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One x One Broken Crayons Still Color W/ DarkxAngelxRollins Only


Sassy Wild Horse
Character Sheet








3 Main Personality Traits:

Reason For Being in the System:


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Name: Kodi Allen Woods

Nickname: N/A

Age: 15

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 112 lbs

Likes: hair dye, dark clothes, guitar, drums

Dislikes: country music, homework, being cornered, conversations, large groups

3 Main Personality Traits: Introverted, quiet, awkward

Reason For Being in the System: Bashed his dad's Ferrari with a bat

History: Kodi was born to a highly successful family and was expected to achieve many things. Kodi never wanted to go to college. Instead, he would rather go to an art school to achieve his dream of becoming a tattoo artist. Obviously, this did not go over well with his parents, and they ended up fighting with him constantly. At some point, Kodi had had enough and decided to take his anger out on his step dad's Ferrari. He bashed it with a baseball bat out of pure anger. When his dad found out, he kicked him out of the house and put him into the system. Kodi has bounced around quite a few homes until he ended up in juvy. He has been in juvy for roughly five months now, but will be getting out soon.

Other: Selective Mutism


Name: Zackariah Hyland

Nickname: Zack

Age: 17

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 143 lbs

Likes: broadcasting, youtube, dying his hair, snakebites, vlogging

Dislikes: cheaters, liars, his family

3 Main Personality Traits: quirky, outgoing, fun loving

Reason For Being in the System: ran away from home

History: Zack's at home life was far from perfect. He had an alcoholic dad who would beat him day in and day out. His mother was too busy getting high to give a shit about him. Once he realized that his family couldn't properly care for him, he ran away. He was planning on finding a place of his own, but he was caught by the police and forced into the system. He was only in two homes and is now with Josh. He doesn't talk about his past, and when his bruises or scars are brought up, he would immediately shut down.

Other: ADD
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Name: Madeline Jude Davids

Nickname: Maddie

Age: 16

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 112 lbs

Likes: jackets, beanies, loud music, drawing, taking pictures

Dislikes: Sweets, chick flicks, cheesy romance movies

3 Main Personality Traits: goofy, extroverted, adventurous

Reason For Being in the System: Teen parents

History: Maddie was born to teen parents, who realized they would not be able to take care of her. They took her to the police station when she was born and asked them to do something about her. She was put in the nearest foster home. In her first home, Maddie was treated very poorly, but she soon left this home to find another. Three foster homes later and here she is at Josh's house.

Other: N/A


Name: Jordyn Rayne Salvatore

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 109 lbs

Likes: dancing, hip-hop, lyrical, sweaters

Dislikes: acro, tanktops, heels

3 Main Personality Traits: athletic, bubbly, sassy

Reason For Being in the System: Drugs

History: Jordyn had a period where all she wanted to do was go out and get high. She would go out almost every night to do drugs with her boyfriend. When her parents found out about this, they kicked her out of the house. She went to juvy for a short period before being put into the foster system. Ever since being in the system she has been clean.

Other: Hates Ashlynn
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Name: Cassidy Erin Evans

Nickname: Cassi

Age: 12

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115 lbs

Likes: jewelry, makeup, doing her hair

Dislikes: Rp Out

3 Main Personality Traits: sassy, quick witted, dramatic

Reason For Being in the System: Parents death

History: Cassidy had a great family life until one day everything changed for her drastically. She was in first grade waiting to be picked up from school. When it became apparent her parents weren't coming a friend took her home with them. They were eating dinner when the news came on stating there was a fatal crash with two lethal injuries. Cassidy's parents were pronounced dead on the scene. Her friend's parents let her stay the night, but the next morning they took her to a foster home.

Other: N/A


Name: Damon Wolfe

Nickname: N/A

Age: 13

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 127 lbs

Likes: rock music, video games, drawing

Dislikes: reading, books, homework

3 Main Personality Traits: strong, caring, shy

Reason For Being in the System: Unkown parents

History: When Damon was born, his parents instantly decided to give him up. The reason why was unknown. He doesn't know anything about his real parents, nor does he know who they are. He doesn't really mind being he has a great life here with Josh.

Other: N/A

Name: Rosalie Clark

Nickname: Rose/Rosie

Age: 7

Height: 3'10"

Weight: 49 lbs

Likes: dolls, dollhouses, dresses, playing dress up

Dislikes: boys, loud noises, heavy metal music/rock music

3 Main Personality Traits: silly, obedient, hyper

Reason For Being in the System: Unknown

History: Rp Out

Other: N/A


Name: Josh Beck

Nickname: N/A

Age: 6

Height: 3'11

Weight: 50 lbs

Likes: cars, tracks, trains, movies

Dislikes: horror movies, dolls, girl toys

3 main Personality Traits: sassy, cute, patient

Reason For Being in the System: Kidnapped

History: Rp Out

Other: N/A
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_23-9-53.png.beed758f7a37e9270d6ff6437330ab1b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-1_23-9-53.png.beed758f7a37e9270d6ff6437330ab1b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Emily Maynard

Nickname: Em

Age: 7

Height: 3'10"

Weight: 52 lbs

Likes: Disney movies, dancing, singing, reading

Dislikes: vegetables, makeup, video games

3 Main Personality Traits: honest, artistic, optimistic

Reason For Being in the System: Ran away from home

History: Her parents have been treating her poorly since the day she was born. She always did things that made her happy like dancing or reading a good book but it didn't always work. She would hide in her room all the time just so she can get away from her parents' constant screaming. She was always told she was the source of the problem and got abused just because they needed someone to take their anger out on, she was their daughter she was their own personal punching bag. There were nights when she cries herself to sleep thinking she's not good enough. She tried covering up the bruises the best she could so kid wouldn't start asking questions at school. One day after school, she realized that it was not healthy for her to stay in that house anymore, its not like anybody would miss her. She was not eating well or sleeping at night because she was terrified of her parents and scared to even go near them. She never went back home and lived on the streets for days until a young woman found her. She explained to her how dangerous it was out there and she's lucky nothing bad happened to her. Unfortunately, the young woman couldn't take her in but she did help get her into a good foster home. She is now happy and healthy in Josh's home.

Other: PTSD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-2_1-27-31.png.7db43c9422654b877703adef8cf46f91.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-2_1-27-31.png.7db43c9422654b877703adef8cf46f91.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Toby Parrish

Nickname: N/A

Age: 8

Height: 4'0"

Weight: 50 lbs

Likes: sports, candy, video games

Dislikes: bullying, chick flicks, hats

3 Main Personality Traits: energetic, considerate, cooperative

Reason For Being in the System: Abandoned

History: RP Out

Other: N/A



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