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Futuristic Brain Burger

He'd look completely mind-blown - his jaw drops and and he slowly raises a pinky finger up to her, initiating the pinky promise. "I--.. I swear I won't tell..." He says, barely able to contain his excitement. (@Soul OMU)
Brianna giggles as she shakes pinkies with his. "Awesome sauce! Oooo I'm so excited! I'm so happy for her! And a niece! Wouldn't that be something!?" She said softly while looking at him.
"Hm--.. I'd like a bro--.. A nephew. I'd like it to be a boy, but a niece would be awesome, too." He says to her, smiling at her for a moment before collapsing back onto the bed and setting his head down on the pillow, shutting his eyes and placing his hands atop his stomach, a smile still on his face. (@Soul OMU)
Brianna laughed softly and giggles. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see... Who knows what it will be... Either way I'll love it..." She said while looking over at him and crawling over and yawning.
"Yeah... me too. It ain't a nice world, but--.. at least we'd be there to help, eh?" He said, yawning to himself. "I'm goin' out on that run soon... Hope nothin' bad happens." He said quietly. (@Soul OMU) 
"I'm thinkin' I should maybe take a nap before we go - I'm pretty damn tired, to be honest." He added, yawning once again and keeping his eyes closed. (@Soul OMU)
Tony found Nathan asleep next to Brie and woke him up. "C'mon. Let's go."


Belinda was trying to decide what to do now. She'd have to stay with these people at least until she healed, but would she be willing to after that? She didn't know. She'd come here hoping to find Elizabeth, but she didn't have any obligations to them. Shaking her head, she leaned her elbows against the table and put her face in her hands.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Conner un into a bit of a snag. Recent events have prevented him from getting the fencing, what with zombie hordes being every where and Stew blowing up a building things just happened. So, how was he going to get it? Walking would be the last resort, but hopefully he could get his truck up and running again and go around the rubble that was now on the main street.
"Mm--.." Nathan grunted in annoyance as he sat up. "Yeah, sure..." He wiped his eyes and stood up, looking back down at Brie. "See ya' later, Brianna." He said before walking out of the room and returning downstairs; Norman had got a kevlar vest for everyone except Asha as they were too big for him; he had three silenced and scoped M4A1's, of which he handed to Nathan and Clay, as well as keeping one for himself. He also had two black duffel bags with him - he gave one to Clay and one to Tony.

"Okay. Tony's going to be the main supply carrier for your group this time around - Nathan's the better shot, and Asha's pretty quick and he knows what to look for - basic first aid kits, any medicine, band aids, bandages, all that. Tony and Asha will be collectin' all the stuff they need while Nathan's the workin' gunman for them. On my side, Clay's gonna' be a bit of both as there's the two of us - he'll do some of the shootin' if he needs to but primarily he'll be carryin' any of the smaller stuff we need - I'd carry it, but with my leg I don't wanna' take the risk." He said to them all, glancing around for a moment.

"Now... there's been hordes around - if we run into 'em, engage runners first to slow the walkers down and then make a break for it, it ain't worth takin' the risk of tryin' to fight 'em all. We'll be splittin' up a few blocks down from here - seein' as me and Clay need the truck, the others are gonna' be on foot. We can make this work well." He said while pulling a single radio from his jacket pocket and handing it to Nathan. "You're to use that if things get too heavy, but only call for us on last-resort." He added. He then lead them all out to the front of Department where the Moving Co. truck was parked up - he opened up the metal sliding door at the back and then held one hand out towards it. "Asha, Nathan, Tony. Your carriage awaits." He smirked as he walked around the side. "Shut that once you're in for me." He instructed; he'd have Clay come up front with him as that was most convenient; the front section and the back section were separated by a thin metal wall.

"Ready to kick some ass, Clay?" He asked, smirking softly as he started up the engine. (@firejay1)
Clay grinned at Norman, cracking his knuckles as he did so. "Yeah, I'm ready."


Tony looked at Nathan. "You ready for this? It's just going to be the three of us this time around."


Belinda watched as Elizabeth busied herself by cooking, having stuck with water, herself. "You're feeling better?" She asked awkwardly, remembering how the woman had just collapsed yesterday.

Using tapatalk, here. Excuse spelling mistakes. *bow
Conner heard the engine of the moving truck starting up. Seeing this as a chance to get that fence, he grabs the Lee Enfield and makes a dash for the moving truck. "Wait up!" Conner shouted after, even going as far as to jump onto the back of the truck and holding on for dear life.
Belinda nodded. "That's good." Feeling uncomfortable, she took out her push dagger and began tracing patterns on the tabletop - a habit Roland had condemned time and time again. She banished that thought from her mind.
"Alright, here we go." He gave a honk of the horn a couple of times as he began driving to let everyone know in the back that they were beginning to move. He stopped when he heard Conner. "Conner! Get a cruiser from the front and meet us at the hardware store!" He yelled to him before continuing to drive off again. (@Beowulf)


"It might just be the three of us, yeah." He muttered while setting a hand down on Asha's shoulder; he was sat on the left side of him while Tony was on the right - he held his shoulder to stop him from getting thrown about on the ride too much. "But we'll be fine. We stick together, we make sure we work quick and we'll all be fine. Plus, we've got the world's best shooter with us." He said as he winked down at Asha. Once again, the wink was all so similar to the one that Norman would usually give. (@firejay1)
Tony's eyebrows shot up at the wink. Since when did Nathan wink at Ash? "We do have the world's best shooter with us." She said with a smile, all the same. "But we also have you and me. We count for something, too, right?" She asked, sticking out her tongue at him.


Belinda nodded quietly. "Yes, thank you."
Elizabeth gave a small and nodded. "Good, I'm probably going to make some for Brie and her friend since I know Brie will be up soon." She said while cooking, humming slightly.

Brianna yawned slightly as she got up and stumbled her way into the kitchen, rubbing her eye slightly. (@firejay1, @Vaila)
"It depends, as long as we don't get into a sparrin' contest midway through, I'd say we'll come out on top." He replied, giving a half-grin at her; the grin just made him look like Norman altogether. This kid was like a walking shrine for his older brother. "Nah, we just can't let some factors get the better of us - for example, if we panic when-- IF-- things go wrong, that ain't gonna' be good, eh?" He smiled at them both. "It was like earlier, Asha. I didn't see much of it, but you were workin' with Norman earlier - if you'd both panicked there, well... it wouldn't have ended well, but from what I saw it looks like you and..." He pauses and clicks his fingers a few times, thinking to himself. "Ojichan... Yeah, that's the word. Looks like you and Ojichan make a good team, eh?" He said, smiling. (@firejay1)
Belinda smiled at Brie as the girl walked in. She didn't know why they had connected to instantaneously, but she supposed sometimes people just clicked like that. "You were sleeping in the middle of the day?" She asked, jokingly.


Antoinette hadn't seen Nathan as much since the stabbing, as he'd holed himself up in his room a lot, but she felt like he was being more... Norman-ish than usual. It didn't feel quite right. Even as Asha giggled his compliance at Nathan's last comment and corrected Nathan's pronunciation ("it's ojiisan") she gave him an odd stare. "You alright?"
Redirecting his mad dash back to the station to grab the keys for a cruiser, he gets in the proper cruiser and starts it. Having a small celebration, he pulls out onto the streets, and floors it. He would get to that store and show them that fencing and shove it in the moving truck. Then he'd finally be able to get that fence project going.
Brianna nods. "Mhm... We got in late last night and me and Nate were talking and getting along." She said with amusement while rubbing her eye.

Elizabeth smiling slightly while finishing making lunch. (@firejay1)
(Slow up, @Beowulf xD There's a bit more to RP before we start loading it up.)

"Alright? Never been better..." He smirked as he quickly moved his left sleeve of his shirt down to his hand while looking down at Asha. "Sorry, 'Otuoto'." Smiled down at him, gently moving his arm up and ruffling his hair following by allowing his arm to fall around his shoulders; he seemed to be comfortable and happy to be interacting with him. The journey went on for a short amount of time and the truck finally came to a stop. Norman would cut the engine and turn to Clay.

"Wait here a sec, pal. Back in a minute." He said before hopping out and walking to the back of the truck; he opens up the shutter-door and looks at the three of them. "Hey, guys." He muttered.

"Hey, Ojiisan." Nathan muttered in reply, grinning at him - it was so funny because it was his and Asha's little secret, and he'd take it to the grave unless Asha told him otherwise; Norman gave him a funny look and then shook his head with a chuckle. Nathan shuffled up and sat on the edge of the back of the truck. "How far's it from here?" He asked.

"You're lookin' at maybe a ten or fifteen minute walk." He said. "Sorry, it's the closest I could get you based on fuel preservation and all that." He muttered in addition, wiping his forehead with his forearm.

"Alrighty then." Nathan replied, he then looked over at the two of them and smiled down at Asha. "Lookin' at a fair walk here, bro. I can give you a ride there if you want." He said in a friendly matter, reaching over his shoulder and patting his back for a moment, offering him to carry him. Norman chuckled and waited for the plan of action - Tony wouldn't be able to carry him as she had the bag and was going to be carrying the supplies; the M4 was hanging by Nathan's chest, so there was plenty of room on his back and quite a convenient and fast-moving plan. (@firejay)
Tony didn't say anything as Nathan picked Ash up. If a zombie came jumping out at them, Ash would probably be able to shoot it in time, and she trusted Nathan. Plus, Clay had just shot her a 'let it go' look. She did look at Nathan strangely again as he said "ojiisan." What was that all about? Ash giggled and she supposed it was something he had told the older boy. The two groups set out on foot towards the buildings. As Ash, Nathan, and Tony set foot inside and began putting things into a bag, she thought she heard something. She hesitated and looked around, but there was nothing there.
Norman drove Clay around to the hardware store first off so they could collect the tools; he glanced around the inside of it. It was quiet. Too quiet. The scary kind of quiet. There wasn't the usual humming of the lights that you'd usually hear in a store such as this one, there was no gentle breeze that made hanging signs squeak in the air. Norman slowly raised his gun and ran his eyes across the whole store from the entrance.

"Secure the building before we make a move. Somethin' doesn't feel right here - we've still gotta' make a move to the home improvement store before we leave, and I want a couple of other stops as well." He said in a whisper, his eyes darting about in a nervous fashion. "Check the isles as we go by 'em..." He said, walking along the bottom of all the isles incredibly slowly. (@Beowulf, @firejay1)


"Here we are." Nathan said as they walked in. Nathan slowly crouched and set Asha down off of his back and onto the floor; while Asha and Tony worked to load up the bag with the stuff in the entrance, Nathan walked behind the counter and inspected the ground - lovely. A body sat there. It was wearing a white jacket, and what would have once been a beautiful woman was now a rotting corpse. He raised his gun and briefly poked the head of her - she lunged out with one arm and let out a scream before he quickly fired a shot, silently finishing her off. The scream was quite load, but nothing to drastic. "Jesus... Don't worry. It's dead." He called out to them after looking over at them; he crouched down beside her and rolled her over, making sure the blood didn't get onto his arms. ".. Come here, gorgeous." He whispered quietly as he began going through her pockets - he eventually found a set of keys and then looked up towards the door that was just behind the counter - this was obviously the storage cupboard. He stuck the key in the lock and left it hanging there for a moment as he swung it open. A grin lit up his face as he looked inside.

"Jackpot." He muttered, it was audible enough for them both to hear. "When you've got all that we've got a lot'a stuff back here, too. Come get that, it's all untouched." He said to them.

(When she goes into the storage room, don't RP her leaving just yet ;3 I have something planned.) (@firejay)

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