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Realistic or Modern ❝ BURY A FRIEND. ❞ - [ chatter ]

R.I.P, I didn't code it, but whoever did did a good job, God just hATES ME--​
HHH that "unexpected parameter on line 3, 4, 5, 6 , 7," was the most irritating thing i had ever seen and i just restarted the entire thing
everyone: "mesomorph build"

me, an intellectual:

real talk though i'm glad i learned fancy words today
yayyyyy hopefully that fixes it up. but yeah- make sure to take it from the small scroll of raw code under the big fancy code
Yep, lmao. I understand now. Numbers are the real evil here--​

also, maybe it's obvious but it wasn't for me, but clicking the little engine at the top right of the comment bar, which turns off the bbcode, helps avoiding mess ups in the code when you save/edit.
i literally can’t stop wheezing guYs pls i’m gonna die over these memes

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