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Futuristic Blood Arena - Additional IC

Gore chuckled and watched as Zeras took the girls hand and attempted to dance. Looking back at the waiter he placed down a couple of coins then took five of tbe spheres and watched as they made a small human shaped person then watched as it walked around for a bit then it turned into one hand sized ball then put it back in his pocket and left going to go go get his Warhammer. After ten minuites or so, gore finally got to his hammer and sat down, pulling out a box from under his seat and opened it with gears ticking then he took out the big sphere and opened it, watching as how all the little creature looking machines came apart and crawled inside the box and fiddled with it. Turning his attention to nothing, he started to whistle and waited untill something happened.
Kiroshiven said:
"Nah, Shezmu was just irritating in that he didn't give me any real answer to my questions. Though he did say that you might be the trigger that let's me control the version of him locked inside me. In other words, The Blood Artist." Kelna shrugged. He was slowly getting back to himself, but at the same time, watching her move with just the towel on kept him excited. He couldn't keep as calm as he would've liked, and worse, he couldn't take his eyes off her. It was going to be a problem.
(Sorry for delay. My boyfriend broke up with me and I've been crying for two hours)

Emia chuckled as she listening to Kelna, then noticed him staring. She shook her head and spoke as she grabbed a black button up shirt and a pair of soft shorts. "See something you like?" She winked at him then swished her tail around as she returned to the bathroom and changed into the comfy clothing. She exited the bathroom and walked up to him, smiling. She sat beside him and leaned back, exhausted.
Anaxileah said:
(Sorry for delay. My boyfriend broke up with me and I've been crying for two hours)
Emia chuckled as she listening to Kelna, then noticed him staring. She shook her head and spoke as she grabbed a black button up shirt and a pair of soft shorts. "See something you like?" She winked at him then swished her tail around as she returned to the bathroom and changed into the comfy clothing. She exited the bathroom and walked up to him, smiling. She sat beside him and leaned back, exhausted.
"I did." Kelna answered without thinking as she disappeared into the bathroom. He waited for her to return and when she sat beside him, he naturally and unconsciously put his arm around her shoulder. "I'll take a shower next. You want to get to sleep or do something else?" He wasn't sure how to act. Shezmu had been weird and ultimately he'd said that Emia was the way he'd control his other side, but it still was confusing to him.
Carter & Blake

Carter was like a statue. He wasnt shooken up nor did he move as Freya moved in closer. He kept his composure (on the surface of course) and kep the same emotionless face. He scoffed,"Did you forget almost every other person in this room had their eyes on you. Check you senses, old lady, I wasnt the only one," but Freya continued, talking about how Carter should watch his mouth. Both Carter and Blake knew that Carter's words and sarcasm can stir trouble, but he never really cared. He was strong willed and spoke his mind (even if it was out of place). He continued to stare her down,"I dont need to accommodate to anybody. If someone cant handle what i have to say, they dont have to stand around and listen,"His eyes turned to Zeras as he spoke the last sentence, feeling the older man's death glare. But it was also his way to subtly telling them to leave. Not to be rude but because he doesnt know how to act around women! He knew he was making a complete jerk of himself.

Beside him, Blake was too busy with Zeras to even notice Carter's remarks. She even ignored the icy glare he shot at Carter. Freya looked to Zeras and offered to pay for their dinner. The younger pair were both surprised. After Carter's attitude...how was this possible? Either Freya is pretty twisted or she liked Carter's feistiness. Whatever it was, neither of them saw this offer coming. Zeras replied and agreed, also offering to sit with them. Blake nodded her head over and over again, like fool. But Carter protested,"What, you think this is some kind of charity?" he shot back the same glare to Zeras. Carter's words, this time around, had a little more...fire. He genuinely got defensive. Blake tore her eyes from Zeras onto her younger partner,"Grey, theyre just trying to be nice..." her voice was soft.

"I dont care Blake, they dont even know us. Do we look poor? They dont have to pay for anything. We can take care of ourselves!" he raised his voice.

"Carter whats wrong with yo--?!"

"Im getting some air..." He inturrupted Blake and stood up, making his way to the door and stepped out with a slam of the door.

Blake didnt really know what to say. She looked at the arena participants infront of her,"Im sorry...he really is a good kid." She tried to vouch for him and apologized to Freya and Zeras for having to see that. She looked at the remaining food on the table,"Oh! U-umm...please, help yourselves! And dont worry about Carter, he'll come around, he just needs sometime to cool down and think. Things like this happen around people upon meeting them for the first time... So dont worry, its not your fault" She frowned," He has a really hard time being social, he just doesnt know how to act. Its too much for him." she stopped talking and looked down at her lap.

@las0r0o7 @Kiroshiven
Kiroshiven said:
"I did." Kelna answered without thinking as she disappeared into the bathroom. He waited for her to return and when she sat beside him, he naturally and unconsciously put his arm around her shoulder. "I'll take a shower next. You want to get to sleep or do something else?" He wasn't sure how to act. Shezmu had been weird and ultimately he'd said that Emia was the way he'd control his other side, but it still was confusing to him.
Emia chuckled at Kelna's gesture and yawned. "I think I'll get some rest while you go shower, okay? And once again, thank you for letting me stay here." Emia smiled at him, admiring his facial features as she looked at him. Every time I look at him I get that strange sensation. Maybe I should ask for advice from someone..

(Goddammit I'm listening to love songs. Someone come break my damn radio)
Zeras watched as Carter decided to cause a bit of a scene before he got up and left with a bit of tension in the air, he looked over to Freya and gestured for her to go follow him knowing that one way or another he was probably going to come back in at some point but her returned his attention to Blake who was buy trying to stick up for him saying he was a nice kid and all but he just chuckled a bit "I'm sure he is a nice person, just needs a bit of a push in the right direction is all." He sat down at the table across from Blake and made himself comfortable "So you two are new to the arena correct, what type of fighting do the two of you do, I mean it would be interesting to see what you two do in a fight."
(after you beat the radio, can I barrow it? I have some butt to smack apparently >:( don't worry hun, he's gonna regret breaking your heart ;-))
las0r0o7 said:
Zeras watched as Carter decided to cause a bit of a scene before he got up and left with a bit of tension in the air, he looked over to Freya and gestured for her to go follow him knowing that one way or another he was probably going to come back in at some point but her returned his attention to Blake who was buy trying to stick up for him saying he was a nice kid and all but he just chuckled a bit "I'm sure he is a nice person, just needs a bit of a push in the right direction is all." He sat down at the table across from Blake and made himself comfortable "So you two are new to the arena correct, what type of fighting do the two of you do, I mean it would be interesting to see what you two do in a fight."
Freya glared at Zeras. "Remember how i said you gained some points, you just lost em all. Youre a creep." She created a gust of air that slapped him across the face harder than any person could. She then chased after Carter. she sughed as she found him outside the club. "You know your little girlfriend is gonna be worried if you dont get back inside soon." She smiled at the boy as she heard the sounds of thunder in the distance.
Anaxileah said:
Emia chuckled at Kelna's gesture and yawned. "I think I'll get some rest while you go shower, okay? And once again, thank you for letting me stay here." Emia smiled at him, admiring his facial features as she looked at him. Every time I look at him I get that strange sensation. Maybe I should ask for advice from someone..
(Goddammit I'm listening to love songs. Someone come break my damn radio)
"Sure thing. The bed's all yours." He pointed over tho it as he went into the bathroom. He took of his clothes and stared at some of the scars from the ritual. It didnt matter what he did, they would be there forever. And sometimes he remembered receiving them. Hed remember the pain and how he screamed for help only to have another cut made on his body. Kelna sighed before he ran cold water over himself. He needed to cool off from the memories. As he stepped put he shook himself dry and then wrapped a towel around his waist. As he walked out he headed over to the kitchen forgetting that Emia was still there.
Kiroshiven said:
"Sure thing. The bed's all yours." He pointed over tho it as he went into the bathroom. He took of his clothes and stared at some of the scars from the ritual. It didnt matter what he did, they would be there forever. And sometimes he remembered receiving them. Hed remember the pain and how he screamed for help only to have another cut made on his body. Kelna sighed before he ran cold water over himself. He needed to cool off from the memories. As he stepped put he shook himself dry and then wrapped a towel around his waist. As he walked out he headed over to the kitchen forgetting that Emia was still there.
Emia had decided to lay down on the couch, not wanting Kelna to give up his bed for her. She heard him open the door and watched as he left it, her eyes widening as she saw how many scars he had on him. She stood, not straying her eyes from his body. "Kelna? How did these happen?" She reached out and gingerly touched one of his scars on his wrist. He had many of them, and that saddened her. "Did someone cause these marks?"
Anaxileah said:
Emia had decided to lay down on the couch, not wanting Kelna to give up his bed for her. She heard him open the door and watched as he left it, her eyes widening as she saw how many scars he had on him. She stood, not straying her eyes from his body. "Kelna? How did these happen?" She reached out and gingerly touched one of his scars on his wrist. He had many of them, and that saddened her. "Did someone cause these marks?"
"Gaining Shezmu's blessing takes a lot of innocent blood apparently. I was the sacrifice to the ritual. Little did they know that only the innocent can gain his blessing. But to protect me from the trauma of everything ive been through, Shezmu wiped my memories. These scars are proof that I was goven his gift." He traced one on his chest, his toned figure would be rather stunning if it didnt look like someone had attacked him with a butcher knife, which actually was what happened, sort of. His eyes said he didnt care about the scars as he grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge.
Kiroshiven said:
"Gaining Shezmu's blessing takes a lot of innocent blood apparently. I was the sacrifice to the ritual. Little did they know that only the innocent can gain his blessing. But to protect me from the trauma of everything ive been through, Shezmu wiped my memories. These scars are proof that I was goven his gift." He traced one on his chest, his toned figure would be rather stunning if it didnt look like someone had attacked him with a butcher knife, which actually was what happened, sort of. His eyes said he didnt care about the scars as he grabbed a bottle of water from his fridge.
Emia nodded and admired Kelna as he went to his fridge, unable to keep her eyes off of his attractive figure. The scars made him even more attractive in her opinion, showing that he had an intriguing and painful history, which she appreciated. People without scars were like blank slates, just begging for disaster to happen. However, Emia was still feeling strange, so she left the kitchen and returned to the couch, thinking about her own scars that she kept hidden.
Carter & Blake

Blake brightened up a little when Zeras actually took her word about Carter. And he was right he did need a little push...too bad hes so stubborn. Zeras sat across from her and, realizing he was going to hang out for a while, she sat up in her chair and folded her hands together on her lap, perking herself up. Zeras was curious about what battling was like for both her and Carter. She smiled cheerfully,"Oh its great! And yes we are new, but its so exciting we could care less about being newbies!" She put a finger to her chin and directed her gaze off to the side,"hmm..as for our fighting style....oh! We're more of like a tag team! Carter is the brain who strategizes and observes his enemies and surroundings before he does anything," she waved her hands and wiggled her fingers when talking about the technical stuff her partner does,"Hes pretty good with a sword too. Hes more of the quiet type so hes pretty sneaky and stuff. As for me," the bubbly smile disappeared, replaced by a cunning and devilish grin,"Im the trigger happy one." she crossed her arms,"I like to go in guns blazing, what i see, I shoot. Thats the way i play the game," she jabbed her thumb into her chest. She continued,"We make a pretty good team though, we constantly look out for eachother than ourselves, and as a result we get the job done more effectively and rarely harmed. We've been around eachother for so long, its almost like we can read eachothers minds and movements. Its incredible really, we can say a lot too eachother with saying any words...well in the arena of course." Her bubbliness returned when she spoke. Her voice was light and airy, as usual,"Our powers help too," she stuck her nose in the air."Theyre actually quite fun to use in battle," she laughed,"though sometimes Carter thinks I use mine excessively." she shrugged, and didnt really care for Carter's opinions when it came to her powers. Unlike most people, Blake's learned to never take what Carter says to heart, and you might even say shes developed selective hearing because of it. Blake rambled on, boy could she talk, and just as she continued to do so Freya called Zeras a creep and stormed out after "air slapping" him. Which cause Blake to flinch and jump back. She stood quiet for a few seconds, watching the Harpy leave,"What just happened?" her bright eyes blinking and looking to Zeras for an answer. Her voice said curiosity, but her face said she was concerned. She wanted to ask if he was okay, but didnt really know him so she didnt think it was very appropriate to ask a personal question....oh what the heck, its Blake, she'll find any excuse to talk,"Are you okay?"


Outside, Carter leaned against the wall belonging to the bar. Arms crossed, one leg propped up on the wall behind him. He stared at the ground with an angry look on his face. Which wasnt uncommon. Not a minute or two later, Freya came out,"Shes not my girlfriend," he responded, and turned his head away from her. The crackle of the thunder didnt seem to stir him at all. His tousled brown hair blew a little with a night breeze that passed through, and it didnt even make him shiver. He must still have a lot of pent up steam to keep him warm. Still turned from the Harpy, he spoke,"What do you want anyway?"

Anaxileah said:
Emia nodded and admired Kelna as he went to his fridge, unable to keep her eyes off of his attractive figure. The scars made him even more attractive in her opinion, showing that he had an intriguing and painful history, which she appreciated. People without scars were like blank slates, just begging for disaster to happen. However, Emia was still feeling strange, so she left the kitchen and returned to the couch, thinking about her own scars that she kept hidden.
Kelna felt her eyes following him as he moved about the room. He grabbed a pair of shorts and went back into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He watched the blood flowing throughout his body. It was moving faster than normal. He started to channel his flow as he had done many nights before. He cut open one of the scars and black blood flowed out. This was blood that he had to purge every few months otherwise he could lose his sanity and become the Blood Artist permanently. He threw the shorts on and then walked out after flushing the black blood. "That's better. But seriously, don't worry about it and sleep on the bed."
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna felt her eyes following him as he moved about the room. He grabbed a pair of shorts and went back into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. He watched the blood flowing throughout his body. It was moving faster than normal. He started to channel his flow as he had done many nights before. He cut open one of the scars and black blood flowed out. This was blood that he had to purge every few months otherwise he could lose his sanity and become the Blood Artist permanently. He threw the shorts on and then walked out after flushing the black blood. "That's better. But seriously, don't worry about it and sleep on the bed."
"I'd be more comfortable here." Emia murmured quietly as she was running a hand along her stomach, where one of her major scars were located. She was distracted, thinking about how she had gained the scar. Emia stared at her knees, since she had brought them up to her chest, and thought about her past with that one particularly ugly scar across her stomach.

When she had been down in the depths of the underworld, Emia had been tortured for breaking the rules of the demons, which involved killing another of her kind, especially since the one she killed had been a higher up. To pay for her mistakes, she was cut open repeatedly, suspended in the air by chains attached to her body, after the higher ups let her wound heal. This occurred over several years, so the scar quickly became more grotesque as time grew. Thinking about this, Emia self-consciously tightened her arm around her stomach and continued staring at her knees.
Anaxileah said:
"I'd be more comfortable here." Emia murmured quietly as she was running a hand along her stomach, where one of her major scars were located. She was distracted, thinking about how she had gained the scar. Emia stared at her knees, since she had brought them up to her chest, and thought about her past with that one particularly ugly scar across her stomach.
When she had been down in the depths of the underworld, Emia had been tortured for breaking the rules of the demons, which involved killing another of her kind, especially since the one she killed had been a higher up. To pay for her mistakes, she was cut open repeatedly, suspended in the air by chains attached to her body, after the higher ups let her wound heal. This occurred over several years, so the scar quickly became more grotesque as time grew. Thinking about this, Emia self-consciously tightened her arm around her stomach and continued staring at her knees.
Kelna looked at her and followed her gaze toward her stomach. He sat beside her and rubbed her back gently. "Something the matter?" He placed his hand on hers. It wasn't something that he'd usually do, but he was going to support her any way he could. He wanted to be there for her. He leaned in close to her and pressed his warmth against her. "I'm here if you need me." He gently squeezed her hand to show her his support. He had to hold back hugging her as tightly as possible.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna looked at her and followed her gaze toward her stomach. He sat beside her and rubbed her back gently. "Something the matter?" He placed his hand on hers. It wasn't something that he'd usually do, but he was going to support her any way he could. He wanted to be there for her. He leaned in close to her and pressed his warmth against her. "I'm here if you need me." He gently squeezed her hand to show her his support. He had to hold back hugging her as tightly as possible.
Emia flinched as soon as Kelna touched her, her attention jerking back to him. She looked at him for a moment, then back at her stomach, thinking about what happened, and what she should do. Do I show him? Does that action even make sense? Emia felt obliged to explain why she was upset, but she couldn't begin to even fathom why. She removed her hand from her stomach and stood up from the couch and out of Kelna's embrace. She faced herself to him, then lifted her shirt slightly to reveal the ugly scar that stretched from her side to the other in a slight angle. The scar was raised slightly, and had a rough look to it, which was jagged and bumpy. She frowned as she looked down at her own scar, hating the appearance, and then she glanced at Kelna.
Anaxileah said:
Emia flinched as soon as Kelna touched her, her attention jerking back to him. She looked at him for a moment, then back at her stomach, thinking about what happened, and what she should do. Do I show him? Does that action even make sense? Emia felt obliged to explain why she was upset, but she couldn't begin to even fathom why. She removed her hand from her stomach and stood up from the couch and out of Kelna's embrace. She faced herself to him, then lifted her shirt slightly to reveal the ugly scar that stretched from her side to the other in a slight angle. The scar was raised slightly, and had a rough look to it, which was jagged and bumpy. She frowned as she looked down at her own scar, hating the appearance, and then she glanced at Kelna.
Kelna sighed deeply. It wasnt disgust or anything. He was just relived that it easnt anything too crazy. He knew that he wouldnt be able to heal it completely but he could make it less prominent but only if she was willing. "Do you mind if i try something? Ive managed to ease the scarring on animals before so that they could live. I may be able to do it, but it will require i cut open your scar." His voice was serious, he didnt want to hurt her, but it was the only way to help her.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna sighed deeply. It wasnt disgust or anything. He was just relived that it easnt anything too crazy. He knew that he wouldnt be able to heal it completely but he could make it less prominent but only if she was willing. "Do you mind if i try something? Ive managed to ease the scarring on animals before so that they could live. I may be able to do it, but it will require i cut open your scar." His voice was serious, he didnt want to hurt her, but it was the only way to help her.
Emia bit her lip, considering his offer and nodded. She's had her stomach cut open several times, over several years, it wouldn't hurt one last time, right? She unbuttoned the lower half of her shirt so that she wouldn't have to hold it up and so only the lower half of her stomach would show. Emia stood there, anticipating pain, not sure if getting black blood on the floor would be okay.

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