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Blind Love (W/ Lexxy)

Blair laughed softly as she watched Chris take her son from him. She shook her head and sighed softly. "You didn't have to take him. I could have changed him." She said truthfully and walked with him as she watched her sons face light up with excitement when he saw his uncle. His hands immediately going to his face. "He really loves you." She said with a soft laugh too. Her son was to adorable.
"I have no doubt you could have," Chris replied, looking st Blair with a smile. "I'm just trying to help." Feeling Luke reach for him Chris rurbed towards him and laughed. 'You just like touching things." He pointed out giving him his blanket on the bed.
Blair laughed softly and nodded as Luke looked at his uncle and the blanket as he smiled big and bright and hugged it to him. He always loved being with his uncle and when he saw Chris take away attention, Luke started kicking and crying. Blair sighed and immediately went to hug him close but notice the baby didn't stop crying so she looked at Chris in worry. "He won't stop..." She whispered and sighed.
"Oh he's fine, " Chris reassured jis best friend looking back iver to tye infant snd smiling with a slight wave. He had never realty been around anyone's children besides his sister's and they took to him well like Luke tdid. It was just something about him that drew their attention. For only being a few dsys old Luke was rather intelligent. "He's just messing with you."
Blair looked at her best friend confused and then looked at Luke and sighed once he began to settle and calm down, his beautiful eyes landed on his mother as he smiled. She already knew her son was going to be a genius and she loved him for that. "You're my handsome son and I'll always love you." She whispered to Luke and kissed his forehead as he began to fall asleep against his mother again and Blair sighed and smiled at Chris. "He just loves messing with me huh?" She asked with a laugh.
"Get used to it, mom, tou gor 18 more years of that at least. " pausing gor s moment to watch the two he turners bsck to Blair. "I'm glad you two are here and I much rather you not go back to the condo, your safe here, please stay." His expression was hopeful snd his offer sincere, he wanted Blair and Luke to have everything they needed and to live comfortably. 'I'm sure my mom would watch Luke for you happily so you don't have to take him to the daycare. Kids can get sick a lot there and I wouldn't want that with how young he is."
Blair couldn't help but laugh softly at her best friend. "You're my best friend for a reason." She said and then smiled as she yawned softly. "Well stay. Just until I can get on my feet again." She added and then smiled. "Everything your doing for us, it means a lot. More then you will ever know. I'm glad you care as much as you do." She said with sincerity as she kissed her sons forehead and then walked out. "I'll make dinner. What do you want?" She asked, walking to the kitchen where she got some water and then looked at their option of foods to eat from today.
"You would do the same," He replied honestly before follows her put into the kitchen snd shrugging his shoulders. "There isn't much here since I don't stay home much lately, but I csn go get something if tou want, I wouldn't trust anything in here to be honest."
She laughed softly as she shook her head and sighed. "I wouldn't trust anything either. Do you mind getting me some chicken?" She asked with a yawn as she walked to the living room and curled up in the couch where she slowly began to fall asleep. Taking care of a baby was so exhausting. So so exhausting. She would be okay though. She hoped.
Chris nodded and gently took the newborn from his mother, bundling him up, he put him in winter clothes before csrrying him out the door in his car seat to go to the store. It wasn't far and Blair needed her chance to rest. Raising a child was meant to be done by two people, not just one. Even if they were gone for s fee minutes that was precious quite time.
Blair couldn't have been as thankful as she was to have her best friend in her life then now. Raising a child all alone was beyond exhausting but having Chris help when he could helped out tremendously. She just really wished she had her sons father around to help her. Luke deserved both parents but then again it's not like Trevor would have been around to help with Luke. Hockey would always be more important to him and that was sad to think. A sport was more important then your own son. That was very sad and at that thought, Blair began to groan in her sleep.
While Blair thought it was a horrible thing her ex was no longer around as a blessing in disguse. Yrevor treated her horribly and she didn't deserve that and neither did her son. It was better this way for the both of them snd Blair would understand that eventually right now she was just upset because they split and it was hitting her all at once. Picking Luke up he ran inside since the weather was harsh and it was staring to snow again. Once the two were inside they went to get chicken as asked but also picked up a few others things as well. With Blair and Luke staying over Chris would need to do some actual grocery shopping but these things were meant to get Blair through tomorrow. Finishing in a timely manner Chris walked to the checkout and drove back home.
When the two got back home, Blair was still sleeping until she heard her son crying. She immediately got up and sighed of relief when Chris helped her by calming him down again. She took the things from Chris and went to put everything up and start cooking for her and him. "Thank you." She told her best friend as she started to season their chicken and baked it, then made white rice. "Do you like cream of mushroom?" She asked, not remembering a lot right now. She just wanted her food to finish cooking because she was starving and she looked deprived of life. She was that exhausted.
"Doesn't matter to me," Chris answers contently as he helf baby Luke close to hiss chest to calm him down, rocking him gently. As much as he enjoyed what he did, it was nice to be home and not by himself. Not to mention little Luke was adorable and he felt him and Blair where becoming closer again after s long time apart.
Blair was happy with how everything worked out. Her and Chris were getting closer like they used to be and that was a good thing. She wanted to be close with him again and when she finished making their dinner, she served the food for him and her then their favorite drinks and then yawned. She looked back at Luke and smiled as her son was curled up against his uncle in a sound sleep. It was a sight Blair loved.
Chris thanked Blair for the meal and continued to cradle her son in his arms as he slept peacefully in them. He was atill trying to take in Blair was a mom now but she did have an incredible little boy to cherish the rest of her days eith now that he was here.
Blair smiled as she nodded. She knew that her son would come to love his uncle and see him as his role model. After Blair ate, she laid in bed and fell asleep but as a storm hit later that night, she began to groan and toss and turn. She she just needed to wake up, she sat up and screamed, hugging her shaking body. She bit her lip and hid her head in her knees. She hated nightmares. She hated them so so much and they just didn't seem to fade away. Instead they were getting worse.
Chris heard Blair's screams and ran down the darkened hall into her room . Taking her into a hug, he wrapped his arms around her. He knew what this was, Her nightmares came back whenever she was stressed and she needed to calm down. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay it was just a nightmare. Breathe."
Blair continued to hyperventilate. She thought she was going to have to go through this part all alone because that's what's Trevor would have done. He wouldn't comfort her or anything so when Chris hugged her close, she blinked and slowly began to relax against him. She sighed as her body stopped shaking and she stopped hyperventilating. "Thanks Chris." She whispered weakly from exhuastion. "Where were you when Trevor just left me alone during this?" She added with a soft laugh.
Chris smiled at her thanks but bkinked at her commenf that followed. Trevor left her all alone? "I'm always just a phone call away, or for now, down the hall if you ever need me." He replied with a soft sigh. "You're never alone I promise." He never wanted her to feel like she had no right to vent or like she had to fight her inner battles by herself.
Blair sighed but smiled softly and nodded. "I know. Thanks so much best friend." She whispered and stayed relaxed against him as she slowly began to fall asleep. He was so so perfect. He would never tell him that though and she didn't want him to feel like a rebound for her so she just shook it off. When she was asleep, she slept peacefully against him and she didn't want him to leave her alone ever again. Never ever again did she ever want to feel so alone. It was a terrible experience for her.
After taking two weeks off tohelp Blair with Luke when they came home from the hospital Chris had to return to work. He had no doubts Blair could handle though she was amazing with her son and their moms were never far. The good news was, he was almosy finished this this mondter film snd then he would be sble to take a few months of which he was most looking forward too.
Blair knew well she would be okay and would be great by herself trying to take of her son. She loved having time alone with him but she had to start work soon. She had to and she was glad to know both her mom and Chris' mom offered to take care of baby Luke until she got out. That would help her a lot and she wouldn't have to leave her son at the day care. She really didn't want to since the beginning. After work one day however, she heard a knock on her classroom door and she sighed. "It's open." She called out and when she saw Trevor walk through the door, she groaned as she sat at her desk grading papers. "What do you want?"
"Oh, you think you're all high and mighty now that you work here ajd live with your "best friend" who just so happens to be a rich guy huh? Don't you think that's s bug jump on the spectrum Blair. Even for you." You don't want to be with him, that's your brother, you just like the idea of security and he is the only one to give it to you."
Blair had to hold her tongue but after a point, she stood up. "And who do you think you are telling me all of this? You don't know a damn thing about what I want. You're out of the picture now and you just can't handle knowing that. You've lost Trevor. You can't get into my head anymore and whether or not I want to get with Chris isn't your concern. As far as I know you left me and dated a model. What was it that you told her? Oh I remember, you said you wanted to be with some you could look at and think she was attractive all the time. So you know what that tells me? That your a shallow ass jerk who doesn't deserve anything or his son! Why don't you just leave now before I continue? I have a new found confidence that you won't tear down."

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