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Realistic or Modern By Day Student, By Night Vigilante -- OoC



Five Thousand Club
OOC Rules
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In this world, there are no "super" heroes. No invincible powerhouse that the world looks to when they are in danger. The people live day to day, trusting law enforcement and the military. But there's always something lurking in the shadows. A gene propagated since the beginning of humanity has started to awaken, granting powers to those born with the activated genome. Those with the mutant gene often grow up different than their peers, and many are scouted by a special academy before puberty. To keep the existence of the gene out of public knowledge, (and thus keep anti-mutant sentiment low) parents are told only that their child is quite 'gifted'. Not every child is sent at this point - some are sent later, once their powers manifest, or join even later when they themselves find their powers hard to control without training.

Those with the gene will manifest a power upon reaching puberty - and almost always it is connected to their personality quirks when young (someone who can talk to and grow plants might have spend lots of time gardening and talking to "no one"). These powers are not the end-all and be-all, however. While a student may be able to grow claws from his hands, he will only be as strong and agile as he trains to be. There are no shortcuts, no immortality.

Many use their powers to become vigilantes, stopping crime and assisting from the shadows. The academy encourages this, students who are old enough and trained enough (usually starting around 16-18 should they join upon scouting) will be set into teams. These teams are given a day per week where they may be called on to patrol, and to thwart crimes in progress or crimes that are about to happen. Of course, some students will sneak out and patrol on their own.

After academy, many students leave to live a normal life by day, and use their powers to help as they can. Others will stay and become professors, helping to teach the next generation. Even others, along with some of those that never join the academy, may turn to crime on their own. Their powers are seen as a shortcut, and these are often the highest priority of the academy.

And on the fringes are those who have learned of the gene and now have committed their life to the 'eradication' of it. There are a number of groups that will kill those awakened they learn of with no question, no remorse. They have started to grow bolder, stronger, smarter...
I kinda missed that, its a bit late here so i kinda just copied the template and started work on the CS. Sorry
So I just realized I meant to add in an "Alias" portion, did it for my sheet, but forgot to add it to the skeleton
Ah shoot I completely forgot about the alias thing 🤔 this is gonna be tricky
Indeed, indeed. Took me a while to come up with something that made sense.

I totally didn't google name of a knife thrower and come up with nothing
I ended up pushing a bit more to the acrobatic thiefssassin type. Also with some medical skill (she practiced with knives a lot...)

If the Characters are gonna be a team, anyone want to discuss possible starting relationships?
Wait so they are a team already or not yet? Honestly I don’t think Alaric would personally know anyone until they form a team. He’s too much of an outsider. Although I’m sure he would’ve heard of at least one of them through some ✨g o s s i p✨
I was thinking that the classes just started for this year or however it works, and since they're all old enough now they were put on a team with a shared dorm (seperate beds but same living area)

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