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Futuristic Blood Arena - Additional IC

Anaxileah said:
Emia blushed harder, new to this feeling, but not entirely against it. Why am I behaving so differently? Emia thought to herself as she watched Zeras and Freya finish their dance. New music started up, and more people began dancing once more in on the dance floor. When Kelna asked her to dance, Emia froze. I don't know how to dance! She bit her lip, causing it to bleed slightly, and put her hand in his. She looked up at him and had a concerned expression on her face, then spoke to him telepathically. "I don't know how to dance, in all honesty. I only dance in a fighting manner, which isn't the kind of dancing you're asking of me. I really don't want to embarrass you..." Emia looked up at Kelna and wiped the blood from her lip with the back of her free hand, surprised she drew blood.
Kelna smiled and pulled her closer to him. "I've got an idea then. Have you ever faked sparring? Basically you act like you were going to hit, but it's just at the speed where the other could react. There's also something I could do. I could use some blood control if you'd like." He whispered the words to her as he leaned in close. "What do you say? Either will work. But the fighting one may draw a show." He smiled at her warmly and started to lead her toward the floor. He bit his cheek and let it bleed for a bit inside his mouth so nobody would notice right away if she decided for the second option.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna smiled and pulled her closer to him. "I've got an idea then. Have you ever faked sparring? Basically you act like you were going to hit, but it's just at the speed where the other could react. There's also something I could do. I could use some blood control if you'd like." He whispered the words to her as he leaned in close. "What do you say? Either will work. But the fighting one may draw a show." He smiled at her warmly and started to lead her toward the floor. He bit his cheek and let it bleed for a bit inside his mouth so nobody would notice right away if she decided for the second option.
Emia considered the options as he led her towards the dance floor. Fake sparring? I'm only really good at hitting and killing, so I'm not sure that would work. But what does he meant by the second option? Emia thought to herself as they neared the dance area. "Second option?" Emia asked somewhat hesitantly, not sure how it would happen or work. "Or the fighting. I'm not really sure I would know how to fake fight, since I mainly focus on killing." Emia whispered to him as he led her through the room.
Anaxileah said:
Emia considered the options as he led her towards the dance floor. Fake sparring? I'm only really good at hitting and killing, so I'm not sure that would work. But what does he meant by the second option? Emia thought to herself as they neared the dance area. "Second option?" Emia asked somewhat hesitantly, not sure how it would happen or work. "Or the fighting. I'm not really sure I would know how to fake fight, since I mainly focus on killing." Emia whispered to him as he led her through the room.
"Just let the blood do the work." He mouthed as strings of blood left his mouth some went around her ankles. Others went around her wrists and then some when to her hips. "Let me lead and trust me. Once your body gets used to the motions you'll be okay." His eyes shimmered as he started to dance much like the others in the club. It was very typical bump and grin, but for those that weren't used to it It was a foreign idea. He immediately began to move her body with his mind, controlling the blood that looked much like bracelets and a belt around her. I should be able to do this for a song or two. But she'll have to pick up on it.
Kiroshiven said:
She lost herself in the moment and placed her lips on the dragon's. "Definitely all for the show. You still disgust me, but you've earned a few points." She pet his head as she walked over to the boy that and girl that had been staring. She got real close to Carter "So, did you enjoy the show little man?" She teased him as her hair clung to her head. She was at that moment about as much a temptress as her friend Azura. Freya almost forgot about girl's night and went over to her friend at the bar. "I may not be a drinker but i'll galdly watch out for Azura. It's girl's night after all." Freya had sobered up after kissing Zeras and now she wasn't feeling so kicked to the curb. She smiled at Orion and waited for their game.
Zeras gave her a kiss back and set her back on her feet "Oh shut up, you know you love me" he said as he teased her and followed over to the two kids and looked at them for a second before talking to Blake "Did you have fun watching, and more so did you learn anything about dancing." he said as he ruffled her hair for a second and looked over to Carter "Why didn't the two of you dance, you look like you two would make good dancing partners." he said looking back and forth between the two of them and then over to Freya who had wandered away to go do something else. @HoneyBear\-Kat
Carter & Blake

'Go away, go away, no stop...turn around,' said the thoughts of a panicking Carter. He watched as Freya began heading their way. She asked about the little "show" her and Zeras put on. His true opinion was that he liked it...well...liked her... But of course he wouldnt dare admit it. He trembled a little when he listened to her silky voice. His insides felt like they were going to explode. He looked at her dead in the eye, with those "oh-so-unamused" eyes he always had. He leaned in close to her, resting his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand,"Why would you ask for the opinion of children?"

'Shut up...'

"Unless...youre insecure..?"

'Shut up! Just..J-Just say it was nice..'

"I guess it was alright," he shrugged,"Wasnt paying attention much..."


"Now please leave, old women disgust me..." He gave a small smirk.

'YOU IDIOT!!' He mentally kicked himself in the head.

Blake stood quiet and covered her mouth in attempt to keep herself from bursting out laughing. She wasnt, at all, surprised by his reply. He was always like that, and she always got a kick out of it. But before she knew it, her hair was being ruffled. She scrunched her nose at the action but when she looked up and saw Zeras she was star struck,"Youre Zeras~" her eyes twinkled.

"Dont listen to her, she didnt even know either of you existed until i told her a few moments ago..." He leaned back and crossed his arms glancing at Zeras.

"THATS A LIE!" she lied...and pouted.

"Shut up, youre an idiot!" He yelled back. His golden eyes moved back to Zeras and his bratty little smirk crept back,"As for an opinion, i already gave mine to your old lady there.." He jerked his head back to Freya. 'CARTER WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!'


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"Oh really?" She leaned in close teasing him with her come and get me eyes. "I know you kept looking at us. You forget that I'm a queen of battle. I keep my eyes peeled for anything and everything." She was still a little drunk and though he was underage in a few years he might turn out to be a good looking guy. "You know, if you keep battling in the arena like you two have, you may actually grow up to be a good man. Better than this schlup over here." Freya gestured to Zeras. "Just gotta learn to watch that tongue of yours. If I was another woman you may not have it right now." She teased the poor boy more as she leaned against him. "We should help out these kids Zeras. Let's buy them their dinner." Her eyes turned when she suddenly could smell blood on the dance floor. "Blood Artist? What are you doing?" She mumbled as she watched him dancing with Emia. "That's an odd pair don't you think Zeras?" She pointed at the two.

Kiroshiven said:
"Just let the blood do the work." He mouthed as strings of blood left his mouth some went around her ankles. Others went around her wrists and then some when to her hips. "Let me lead and trust me. Once your body gets used to the motions you'll be okay." His eyes shimmered as he started to dance much like the others in the club. It was very typical bump and grin, but for those that weren't used to it It was a foreign idea. He immediately began to move her body with his mind, controlling the blood that looked much like bracelets and a belt around her. I should be able to do this for a song or two. But she'll have to pick up on it.
Emia watched in fascination as his blood wrapped around her wrists, ankles, and hips. She felt her body move, but it was involuntary, controlled by Kelna. The dance involved both sharp and fluid movements, and it was new to Emia, but she was beginning to catch on. She wasn't fully confident in doing the dance yet, but she was beginning to enjoy dancing with Kelna. "I'm enjoying this." She spoke to Kelna telepathically, grinning at him as he controlled her body movements.
Anaxileah said:
Emia watched in fascination as his blood wrapped around her wrists, ankles, and hips. She felt her body move, but it was involuntary, controlled by Kelna. The dance involved both sharp and fluid movements, and it was new to Emia, but she was beginning to catch on. She wasn't fully confident in doing the dance yet, but she was beginning to enjoy dancing with Kelna. "I'm enjoying this." She spoke to Kelna telepathically, grinning at him as he controlled her body movements.
"For once, so am I." He whispered in her ears, with his cheek against hers. She was warm. He'd been dragged onto the dance floor by some competitors that had gotten too drunk. They bored him and didn't get him to WANT to dance. Tonight, Kelna wanted to be there and he wanted to be near Emia. It was something that was starting to conclude itself in his mind, but Kelna denied the facts. This was just carnal attraction at a genetic level, nothing more. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer as they continued.
Kiroshiven said:
"For once, so am I." He whispered in her ears, with his cheek against hers. She was warm. He'd been dragged onto the dance floor by some competitors that had gotten too drunk. They bored him and didn't get him to WANT to dance. Tonight, Kelna wanted to be there and he wanted to be near Emia. It was something that was starting to conclude itself in his mind, but Kelna denied the facts. This was just carnal attraction at a genetic level, nothing more. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer as they continued.
Emia felt the energy of the music coarse through her, and got a good understanding of the dance. As they were brought closer, Emia felt excitement wash over her, and was enjoying herself immensely. She was enjoying her first time dancing, even if it was rather physical. She liked the feeling of dancing with Kelna, being pressed against him in the dance. "I've got the hang of it now." She said to him as their cheeks touched, and felt a shiver run down her back as she continued dancing with him. I've never had this much fun. Not with anyone. Emia thought to herself and smiled, continuing to 'bump and grind' as people seemed to refer to it as. Emia had heard of it before from other competitors from the Blood Arena, but she hadn't witnessed it occur before, especially not first hand.
Anaxileah said:
Emia felt the energy of the music coarse through her, and got a good understanding of the dance. As they were brought closer, Emia felt excitement wash over her, and was enjoying herself immensely. She was enjoying her first time dancing, even if it was rather physical. She liked the feeling of dancing with Kelna, being pressed against him in the dance. "I've got the hang of it now." She said to him as their cheeks touched, and felt a shiver run down her back as she continued dancing with him. I've never had this much fun. Not with anyone. Emia thought to herself and smiled, continuing to 'bump and grind' as people seemed to refer to it as. Emia had heard of it before from other competitors from the Blood Arena, but she hadn't witnessed it occur before, especially not first hand.
Kelna relaxed and let the blood move to his glass on the other side of the bar. Now he could really let loose. He pressed himself against her and let the energy run between them. Heat, sweat and excitement boiled inside him as they moved. He didn't even notice when people began to watch. It was one of the few times that he'd let his guard down since coming to Loxton. When the song finally finished he'd pulled Emia as close as he could their lips merely an inch apart as he stared into her eyes. There was a small applause, nothing like what Zeras and Freya had gotten, but it was still impressive. "I think they liked it." He chuckled as he kept the blood from rushing to his cheeks. He didn't want to move away from her and just kept hold of her.
Emia was brimming with excitement during the entire song. She had sweat along her brow, causing her hair to stick to her forehead. Emia was focused solely on Kelna and how their bodies moved together perfectly, as well as the closeness they had during the song. At the end of the music, Kelna had pulled Emia extremely close, so much that their lips were only an inch from each other. Her bright blue eyes looked into his, observing every detail in the dark crimson color. When he spoke, she chuckled along with him, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I-I guess so.." She said, even though she didn't want to move from where she was. She enjoyed dancing with him, enjoyed being with him.
Anaxileah said:
Emia was brimming with excitement during the entire song. She had sweat along her brow, causing her hair to stick to her forehead. Emia was focused solely on Kelna and how their bodies moved together perfectly, as well as the closeness they had during the song. At the end of the music, Kelna had pulled Emia extremely close, so much that their lips were only an inch from each other. Her bright blue eyes looked into his, observing every detail in the dark crimson color. When he spoke, she chuckled along with him, a blush spreading across her cheeks. "I-I guess so.." She said, even though she didn't want to move from where she was. She enjoyed dancing with him, enjoyed being with him.
The next song began and they were suddenly in the way. Kelna had to lead her away back to the bar where he ordered two waters that were brought quickly. "That was intense." He said with a smile. Again, he felt things he hadn't before it was something new. But ultimately it was a good thing. He was experiencing life like any human would. It's good to be alive. Kelna downed the water quickly as he tried to cool off. He looked over at Emia who was just as sweaty as he was. She looked like she was having a blast. And it looked like she didn't want to be away from him as much as he didn't want to be away from her.
Kiroshiven said:
The next song began and they were suddenly in the way. Kelna had to lead her away back to the bar where he ordered two waters that were brought quickly. "That was intense." He said with a smile. Again, he felt things he hadn't before it was something new. But ultimately it was a good thing. He was experiencing life like any human would. It's good to be alive. Kelna downed the water quickly as he tried to cool off. He looked over at Emia who was just as sweaty as he was. She looked like she was having a blast. And it looked like she didn't want to be away from him as much as he didn't want to be away from her.
Emia let herself be led by Kelna, fanning herself with her hand. She was pretty sweaty, and nodded as thanks for the water. She sipped the water, trying to have the cool drink last, but was immediately overwhelmed with thirst. She finished the glass, and then pressed it against her forehead, hoping to cool off. Her golden markings were shining through the lace that made up her sleeves, in response to how fast her heart was beating right now. Speaking of hearts, mine is behaving in a most peculiar manner, and I'm enjoying it immensely. But...it can't be love, could it? Emia asked herself in her mind, slightly conflicted, but she didn't show it in her face. She continued pressing her forehead against the condensation of the glass, letting the cool water drip down her warm face. "Quite." Emia said in response when Kelna commented on their dancing, and smiled at him faintly.
Anaxileah said:
Emia let herself be led by Kelna, fanning herself with her hand. She was pretty sweaty, and nodded as thanks for the water. She sipped the water, trying to have the cool drink last, but was immediately overwhelmed with thirst. She finished the glass, and then pressed it against her forehead, hoping to cool off. Her golden markings were shining through the lace that made up her sleeves, in response to how fast her heart was beating right now. Speaking of hearts, mine is behaving in a most peculiar manner, and I'm enjoying it immensely. But...it can't be love, could it? Emia asked herself in her mind, slightly conflicted, but she didn't show it in her face. She continued pressing her forehead against the condensation of the glass, letting the cool water drip down her warm face. "Quite." Emia said in response when Kelna commented on their dancing, and smiled at him faintly.
Kelna couldn't look away from her. The gold markings, the fiery tail, everything about her was alluring. Carnal lust. Nothing more. He told himself again as he downed some more water. "Should we get some rest then?" He mimicked her and put the glass against his head. "There is a shower upstairs that we can use." Kelna's mind realized what he just said. "Not together of course. but in turns." He continued to force the blood away from his cheeks. It was difficult to do so. Kelna was suspicious of his current actions. He'd summon Shezmu later on and ask him what he thought was going on.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna couldn't look away from her. The gold markings, the fiery tail, everything about her was alluring. Carnal lust. Nothing more. He told himself again as he downed some more water. "Should we get some rest then?" He mimicked her and put the glass against his head. "There is a shower upstairs that we can use." Kelna's mind realized what he just said. "Not together of course. but in turns." He continued to force the blood away from his cheeks. It was difficult to do so. Kelna was suspicious of his current actions. He'd summon Shezmu later on and ask him what he thought was going on.
Emia covered her mouth with her hand in order to force back a giggle. The way he tried to cover up his verbal mistake was quite amusing, if not cute, and she noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. So he CAN blush. Huh. Emia snickered to herself as she thought about his verbal slip-up again and nodded, grinning widely. She stood from her seat at the bar, then placed the glass back down. She wiped the remaining water from her forehead with one hand and offered the other to Kelna, smiling at him. "Is everything okay, there, Kelna? You've got a bit of pink upon your cheeks." She chuckled and poked his cheek gently so as not to scratch him.
Anaxileah said:
Emia covered her mouth with her hand in order to force back a giggle. The way he tried to cover up his verbal mistake was quite amusing, if not cute, and she noticed a faint blush on his cheeks. So he CAN blush. Huh. Emia snickered to herself as she thought about his verbal slip-up again and nodded, grinning widely. She stood from her seat at the bar, then placed the glass back down. She wiped the remaining water from her forehead with one hand and offered the other to Kelna, smiling at him. "Is everything okay, there, Kelna? You've got a bit of pink upon your cheeks." She chuckled and poked his cheek gently so as not to scratch him.
"Yeah." He took her hand and pulled her into his lap and nearly kissed her before brushing his cheek against hers and whispering. "But you've been blushing all night. It's really cute." He smirked as he helped her to her feet and zipped toward the stairs. "First one there gets to use the hot water." He chuckled as he decided to play it off and have fun. Fun huh? Yeah. That's a good word for it. He smiled as he started running up the stairs toward the shower.
Kiroshiven said:
"Yeah." He took her hand and pulled her into his lap and nearly kissed her before brushing his cheek against hers and whispering. "But you've been blushing all night. It's really cute." He smirked as he helped her to her feet and zipped toward the stairs. "First one there gets to use the hot water." He chuckled as he decided to play it off and have fun. Fun huh? Yeah. That's a good word for it. He smiled as he started running up the stairs toward the shower.

"I-" Emia started and then blushed again, then cursed herself for letting him do that to her. She watched as Kelna ran to the stairs, rushing to be the first one there. She chuckled, then used her telekinesis to close and lock both his door and the door to the bathroom in which the shower was. She then used her enhanced speed to rush up the stairs, catching up to him quickly at the locked door. "Sorry, dear, seems you've been beat. But I don't need hot water, since I'm already hot enough." Emia smirked as her golden marks glowed and she brought her tail within view and showed the flame that was on the tip of it. She winked at Kelna, then stood in front of the door, blocking his path.
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Anaxileah said:
"I-" Emia started and then blushed again, then cursed herself for letting him do that to her. She watched as Kelna ran to the stairs, rushing to be the first one there. She chuckled, then used her telekinesis to close and lock both his door and the door to the bathroom in which the shower was. She then used her enhanced speed to rush up the stairs, catching up to him quickly at the locked door. "Sorry, dear, seems you've been beat. But I don't need hot water, since I'm already hot enough." Emia smirked as her golden marks glowed and she brought her tail within view and showed the flame that was on the tip of it. She winked at Kelna, then stood in front of the door, blocking his path.
"That you are." Kelna had let slip something he'd been thinking, but never really said that night. It wasn't about her fire, but her actual looks. He didn't cover his mouth or anything this time. He wasn't going to regret his choice of words like he did earlier. "Anyways, you beat me have at the shower." He walked over to the space that would be the kitchen and gathered up some black candles and an old book. He was going to talk to Shezmu about all the happenings.
Kiroshiven said:
"That you are." Kelna had let slip something he'd been thinking, but never really said that night. It wasn't about her fire, but her actual looks. He didn't cover his mouth or anything this time. He wasn't going to regret his choice of words like he did earlier. "Anyways, you beat me have at the shower." He walked over to the space that would be the kitchen and gathered up some black candles and an old book. He was going to talk to Shezmu about all the happenings.
Emia was shocked that he actually agreed, but smiled and nodded. She watched him gather black candles and an old book, similar to the ones that were used to summon older demons that weren't permitted to like amongst humans. Hm..I wonder who he's going to summon. Emia thought to herself and entered the bathroom, then purposely turned the shower on cold water so that Kelna could use the hot water. She removed the pretty dress from her person and stepped in, flinching at the sudden cold, but then felt more relaxed as she fully immersed herself in the water. Steam came off of her, cooling her burning skin off. Her hair was damp and soaked, and she felt more relaxed than before. I'll stay in here longer so that Kelna can have a private conversation. She thought to herself with a smile and continued standing beneath the chilly water.

Kiroshiven said:
"Oh really?" She leaned in close teasing him with her come and get me eyes. "I know you kept looking at us. You forget that I'm a queen of battle. I keep my eyes peeled for anything and everything." She was still a little drunk and though he was underage in a few years he might turn out to be a good looking guy. "You know, if you keep battling in the arena like you two have, you may actually grow up to be a good man. Better than this schlup over here." Freya gestured to Zeras. "Just gotta learn to watch that tongue of yours. If I was another woman you may not have it right now." She teased the poor boy more as she leaned against him. "We should help out these kids Zeras. Let's buy them their dinner." Her eyes turned when she suddenly could smell blood on the dance floor. "Blood Artist? What are you doing?" She mumbled as she watched him dancing with Emia. "That's an odd pair don't you think Zeras?" She pointed at the two.
Zeras looked at Blake for a second and chuckled "That's right, everyone should know who I am." he looked over to Carter for a second with a look of 'you better watch your mouth' coming from them quite easily but could probably be read as the usual death stare as well. He may be a nice guy on the outside and laugh at some dumb jokes but when you get down to the very core of Zeras, all you would find is the desire to kill anything and everything in his path with no questions asked, he looked back over to Blake "So what do you say, would you like to have some dinner with me and Freya." he asked her knowing that Carter would probably be a little mischievous kid instead of actually just taking the offer. He heard what Freya said pointing out Blood artist and Emia dancing "Hey, if that's what he wants to do, let him, it's not like we don't have another mission to do here in a couple weeks anyways, not that these two are going as a pair, at least one of them anyways" he said the last part of it making it sound like he was still talking about the two dancing but he was pretty sure that Freya was able to catch the fact that he was talking about Carter.
Anaxileah said:
Emia was shocked that he actually agreed, but smiled and nodded. She watched him gather black candles and an old book, similar to the ones that were used to summon older demons that weren't permitted to like amongst humans. Hm..I wonder who he's going to summon. Emia thought to herself and entered the bathroom, then purposely turned the shower on cold water so that Kelna could use the hot water. She removed the pretty dress from her person and stepped in, flinching at the sudden cold, but then felt more relaxed as she fully immersed herself in the water. Steam came off of her, cooling her burning skin off. Her hair was damp and soaked, and she felt more relaxed than before. I'll stay in here longer so that Kelna can have a private conversation. She thought to herself with a smile and continued standing beneath the chilly water.
It took Kelna sometime to get everything ready. He slit open both his hands with a knife and created the summoning circle with it. As he finished the chant he moved the blood to the mirror on the wall and Shezmu appeared before him. "My child of blood. Why have you called to me?" Shezmu's voice was smooth and alluring. He was also the Egyptian god of wine after all. This god was truly a terrifying force. "I'm just a bit confused right now Shezmu. There's a demon woman here. And, I'm having fun being around her." Shezmu nearly burst into laughter at this. It was another first for Kelna. "You summoned me because you're enjoying yourself? That's kind of wasteful." Kelna pressed his palm against his face. "Shezmu, i'm only enjoying my time BECAUSE of her. You know me." Kelna growled as he stared at the god. "Am I sick? Is something wrong with me? This isn't natural. I've lived for over half a million years, but I haven't had anything like this happen before. I was dancing and smiling, and I've been using my powers to hide my blush all night. What's going on?" Shezmu looked serious for a moment at the boy. "It seems you've found something worth protecting. I wouldn't be surprised if you could summon the part of me inside you and control it. That is if you imagined her in danger anyway." Kelna tilted his head confused. "Are you saying I love her?" Shezmu shook his head in disagreement. "I'm not saying that, but I am saying you've let down your wall for one person. And that's this demon. Let her be what triggers the blood artist and stop tainting your power with that toxin. You'll become A LOT stronger when you do." After that Shezmu vanished form the mirror and the blood he offered disappeared as well. "And I'm no closer to finding the answer." He exhaled and sat down on the couch only then realizing that the shower hadn't been running for a while.
Anaxileah said:
Emia's head poked out through the door, her damp hair hanging around her horns and her bright blue eyes looking at him with curiosity. "Are you done with your summoning? I didn't want to interrupt, so I stayed in here. I didn't listen, promise." Emia smiled at him and then retreated back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel, then wrapped it around herself. The towel pretty much covered as much as the dress did, which made Emia chuckle a bit. She exited the bathroom to sift through the clothing pile Kelna had provided to her. She occasionally glanced up at Kelna, slightly concerned. "Is everything okay? Did something bad happen?" She asked him, here forehead creased in worry.
"Nah, Shezmu was just irritating in that he didn't give me any real answer to my questions. Though he did say that you might be the trigger that let's me control the version of him locked inside me. In other words, The Blood Artist." Kelna shrugged. He was slowly getting back to himself, but at the same time, watching her move with just the towel on kept him excited. He couldn't keep as calm as he would've liked, and worse, he couldn't take his eyes off her. It was going to be a problem.
(sorry for not replying for a few days, I was in the hospital. Just had my baby, but I'm back :3)

Beatrix never followed him. She knew she needed to be alone. Slowly she walked back to her house. Which in better terms was actually a nest she made out of tree branches, she prefered to sleep as a wolf, she tend to get better sleep that way. She wasn't in much of a hurry, it was a nice night anyway. The light breeze in her fur felt nice abd soothing to her. For the rest of the way there she was quiet, even her thoughts.

Her home slowly started to come into view. It's was almost dome shaped made out of tree branches and what ever other materials she could find to hold the structure together. It wasn't much, but she loved it. As she walked in, she nuzzled up to the blanket she used when she slept and curled up. I wonder what he was going to ask. Was all she thought. She tried, but was unable to sleep.

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