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Nation Building BeckonCall's Fantasy Nation-building RPG thread

So... that Psycho... *Looks at dwarvern warriors...* Please don't try to hook them on it... I fear for everyone's life if you do...
Im not too familiar with the Fallout drugs, as I played New Vegas for 20 minutes and got bored but from what I do know im guessing they will be selling similar drugs

And getting them hooked is good for buisness!
Im not too familiar with the Fallout drugs, as I played New Vegas for 20 minutes and got bored but from what I do know im guessing they will be selling similar drugs

And getting them hooked is good for buisness!
Not on a drug that would end up making that carve a chunk out of everyone they meet :P It would pretty much make them go into a Berserker Rage
Is there an inn/tavern Beckoncall Beckoncall and if so who owns it?
I think that was one of the first buildings. Can't remember who's it is. Church is first and best building :|

Spacekitty Spacekitty

*There is an INN, it was built by the attolians and because the only thing they had to eat at the time was capybara and some shark, it's lovingly called "Donkey Rats!" -- Their "every day specials" are "Shark ala Rat" -- which is a shark head stuffed with smaller rats, and "Rat ala Shark" which is a massive donkey rat, served spit-roasted with a garnish of suckling rat, and a belly full of baby sharks! Try it! It's not nearly as horrible as most people envision!" -- (The town crier)
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So is it lore now that the high elves created the fennecs, I thought they never left their island?
I believe it was meant as an insult lol, not fact,

The creation story of the Fennecs is as I or Beck say it to be ofc. Not the Elves :P
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I believe it was meant as an insult lol, not fact,

The creation story of the Fennecs is as I or Beck say it to be ofc. Not the Elves :P

The High Elves did not create the Fennec, nor did they claim so -- However, they did DISCOVER the fennec when their race was at it's infancy -- Surrounded by hostile tribes and fighting amoungst themselves. The high elves fully expected the fennec would be extinct the next time they bothered to check up on the area... Centuries later the fennec were living in walled desert trade-bastions and had in fact NOT died out due to the benign neglect of the highborn. As such, one of the epithets for fennecs in Highborn translates to "Weed that thrives but for the intervention of mischievous gods."

In the treatise of the great high elf academic Ulal Adonai the survival of the fennec race is considered one of his "30,000 true mysteries" -- and has at least four citations on why they should not exist given what highborn know about reality and history.
The High Elves did not create the Fennec, nor did they claim so -- However, they did DISCOVER the fennec when their race was at it's infancy -- Surrounded by hostile tribes and fighting amoungst themselves. The high elves fully expected the fennec would be extinct the next time they bothered to check up on the area... Centuries later the fennec were living in walled desert trade-bastions and had in fact NOT died out due to the benign neglect of the highborn. As such, one of the epithets for fennecs in Highborn translates to "Weed that thrives but for the intervention of mischievous gods."

In the treatise of the great high elf academic Ulal Adonai the survival of the fennec race is considered one of his "30,000 true mysteries" -- and has at least four citations on why they should not exist given what highborn know about reality and history.
Clearly the cheeky bastards were more resilient than they thought ;)

((Did you just write/make this up rn? If so I LOVE IT... well love it regardless <3))
How dare you. I took those Muurdaan outcasts and elevated them too a new level of POWER, INFLUENCE and, above all else, I succeeded in rehabilitating their lives.
If you consider transporting AN ORGANIZED CRIME FAMILY AND GIVING THEM POWER, and filling the minds of the rest WITH A FICTION DRAGON QUEEN rehabilitation then a job well done!

While you continue to "rehabilitate" them i'll just sit back, sell drugs and make money :)

<3 lol

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