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Futuristic Brain Burger

((I wasn't planning for her to leave at all. I was actually planning for the ceiling to cave in. Not kidding. :P But let's go with your plan, now that I've ruined mine. @DrTrollinski))

Clay followed Norman's instructions, creeping along quietly and awkwardly, staring around. Why did this keep happening? One moment there'd be dramatic hordes, the next it would be eerily quiet. His rifle in his hands, he kept all senses on high alert.


Tony stepped forward warily. "Watch my back. Don't let the door close on me." She said, calmly, but quietly. A zombie lunged out and her foot snapped out to kick it in the chest, before shooting it through the skull. She yanked her arrow out, then began moving along slowly, eyes peeled for more. Ash stayed at the doorway with Nathan.
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Conner pulled into the parking lot of the super store. It took him longer then he expected, and so the moving van was there and no doubt the others were inside. Getting out, he makes sure the Enfield was loaded and walked through the door. Hopefully they wouldn't jump and shoot him.

At the final isle, that's when they see it. Just what in the world was going on now. There was a woman covered in blood; she was sitting in the middle of the isle, rocking back and forth ever so slowly. Norman slowly turned to look down at Clay, his face slightly pale after seeing the horrific scene in front of them; he looked back to her as she slowly rose up, some tears travelling down her face - as she stood up, it was revealed that there was a bloody and hole-covered body sitting behind her - they weren't bullet holes, though. They were perfectly circular. It was a man that she sat by - she turned to face them and revealed instantly that she wasn't a walker. She took one step towards them and Norman quickly raised his gun and aimed it at her.

"Step back, sister." He said sternly, she began sobbing as she looked towards the body again, tears travelling down her blood-soaked face. She gripped her left forearm with her right hand, showing that she must've been at least bitten. "Just stay calm... I'm--.. I'm Norman... This is Clay." He said as he put a hand on Clay's shoulder, taking one step closer with him. "What's your name?" He asked. She said nothing and shook her head. Her eyes went wide and diluted, her frown turned into a straight face of terror. At first Clay and Norman wouldn't be able to tell why - there was no reason why she'd look like that, but then they saw that the hand of the body was curled around her ankle. They couldn't react. It was already off the ground and grabbing her, but it did something unexpected. It wrapped its arms around her waist; her mouth opened to scream but there was no sound. But there was no sign of it biting either.

"Run, for Christ sakes!" He yelled at her, she said nothing as some blood began to trick down her chin and numerous blood-spots grew all over the clothes covering her torso. They saw things that looked like little nails eventually stick out, dripping with blood. She was pinned, she couldn't move and was too weak and in the process of dying to react when the head of this creature twisted its head around and sunk its teeth into her neck.

"Clay. What in the holy mother of FUCK... is that thing?!" He yelled, seeming slightly jaw-dropped and panicked while aiming his gun up. (@firejay)

(I'll post something of an update on the other group after your next post. It'll take too long to add it all onto this.)
((A new kind of zombie!))

Clay jumped back, looking around wildly, to make sure there weren't more. "We've got to go! Now!" He told Norman, sharply. "Just shoot both of them and go!" The 12 year old sounded a lot older right then than he looked.
"These are the only ones!" He yelled in response, listening to the woman choke and gag on her own blood. He drilled them both down and stepped back, taking a deep breath as he observed the silence once again. "We get the tools that we need, and we clear out to the home improvement. I don't speak lightly when I say fuck this place, alright?" He said as he lead him off to a clear isle where he got all of the tools they needed; it consisted of hammers and nails for the most part, but there was also some metal bindings that he picked up - he got more tools than he needed, just in case. After that, he rushed him and Conner outside and hopped into the van, leaving Conner to take the car again; he sped off towards the Home Improvement store - it was a five minute drive or so, but at least they were out of this place.

"I don't know what that was, pal. But I hope that's all there was of 'em." He stated quietly, flicking on the radio and playing the cassette that was in the player; it was gentle, quiet country music. It was better than nothing.


The scream just had to attract something. Nathan looked off towards the entrance they came in and sighed - it only looked like two or three of them, but then more came around the corner. They were quiet at first, but then on the opposite side of the store several more began hammering on the window - he took no hesitation. They tried to fight and they'd be killed. He feared of Tony running straight in there to try and protect Ash - he personally saw her as overly defensive, but the next move he pulled was going to force her to trust him; he quickly lifted Ash up onto his back and left Tony packing the stuff while he muttered something to him.

"You'll have to trust me here, buddy." He said as he quickly slammed the storage cupboard door shut and locked it again. He took the key from it, his intention was to return. "I'm comin' back for you! I swear to god, but whatever you do you do NOT break out that damn cupboard, you hear me?!" He screamed at her - as the walkers pushed through the door he sprayed ten bullets off at them and dropped only a couple, he then shot out a window a few feet away and dashed over to it, jumping out of it - he held onto Asha's legs to support him after that; he made a dash past the walkers and barely managed to dodge them - he sprinted towards the building that was across the street.

"You need to trust me, bro... I'm gonna' go back for her." He said to him, sliding him around so that he was hanging at him front - he put his arms around him and then threw himself backwards at the door, opening it up. He slammed it shut after that - there was a lot of fear in the air, a damn scary and close situation that was. Now it was Nathan's time to calm Asha if he was in any sort of state. He had the radio, but this once he knew he could pull it off without Norman.

In terms of Tony, though. Thinking about it after she hears all the undead, he sort of saved her in a way - if she broke out it was certain death, but if he hadn't locked the door on her they would have got in and cornered her. It was a good thing that it was locked, too. One of them ran around and started hammering on the door, shrieking and growling while doing so - the door was solid wood, though, and the hinges were made of steel. So she was safe. For now. There was one window that was too small to even get out of, and only opened outwards a few inches anyway. (@firejay1)
Conner ran to where he heard the shouts and the two gunshots. Seeing first the bloody mess that was the couple, he then saw Clay and Norman walking off. "Wait up you two. I know right were a fence is. It'll take at least two people to carry it. And Nathan, you can't carry anything right now."
(Ignore the last post then.)

Getting a bit frustrated at being rushed out of the store, he saw the fence, he got in the car and followed the van. Hope they found something good and some one would explain the bloody mess that was the couple. What the h**l was that all about?
Tony whipped around as she heard the door slam, the source of light disappearing. "NATHAN NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She heard him tell her not to break out of the storage cupboard. That's right, she wasn't going to break out, she was going to let the zombies break in. She was going to kill every last one of them, and then she was going to kill him. Taking her scissors, she began slamming down on the hinges, tears of anger blurred her vision, and she stepped back to wipe them away. Putting her scissors away, she took the gun Clay had given her and began shooting wildly towards the door, even though it was so dark she could hardly see. Parts of the spray hit the ceiling, and she paused as she heard that weird sound again. What was that? But she was too angry to think straight for that time. Normally calm Tony ignored her sixth sense whispering her to stop, and began firing again. That was when the groan became a loud crack, then a roar, and the ceiling right outside the door came crashing down on top of the horde. She bit the inside of her cheek as her natural inclination to scream fought with the month's worth of not doing so. Tony fell backwards debris barely missing her. Most of it. A chunk of ceiling sliced down her left arm, leaving a painful, deep gash all the way down her arm and possibly breaking her pinky. (@DrTrollinski)
(Something different. I'll give you the chance to get more involved when we get to the home improvement store.) 
Nathan ran upstairs and hid Asha in one of the closets upstairs. He was safe. He knew that Nathan could lead the horde away.

"Asha. I know that was crazy, but you need to believe me that that was right. I promise you I'm goin' to help her, alright? No one's gettin' left behind, and if anyone's gonna' die, it's gonna' be me, alright?" He said to him, hugging him for a moment. "We'll come back for you, but you NEED to stay here." He said, after hopefully getting an agreement from Asha he ran out and blocked the door from the outside so that no one could get in until he got back; he made his way out and made a sprint back for the store.

Meanwhile in the store, the horde was too big for her to even handle. It turned out Nathan was right when he said 'Don't break out of that cupboard'. It might have occurred to her when she was staring death in the eyes that maybe just that one time she should have listened to an order. The realization that Asha and Nathan were safe would hit her, but just by looking around it was obvious why he locked her in. He made a break for it to save Asha and keep her safe from being overrun. The thickness of the door. It'd take them long enough to claw through it - Nathan could have got back on time to help, but the plan fucked up entirely because she went crazy with the gun, because she broke the door down. Because she essentially sentenced herself to death.

The one question should have popped into her mind. The question of 'Was it really worth it?' - When the small group of walkers came closer, of which she didn't have the ammo or arm-power to deal with. Closer. Closer. Closer. Death awaits. Close your eyes and accept the fact that you fucked it up. Accept that.

A whoosh of air. The first one fell to her feet, followed by the second, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. She saw him walk out the front of the store. The look on his face was blank but crazy. Furious. Angered. Upset. Devastated. Dedicated. He quite literally threw himself at the horde to try and help her - whenever they got so much as close he snapped his aim back to them. Single tap headshots. He knew nothing of her wound, but soon she was getting sprayed with blood. If that blood got into her wound, she'd be as good as dead. Every single one. Even up to the point where he ran out of ammo entirely. He whipped out the switch blade and took no hesitation. He tackled the one that got so much as close to walking towards her - the knife went through its eye. The horde was small enough now, but there was a lot to take on with a knife. He got close to her but didn't look at her. She could see the pure hatred and anger he had towards her attackers. They got dangerously close to him, even to the point where some gripped onto him, but he was too fast, too dedicated to save her. She could see every emotion as he hacked them all up with that little steel blade - the final one ran at him. A runner. It didn't phase him. He pulled its head back by its hair and dragged him to the counter that was made mostly of glass and displayed medicinal products. He slammed its head down onto the wooden frame, it let out a groan with every hit. He began speaking, and with every word he slammed its head into the wood and glass.

"Nobody!" Clunk. "Gets!" Smash. "Left!" Squelch. "BEHIND!" He screams as he slams the head down into the counter, silencing it completely. He was completely doused in blood. He'd gone crazy as soon as he'd seen that everything he said was ignored. "No fuckin' appreciation!" He yelled as he tossed the body to the side and began pacing around the store, throwing anything useless of the shelves as tears made their way down his face. "NO. TRUST." He cries out in a whimper as he pulls the shelf down and throws it to the ground, pulling out his sidearm, cocking it. "First Norman, Elizabeth, Clay, Asha... and now YOU." He let out in an angered sob, gripping it tightly as he raised it to his head and pointed it up towards the ceiling. Oh dear. This was looking worse on Nathan's side at the minute. (@firejay1)
(I know. I thought it was the ceiling just in front of the door. Even if it was, there wouldn't be too much debris. The walkers would be able to get over eventually, especially if there was enough of them to stack up on top of each other.)
Tony stabbed the zombie closest to her, trying to keep her left arm out of the way, then rolled one of Clay's fire bombs down a row of zombies. It was just a ball of easily flammable material, but it sure was useful to get out of hordes, she ran through, then ran straight into Nathan, so they both rolled out down into the street. "I TRUSTED YOU!!" She screamed at him. "I TRUSTED YOU TO FOLLOW THE RULES. I TRUSTED YOU TO TRUST ME. TO BELIEVE IN ME. I TRUSTED YOU TO TAKE CARE OF ME AND ASH AND TO WATCH MY BACK. WHY'D YOU LOCK ME IN THERE???!!! You. You're so afraid of us not believing in you! You're so afraid of us not seeing you as the capable person you are! You keep trying to prove yourself! STOP! WHAT'S WRONG WITH NOT BEING YOUR BROTHER? Why do you have to act like an adult!? What's so special about being the one to come in and save the day. You act like I was the one who betrayed your trust. WHO WAS IT THAT SHUT SOMEONE INSIDE, AND LOCKED THE DOOR, REFUSING TO LET ME COME HELP. REFUSING TO TREAT ME AS AN EQUAL WHEN I NEVER DENIED YOU THAT RIGHT." She was starting to cry, even as she climbed off him and began shooting shakily with her small pistol.
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"I didn't, BETRAY YOU. I SAVED YOU. AND I SAVED HIM!" He placed the gun to the side of his head. "YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN CORNERED. I WAS ALMOST KILLED FOR BOTH OF YOU." He cried out to her, his hand shaking - the sleeve of his left arm slides down and reveals the cut. ".. It's what family do... and don't you DARE say we're not..." He sobbed. "Asha. TOLD ME... What Oniisan and Oneesan meant... I--.. I... they mean older brother and--.. Older sister..." He walked over and slid down against the wall, dropping the gun to his side.

"I saw them coming... the time it would have--.. taken for you to come out... they would have had us cornered. I did it to KEEP. YOU. SAFE. So YOU could come back..." He picks up his gun again and throws it at her feet. "Shoot me." He sobbed softly. "I try, and I try... and still I manage to FUCK things up... today, every day... AND THIS." He shows her the cut on his wrist for a brief moment, he pauses for a moment and continues crying.

"Everyone I have ever truly loved is either dead, or has forgotten me... Everyone EXCEPT FUCKING YOU AND ASHA." He slowly rose to his feet and walked over to the one intact window of the store, gently slamming his head against it and resting it there. "I didn't want to lose someone else! Not you too! If anyone was dying there IT WAS ME. I didn't care. YOU CARED FOR ME, SO I WAS GOING TO SACRIFICE MYSELF. FOR YOU AND HIM." He slammed his head harshly against the glass a few time, cracking it and cutting his forehead. He slipped back onto the ground and laid on his stomach, sobbing and shaking on the ground.

"I never will be Norman... Why? Because I'm too reckless! I'll never be him because HE IS A GOOD PERSON." He cries as he springs to his feet, the blood trickling down his forehead and eventually going into his eyes; he quickly wipes it away and looks at her. "The closest thing to a father that you and I, and Ash, and Clay has EVER had since this whole fuckin' thing started. Is him. And I know if he came here and saw what happened, he'd beat my god damn ass because I fucked up. Again. I fucked it all by tryin' to help someone that -I- loved." He paused and turned away, bowing his head. The whole anger side of things would have calmed down, now it's just pure sadness. (@firejay1)
She slapped him then. "You didn't listen to a word I said, did you?" Tony practically snarled. "I just said I don't need you to be your brother. I don't want you to be your fucking brother. You did betray me. You betrayed me by not trusting me. And for the record, I never doubted that you'd get Ash out alive, and I thank you for that. I broke down the door so I could get out here and KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS for doubting me. You don't want to lose anyone, well that thought didn't even pass through my head - that I would lose you or Ash. That's how much I trusted you. I don't care that you think you fucked up the plan, because hell I probably fucked it up more, but what I DO care about, is that you didn't trust me. DO YOU HEAR WHAT I'M SAYING NATHAN? You didn't trust me. Not the other way around. If you love someone, then why can't you believe in them? Isn't that part of it?"

She picked the gun up and shot down a runner, letting them finish the conversation by distracting the other zeds. "I'm not going to kill you, and I don't want you to die or sacrifice yourself for me or Ash or anyone else. Dying for someone else is selfish. The guilt and the pain and the fear... I lost my parents the conventional way. They died in a car crash, and the last thing my mom did before the car hit the tree was throw her arm out in front of me. I came out without a scratch. And I NEVER want to see anyone die for me again. Don't belittle your own life just because you value someone else's."
He'd just bow his head and break out into desperate and weak sobs and cries. ".. I'm sorry..." He choked. "I did trust you--.. I always have... I just tried to keep you safe, so--.. I--.." He'd stop and just sob, wiping his eyes. ".. I just didn't trust myself..." He broke down and tucked his head into his knees. (@firejay1)
Tony was crying too, but in anger, and in grief at seeing him doubt himself so much. Kneeling down, she hugged him fiercely. "I know. I know you were trying to keep me safe. And thank you so much for caring so much for me and for Ash. Just... stop... trying to prove yourself. You're fine as you are. Thanks to you, we're fine, all three of us. Just don't scare me like that again, and for God's sake don't lock me in a pitch black room with zombies breaking down the door, again." After a moment's pause, she added. "Now, where's Ash?"

Ash was sitting in the closet, shivering a little as he relived his parents' death. He had his knees to his chest, the peashooter he'd taken from his father's prone hand in both hands, pointed towards the door. 

(Hey Elizabeth cares about and loves Nate. Jeez.. And I can't message right now cuz there is no where for me to jump in and you two always seem to rp the cool and interesting stuff without adding anyone else...)
((I know. I was thinking that Elizabeth cared about nate. Dunno why he doesn't see it. Sorry for the not including part..... :( ))

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
(Nathan knows. He was just emotional - he knows how much Ellie loves him, he loves her, too :) This was sort of an RP that needed to happen, to be honest. From now on I give you my word that more people can be involved)
(I hope so... Cuz I swear you like Norman and the kids better then anyone else. I might just throw Elizabeth into a threesome party with Annie and Hunter. xD ) 
(I'm serious. Cuz whenever @Huntrey decides to come back, we plan for Annie to be bit and then Hunter having to cut off the infected arm and then wrapping the stump. She'll probably make a mechanical arm for herself but they'd probably have to leave from the rest of the group because they would think Annie is a danger. Elizabeth might go with them since Norman seems to love the kids more then her cuz he goes on all these runs with them and leaves most of the adults at the base which is weird and if he keeps leaving Elizabeth out she is going to get pissed.)
((Actually planning to stop rp'ing the kids for a while, Soul. So don't go. Think how sad Belinda will be without brie.))

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
((That sucks. Brie would probably be torn between going with her sister or staying with her new friends, Clay, Nathan, Bellamy, Noah, Skylar, Tessa, Clary and Belinda))

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