would love to play both if that's fine with you ofc
I would love to play both if that's fine with you ofc

For everyone, try to make sure your CS is up by tonight, if you can! I'd like to get a final count on the campers/counselors. I'm going to try to fix that poll so that it'll let you tell me if you're playing 2 campers as well.

Also, please change your vote if you've changed which characters you will have!

For everyone, try to make sure your CS is up by tonight, if you can! I'd like to get a final count on the campers/counselors. I'm going to try to fix that poll so that it'll let you tell me if you're playing 2 campers as well.

Also, please change your vote if you've changed which characters you will have!
Really don't feel like writing more bios, but I know I have to

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