C.C. - Mission 2

Hikaru counted five Balooga fishes. They needed only one more. She opened her cockpit and the cold salty air blew around her, the quiet hum of her mech's thrusters joining the whoosh of the sky breeze. She tied one end of a rope on her seat and threw the rest into the sea. Today is such a nice day.

She set her Okami to hover on auto-pilot, took out her shotgun-katana, looked down at the school of Balooga fishes, adjusted her mech a bit so that her Okami was directly above a thick group of them, then jumped into the sea.

"Banzai!!" she yelled gleefully, and fell into the sea with a splash. When the foam cleared, she was pulling her katana out of the head of a Balooga fish that eventually stopped wriggling.

With the last fish acquired, Hikaru climbed back up and her Okami flew back to their beach camp with the Balooga in its jaws.

(OOC: @CkSmalling, @LocoBlock, ready to time-skip to night time after your next posts?)
"hahaha oh yea i forgot. But still, the drugs should have worked by now. Iam going to enjoy this. Hey Grizzly can you say 'She sells sea shells by the sea shore'. I may stop if you say that tongue twister. But i am not making any promises by the way."

Robert almost jumped when the cockpit hatch was opened. He saw how Hikaru killed the final fish and smiled. "Damn Hikaru. You impress me day by day. Kudos for the kill btw. A solid 10/10."

Assassin heard the comment and stood up abruptly and coughed in the comms. "Is that right Robert. Looks like we are going to have a little chat. I hope you have said your prayers already."

@Zer0 @LocoBlock
"Oooh, you made your girlfriend angry." teased Hikaru as her Okami laid the fish with the others, and she dismounted from her mech.

Grizzly's voice came through the comms, "Bhlee' blells' blea' bhuu-thells bah' dah' blea thhh-bore-bwhahaha!" he laughed.

Komodo, Sandai, and Artemis all laughed with him.

"You are enjoying this are you?" Robert said as he climbed down from the mech and lightly punched Hikaru on her shoulder. "I will be back.. Hopefully. Wish me luck!!"

When he heard Grizzly try the tongue twister, he tried to laugh but the situation he was in was life and death. "Grizzly, if i make it alive, i will laugh. But for now, just know that i am smiling. Hypothetically that is."

Assassin watched Robert from a distance and he made a fist, ready to punch. "So what were you saying earlier?" As soon as he was a few inched close, he swung a hard right, making Robert fall on his ass. "Please repeat what you said over the comms, so that i can hear you again? And please add some spices if you like."

Robert moved back on his ass away from Assassin as sweat was trickling down." Wait wait i can explain. No wait i can't but.. please accept my apologies. I was just giving a compliment to our boss. That's it. Nothing is going on. You know i am with you."

Assassin un-clenched her fist and offered her hand to Robert so that she can help him up. As soon as he was on his feet, he punched him on the stomach, making him fall to his knees. "Apology accepted. Now where was i." She turned her back and went to help Grizzly with the food.

Connor fought like he did most times when he practiced in the Rook. Holding out an arm for the bird to latch on to, he uses the other, having to drop the lmg and let it hang from it's cord, to give it a good punch. "Get out of here you daft bird." he practically shouts at it. "I'll shoot you to if I have to." he added as the bird released it's grip and flew away haphazardly, no doubt dazed by the blow. "I've had bad experiences with the ocean. I'll let you guys take care of them." he said as he watched the balooga fish quickly be round up and killed. "And someone please translate what that man's saying. I can't understand a damn thing he's said." he added, a hint of laughter in his voice.
Jace finishes the last touches on the crab and the bird. He hands out some to everyone. "Enjoy some actual food. There's a reason I go out to the valley." He gets some for himself eats it and climbs up in a hammock to once again avoid snakes and falls asleep.

@Zer0 @CkSmalling @Beowulf
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"He said, 'she sells, sea shells, by the sea shore', Connor." said Komodo Dragon, amused.

For the rest of the day, he, Grizzly Sloth, Sandai, Assassin Marmot, and Hikaru, Artemis went swimming or exploring the reefs.

Assassin Marmot and Hikaru had a race swimming one lap around the little island-Hikaru won, "Don't be put out," she told Assassin, placing a hand on her shoulder and grinning as she bobbed up and down the waves, "Japan had planned to conquer the seas, so you can imagine the extensive training we had for aquatic operations."

Artemis gave her Dynasty Scarab a wash and settled on getting a tan while reading a book and listening to that ancient Walkman of hers. Komodo Rhino and Grizzly Sloth went exploring in the reefs and they came back to the shore with some very weird creatures, one of which was a sea slug, but had the shape of a fluffy bunny, which they eventually set free.

That night, the group was eating food prepared by the guys once more. The sea breeze was chilly and most of the squad huddled around the campfire, brown and sunburnt.

"Good-bye, diet." said Assassin Marmot helping herself to some crab Grizzly Sloth and Jace made.

"Mmm, real bird meat tastes so good!" said Hikaru who was now eating her third helping of sizzling crispy Kururu.

Artemis was still reading her book, A Series of Unfortunate Events, when she saw the way Robert was looking at Assassin. "So, Robert, Assassin . . . are the both of you going out?"

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock
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Connor decided to do... something. I mean, what was there to do for him? He wasn't one to casually swim around, or lay about getting a tan. Plus he didn't know much about how the Rook worked, so he couldn't give it a once over. He was somewhat curious about the book Artemis was reading, but that's about it. He looked at the creatures Rhino and Grizzly brought back, and saw them release the sea slug/rabbit back into the ocean. He could appreciate that, not everything was their's for the killing.

Night came around, and he huddled close to the fire like everyone else and enjoyed the food. When the subject of Robert and Assassin dating came up, he paused mid chew of crab. He was curious about that himself. They were always off talking and flirting, but he couldn't recall it being anything else. He finishes chewing the crab and swallowed, rather loudly might I add, and then pretended to not be to interested in the following conversation.
Jace looks over from the hammock. "Well I mean if your not a man or a true man you won't understand but actually trying to start dating someone you love is difficult. Trust me I know everyday back at HQ. Also Grizzly you did good on the crab." He gives a slight smile back towards the group before laying back down.


The next day, the team made their way to neutral territory and into the scorching rocky desert of Sonoran far, far west from Lysaur Valley.

They arrived in the afternoon where the ruins of a once great earth city lay half buried in the desert sand could be seen in the distance, shimmering in the heat haze. Somewhere in there was the great colossal beast, Godzilla. An intelligent creature with an armored back, teeth and tail that could crush them in one blow, and a breath of lightning-fire that could incinerate any armor.

The group made camp under the shade of a towering striped pillar of rock, getting ready for the hunt.

"This is gonna' need some sweet tactics . . ." said Komodo Rhino looking at a holographic picture of Godzilla. Usually, it takes a company of mechs to take a colossal creature down. "What do you guys think?" he added looking at Robert, Connor, and Jace.

@CkSmalling, @Beowulf, @LocoBlock


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"Well my gun will not even make the creature feel anything so we need mech support. I wonder if my mech has been repaired fully cause we are going to need it." Robert said as he holstered his weapon to his back.

"Same here."Assassin said as she sat down at a nearby rock. "And i am pretty sure destroying it from the inside will be a grave mistake. Yea i was told by Robert about the Sky Whale. This needs a new tactic and i am fresh out of ideas."

@Zer0 @LocoBlock @Beowulf
"The most I could do to it is really piss it off." Connor said, staring intently at the hologram. "The Rook will be able to stay ahead of it and give it a good shooting, but that probably won't do much. If we can set up a trap somewhere in the city, I can lead it there then the rest of you can spring it. Or I can get on it and cut my way in with the chainsword. It'll take me a while to get anywhere, especially if those scales are as strong as I think they are, but I will get the job done eventually."
'That is a great plan Connor. Now i wonder if you have looked closely at the beastly arms, those claws can rip your armor like butter. And last i checked at some of the lore of this beast, it has fire breath. If you plan on hopping on the beast, best be careful or you will be ripped." Robert said as he examined Godzilla.

"The tail will also be a problem for both mechs and the ground team. If we are caught in the shock wave of the tail when it slams to the ground, there is a chance we will be thrown a couple of meters away, possibly more than 50. This requires a whole day of planning. He won't go anywhere..hopefully." Assassin said, standing up to join in the conversation.


"We're a go for the trap plan too." said Komodo Rhino, pointing his thumb at himself and Grizzly Sloth.

"I can stun it after you bring it to the ambush point, Connor." said Artemis. "Twice, for thirty seconds each, but you all have to get out of the way when I fire or you guys will get shocked too. Would that be enough for the rest of you to cut the throat? Then we can just let Godzilla bleed out."

Grizzly Sloth nodded. "Hopefully. As much as possible, I don't want our main dish to have mince meat for a face, guys."

Hikaru agreed with Connor's plan too. "I'll bait it with you, Connor. Artemis, you should set some charges too on some buildings. So that when it wakes up we can have some collapse on it. That'd buy us time."

Sandai examined a holographic map of the ruined city. "This is a good spot." he said, enlarging it so that everyone could see. "It's tight, and there are a lot of ancient skyscrapers all around that we can collapse."

"I'll set up the charges here and here." said Artemis, making digital markings on the area. "I'll make three buildings fall on top of it when it wakes up."

Artemis then set off to plant the bombs.

"Robert," said Assassin. "You've got the best eyes in this team, let's look for Godzilla with Pequod."

(OOC: @CkSmalling (If you like, I can leave it to you how your character spotted Godzilla and what the colossal beast is doing), @Beowulf)
Jace just keeps following the group. "So um why do we have to kill this giant thing? I mean it just its um yeah."
"Because it's delicious, Jace." said Grizzly, grasping the air with gusto. "After me and Robert barbequed some of that sky-whale liver, I began to realize that the bigger the prey, the more delicious it is . . . And only the most delicious food is worthy to be served in a feast for the whole Crimson Canines."

"Assassin my dear. Would it have killed you to say that i have very sexy eyes? I mean i do have.." Robert said smiling before it disappeared. "...Um right?" He takes a few steps back away from Assassin.

Assassin looks at him and smiles. " Yea i would have died. But you do have some sexy eyes, i give you that." She notices Robert moving away from her. "Now that is just rude. You actually think i was going to hurt you?" Assassin said as he moved closer to him, her hands on her waist.

"Can't really blame me can you" Robert said in a cowardly voice.

"Yea you are right." She said as she embraced Robert. " Make that move again and i will beat you up" Assassin said in a low tone and kissed him on the cheek.

"Okay then,now that i know that my life is officially in danger..." Robert said placing two fingers over the comms. ".. Pequod, where are you? I need a birds eye view of the town so that i can locate our dear friend Godzilla."

( @Zer0 i will leave the spotting and the actions of the beats in your capable hands please.)
Pequod's hovercraft with his and his mom's face complete with the words, "I love Mom" in decal on its side, came flying in from the east and landed some meters away from camp so that the wind from its turbines wouldn't blow sand on everyone's eyes.

"I have arrived!" announced Pequod smoothly in that street-talk accent of his. Once Robert and Assassin Marmot were safely on board, the hovercraft soared into the air and flew high over the ruined desert city, searching for Godzilla.

"This is gonna' be one tough cookie to crack, brother." said Pequod nervously, looking around from his pilot's seat. "If you ask me, chicken tastes better than these giant monsters . . . they're safer to kill too . . . don't have to worry about some fire-breathing dragon turning your butt into ash . . ."

Jace looks up as Robert flies off. "Tell me how close to a snake it is when your being shot out of the air. I guess I am being a coward. You know what I'm gonna go climb up that building and look around. Do I have permission Artemis?"

@Zer0 @CkSmalling
"Yes." came Artemis' voice from the comms. "Watch your footing, though, Jace, some of those structures look really unstable."


Artemis' was carefully planting her remote detonated mines in certain foundation areas of three of the skyscrapers in their ambush point. Though she had only eight mines, her expertise in demolitions enabled her to know where to put the bombs so that she only needed two for each building.

She armed the last one and it blinked red in the darkness of the musty old basement she was in. It was kind of creepy being alone in this quiet, quiet underground room where only sand, broken pieces of furniture, and dry debris littered the floor.

A rotten door that was ajar caught her attention. She pushed it aside and stepped inside a new room, boots crunching on fallen glass and saw through her night vision that she was in some sort of storage room.

"Sweet . . ." she said excitedly to herself, looking at the dusty boxes and rusty cabinets that were piled inside the room. Hopefully there were some old cassette tapes and vinyl records here. And she began looting the place.
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Jace goes proceeds to go into one of the old rotting syscraper. "Whats your bet the elevators still work if they even exist." Jace goes up to the elevator and presses the button. He hears a loud click followed by a thud. "That awnsers that they worked but do not exist anymore. I'm gonna go raid the supplys first." He goes to a storage room and find a just old office supplies. "Never mind." He starts climbing up the stairs when he noticed the remains of other people. He keeps walking and sees what looks like an attempted evacuation that led to a panic. "I wonder if that thing we are hunting is the reason for this." He gets to the roof and sees a helipad and a helicopter. "Peqoud can you fly this? I'd rather ride in it than your mother craft. No offense just joking. No visual Artemis what about you Robert?"

@Zer0 @CkSmalling


Pequod stiffened in his seat the moment he heard that jibe about his precious hovercraft and looked at Robert, shaking his head. "Watch your words, new guy . . . " he told Jace through the comms, a bit of heat in his voice. "It ain't funny jokin' 'bout your teammates getting shot out of the air, or takin' a jab at my ride . . ."

Somewhere in one of the three buildings, Artemis was sighing patiently as she stuffed her bag with some really, really, really outdated canned spam, a vinyl record of Elvis, a real pencil chewed up in some places, and three musty old books. Jace was starting to get on everyone's nerves. She hoped he won't make fun nor talk about his teammates getting shot out of the sky next time . . . Running tempers isn't good for a mission, especially one as dangerous as this.

"This is Artemis," she told the squad, "bombs have been planted. Heading back to camp."

@CkSmalling, your character spotted some colossal half-covered reptile tracks in the eastern outskirts of the ruined city; there were also tail marks gouging the roads, all leading to a massive hole through two collapsed sky scrapers. The dark tunnel inside was full of sand, building debris, and sloped downwards into the earth, curving to the left, so that it was impossible to see the rest without going in to investigate.

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"When did I mention getting shot out of the air. This thing just got left behind. As far as I can tell with a little tune up it could still fly. I know the elevator is broken for sure though."
"Hahaha brother. You really need to take a chill pill. Wait who says 'chill pill' these days? You do realize the bigger the prey, the hard to kill and the sweeter the reward. I mean God-freaking-zilla. That will be a dear diary moment. And no i don't have a diary." Robert looked at Pequod with a stern eye.

"Yea you do. I have seen it. God i was tempted to read it but boundaries." Assassin rubbed Robert's hair cheekily.

'No i don't. You are just messing with me so that i can walk into that trap. Sweetheart, i invented that trap." Robert said swatting her hand away.

"Jace dude, you really suck at raising hopes. Next time, just say 'good luck'..or you might find yourself in someone's cross hairs. Not mentioning any names btw. Could be anyone. And to answer your question, no. Nothing yet. However you should be here. There is a city and it is just...." Robert's words trailed off.

"Just to finish his sentence, its beautiful. even i was lost for words. Its just Spectacular. Hikaru, Jace, do you want some photos of this place? One for the scrapbook maybe" Assassin said as she drew a camera.

"Hold it babe. Look at the base of the area. Pequod lower us a bit. I want a closer look. There. Artemis, reporting in. I am seeing large reptilian tracks on the ground with a tail trail, approximately 6 meters in diameter. Requesting permission to investigate further. The tracks disappear into a tunnel."


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