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Nation Building BeckonCall's Fantasy Nation-building RPG thread

EVERYONE: Can anybody link me or C&P the comprehensive list of treasure secured from the Mud-elves after the first battle of mud-elf aggression?

Smart people will know why this is significant. :D

EVERYONE: Can anybody link me or C&P the comprehensive list of treasure secured from the Mud-elves after the first battle of mud-elf aggression?

Smart people will know why this is significant. :D

Are you saying i'm not smart???
No, just that unlike some people you haven't read the entire thread... or you'd know about a vault full of the colony's treasure. But you DON'T.

But neither would my Fennecs so all is well! No meta here!

Besides that is way too much to go back and read through :V
General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch

Thank god you and bob came along when you did, just when I was pleasantly sawing logs and thinking everyone was going to start getting along... HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH.

After the Slave/Market post I'll be processing your standing orders and your encounter with the temple of dracos. :D
General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch

Thank god you and bob came along when you did, just when I was pleasantly sawing logs and thinking everyone was going to start getting along... HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH.

After the Slave/Market post I'll be processing your standing orders and your encounter with the temple of dracos. :D
Woo. Hopes his Dwarves are able to worship before they have to go spend a month mining.
Vault... sounds like... someone a tunnel could go... :|
A Fennecs skill in excavating dirt or sand is not to be laughed at, their skill in mining through rocks is limited by their stature however, although the use of trolls as a heavy labor force does help, especially under Finecian guidance as to keep the dumb brutes from collapsing mountains of rock upon themselves.

But all of this pales in comparison to the skill Dwarves hold... ;)
A Fennecs skill in excavating dirt or sand is not to be laughed at, their skill in mining through rocks is limited by their stature however, although the use of trolls as a heavy labor force does help, especially under Finecian guidance as to keep the dumb brutes from collapsing mountains of rock upon themselves.

But all of this pales in comparison to the skill Dwarves hold... ;)
By the time you make it to that vault the Dwarves will be knee deep in subterranean gems and 'Earth Fire'
By the time you make it to that vault the Dwarves will be knee deep in subterranean gems and 'Earth Fire'
What vault.

There's a vault?

Have any of you ever played Payday 2? Just a random question, I mean nothing by it.

Deth, friend. You cna have all the gems you want! Theres plenty to go along. Im SURE the Finecians and Dwarves can have some sort of mutually beneficial deal!
What vault.

There's a vault?

Have any of you ever played Payday 2? Just a random question, I mean nothing by it.

Deth, friend. You cna have all the gems you want! Theres plenty to go along. Im SURE the Finecians and Dwarves can have some sort of mutually beneficial deal!
I do have Payday 2, not bad. But its a game you really need a 'team' for.
I do have Payday 2, not bad. But its a game you really need a 'team' for.
Yes yes! It really is beautiful seeing all those different specialties and skills coming together to achieve a common end. Its certainly not a single player game.

Imagine busting into a vault without someone to distract, or someone to man the drill!
I had to leave halfway through writing a post and so much happened so much to respond to! Got a little starter to see the new guys, just a heads up it might be a few days before I can post again but I'll get that wall up some day.
I had to leave halfway through writing a post and so much happened so much to respond to! Got a little starter to see the new guys, just a heads up it might be a few days before I can post again but I'll get that wall up some day.
Build the wall
Although the two couldn't be more different

The Finecians are Individualist Materialists.

The Tyren are collectivist Spiritualists.
Because they can get free beer...I hope...? :P

I've actually been watching your posts, but reacting with that knowledge would be meta, so I can't wait to see what you have planned! (:
Ah Noble roleplayer I see! Have no fear, I myself do not act on meta. No one here seems very well interested in metagaming for that matter. Which is sooooo nice for a change.

I have a few tricks up my sleeves.

Militias... Lots of untrained common folk carrying high powered rifles around in disarray. It's a miracle only a few rifles will get lost.

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