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Fandom BHNA - U.A. Academy of Arts AU character sheets



That's gay
so some of the people already registered for the role play said that it'd be fun and useful to have character sheets so I made one!

if I like your reply with a šŸ’– then you got in, if I like it with a šŸŖ then your character is already taken.
- if you do not have the time to role play with this but still want to join I suggest role playing as a more background character(though I expect for everyone to try and for the most part include everyone)
Characters Name:
Characters Gender(you don't have to do just female or male. Want your character to be trans mtf then do it, want them to be non binary then do it):
Characters Sexuality(again put what ever you head canon your character as being here):
Characters Major(basically what type of thing they specialize in, is it music? art? dance? acting? you get to pick, you can only pick up to 2/3 but I strongly suggest only doing 2.):
Backstory(A lot of the characters canon backstories have to change a bit because this is a quirkless au, but if you want you can change it up a lot):
Personality(This part is optional, its for if you are making your character a bit ooc):
Other Headcanons for your character that you want to include(optional but suggested):

See the main post for available characters: here


i will be posting character sheets filled out for the two characters i am doing as well so you can use them as reference.
Izuku Midoriya
- Male - Bisexual
Major - Dance & Music(specifically Piano & Guitar)
Backstory - His backstory will be basically the same, except he wasn't bullied for being quirkless, he was bullied more often then not for being on the more feminine side. If Bakugo and him will still be child hood friends, or if Bakugo still used to bully him has yet to be decided(I think).
Personality - He is going to be a little more confident, still on the awkward side but when he dances and plays music he becomes v e r y confident. He will also be more feminine, and will more often then not wear more 'girl' clothes. He's also not going to stutter anymore, but will definitely still have his muttering problem.
Head Canons - With how affectionate he is you'd swear he's touch starved, he c r a v e s affection and in turn can be quite affectionate with friends if they are okay with it.
Izuku is definitely the mom friend for everyone, even if he does somehow manage to be a hypocrite by not taking care of himself.
He is super good with kids, and volunteers at a day care on the weekends and will baby sit for his neighbors sometimes.
He likes to do yoga, and used to do gymnastics when he was younger.​
Mina Ashido
- Female/Lesbian
Major - Dance
Backstory - Mina is the third oldest in a family of five, and gets looked over by her family a lot for being a middle child. Because of this she strives to become successful so that her parents will pay some attention to her. But other than that, she is very good with her siblings and helps around the house all the time.
Personality - Again, for the most part she'll be like her canon self. But she will be a bit more insecure. I also firmly believe she'd be the person to call everyone babe platonically. You might also catch her acting like a big sister sometimes.
Head Canons - She has a big family, and is a middle child.
She calls friends babe platonically
She flirts with friends jokenly all the time
She's been taking her aunts dance class since she was 10
Characters Name: Kyoka Jiro
Characters Gender: Female
Characters Sexuality: Bisexual
Characters Major: Bass Guitar/ vocals
Backstory: Pretty much the same, just without the Quirk involved
Other Headcanons for your character that you want to include:
She composes music in her spare time! Like, actual composing!
Shinso Hitoshi
School Major:
Music, Singing
Shinso was bullied from a young age, mostly because of his looks, being nicknamed vampire as a child.
- He is a literal cat, once he warms up to you he becomes very tactile
- Has one cat, named Queen, who he loves dearly
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Todoroki Shoto
School Major:
Music, Singing, and Dancing
The same just minus quirk.
- He loves to sing and hums a lot
- He is very curious, which sometimes gets him in trouble
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Uraraka.Ochako.full.2123450.jpg Name: Ochako Uraraka
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Major: Musical Theater
Backstory: Pretty much the same thing, just instead of wanting to become a hero, she wants to become a Broadway star to help her parents.

Headcanons: She's a big nerd when it comes to Broadway musicals and can be seen singing musical songs to herself all the time. She can be clumsy at times and has tripped on stage multiple times.
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I am going sky high

nothing's going to keep my feet on the ground."
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name[/div] Katsuki Bakugo
[div class=tag]gender[/div] Male
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] Homosexual
[div class=tag]major[/div] Music - specialises in drums

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/1c/6b/691c6b74c48baea06ae5c3192e91c3a5.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/10946110a383b2a8dff1b5534cf3ea8d/3336c903911f2b00-1d/s640x960/a548b710646d97e241c47d0b4f158cc731af9c1d.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]persona[/div] In Katsuki's mind, he is the sun. Fiery and bright, vital and important.

Everyone else?

They orbit around him, unable to escape the magnetic attraction. Which is true: Katsuki is foul-mouthed, arrogant and short-tempered with a prickly exterior... yet those close to him find it easy to pick up the nuances in his behaviour.

Underneath the surface, he is extremely competitive and goal-driven, completely and utterly dedicated to his dream which makes him rather admirable in a strange, roundabout way.

However, his paranoia of inferiority causes him to lash out and he can be rather obstinate, unwilling to bend for the sake of someone else.

[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://49.media.tumblr.com/de5d2e09ef22e27abf0dccea3a59516b/tumblr_nzf6glXxSC1td9nloo1_250.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/52ac9b489c227cbba3fd5961f5ce74b1/tumblr_p4je3jYRw11wey45so8_250.jpg');"][/div] [/div]
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]headcanons[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/6b193a3cabbd012d6e81fd94ef5407a8/tumblr_p2bmnj9O4Y1w6w84oo2_250.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media2.giphy.com/media/J5qQHCpkBiMXsoxDdA/giphy.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Katsuki's ambidextrous
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Has had anger-management therapy
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] His dad taught him how to cook and he actually likes it
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] He has reading glasses but he doesn't like to wear them around others
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Very good with dogs (dogs > cats)
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Sensitive to the cold
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Is a precious ball of rage in need of affection
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Loves his parents but doesn't know how to show it
[div class=tag]ā†’[/div] Loves his friends but is too proud to let them know
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]background[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://data.whicdn.com/images/325151760/original.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7a/70/07/7a7007a90cada856a1837bb1b660e9ca.jpg');"][/div] [/div] A child genius. A prodigy.

From a young age, Katsuki had always been fed gushing praise from the people around him and it manifested in a superiority complex and a self-centred world view. It was true, wasn't it? He was better than everyone else, he excelled in everything that he tried his hand at - no one else could compete with him, and if they thought otherwise then he'd just have to prove it.

Eventually, Katsuki turned his attention to music, dabbling in a bit of everything until the day he came across his greatest challenge yet... the drums. It was the only instrument he found himself struggling with, his coordination deplorable. He was simultaneously enraged and fired up, determined and resilient. He would master this shitty percussion instrument if it was the last thing he did.

And he did. Katsuki learnt from his music teacher Mr Hakamata for years, blood, sweat and tears going into hundreds of hours of hard work until it finally paid off - he flourished. Those years inspired a burning passion within him, an undying devotion to the art of music. There was nothing else he wanted to do with his life, that was it for him. It was only natural that he would apply and be accepted into the prestigious UA; he always strived for the best after all. Everything was falling into place and it was going to be perfect.

Until it wasn't.

It was a horrible, unfortunate accident. Katsuki and his mother were driving home from visiting extended family for the New Year. The roads hadn't been gritted properly, still slick with black ice. There was no time to react as another car t-boned them, the world flipping before descending into darkness.

Katsuki will always be thankful that his mother escaped the crash with just a concussion and some scrapes and bruises but he wanted to break down into heart-wrenching sobs when he saw his right arm bound thickly in a cast. They told him his distal radius had fractured and his ulna was completely broken with multiple other breaks and hairline fractures. It would take months to recover and he would need to undergo physiotherapy.

He wouldn't be able to play like he used to.

The accident happened one year before he was due to go to UA and his recovery took a little over six months, completely forbidden from playing during that time. He'd spent the remaining time during to regain his strength but even now he can't play for longer than 40 minutes without painful twinges coming back to taunt him, even with wrist support.

He probably would've coped better if it hadn't been for the sheer amount of pity that people gave him. It felt like they were looking down on him, something that he absolutely despises, but it also made him feel like worst nightmares came to fruition - he failed.
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coded by shady.

Eijiro Kirishima


Character's Gender

Character's Sexuality
Bisexual, though a heavy preference for males

Character's Major
Dancing and Singing
He wants to be an idol

Growing up, Kirishima never really had a father figure in his life. His biological father left him and his mother on their own before he turned 1 and as such, he's always wondered about what it means to be a true man. With the two of them on their own, times were tough at first. They weren't very well off which led to Kirishma spending a lot of time with his neighbors while his mother would go to work; a nice old couple that would encourage Kirishima's curiosity. As such, it was with them that Kirishima realized he liked music. He started watching various idols and performers on the internet just to enjoy himself. It was then that he first saw Crimson Riot (stage name obviously). He was enamored with the idol and quickly became one of his biggest fans, eventually wanting to emulate the performer and follow in his footsteps.

As he got older, his mother started to notice his interest and began to encourage him by sending him to a small performing arts school, enrolling him in dance specifically considering it was Crimson Riots specialty as well. The only downside was that the tuition was a bit of money. Knowing that money was tight and as a way to thank his mother, Kirishima worked extremely hard to improve, quickly earning a scholarship that paid his tuition as long as he stayed in shape. However, another aspect of the scholarship was that he'd take up a second major as well. As such, Kirishima decided to try his hand at singing as well, which worked wonders for his family life.

After a few years of Kirishima attending the school, his voice teacher and his mother ended up hitting it off rather well, the two women even deciding to get married. Of course, Kirishima was ecstatic, but mainly because he was gaining three new sisters, one 6 years old, and the other two 3 years old. After the wedding, Kirishima and his mother moved from their dinky apartment to his teacher's house. As his position of "man of the house" became more literal, Kirishima frequently used his talents to entertain his younger siblings. Watching them react was what taught Kirishima that performers put happiness within people that few avenues can replicate. This thought process quickly became cemented as his mother's adopted a baby boy. Kirishima quickly bonded with the boy, even becoming the only one able to calm him down at times.

In his last year of middle school, however, Kirishima truly awakened. Their schools was having a production to showcase their school's talent, and Kirishima, and the other kids in his grade, had the opportunity to audition for a solo performance spot. Initially, Kirishima wasn't interested, thinking his skills weren't up to the standard they were looking for, but after seeing {unamed individual} practicing tirelessly despite their talent to secure a spot, he had a fire lit within him. He realized if he really wanted to be like Crimson Riot, he'd need to be much more proactive, and if he wanted to put smiles on more people's faces, he needed to continue to showcase his best, regardless of what that might be. As such, Kirishima decided to audition as well, eventually securing a spot as well.

After graduating from junior high, Kirishima applied to UA at the recommendation of his performing arts school.

Pretty much the same
I'm not saying he's already perfect but <3

Other Headcanons
~ He can't cook to save his life.
~ ~ Interestingly enough, no one in his family can. They eat a lot of takeout, though their active lifestyles seem to counteract that.
~ ~ Despite being unable to cook, he loves food.
~ He loves his siblings even more than his parents.
~ ~ He offers to take care of them however he can whenever he can.
~ He smiles 24/7
~ ~ He even tries to hide other feelings and pretend he's okay even when he's not
~ He enjoys household tasks, such as cleaning and bedmaking, and finds them relaxing.
~ ~ Very manly ;) Too bad he can't cook. And he tries so hard.


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Momo Yaoyorozu


Character's Gender

Character's Sexuality

Character's Major
Musical Theatre

She was born into a very wealthy family, full of actors, singers, and various other influential individuals in the performing and visual arts world. As such, from a young age, the pressure was on her to be successful as well. As such, she's been homeschooled her entire life, in order to teach her the various arts and crafts as well as make sure she didn't get distracted.

She didn't mind though. She, like most of her family, actually enjoyed learning and practicing, and whenever she wasn't being forced to, she still did it anyway, allowing her to grow even faster than the fast pace her family already expected from her. Unfortunately, having done pretty much everything, she didn't know what area she wanted to focus on.

Fast forward to age 8, she sat down at a piano for her piano lesson. Characteristically, her uncle was running late. As such, she decided to play around a little. She started poking around the keys, playing whatever she thought might sound good together. She continued the process until she had a small 16 bar chord progression. THen she started improvising a melody on top of it, thinking of what would sound good. She got so wrapped up in the moment, that she didn't notice when her uncle did arrive and kept going. She kept creating for 30 more minutes. She had about half a song worth of music written in her head at that point but realized that her lesson was supposed to start a while ago, turning to find her uncle smiling. He told her to continue writing the song. Momo nodded and got back to work, and finished after another half hour, her creation finished.

They spent the rest of the lesson transcribing the piece onto manuscript paper and then spent the last few minutes performing the piece for her parents. Her parents enjoyed it so much that her mother started including it in her repertoire, whenever she went out to play. And that's how Momo started composing.

She felt a thrill she didn't get from performing whenever she wrote stuff out. Allowing her brain and heart to take over and just spew made her feel a sort of excitement that she wanted to replicate. As such, she started creating and composing more: music, dances, art pieces, even writing books. She loved to perform, but she loved to make more.

Once she reached high school, she obviously applied to UA, getting in on recommendations, but she chose to go as a Composition major, specifically for Musical Theatre. After all, it'd allow her to combine all of her favorites

Pretty much the same as well
She's also pretty perfect

Other Headcanons
~ She has an eidetic memory and perfect pitch
~ She's dabbled in everything and is proficient at e v e r y t h I n g Thank her parents
~ ~ She's a b e a s t at the piano. It helps out a lot when composing.
~ Her dream is to direct one of her own musicals on Broadway or Broadway equivalent.
~ ~ She's hoping also to star in it too but she's not picky.
~ She lowkey wants to start a performing arts boarding school but that's a ways away
~ ~ She wants to spread the arts around :)
~ She has a notebook that she never goes anywhere without
~ ~ She will murder if it ever goes missing.


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Tokoyami Fumikage
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Major: Music (bass), Acting
Backstory: He is a single child and lives with his grandmother. Tokoyamiā€™s parents live overseas (for business reasons. Despite only being able to meet them once a year, he and his parents have a friendly and healthy relationship. His family is quite wealthy, which is why he lives a relatively comfortable life. (Can he still keep his bird head though...?)
Personality: Canon, but a bit more reserved.
- Heā€™s doesnā€™t initiate conversations often (only when necessary or if itā€™s important) but is open to them. Tokoyami isnā€™t a cold person, just a bit distant at times.​
- He values his moments alone but also appreciates spending time with his friends.​
- Sometimes, just sometimes, he writes entire scripts out for himself. However, heā€™s too embarrassed to share them. (Itā€™s a deep secret he hopes that nobody will find out.)​
- Although Tokoyami is allergic to cats, he loves them.​
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Denki Kaminari
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Major: Art (drawing and painting, sculpture)
Backstory: He has an older sibling with whom he shares an intense sibling rivalry with. (For this reason, Kaminari is pretty competitive and somewhat eager to prove himself.) He lives with his parents. His life is pretty normal, with the regular squabbles with his parents and older sister.
Personality: Canon, but pretty competitive and self critical.
- Despite his wild personality, he hates it when his projects become too messy or if they have too many noticeable mistakes.​
- He canā€™t handle criticism well, but loves giving input to others.​
- Kaminari is an extremely picky eater. He hates vegetables. (Actually, he has quite the sweet tooth.)​
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