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Realistic or Modern By Day Student, By Night Vigilante -- Characters



Five Thousand Club
Player Name:

Character Name:
Gender Identity:

Appearance: (Picture, Description, Or Hybrid is fine)

Other Skills:


Personality: (Optional)

History: (Optional)

Player Name: MythyDW MythyDW

Character Name: Lola Barton (Prefers to go by Lo)
Alias: Shade
Age: 18
Gender: Female


Power: Lola is able to recall small objects to her hand. Outside of the academy she generally uses this to manifest her throwing knife after an attack. To recall an item, she must have been touching it a few moments before or it must be quite close to her - as such, she generally can only use it on her knives, lockpicks, pencils, etc.

Other Skills: Hand-Eye Coordination (throwing especially), treating cut and stab wounds, agility, lockpicking and other fine motor skill tasks.

Equipment: One combat knife, two throwing knives, sneaking suit, lockpicks.

History: Lola's childhood was relatively normal, to a point. When she was young, though, she began to get things in her hands that she wasn't supposed to. Her fingers preferred to be holding or working, and would twitch when they weren't. As she grew she began to teach herself to tinker with small objects like watches and locks, and she grew a bit of a record for petty theft.

When the scouts for the academy came, her parents were both relieved and concerned. Since she would be living away from them, the scouts were peppered with questions until Lola's parents came to the conclusion that this would be the best for her. Since then, she's been writing letters and visiting when she can, fingers continuing their work to keep busy.
Player Name: PlusUltra
Character Name: Primavera Amerigo
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Intersex (Varies)
Appearance: Primavera's appearance is constantly in flux since the manifestation of her powers, her height and builds frequently fluctuating as she picks between which fits her mood best at the time, or experimenting with something different altogether as casually as one would try on clothes. Often windowshopping between people and even art with a curious look, she has tended to be drawn to variations on her original appearance though is not unknown to go to extremes to push the limits of her abilities.
Power: Photographic Metamorphosis, following visually observing individuals the user can reshape their body into a facsimile of this observation either partially or completely. However, in order to do this, the user needs to have recently observed the desired transformation and will remain in such a form until a new one is chosen.
Other Skills: Acting, Adaptability, Art, Baiquan, Persuasion, Subterfuge.
Equipment: Leatherbound Scrapbook, Smartphone, Wire Spool with Hook and magnet.
History: (Optional)

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Player Name: Pete the Witcher

Character Name: Cal Walker
Age: 18
Gender Identity: Male

Appearance: (Picture, Description, Or Hybrid is fine)

Power: Bone claws- he can make sharp bones come out of his knuckles and if broken he has a cool down of 1 minute before he can do it again.

Other Skills: Cooking, Hockey, and fighting.

Equipment: Smart phone

Personality: (Optional)

History: (Optional)
Cal was a hockey player for some time and when he was young Sidney Crosby was his idol. Hockey is a bloody sport which meant Cal would often get into fights with other team members. One day his mutation acted up when fighting Harry Blanco of the Nashville Raiders and he stabbed Harry with his bone claws. his coach did yell at him and he was forced to pay a medical bill and serve time in jail. Lucky for Cal his big break came aa he was offed a chance to live at a academy which was suggested by his mom and dad to straighten him out.
Player Name: P u f f P u f f

Character Name: Alaric Daniel Reilly
Age: 17 y/o
Gender Identity: Doesn't care for terms or what he is identified as, although most just refer to him as male as well as himself.

Alaric is a 17 y/o kid that stands at 5'10" (If, ya know, he would stand up straight). He has a lithe, lanky figure that is usually covered with extravagant, vintage clothing and gaudy jewelry. His outgrown dark brown hair is typically swept behind and done up with tons of gel. He has his ears pierced as well as two helix piercings and a lip piercing. His skin is a light olive tone that contrasts nicely with his hair and light green eyes.

Power: Precognition- Ability to see into the future. I’m Alaric’s case, he can only see into the future as far as the next day. These visions come with terrible headaches and can often mess up his vision when he first comes back into the real world. Once he begins practicing he will be able to see further into the future, although of course nothing is ever set in stone.
Other Skills: Plays guitar, can drink his weight and over in alcohol, skilled in fencing

Equipment: Phone, rabbits foot he keeps in his pockets, a smol dreamcatcher in his satchel, fencing equipment, nail polish

Personality: Alaric is a sarcastic asshole most of the time and a sleep deprived loner the rest. Despite his rather undesirable personality, he enjoys being around others (never mind his reluctance to admit that) but does have a small social battery life. He hates social gatherings and prefers to be in the company of those he is familiar with.

Theme song:
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