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Futuristic Blood Arena - Additional IC

Anaxileah said:
Emia raised an eyebrow at Kelna then stood. "Thank you for offering food to me, I greatly appreciate it. However, seeing that it is late and we are both exhausted, I recommend going home or wherever it is you're staying to sleep. Do you need assistance in reaching your home or wherever you're staying?" Emia asked Kelna as she approached him on the edge of the building. She was uncomfortable being as risky as he was, so she stood behind him rather than beside him.
"Scared I'm going to pick you up and fly away?" Kelna teased without looking at her. He stood up from his seat upon the ledge. "Nah, I can make it to the bar. The owner keeps a space upstairs readily available. He's a good guy once you bribe him a couple grand." Kelna smirked at the stupidity of his own joke. "What about you?" His wings erupted from his body once more. "Need a lift to your home? You said sometimes your a prisoner so now that I think about it, do you even HAVE a home?" He was curious as to where this demon lived.
"Uh..." Emia was surprised he figured out that much, and ran a hand through her hair, avoiding her horns. "I have a place to stay, yeah. And I can walk, it's not big deal." She fibbed, smiling at him. Her blue eyes were cast down over the edge of the building, observing the city. I could always just go back to the Arena...I mean, who needs sleep?

(That last thought tho xD so me)
Anaxileah said:
"Uh..." Emia was surprised he figured out that much, and ran a hand through her hair, avoiding her horns. "I have a place to stay, yeah. And I can walk, it's not big deal." She fibbed, smiling at him. Her blue eyes were cast down over the edge of the building, observing the city. I could always just go back to the Arena...I mean, who needs sleep?

(That last thought tho xD so me)
Kelna could feel the apprehension in her voice. After years of being on the outside of conversations looking in, he'd figured out how to read subtle hints from people. "Let me talk to the bar owner and see if it's cool if you crash in my place." Kel didn't know why he was being so nice, he just was. Normally he'd have just said okay and left, but this demon intrigued him. What was it about this wild woman that got under his skin? Kel wanted to understand himself better. "Come on." He smirked as he scooped her up and began to fly, but a lot more gently than the sky rocket up to the roof top. They soared over the lights and the arena, Kel was enjoying flying first, then he'd land at the bar.
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"Y-your place? That's not necessary!" The last part Emia exclaimed because Kelna lifted her up again. She held onto him tightly, bracing for a quick decent, and felt like she was going to lose the food she just ate. Thankfully they didn't go down as quickly as they had ascended, so Emia loosened her grip. "Must you continue to do this? I told you before I'm not used to flying.." Emia grumbled, her tail thwacking him on the head annoyingly but lightly.
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Anaxileah said:
"Y-your place? That's necessary!" The last part Emia exclaimed because Kelna lifted her up again. She held onto him tightly, bracing for a quick decent, and felt like she was going to lose the food she just ate. Thankfully they didn't go down as quickly as they had ascended, so Emia loosened her grip. "Must you continue to do this? I told you before I'm not used to flying.." Emia grumbled, her tail thwacking him on the head annoyingly but lightly.
Kelna laughed as he continued to fly despite her gently hitting him with her tail. "You may not be used to flying but it's a great view that you COULD get used to right?" He smiled at her with his crimson eyes shimmering in the city lights. He gently drifted around the buildings, the lights changing colors around them as he flew all over Loxton. He was just enjoying the night that seemed more enjoyable tonight. Was it his companion? He didn't understand it, but he smiled at her again before finally landing in front of the bar. "Here we are." He could feel the blood pumping music and sense all the life inside. He set Emia down and waited for her reaction.
Emia smiled back at him and nodded, enjoying the view. She never really had a view of the city from this level, and it was beautiful. She glanced back at Kelna, watching as he flew them around and looked at the city. He seems to be enjoying himself. That's good. Emia smiled to herself and when they landed, she slid herself out of his arms gently. "That was actually really lovely. Thank you. You don't need to offer me a place to stay, though. It's really alright." Emia tried reassuring him, not wanting to burden her.. Friend?
Anaxileah said:
Emia smiled back at him and nodded, enjoying the view. She never really had a view of the city from this level, and it was beautiful. She glanced back at Kelna, watching as he flew them around and looked at the city. He seems to be enjoying himself. That's good. Emia smiled to herself and when they landed, she slid herself out of his arms gently. "That was actually really lovely. Thank you. You don't need to offer me a place to stay, though. It's really alright." Emia tried reassuring him, not wanting to burden her.. Friend?
"Emia, it's not a burden." Kelna might lose a couple hundred bucks, but it would be a big deal. He....enjoyed....her company. Kelna wasn't sure 100%. He wasn't used to feelings. But this warmth of talking with her was good. "Just come on." He slid her arm through his. "This place is full of creeps that hit on any woman that doesn't look like she has a man. Just don't want you killing them." Kelna chuckled as he guided her into the bar and around the crowds until he found the manager. "Mind staying here while I talk it out with him?" Kelna smiled warmly as he walked over to the guy and began their........bargaining. He noticed some of the other contestants were in the bar as well. The goddess of the sky was on the dance floor. Zeras and Beatrix were there. Even Gore showed up. It was crazy seeing everyone. He returned to his debates before finally agreeing to two hundred. Cheaper than I was willing to go.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna sighed. "Shezmu told me that it'd be possible to trigger him at will once I had someone I wanted to protect. Stupid human emotion thing." Kelna shrugged. "However, I'm not exactly the feeling kind of person. Love is a curiosity to me. So wanting to protect someone is a VERY long ways away." Kelna sighed as he looked up to see the sky void of stars. "The lights are a nuisance for star gazing." Kelna growled as he ended up just staring at the moon.
"Always trying to be the charmer aren't you Zeras?" Freya was one of the few women that never swooned over the dragon. She found him irritating at best and down right a pest that needed to be exterminated at worst. However, she did give him points for persistence. "As for how I look, I always go into battle like this. I want to command as much attention as my title deserves." A glimmer crossed her eyes as she smiled. She waved over the waiter. "A glass of Tesoro Della Regina Prosecco circa 2015 if you will. I feel like splurging a bit after my battle." Wines from that time could cost several hundred bucks a glass, but it was always worth it. The waiter stopped when he realized she was talking to him and quickly retrieved what she asked for. "What a good lad." She pet his head before shooing him a way. She sipped the wine quietly before she felt the need to move as the music began to play. It may have been a bar, but it had a good DJ from time to time and a great dance floor. "Care to join me for a dance dragon? Or are you scared?" Freya was a lightweight when it came to booze. The fact that she was already feeling a buzz after a glass of wine was proof. She shimmied out of the booth and worked her way onto the dance floor. Even moving like nothing more than a lower class member, she looked astonishing and many of the guys at the corners of the bar stopped to stare as she moved.

y0k9o said:
Getting up from the table realized that he fell asleep he got up taking off the rest of his armor and left his the Warhammer in a box, while putting his Waraxes in their pouches and walked to the bar and sat next to Zeras and looked at the waiter "Whiskey" waiting on the drink to come he took out a small sphere shaped device and a tiny screw and fiddled with it. After thirty a minuit his drink came and he looked at the waiter nodding, picking up his glass and drinking itnall in one gulp, then going back to his sphere he satvit on the counter and pressed a button and then sphere turned into a long inscect looking bug and he grinned "Took a bit longer than I'd expected, but course it works." Smirking he put the screwdriver back into his pocket and fiddled with the big for a minuit then tapped its head and it turned back into a sphere. He turned to Zeras observing him "Hmmmmmmm, you look shorter from a distance and on TV."
(bro, that bright ass color isn't going to work, it hurts my eyes to look at xD @y0k9o )

"I seem to get that comment a lot, do keep in mind I am six one, not all that short, just need a new camera crew is all, they seem to not know how to function the camera properly, but that's aside the point, not like your tall yourself." Zeras said as he looked back over to Freya "If I wasn't the best charmer around what good would I be as the world's best announcer." he downed the last of his drink and set it on the table and listened to what else she had to say "Well either way the supposed to be blood covered champions look neater than the announcer, how about that." he chuckled at what she had to drink, so much weaker than what he was having, he was having the strongest vodka made (look it up, Balkan Vodka) as he watched her get up out of the chair and make her way to the dance floor "Scared, ppffttt, please, as if I would be." he got up out of his chair and took her by the hands and started to dance with her to try and hide the fact that she was currently terrible at walking, much less dancing "You seem like you need a bit of practice while you've had a bit to drink, wouldn't you agree."
las0r0o7 said:
(bro, that bright ass color isn't going to work, it hurts my eyes to look at xD @y0k9o )
"I seem to get that comment a lot, do keep in mind I am six one, not all that short, just need a new camera crew is all, they seem to not know how to function the camera properly, but that's aside the point, not like your tall yourself." Zeras said as he looked back over to Freya "If I wasn't the best charmer around what good would I be as the world's best announcer." he downed the last of his drink and set it on the table and listened to what else she had to say "Well either way the supposed to be blood covered champions look neater than the announcer, how about that." he chuckled at what she had to drink, so much weaker than what he was having, he was having the strongest vodka made (look it up, Balkan Vodka) as he watched her get up out of the chair and make her way to the dance floor "Scared, ppffttt, please, as if I would be." he got up out of his chair and took her by the hands and started to dance with her to try and hide the fact that she was currently terrible at walking, much less dancing "You seem like you need a bit of practice while you've had a bit to drink, wouldn't you agree."
Freya pulled Zeras close and smirked. "Or maybe, you need to learn how to read a fake better." Freya smirked. She was buzzed, not drunk. Any missteps were intentional as she began to take the lead from him. "And we've got a couple young kids watching us." Freya pointed towards where Carter and Blake were sitting. "Should we give this place a show? Or should we keep things a bit more mellow?" Freya was feeling like showing off her looks tonight. Azura had decided to go flirt with the heavy drinker, so it wouldn't be bad to flirt a bit with the host or any of the guys in the bar for that matter. She noticed the blood artist moving around with the a demon that looked too good to be in this place despite the fact that what she wore screamed lower class. She decided to press herself close to Zeras. "You know what? Forget your opinion. Let's give em a show." She grinned as she spread her wings out giving the two of them space.
Carter & Blake

After they received their food, it was silent between the two. Their mouths were too busy eating than arguing for once. Neither of them have eaten the whole day, so they were pretty starved. One thing about Blake, she had a small and nice figure but she always ate her weight in food. Carter stopped chewing and looked at her viciously eat beside him. He swallowed,"How can you eat like that...?"

"What do you mean?" she spoke through unchewed food.

Carter grimaced at the food in her mouth,"You dont even savor it you just swallow," he shook his head and picked up his sandwhich,"Im not even sure you chew at all. Im a little concerned for your throat. Dont choke and die please..." he took a bite.

Blake shrugged,"Im starving,"she swallowed and gasped for air,"I dont have time to 'savor the taste'," she put her hands on her hips after using air quotes,"My body needs nourishment, not just the taste..." she extended an arm over the table to pick more food.

Carter stopped to watch her again, a little disturbed by her unappreciation for the culinary arts. 'She loves food and doesnt even bother to pay attention to the taste?'

He ignored her and went about his business, observing the people there once more. From the corner of his eye he could see Freya stretching her wings...a definite attention grabber. He turned his head slightly and watched as the Harpy pressed her body close to Zeras' own. Carter scowled.

"You keep looking at her..." Blake said. But this time, not in a teasing way.

Carter jumped at the sound of her voice and turned to look at his friend,"I dont know what youre talking about..." he returned his gaze back to the dancers. But he did know, the thought even crossed his own mind.

Blake shrugged,"Whatever, I know you Carter dont forget that.." she sounded a little...upset?

The young boy blinked but continued to watch. He wondered if Blake's tone suggested jealousy. Hes never heard her talk like that. But it couldnt have been. Blake on the other hand wasnt jealous but was bothered. Seeing him watch her like that made her wonder about the day he gets a girlfriend. Clearly it wont be Freya, hes way too young for her (we're talking about billions of years here), but when the day comes will he forget about his long-time friend? Blake tried to brush the thought,"HEY! I know!"

"What..." another "great" idea, he guessed.

She hooked her arm around his and pulled,"How about we dance???" she grinned.

Carter looked at her like she was mental,"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" it didnt even take a second for him to refuse and pull away.

Blake pouted and crossed her arms,"Fine..." Carter blushed and looked away with a pout as well.

Mentioned: @las0r0o7 @Kiroshiven
Kiroshiven said:
"Emia, it's not a burden." Kelna might lose a couple hundred bucks, but it would be a big deal. He....enjoyed....her company. Kelna wasn't sure 100%. He wasn't used to feelings. But this warmth of talking with her was good. "Just come on." He slid her arm through his. "This place is full of creeps that hit on any woman that doesn't look like she has a man. Just don't want you killing them." Kelna chuckled as he guided her into the bar and around the crowds until he found the manager. "Mind staying here while I talk it out with him?" Kelna smiled warmly as he walked over to the guy and began their........bargaining. He noticed some of the other contestants were in the bar as well. The goddess of the sky was on the dance floor. Zeras and Beatrix were there. Even Gore showed up. It was crazy seeing everyone. He returned to his debates before finally agreeing to two hundred. Cheaper than I was willing to go.
Emia sighed and nodded, although she wasn't really reluctant in joining him. He was one of the few who didn't mind her company, her behavior, etc.., and that was making her feel.. Happy? She wasn't sure. As he slipped his arm in hers and explained why, she smiled and nodded, keeping an eye out for said creeps. As Kelna went to speak to the manager, Emia looked around, observing the people she saw. She noticed that Zeras was there, as well as a couple other participants in the Blood Arena, and grinned, finding it amusing that multiple participants were there. She looked down at her outfit, which was her traditional wear and not as flashy, since she wore it whenever she killed, so she thought about stepping out to get something better to wear while Kelna was busy, but she didn't want to leave him waiting.
Anaxileah said:
Emia sighed and nodded, although she wasn't really reluctant in joining him. He was one of the few who didn't mind her company, her behavior, etc.., and that was making her feel.. Happy? She wasn't sure. As he slipped his arm in hers and explained why, she smiled and nodded, keeping an eye out for said creeps. As Kelna went to speak to the manager, Emia looked around, observing the people she saw. She noticed that Zeras was there, as well as a couple other participants in the Blood Arena, and grinned, finding it amusing that multiple participants were there. She looked down at her outfit, which was her traditional wear and not as flashy, since she wore it whenever she killed, so she thought about stepping out to get something better to wear while Kelna was busy, but she didn't want to leave him waiting.
Kelna returned to Emia's side and smiled. "It's a done deal. You're able to stay up in my place for as long as you need." Kelna was surprised the manager was so willing, but when Kelna had mentioned that it was a woman that would be spending time in his room, the manager's attitude changed. Kelna wasn't sure what went through the guy's mind, but it didn't matter. He'd be able to have Emia keep him company. Kelna turned to look at the show being put on by Zeras and Freya. He chuckled, most people would read that situation wrong, but Kelna saw that she was eyeing everyone, BUT her dance partner. She was using him to get the attention of everyone else. "She's actually a pretty good seductress when she drinks." Kelna saw her drinking once and only once. She walked out the door with Azura, the two of them looked like they were going to have fun that night. He looked at Emia that seemed a bit bothered by her appearance. "Problem?"

mentioned: @HoneyBear\-Kat
Emia glanced at Kelna, chuckling when he mentioned Freya being drunk and seductive, and then back at Zeras and Freya, shaking her head. "No, no problem.." She murmured, continuing to be interested in what they were doing. Emia was the kind of woman to enjoy a dance in blood, not the kind to dance in a bar. She didn't really know how to dance, and considered the way she kills her own form of dancing. It was intricate, fluid, and smooth, much like the blood that flowed from her enemies as she ended their lives. As this thought ran through Emia's head she smiled slightly, looking around. She did want to change what she was wearing, since she liked killing in this outfit, but she'd live. She rubbed at the material that was around her waist, the familiarity making her bloodlust rise. This outfit is for special things...my special things... Emia thought to herself and frowned again, her blue eyes looking around, confused.
Kiroshiven said:
Freya pulled Zeras close and smirked. "Or maybe, you need to learn how to read a fake better." Freya smirked. She was buzzed, not drunk. Any missteps were intentional as she began to take the lead from him. "And we've got a couple young kids watching us." Freya pointed towards where Carter and Blake were sitting. "Should we give this place a show? Or should we keep things a bit more mellow?" Freya was feeling like showing off her looks tonight. Azura had decided to go flirt with the heavy drinker, so it wouldn't be bad to flirt a bit with the host or any of the guys in the bar for that matter. She noticed the blood artist moving around with the a demon that looked too good to be in this place despite the fact that what she wore screamed lower class. She decided to press herself close to Zeras. "You know what? Forget your opinion. Let's give em a show." She grinned as she spread her wings out giving the two of them space.
"Well played, well played." He said to her while still dancing with her as she stepped closer to him and started dancing just fine "Oh, is that so." he looked over to the two of them who were going back and forth still and yet still looking at the two of them "Well, if you were to ask me, lets give them quite the show is what I would say, so, lets get this show on the road wouldn't you agree." he watched as she eyed someone and seemed to have spaced out on what he said to her and when she said the same thing he had just said he chuckled and watched as she spread her wings out making a bit of space. "Well, it seems like I can match you on that one" he took her hand and spun her out of his arms letting go for a second and he tossed his over coat aside at the two kids hoping to drape it on one of their heads. His shirt underneath had two big slits in the back that ran across his shoulder blades and he flexed his shoulders for a second and sent out his large bone wings he kept hidden most of the time. He started in on tap dancing using his shoe and different sounding pitches to make it sound like a piano at his feet playing a lovely waltz tune while he still made his way over to her and caught her by her hand and continued to dance with her while still tap dancing.
Anaxileah said:
Emia glanced at Kelna, chuckling when he mentioned Freya being drunk and seductive, and then back at Zeras and Freya, shaking her head. "No, no problem.." She murmured, continuing to be interested in what they were doing. Emia was the kind of woman to enjoy a dance in blood, not the kind to dance in a bar. She didn't really know how to dance, and considered the way she kills her own form of dancing. It was intricate, fluid, and smooth, much like the blood that flowed from her enemies as she ended their lives. As this thought ran through Emia's head she smiled slightly, looking around. She did want to change what she was wearing, since she liked killing in this outfit, but she'd live. She rubbed at the material that was around her waist, the familiarity making her bloodlust rise. This outfit is for special things...my special things... Emia thought to herself and frowned again, her blue eyes looking around, confused.
"Let's go." Kelna put his arm around Emia's waist as he started leaving. "There should be some other clothes upstairs." He had noticed Emia rubbing her clothes and decided that was what the problem was. He led her upstairs into the space that he called home. It was somewhat mess there were countless different sets of clothes. "You wouldn't believe how many people leave their clothing downstairs. It's not a brothel people." He sighed as he pointed to the bed in the corner, it was barely big enough for him. "That's where you'll sleep." He cleared off a couch that was littered with women's clothing. "And I'll sleep here." He smiled as he gestured around. "Grab whatever fits and you like, I've had to clean them all. It's part of the getting to live here for no rent deal. I'll be downstairs drinking a Bloody Mary." He left Emia to change without another word.
las0r0o7 said:
"Well played, well played." He said to her while still dancing with her as she stepped closer to him and started dancing just fine "Oh, is that so." he looked over to the two of them who were going back and forth still and yet still looking at the two of them "Well, if you were to ask me, lets give them quite the show is what I would say, so, lets get this show on the road wouldn't you agree." he watched as she eyed someone and seemed to have spaced out on what he said to her and when she said the same thing he had just said he chuckled and watched as she spread her wings out making a bit of space. "Well, it seems like I can match you on that one" he took her hand and spun her out of his arms letting go for a second and he tossed his over coat aside at the two kids hoping to drape it on one of their heads. His shirt underneath had two big slits in the back that ran across his shoulder blades and he flexed his shoulders for a second and sent out his large bone wings he kept hidden most of the time. He started in on tap dancing using his shoe and different sounding pitches to make it sound like a piano at his feet playing a lovely waltz tune while he still made his way over to her and caught her by her hand and continued to dance with her while still tap dancing.
Freya was impressed by Zeras, for once, he had manged to make things interesting, their wings kept people away from them. "Let's give ourselves some air." Her eyes glowed with a shade of gold and wind started to whirl around them influencing their looks. Her fiery red hair began to blow around as she met his dancing. She game the onlookers a bit of a show as she moved closer and ground against Zeras. It was a show, time to really give them a sense of her appeal. She even smiled at the two kids in the corner and winked before she lifted her leg pu and wrapped it around Zeras'. She was letting loose for the first time in a while. The wind continued to move with them, creating this air of beauty, mystery, appeal and wildness.
Kiroshiven said:
"Let's go." Kelna put his arm around Emia's waist as he started leaving. "There should be some other clothes upstairs." He had noticed Emia rubbing her clothes and decided that was what the problem was. He led her upstairs into the space that he called home. It was somewhat mess there were countless different sets of clothes. "You wouldn't believe how many people leave their clothing downstairs. It's not a brothel people." He sighed as he pointed to the bed in the corner, it was barely big enough for him. "That's where you'll sleep." He cleared off a couch that was littered with women's clothing. "And I'll sleep here." He smiled as he gestured around. "Grab whatever fits and you like, I've had to clean them all. It's part of the getting to live here for no rent deal. I'll be downstairs drinking a Bloody Mary." He left Emia to change without another word.
Emia tried to protest against Kelna's decisions but didn't have time to, since he left the room before she had a chance to respond. She huffed, not wanting him to sacrifice his sleeping area for her, and looked around the room. It was actually pretty nice. The sets of clothing she found were interesting, ranging from different shapes to sizes for both genders. She finally found a dress that suited her and wasn't a random bright color, and was rather attractive. I wonder why someone would leave this behind... Emia thought to herself, not piecing anything together.

She removed the clothes she was wearing and folded them, gently placing them on the couch, away from the other clothes, and then shimmied into the dress, enjoying the feel of it on her skin. She used her telekinesis to tear a small hole in the back for her tail, which fit perfectly through it. She smoothed her hair down and made sure the dress was on right, only revealing some of her green skin around the thighs. The rest of the skin that was visible was the dark red, and her golden, glowing, tattoos were visible through the lace and around her calves. She stayed barefoot, however, because she was more comfortable that way. Would it be better if I changed how I looked? Emia thought to herself, wondering how Kelna would react. Maybe another time. She left the room and headed downstairs to the bar, seeing the spectacle Freya and Zeras were creating. She headed towards the bar itself, having froze in the doorway at the sight of Freya and Zeras, and searched for Kelna.

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Zeras looked at her for a second "Sounds good to me" He placed one hand in hers and locked their fingers to make sure they didn't separate for what he was about to do, while his other hand was on her upper leg holding on to her "Up we go" he leaned back still holding onto her hand and waited for her to lean back as well as he started to spin with his wings extended slowly making a bit of lift, though it was rather hard being in his human form with his wing, most of the time he was in his dragon form when they were out, so while he was human it was all for show. He didn't skip a beat as he started to slowly kick their way into the air one gentle step at a time, and yet even though neither of them were now touching the ground he was still able to continue the nice waltz tune, though there was a bit of a catch, he was actually going faster than what he had started with, slowly but surely he was going faster, his feet were moving flawlessly with the tap dancing in the air, no errors, no skips, not band to join in either, it was all just a simple step in the air as he kicked the air into vibrating like a piano. "Want to make this go a bit faster." he asked looking at her as they were still spinning around in the air.
las0r0o7 said:
Zeras looked at her for a second "Sounds good to me" He placed one hand in hers and locked their fingers to make sure they didn't separate for what he was about to do, while his other hand was on her upper leg holding on to her "Up we go" he leaned back still holding onto her hand and waited for her to lean back as well as he started to spin with his wings extended slowly making a bit of lift, though it was rather hard being in his human form with his wing, most of the time he was in his dragon form when they were out, so while he was human it was all for show. He didn't skip a beat as he started to slowly kick their way into the air one gentle step at a time, and yet even though neither of them were now touching the ground he was still able to continue the nice waltz tune, though there was a bit of a catch, he was actually going faster than what he had started with, slowly but surely he was going faster, his feet were moving flawlessly with the tap dancing in the air, no errors, no skips, not band to join in either, it was all just a simple step in the air as he kicked the air into vibrating like a piano. "Want to make this go a bit faster." he asked looking at her as they were still spinning around in the air.
She grinned as they moved her hair whipping around wildly. "Do it." Her eyes glowed brighter and the air around them began to help in moving them faster. She was getting caught up in the moment the thrill of all eyes on her was something she'd gotten used to. But this excitement of flirting when she wasn't interested and being so erotic was definitely her harpy genetics. She was excited and her blood was pumping. Seat started to drip don her head, causing some of her hair to cling to her. This was becoming a spectacle greater than anything she'd done in the arena. This was her when she truly went all out. This was also the version of her that Azura normally kept under control.

Mentioned: @HoneyBear\-Kat
Kiroshiven said:
She grinned as they moved her hair whipping around wildly. "Do it." Her eyes glowed brighter and the air around them began to help in moving them faster. She was getting caught up in the moment the thrill of all eyes on her was something she'd gotten used to. But this excitement of flirting when she wasn't interested and being so erotic was definitely her harpy genetics. She was excited and her blood was pumping. Seat started to drip don her head, causing some of her hair to cling to her. This was becoming a spectacle greater than anything she'd done in the arena. This was her when she truly went all out. This was also the version of her that Azura normally kept under control.
Mentioned: @HoneyBear\-Kat
Zeras grinned as she had asked him to go faster, he did so with both spinning around and around but also with the tune he was still making. With how fast they were going someone would've thought they were a spinning blade, he got to the end of the song and he stuck his foot out a little bit to give it a long well versed last note. He slowly pulled her up close to him making it seem like they were going even faster than what they already were and he placed his cheek against her and whispered in her ear "All for the show right." he said. With how fast they were going around they were a blur and it looked like they had just gave a long kiss in front of everyone that was there, though what he said was spoken more as a question of a kiss more than just saying it normally. Hearing the applaud he slowly let them go back to the ground.
Anaxileah said:
Emia tried to protest against Kelna's decisions but didn't have time to, since he left the room before she had a chance to respond. She huffed, not wanting him to sacrifice his sleeping area for her, and looked around the room. It was actually pretty nice. The sets of clothing she found were interesting, ranging from different shapes to sizes for both genders. She finally found a dress that suited her and wasn't a random bright color, and was rather attractive. I wonder why someone would leave this behind... Emia thought to herself, not piecing anything together.
She removed the clothes she was wearing and folded them, gently placing them on the couch, away from the other clothes, and then shimmied into the dress, enjoying the feel of it on her skin. She used her telekinesis to tear a small hole in the back for her tail, which fit perfectly through it. She smoothed her hair down and made sure the dress was on right, only revealing some of her green skin around the thighs. The rest of the skin that was visible was the dark red, and her golden, glowing, tattoos were visible through the lace and around her calves. She stayed barefoot, however, because she was more comfortable that way. Would it be better if I changed how I looked? Emia thought to herself, wondering how Kelna would react. Maybe another time. She left the room and headed downstairs to the bar, seeing the spectacle Freya and Zeras were creating. She headed towards the bar itself, having froze in the doorway at the sight of Freya and Zeras, and searched for Kelna.


Kelna was quietly drinking when he notice Emia coming over to the bar. She looked good. Where did she find that? I don't remember ever having to clean that?! He was impressed as he took another drink and waved at her. "Enjoying the spectacle?" He gestured towards the two show offs on the dance floor. "Bet a bit of blood and demon fire could impress the crowd just as much." He chuckled while basically saying that they could show off just as well. "The dress looks good on you." He said before quickly taking another drinking and ordering another. He wasn't sure why he felt his cheeks were red, but using his control, the blood stayed away from there anyway.
Kiroshiven said:
Kelna was quietly drinking when he notice Emia coming over to the bar. She looked good. Where did she find that? I don't remember ever having to clean that?! He was impressed as he took another drink and waved at her. "Enjoying the spectacle?" He gestured towards the two show offs on the dance floor. "Bet a bit of blood and demon fire could impress the crowd just as much." He chuckled while basically saying that they could show off just as well. "The dress looks good on you." He said before quickly taking another drinking and ordering another. He wasn't sure why he felt his cheeks were red, but using his control, the blood stayed away from there anyway.
Emia smiled when she saw Kelna and approached him, nodding as he referred to Freya and Zeras and their dance in the air. They were remarkable, especially with how fast the tempo of the music was going and how much spinning was happening. It made her dizzy just looking at it. She turned her gaze back to Kelna and smiled, revealing her teeth. "I'm sure we would definitely do so, but I think this place has had enough excitement." She turned to glance at the two as it seemed they were kissing. Emia tilted her head to the side in confusion, still not understanding the whole 'love' thing. Kelna's compliment caught Emia off guard, and her eyes turned back to him, glowing blue and staring into his crimson eyes. She felt a blush come along her cheeks, and the feeling was foreign, creating a dark purple color in her cheeks, since her blood was black (demon, duh). She brought her hands up to each of her cheeks and felt the warmth, then looked up at Kelna, both embarrassed and confused. "T-thank you." She stammered, not used to compliments.

(I keep losing my dialogue, so I'm going to make her words purple :3)
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las0r0o7 said:
Zeras grinned as she had asked him to go faster, he did so with both spinning around and around but also with the tune he was still making. With how fast they were going someone would've thought they were a spinning blade, he got to the end of the song and he stuck his foot out a little bit to give it a long well versed last note. He slowly pulled her up close to him making it seem like they were going even faster than what they already were and he placed his cheek against her and whispered in her ear "All for the show right." he said. With how fast they were going around they were a blur and it looked like they had just gave a long kiss in front of everyone that was there, though what he said was spoken more as a question of a kiss more than just saying it normally. Hearing the applaud he slowly let them go back to the ground.
She lost herself in the moment and placed her lips on the dragon's. "Definitely all for the show. You still disgust me, but you've earned a few points." She pet his head as she walked over to the boy that and girl that had been staring. She got real close to Carter "So, did you enjoy the show little man?" She teased him as her hair clung to her head.

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Anaxileah said:
Emia smiled when she saw Kelna and approached him, nodding as he referred to Freya and Zeras and their dance in the air. They were remarkable, especially with how fast the tempo of the music was going and how much spinning was happening. It made her dizzy just looking at it. She turned her gaze back to Kelna and smiled, revealing her teeth. "I'm sure we would definitely do so, but I think this place has had enough excitement." She turned to glance at the two as it seemed they were kissing. Emia tilted her head to the side in confusion, still not understanding the whole 'love' thing. Kelna's compliment caught Emia off guard, and her eyes turned back to him, glowing blue and staring into his crimson eyes. She felt a blush come along her cheeks, and the feeling was foreign, creating a dark purple color in her cheeks, since her blood was black (demon, duh). She brought her hands up to each of her cheeks and felt the warmth, then looked up at Kelna, both embarrassed and confused. "T-thank you." She stammered, not used to compliments.
(I keep losing my dialogue, so I'm going to make her words purple :3)
Kelna smiled at her as she blushed. She looked really cute He noticed the two on the dance floor separated. "Shall we?" The music that started playing got people out on the floor. Plus that performance had excited the crowd. And with a partner like Emia, even Kelna could get out and move. He held out his hand to his demon companion hoping that she'd agree to dance with him at least one time before the night ended. He was really being unlike himself tonight. Kindness, wanting to dance, these were all things that weren't what kelna did, but he definitely enjoyed the feeling.
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Kiroshiven said:
Kelna smiled at her as she blushed. She looked really cute He noticed the two on the dance floor separated. "Shall we?" The music that started playing got people out on the floor. Plus that performance had excited the crowd. And with a partner like Emia, even Kelna could get out and move. He held out his hand to his demon companion hoping that she'd agree to dance with him at least one time before the night ended. He was really being unlike himself tonight. Kindness, wanting to dance, these were all things that weren't what kelna did, but he definitely enjoyed the feeling.
Emia blushed harder, new to this feeling, but not entirely against it. Why am I behaving so differently? Emia thought to herself as she watched Zeras and Freya finish their dance. New music started up, and more people began dancing once more in on the dance floor. When Kelna asked her to dance, Emia froze. I don't know how to dance! She bit her lip, causing it to bleed slightly, and put her hand in his. She looked up at him and had a concerned expression on her face, then spoke to him telepathically. "I don't know how to dance, in all honesty. I only dance in a fighting manner, which isn't the kind of dancing you're asking of me. I really don't want to embarrass you..." Emia looked up at Kelna and wiped the blood from her lip with the back of her free hand, surprised she drew blood.
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