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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia Characters

When I say "more flaws" I mean "more flaws" not "make the flaws you already have more relevant"
I made the mistake of merging the flaws, rather than making them distinct from one another. I fixed that, so there should be more. If you have trouble finding them, I can highlight the flaws if needed.
Character removed.​


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Quote: "The way the world works is the way you work"
Name:Yuki Eto
Desired Hero Name: The Swift Concierge
Age: 15
Gender: female
Chosen Extra Class: support

(soon to be) Hero Costume: The costume is made to keep Yuki warm while also speedy and quiet. The arms don't have sleeves for Yuki to her quirk on her arms and on the gloves she has holes on the tip of her fingers and at the knuckles for ice to come out so she can use it for close combat. On the arms she has two bows,but the bows are also hidden water containers meant for Yuki to rip off and throw for different uses and effects. Yuki's boots are shaped to her foot for more silent travel and at the bottom of her shoe is a water compartment in the soles that Yuki can also use. The entire costume is acid proof so acid can't go threw it and also water proof and when opened the costume becomes a glider for Yuki to glide in which usually is used after ice pillar to bring her to great heights.

Yuki emotionally reactive, which means that she experiences her emotions strongly and can be very passionate., however she also has a higher tendency to experience emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression. Due to her independence and reserve, sometimes Yuki can be perceived as arrogant or unfriendly, however this is merely because she doesn't require the same level of social stimulation or interaction that others may seek. Yuki enjoys a good balance between the real world and fantasy, she is mostly aware of and in touch with her emotions. Being open-minded to new and unusual ideas helps Yuki to interact with the world. With a sense of social responsibility and a general trust in others, Yuki is often seen as sincere and generous.
Yuki does not experience strong, irresistible cravings and consequently do not find herself tempted to overindulge, however she is sensitive about what others think of her. Yuki's concern about rejection and ridicule cause her to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. She is easily embarrassed and often feels ashamed. Yuki's fears that others will criticize or make fun of her are exaggerated and unrealistic, but her awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. She tends not to talk much and prefers to let others control the activities of groups. Generally Yuki is not considered to be an emotional person because she doesn't show them as much. Yuki dislikes confrontations and is perfectly willing to compromise or to deny your own needs in order to get along with others, however she doesn't particularly like helping other people who yell or pressure her to help. Requests for help feel like an imposition on her time.
Yuki feels tense, jittery, and nervous and often feels like something dangerous is about to happen. She may be afraid of specific situations or be just generally fearful. She rarely gets angry and it takes a lot to make Yuki angry. Yuki experiences panic, confusion, and helplessness when under too much pressure or stress.
People generally perceive Yuki as distant and reserved, and she does not usually reach out to others. She tends to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoids, large crowds. She often needs privacy and time for herself. Yuki leads a leisurely and relaxed life,but likes to mix things up from time to time. Yuki gets overwhelmed by too much noise and commotion and does not like thrill-seeking activities. She is not prone to spells of energetic high spirits.
Often Yuki finds the real world is too plain and ordinary for her liking, and uses fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for herself. Yuki loves beauty, both in art and in nature. Sometimes she becomes easily involved and absorbed in artistic and natural events. Yuki is sometimes hit by feelings of eagerness to try new activities, travel to foreign lands, and experience different things. She finds familiarity and routine boring, and will take a new route home just because it is different. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, Yuki loves to play with and think about ideas. She also likes to debate intellectual issues and often enjoys riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. Often Yuki exhibits a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes she feels a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoys ambiguity.
Yuki is moderately confident that she can achieve the goals you sets herself. In general she's never disorganized or scattered and likes to be tidy. Yuki finds contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining,but is seen as reliable and responsible by others. Mostly Yuki works towards achieving her best, although in some areas she's content just to get the job done. She has a reasonable amount of will-power and is able to follow through on tasks that Yuki feels she needs to complete. She can be distracted however and has been known to procrastinate. Yuki takes her time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.

Likes:Reading, training,brain puzzles and teasers,thinking,cooking,drawing,eating
Dislikes: too much stupidity,ignorance,no thought at all,too many rules, burnt foods,too much social interaction
Fears: she'll never live up to the expectation she wants, being alone with a guy(gets her jumpy)
Mannerisms: Arm oriented hand gestures(moves her arms a lot when she talks), Calls people by their first name and adds an honorific when she finds it or you important, doesn't answer or ignores you when annoyed mad or sad
Backstory: Yuki was born into a family of quiet people with a twin brother. Her brother was born quirkless while the sibling inherited a quirk spotted from birth. During her first bath Yuki froze the top of the water with icy coating. The nurses were prepared from the start as they noted the naturally colorful hair meaning she had a quirk in which changed her body to let her live.
As they grew older Yuki was never really protective of her brother as they were both head strong and she knew he could handle himself. Yuki was a bit of a trouble maker as a child as she never liked all the rules her she had to follow at home and school. She was always social and never didn't include her brother in any activities she did nor did he. As they got older more people started to bully her brother for being quirkless so Yuki began being less and less social but hanging out with her brother. She started easily getting mad at everyone and yelled at people for being mean to her brother. She constantly broke rules so her brother didn't get hurt and then it happened.
When they were twelve Yuki was put in detention for beating a kid up for hitting her brother. She was already drained when she got there so when Yuki got into the room she fell asleep. Being the only one there besides the teacher and one other boy she just wanted to sleep. After she woke up before leaving detention Yuki decided to use the bathroom. The same boy from detention who hit her brother followed her in there. She was still mad but weak. After an argument about her brother Yuki was pinned against a wall in one of the stalls and the boy did unspeakable acts. Yuki had no idea how or what to feel about it but luckily her brother walked in on them to wash his face and told. The boy was expelled and what happened was kept secret to the public.
That's when Yuki started being into fantasy things. She saw the world as cruel and damaging,but in fantasy worlds with beautiful dragons and people there wasn't. Yuki began spacing out daily into her dream world to get away during school and worked. Yuki's parents were scared for their children so they decided to homeschool them in the end. Her father dropped his job as a circus janitor to teach his children while Yuki's mother kept her job as a rescue hero saving people with ice slides and such with her ice manipulation. While her parents were fine the rest of Yuki's family was unstable and poor,so Yuki decided to go to peace sign academy for highschool to pursue a heroic career to help them. As she began to rid of her fantasy world Yuki realized the real world was beautiful. It was only what you make of it. And it pushed her even more to become the hero she wanted to be.
Relationships: Masaki Eto: Father Monosami Eto: Mother Yatashi Eto: Brother
Quirk: Cold and Clean:
An ability which can quickly liberate a special component into certain deterrents or acids, which makes them instantly grow and freeze, while also changing their composition slightly. While they can still be used as cleaning tools, the mix can be injected into the blood stream to act with an anesthesiac effect. The user can secrete the component by itself, however, making it freeze itself into talons or claws on the hands,but has different effects on different parts of the body. This component can also be used on water. While it's not a base the component is known to have ethanol in it which turns water into an acid,but the user is practically useless in dry climates unless they know melee or hand to hand combat. The user also is unable to secrete the component if they already secreted it for 3 minutes. The resulting acid made by the user is fire resistant but will slowly melt when experiencing high amounts of heat(ie. 1500 degrees fahrenheit),but for the secreted acid it melts at 1000 degrees fahrenheit but has the ability to melt on the users command. The main downfall of this quirk is the user uses so much water to make the user dehydrated so the user has to drink at least 3 times the average amount of water a regular human would,but if the don't drink enough water the user can have trouble secreting the component. The farthest the secreted acid can go from the user is about 6.3 feet in all directions but stretching that far the user can have trouble holding their arm up because it's still solid ice. The maximum freezing size depends but measured in large bodies of water(ie.ocean or pool) the user can freeze for 30 foot radius maximum but drains the user after for using so much secreted acid to make the resulting acid. The resulting acid it's doesn't have much limitation,but it's rather a in the eye of the be holder type thing when completely mastered but for Yuki it's an area of 100 square feet and a maximum height of 25 feet. When not frozen the resulting acid is very slippery allowing the user to slide around if possible and when injected into someone the anesthesia kicks in after 20 minutes and knocks the target out for 1 hour.

Special Moves: Ice pillar: this ability explains itself but the user creates a pillar of ice made of the component secreted or the resulting acid. The highest it can go is 6ft in one use when secreted and 25ft with the resulting acid.
Items: Yuki brought a bota bag that the doctors approved for to keep on her person, a picture of her brother, her phone,a laptop with earbuds and a guitar
Skills/talents: stealth:Yuki has adopted her quirk to be used stealthily and was trained in the arts of stealth while being homeschooled which means she can parkour to an extent and is trained in melee/hand to hand combat
Swimming-Yuki's quirk is also meant to be used underwater so she's a great swimmer offering different techniques to evade and attack
Theme Song:
Favorites: Food-spam musabi(you'll find her eating these a lot lol)
Other:Yuki is technically the younger one out of her and her twin being born ten seconds after​

Idea Idea
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Quote: If you don't make up, I won't invite you to my birthday party!

Name: Mahouka Omutsu

Nicknames: N/A

Desired Hero Name: Magical Girl Baby Rose

Age: 15 (looks 4)

Gender: female

Chosen Extra Class: General Studies



(soon to be) Hero Costume:
Her hero costume constists mostly of a mimicry of the outfit that Mighty Rose has in her favorite anime, except it also contains a pacifier, diaper and belt, connected by tubes which draw out the humidity to help her drink back the water and stay hydrated. In addition, she carries a rod that can help her channel her beams and a set of baby bottles.
paci.jpg baby_bottle_by_animeneko123-d9a0js5.png

Height: 3 foot 4

Weight: 37ibs

Personality: Mahouka is the kind of person who fully embraces herself. She is a very friendly and welcoming person who has no problem forgiving others for their mistakes, even when they confuse her with a child. Her usually patient temper can be dissuaded when she is made fun of, but those times aside, she is generally rather calm. She is not vain, but she does not have a problem with how she looks either, she is goal oriented enough to join a hero course despite her distaste for violence, and can easily do things others would find weird, such as going all-out regarding her hobbies and interests. She is a very earnest, very honest person with a deep love for both magical girls and shipping people. If she sees two people with even a slight bit of chemistry together, she feels compelled to pair them up as soon as possible, and will take measures to do so, maybe to compensate for her own expected loneliness.
Despite how she may view things about herself, however, Mahouka´s admiration for magical girls shines in her way of trying to reassure people and share a positive attitude with them, but it also results in a certain naivety from her part, she trusts too easily. The sense of betrayal and her general comformity cause her to crack down completely, and she is just not capable of being herself anymore.
In spite of how self-accepting she is, it's not lke she doesn't mind at all the fact that she is stuck looking like a child. That is why despite everything, she does feel a great deal of envy towards other quirks, in particular quirks that also involve things similar to her own. This is often disguised by her great politeness and her goal-oriented personality. She goes to great lengths for her goals and to prove herself, and her perceptive nature allows her to get away with being a manipulative trickster often. It's not like she enjoys lying though, and more like she is alright with lying for a good cause and is good at it too. She probably won't bat an eye at what others think about it, even if she generally lacks trust in herself and prefers to let others do it. Instead, even her combat seems to center around pleasing those around her, trying to make friends with everyone moreso than winning, sometimes at the EXPENSE of winning.
She is also a bit clumsy and a bit bossy, often lecturing others about the error of their ways and then proceeding to have a silly accident herself.

Likes: Stuffed animals, flowers, magical girls, anime, romances, shipping {S}

Dislikes: Teasing, Akacha, heat, pain, violence {S}

Fears: {S}

Mannerisms: Making magical girl poses, turning to walls and talking "to the audience", drooling over her shipping, starting to go on and on babbling about magical girls, sucking her thumb when overly embarassed

Backstory: {S}

Aqua Ifuku- her mother. Her quirk creates a nutritious silk-like substance in her uterous. While it comes out looking like ragged clothing, it tastes like cotton candy.
Setsudan Omutsu- her father. His quirk allows him to perform hydrokinesis on liquids he chugs, generating eletricity that increases his physical abilities.
Akacha Yugoyiashi- her cousin from their grandmother's side who Mahouka envies due to her ability only sometimes triggering a de-aging process.

Quirk: Hydrokinetic Growth- her body has an additional layer of skin, consisting of a substance somewhere between silk and placenta, which is usually nearly invisible. This organ can be stimulated by her modified hypothalamus (which instead of releasing growth-inducing hormones, releases a modified type), beggining a suction effect on her body that leads to the hydrokinesis of liquids inside her. This breaks down said liquids, generating a form of eletrical power while also provoking a sudden inflation of the extra skin layer which gains the appearance of a particular outfit with flowers on it. This outfit gives her additional strength (she can lift a small car with both arms, and keep it in the air for a couple of minutes), jumping power (she can easily jump to a rooftop) and energetic dissipation (attacks whose energy usually spreads are much less effective) and can generate pseudo-eletrical beams powerful enough to knock down a baby elephant, but not energetic enough to burn, break or pierce anything. It can also bind itself eletrically to objects in contact with it, both inside and outside, however this mind is very weak and even a minor pushing can break it.
The quirk has weaknesses too. To begin with, her quirk requires the consumption of water from her own body, effectviely leaving her quickly dehydrated. She can go up to 16 minutes using her quirk before she passes out, ith great thirst begging at 8 minutes and 11 minutes being the mark where she starts to loose body coordination and feeling great pain. Limits get event shorter when exposed to extreme heat. When the quirk is not active, the extra layer pratically doesn't do anything, and her body is stuck as a toddler's. Moreover, her quirk offers no protection against piercing attacks and makes her hyperconductive, AKA extra vulnerable to attacks based on eletricity.
Lastly, if she injests the liquid DNA of another person with a quirk, her stimulated skin fuse with temporarily bind with that quirk's DNA, making a temporary merge of quirks. She is not acquiring a new quirk, though, instead some of her normal abilities, strengths and weaknesses get replaced by those of the other quirk as the effects mix. At the moment, she can only hold this for around 8 minutes, with the five minute mark starting to show symptoms similar to pregancy, such as an increase in belly size, vomiting and emotional disarray.

Special Moves: Magical Swim Balloon- When inside a body of water, she can super-inflate her extra layer. Parts of her body no longer in the body of water can hold it for up to two minutes, while parts of her body IN the body of water can hold it for 10.

Items: A pacifier, a small diaper stash, plushies, some magical girl anime and manga

Super perceptive- she can pretty much tell what someone is feeling at any time
Great with children- she is good at dealing with children who are younger than her (maybe they think she is one of their own?)

Theme Song:

Favorites: Favorite Anime- Magical Girl Mighty Rose

She still wets the bed

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Ishi may also come off as a little bit of a pushover initially, and usually lets things slide if they aren’t too much of a distraction. However, she is very capable of putting her foot down where needed. She may have all the patience that even saints envy, but pushing her too far may have rather bad results
This part of the personality throws me a bit off. Half your personality has to do with your character's patience and kindness and self-restraint and in three lines here that goes out the window at random. I have a very hard time seeing this make the least bit of sense, but giving you the benefict of the doubt here I at least need the boundary between when this will or not happen to be made concrete.

Ishi would later go on to contribute greatly to the construction of the PSA, both as a consultant lawyer, as well as having called a lot of favors from old clients and friends for volunteer work. None of the people she pulled up out of nowhere actually minded. What were a few hours of work as compared to a completely new lease in life that she had fought to give them? From there, she applied for a teaching position in PSA, and left her firm.
You can´t apply for a position at the PSA. The PSA founders were all invited specifically by the principal.

In addition, I may have misread this, but I don't think I read anywhere in your backstory that your character became a pro hero. In fact, all I saw was a lawyer. Which means your character couldn't be using her quirk or working as a hero in any capacity. Which would mean she wouldn't be invited by the Principal, and wouldn't be a teacher at the PSA.

(Possibly) captured and detained several villains over the course of five years without having her true identity being revealed.

Responsible for the reformation of twenty-five (recorded) villains
That's quite a lot for someone who is suppose to be the least among the PSA... In particular if you consider the actual supposed success rate of those villain reformations should be around zero

Kanzaemon Tohru: Someone she liked. Status unknown.
Usui Kohaku: Someone she was friends with. Status unknown.
even if she doesn´t know their status, I still have to know or I can't approve it.
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their moms
Their moms? As in more than one? Why is that not mentioned in the backstory?

Henka is very much a kind soul who's energetic, friendly, and has a passion to be just like their moms. Hen-Hen is one who does usually act kind and friendly to most, to the point of seeming slightly obnoxious as they can barge into conversation at the worse of times. They're one to try to make friends as soon as possible and be more willing to give second chances, even to the meanest of spirits.

Another thing is their energy as they're hyper all the time though it comes off different depending on the gender. When male, a energetic personality means a mostly positive attitude and always wanting to jump or move or just do anything besides standing still. This also means being obnoxious and to get on peoples nerves if that allow it. The female takes the form of a bubbly girl who is curious and wants to be very active and fiddles a lot with things like paper or her own hair or else it feels like there is bunched up energy. Though this leads to her seeming like an airhead and her curious nature makes her gullible and easy to believe anything or side with mostly anyone
this needs expanding, both personalities are too one-dimensional.

Quirk: Rule 63 - The user is able to change their gender with body and all. This quirk is usually shown in a blue aura that engulfs the entire body in light, after that, the body will change into the opposite gender. However, it's not on command, or at least, not at such a young age. The quirk works like this; when the user is badly damaged, sick, drunk, or weak(physically and mentally) they will change into the other form until they sleep or the injuries are healed.

Another thing about the quirk is that, if the user holds the hand of another, they will actually change the gender of the person they're holding hand with. This basically causes confusion as the other person tries to regain control of their body. The effect only stays if the person is still in the hand hold, however, changing back will take 15 seconds if released from the hand hold.
Now, the quirk is fun and I'm not sayig you can't have it, but exactly do you plan on passing a hero entrance exam with this quirk?
Their moms? As in more than one? Why is that not mentioned in the backstory?
Their moms? As in more than one? Why is that not mentioned in the backstory?

this needs expanding, both personalities are too one-dimensional.

Now, the quirk is fun and I'm not saying you can't have it, but exactly do you plan on passing a hero entrance exam with this quirk?
My fault on that, as instead of his or her, I was using their....Ya my mistake, it's still he and I should keep it that way.

Well it is a rescue mission, so the plan would be to run and hide and attempt to get as many victims as possible before they get caught. Probably not a smart strategy nor a good one because the quirk effects gender and that would mean he'd have to touch villains and even then it probably wouldn't do much :/

As for personality, i'll work on it :3
I was using their
"their" is perfectly ok, it's just a gender neutral the problem is the "s" at the end of the word "moms"

Well it is a rescue mission, so the plan would be to run and hide and attempt to get as many victims as possible before they get caught. Probably not a smart strategy nor a good one because the quirk effects gender and that would mean he'd have to touch villains and even then it probably wouldn't do much :/
yes, but that means you only have the advantage that everyone has. I won't deny you the quirk, but you're gonna have to come up with something better than that
owever Yuki has a refreshing impulsiveness about herself, she tends to dislike too many rules and regulations and can be casual and whimsical.
remove this , it's at odds with the entire rest of your personality

Yuki naturally assumes that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. There are times when she believes that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary, however she is mostly candid, frank and sincere. People find it moderately easy to relate to her. Yuki doesn't like to claim that she's better than other people, and generally shies from talking herself up. Yuki is mostly a compassionate person, however she likes to make objective judgements when possible.
Yuki is moderately confident that she can achieve the goals you sets herself. In general she's never disorganized or scattered and likes to be tidy. Yuki finds contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining,but is seen as reliable and responsible by others. Mostly Yuki works towards achieving her best, although in some areas she's content just to get the job done. She has a reasonable amount of will-power and is able to follow through on tasks that Yuki feels she needs to complete. She can be distracted however and has been known to procrastinate. Yuki takes her time when making decisions and will deliberate on all the possible consequences and alternatives.
This whole paragraph is a big mess, if I may be honest. It's jammed with contraditctions and you don't specify the concrete circumstances with any of them.

So, I'll put it on clean plates right now. With me, you have two options regarding consistency. Either something is straightfoward (pick a trait, stick with it completely) or you may choose to have different circumstances in which a trait varies, but if you do, you NEED to explain when and why that switch would happen in a way that allows me to have expectations in the RP.

Yuki was born into a family of quiet people with a twin brother. Her brother was born quirkless while the sibling inherited a quirk spotted from birth. During her first bath Yuki froze the water and the rest of the room with it. The nurses were prepared from the start as they noted the naturally colorful hair meaning she had a mutation quirk.
Your quirk is an emission type quirk, not a mutation type quirk...

And that's one heck of a powerful thing to have at birth, freezing a whole bathtub.

For the user to survive the quirk quickens the users blood stream to keep the user from freezing which makes them 3.3 times faster than the average human which is translated to 1.5 times stronger than the average human
This doesn't make any semblance of sense

I also want to know the maximum freezing size, maximum range of the secreted acid and how powerful the resulting acid is

Special Moves: Ice pillar: this ability explains itself but the user creates a pillar of ice.
gonna need specifics on that ice pillar. Size, how quickly it can be formed...

Also, your quirk couldn't just FORM ICE, could it? Now that I think about it, it could only freeze that special component.

Hand to hand/Melee combat- Yuki's quirk is meant for close combat so Yuki's father hired a tutor to teach her combat
Cooking-Yuki is a great cook and baker taught by her paternal grandparents
Guitar- Yuki is a great guitar player is loves to play as a hobby
Your character is overskilled. Picked two of these three super generic skills and take them out
Idea Idea not to argue or anything it's a mutation quirk. While she can manipulate it and such the quirk gives her a different body composition from regular humans especially to secrete such substances and to live with those substances in her body
Idea Idea not to argue or anything it's a mutation quirk. While she can manipulate it and such the quirk gives her a different body composition from regular humans especially to secrete such substances and to live with those substances in her body
Sometimes non-mutation type quirks alter the body as well. That is not the quirk, however, it's the quirk factor. As I explain in the lore, the quirk factor is the biological mechanisms that make the quirk work. Or maybe it's just a random change.
In either case, the focus of the quirk is the secretion of this susbtance, and that makes it's classification an emission quirk, not mutation.
Sometimes non-mutation type quirks alter the body as well. That is not the quirk, however, it's the quirk factor. As I explain in the lore, the quirk factor is the biological mechanisms that make the quirk work. Or maybe it's just a random change.
In either case, the focus of the quirk is the secretion of this susbtance, and that makes it's classification an emission quirk, not mutation.
Oh I get it now thanks. Was just thinking a bit too hard I guess lol sorry
He prefers to keep his interference limited to gentle reminders and simple advice, but he's not above using force if someone's actions would bring a great deal of trouble.
Contradiction here makes it so none of this can become a flaw

He is often unsure about how to cheer someone up, preferring to pass along his mental notes and leave the emotional support to a person that is more proficient. Still, he will try his best, attempting to think of an appropriate response that would hopefully get the job done. This doesn't always lead to an ideal result, often guilty of saying the wrong thing due to his lack of experience.
This is too uncertain to be a real flaw

Gen has a tendency to separate himself from a situation when he feels that he is no longer necessary.
The "when he feels he is no longer necessary" here makes it not a flaw, but a reasonable thing to do. You can make it a flaw either by removing that part of by making it so it's easy for him to think he is not necessary, even if thta's often wrong.

While he is normally a calm individual, Gen has a tendency to play up the more aloof and apathetic aspects of his personality. He tries to bury negative emotions, not allowing them to show on his face in order to prevent others from worrying about him, or something else that might trouble them. He does this to an unhealthy degree, bottling up stress and anxiety.

When in the classroom, Gen comes off as a bit intimidating, speaking with a flat tone in his voice that is accompanied by a blank expression. However, in reality, this is only a result of the man trying to conceal his emotions. Hiding his worries about being an educator behind a mask, he acts as he believes an ideal teacher would, displaying a calm attitude at all times.
The fact this is a mask but does not have actual consequences for it described regaridng his psyche makes it so this is meaningless as a flaw.

There are few things that can break his composure, being an amicable individual that tries to be understanding of others. However, when the things he cares about are threatened, cracks begin to form. While he does still try to maintain a level head, Gen is noticeably more ruthless in these moments.
Not being concrete enough makes it not a flaw

Those close to him took notice of how he cared for children, recommending that he try applying for a position as a teacher. While he was hesitant, unsure if he was capable of such a thing, there was a desire within him to do what his father had done. If there was the slightest chance that he could have a positive impact on someone, then he would take it.
I just noticed this: You don't apply for a position as a teacher in the PSA, you are invited by the principal to the founding group.
Contradiction here makes it so none of this can become a flaw
The force is only meant to be for situations that could cause life or death. Things such as a student trying to rush off against an overpowered villain, which leads to him holding them back. Aside from that, his interference is pretty limited.

This is too uncertain to be a real flaw
To be clear when fixing this, which part is specifically uncertain? He does a good job at noticing if someone is generally angry or upset, but he's not great at helping people deal with those emotions. His attempts at helping are pretty generic, limited to things such as "don't worry". He still tries, but most of those attempts are extremely lackluster.

The fact this is a mask but does not have actual consequences for it described regaridng his psyche makes it so this is meaningless as a flaw
The mask itself isn't really meant to be the flaw, but rather the consequences that result from it. He places too much focus on a facade, which leads to him ignoring his own thoughts in favor of pursuing an ideal. The effects of that cause a strain on his relationships with others, as well as his own body. He believes that doing this will be beneficial, but it's actually harmful, since he comes off as an indifferent person that's difficult to approach.

I just noticed this: You don't apply for a position as a teacher in the PSA, you are invited by the principal to the founding group.
He didn't apply for a position, but this is when the idea of being a teacher started being appealing to him. I should've made that more clear, since it can be taken as him actively searching for a job at PSA.

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