C.C. - Mission 2

Jace starts climbing up an old tower on the building. "Sorry but yeah this is beautiful I want to make this one of the first places we repopulate when we colonize Earth again if ever. I'll take pictures." He uses the suit camera to take several pictures of the old city before climbing down. "My brother will love this." He looks over the edge and sees the several 100 feet drop. "Anyone else ever wanted to try base jumping because now is a good chance. Wait just heard about the tracks which direction are they Robert. Also sorry for my comments. I'd rather fly with you in your ship than anyone else in anything else Peqoud. The only thing I won't let anyone else drive me on is my bike."

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"It's not that great." Connor said, walking on the ground of the destroyed city. "I've seen better dumps then this." He was even getting a bit jumpy. Heaven only knew why, it wouldn't be easy for the giant that is Godzilla to sneak up on him. But nobody fully understood how the human brain works. "Any signs of that thing? And can someone put a blip where the trap is so I know where I'm going to get blown up?"
One orange dot appeared on everyone's mini-maps as Assassin Marmot marked the location of the massive hole between two collapsed skyscrapers where the giant reptilian tracks disappeared into; Artemis pinged the three digital markings she had drawn earlier that marked the three buildings she rigged to collapse in their ambush point.

"Go ahead, Master Sergeant." Artemis told Robert. "Me, Komodo, Grizzly, and Sandai will be standing by in the ambush zone."

The ambush zone was about half a mile from the massive tunnel. There were many dilapidated malls, towering sky scrapers, bridges, and even the tracks of an ancient bullet train in between. The worn sandy roads were full of rusty cars, a couple of bent lampposts, knobbly cacti, and the occasional desert lizard basking in the sun.

"Robert, Pequod, Assassin, I'm coming with you." said Hikaru, eagerly.

After everyone who wanted to investigate were assembled outside, the group delved into the tunnel.

It smelled bad. There was a stench of rot and decay in the damp musty air. In the dark, their mech lights swept across a sandy earthen floor littered with giant bones of creatures bigger than themselves, causing rats as big as cats to scamper away from the light. It was also very quiet that the whirring blades from Pequod's hovercraft reverberated and echoed loudly in the tunnel, making Hikaru nervous.

She didn't have her mech lights on, since she didn't want Godzilla to see it, but wore her night vision goggles instead and switched to thermals every now and then.

A few minutes passed. Then, up ahead and around a bend, the group heard what was unmistakably the sound of very, very, loud snoring. But it was unlike any snore they've ever heard. It was so great it was like listening to rhythmic thunder roaring and avalanche rumbling at the same time. Hikaru no longer cared that Pequod's hovercraft was loud, she couldn't even hear it as the group came closer.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
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'Okay Artemis before i forget, when we see our soon-to-be-dinner, what is the plan exactly? Throw stones at it? Sing kumbaya? What exactly is the plan here? Walking to a colossal beast without a plan is like...er...um.. i have nothing. You get the gist right?" Robert asked as they walked down the abyss.

He looked around nervously and suddenly the sound of the snoring somehow calmed his nerves a bit. "Okay i am officially freaked out. Is it weird that the sound of the beast snoring has a calming effect on me?"

"Yes it is. And about your question, we have the mechs to do all the noise to awaken the beast. Wait, Artemis, what about us on foot patrol? What do we do?" Assassin said while she patted Robert on the shoulder.

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"Pequod's there, Assassin." said Artemis. "And Connor and Hikaru are going to bait it to the ambush point. I think the both of you should scuddadle' out of there." she suggested, sounding a bit worried. "Pequod's hovercraft isn't built to withstand two thousand five hundred tons of lizard."

"True that." agreed Pequod shakily. "Come on you two, get on board, quicky." The hovercraft doors opened and Pequod threw a rope ladder down.

The tunnel that they were in ended in a vast dark chamber where the foul stench of death was the strongest, and the grinding snores echoed the loudest. There at very back was a large jagged hill slowly rising and falling as it breathed.

The great reptile king was fast asleep, curled up among a pile of great bones and crushed rubble.

"Get ready to fly away guys . . .," whispered Hikaru's voice through the comms, "Connor, shall I poke the dragon's eye or shall you?" She was ready to do anything. Whether it was to flee or attempt to yank on the great lizard's tail.

In the ceiling, there was a bit of loose debris right on top of the great sleeping lizard.

(OOC: @CkSmalling, @Beowulf (feel free to control how Godzilla wakes up), @LocoBlock)
"Ohh thank the heavens. I was wondering how in the world we would tackle that beast." Robert did a full 180 and walked towards the hovercraft. "So what do we do when we are airborne? I mean if i was to fire at Godzilla, there is a high chance it will change its target from the mecha's to us. And we cannot sustain a full on attack from the King of the Beasts." Robert paved way for Assassin to climb the rope ladder.

"Aaaww i would be flattered. But we both know you just want to get the best view." Assassin said as she punched Robert on the forearm and began to climb the ladder. " I think we just have to track its movements Robert. And when i say we, i mean you. You did bring the Widow Maker with you right?"

"I am going to assume that you did not just ask me that question. Besides, who would not want to have such a splendid view? Makes 3-D look obsolete. Maybe VR. Thanks for that.Now i am calm." Assassin climbed the hovercraft and assisted Robert to climb on board. "You take the co-pilot's seat. I want full view of the surroundings if you don't mind." Robert said as he sat near the doors.

"You don't have to tell me twice." She takes the co-pilot's seat and straps herself in. "Okay Pequod. Let's hover over the tunnel until he wakes up."

'Hey Pequod could you fly where if I jump I land in there with you guys? Actually never mind Ill just climb back down and get in my mecha." Jace starts climbing down and when he gets to the base he climbs in his mecha. "I'm coming guys I'll meet you in the cavern." Jace goes over to the cavern and goes in and meets up with Artemis and Conner "So now what? Its the size of that building I just climbed." He looks over at them and smiles.

@Zer0 @Beowulf
"Hey, you see that?" Connor said in the Rook, pointing to the crumbling ceiling. "Bet'cha that'll get it's attention. Hey Arti," trying out the nickname for the first time, "You got any of those charges left? I can ping a spot for you to plant them and touch them off. If not, then we can do it to good old fashion way of shooting it until something happens." As he said 'good old fashion…' he aimed at the target in question just in case. "Oh, and Jace, best you hitch a ride with Hikaru, don't want to be left behind when lizze over there wakes up."
Artemis' raised a bewildered eyebrow and chortled once, amused at the nickname. "Poke him in the eye, Connor." she said through the comms. "I'm more than half a mile away from you guys."

Pequod's hovercraft shot out of the dark massive tunnel with Robert and Assassin Marmot, and circled high up in the sky, the hot desert sun glinting on its windshields. Its cargo and side doors were open for Robert to snipe through.

Back in the tunnel, the massive jaggy hill turned as the great Lizard King shifted in its sleep, shaking the ground. It's scaly head was now turned towards the squad, eyes still closed. The wind from its thunderous snores sent sprays of sand and dust clinking on their mechs.

Hikaru's Okami nodded at Jace in acknowledgement and then readied itself for flight.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
Robert loaded his sniper rifle with Incendiary Rounds and the rifle hummed and turned color to Crimson Red. "Incendiary Ammunition Loaded" 'Okay Artemis. I am ready here. I really have no idea how my special rounds will work on the beast,but i can try to make the eyes of the big lizard explode. Again, no idea how they will work."

"Sounds like a good idea. But try to blind it close to the ambush area. When blinded there, it will have no other choice but to stay in one position." Assassin said as she guided Pequod on the altitude.

"Yea but that will cause it to act unpredictably. He may decide to go all out. But it is worth a try. Any advice Artemis? Or anyone for that matter. I am open to suggestions."

@Zer0 @LocoBlock @Beowulf
"I'm with blinding it when it reaches the Ambush point." Artemis told Robert. "Allow me to give a re-cap of the plan, everyone. After Connor and Hikaru bring Godzilla to the ambush point, everyone get out of the way because I'm going to stun it with a ballistic bomb. The moment its down, we'll all slice the front of it's throat so that it'll bleed out.

"If all goes well, we won't have to confront it in open battle."

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
'Roger that boss. I will keep my safety on until you give me the order to open fire." He places the sniper rifle on his lap and sits at the edge of the seat, keeping his eyes peeled for anything.

"Sounds like a good plan Artemis. Robert just be ready for anything. We have no idea how the lizard will react when he is awoken from his slumber." Artemis said as she looked behind at Robert then focused her attention to the gaping hole below.

"I have 8 charges to use so if that works than I'm all down for it. Arti huh?" He looks at Connor and questionably raises his eyebrow. "Anyways I feel like Robert probably has a better chance of hitting it than I do. My gun is to big for its own good." Jace gets ready to place charges up on the ceiling on Connor's command.

@Zer0 @CkSmalling @Beowulf
"From this height, i can hit it, as long as the winds don't start to misbehave then i am confident in my shots. But i will hang back till its necessary to shoot at Godzilla. For now, we are your birds eye view and i will be your friendly commentator, Robert King." Robert said as he wore his beret hat.

" Hahahaha that was a very weird ending and i loved it. Waiting to see what exactly you will say once the action starts. Speaking of which, Artemis, when is the action starting?"

@Zer0 @LocoBlock
Suddenly, the great beast opened one gold bleary eye twice as big as their mechs. It narrowed into a slit from the glare of their mech lights.

Hikaru gulped, momentarily paralyzed. A gust of hot smelly breath blew over the group. And the beast just stared at them for a few seconds, then Hikaru's Okami shot the eye right in the center.


Thrill shot up Hikaru's spine as instinct kicked in and she flew off. The massive tunnel shuddered as the beast rose swiftly from the ground, thrashing its tail in agony. It's deafening roars could be heard all the way to the ambush point.

Debris and sand caved in as the rampaging colossus thundered out of its chamber after them.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
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"Time to go." Connor said, firing his weapon to get the things attention as he quickly moved towards the mouth of the chamber. "Right this way kind sir." he said softly to himself, turning around and sprinting. "Hikaru, make sure Jace doesn't die on us. He's not in a mech, and your's is faster then mine. Besides, the Rook can take a punch or two."
Hikaru looked back at Connor, confused. "But he is in a mech." she said pointing at Jace's machine as she flew through the tunnel.

Her Okami soared out into the clear desert sky as Godzilla came bursting out of the massive hole, sending a tidal wave of sand and debris over Hikaru, Connor, and Jace's mechs. Its claws were out and grasping forward and it roared in rage when they flew out of range.

The jagged spines on its back glowed blue as it took in a deep, deep breath, the air around its mouth shimmering in the heat wave, then it let out a pillar of liquid lightning blue flames in an arc that shot across the three and Pequod's hovercraft.

Pequod cursed as he was forced to do an abrupt three hundred-sixty degree spin to evade it. He had no idea it's fire-breathing range was that long.

"Robert!" yelled Assassin, looking back. She wasn't sure if he wore seatbelts or something to hold him down.

It missed Hikaru, but the flame actually cut through a building and her Okami was racing it's fall. The black wolf swerved to the left, under a train rail bridge and she heard a great BOOM as the building collapsed behind her in a mound of dust and debris.

"This better taste good when you cook it, Grizzly!" said Hikaru, pulling up.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
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Robert was thrown off balance by the sudden movement of the hovercraft. HE was thrown out but managed to hang by the landing skids on the hovercraft. He hang on for dear life, screaming his lungs out, yelling to Pequod ton steady the aircraft so that he can climb up. The plane leveled out and he climbed back up. He did not waste any time and he buckled in tight. "Next time you want to do that, please say something!!!!!!!" He calmed down before speaking again.

"I'm okay Assassin. Thanks for the concern. Looks like our plan hit the rocks. We are in his radar, no escaping that. We need to figure out a new plan and fast." He took out his weapon and put the safety off. "Ooohhhh he is gonna get blind that's for sure. Artemis, the beast is up and heading in your direction."

"Just because my mecha is small doesn't mean I'm not in one." Jace flies along with the rest getting ready to shoot his rifle if he needed to. "Get ready guys the thing is coming out. Also Grizzly if you planned on using the eyes you can ask Hikaru why his eye has a hole in it."

@Zer0 @CkSmalling @Beowulf
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"I-I panicked." blurted Hikaru, turning in the air to face Godzilla.

"It was just looking at me and . . ." her speech faded into the background as the Lizard King tromped forward, pushing aside buildings easily as if they were bushes and continued to fire ear-splitting bursts of lightning-flames at The Rook and The Invisible Eagle, following them to the ambush zone.
"Its okay Hikaru I was just messing with you. Anyways those things are like twice the size of are mecha there's plenty to go around. Actually I might wanna start shooting." Jace quickly takes a shot for the back of Godzilla's mouth as it goes to breath more fire. "You think he ever gets tired of roaring?"

"Clear out, everyone." said Artemis as Godzilla came charging between two crumbling sky scrapers from the east.

Her Dynasty Scarab was perched on the roof of one of an old apartment building three kilometers from the ambush point. The components of its side hatches re-arranged, then two fat acid green ballistic bombs labeled Tesla Glycerin rolled out whirring and ready for launch.

When everyone had flown out of the way, her maroon scarab braced itself on the roof then launched one bomb.


The scarab slid back a little from the recoil. The acid green bomb arched over the air and fell for four seconds before landing on the ground before the Lizard King in an explosive flash of blue light that sent out a nova shockwave of blue lightning within a radius of two kilometers.

Godzilla stiffened, electricity surging through its body, then it collapsed like a building near the center of their ambush point, shaking the earth and sending blinding clouds of dust everywhere.

"Go, go!" said Artemis. "You've all got thirty seconds to cut the neck before I launch the last one!"

Hikaru's black wolf Okami surged into the dust cloud, she had her thermals on, and with one vicious bite tore part of the neck, arching red hot blood in her wake, but it wasn't enough.

Komodo, Grizzly, and Sandai all wearing thermals flew down into the cloud and began hacking at the front of Godzilla's throat with their giant axes. Its scaly hide was so tough it was like trying to cut through a colossal tree.
"Move! Move!" Connor shouted as he shouldered past his squad to get at the slowly deepening cut. But it was to slow, with their axes hacking at it anyways. Revving his chainsword, he raises it above his head and brings it down on the scales of the King, chain whirring and engine roaring. It hit the scales, a brief shower of sparks as the scales were chewed through, then the sparks were replaced with a black fluid presumadely blood. He kept an eye on the clock, and when five seconds were left, he wrenched his sword from the deep wound he had made and bolts to get out of range from the blast. He'd be cutting it close, bu he was sure he'd make it.
Robert looked at the event as it unfolded before in his scope. "Damn. That is one fine beast. I mean its just magnificent!!!! just look at the huge spikes on her back, the fire breath.. oohhhh.. do not get me started with it. "

"Do you always get all sentimental when it comes to food Robert? Its kinda sweet...and weird at the same time." Assassin said as she looked on using a pair of binoculars provided by Pequod.

"Its important to appreciate the beast before devouring it. My dad taught me that when we used to go deer hunting. Aahhh deer hunting. Good times. Good times. Although from where i am sitting, people are butchering the beast. I mean i am seeing chainsaws and knives all focused on the neck. Keep it up people!!!!!!!!"

@Zer0 @LocoBlock @Beowulf
Jace aims down the sights of his rifle getting ready to shoot Godzilla's neck when the second bomb fires "When I shoot be ready for the shower of blood that's gonna come out of his artiries. Hopefully it will help."

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