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Fantasy Bitten from the Beginning((Open to first/Zombies/Romance))


((Romance pairings can be: f/f, f/f and m/m, m/f and m/m, or m/f with doubling. PM with any questions. PM if you need a repost.))

Michelle jerked awake. She reached over to her nightstand and tried to turn on the lamp, but it wasn’t working. She looked around her room. It was dark, not even the street lights were on outside. The moon was producing minimal light into her bedroom. She could see the outlines of objects but not the details. She was able to find the outline of her watch on the nightstand. She picked it up and pressed a button. The watch lit up and read 4:00 A.M.

Michelle had been having a nightmare and honestly thought the screams weren’t real until she heard the screaming continue on now that she was awake. The screams were in the distance, maybe from down the street or a couple houses down, but she couldn’t determine precisely how far away. “That’s one way to wake up early…” She mumbled to herself as she stood. She stretched briefly before making her way to the door.

Michelle needed to find out why there was screaming, but first she needed to figure out why the electric was out. Without electric she couldn’t call for help if something was wrong, nor turn on the TV to see if there was any news about the screaming. Maybe there was an event in her community that she didn’t hear about. It was the morning of Halloween. Her town loved celebrating the holiday with haunted houses, but it was not the appropriate time for those. Any haunted house should have ended over four hours ago.

“Alexander?” Michelle said aloud as opened her bedroom door and felt her way through the upstairs hallway towards her brother’s bedroom. Surely her twin brother had been awakened as well. She heard movement downstairs. “Alexander?” She said again as she paused at the top of the stairs. The noise stopped. She waited a few moments before heading down the stairs.

Michelle reached the bottom of the staircase. She took a few steps forward and listened. There was movement in front of her in the open concept living room. It sounded as if something was crunching on glass, but where would that glass have come from? She hadn’t heard anything break during the night.

It was too dark to get many details about the room. She could faintly see a shadowy figure moving in the living room. “Alexander?” She whispered, almost whimpered. The figure stopped abruptly and turned towards Michelle. The figure seemed to twist its body in weird and awkward ways. There was a low growl.

Suddenly, a vehicle sped down the street with headlights on bright. It was then that she surveyed the scene. The huge window by the front door was shattered. The glass was all over the living room floor and furniture. It was also in that brief moment she could clearly see what was standing before her. It was her neighbor Rob, but he looked horrible. His head was leaned over further than it should have been. He had blood running down his face and out of his mouth. His clothes were soaked in blood. Michelle looked into Rob’s eyes. They were foggy. The longer she looked, the more it was as if Rob wasn’t home in his own head.

What happened didn’t take but mere seconds. The thing leaped forward and latched onto her forearm, near her elbow. It hurt like hell. Michelle screamed in fear and pain. She was so focused on the thing in front of her that she did not hear the noises above her, nor did she see her brother come down the stairs with a baseball bat raised and poised to strike.


Alexander had woken up earlier due to screaming he heard coming from down the street. He had been unable to see anything outside and the electric didn’t seem to be working. He had decided that he would get dressed then wake his sister to tell her something was off. He would be unable to go back to sleep tonight and he wanted to be ready if help was needed. Sometimes the community would come together to form search parties. He had already been apart of two before.

Alexander had just finished getting dressed when he heard a horrific scream downstairs. It was his sister. He grabbed the baseball bat he kept near his bed before he rushed down the stairs. He held the bat in the air, ready to hit whatever was attacking Michelle. He hesitated for a moment. He wasn’t expecting a person, let alone who he saw.

The person let go of Michelle’s arm and looked at him. In the dark Alexander was barely able to tell that it was their neighbor and he didn’t seem to be himself. Alexander swung as Rob lunged at him. The bat connected with the head. The hit caved in Rob’s head, although Alexander couldn’t see that in the dark. Grunting sounds came from Rob as he fell to the ground and became motionless. He waited for him to get up. He only expected him to be dazed.

A police car sped by the house, lights flashing and sirens blaring. Alexander was able to briefly see the damage to Rob’s body. There was no way one hit from a baseball bat could do that much to a person, nor cause that much blood. He didn’t even think he swung that hard. What happened to Rob before he came into the house? Another question was how did he get into the house?

Alexander’s focus quickly changed to Michelle. “Are you okay?” She was crying and holding her right arm. “Let me see.” The bite wasn’t deep. He couldn’t see bone or muscle, but it was more than a break of the skin.

Alexander silently led her upstairs to the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet then rummaged through the medicine cabinet. “We will get you to the hospital, but I need to bandage it before you bleed to...too much.” He couldn’t bring himself to say what would happen if she bled too much. He couldn’t bare the thought of losing his twin.

Alexander found rubbing alcohol and dry wipes, but not bandages. He searched in the cabinet under the sink and finally found what he wanted. “Hold out your arm please.” Michelle didn’t seem to hear him. She kept her arm close to her body and held it with her other hand. She was still sobbing.

Alexander gently moved Michelle’s uninjured arm away and pulled her injured arm towards him. She didn’t fight him. She was probably still in shock. “This will hurt.” He said as loud as he could muster. He opened the rubbing alcohol and poured it over the wound. He held onto her wrist tightly as Michelle flinched and tried to pull away.

Alexander patted down the wound with the dry wipes then cleaned off blood from her arms and hands with wet wipes from the sink counter. He wrapped her arm in the bandages then led her to her bedroom. He let her change out of her night clothes as he busied himself with getting the car keys, getting his jacket, and trying to get ahold of their parents as well as the police. The phone lines were down. He couldn’t through on his cell phone. He couldn’t even get through on the old dial phone his parents kept around.

This was such a strange night. The electric was out. Michelle was attacked by a neighbor, and he looked pretty beaten himself. Phone lines completely down. If only one of these things happened on any given night Alexander wouldn’t worry as much, but having three in one night was a different story.

Alexander tried to not let his mind go to Rob for long. He didn’t know how the twins were going to explain it to the police. The only evidence they had of the attack was Michelle’s bite mark. Would the police believe the Alexander didn’t beat Rob that badly? Surely he wouldn’t get in trouble for protecting his sister. He had no way of controlling what happened to the neighbor before he came into their house.

Alexander was taken out of his thoughts as Michelle emerged from her bedroom. She was wearing a short sleeve shirt and blue jeans. She had a thin blue jacket in her hands and asked her brother for help putting it on. Her face said she was still in extreme pain, but she seemed to have calmed down.


It wasn’t long before the siblings were in the vehicle. Alexander was driving and Michelle was in the front passenger seat wrapped up in a fluffy blanket she had taken off the living room couch. It was a chiller night than she had expected. Just her jacket wouldn't cut it.

Michelle was still in pain and held her arm close to her body. She tried to concentrate on anything else to keep her distracted. It should only take them fifteen minutes to get to the hospital then she would get proper care and possibly pain medicine. This is what she kept repeating to herself in her head as she studied her surroundings closely to keep her mind occupied.

~30 minutes later~

Traffic had been horrible. It was backed up heading to the hospital. Even going away from the hospital was backed up. What could cause so much traffic? Was the screaming from earlier that serious? Did something happen in multiple parts of the town? It was only around 5 a.m. Traffic should not be this busy at all. It was as if the whole town was out and in this area. It didn't help that the electric was out for blocks.

The twins soon realized that not only was traffic horrible, but the hospital was super busy. The twins had never seen so many people at the hospital at once. There were no parking spots available. Some people started parking in the grass or on the side of the road. To match the amount of vehicles, people were lined up outside the ER and the inside looked packed.

Michelle and Alexander finally found a spot down the street from the hospital. It was about a half a mile away and it wasn’t a real parking spot, but hopefully they wouldn’t get towed. Surely the town would make exceptions for whatever was currently happening at the hospital.

After a few minutes the siblings made it to where the end of the line started. It was going to be a long wait. A normal emergency room wait was an hour or more. Neither twin wanted to think about the time it was going to take to get seen, nor about the possibility of the hospital's generators running out before the electricity was restored.

Michelle looked around. Some people in line looked fine, while others looked deathly ill. There were a few people lying on the ground beside the line. One was covered up with a white hospital blanket, so Michelle knew the person had met the inevitable. She could see the other two barely breathing. She watched the rise and fall of their chests. It was almost hypnotic. She noticed something on the person closest to her. A lady in a bathrobe with her shoulders exposed had a bite mark on her left shoulder.

~an hour and a half later~

The line had not moved since the twins arrived. The line had actually gotten longer by ten people. No one was talking to each other, even the ones who were standing together in groups. It was eerily quiet.

The two people on the ground had stopped breathing half an hour ago. No one came to cover them. They didn’t seem to have relatives or friends around them. The hospital staff were too busy trying to accommodate the amount of people trying to get care.

Michelle began to wonder how long the hospital had been busy, and how long these people had been standing outside. She had driven by yesterday evening and it looked normal. What happened in between then and now? What could happen in less than twelve hours? Wouldn’t a huge event have been on the news? Then again, how long had the electric been out? She had went to bed by 9:30pm. The electric was on then, but the last news broadcasts come on at 10pm and 11pm, so she could have likely missed something important.

Michelle tapped the shoulder of the man in front of her. “How long have you been here?” She asked. Before the man could answer, the people who looked deathly ill dropped to the ground. There was panic from some of the surrounding people as a few scrambled to check on the fallen. “She’s dead!” A lady screamed as she held an eldery lady in her arms. The lady was sobbing while rocking back and forth, holding on tight to the old lady.

All of a sudden there were more screams. Chaos broke loose in seconds. The three dead people beside the line had gotten up after the people had fallen. No one noticed immediately as their focus was elsewhere.

One of the risen dead clambered to the sobbing lady. The undead person reached out as if to comfort the lady, but instead he grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her to his mouth. He chomped down on the lady’s cheek, making his way to her neck as the lady screamed. People tried to pull the man away, but he wasn’t giving up easily. He began biting people who got close enough.

The second undead person went to the group that was trying to help the lady. Alexander tugged on Michelle’s jacket by this point. “Let's get out of here. The car would be a better place.” He said. It was too late though. The last undead, the lady in the bathrobe, went for Michelle. The woman grabbed her by the wrist of her injured arm. It was almost deja vu. She screamed and backed up as she tried to free her wrist. She stumbled over as she bumped into the guy she had asked the question.

Michelle felt powerless as she looked at the person who had ahold of her. The woman didn't look as beat up as their neighbor Rob, but she had a similar look in her eyes, as if no one was home inside the body. The woman was also trying to take a bite out of Michelle as Rob had done.

Screams were now coming from inside the hospital too. People were running out the doors as fast as they could. Some people were limping out. The people limping seemed to be chasing the people running.

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