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Nation Building BeckonCall's Fantasy Nation-building RPG thread

Next post will be a search for a cliff or mountain to dig our pickaxes into. Your Proto-Government/easy way to let the Muurdaan puppet you can rule the surface. Firelaw shall rule the depths!
We need the laws written somewhere so I know which ones I'm gonna break

It would be a HUGE sink of creative energy to write a colonial constitution... it is sufficient to say that using Muurdaan prescedent in other constitutions, certain concessions are taken for granted to give a colonial citizen relatively high freedom and autonomy -- Even what would alarm many races or cultures as what could be seen as "rights" -- The Fennecs see the document for what it is, A muurdaan imperial governors WORST nightmare -- a plan for a pluralistic society that doesn't allow a bulldozer (at least in theory) to break through your wall and exterminate you because you "do not have true citizenship." -- the Fennecs would go ABSOLUTELY BANANAS to ratify this thing and get it's rights and protections... though all the parts about law and order and courts and police "privilege under duty" is not their cup of tea...
It would be a HUGE sink of creative energy to write a colonial constitution... it is sufficient to say that using Muurdaan prescedent in other constitutions, certain concessions are taken for granted to give a colonial citizen relatively high freedom and autonomy -- Even what would alarm many races or cultures as what could be seen as "rights" -- The Fennecs see the document for what it is, A muurdaan imperial governors WORST nightmare -- a plan for a pluralistic society that doesn't allow a bulldozer (at least in theory) to break through your wall and exterminate you because you "do not have true citizenship." -- the Fennecs would go ABSOLUTELY BANANAS to ratify this thing and get it's rights and protections... though all the parts about law and order and courts and police "privilege under duty" is not their cup of tea...
That is what I had gathered and yes fair point, would be very energy consuming.
That is what I had gathered and yes fair point, would be very energy consuming.

Feel free to ask about the law if you are curious about any parts -- what I come back with is subject to dice rolls and may not be consistent accross interpretations. <3 Just like in real life. :D
I agree. Although a short list of more vital ones that could affect us could help, especially the Thieves.

You can assume that it is a fledgling and living document -- sufficient to inspire paranoia and confusion in any new lawyer or would-be criminal. If only every criminal did understand the law! Oh what perfect crimes! <3
You can assume that it is a fledgling and living document -- sufficient to inspire paranoia and confusion in any new lawyer or would-be criminal. If only every criminal did understand the law! Oh what perfect crimes! <3
Will just follow Firelaw anyway. Screw your liberal dictatorship!
True, but I gave some choices and haven't gotten around to a definitive choice yet -- though admittedly I am working top down so I'll get there if it's there!
I didn't say because I thought you wanted me to wait because of order over load. I can just say it right now as I may not have time in the coming days to post. They would choose the second option, surrounded by the other faction using the already detailed building plans. Sorry
I believe it was meant as an insult lol, not fact,

The creation story of the Fennecs is as I or Beck say it to be ofc. Not the Elves :P
Yes, it was the Prince being cheeky. It was meant as a joke. It's his sense of humor. The Highborn are so full of themselves, that even while mocking other races, they think the races should be flattered for the Highborn acknowledging them. Beck when telling me what the Highborn knew of the Fennec race, did mention about the Desert and Bronze age and how it was surprising they survived as a race.
Yes, it was the Prince being cheeky. It was meant as a joke. It's his sense of humor. The Highborn are so full of themselves, that even while mocking other races, they think the races should be flattered for the Highborn acknowledging them. Beck when telling me what the Highborn knew of the Fennec race, did mention about the Desert and Bronze age and how it was surprising they survived as a race.

If only all you players knew what was constantly whipping around in the Private Message-sphere... I almost cry at what never makes it into the thread. :D
Jeez no one seems to trust nor like my poor Fennecs :<

With no friends to help them they will be forced to steal everyone's shiny things! D: Oh poor poor fennecs :<

What exactly are the colonies laws on drugs? The Finecians might not be as naughty if they are more legal
The Highborn are very libertine when it comes to victim-less crimes. To my knowledge the only things (in my eyes) are illegal so far are theft and murder without cause.
"Foxes are home! Oh, What a henhouse to guard!"
Still love this. Definitely makes me want to indulge my comical side in my posts now.

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