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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

How does my magic system work?
No one shall ever know

it's something to do with those ancient nature spirits who keep shoving their noses in people's businesses. At least for spirit-aligned creatures (Witches,some fae, shapechangers like shapeshifters and weres of all types - there's like... at least nine species of furry people who turn into animals)
the demons I still don't know what's going on with them. A problem, as most of my story revolve around vampires.
How does my magic system work?
No one shall ever know

it's something to do with those ancient nature spirits who keep shoving their noses in people's businesses. At least for spirit-aligned creatures (Witches,some fae, shapechangers like shapeshifters and weres of all types - there's like... at least nine species of furry people who turn into animals)
the demons I still don't know what's going on with them. A problem, as most of my story revolve around vampires.

I first read this as "it's something to do with those ancient nature spirits who keep shoving themselves up people's noses." Now THAT would be an interesting magic system.
We're just finishing up and then golly-gee-whiz if it isn't time for the final battle and we can all wrap up this overly long thing and get back to more important things like dating and paying rent.
I'm not meant to be a student. I've only just started on my 10 pg research essay that's due tomorrow afternoon. :D

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